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Summary of Industrial Training Evaluation 

On the basis evaluation criteria in Section – 2 of this Guideline Manual 

Sl.   Industrial Training Evaluation Stages  Maximum  Marks  
No. Marks Obtained 

1  Daily diary and attendance  20

2  Report of the industry supervisor and 20


3  Seminar paper presentation and viva-voce  20

4  Training report  40

Total Marks  100

(Note: The performance requirement for successful completion, as per

Academic regulations  of the FIP, will be 50%) 

………… Name of the
Mentor........................................................................................... AICTE
Faculty Code: ………………………………………………………………………
Designation of the
Mentor.................................................................................. Name and
address of Institution of Mentor: …………………………………………… 

Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………..


TRAINING (To be reported by AICTE Identified Mentor) 
The Phase – II FIP ‘On-the–Job Training’ by the inductee teacher in a
semester is monitored  and evaluated by the identified mentor using the
respective rubrics of each module discussed  in Section – 3 of this ‘Mentor
Guideline Manual’. The Total Score of each rubric is an indicator  of the
acquisition of the respective competency as envisaged in NITTT Policy (2019)
through  the concerned modules as the qualifying score is 50%. At the end of
the semester, the summary  report of each rubric corresponding to the
competencies of the respective modules is prepared  in the format given
Summary Report of On-The–Job Training Evaluation in
Phase – II (The total final scores transferred from
respective Rubrics in Section – 3) 
Module  Competency Statement of each Module Envisaged in Total % 
NITTT  Policy (2019) Score

Module- Implements the curriculum effectively applying the

1  psychological  and pedagogical principles of learning and
instruction to meet the  challenges of technical education

Module- Displays ethical professional behaviour as a teacher of

2  engineering  including attitudes for sustainability.

Module- Disseminates knowledge in various contexts by

3  communicating  effectively in oral and in written form using
correct grammar  especially in teaching-learning and
assessment situations.

Module- Delivers the planned teaching learning activities effectively, 

4  integrating the instructional design principles with
development of  various learning outcomes in order to
promote students' overall  ability, personality and social

Module- Uses technology enabled learning in various teaching-

5  learning,  assessment, research and lifelong learning

Module- Assesses students using relevant tools scientifically

6  designed to  assess the learning outcomes related to
projects and various  domains of learning.

Module- Undertakes research and development activities to find

7  innovative  solutions to the problems in teaching-learning, in
their respective  domain areas as required by the society.

Module- Manages effectively the day-to-day educational institution

8  related  activities such as administrative, purchase, finance,
employers,  alumni matching with the vision and mission of
the institute

(Note: The performance requirement for successful completion, as per

Academic regulations  of the FIP, will be 50%) 

………… Name and Designation of the
Mentor........................................................................................... AICTE
Faculty Code: ………………………………………………………………………
Name and address of Institution of Mentor:
…………………………………………… Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………..


Name and Designation of the Mentor:

………………………………………………………… Email and Mobile
No…………………………………………………………………………… AICTE
Faculty Code: …………………………………………………………………….
Name of Institution:
………………………………………………………………………… Address of
Institution: …………………………………………………………………………

(Please √ in relevant column) 

Sl.   Activities  Yes  No  Remarks

1  Maintained an E-Portfolio of the inductee 


2  Prepared detailed action plan for the Phase – II

the industrial training and on-the-job training of 
the inductee teacher.

3  Maintained assessment record of industrial 

training of each inductee teacher using the 
relevant rubric.

4  Provided feedback on the assignments and 

activities completed in 1 phase of the training 

using respective module rubrics in the 1 week of 


the semester of Phase – II.

5  Conducted orientation programme of Phase – II in

the 1 week of the semester for effective 

implementation of the 8 modules in an integrated 

manner during the whole semester.

6  Maintained evidences of the best practices

adopted  by inductee teachers during the Phase –

7  Evaluated the inductee teacher during the 

semester Phase – II based on the evidences
included in the portfolio built up by the inductee 

8  Prepared Assessment of ITP and On-the-job 

training in Phase – II of FIP.


Signature: …………………………. 
Place: ……………… 
Date: ………………


The industrial training of an engineering teacher plays an important role in
his/her career.  For the industrial training to be meaningful, it should be either
task-oriented and/or problem solving oriented, or small project oriented. Such
tasks/problems/projects should be beneficial to the industry/field agency as it
will help in the teaching of various courses by the inductee  
teacher, as well as his/her own professional development.  


of this training phase, the mentors and the beneficiary institutions are 
required to identify relevant and committed industrial/field/research
organizations well in  advance. For teachers of UG/PG programmes, the
industry chosen should preferably be such  that the inductee teacher will get
an experience of solving complex engineering problems.  Whereas, teachers
of engineering diploma programmes should get an exposure of solving  broad-
based engineering problems. Hence, the selection of the industry preferably
need to be in  consultation with the inductee teacher so that it is also related to
his/her domain area wherein  the state-of-the-art equipment and processes
are being practiced. The type of simple  tasks/problems/micro-projects which
can be given/assigned to new inductee teachers for the  fulfilment of pre-
determined learning outcomes can also become one of the choice of 
industries. The AICTE internship policy for students can also be referred by
the mentors  available at
outcomes of the 4-week industrial training in respect of inductee teachers
need to  include the following:  
a) Relate the size and scale of industrial operations with the current
technological  developments in their domain to the existing curriculum. 
b) Develop understanding of the Industrial Environment, processes, practices
and  challenges.  
c) Identify the competencies in terms of knowledge and abilities required of
the new  engineers relevant to the domain area by the industry. 
d) Interpret the job roles of the engineers in various functional areas like
Project  Planning; Research and Development; Shop-floor and Quality
Control Operation;  Maintenance Management; Inventory/Stores
Management; Marketing and Sales;  General Administration and such
e) Document the entire training process and products as advised by the
mentor related  to tasks of problem solving/small projects/research
laboratory work/field  organization work and approaches adopted when
solving industry oriented problems.

f) Develop the habit of punctuality, teamwork, sense of responsibility, dignity

of labour,  value of time, money and discipline. 
g) Identify the approaches of research and development, innovation and
improvement,  expansion, diversification and modernization being
undertaken in the industry. h) Identify scope/opportunities of liaison with
the industry. 
i) Identify the social, economic and administrative considerations that
influence the  working of an industrial organisation. 

Hence, the tasks/problems/projects for the industrial training need to be

identified well in  advance preferably by the inductee teacher or mentor with a
clear understanding of the  outcomes expected form industrial training. 

In order to achieve the expected outcomes of industrial training, the following

activities need  to be understood and carried out by the mentors: 
i. Planning of industrial training 
ii. Orientation for industrial training of inductee teachers 
iii. Execution of industrial training plan 
iv. Evaluation of industrial training. 


Planning phase helps to design appropriate strategy for industrial training
focusing attention  on pre-determined outcomes. It facilitates control, and
better coordination and follow-up with  appropriate agencies. Some of the
suggested activities to be performed by mentor while  planning for industrial
training for inductee teachers are mentioned below.  
a) Gather information of the inductee teachers profile and their training
needs. b) Prepare data base of industries/organisations and map them to
the domain areas of the  inductee teachers. 
c) Maintain a databank of technical problems of industry to be given as live
projects to  the inductee teachers and thereby develop a ‘win-win’
relationship with industry. d) Negotiate with industries/organisations for
training of inductee teachers and inform  them about purpose and
objectives of training of inductee teachers.  
e) Prepare a list of supervisors and contact persons from industries and
academic  institutions who will be facilitating and guiding inductee teachers
during the 4-weeks  industrial training. 
f) Prepare industrial training schedule in consultation with
industry/organisation. g) Prepare supervision and evaluation plan in
consultation with industry supervisor. h) Prepare detailed plan of the
orientation programme to be conducted before the training  in industry is
i) Finalise formats for maintaining daily diary of the training activities and
training  report to be prepared at the end of the training.


A 2-day orientation programme by the mentor will help the inductee teachers
know about the  expected outcomes of the industrial training basic information
about industry and facilities  available, procedure that will be followed for
supervision, monitoring and evaluation of  industrial training. Guidance
regarding learning methods for optimum learning, how to  identify industrial
problems, communicating and dealing with people, seeking appropriate 
permission, wherever applicable.  

The daily diary (samples given in Appendix I) is a logbook (or file) which
records the related  activities and an important evidence of the daily activities.
Simultaneously, an ‘Industrial  Training Portfolio’ also gets compiled. In this
portfolio, all material such as marketing  pamphlets of the products of that
industry, diagrams, observations, interpretations, reflections  and conclusions
drawn by inductee trainee also gets filed for future referencing when teaching, 
presenting paper in conferences and at such other places. It is important to
note that the daily  records will also be evaluated at the end of each week by
industry supervisor and mentor.  

The inductee teachers are also given the training report format (Appendix III)
on the basis of  which they have to prepare a report at the end of the industrial
training programme and  submit to the mentor for evaluation. Out of the wealth
of information gathered in the industry,  these two ‘instruments’ are intended
to mainly channelize their minds specifically what to look  for and learn during
the industrial training specific to their engineering domain area.  


During the actual 4-week industrial training period, the inductee teacher must
observe  specified office hours, adhere to all rules and regulations of the
organisation, just like the other  staff within the organisation. Weekly
supervisory report (Appendix II) of industrial training  is very crucial as it helps
in achieving the planned outcomes of industrial training. Feedback  received
during supervision can be utilised for taking corrective measures. Supervision
is done  by the designated industry Supervisor and the Mentor. The mentor’s
periodic supervisory  visits will build up the rapport of his/her institute with the
industry, as well as facilitate  further learning of the inductee teacher. Mentors
may take into consideration parameters like:  regularity, interest shown,
motivation to learn, and industrial training report submitted by  the inductee
teachers for evaluating the inductee teachers as Very Good/Good/Fair/Needs 
to Improve.  

First Week: Exposure- ‘Oriented Work-bench Involvement’ to study the role of

engineers in  all functional areas listed above where by teachers is expected
to prepare their notes/diary  regarding these roles. Study the overall
organisational structure, their vision, mission 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  14 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

statements and their goals. Also study the products, processes, quality
practices and safety  practices followed as organisation. As advised by the
mentor identify /take up and get acquainted  with the dimensions of the
task/problem/small project to be completed within the 4-weeks. 

Second Week: Inductee Teachers (if more than one) may suitably divide the
time slot in this  week so that they are able to visit each functional area. ‘Task-
Oriented Work-bench  Involvement’ where by teachers, depending upon the
specific discipline, observe couple of  process as per their areas of problem
and interest e.g. Concreting Operations; Assembly Lines;  Process
Operations, Repair and Maintenance; Testing Procedures, and prepare their 
notes/diary/portfolio of experiences accordingly. 

Third Week: Problem-solving ‘Oriented Work-bench Involvement’ in solving at

least one  problem of their interest like: pollution control, waste minimization,
shop-floor operations,  prototype design, sub-system design, operational
efficiency, repair and maintenance and the  like and prepare their
notes/diary/portfolio of experiences accordingly. 

Fourth Week: Testing Procedures etc., if any, can be completed in this week
which may be  of interest to the industrial/field organization and prepare their
notes/diary/portfolio of  experiences accordingly regarding the work done.
Complete in all respect the chosen/  identified or as assigned task or the
problem/small project work and get a completion  certificate from industry after
its satisfactory presentation. 


The industrial training report (sample in Appendix III) is another important tool
for evaluating  learning of inductee teachers’ learning that occurred in industry.
Every inductee teacher will  prepare a comprehensive training report in
alignment with the information and data recorded  in daily dairy and the
‘Industrial Training Portfolio’. This is to be submitted to the mentor  within a
span of one week to be jointly evaluated by the industry supervisor and the

The purpose of evaluation of the industrial training (see rubrics Appendix-IV)

is to assess  objectively the performance of the inductee teachers in industry
and provide them feedback  for improving the learning process. The feedback
is to be provided at regular intervals so that  optimum learning takes place.
The following scheme with appropriate methods, may be used  for evaluating
the inductee teachers for attainment of the outcomes of the industrial training.
a) Daily Diary – 20%  
b) Industry supervisor and mentor reports – 20%  
c) Seminar paper presentation and Viva-voce – 20%  
d) Training report – 40%  
Total – 100% 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  15 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

(Note: The performance requirement for successful completion according to

the Academic  regulations of the FIP will be 50%) 

a) Daily Diary  
The daily diary (Appendix I) is a very good evidence of the activities
undertaken by inductee  teacher during each day of the training programme.
Hence, the daily diary can be evaluated  based on the following criteria: 
i. Regularity in maintenance of diary  
ii. Adequacy and quality of information recorded 
iii. Data, diagrams, drawings, sketches, specifications, photographs, URLs of
videos and  such others appended with daily dairy  
iv. Record of innovative thought process and recording

techniques used. For ease, clarity and uniformity of evaluation

Table 1 can be used.  

