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J. Geod. Sci.

2015; 5:1–8

Lars E. Sjöberg*

The development of physical geodesy during

1984-2014 – A personal review
Abstract: This article is a personal review of the devel- 1949-1975 and National Land Survey 1975-1979; adj. prof.
opment of physical geodesy during 1984-2014. The pe- at KTH 1973-1979; “the father of NKG”), who was respon-
riod is characterized by an intensive advance in both data sible for one of my M.Sc. courses, A. Bjerhammar (1917-
and theory to meet the growing technical demands in 2011; professor at KTH 1951-1981), my Ph.D. supervisor, and
GPS/GNSS applications and scientific needs in geoscience. E. Tengström (1913-1996; professor at Uppsala University
As a result, many parts of the world are now mapped with a 1968-1978), who was the faculty opponent at my disputa-
1 cm detailed geoid model, and the global long- to medium- tion (and later my scientific advisor and colleague as emer-
wavelengths of the gravity field and geoid are homoge- itus professor at Uppsala University).
neously determined to 1 mGal and 1 cm by satellite-only During this period, M.S. Molodensky’s new theory in
dedicated satellite gravity missions. The future can expect physical geodesy became known to us and was much de-
to see even higher demands for accuracy and reliability to bated. In particular, the concepts of the surface gravity
satisfy the specifications for a pure geoid model based ver- anomaly, normal height and height anomaly/quasigeoid
tical datum. were most remarkable. (In fact, already in 1970 the normal
height system was adopted as the Swedish height system.)
Keywords: geoid; physical geodesy; quasigeoid; topo-
Bjerhammar (1962) had already presented his version of
graphic bias
determining the quasigeoid from a finite number of surface
gravity anomalies by analytical continuation to an internal
DOI 10.1515/jogs-2015-0003 sphere (“the Bjerhammar sphere”), but this was still not
Received November 5, 2014; accepted February 26, 2015 a well-recognized method (and many geodesists are still
reluctant). At this time, the only influential geodesist that
fully recognized this technique was H. Moritz (Heiskanen
1 Background and Moritz 1967, Sect. 8-10). Somewhat later, Molodensky’s
new concept of modifying Stokes’ formula was also appre-
This article is based on an invited presentation at the ciated.
Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) General Assembly in A great event was in 1972 when T. Krarup (1919-2005;
Gothenburg in September 2014. The time period consid- from 1949 with the Danish Geodetic Institute in Copen-
ered in the review corresponds to the period during which I hagen) gave a lecture on his report on the fundamental
was a full professor at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) theory of physical geodesy (Krarup 1969) at Uppsala Uni-
in Stockholm (and the only one in Sweden). Naturally my versity. In his study, he set out to prove that Bjerhammar’s
personal view mirrors and is strongly affected by my expe- method could not be applied as a reliable approximation
riences in the subject of physical geodesy prior to the time technique. However, during the course of his work he be-
period. Therefore this presentation will start there. came fascinated about the method, developed it further to
the method of least squares collocation (LSC) and, finally,
came up with a theoretical proof of the validity of analyt-
1.1 My Ph.D. training period 1971-1975 ical continuation in physical geodesy (the Runge-Krarup
theorem). My own Ph.D. thesis (Sjöberg 1975) was con-
I was a Ph.D. student at KTH between September 1971 cerned with Bjerhammar’s method, collocation and their
and May 1975, and during this time there were still “the similarities. See also Sjöberg (1978).
three geodetic kings of Sweden”, who in one way or an-
other contributed to my career. They were L. Asplund
(1914-1987; professor at the Swedish Mapping Authority 1.2 The postdoc period 1977-1984

