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1 Name the two types of meristematic tissues.
2 Write one important character of permanent tissues.
3 Name the two types of simple permanent tissues.
4 Name the two types of cells found in sclerenchymatous tissue.
5 What is the function of phloem?
6 Write the four types of animal tissues.
7 Write the name of most abundant muscular tissue found in our body.
8 Which tissue is called loose connective tissue?
9 Name the fat storing tissue in our body.
10 Name the two parts of a neuron.
1 The two types of meristematic tissues are apical meristem and lateral meristem.
2 Permanent tissues are made up of mature cells that have undergone growth and
3 The two types of simple permanent tissues are parenchyma and collenchyma.
4 The two types of cells found in sclerenchymatous tissues are fibres and sclereids.
5 Phloem helps in the translocation of food.
6 The four types of animals tissues are : epithelial tissue, connective tissue,
muscular tissue and nervous tissue.
7 Striated muscle or skeletal muscle.
8 Areolar tissue is called loose connective tissue.
9 Adipose tissue.
10 Dendrites and axon.
1 Name a plant which does not have tissues.
Ans.: Chlamydomonas (unicellular plant).
2 What is sclerenchyma? What are its types?
Ans.: Sclerenchyma is a strengthening (mechanical) tissue. It is a simple tissue.
Its cells are dead and possess hard, rigid and very thick lignified walls. Its cells
are of two types-fibers and sclereids.
3 Write one point of difference between the following:
(a) Xylem and phloem
(b) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
Ans.: (a) Xylem transports water and minerals, phloem transports food to the
different parts of the plants.
(b) Collenchyma consists of living cells whereas sclerenchyma is formed of dead
4 Write the differences between simple and complex tissues. Give examples of

Simple tissue Complex tissue

They are made up of only one type of cells with They are composed of
uniform mass. different types of cells.

The cells are different in

2. The cells are similar in structure and function.
structure and function.

Examples are parenchyma, collenchyma Examples are xylem and

sclerenchyma. phloem.

Parenchyma store food material, collenchyma Xylem transports water

4. manufacture sugar and sclerenchyma give while phloem transports
mechanical support. food.

5 Where does areolar tissue occur?

Ans.: Areolar tissue occurs beneath the epithelia of hollow visceral organs, akin
and on the walls of veins and arteries.
6 An organism has actively dividing cells at its growing apices which continue to
divide and add new cells throughout the life. To which group does it belong-
plants or animals?
Ans.: It belongs to plants.
7 Why is blood considered to be connective tissue?
Ans.: Blood is considered as mobile connective tissue because during circulation it
passes through all the organs of the body and, in doing so, it connects different tissues
and organs of the body.
8. What will happen if apical meristem is damaged or cut?

Ans.: Apical meristems are present at the tips of roots and shoots. They form the growing
parts of the roots and stems. If they are damaged or cut, the growth in length of that part
will cease to occur.

9 Sieve tube cells of phloem tissue do not possess nuclei in mature state. Still they
remain alive.
Give the reason.
Ans.: Sieve tube cells of phloem tissue do not possess nuclei in mature state. Still
they remain alive because sieve tube cells are dependent on the adjacent
companion cells which develop from the same original meristematic cells. The
two cells, i.e., sieve tube cells and companion cells together form a functional
10 Gautam is asked to prepare a temporary mount of meristematic tissue. Which
part of the plant should he take so as to cut a section and prepare the mount ?
Ans.: Gautam should cut a section of either the root tip or the shoot tip because
meristems are located in the growing regions only.


1 Answer the following:

(a) State two differences between tendon and ligament.
(b) What are the constituents of phloem tissue?
(c) Give the specific function of cardiac muscle.
(d) Name the tissue that
(i) forms the inner lining of our mouth.
(ii) forms the hard parts of fruits.
(e) State the function of ciliated columnar epithelium in the respiratory tract.
2. Draw unstriated muscle tissue and mention its occurrence, features and
3. Give the characteristics and role of the following:
(a) Cutin
(b) Suberin
(c) Sclereids
(d) Lignin
(e) Packaging tissue
(f) Lymph
4. Give the role of the following:
(a) Aerenchyma
(b) Chlorenchyma
(c) Cork or phellem
(d) Collenchyma
5. Draw the diagram of cuboidal epithelium. Write its occurrence, features and

1 (a) The two differences between tendon and ligament are given below:

S.N. Tendon Ligament

Tendon is tough and non elastic bundles made Ligament is formed by yellow
up of white collagen fibres. elastic tissue.

It connects one bone to

2. It connects muscles to bones.
another bone.

(b) The constituents of phloem tissue are :

(i) sieve tubes
(ii) companion cells
(iii) parenchyma
(iv) phloem fibres
(c) Cardiac muscles contract in unison, creating an efficient pumping action of the heart.
They keep on performing their function throughout life.
(d) (i) The tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth is squamous epithelium.
(ii) Sclereids
(e) In the respiratory tract, the ciliated columnar epithelial tissues possess cilia. These
cilia of the ciliated columnar epithelium can move and their movement pushes the
mucus forward to clear it.