Table – 1 Evaluating Daily Diary  

(Tick √ in relevant cell and award the relevant marks) 

Sl.   Criteria  Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to  
No. Improve

5  Clarity of Adequacy,   Adequacy,   Adequate   Adequacy  

activities  in quality of   quality of   activities not clear  
daily diary and  activities activities for   need to
attendance  in  all the but  not in few be 
fulfilling above  weeks all   weeks clearly  
mentioned weeks written

b) Reports of Industry Supervisor and Mentor 

The following criteria/points can be used for industry supervisor’s report
(Appendix II) of the  weekly achievements made by inductee trainees based
on performance, behavioural aspects  and daily dairy.  
i. New knowledge and skills acquired 
ii. Conceptual clarity and comprehension related to the problem
area/task/project iii. Communication during interaction and writing 
iv. Sense of responsibility and discipline 
v. Initiative, motivation and leadership 

The copy of joining report of supervisor and mentor is to be given to inductee

trainee for  future improvements. For ease, clarity and uniformity of evaluation
Table –2 can be used.

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  16 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Table – 2 Evaluating Industry Supervisor and Mentor Reports 

(Tick √ in relevant cell and award the relevant marks) 
Sl.  Criteria  Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to  

1  Report of Acquired   Acquired Acquire Hardly  

the  considerable fairly  d only  acquired  
industry   new  good some new  
supervisor  knowledge new   new   knowledge 
fulfilling   and  skills as knowledg knowledg and skills 
above  well as  e and  e and 
mentioned   initiative,   skills as skills as
criteria  motivation,   well  as well  as
(Maximum  leadership initiative,   initiative,  
20 marks) motivatio motivatio
n,   n,  
leadershi leadershi
p p

c) Seminar Paper Presentation and Viva-Voce 

Before the final submission of the complete training report, the inductee
teachers are given an  opportunity to make a seminar presentation of the
industrial training highlighting the  significant learning and achievements
during their training. During the seminar presentation  inductee teacher shall
be provided with constructive feedback. Following criteria can be used  for
evaluating seminar presentation. 
i. Proper planning  
ii. Originality 

iii. Quality of material presented 

iv. Effectiveness for presentation and communication 
v. Handling of questions 
vi. Depth of knowledge and skill. 

Viva-Voce Examination 
After the seminar presentation on the industrial training is over, a viva-voce is
also conducted  so that the inductee teacher is also given one more
opportunity to air their views orally and  the evaluation of viva-voce
examination will be based on the following criteria: vii. Acquisition of Cognitive
skills and new knowledge. 
viii. Effective oral communication. 
ix. Relevance and quality of learning experiences 
x. Application of knowledge in solving field problems 
For ease, clarity and uniformity of evaluation Table –3 can be used. 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  17 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Table – 3 Evaluating Seminar Paper Presentation and Viva Voce 

(Tick √ in relevant cell and award the relevant marks) 
Sl Criteria  Very Good  Fair  Needs to  
.   Good  Improve

1  Seminar   Very Fairly good   Satisfactory   Presentation 

Presenta good   presentatio presentatio skills need  
tion  with presentat n  n  considerable 
seminar  ion   indicating indicating improvement 
paper   indicat the  the  with respect  to
fulfilling   ing acquisition acquisition the above 
above  the  of  state-of- of  state-of- criteria
mentione acquis the  the 
d   ition art art
criteria  of   knowledge  knowledge 
(Maxim state-of- with respect with respect
um  10 the-art  to  the to  the
marks) knowled above  above 
ge with  mentioned   mentioned  
respect criteria criteria
to the  

2 Viva-Voce
Output of Answers Answers to   Answers to   Answers to 
the  Viva- to   questions   questions   questions  
Voce   questions  indicating a   indicates hardly  
fulfilling     fairly good   only  indicating  
above  indicati amount of   satisfactory  the  
mentione ng indicating   acquisition of  the
d   very  the  acquisition above 
criteria  good acquisition of  the mentioned  
(Maxim the   of  the above  criteria
um  10 acquisitio above  mentioned  
marks) n of   mentioned   criteria 
the criteria


d) Training Report 
A spiral bound training report (format given Appendix III) will
suffice i. Originality and innovative presentation of
ii. Relevant examples of experiences are mentioned;  
iii. Organisation, communication, drawings sketches, format, style,
language and others; iv. Field practices, applications and their correlation
with basic theory and concepts are  as required in the curricular courses; 
v. Originality in reflections and learning presented. 

For ease, clarity and uniformity of evaluation Table – 4 can be used. 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  18 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Table – 4 Evaluating Training Report 

(Tick √ in relevant cell and award the relevant marks) 
S Criteria  Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to  
l.  Improve

1  Training   Very nicely  Organized,   Information   Report

Report   presented   logical and   presented lacks a 
fulfilling Relevant   easy to   has  some coherent  
above  examples understand   level   sequence.
criteria  of  presentation.  organizati The 
(Maxi experience Sufficient   on.  There information 
mum s  are   examples   is    
40 mentioned.   about the   difficulty in   presented
marks) The   experiences   understandi is  
reflection is  are ng  some difficult to  
original.   mentioned.  sections.  understand. 
Information  Information   Few  
presented presented examples  Inadequate  
is  has  no about the   examples  
consistent  significant  experiences   about the  
with neat   errors and   are experiences 
sketches,  very few   mentioned.   
minor errors  There are   are
some   mentioned. 
significant several  
and  minor significant  
errors errors are

It can be summarised that if the industrial training of the inductee teacher shall
be  systematically and logically planned, executed and evaluated in letter and
spirit as discussed  in this guidelines of the manual, so as to greatly benefit
his/her performance as a good  engineering teacher. It is important that
inductee teacher takes the industrial training  sincerely, it will give them a
good exposure of the industrial processes and practices which  they will be
able to relate their teaching and assessment of the topics particularly of those 
industrial practices that they have experienced themselves. In this initial phase
of their career  in the teaching profession, the inductee teacher will also get a
first-hand feel of how they will  also be able to systematically manage the
industrial training of their students in the years to  come. Further, this industrial
training experience when implemented will be highly beneficial  to the inductee
teacher as how to guide and allot industry oriented ‘micro-projects’ to
students  (learnt in the basic eight NITTT modules in Phase – I of the FIP). 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  19 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Appendix – I 
Daily Diary Format 
(One A4 size sheet this format is to be filled and the portfolio built up by
the Inductee  Teacher each day) 

Name and Location of Industry:

……………………………………………………………… Name of
Name of Inductee Teacher and Designation:
………………………………………………… Name and Location of

Week No……………………. Date…………… Observations/Activities of

the Day 

............................................ ............................................................
......................................................................................... ...............
............................. ...........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..............................
Daily dated Signature of Inductee Teacher

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  20 

Section – 2 Industrial Training 


Name and Location of Industry:

…………………………………………………………… Name of Inductee
Teacher and Designation: ……………………………………………… Name
and Location of
Institution…………………………………………………………… Date of
Commencement of Training: …………Date of Completion of Training:

Day  Date  Signature







Day  Date  Signature
















ature of Industry Supervisor with organization stamp/seal) Name of Industry

Contact No………………………………………. 
1. Attendance Sheet should be affixed in Daily Diary Report.  
2. The inductee teacher should sign in the attendance column. Do not
mark ‘P’ 3. Holidays should be marked in Red Ink in attendance
column. Absent should be  marked as ‘A’ in Red Ink.
Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT
Phase – II FIP  21 
Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Appendix - II 

Format of Industry Supervisor/Mentor’s Weekly Report  

(Each weekend this form is to be filled up to be attach in the inductee

teacher’s portfolio) Name and Location of Industry:

…………………………………………………………… Name of Inductee

Teacher and Designation: …………………………………………… Name and

Location of Institution……………………………………………………………

Date of Commencement of Training: ……………… 

Date of Completion of Training: …………………… 

Observations/Activities of the Week 

............................................ ............................................................

Weekly Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor 

Name of Industry Supervisor……………………………………….. 

------- Mentor’s Weekly Observations 

Weekly Dated Signature of Mentor 

Name of Mentor……………………………………….. 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  22 
Section – 2 Industrial Training 

Appendix - III 
Industrial Training Report Format 
(in A4 sheets with 2.5 cm margin all round, Calibri 11 pt. spacing 1.2 written in
third person) 

Title Page (which includes Name of Industry, Location, Inductee

Teacher’s Name,  Designation, Institution)  
∙ Certificate of completion of Industrial Training 
∙ Executive Summary (one page) 
∙ Acknowledgements (one page) 
∙ Content Page 

(History, organization structure of industry and general layout, type of
products and  services, turnover and number of employees and others) 
1.1 Introduction 
1.5 Summary  


(Includes their functions, specification, approximate cost and their routine
maintenance) 2.1 Introduction 
2.4 Summary  


(Includes Production procedures/processes along with production
planning and control  methods) 
……………above subtitles for all main headings are same for all
4.0 TESTING (if applicable) 
(Includes testing of raw materials, components and finished products with
quality  assurance procedures)

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  23 
Section – 2 Industrial Training 


(Includes Safety procedures which includes Preventive maintenance
schedule and  breakdown maintenance procedures). 


project for the whole month may be given industry/mentor or chosen  by you) 


your special or interesting experiences which will benefit many others) 


Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT
Phase – II FIP  24 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubrics

of Modules

National Initiative for Technical

Teacher  Training (NITTT) 
Phase – II  
Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) 

Mentor Guideline Manual 

Evaluation Rubrics of Modules
1 to 8  
NITTTR Bhopal NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR Chennai NITTTR Kolkata

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT
Phase – II FIP  25 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubrics of Modules 


The on-the-job training Phase – II of the FIP for the inductee

teachers  will begin, in the respective institutes, soon after
the inductee teacher  has successfully completed all the
AICTE–NITTT eight modules in  Phase – I. In Phase – II on-
the-job training during the semester, the  inductee teacher is
supposed to implement the outcomes of the eight  modules
as well as some of the activities in the E-portfolio
maintained  by him/her during the online training in Phase –
I. Therefore, during  Phase – I itself, there is need for every
inductee teacher to be aware of  the rubrics of every module
in order to understand how they are being assessed in the
FIP. Hence, the rubrics of all eight modules are displayed  in
the NITTTR portal for the reference of all inductee teachers
and, of  course, their mentors.  

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  26 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 1 

3.1 Module – 1: Orientation Towards Technical Education & Curriculum


Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. P. Malliga, Associate Professor & Head i/c CEMT,

NITTTR, Chennai Course Instructor: Dr. S. Renuka Devi, Professor &
Head, Dept of Engg. Education,  NITTTR, Chennai, Dr. G. A. Rathy, Asso.
Professor, Dept of EECE, NITTTR, Chennai Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest,
Professor of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………… Name of Department:
……………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher: …………………

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP: 
1. Identifies the issues and challenges in the domain of technical education,
especially  concerning quality. 
2. Formulates Instructional Objectives at different level of cognitive, psychomotor
and  affective domains  
3. Applies the principles of learning in teaching learning process 
4. Interprets the psychological characteristics of adolescent learners  
5. Uses the appropriate motivational techniques to improve the attitude of
the students 6. Integrates the various aspects of curriculum for effective
implementation of the predetermined outcomes. 