From early 1977 I spent 15 months as a research associate

*Corresponding Author: Lars E. Sjöberg: Royal Institute of Tech- at the Ohio State University (OSU) with R.H. Rapp as my
nology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, E-mail: scientific advisor. At that time, OSU was considered as a
© 2015 Lars E. Sjöberg, licensee De Gruyter Open.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
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2 | Lars E. Sjöberg

young geodesist’s Mecca. Some of the tasks on the phys-

ical geodesy research agenda were applications of satel-
2 Data enhancements
lite altimetry, LSC, development of the OSU Earth Gravita-
Although terrestrial gravity data has been gradually mea-
tional Models (EGMs), topographic problems related with
sured for covering and densifying land areas, the advent
geoid/quasigeoid determination by an EGM (e.g., Sjöberg
of satellite altimetry was the most important advance of
1977) and the requirements needed to achieve a 10 cm
terrestrial data coverage, as it allows gravity mapping on
geoid model. In particular, satellite altimetry was a new
the oceans, which was lacking before. In addition, dur-
and hot research topic. As Dick Rapp had a long-time re-
ing the last decade large regions, both on land and at sea,
search project to develop the OSU EGMs to higher and
have been covered by airborne gravity data. All these new
higher resolution and accuracy, at the time of my arrival he
measurements are complemented with much more accu-
was excited to convert the new altimetry data from satel-
rate positioning by GNSS. In particular, the vertical posi-
lite SEASAT-1 to 1x1 degree2 sea surface gravity anomalies
tion was frequently critical in the past.
by testing the inverse Stokes’ formula (which did not work
In parallel, the long-wavelength gravity field has been
well) and two versions of collocation (Rummel et al. 1977).
explored to unprecedented resolution and accuracy, first
During this period, H. Moritz came on his annual visit to
by dynamic satellite geodesy methods using all kinds of
OSU to write a report in the OSU geodesy series. These re-
geodetic satellite measurements, but finally by dedicated
ports were partly a basis for his text book on advanced
satellite gravity missions. Already during the 1980s and
physical geodesy (Moritz 1980).
90s there were competing technologies for such missions,
Both during my OSU visit and after I met C.C. Tschern-
such as NASA’s Geopotential Research Mission (Yionoulis
ing (1944-2014), who asked why I had started working on
and Pisacane 1985), based on the satellite-to-satellite
geoid estimation by modifying Stokes’ formula instead of
tracking technique (e.g., Sjöberg 1982) and ESA’s ARIS-
exploring LSC. I declared my opinion that the modification
TOTELES mission using satellite gradiometry. It was not
of Stokes’ formula is more far reaching than LSC. In par-
before the millennium shift that such gravity measure-
ticular, I could see computational problems for large data
ment tools were realized (through CHAMP, GRACE and
sets as well as problems with the covariance representa-
GOCE satellite missions). In this way, the long-wavelength
tions. LSC is a fantastic tool for interpolation and to ap-
gravity field has been recovered to a resolution of about
proximate solutions, but I felt there were problems in ob-
100 × 100 km2 , providing gravity and geoid accuracies of
taining the most accurate solutions. This discussion and
the orders of 1 mGal and 1 cm, respectively.
comparison of the two methods continued now and then
In the meantime satellite data was combined with ter-
through the 1980s.
restrial gravity data to high-resolution EGMs. The most
The satellite geodesy symposium in Cannes in Decem-
recent one is EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012), complete
ber 1980 was a great event for me, as it was the first time
to degree and order 2159, corresponding to a resolution
I gave an international talk on least squares combination
of the order of 5’x5’. In parallel, high-resolution Digi-
(limited to simple spectral combination) of satellite and
tal Elevation Models have also been developed based on
terrestrial gravity data for geoid determination (Sjöberg
new terrestrial data, as well as space data. Examples are
1981). After my presentation, I had a long discussion with
the height databases DTM2006 (Pavlis et al. 2006) and
H-G Wenzel, who explored spectral combination further
ETOPO1 (Amante and Eakins 2009) to resolutions of 5’×5’
(Wenzel 1981 and 1982).
and 1’×1’, respectively.
During spring 1983, I visited Stuttgart University as an
Alexander von Humboldt fellow with E Grafarend as my
host. My research task was to study variance component
estimation, in particular non-negative variance estima- 3 Development of theory
tion. Together with my previous assistantship for Bjerham-
mar on his research on the theory of errors (Bjerhammar 3.1 The general principles for geoid
1973), this study has been important for my future interest determination
in applying least squares, e.g., in physical geodesy.
During the 1980s, the goal for the accuracy in geoid mod-
elling was of the order of 10 cm. This was to some extent
beyond the goal of the textbook of Moritz (1980), in par-
ticular as GPS applications usually required even higher
accuracy. However, there was and still is no doubt that the

