Reading Plan Control "The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde"

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“Desarrollo de competencias cognitivas, axiológicas y

comunicativas hacia la formación integral y la excelencia ENGLISH NINETH GRADE

NOMBRE: ____________________________________ CURSO: ______CÓDIGO: ______ NOTA:

Read the questions carefully and answer:
1. Who was Gabriel Utterson, and what was his relation with Henry Jekyll?

Gabriel Utterson was the lawyer for several people in the story. He had a friendly relationship with
DR. Jekyll was also their lawyer they knew each other for several years and were good friends

2. How did Mr. Hyde kill to Danver Carew? Describe the scene

He killed him with a cane that Mr. Utterson had given to Dr. Jekyll it was at night and Mr Hyde was
walking down a street only lit by street lamps when he found him, he killed him with the greatest
violence because a woman saw him from the window that I manage to identify it, this woman saw the
cruel scene horrified

3. How did Gabriel Utterson meet to Edward Hyde?

In the second chapter called the search for Mr Hyde, Mr. Utterson was waiting for him at that sinister
door of a shopping street, he has several guards at the sunset until he heard a few steps and these
people came closer and closer until he saw a Be reputable and asked to see her face, Mr. Utterson
saw her by some istants and MR Hyde entered through the door that so many mysteries had
4. What was the reason that Poole went to look for to Gabriel Utterson?

Poole went to look for him because he was very afraid at first Mr. Utterson told him that it was not so
bad but after he heard the voice that was hidden behind Dr Jekyll's office everything was clear the
doctor was no longer in his office and He had been replaced by someone else who was returning to
the insane and frightened doctor's servants of what would happen next.

5. How did Dr. Lanyon discover that Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde are the same person?
Dr. Lanyon realized after he received a certified Dr, Jekyll caraara since this had very rare
instructions, especially the second, when Dr Jekyll's envoy arrived, Dr. Lanyon gave him the drawer
and this desperate asked for a preselected glass to prepare the mixture this horrible man asked him if
he wanted to see what was happening but Dr. Lanyon did not answer him yet this man saw the purple
position with watery green and was transformed after loud screams at Dr Jekyll spoke for one time
both but Dr. Lanyon never tells us that they spoke

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