B. Rubric of Module – 1 

(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final score in last row)
Sl Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Need to   Sugge
.  Performance (4) (3) (2) Improve  stion s
N Criteria (1) to  
o. (KPC) of improve
Displayed by

I  Identifies the   Logically   Organized   Written   Listed

factors that   organized   with some   some   the 
influence with all   supporting   relevant  common 
quality  in supporting   details of    
higher   details of the  best practice practices  
education   the  best practices  s   adopted
institutions. practices  adopted in adopte in  the  
adopted in a  d in a  technical  
a   selected   selecte institutes
selected   Technical   d  
Technical  Institution  Technic
Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 1 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Need to   Sug

l. Performa (4) (3) (2) Improve  gest
N nce (1) ion
o Criteria s to
. (KPC) of impro
Module ve
d by  

Institution.   Presented
This is   in  a
presented in a  written  
written format format

I Formulat Prepared a full  Prepared a   Prepared Prepared  

I es  set of   partial set a  partial non 
  Learning   measurable   of  set   measur
Objective and achievable  measurable  of   abl e  
s in   Instructional    measurab instructio 
different objectives for  instructional  le  and nal  
domains  the given topic  objectives non  objectiv
learning  in all the three  for  the measurab es  for
domains by   given   le  the  
following the  topic in all   instruction given  
standard   three   a l topic 
procedures domains  objectives 
for the  
topic  in
any of  
the two  

III  Maps   Classified   Classified Classified   Classifi

Instructio entire list of   few  few   ed  very
nal   instructional  instructional  instruction few  
Objectiv objectives   objectives   al instructio 
es in with respect to  with objectives  nal  
two  Cognitive   respect  to with objectiv
dimensi abilities and  Cognitive  respect  es 
ons:   Knowledge   abilities to   with  
Cognitiv Dimensions and  Cognitive   respect
e Knowledge   abilities to 
Process  Dimensions  and  only  
Level partially   cognitive  
and   knowledg abilities  
Knowled e  without  
ge   dimension specifyi
Dimensio s  ng  the  
n knowledg 
on s.

IV  Applies Evidence of   Evidence Evidence Evidence  

principle Expert and   of  Good of  of Very  
s  of highly familiar  grasp  of Familiarity  little  
learning with the   the   with the   familiarit
in the  teaching   teaching   Teaching   y  with  
class learning   learning   learning   Teachin
room   process and its  process  process g 
teachin applicability in  and its   and  its   learning 
g classroom   applicability  applicatio  
learning  teaching. in n  to  process  
process classroom  and  
teaching applicatio

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 1 

S Key Very Good  Fair  Need to   Sugg

l. Performanc Good  (3) (2) Improve  estio
N e  Criteria (4) (1) n s to
o (KPC) of improv
. Module e

classroom   n to  
teaching classroom 

V Uses the Evidenc Evidence Evidence of  Evidence  

  relevant e of   of.  Familiarity  of hardly  
motivation Very good   with the   any  
al   High   knowledg adolescents’  knowledg 
techniques expertise e of  psychologic e of  
on   student   al   student  
Student   characteri characterist psycholog
improve Psycholo y and  
stic , ics
the   gy types handling  
attitude of and   students.
the   problems

VI  Motivates  Evidenc Evidenc Evidence of  Evidence  

students e of   e of  Knowledge  of hardly  
to   very Very of concepts  any 
improve high   good   of   knowledg 
their   expertise knowledg motivation,  e of  
learning  on   e of  and   concepts  
Motivati Motivation strategies   of  
on, its  ,  its for   Motivatio
theories theories   motivating  n and  
and   and   students in  strategies 
applicab applicabilit and outside  for  
ility in  y  in the   motivatin 
and motivating  classroom g students 
outside   students in and  
the in   outside  
classro and the  
om  outside   classroom
and the  
also classroom
able  to

VII  Interprets Effectivel Reasonabl Constructe  Construct

the   y   y   d the course  ed with  
various   Interpre Interpreted  plan   incomplet
component ted all    without   e details  
s of   the   the   incorporati and with  
Curriculum  compon compone ng all the   few 
ents of  nts  of   components 
Curricul Curriculum 
and   and 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 1 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Need to   Sugg

l. Performanc (4) (3) (2) Improve  estio
N e  Criteria (1) n s to
o (KPC) of improve
. Module

the Course   constructe of componen

plan  d  the the   ts
∙ Course   Course   curric
Objectives  plan  ulum
∙ Course   ∙ Course  
Outcomes  Objectives 
∙ Learning   ∙ Course  
Outcomes   Outcomes 
∙ Instructional  ∙ Learning 
Methods  Outcomes  
∙ Resource   ∙ Instruction al
Materials  Methods 
∙ ∙ Resource 
Assessment  Materials 
Methods  ∙

VI Integrates Effectively   Identified Identi Only  

II  the   selected and   the  fied   listed  
curricular developed   relevant   some  curricular 
and co strategies to   curricular     and co 
curricular   implement and co  curric curricular 
activities to   the  curricular   ular   activities 
develop curricular activities and
the   and  co- for  a co 
students’   curricular  course to   curric
personality  activities for attain the   ular  
a  course to   learning   activit
attain the   outcomes.   ies  
learning   Developed   rele
outcomes. few   vant
strategies or 
to  a
implement   cou
them. rse 
Total Score
of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 1 Competency  

Module - 1 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of

Implements the curriculum effectively applying the psychological

and  pedagogical principles of learning and instruction to meet the
challenges of technical education

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50%

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  30 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 1 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other 

E. Evidences of Module 1 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Yes  No
No.  Teacher 

1  Course Journal of Module 1

2  Learning Outcomes in the Lesson plans

3  Mapped Learning Outcomes 

4  Lesson Plans

5  Probing questions asked to students

6  Evidences proving motivating students

7  Course plans

8  Evidences of planned curricular and co-curricular activities

Name of the Mentor:
AICTE Faculty Code:
…………………………………………………………………………… Designation
of the Mentor: .................................................................................. Name
and address of Institution of Mentor: …………………………………… 

Place: ………………………... 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  31 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

3.2 Module – 2: Professional Ethics and Sustainability 

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 
Coordinator: Dr. S. K. Gupta, Professor of Assessment, NITTTR Bhopal Co-
Coordinator: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of Electrical Engineering,
NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

…………………………………………………… Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher: ………………………
… A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 
The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP:  
1. Displays the characteristics of Professionalism. 
2. Displays characteristics to develop professional excellence. 
3. Displays characteristics to become ‘Guru’ in place of teacher. 
4. Maintains diary of evidences of Guidance and Counseling to students
effectively. 5. Motivates Students for Social Responsible Works actively as
member/leader in  committees supervising NCC/NSS/Green Club/Poor
Students Help Group and such  others. 
6. Lives in harmony with self and system. 
7. Displays ethical behaviour and positive attitudes according to
professional values. 8. Works for development and improvement of
department/ institute/ Profession. 9. Displays evidences of academic
activities for sustainable development. 10. Displays evidences for
concern of environment protection in personal behaviour. 

B. Rubric of Module – 2 
(Tick √ in relevant column cell for each KPC and total the marks in last row)
Sl.  Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugge
  Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  sti ons
No Criteria  (KPC) of (4) (1) to  
. Module improve 
Displayed by

I  Displays the Shows   Shows   Shows   Displays  

characteristics all the 5   only 4   only 3 only 2
of  charact out of 5  out  of out  of
Professionalism  er Characte  5  5 
1. Has mastery on istics ristics.   Charac Charac
the subjects.  2. ter ter
Engages in (state   istics   istics  
research to create  which Sl. 
new knowledge.  Nos. are  (state   (state  
3. Shows lacking) which which
initiative to work Sl.  Sl. 
in  new areas Nos. Nos.
having high   are   are  
uncertainty.  lacking) lacking
4. Enjoys trust of in  the  
the students. 5. teacher)
Shows self-
regulation in 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugg

  Criteria  (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  esti
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) ons
o. Displayed by to  
Inductee Teacher improve 

II  Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

characteristics to  all the at least 5  at only 1
develop 6  out of 6  least out  of
professional charact Characte  3  out 6 
excellence:  1. er istics ristics.   of 6  Chara
Devotes time for Chara cter
improving  (state   cter istics  
fundamentals by which Sl.  istics  
referring   Nos. are  (state  
back to basic/core lacking) (state   which
subject   which Sl. 
matter as and Sl.  Nos.
when required. 2. Nos. are  
Learns new are   lacking)
knowledge by  lacking)
3. Proposes
procurement of
new  software/
and learns on
4. Supervises
projects of bright
5. Implements
6. Give suggestions
of working of 
III  Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
characteristic all the only 3   only 2 only 1
s to  become 4   out of 4  out  of out  of
‘Guru’ in charact Characte  4  4 
place of  er istics ristics.   Chara Chara
teacher  cter cter
1. Behaves in ethical (state   istics   istics  
manner and  shows which Sl. 
right attitude in-front Nos. are  (state   (state  
of  students so that lacking) which which
they also learn  the Sl.  Sl. 
same.  Nos. Nos.
2. Gives extra time to are   are  
students to  solve lacking) lacking)
their individual
3. Shows affection
students  so
that they feel
free to  
interact with
4. Apart from
knowledge to
students also  
importance of  
desired values
and attitudes 
finds scope
discuss these) so
that they also 
imbibe good

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sug

.   Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  gesti
N Criteria  (KPC) (4) (1) ons
o. of Module to  
Outcomes improv
Displayed by e 

IV  Maintains Maintain Maintain Maintains  Maintains 

diary as s diary   s diary   diary diary
evidence of  with at   with at   with  at with  at
Guidance and least 30   least 20   least   least 5 
Counseling to  records  records  10   records 
students evidence  evidence  records  evidence  
effectively:  of   of   evidence   of  
1. Guides whole guidance  guidance  of   guidance  
class in general  and   and   guidance   and  
about career counselli  counselli  and   counselli
and personal   ng in a   ng in a   counselli n g in a  
matters semester semester n g in a   semester
occasionally.   semester
2. Develops
with the
students for 
guidance and
counseling so  
that they
feel free to
3. Devotes time for
patiently to
students  to
background and
4. Gives
personal and 
career advice
to students  
according to
their context
(i.e.  family
V  Motivates Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
Students for all the 3   only 2   only none of  
Social  character out of 3   1out  of the  
Responsible istics Characte  3  characte
Works actively ristics.   Charact ri stics
as  er istics  
member/leader (state  
in committees  which Sl.  (state  
supervising Nos. are  which
NCC/NSS/Gree lacking) Sl.  Nos.
n   are  
Club/Poor lacking)
Group and
1. Motivates
students to join 
Green Club/Poor 
Students Help
Group, etc.  
2. Motivates
students to take
up  projects
which can help  
people such
as  designing
sanitation and
water  supply
for a
power or
wind power
project  for
village etc.  
3. Arranges
activities such
as  blood
event or run for
people on
issues such 
as AIDS,
etc. with  the
help of

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl.  Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugg

  Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  esti
N Criteria  (KPC) (4) (1) ons
o. of Module to  
Outcomes improve 
Displayed by

VI  Lives in Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

harmony with all the 4   only 3   only 2 only 1
self and  character out of 4  out  of out  of
system   istics Characte  4  4 
1. Seems satisfied ristics.   Chara Chara
with the  cter cter
present (state   istics   istics  
occupation (do which Sl. 
not   Nos. are  (state   (state  
compare job of lacking) which which
faculty with  Sl.  Sl. 
others such as   Nos. Nos.
administrators/ are   are  
politicians/  lacking) lacking)
2. Does not try to
attention by
owning  very
costly and
palatial house, 
cloths etc.  
3. Chooses
tasks according
to  his/her own
interest and  
(there is  
consistency in
4. Does not
compare his/her
with others,
rather sets  
VI Displays ethical Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
I  behaviour and  only 7   only 5   only 3 only 1
positive out of 8  out of 8  out  of out  of
attitudes Characte  Characte  8  8 
according to  ristics   ristics  Chara Chara
professional cter cter
value systems: (state   (state   istics   istics  
1. Maintains which Sl.  which Sl. 
regularity,   Nos. are  Nos. are  (state   (state  
punctuality lacking) lacking) which which
and sincerity Sl.  Sl. 
in  routine Nos. Nos.
working.  are   are  
2. Does not lacking) lacking)
undertake any
employment such
etc. which  may
affect normal
working.  3.
Does not engage
in antic 
activities such
questions and
for  them.  
4. Acknowledges
work done by 
others and does
not engage in 
5. Does not use
the professional 
relationship with
students for 
taking private
advantage or 
relationship with  
students for giving
6. Maintains privacy