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The development of physical geodesy during 1984-2014 – A personal review | 3

high precision geoid models can only be achieved by com- spheric and ellipsoidal corrections are rather crudely ap-
bining the well determined long-wavelength gravity field, proximated, which may also bias the solutions (see e.g.
determined by an EGM with the details determined by a Sjöberg 1999, 2000 and 2003c). For example, the Stokes
dense terrestrial gravity anomaly grid. A number of such types methods presented in Sansó and Sideris (2013) seem
models were developed. An early candidate was by LSC. to follow the traditional line of thought, lacking the re-
However, during the 80s various types of modified Stokes’ finements needed in today’s “one-cm geoid”, at least in
formulas were also developed, originating with M. S. Molo- mountainous regions. (See also Sects. 3.2 and 4.3.) How-
densky’s method (Molodensky et al. 1962, Ch. 7). These ever, the UNB way of applying a higher order reference
formulas mainly differ by the deterministic choice of the field together with a Molodensky type of modification of
modification parameters in Stokes’ modified kernel func- Stokes’ formula is used with rigorous corrections (Ellmann
tion, and by the cap size/area of truncating Stokes’ inte- and Vanicek 2007; Vanicek et al. 2013).
gral. The main principle is to choose the parameters such
that the truncation error is as small as possible. However,
among these methods only Molodensky’s method uses a 3.2 Trends for geoid corrections
formal principle of optimization to achieve this goal. An
alternative strategy is to select the modification parame- Since the 1980s, most geodesists apply either LSC or one
ters such that the expected geoid model error due to trun- form of the RCR technique (frequently with FFT to speed
cation error and erroneous terrestrial and satellite gravity up the computations), probably influenced by the IAG
data is as small as possible by applying a least squares geoid schools and its lecture notes propagated also into
technique. The original method of spectral combination the textbook of Sansó and Sideris (2013). In the RCR meth-
of Sjöberg (1981) and Wenzel (1981) and (1982) assumes ods, the observed gravity is usually, following the tradi-
that there is no truncation of the integration area, and the tional technique, being corrected for the topographic at-
solution therefore is a simple spectral weighting of satel- traction and downward continued to the geoid by a sim-
lite and terrestrial gravity data w.r.t. their a priori stan- ple free-air correction to create the gravity anomaly on the
dard errors. The methods presented by Sjöberg (1984a, geoid by removing normal gravity on the reference ellip-
b) and (1991) also consider the truncation error, and this soid (e.g., Tziavos and Sideris 2013). By further adding a
technique was further developed to the Least Squares topographic compensation attraction and the secondary
Modification of Stokes formula with Additive corrections indirect topographic effect (SITE), the topographically re-
(LSMSA) by Sjöberg (2003a, b). duced gravity anomaly is ready for Stokes’ integration, and
A different way of modifying Stokes’ formula uses a the product is the co-geoid height, which needs a correc-
higher order reference field, determined by an EGM (e.g., tion for the Primary Indirect Topographic Effect (PITE) to
Vanicek and Sjöberg 1991). That is, only a residual grav- provide the final geoid height. Sjöberg (2014) and (2015)
ity anomaly (with the EGM contribution removed) is used showed that this technique suffers from the rough down-
in Stokes’ formula, and the EGM contribution is restored ward continuation by the free-air correction, which yields
directly as a long-wavelength geoid undulation. It can be an error of the order of the geoid-to-quasigeoid difference
shown (Sjöberg 2005, Appendix) that theoretically and for (GQD), which may range to a few metres.
the same modification parameters (disregarding practical Alternatively, the modern Molodensky type of surface
issues) there is no difference between this technique and gravity anomaly is applied. In Vanicek and Kleusberg
the modification described above, e.g., in Sjöberg (2003a). (1987) the downward continuation to sea level was sim-
A special version of this technique is called Remove- ply neglected. Sideris and Forsberg (1990) and Sansó and
Compute-Restore (RCR), implying that not only the EGM Sideris (2013) provided a method for a Helmert type of
part of the gravity anomaly is removed under Stokes’ inte- compensation for the topographic reduction, supported
gral, but also much of the high frequency signal as a DEM by Wang and Rapp (1990) but debated by Martinec et al.
representation of the attraction of gravity (e.g., Forsberg (1993). Sjöberg (2015) concludes that there are two major
1993; Sideris and Forsberg 1990). Usually this method does problems with this technique: a) the free-air correction is
not apply a modification of Stokes’ kernel, which makes at least as inaccurate now as in the classical approach
the method prone to truncation bias (Sjöberg 2005). This above, and b) the surface gravity anomaly after applying
problem can be avoided by using a sufficiently large inte- the Direct Topographic Effect on gravity (DITE) is not a rig-
gration region at the prize of possible increase in system- orous gravity anomaly suitable for dwc (see Sect. 4.3). As
atic long- to medium-wavelength errors propagated from a result, this gravity anomaly yields a geoid estimator at
the terrestrial data. Typically various topographic, atmo-