Fig.: Unstriated muscle tissue.

Occurrence: Unstriated muscle tissues are found in those parts on which the body does
not have any control. These are found in the walls of alimentary canal, urinary bladder,
oesophagus, arteries, etc.

Features: The main features of unstriated muscle tissues are given below:
(i) They don't have any band. This is why they are called smooth or unstriated.
(ii) They have long, thin and spindle shaped cells.
(iii) Their cells have a single centrally located nucleus.
(i) Unstriated muscles do not work according to our will, so they are also called
involuntary muscles.
(ii) In some organs they contract throughout the organ to produce movements as in the
urinary bladder and gall bladder.

3 (a) Cutin is a polymer of long-chain fatty acids that forms the main constituent of
the cuticle of epidermal plant cells. The cutin polymers are cross-linked forming a
network, which is embedded in a matrix of waxes. The deposition of cutin
(cutinization) reduces water loss by the plant and helps prevent the entry of
(b) Suberin is a mixture of waxy substances, similar to cutin, present in the
thickened cell walls of many trees and shrubs, particularly in cork tissues. The
deposition of suberin (suberization) provides a protective waterimpermeable
(c) Sclereids are sclerenchymatous cells which are short and possess extremely
thick lignified walls with long tubular simple pits. They are short and are
irregular shaped. They are abundant in seed coats, nut shells, and in pear fruits.
(d) Lignin is a complex organic polymer that is deposited within the cellulose of
plant cell walls during secondary thickening. Lignification makes the walls woody
and therefore rigid.
(e) The areolar tissue is connective in function. It fixes the skin with the muscles,
fills the spaces inside the organs, attaches the blood vessels and nerves with the
surrounding tissues, fastens the peritoneum to the body wall and viscera. It is
commonly called 'Packaging tissue' of the body.
(f) Lymph is a colourless fluid tissue that acts as a middle man for transport of
materials between blood and tissue cells. It consists of two parts -
(i) Plasma (A clear and colourless fluid matrix), and (ii) White corpuscles (The
floating amoeboid cells). The lymph carries materials (glucose, oxygen, etc.) from
the tissues into the blood stream and vice-versa. The lymph also protects the
body against infection by destroying the invading microorganisms.

4 (a) Aerenchyma : In hydrophytes such as Hydrilla, Pistia, etc. large air cavities
are present in parenchyma to give buoyancy to the plants. Such type of
parenchyma is called aerenchyma.
(b) Chlorenchyma : The parenchyma tissue containing chlorophyll is known as
chlorenchyma. It performs the photosynthesis process. It can be seen in the
mesophyll of leaves.
(c) Cork or phellem : As plants grow older, the outer protective tissue (epidermis)
undergoes certain changes. A strip of secondary meristem (called cork cambium
or phellogen) replaces the epidermis of the stem. Cells on the outside are cut off
from this layer. This forms the several layer thick cork or bark of the tree. Cells of
cork are dead and compactly arranged without intercellular spaces. They also
have a chemical called suberin in their walls that makes them impervious to gases
and water.
(d) Collenchyma: It is the chief supporting tissue in young dicotyledonous stems.
It provides mechanical support, elasticity and tensile strength to the body. The
collenchyma is present at the margins of some leaves and resists tearing effect of
the wind.

Fig.: Cuboidal epithelium

Occurrence: The cuboidal epithelium lines the small salivary ducts, pancreatic
ducts, sweat glands, salivary glands and thyroid glands. It also covers the ovaries
and lines the spermproducing tubules.
Features: Cuboidal epithelium consists of cubelike cells which are more or less square in
shape. The outline of cells is polygonal in surface view and square in section.

Functions: It helps in secretion, absorption excretion and gamete formation.