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to Sugg

  Criteria  (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  esti
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) ons
o. Displayed by to  
Inductee Teacher improve 

7. Does not allow

malpractices  by
students (copying
copying during 
attendance etc.)  8.
Does not give any  
due  to his/her
religion, race,
cast,  gender,
social status
and  others
VII Works for Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
I  development all the only 2   only none
and  3   out of 3   1out  of  
improvement charact Characte  of 3  the  
of   er istics ristics.   Chara charac
department/ cter teri
institute/  (state   istics   stics
Profession  which Sl. 
1. Contributes Nos. are  (state  
positively as  lacking) which
member/leader of Sl. 
different   Nos.
committees constituted are  
for   lacking)
development of
institute etc.  2.
Joins relevant
bodies such as
IEEE/AMIE and works
active member
development of
self and  
3. Gently
the  wrong policies/
practices of  others
HODs/ Principal)
with constructive 
suggestions for
maintaining  dignity
of the  
profession and
for its 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sug

.   Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  gest
N Criteria  (KPC) of (4) (1) i
o. Module ons
Outcomes to  
Displayed by improv
Inductee e 

I Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

X  evidences of all the 4   only 3   only 2 only 1
academic  character out of 4  out  of out  of
activities for istics for  Characte  4  4 
sustainable   sustaina  ristics   Chara Chara
development:  ble   for   cter cter
1. Relates relevant develop  sustaina  istics istics
course   ment ble   for   for  
content with develop  sustain sustain
sustainable   ment.   abl e   abl e  
development in the develo develo
theory   (state   pm pm
classes.  which Sl.  ent  ent  
2. Guides students Nos. are 
to take up  lacking) (state   (state  
researches/ which which
projects which   Sl.  Sl. 
may help in Nos. Nos.
poverty  are   are  
alleviation.  lacking) lacking)
3. Guide students
to take up 
projects which  
may help in
4. Attempts to
integrate cradle to 
cradle and 5R
approach in  
design and other
subjects such
as materials

X  Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

evidences for all the 3   only 2   only none
concern  of character out of 3   1out  of  
environment istics of   Characte  of 3  the  
protection in  environ  ristics of  Chara charac
personal ment   environ  cter teri
behaviour:  protectio n ment   istics stics
1. Shows in   protectio n of   of  
concern for personal  in   enviro enviro
energy  behaviou r personal  nm nm
conservation behaviou ent   ent  
in   r.   protecti protecti
workshop/lab/ on  in   on  in  
classrooms/offi (state   persona persona
ces by which Sl.  l   l  
appropriate use Nos. are  behaviou behaviou
of   lacking) r  r
energy consuming
appliances. 2. (state  
Show commitment which
for 5Rs in  Sl. 
personal Nos.
consumption are  
pattern  (such as lacking)
refusing use of  
reduction in 
variety of
cloths, repair
(rather than
discard  them),
reduced use of
paper  and
other material,
collecting  and
office waste  for
recycling and
3. Develops culture
in the  
institute for
development by
on  such
actively  for
green and
book bank (to 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 2 

Sl.   Key Performance Criteria Very   Good  Fair  Need to Suggesti

No. (KPC) of Module Outcomes Good  (3) (2) Improve  ons to  
Displayed by Inductee (4) (1) improve 

reduce consumption of
paper)  and others.

Total Score of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 2 Competency  

Module - 2 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total Score
of ‘B’

Displays ethical professional behaviour as a teacher of engineering

including  attitudes for sustainability.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50% 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other 

E. Evidences of Module 2 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  Evidence of practicing characteristics of Professionalism

2  Evidence of characteristics of developing Professional


3  Evidence of characteristics to become ‘Guru’ in place of


4  Diary showing evidence of guidance and counselling

5  Record of motivating Students for Social Responsible Works

6  Evidence of living in harmony with self and system

7  Evidence of ethical behaviour and positive attitudes 

8  Evidence of working for development and

improvement of  department/ institute/ Profession

9  Evidence of academical work for sustainable development

10  Evidence of showing concern for environment protection in

personal  behaviour

Name of the Mentor:
........................................................................................... AICTE Faculty
Code: ……………………………………………………………………………
Designation of the Mentor:
.................................................................................. Name and address
of Institution of Mentor: …………………………………… 

Place: ………………………... 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  38 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

3.3 Module – 3: Communication skills, Modes and Knowledge


Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Er. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, NITTTR

Chandigarh Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of Electrical
Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher: ……………………………………………

Department of Inductee Trainee Teacher:
………………………………………………… Name and address of
Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher: ……………………

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP: 
1. Demonstrate effective Communication skills i.e. Listening, Speaking,
Reading and  Writing. 
2. Select active learning strategies to enhance students’ engagement. 
3. Select and integrate media to enhance interaction in classroom 
4. Evolve strategies for obtaining and provide feedback for improving
effectiveness of  teaching learning. 

C. Rubric of Module – 3 
(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
Sl Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge 
.   Performance (4) (3) (2) Improve  stion
N Criteria (1) s  to 
o. (KPC) of impro 
Module ve
Displayed by

I  Effe a) Holds Consistent  use Maint Avoid

ct  Maintain  attention of direct  eye ain   eye  
ive  Eye   of  the contact  with   less contact  
  Contact entire students eye   with  
Spe students  conta students
ak  with the ct  
ing  use of   with  
  direct eye stude
Skil contact nts

b)Voice   Speaks Speaks with  Spea Speaks

quality with satisfactory  ks in  
voice  variation of  in   very low  
modulatio volume unev and
n to   en   uneven 
maintain volu volume
students  me,

c)Refer   Taking Seldom   Read Reading  

Notes   hints only  refers to   ing   from
and  from the notes and   partia notes 
notes and  slide and  lly   and
slides from slides
and   the  
emphasize notes
all the  and 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs Sugg

l.   Performance (4) (3) (2) to   e 
N Criteria Improve  stio
o (KPC) of (1) ns
. Module to 
Outcomes impro 
Displayed by ve

emphasi  key points emphasize   slides

zing on   and   on   and 
the   make best   important   emphasi
content utilization of key points   ze  on
time only few  

I Eff a) Use of   Teacher Teacher is   Teacher Teacher

I  ect  Listenin  use active  actively   is  willing is  
iv g Skills and listening to  to  listen just  
e   empathetic  the   to   listenin
Lis   students the   g to 
ten  listening in   students   the  
in classroom. and student
g   accept  s  
S their only 
kil ideas

b)   Ask Ask   Ask   No  

Question  genuine genuine and  genuine   questio
ing  and  thoughtful  question   ns  
thoughtfu questions   only and   to the  
l   inquire   show   student
questions about their  concern s  
to clarify  level of   to  them and
and ensure understandi not  
their  ng ensure  
understand about
ing  their 

c) Use of   Make Use of good  Avoid   Body  

Body   smooth   body   distractiv langua
Languag  transition language   e  body   ge is 
e between  while   language   very  
listening teaching while   distra
and   listening ctive 
responding for
roles  and the  
verbal student
behavior  s

III  Effa) Enriched  The The teacher  Read   Read

ect  Content   teacher read   extensivel  from  
iv Delivery read  extensively  y to   the  
e   extensive to provide   provide   textboo
Re ly to   enriched   enriched   k  
adi  provide information  informati only to  
n advanced  in   o n in   provide  
g   classroom   classroom  essenti
S informatio provided in  essential al  
kil n in   the   to  inform
ls classroom curriculum achieve ation 
more   all  the   in  
that learning   classro
required outcomes om
by  the

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

S Key Very Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge 

l.   Performan Good  (3) (2) Improve  stio
N ce  Criteria (4) (1) ns
o (KPC) of to 
. Module impro 
Outcomes ve

IV  Eff a) All the Most of Some of   Written  

ec Purpo written   the  the written  Stateme
ti sef statemen written   statements  nts 
ve   ul   ts focus stateme focused on  based
Wri Writin on  main nts  main key   on  
ti  g  ideas and focus learning   the  
ng   key  on   with   opinions  
Skil learning key   details only with  
ls with all  learning   no details
the with   at  all 
essential specific  
details  details 

b) Use Using Using a   Use of   Use of  

of   wide good good   vocabula
Voca range  range  of vocabulary ry  is not
bul  of structure  very 
ary structur and   good
e and   vocabulary

c)   Activities Activities   Activities   No  

Desig designed  are   are   activities  
nin  by the designed designed   are  
g   teacher by  the by the   designed
activiti that  teacher  teacher   by  the
es  provides   that   that   teacher 
opportunit provides   provides   that  
ies to   opportun opportunit ies provides  
practice iti es to to   opportun
writing write  compulsor y iti es to  
in  in   writing practice  
class,   classroom  writing
dently and  
and  compulso
compuls ry  writing

V Cre a) Use Consider Consider Sometimes  Not  

  at  of   all the   all  the the   consideri
e infras facilities facilities  activities   ng  the
an   tru  available  available are   facilities 
activ ctur at at  designed   available
e   e   institute institute   to promote  at 
lear availa level to  level to   active   institute  
ni  ble   promote promote   learning in  level to  
ng   in   active   active   classroom promote  
clas Class learning learning active  
sr  roo  in   in  engagem
oo m   classroom classroo ent  of
m  Teac m students 
hin  in  
g classroom

b) Style Teaching The   Students   Students  

of  is   students are   are totally  
teachi developm are  interacting  dependent 
ng ental   dependen
rather t 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

Sl Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge 

.   Performanc (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio
N e  Criteria (1) ns
o (KPC) of to 
. Module impro 
Outcomes ve

directive on the   with each   on teacher  

and teacher other for   for  
made  it for  their   clarificatio information
clear to learning   ns if any  
them   but not   and  
that they spoon feed. teacher is  
must   there to  
develop clear
their their 
own  doubts
plan and 
ble to 
VI  Integr  a) The The The   The
ation   Integ teacher teacher  teacher   teacher  is
of   rati use   use design   not using 
Medi on media media   activities   any
a  of   that to deliver   by using   media  
in   Medi enable  instruction media to   to deliver  
Classr  a in   the s  and  deliver   instructio
oom Clas students perform   instruction n  and  
sroo  to   activities s only. creating  
m   learn   in  group interactio
teac independ while  n  among
hing ently and  sitting in   all  
in groups. classroom. (Teacher
as  well

b) The The Use No  

Guide  teacher teacher media  to direction  
  asks  provides   pass the  given in  
stud students variety of   directions  terms of  
ents   to find   media to   and   media
to   and create   activities   usage
bec assess interactio to the  
ome  online  n  students.
  resources among  
active  that can  students
  meet their in  and out
user abilities  the 
s and classroom 
of   needs,  
differ help   among all.
ent   them to  
media  communi
  cate with 
avail teacher
able and with 

VI Use a) The The The   The

I  of  Prep teacher is   teacher  teacher is   teacher  is
Boar lann preplann is   preplanned  not well  
d   ing ed along  preplanned  along planned
(Whit  to   with all along with  with  all on  the
eboar  use  the other  all the the   board
d/     resource other  other  
Black  Boar s to resources resources  
board)  d in   make  to  make   to make  
Clas instructio instruction  instruction 
sroo  n   effective effective
m effective

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

Sl Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge 

.   Performanc (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio
N e  Criteria (1) ns
o (KPC) of to 
. Module impro 
Outcomes ve

b)   Highlights Highlights  Writing Use  

Emph the   the main   is  not   abbrevi
asi  main points points in   précised   atio ns
zed   in   writing on  but   in  
Writin writing on the develop   writing
g   the   board   understa and  do
on board along with  nd ing of not  
Board  along with explanation  the   ensure  
explanatio to make   content understa
n to   students   ndi ng
make understan
students d  the
fully  content

c) Complete Complete   Most of   Writing

Visibili Visibility  of Visibility of  the time,   is  not
ty  of   writing to all writing to   Board is   visible  
writing   the  students all the   used by   to the  
on and   students   the distant  
Board  invites and   teacher  students
students to  occasionall only of  the  
board to y  call   classroom
inquire  and students
discuss to  board
the   to  
content inquire  
about the  
VIII Obtai n a) Create Foster a Foster a   Foster Very  
and   a  creative  creative   an   Minimal  
pro Condu environme environme environ feedbac
vid  ci  nt in   n t in me nt k is 
e   ve   which which   in   provided
feed Environ  feedback is  feedback which   to  the  
ba  ment intended to is  feedback students
ck in   aid in  intended is 
classr learning to  aid in   provided  
oo  growth on  learning   to
m continuous growth on  students 
basis  and continuous  to
adaptation basis improve 
when it

b) Identify the Identify Identify   Feedbac

Criterio areas  of the  areas the k is 
n  of   strengths of   areas   oriented  
Provid and  areas strengths   of   towards  
in  for   and areas   strengths   punishm
g   improvement,  for   and   ent  and  
feedba   improvem weakness judgeme
ck  confidently   e nt,   nt  but
delivered confidently  student 
and   delivered is able
clearly state to  
the   produce 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 3 