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4 | Lars E. Sjöberg

least as bad as the one provided by the classical gravity determination. In any case, W0 is closely related with
anomaly above. the zero-degree term of the geoid height, which is a kind
A correct instruction for the topographic correction of of scaling parameter for the geoid model which needs a
the surface gravity anomaly and its use for geoid deter- known distance for its calibration. Today W0 is primar-
mination was presented already in Heiskanen and Moritz ily determined from satellite altimetry on the oceans in
(1967, Sect. 8-11). The DITE of the surface gravity anomaly combination with an EGM (e.g., Dayoub et al. 2012). There
and the SITE are applied at the Earth’s surface, a) the re- are also strategies to use the EGM globally, either in di-
duced gravity anomaly is rigorously downward continued rect estimates of W0, or indirectly after first determining
to the geoid level (e.g. by solving Poisson’s integral equa- the parameters of the reference/globally best fitting ellip-
tion), and, b) after Stokes’ integration, the PITE is applied. soid. Both these global methods suffer from the common
This instruction is followed in the UNB and LSMSA tech- problem that they rely on a prior estimated absolute geoid
niques. model (which thus includes the unknown W0). Sjöberg
For accurate geoid determination, a small correction (2013b) proposed a least squares approach to determine
must also be applied for the atmospheric effect caused the geometric parameters of the reference ellipsoid and
by the forbidden atmospheric masses in Stokes’ integra- W0 simultaneously.
tion. This is traditionally performed by the IAG technique
(Moritz 1984) by applying a simple correction to the ob-
served gravity anomaly prior to Stokes’ integration, and 4.2 The topographic bias
possibly adding a small indirect atmospheric effect to the
result. This procedure works well for global integration, Bjerhammar’s (1962) approach is to analytically continue
but when using a limited area of integration (which is the surface gravity anomalies to an inner sphere (the
always the case in practice) a bias occurs which grows Bjerhammar sphere), where the traditional formulas of
with the integration area to a maximum of more than 3 m Poisson, Stokes and Vening Meinesz are applied to de-
(Sjöberg 1999). As shown by Sjöberg (ibid), the bias stems termine the gravity anomaly, height anomaly and deflec-
from the ignored zero-degree normal gravity anomaly (of tions of the vertical at any point on or outside the sur-
the order of 0.87 mGal), which contributes more or less face of the Earth. The harmonic downward continuation
to the truncated Stokes integral dependent on the limit of of the gravity anomaly into the masses makes the grav-
the integration area. This problem is easily solved in the ity anomaly on the Bjerhammar sphere fictitious, implying
LSMSA method, where all geoid corrections are added and that Stokes’ formula applied with these anomalies on the
combined with direct and indirect effects to the prelimi- inner sphere yields biased disturbing potentials and geoid
nary geoid heights (Sjöberg 2003b). However, the atmo- heights (while the quantities determined on or outside the
spheric effect is usually negligible when using a satellite- Earth’s surface by the extended formulas are unbiased).
only EGM and a small cap size in Stokes integration. This Sjöberg (2007a) and (2009a-c) proved that for a constant
holds also for the ellipsoidal effect (e.g., Ellmann and topographic density (ρ), the bias in the geoid height equals
Sjöberg 2004 and Sjöberg 2004b).
2H 3
(︂ )︂
T 2πGρ 2
dN = H + , (1)
𝛾0 3R
where H is the orthometric height, G is the gravitational
4 Other theoretical developments constant, 𝛾0 is normal gravity on the reference ellipsoid
and R is the mean sea level radius. As Eq. 1 is the geoid con-
The development of the following four theoretical issues
tribution from a Bouguer shell, it leads to the fact that the
in physical geodesy will be reviewed in this section: the
terrain correction is not needed on geoid determination
determination of the potential of the geoid (W0), the topo-
(Sjöberg 2009b), but the topographic correction is purely
graphic bias in analytical continuation, the GQD and the
dependent on the topographic density distribution along
the vertical at the computation point. This technique is
employed on the LSMSA method for geoid determination
(Sjöberg 2003b). Eq. 1 also allows a simple determination
4.1 The potential of the geoid of the geoid change for a laterally changing topographic
density (Sjöberg 2004).
The NKG geoid models are regional geoid models, imply-
ing that W0 is of less importance than for absolute geoid

