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Socials Current Events

By Max

As the Russian Armed forces are gathering for a

possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, the
president of Russia, has signed a decree “recognizing the
independence of Donetsk and Luhansk”.
The reason for this invasion is because Putin believes
that Ukraine is “an integral part of Russia's history”.
“Putin delved into
history as far back as the
Ottoman empire”
This event is shockingly similar to what happened in the prewar days of
World War Two

For some background context, Hitlerʼs Germany

had annexed Austria, Czechoslovakia, and then
invaded Poland. Also, in similarity to the article,
Hitler had also only annexed a part of
Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) and had not
invaded the entirety.

Similarly, Russia is also doing the exact same by

annexing Crimea from Ukraine back in 2016
I chose this story because it is still developing
right now and no one knows what will happen in
the near future.

In the event of an invasion, how would it change the

How will Russia recover its global image to other nations
after the invasion?
Works Cited

Nikolsky, Alexei. “Putin Orders Forces to 'Maintain Peace' in Eastern Ukraine after Recognizing Separatist Regions | CBC News.”
CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 21 Feb. 2022,

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