Sl.   Key Performance  Criteria Very Good  Fair  Needs to Sugge 

No. (KPC) of  Module Good  (3) (2) Improve  stions  to 
Outcomes  Displayed by   (4) (1) impro 
Inductee Teacher ve

due to 
Total Score of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 3 Competency 

Module - 3 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of

Disseminates knowledge in various contexts by communicating

effectively in oral and in written form using correct grammar
especially  in teaching-learning and assessment situations.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50% 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other 

E. Evidences of Module 3 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  Classroom Observations

2  Recorded Lectures

3  Handouts/Assignments/Tutorial sheets designed by the


4  Written feedback provided to the students 

5  Feedback obtained from the students 

………… Name of the
AICTE Faculty Code:
……………………………………………………………………… Designation
of the Mentor.................................................................................. Name
and address of Institution of Mentor:
……………………………………………… Place: ………………………… 
Date: ……………………….…
Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT
Phase – II FIP  44 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

3.4 Module – 4: Instructional Planning and Delivery 

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. S. S. Kedar, Asso. Professor, Dept. of Electronic Media,

NITTTR Bhopal Co-Coordinator: Prof. (Mrs.) Chanchal Mehra, Asso. Professor,
Dept. of Electronic Media,  NITTTR, Bhopal 
Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………… Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP I:  
1. Interpret the learning outcomes after curriculum analysis of a
given course. 2. Select appropriate instructional methods and
strategies in view of the learning  outcomes. 
3. Prepare session plan for classroom, laboratory, workshop and
industry-based  instruction. 
4. Relate the classroom delivery with relevant assignments, tests and other
activities for  reinforcement of learning.  
5. Supplement the classroom presentations with appropriate media and
materials for  effective teaching learning process. 
6. Deliver a session in a classroom and obtain feedback for

improvement. B. Rubric of Module – 4 

 (Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
Sl Key Very Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugg
.   Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  estio
N Criteria (KPC) (4) (1) ns to  
o. of  Module improve
Displayed by  

I  Prepared Prepare Prepare Prepared   Prepared  

course  plan d   d   course course
for the   date- course plan  for plan  for
selected wise   plan   whole   whole  
course in  the course for semester   semester  
given format plan   whole   addressin addressing 
for semest g  only only one  
whole   er   two   CO and  
semeste address COs and   other 
r   ing   other 
address only
ing   three  
all COs
COs and  
and  other 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sug

l.   Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  ges
N ce  Criteria (1) tio
o (KPC) of ns
. Module to  
Outcomes improv
Displayed e

outcomes outcomes outcomes outcomes  

to  be to  be to  be   to be  
developed  developed  developed  developed 
in all in all   in all three 
three   three   in all domains in 
domains in   domains in   three  the learnt  
the learnt   the learnt   domains format.
format.  format. in  the

I Interpreted Drawn the   Drawn the   Drawn Only  

I  course  course/  course/   the  identified  
curriculum concept concept course/   the  
to   map to map to concept   industry  
derive identify   identify   map to   relevant  
learning   the the identify practical  
outcomes/ industry  industry  the  skills to be 
Skills  for relevant   relevant   industry   developed 
classroom practical   practical   relevant   through  
and  skills,   skills, and   practical   the  
laboratory  cognitive   social skills to identified  
  skills and   skills to be  course,  
teaching.  social be   develope each skill/ 
skills to developed   d   outcome  
be   through through starting  
developed   the  the  with an  
through identified   identified   action  
the  course,   course,   verb.
identified   each skill/   each
course,   outcome   skill/ 
each skill/   starting outcome 
outcome   with  an  
starting action   starting  
with  an verb. with an  
action   action verb.

III  Develope Developed   Developed   Develope Developed 

d lesson  lesson lesson d  lesson lesson  
plans plans  for plans  for plans  for plans for  
indicating  all the   75% of   50% of  25% of  
the lessons  the the the  
learning   according lessons  lessons lessons 
outcomes, to  the according according  according  
relevant  developed  to  the   to the  
instruction course developed  to the   developed 
al   plan of course developed  course  
methods the   plan of   plan of the 
and   semester   the   course semester  
media  indicating semester   plan of indicating 
the  indicating the   the  
learning   the  semester   learning  
outcomes learning   indicating   outcomes  
and  outcomes the and 
relevant   and  learning 
instruction relevant   outcomes 
al  instruction  
methods al  and  
and  methods relevant  
media  and  instructiona

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Su

l.  Perform (4) (3) (2) Improve  gg
  ance (1) est
N Criteria io
o (KPC) of ns
. Module to  
Outcome impro
s ve
d by  

l methods   relevant  
and media instructio
n al

I Designed/  Designed/   Designed/   Designed/  Designe

V    Selected   Selected   Selected   d/ 
Selected   instruction instruction instructiona l Selected 
instructio al  media al  media media for  50%  
nal   for all  the for   of the  instructi
media lessons  75% of lessons  on al
for   planned as   the   planned as  media  
classroo above for   lessons  above for   for 25%
m   classroom   planned as   classroom   of  the  
teaching teaching. above for   teaching. lessons 
based classroom   planned
on  the teaching. as 
develop above
ed   for  
lesson classro
plan  om 

V Used Apart from   Apart from   Apart from  Only uses  

  relevant   chalkboar chalkboar chalkboard/  chalkbo
instructio d/  d/  whiteboard  ard /  
nal   whiteboar whiteboar uses at least  whiteboa
methods d   d   two  rd  to
to   uses at uses at instruction al develop 
develop least  least  methods to identified 
identifie four  three  develop    
d  instructio instructio identified   learning  
learning nal nal learning   outcomes 
outcome methods methods outcomes in   
s  in the to  to  the   in the  
classroo develop   develop   classroom classroo
m identified   identified   m
learning   learning  
outcomes outcomes
in  the in  the
classroom classroom

V Used Used at Used at Used at   Used at  

I  relevant   least  least least two   least
Instructio four   three   designed/   one  
nal   designed/   designed/   selected   designe
media to selected   selected   instruction al d/ 
develop  instruction instruction media in  the   selected 
identifie al  media al  media classroom  
d in the  in the  instruct
learning  classroom  classroom  io nal
outcome media
s in the  in the  
classroo classroo
m m

V Designed   Designed Designed Designed at  Designed  

II  laboratory at  least at  least least 4  at least
/   10  7  laboratory/  2 
workshop  laborator laborator workshop   laborato
  y/  y/  practicals to  ry /  
practicals workshop  workshop  develop  workshop  
to       practicals  
develop practicals practicals to develop 
identified  to  to 
develop  develop 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

S Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sug

l.   Performa (4) (3) (2) Improve  ges
N nce (1) tio
o Criteria ns
. (KPC) of to  
Module impro
Outcomes ve

industry identified   identified   identified   identified  

relevant  industry   industry   industry   industry  
practical relevant   relevant   relevant   relevant  
skills  practical   practical   practical   practical  
skills of   skills of   skills of   skills of  
selected   selected   selected   selected  
course. course. course. course.
VI Prepared Prepared   Prepared   Prepared   Specificat
II  test   specificati specificati specificat i on
papers/ on  table, on  table, i on table  
end   two   one   table   not  
semester test test paper   and one   prepared, 
question  papers  and one end   prepared  
papers to and one end  semester   only test  
assess  end  semester   question   papers.
the semester   question   paper 
identified   question   paper  matching  
learning paper  matching the  
outcomes  matching the  specificatio 
and the  specificatio n table to  
matching specificatio n  table to   assess  
the  n  table to   assess   identified 
specificati assess   identified   learning  
on table  identified   learning   outcomes
learning   outcomes

IX  Taken Written   Written   Written   Written  

written   feedback   feedback   feedback   feedback  
feedback taken from   taken from   taken taken
with   mentor and   mentor and   from  from 
respect to peers on   peers on   mentor mentor  
the   course course and  peers and peers  
activities plan,  plan,  on   on course  
and   designed   designed   course plan,  
resources   media,   media,   plan,  designed  
develope selected   selected   designed   media,  
d for the  instruction instruction media,   selected  
course al  al  selected   instruction
from methods   methods   instruction al
peers  taken at taken at al methods 
and least  for least  for methods   taken at  
mentor four   three   taken at   least for  
classroom   classroom   least for   one  
sessions sessions two   classroo
and  and  classroo m  session
four   three   m  and  one  
laboratory  laboratory  sessions   laborator
sessions.  sessions.  and two   y session. 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

Sl Key Very Good  Good  Fair  Needs Sugg

.   Performance (4) (3) (2) to   estio
N Criteria Improv ns to
o. (KPC) of e  improve
Module (1)
Displayed by

X  Used ICT for   Used ICT   Used ICT   Used ICT   Use
assessment tools for   tools for   tools for   d
of   assessmen assessmen assessme only 
students t of  t of  nt  of pen
learning students   students   students  and  
learning in   learning in   learning paper
all tests one test in  all tests
and  and  tests
assignme assignme
nts nts

Total Score
of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 4 Competency  

Module - 4 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of

Delivers the planned teaching learning activities effectively, integrating the

instructional design principles with development of various learning
outcomes  in order to promote students' overall ability, personality and
social  development.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50% 

D. Comments/ Suggestions about team work/ leadership/ inter-

personal  communication and any other 

E. Evidences of Module 4 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher 

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  A course plan for selected course in the given format

2  Concept map/s using open source software like

CmapTools on  topics from the selected course

3  Prepare a list of practical outcomes which can be achieved

through  laboratory work with justification

4  Suggest three topics related to your curriculum for

organizing  panel discussion with justification. (In about
100 words each)

5  Design an educational game to fulfil the curriculum

outcomes of the  course

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 4 

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No


6  Select a topic for group discussion and identify the criteria,

and the  specific activities that are to be performed by the
students before,  during and after the discussion

7  Suggest three titles each for a micro-project and capstone

project.  For any one of the projects, state the broad
activities expected from  students

8  Formulate learning outcomes in the three domains to be

achieved  through industrial visit related to the selected

9  Formulate/ choose learning outcome(s) for any selected

course and  suggest the relevant instructional methods with
justification for  your selection. Suggest topics for

10  Prepare an activity plan to incorporate blended and

flipped  Learning approach to develop a learning

11  A list of media equipment such as interactive display,

interactive  board, interactive panel and pad, multimedia
projector, Opaque  projector, etc. with broad
12  Prepare a relevant handout to support the classroom
session, an  assignment and a laboratory worksheet as
per suggested format

13  Prepare a computer-based presentation of about 15

slides,  incorporating all the media elements, design
principles and  guidelines on the topic of your choice

14  Prepare and submit a peer validated session plan for a

classroom  session of 45-60 minutes in the suggested

15  Record your video and submit the recorded video to the

16  Develop an action plan for the next six months in order to
improve  your teaching skills, based on the feedback
provided by mentor,  colleagues and self-feedback

17  Prepare a checklist to ensure the availability of

resources for  effective implementation of the
validated laboratory session

18  Prepare one Check list for product and process

assessment each to  assess selected tasks/ topics from
the course teacher has taught

………… Name of the
......... AICTE Faculty Code:
……………………………………………………………………………… Designation
of the
... Name and address of Institution of Mentor:

Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  50 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 5 
3.5 Module – 5: Technology Enabled Learning and Lifelong Self-Learning 

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. G. Janardhanan, Associate Professor of Civil and

Environmental Engineering,  NITTTR Chennai 
Co-Coordinator: Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi and Dr. K. S. A. Dinesh Kumar,
NITTTR Chennai Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of Electrical
Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………….. Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP: 
1. Design effective lessons using various instructional technologies.  
2. Identify online Free and Open Source Software [FOSS], Open Educational
Resource  (OER) and other digital tools for the creating active learning
environment.  3. Select relevant online platforms and social media to promote
student communication and  peer discussion.  
4. Design different types of formative and summative assessment strategies and
tools for a  technology-enabled learning.  
5. Participate effectively in MOOC courses/webinars for knowledge
enhancement.  6. Use different types of online journals and other learning
resources for professional  growth avoiding plagiarism.  
7. Use the Artificial Intelligence appropriately in classroom teaching

learning situations C. Rubric of Module – 5 

(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
Sl Key Very Good  Fair  Need to Sugg
.   Performanc Good (3) (2) Improve  estio
N e  Criteria (4) (1) ns to
o. (KPC) of improv
Module e 
I  Implemente Adapte Adapted,   Adapted,   Adapte
d ICT  tools d,   prepared and  prepared d,  
for prepare implemented  and  prepare
Teaching d   three online  implemented  d  
and   course   two online   and  
imple learning  course   imple
ment learning  ment
ed ed
four  one 
online  online 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 5 

S Key Very Good  Fair  Need to   Sug

l.   Performan Good (3) (2) Improve  gest
N ce (4) (1) io
o Criteria ns
. (KPC) of to  
Module impro
Outcomes ve 

course   environme environme course  

learning   nt,  nt,  learning  
environ course   course   environmen
men t, materials   materials   t, course  
course   including   including   materials  
material assessing assessing including  
s   the  skills the  skills assessing  
including  using   using   the skills  
  ICT Tools. ICT Tools. using ICT  
assessin Tools.