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The development of physical geodesy during 1984-2014 – A personal review | 5

4.3 The DITE and SITE ing the geoid to an accuracy of 0.5 m (Tscherning 1983).
However, after completing the first official NKG model
As discussed in Sect. 3.1 the reduction of the surface grav- (Tscherning and Forsberg 1986), the use of collocation
ity anomaly for topography requires that the topographic was limited to interpolation of gravity anomalies, and
attraction as well as the SITE be applied at surface level. the much more efficient FFT technique was employed for
The combined correction is the DITE of the surface gravity the geoid computation. This model was succeeded by im-
anomaly, while the correction for the topographic attrac- proved models in 1989 (Forsberg 1990) and 1996 (Forsberg
tion alone is the DITE of gravity and gravity disturbance. 1999), which used the FFT and RCR techniques. In 1989,
This can be understood from the fact that the gravity dis- the expected accuracy was of the order of 10 cm. Since 1999
turbance is an attraction (i.e. the gradient of a potential), the group was struggling towards “the 1-cm geoid”, pri-
while the gravity anomaly is not (Vajda et al. 2006; Sjöberg marily by filling-in various regions with gravity data gaps.
2013c and 2014, 2015). Only the gravity anomaly reduced These efforts did not lead to substantially improved mod-
for both these effects is a rigorous gravity anomaly with all elling of the geoid (Forsberg 2001), whereupon I suggested
topographic signals removed, suitable for dwc in free air in 2002 that also the theory might need some improve-
without bias. Possible topographic compensation should ments. In the next model presented to the NKG General
also be applied at the surface point, both for attraction and Assembly in 2004, Stokes’ kernel was finally modified (ac-
SITE. As a result, the traditional definition of the SITE to cording to Wong and Gore 1969). For further details, see
provide a correction of the gravity anomaly from the geoid Sjöberg and Ågren (2002) and Sjöberg (2005).
to the co-geoid (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 142) should Currently the NKG geoid working group is in the stage of
be replaced by the new definition that it is a part of the testing and comparing various computational techniques,
DITE of any gravity anomaly in space. Only after this cor- such as the LSMSA method and different versions of RCR.
rection, the gravity anomaly can be upward or downward [Recent comparisons of the RCR and LSMSA techniques
continued in free space above sea level. can be found, e.g., in Ågren et al. (2009) and Yildiz et al.
(2012).] A new NKG geoid model at the expected accuracy
of 1 cm for major parts of the region is planned to be pre-
4.4 The GQD sented in 2015. In parallel with this task, a project to in-
vestigate the requirements for a 5 mm geoid model in the
Most Nordic countries use normal heights for their verti-
Nordic countries is under way (Ågren and Sjöberg 2013 and
cal height systems, implying that the quasigeoid is the pri-
mary geoid type to consider. Nevertheless, the real geoid
is always of interest as well, not the least for geophysical
applications. In the last few years, the traditional formula
for converting the quasigeoid height to the geoid height by 6 Gravity inversion
the Bouguer gravity anomaly (times orthometric height di-
vided by mean normal gravity at the computational point; Gravity inversion is important both in Geodesy and Geo-
Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, Sect. 8-13) has been consid- physics. After the advent of satellite gravimetry, various
erably improved. First by a term that considers the topo- applications necessitate the dwc of the space data to or be-
graphic potential difference at the geoid and surface point low the Earth’s surface, and such solutions are smoothed
(Flury and Rummel 2009), and then by an additional cor- when using an RCR technique for the topographic effect.
rection term that is assumed to be small (Sjöberg 2010). Fi- If gravity is needed for gravity inversion at sea level, e.g.
nally, Sjöberg (2012) showed the GQD for an arbitrary com- for geoid determination over land areas, for geophysical
pensation of the topographic attraction and potential. studies of Moho geometry and density contrast and/or for
other density structures below the Earth’s crust, the grav-
ity signal of the topography should be removed from the
data. Traditionally, it is assumed both in Geodesy and Geo-
5 NKG geoid models physics that the (refined) Bouguer gravity anomaly fulfils
this requirement. However, as pointed out by Vajda et al.
The NKG working group on geoid determination with
(2006), Sjöberg (2013c) and Sjöberg et al. (2014) this is not
members from each Nordic country except Iceland was
the case, but the SITE must also be applied to achieve the
established in 1978. Most of the time geodesists from the
rigorous no-topography (NT) gravity anomaly. Note that
Baltic States contributed to the work. Originally, the group
embarked on the method of LSC with the aim of determin-