I Used Used Used three  Used two  Used one 

I  relevant four  designed/   designed/   designed/  
ICT  Tools designe selected selected selected  
to develop  d/   ICT  Tools ICT  tools ICT Tool  
identified selected  in the  in the  in the  
learning    classroom  classroom  classroom 
outcomes ICT
in the  Tools
classroom in the  

III  Interpreted Implem Implement Implement Implemente

the   ente d ed  the ed  the d the  
course the   virtual   virtual   virtual  
curriculum  virtual   laboratory   laboratory   laboratory  for
and laborat for 50% for 25% 10% the 
implement ory  the  the  listed  
ed  virtual for all listed   listed   practicals of 
laboratory  the   practicals practicals a course  
for listed   of a  course of a  course and  
laboratory   practical and   and   assessed the 
teaching.  s of  a assessed assessed developmen t
course   the  the  of the  
and   developm developm practical  
assesse ent  of ent  of cognitive  
d the  the   the   and social 
develop practical   practical   skills
men t of cognitive   cognitive  
the   and social   and social  
practical  skills skills

IV  Adopted Implem Implement Implement Implemente

ICT   ente d ed  at least ed  at least d at least  
technologie at any   any   any one  
s in the  least   one ICT   one ICT   ICT  
classroom  any technologic technologic technologic
one   al  tool al  tool at al tool at  
ICT   either in  least  in least in one 
technol theory or   two   classroom 
ogic al practical  classroom   sessions
tool in   course. sessions
Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 5 

S Key Very Good  Fair  Need to   Sug

l.  Performa Good (3) (2) Improve  ges
  nce (4) (1) tio
N Criteria ns
o (KPC) of to  
. Module impro
Outcome ve 
d by  

V Adopted Develop Developed   Developed   Develop

  Blended  ed  lesson plans  lesson plans  ed 
and lesson   implemented  implemented  lesson
Flipped   plans,   blended and  blended plans 
Classroom impleme flipped   and  flipped   impleme
nte d approach for  approach nte d
blended   30% of the   for  20% of blended  
and lessons  the  and
flipped  according to  lessons  flipped 
approac the developed  according to  approac
h   course plan the h  
for 40% of the   developed  for 10%
of  the semester   course plan of  the
lessons indicating the  of the   lessons
accordin learning   semester   accordin
g   outcomes and  indicating the  g  
to the   relevant   learning   to the  
developed  teaching   outcomes develope
  methods and  and  d  
course media relevant   course
plan of teaching   plan of
the   methods the  
semester   and  media semester  
indicating   indicating 
learning  the
outcomes  learning 
and   s  
relevant   and  
teaching   relevant  
methods   teaching  
and methods  
media  and
V Digital Created Created the   Created the   Created
I  Literacy the  researcher ID  research ID  the 
– research in any three  in two  research
Possess er   portals portals  ID  in
ORCID,  ID in any   one 
SCOPUS four portal
ID,   portals 

V Completed Enrolled   Enrolled   Enrolled and  Enrolled  

II  one   MOOC MOOC from  completed   but not  
MOOC in   National   any one   complete
related on   Platform and  MOOC  d  
to  Internati completed   any MOOC
Internati on al MOOC with 
onal and  and   commendable 
also National   certificate.
SWAYA Platform  
M a  and  
ARPIT completed 
dab le  

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 5 

Sl Key Very Good  Fair  Need to   Sugg

.   Performanc Good (4) (3) (2) Improve  estio
N e  Criteria (1) ns to
o. (KPC) of improv
Module e 

VI Used Develope Used   Enrolled Enrolled  

II  WEBINAR  d  own   available   for  but not  
to teach Webinar webinar   webinar attended  
students to  teach   material and  webinar 
students  to   attended
teach   the 
students  webinar. 

IX  Used Social Used Used two   Used one   Partially 

Media  three  Social Social Used
account for   Social Media  Media  Social 
Teaching  Media  Account   Account   Media  
Learning (T- Account   (Google (Google Account  
L)   (Google   meet,  meet,  (Google  
situations meet,   YouTube  YouTube  meet,  
YouTube  Facebook,   Facebook,   YouTube 
Facebook,   WhatsApp,  WhatsApp,  Facebook
WhatsApp,      ,  
  Telegram,   Telegram,   WhatsAp
Telegram,   Twitter,   Twitter,   p,  
Twitter,   Instagram,   Instagram,   Telegram
Instagram,   Google Google ,  
Google Plus,   Plus,   Twitter,  
Plus,  etc.)   etc.)   Instagra
etc.)   effectivel effectivel m,  
effectively   y in  T-L   y in  T-L   Google
in T-L   situations situations Plus, 
situations etc.)  
in T-L  

X Developm Develope Participat Participat Not  

  ent of  ICT d  the ed  as a ed  as a prepared  
Policy   ICT   team   team   any ICT  
Document Policy   leader in   member Policy  
for T-L  Documen Developing  in   Documen
situations t  for T-L     Developing  t
situations the ICT    
Policy   the ICT  
Document   Policy  
for T-L   Document  
situations for T-L  

Total Score
of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 5 Competency  

Module - 5 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total Score
of ‘B’

Uses technology enabled learning in various teaching-learning,

assessment,  research and lifelong learning skills.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50%

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  54 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 5 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other. 
… E. Evidences of Module 5 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  
Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  Evidences of ICT tools used for Teaching

2  Evidences of ICT Tools to developed

3  Evidences of Virtual laboratory practicals implemented

4  Evidences of Adopted ICT technologies in the classroom

5  Evidences of Blended and Flipped Classroom adopted

6  Evidences of Digital Literacy – Possess ORCID,


7  Evidences of Completed MOOC 

8  Evidences of developed WEBINAR 

9  Evidences of used Social Media account and

implementation in  classroom

10  Evidences of Developed Part in preparing ICT Policy


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……………………………………………………………………………… Designation
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... Name and address of Institution of Mentor:

Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  55 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 6 

3.6 Module – 6: Student Assessment and Evaluation  

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi Associate Professor, NITTTR

Chennai Co-Coordinator: Dr. G. Janardhanan and Dr. K. S. A. Dinesh
Kumar, NITTTR Chennai Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of
Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………….. Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP: 
1. Use relevant characteristics of assessment practices in assessing various
engineering  courses. 
2. Prepare convergent and divergent questions in assessment
schemes. 3. Plan direct and indirect assessment strategies for
engineering courses. 4. Design specification table to address the
Revised Bloom’s taxonomy. 5. Design relevant rubrics to assess the
student performances in all three domain of  learning. 
6. Check the content, construct and predict validity. 
7. Estimate the reliability of your question set. 
8. Interpret the assessment score with respect to Item difficulty index and
discrimination index. 9. Integrate different assessment software tools for
relevant classroom teaching-learning. 

D. Rubric of Module – 6 

(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
S Key Very Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugg
l.   Performan good  (3) (2) Improve  esti 
N ce  Criteria (4) (1) ons
o (KPC) of to  
. Module impr
Outcomes ove 

I  Classroom   Classroo Classro Classroom  Classroom 

Interaction m   om   interaction  interaction 
and   interacti interact with   with  
constructiv on  ion   different   without  
e   with with types   feedback
feedback different  few   questions 
for   types   types  
assessment questio questi
ns and  ons
feedbac and 
k are  feedba
displaye ck are 
d display

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 6 

Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugg

.   Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  esti 
N ce  Criteria (1) ons
o (KPC) of to  
. Module impr
Outcomes ove 


II  Prepare Prepared   Prepared   Prepared   Prepared  

short   short short short   short  
answer answer  answer  answer   answer
questions  with action   with action   with with 
and MCQ verbs and   verbs and   action  action
based on  MCQ for   MCQ for   verbs verbs  and
revised four units three units and   MCQ  
bloom’s  of  the of  the MCQ for   for one
taxonomy syllabus  syllabus  two units unit  of
matching   matching   of  the the  
with with syllabus  syllabus  
Revised  Revised  matching   matching  
Bloom’s   Bloom’s   with   with
taxonomy taxonomy Revised  revised 
to  assess to  assess Bloom’s   Bloom’s  
the   the   taxonomy   taxonomy  
learning   learning   to assess   to assess  
outcomes   outcomes   the the
(LOs) (LOs) learning  learning 
outcomes   outcomes  
(LOs) (LOs)

II Designed Prepared   Prepared   Prepared   Prepared  

I  the   specificatio specificatio specificatio  specificati
Specificati n  table n  table n table on  table
on table  to 100%  75%  50% 25% 
match the   matching matching matching   matching  
cognitive the  the  the   the  
domain  Cognitive   Cognitive   Cognitive   Cognitive  
learning Domain Domain Domain   Domain  
outcomes  LOs  of a LOs  of a LOs of a   LOs of a  
(LOs) course  course course course

I Prepared Prepared   Prepared   Prepared   Prepared  

V  question  mid-term   mid-term   mid-term   mid-term  
paper question   question   question   question  
mapping   paper for   paper for   paper for   paper for  
with the   50% of the   40% of the   30% of 10% of
specificati syllabus   syllabus   the  the 
on table  matching matching syllabus   syllabus  
of a the  the  matching   matching  
course Specificatio Specificatio the   the  
n  Table to   n  Table to   Specifica Specifica
assess LOs  assess LOs tio n tio n
Table to   Table to  
assess assess

V  Designed Designed   Designed   Designed   Designed  

rubrics  rubrics   rubrics   rubrics   rubrics  
for related to  related to  related to  related to 
nt of 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 6 

Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugg

.   Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  esti 
N ce  Criteria (1) ons
o (KPC) of to  
. Module impr
Outcomes ove 

LOs related psychomot psychomot psychomot psychomot

to   or  domain or  domain or or
psychomoto LOs  with LOs  with domain   domain  
r   ALL  75%  LOs with   LOs with  
domain. major KPC   major KPC   50% 25%
and their   and their   major  major 
correspond correspond KPC and   KPC and  
in g in g their   their  
descriptors  descriptors  correspon correspon
clearly   clearly   di ng   di ng  
defined defined descriptor descriptor
s  clearly   s  clearly  
defined defined

V Designed Designed   Designed   Designed   Designed  

I  rubrics  rubrics   rubrics   rubrics   rubrics  
for related to   related to   related to   related to  
assessme Affective   Affective   Affective   Affective  
nt of  LOs domain domain domain domain
related LOs  with LOs  with LOs  with LOs  with
to   ALL  75%  50%  25% 
Affective major major major major
domain KPCs  KPCs  KPCs  and KPCs  and
and their   and their   their   their  
correspond correspond correspon correspon
in g in g di ng   di ng  
descriptors  descriptors  descriptor descriptor
clearly   clearly   s  clearly   s  clearly  
defined defined defined defined

V Prepared a Designed   Designed   Designed   Designed  

II  rubric  to rubric to   rubric to   rubric to   rubric to  
assess the assess ALL  assess assess assess
mini  course   75%  50% 25%
project in outcomes   course   course   course  
a course (COs) with   outcomes   outcomes   outcomes  
ALL major   (COs) with   (COs) (COs)
KPC and   75% major   with  50% with  25%
their   KPC and   major  major 
correspond their   KPC and   KPC and  
in g correspond their   their  
descriptors  in g correspon correspon
clearly   descriptors  di ng   di ng  
defined clearly   descriptor descriptor
defined s  clearly   s  clearly  
defined defined

VI Maintain Maintained   Maintained   Maintaine Maintaine

II  ed the  the records the records d  the d  the
portfolio of  ALL of  75% records  of records  of
of the   the   the   50% the  25% the 
assessed assessed assessed assessed   assessed  
student  Co Co Co  Co 
activities curricular   curricular   curricular  curricular 
for the  and extra  and extra 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 6 

Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugg

.   Performance (4) (3) (2) Improve  esti 
N Criteria (1) ons to
o. (KPC) of impro
Module ve 
Displayed by

curricular   curricular   and extra  and extra 

activities activities curricular   curricular  
of   of   activities activities
ALL 75% of  50%  of  25% 
students  students students students

I Prepared Prepared Prepared Prepared Prepared

X  question  a   a   a  valid   a  valid  
paper with valid   valid   Question   Question  
correct  Question   Question   paper paper
Content and   paper with   paper with   with  with 
construct 100%  75% 50%  25% 
validity  and content content  content content
estimated   and  and and  and 
reliability  construct   construct  construct   construct  
validity validity validity validity
and  and  and  and 
calculate calculated   calculated  calculated 
d   reliability    
reliability reliability reliability

X  Used Used four  Used Used two  Used one 

software   software   three  software   software  
tools or tools or   software   tools or   tools or  
platform  to platform to   tools or   platform platform
assess assess   platform to  to 
cognitive  cognitive   to   assess   assess  
domain domain   assess   cognitive   cognitive  
related   related cognitive   domain   domain  
skills in the   skills  in domain   related   related  
students the   related skills in skills in
students skills  in the  the 
the   students students

Total Score of

C. Attainment of Competency Module - 6 

Module - 6 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of 
Assesses students using relevant tools scientifically designed to
assess the  learning outcomes related to projects and various
domains of learning.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50% 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other 

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  59 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 6 

E. Evidences of Module 6 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  Report on feedback evidences of formative and preparative

Assessment  in the classroom

2  Evidence of short answer questions and MCQ prepared of a


3  Evidence of Specification table for cognitive domain learning


4  Evidence of question paper mapping with specification table

5  Evidence of rubrics prepared for the psychomotor domain

6  Evidence of rubrics prepared for the psychomotor domain

7  Evidence of rubric used to assess the mini project

8  Evidence of assessed records of portfolio 

9  Evidence of validity and reliability tested question paper

10  Evidence of using software tools

………… Name of the
......... AICTE Faculty Code:
……………………………………………………………………………… Designation
of the
... Name and address of Institution of Mentor:

Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  60 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 

3.7 Module – 7: Creative Problem Solving, Innovation and Meaningful

Research &  Development 

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the

Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. P. K. Tulsi, Professor (Retd.), Education & Educational

Management  Department, NITTTR Chandigarh 
Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Professor of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………….. Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher:
A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 
The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP:  
1. Solve problems creatively. 
2. Innovate in the processes, products and services in work life. 
3. Build effective teams for R&D. 
4. Build student teams. 
5. Undertake research to improve the various sub-components of the technical
education  systems. 

E. Rubric of Module – 7 

(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge
.  Performanc (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio 
N e  Criteria (1) ns to  
o. (KPC) of   impro
Module ve 
Displayed by

I  a) Identify Accurately   Accurately   Accurately   Unable to  

problem  Identifies Identifies   Identifies   accurately  
all   major key   some key   identify
key elements elements in   any  of the
elements  in the  the key  
in the   problems problems  elements in  
problems and  and   the
and  relationshi relationship  problems 
relationsh p   among and  
ip   among them relationshi
among them p  among
them them

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 
Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge
.  Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio 
N ce  Criteria (1) ns to  
o. (KPC) of   impro
Module ve 

b) Collect Presents   Presents  Presents   Presents  

relevant  relevant,   relevant,   relevant,   irrelevant, 
information/   sufficient sufficient somewhat    
data and  credible and  credible sufficient insufficien
data/  major  data/   and  t  
information information somewhat   and not  
credible   credible  
data/   data/  
information informatio

c) Analysis of   Analyze all   Analyze Analyze Analyze

information/   the   major  part  of t  
data data/informati data/informati the   insufficien
on for on for data/ t  
accuracy  and accuracy  and informa data/  
validity   validity   tion for   informat
taking taking into   accuracy ion  but
account  of account and  fails to  
all   major  validity take into  
limitations limitations but   account  
fails to take   limitations

d) Develops a   Develops   Develops   Develops Unable

creative multi  multi  the  to  
solution dimensional   dimensional   approach   develop
approach approach based on   the  
based  on based  on selected   approa
multi  major   perspective   ch to 
perspectives perspective to develop   develop 
to  develop   to  develop   solution to    
creative   creative   problem solution
solution to   solution to   to  
problem problem problem

e) Implement   Implements   Implements   Implement Impleme

creative the approach   the approach   s  the nts  the
solution   to arrive at   to arrive at   approach  approac
to problem logical and   logical and   to   h  but
highly moderately   arrive at   fails to  
creative  creative  logical but   arrive at  
solution to   solution to   not logical
problem problem creative  and  
solution creative  
to   solution
problem to  
II  a) Define Exhibits Exhibits Exhibits   Exhibits
problem  clear  clear  understand no  
understandin understandin in g of understa
g  of g  of problem  ndin g of
problem   problem   from problem
from multi  from limited 
perspectives majority  of perspectiv
perspectives es

b) Identify   Identifies   Identifies   Identifies   Identifies  

innovative   innovative   innovative   innovative   solution  
solution solution   solution,   solution,   neither  
technically   technically   technically   innovative 
feasible feasible but   feasible but    
with with  nor  
minimal  technicall
risk y  

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 
Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to Sugge
.  Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio 
N ce  Criteria (1) ns to  
o. (KPC) of   impro
Module ve 


c) Align Innovation is  Innovation is  Innovati Innovati

innovation  to completely   directly   on is  on is 
institute   aligned to   aligned to   indirectl not at
Objectives objectives of   objectives of   y   all  
institute   institute   aligned aligned
improvement improvement to   to  
objecti objecti
ves of  ves of 
institut institut
e   e  
improvem improvem
ent ent
d) Impact on   Innovation   Innovation   Innovati Innovatio
student having high   having   on   n  
learning impact on   moderate   having having
student   impact on   some  least 
learning student   impact impact
learning on   on  
student   student  
learning learning

e) Innovation is  Innovation is  Innovati Innovati

Applicability applicable   applicable   on is  on is 
of  across   across   applica not all  
innovation disciplines majority of   ble   applicabl
disciplines across   e  
limited   across  
disciplin disciplin
es es

II a) Contribution Contributes   Contributes   Express   Does

I  to  ideas original ideas  ideas on his/   agreeme not  
on his/ her   her own nt   contribut
own with e  
ideas   ideas or  
given express  
by   agreeme
others nt

b) Individual   Completes   Completes   Complet Does

responsibility individual   individual   es   not  
&   responsibilities  responsibilities  individua complete 
standards and exceeds   to the desired  l    
the desired   standards respon individua
standards sibiliti l  
es but respon
not to  sibiliti
the es

c) Interaction Always   Most of the   Sometim Never  

with  other Interact with  time Interacts  es   interacts  
and   others  with others   interact with
recognition to   and give   with respect   with  others  
others  respect and   and   others with
recognition to  recognition to  with   respect 
others others respect and  
and   recogniti
recogniti on  
on   to others
to others

d) Support to Supports   Supports   supports  Neither  

others  others in   others, when     supports 
accomplishing  asked in   others  
assigned   accomplishing  half  others
responsibilities  assigned   heartedl on his 
without asking responsibilities y   own
when nor  
asked,  when
in   asked  
accom for

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 
Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge
.  Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio 
N ce (1) ns to  
o Criteria impro
. (KPC) of   ve 

iti es

e) Facilitate   Helps in   Helps in   Helps in   Neither  

decision taking   taking   taking   facilitates  
making/  decisions decisions decisions decision  
resolving   and  and  when taking nor  
conflicts resolving   asked for  resolving  
conflicts helps in   conflicts

I a) Building Constitutes   Constitutes   Constitutes   Constitutes  

V  Student  teams with   teams with   teams with   teams  
teams members   members   members   without any 
having   having   having   considerati
complement complem similar skills on  of skills
ar y skills entar y
skills but  
similar skills

b) Remains   Remains   Remains   Is not  

Accessibilit accessible to   accessible accessible accessible
y to  team for   most  of the to  teams   to  team
student facilitation   time to  sometimes   during  the
teams throughout teams for   for   work
the  work facilitation  facilitation

c) Monitor Continuously  Frequently   Sometime   Never  

progress  monitors   Monitors   monitors   monitors  
progress of   progress of   progress of   progress of  
teams team team team

d) Evaluates Evaluates Evaluates   Does not  

Evaluate team  team  team   evaluate  
team  performance   performanc performan team  
performan based on e   ce  based performance
ce self,  peer based on on  
and   peer  and teacher  
teacher   teacher   assessment 
assessment  assessment

V  a) Define a Selects and   Selects a   Selects Selects a  

research defines a   significant   and   problem
problem significant   problem defines a   but  fails
problem problem to  
define it.

Both are same

b) State States   States States States  

research  adequate   majority  of some  research  
questions number of   the research   questions  
research   research  questions   inaccurately
questions   questions   accurately
accurately accurately

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 
Sl Key Very good  Good  Fair  Needs to   Sugge
.  Performan (4) (3) (2) Improve  stio 
N ce (1) ns to  
o Criteria impro
. (KPC) of   ve 

c) Select Selects   Select Select   Select  

research  relevant   relevant  relevant   relevant  
design method,   method,   method,   method,  
and   adequate   adequate   inadequate   adequate  
describe sample,   sample,   sample,   sample,
research  appropriate   somewhat   appropriate   tools  and  
procedure tools and   relevant tools and   statistical  
statistical   tools  and statistical   techniques 
techniques  statistical  techniques 

d) Collect Collect   Collect   Collect   Collect data/ 

data/   relevant relevant and   relevant   information 
information and   reliable data/   from limited 
reliable data/  information  sources 
data/  information  from
informati   selected 
on   from sources
from all   majority  of
sources sources 

e) Analysis Interprets Interprets   Interprets   Interprets  

of data/  the  major data/   part of the   the data/  
information data/   information   data/   information 
information   using   informatio using  
using   appropriate   n  using   inappropriate 
appropriate   statistical   appropriate   statistical  
statistical   techniques statistical   techniques
techniques techniques

f) Interpretation Interpret Interpret   Interpret   Interpret the 

of  Results the   majority of some of findings  
findings   the  the   incorrectly 
correctly findings   findings   and draw  
and  correctly  correctly  illogical  
draw and draw   and draw   conclusions
logical   logical   logical  
conclusions conclusions conclusions

g) Research Write a Write   Write a   Write a  

Report  well  reasonably   research   research  
planned planned and   report   report  
and   organized   omitting   omitting  
organized   research report some major details
research details

Total Score
of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Competency Module - 7 

Module - 7 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of

Undertakes research and development activities to find

innovative  solutions to the problems in teaching-learning, in
their respective  domain areas as required by the society.