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6 | Lars E. Sjöberg

also the Bouguer gravity disturbance is a no-topography ever, besides new data, there was also a remarkable devel-
quantity. opment in technology and applications for gravity map-
In Moritz (1990, Sect. 8.3.2), Vening Meinesz’ traditional ping on land, air and at sea. For instance, we have seen
isostatic hypothesis based on the condition that the iso- a fast development of EGMs, suitable for global and re-
static gravity anomaly vanishes for the isostatic equilib- gional geoid modelling. In particular EGM 2008, complete
rium in a regional isostatic compensation was generalized to degree and order 2159, corresponding to a resolution of
to a global compensation mechanism. In addition, the flat the order of 9 km on the Earth’s surface, should be men-
Earth approximation used in Vening Meinesz’ model was tioned. The combination of an EGM with terrestrial gravity
refined to a spherical Earth model. The Vening Meinesz- data allows the determination of a detailed geoid model
Moritz (VMM) isostatic problem to determine the Moho to about 1 cm, and on-going work attempts to specify the
depth was presented by Sjöberg (2009d) as that of solv- requirements for the 5 mm geoid, which will definitely be
ing a non-linear Fredholm integral equation of the first needed once nations give up vertical benchmarks to be
kind. Sjöberg also presented a first-order solution based replaced by a geoid model surface as the basis for their
on the Bouguer gravity anomaly, preferably represented height systems. I believe that the LSMSA and possibly the
in terms of an EGM. Sjöberg and Bagherbandi (2011) al- UNB geoid modelling techniques are candidates, but the
tered the solution to that for the Moho density contrast, high accuracy goal cannot be met just by data develop-
as well as for solving both the Moho depth and density ment, but also theory must be further improved. For exam-
contrast in a least squares procedure from preliminary de- ple, as the UNB method is an RCR technique, the possible
termined gravimetric and seismic estimates. The theory atmospheric bias must be considered. The LSMSA method
has been applied in several studies, such as Sjöberg and is unique and has special advantages as it a) optimizes the
Bagherbandi (2011) and Bagherbandi and Sjöberg (2013) expected mean square error of the geoid height w.r.t. trun-
to mention a few. Typically, the Moho depth models based cation bias and errors in gravity and EGM data, b) provides
on gravimetric and seismic data agree to the order of a few a least squares estimate for the expected mean square er-
kilometres, and even better when reducing the gravity sig- ror, c) has numerical advantages in computing the additive
nal for non-isostatic effects (e.g. Bagherbandi and Sjöberg corrections for topography, atmosphere and ellipsoidal ef-
2013). fects, d) allows simple presentations of each of the addi-
Tenzer and Bagherbandi (2012) compared the global tive effects and e) is flexible in view of that the geoid solu-
Moho geometry models based on Bouguer gravity anoma- tion can easily be improved if some data for additive cor-
lies and disturbances, and they could show that the result rections is improved. For example, the very simple formula
from gravity disturbances agreed significantly better with to determine the combined topographic effect without the
a seismic model. Sjöberg (2013) and Sjöberg et al. (2014) need for terrain correction is notable.
presented theoretical proofs, and they also showed numer- Among the remaining problems to be solved is the bias
ically that the Bouguer gravity disturbance provides re- in gravity field data caused by the Sea Surface Topography
sults equivalent to those from the NT gravity anomaly. As (SST) signal in satellite altimetry. As there is no successful
the rigorous gravity anomaly (e.g., the NT anomaly) needs independent way to remove the SST of the order of ±1−2 m
the SITE correction, the rigorous isostatic gravity anomaly from the altimetry data, this bias remains more or less in
needs a Secondary Indirect Isostatic Effect (SIIE). the products.
Another question to be sorted out by nations is whether
the normal height or orthometric height is the best ba-
sis for their future height systems. There is no doubt that
7 Concluding remarks the normal height and the related height anomaly are bet-
ter realized than the orthometric height and the geoid,
The time interval 1984-2014 constitutes a very exciting pe-
which depend on uncertain topographic density distribu-
riod of development in the history of Physical Geodesy.
tion (Sjöberg 2013a), while others like Vanicek et al. (2012)
This fast development was encouraged by the need for
are of opposite opinion. Admittedly, the geoid is frequently
accurate geoid models in the new technology GPS sur-
a much smoother surface, suitable for interpolation and
veying, but the progress was also pushed forward by sci-
detailed presentation than the quasigeoid, which is hard
entific needs, in particular in geophysics (oceanography)
to visualize in rough terrain with sometimes even a mul-
and climate change. Thanks to science’s needs, three suc-
tiple or singular location for a specific latitude and lon-
cessful dedicated satellite gravity missions could be re-
gitude. Nevertheless, the uncertainty in the topographic
alized in the first decade of the new millennium. How-
mass distribution is likely to make the geoid and orthomet-

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The development of physical geodesy during 1984-2014 – A personal review | 7

ric height less attractive versus the quasigeoid and normal Forsberg R, 1999, The NKG-1996 geoid. In Jonsson B (Ed.): Proc. 13th
height. general meeting of the NKG, The National Land Survey, Gävle, Swe-
A notable problem is to provide funding for students
Forsberg R, 2001, Development of a Nordic cm-geoid – with basics
and specialists in physical geodesy. Accurate geoid mod-
of geoid determination. In Harsson B G (Ed.): Lecture notes for
els are required, e.g. by all GNSS users, who want accurate NKG autumn school, 28 Aug.-2 Sept., 2000, Fevik, Norway, Statens
3-D positions, but few users or organizations are ready to Kartverk, Hönefoss, Norway
pay for them. It is obviously not too difficult to convince Heiskanen WA, Moritz H, 1967, Physical Geodesy, W H Freeman and
money holders to contribute to new data collections, while Co, San Francisco and London
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