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50%

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  65 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 7 

D. Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-

personal  communication and any other 

E. Evidences of Module 7 to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher  

Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher  Yes  No

1  a) Creative Problem solving: Anecdotal record of/

documentation  related to problem(s) solved creatively

b) CreativeProblem solving: Photographs of problem(s)

solved, if  available, if any

c) Creative Problem-solving: Recognition at institute level,


2  a) Innovations in teaching learning- Product available

(Teaching learning strategy, Media/ evaluation tool,
assignment, etc.),  documented record.

b) Innovations in Recognition at institute level 

c) Innovations leading to Patent

3  R&D: through Teamwork R 

a) Documentation related to team work  
b) Research reports, Papers published, Photographs or
video  recording if any 
c) Peer assessment related to team work if any

4  Build student teams 

a) Documentation related to constitution of student teams,
team  activity, outcome of activity ( Report/paper etc.) 
b) Rubric for teacher evaluation, self evaluation or peer

5  a) Reports of Research

b) Experimental set-ups of Research

c) Tools used of Research

d) Product as an outcome of Research

e) Paper published on the basis of research undertaken

………… Name of the
......... AICTE Faculty Code:
……………………………………………………………………………… Designation
of the
... Name and address of Institution of Mentor:

Place: ………………………… 
Date: ………………………...

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  66 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

3.8 Module – 8: Institutional Management and Administrative Procedures 

Performance Evaluation Rubric of FIP Phase – II in the
Respective Institute by AICTE Identified Mentor 

Coordinator: Dr. Rakesh K. Wats, Professor & Head, Media Centre,

NITTTR Chandigarh  Coordinating Team: Dr. S. S. Pattnaik, Director,
NITTTR Chandigarh, Dr. Sunil Dutt,  Professor & Head, Education and
Educational Management, NITTTR, Chandigarh Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest,
Professor of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal 

Name of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

……………………………………………………….. Name of Department:
………………………………………………………………………… Name and
address of Institution of Inductee Trainee Teacher:

A. Major Learning Outcomes of the Module 

The following are the major outcomes the inductee trainee will have to display
during the on the-job-the training in Phase – II of the FIP: 
1. Interpret the planning in institutional management and development
procedures. 2. Prepare a strategic plan for the department/ institute and
priorities thrust areas for its  growth and development. 
3. Prepare institutional design/ chart highlighting clearly authority
accountability  relationship. 
4. Form teams for different projects and programmes and effectively network
with other  agencies/ organisations. 
5. Determine manpower requirements and recruit, select and place relevant
individuals  applying appropriate rules and regulations. 
6. Apply financial rules and regulations for management of institute/ department
budget,  procurement of resources and inventory management. 
7. Direct the activities of individuals through effective means of
communication,  motivation and leadership. 
8. Manage planned change by setting SMART goals and innovative
approaches. 9. Evaluate performance and prepare action plan for
10. Develop students with managerial skills to emerge as leaders in their own
sphere of  work.

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT

Phase – II FIP  67 
B. Rubric of Module – 8 
Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

(Tick √ in relevant cell for each KPC and total the final marks in last row)
Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 
  Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) improv 
o. Displayed by e
Inductee Teacher

I  Displays the Display Displays  Display Displays  

characteristics s all the only 5   s  only 2  
of  7  out of 7  only 3   out of 7 
Professionalis charact Charact  out of 7  Chara
m in e  eristics.   Chara cter
Institutional  ristics cter istics  
Planning  (state   istics  
1. Interprets the which   (state  
planning in   Sl.Nos.   which  
institutional are   (state   Sl.Nos.  
management and   lacking) which   are  
development Sl.Nos.   lacking)
procedures  are  
2. Identifies the lacking)
important aspects
of  his/her
curriculum and
mastery on the
subjects to be  
taught by
in developing 
academic plan(s)
to students 
4. Identifies
curriculum gaps,
new  projects and
plans for
5. Conducts/assists
in conducting 
SWOT analysis of
6. Assists in

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 

  Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) improv 
o. Displayed by e
Inductee Teacher

II  resource Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

organisor   all the 7  at at only 2  
1. Identifies relevant characte  least   least out of 7 
resources for  the ristics 5 out of  3  out Charac
systematic 7  of 7  ter
implementation Charact  Charac istics  
of  curriculum and eristics.   ter
other academic  istics   (state  
projects and (state   which  
programmes  which   (state   Sl.Nos.  
2. Organises the Sl.Nos.   which   are  
appropriate   are   Sl.Nos.   lacking)
resources for the lacking) are  
effective   lacking)
implementation of
learning process  
3. Applies the
principles of  
4. Participates
in different
formulated at
the institute/ 
level for new
blems faced. 
5. Formulates the
teams of students 
to organize
academic events/ 
programmes in 
new and
emerging areas 
6. Assists/builds
network with 
of the  
institution like
community  and
employers for  
making the
responsive and
up to  date. 
7. Gives
suggestions for  
in the working

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to Sugges 

  Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) improv 
o. Displayed by e
Inductee Teacher
III  Exhibits Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
transformation of all the only 5   only 3   only 2  
role  from manager 6  out of 6  out of 6  out of 6 
to administrator 1. characte  Charact  Chara Chara
Deploys right man ristics eristics.   cter cter
for the right job 2. istics   istics  
Applies rules and (state  
regulations of  which   (state   (state  
Government and Sl.Nos.   which   which  
statutory   are   Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
authorities for lacking) are   are  
recruitment lacking) lacking)
and  selection
and training
development of
faculty and staff
in  technical
3. Uses different
types of training 
methods for
his/her self 
4. Uses Government
and statutory 
authorities rules and
regulations for 
promotion and
compensation and 
himself/herself for
the  same 
5. Appreciates the
importance of 
compensation in
motivating faculty 
and staff in an
6. Uses do’s and
don’ts of conduct of 
employees for
maintaining proper 
work environment in
an institution.
IV  Displays qualities of Shows   Shows   Shows   Displays  
a good   all the only 4   only 3   only 2  
financial manager  5  out of 5  out of 5  out of 5 
1.Facilitates in charact Charact  Chara Chara
systematic e  eristics.   cter cter
financial  planning ristics istics   istics  
and management (state  
in the  which   (state   (state  
department/institu Sl.Nos.   which   which  
tion  are   Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
2.Uses appropriate lacking) are   are  
accounting  lacking) lacking)
standards and
general financial
rules  in financial
3.Applies proper
procedures for 
procurement of
goods and
services  in the
4.Uses E-Publishing
and E 
Procurement for
procurement of 
goods and
5.Applies proper
management and
procedures and
applicable rules.

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to Sugges 

.   Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improv tions
N Module Outcomes (4) e  to
o. Displayed by  Inductee (1) improv 
Teacher e
V  Demonstrates Display Displays  Displays  Displays 
characteristics of an  s  all only 5      
effective academic the 6  out of 6  only only 2
leader  charact Charact  3out  out  of
1. Applies his/her best to e  eristics.   of 6  6 
be a leader  of his/her ristics Chara chara
class and the   (state   cter cteri
projects/jobs which   istics   stics 
assigned to him/her 2. Sl.Nos.  
Uses different are   (state   (state  
leadership models  and lacking) which   which  
theories in different Sl.Nos.  Sl.Nos. 
situations  to get the    
best from his/her   are   are  
students/colleagues/ lacking lacking
subordinates 3. Applies ) )
appropriate leadership 
style in handling
different types of 
subordinates  in
diversified situations to
4. Uses effective
communication in 
his/her class for
enhancing the  quality
of teaching learning  
5. Applies appropriate  
communication skills
enhancing the
relations with
colleagues and  
6. Applies appropriate
models of 
Communication with
stakeholders to
enhance the  
effectiveness of the

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 

  Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Module Outcomes (4) (1) improv 
o. Displayed by e
Inductee Teacher

VI  Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

himself/herself as all the only 5   only 3   only 2  
a  Good human 6  out of 6  out of 6  out of 6 
being, motivator characte  Charact  Chara Chara
and  ‘Guru’  ristics eristics.   cter cter
1.Teaches with great istics   istics  
enthusiasm and  (state  
inspires students which  
to learn for better  Sl.Nos.   (state   (state  
quality of life   are   which   which  
2.Keeps lacking) Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
himself/herself are   are  
motivated by  lacking) lacking)
learning new things
in the discipline  and
other spheres of life 
3.Motivates students
subordinates by
applying both  
intrinsic and
techniques of 
4.Acts as mentor,
coach and guide
to  the students
not only in their  
studies but also
for their
personal  and
5.Develops good
acquaintance with 
the assigned
students for
guidance  and
counseling so that
they feel free  to
interact with
6.Gives proper
personal and
career  advice to
students according
to their  context (i.e.
family conditions,
socio  economic
and academic
emotional strength
VII  Works as a Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
catalyst and all the only 3   only 2   only 1  
facilitator  for 4  out of 4  out of 4  out of 4 
undertaking new Charact  Charact  Chara Chara
initiatives for  the eristics  eristics   cter cter
growth and .   istics   istics  
development of  (state  
department/ which   (state   (state  
institution   Sl.Nos.   which   which  
1. Uses knowledge are   Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
of SWOT of the  lacking) are   are  
department/instituti lacking) lacking)
on identifies  the
need and drivers
of change and 
their impact on an
2. Facilitates the
implementation of 
change initiatives
through relevant 
planned change

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 

  Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
No Criteria (KPC) (4) (1) improv 
. of  Module e
Displayed by
3. Uses creative
( methods, 
media etc.) to
make his/her
interesting and
effective for
better  student
4. Makes the
understand the 
importance of
creativity and  
innovation in
them to
learn new  
and its
in  their/

VII Exhibits as a Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  

I  role model in all the 5  only 4   only 2 out of
terms of  characte  out of 5  3out  of 5
management of ristics Charact  5  charact
goals, time eristics.   Charac eri
and  attitude  ter stics 
1. Sets (state   istics  
SMART goals which   (state  
and targets in  Sl.Nos.   (state   which  
terms of are   which   Sl.Nos.  
his/her job/ lacking) Sl.Nos.   are  
career   are   lacking)
progression lacking)
2. Facilitates
students in
goals for their
learning  and
life and guides
them in  
the achievement
of those 3. Uses
available time for
the growth  and
development of
students and 
4. Demonstrates
positive attitude 
towards his/her

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 

  Performance Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Criteria (KPC) of (4) (1) improv 
o. Module e
Displayed by
IX  Displays quality Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays  
performance as  all the 6  only 4   only 3   only 2  
Efficient and characte  out of 6  out of 6  out of 6 
effective teacher ristics Charact  Chara Chara
the  eristics.   cter cter
characteristics istics   istics  
of which are:  (state  
1. Identifies his/her which   (state   (state  
key performance  Sl.Nos.   which   which  
indicators and are   Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
tries to control lacking) are   are  
their  lacking) lacking)
2. Takes feedback
from students, 
colleagues and
superiors on
his/her  different
parameters  and
tries to improve
3. Helps the
students and
identify their key
indicators and
guides them to  
achieve those 
4. Uses different
appraisal  methods
to assess the
performance  of
5. Provides regular
feedback to the 
students and
subordinates on
strengths and  
s and
guides them
to  enhance
the same. 
6. Takes relevant
action on
feedback  from
stakeholders viz. 
Alumni, students,
parents, teachers 
etc. for enhancing
and quality of  

Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  

Section – 3 Evaluation Rubric of Module 8 

Sl.  Key Performance Very   Good  Fair  Need to   Sugges 

  Criteria (KPC) of Good  (3) (2) Improve  tions to
N Module (4) (1) improv 
o. Outcomes e
Displayed by
Inductee Teacher

X  Displays Displays  Displays  Displays   Displays 

professional all the only 5   only 2 out
competency  in 7  out of 7  3out  of of 7 of
institution characte  Charact  7  the  
evaluation for   ristics eristics.   Chara charac
excellence in cter teri
quality of (state   istics   stics 
products  and which  
services  Sl.Nos.   (state   (state  
1.Facilitates in are   which   which  
identifying lacking) Sl.Nos.   Sl.Nos.  
parameters  of are   are  
programme lacking) lacking)
their criteria
3.Facilitates in
identifying the  
parameters of
and their
criteria of 

4.Uses academic
Audit as a tool for 
5.Identifies focal
areas of academic 
audit of the
n 6.Facilitates in
academic  audit to
evaluate the
Total Score of ‘B’

C. Attainment of Module - 8 Competency  

Module - 8 Competency based on NITTT Policy (2019)  Total
Score of

Manages effectively the other day-to-day educational institution

related  activities such as administrative, purchase, finance,
employers, alumni  matching with the vision and mission of the

Note: Qualifying Score for Each Module is 50% 

D. Comments/ Suggestions about team work/ leadership/ inter-

personal  communication and any other 
Mentor Guideline Manual – NITTT Phase – II FIP  75

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