11 Which of the following cells is found in the cartilaginous tissue of the body?
(a) Mast cells
(b) Basophils
(c) Osteocytes
(d) Chondrocytes
12 Flexibility in plants is due to
(a) collenchyma
(b) sclerenchyma
(c) parenchyma
(d) chlorenchyma.
13 The structural and functional unit of striated muscle fibre is
(a) sarcolemma
(b) sarcomere
(c) sarcoplasm
(d) myofibril.
14 Nerve fibres differ from muscle fibres in having
(a) myofibrils
(b) striations
(c) sarcolemma
(d) dendrites.
15 Nissl's granules are present in
(a) nerve cells
(b) mast cells
(c) bone cells
(d) cartilage cells.
16 Sarcolemma is the membrane that covers
(a) nerve fibres
(b) muscle fibres
(c) visceral fibres
(d) tendons.
17 Parenchyma cells containing air cavities are called
(a) aerenchyma
(b) sclerenchyma
(c) chlorenchyma
(d) prosenchyma.
18 The most common connective tissue is
(a) adipose tissue
(b) reticular tissue
(c) fibrous tissue
(d) areolar tissue.
36 A long tree has several branches. The tissue that helps in the side ways
conduction of water in the branches is
(a) collenchyma
(b) xylem parenchyma
(c) parenchyma
(d) xylem vessels.
37 It the tip of sugarcane plant is removed from the field, even then it keeps
on growing in length. It is due to the presence of
(a) cambium
(b) apical meristem
(c) lateral meristem
(d) intercalary meristem.
38 A nail is inserted in the trunk of a tree at a height of 1 metre from the
ground level. After 3 years the nail will
(a) move downwards
(b) move upwards
(c) remain at the same position
(d) move sideways.
39 Cardiac muscles are
(a) smooth, spindle shaped and involuntary
(b) striated, syncytial and involuntary
(c) striated, syncytial and voluntary
(d) striated, cross connected and involuntary.
40 A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is its
(a) fatigue
(b) rhythmicity
(c) spindle shape
(d) frigidity.
41 Synapse is
(a) junction of two axons
(b) junction of two dendrites
(c) junction of axon and dendrite
(d) junction of cell bodies.
42 The thickening of cell wall, lignification and specialisation for mechanical
function are characteristic of
(a) collenchyma
(b) sclerenchyma
(c) chlorenchyma
(d) parenchyma.
1. _______ are forms of complex tissue.
2. Xylem transports _______ and _______ from soil.
3. Phloem transport _______ from _______ to other parts of the plant.
4. _______ have tubular cells with perforated walls and are living in nature.
5. Epithelial cells with cilia are found in _______ of our body.
6. Lining of small intestine is made up of _______ .
7. Lining of blood vessels is made up of _______ .
8. The two types of skeletal connective tissues are _______ and _______ .
9. Dense regular connective tissue consists of _______ and ligaments.
10. Squamous epithelium forms the _______ of the skin and lines cavities and ducts.


1 Xylem and phloem

2 water, minerals
3 food, leaf
4 Sieve tubes
5 respiratory tract
6 columnar epithelium
7 squamous epithelium
8 bone, cartilage
9 tendons
10 epidermis

1 Epithelial tissue is protective tissue in animal body.

2 The lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules are all made up of
epithelial tissue.
3 Epithelial layer does not allow regulation of materials between body and external
4 Phloem is composed of tracheids and vessels.
5 Meristematic tissue is made of cells that are incapable of cell division.
6 Phloem conducts prepared food from the leaves to storage organs and growing
parts of the body.
7 Protective tissues are usually present in the innermost layer of the plant body.
8 Cork cells are living.
9 Bone and cartilage are two types of areolar connective tissue.
10 Squamous and cuboidal are types of nervous tissue.

1 True
2 True
3 False - Epithelial layer allows regulation of materials between body and external
4 False - Phloem is composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma
and phloem fibres.
5 False - Meristematic tissue is made of cells that divide continuously.
6 True
7 False-Protective tissues are usually present in the outermost layer of the plant
8 False - Cork cells are dead.
9 False - Bone and cartilage are two types of skeletal connective tissue.
10 False - Squamous and cuboidal are types of epithelial tissue.


Direction : In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a

corresponding statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below,
mark the correct answer as :
(a) if both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of
(b) if both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) if Assertion is true but Reason is false
(d) if both Assertion and Reason are false.

1 Assertion : Non-striated muscles are said to be voluntary in nature.

Reason : Non-striated muscles can be moved according to will.
2. Assertion : Presence of connective tissue inside the brain is essential for conduction of
nerve impulse.

Reason: Connective tissue hold together the nerve cells of brain.

5 Assertion : Materials are exchanged between epithelial and connective tissues by

Reason : Blood vessels are absent in epithelial
6 Assertion : Sclerenchyma fibres constitute the major mechanical tissue of the
Reason : The cells are thick walled and is made up of cellulose or lignin or both.
7. Assertion : Death of companion cell results in the death of its adjacent sieve tube

Reason : Both are derived from the same mother cell.

8. Assertion : Xylem and phloem are complex tissues.

Reason : Complex tissue is collection of different types of cells.

9. Assertion : Permanent tissue is composed of mature cells.

Reason : Meristematic tissue is a group of actively dividing cells.


1 (d): Non-striated or smooth muscles are said to be involuntary in nature because

they do not contract or relax according to our will. Those muscles which can be
moved according to will of the organism are called voluntary muscles. Striated or
skeletal muscles are said to be voluntary in nature as they can be contracted or
relaxed voluntarily.
2 (d): Ordinary connective tissue is absent inside the central nervous system i.e.
brain and spinal cord and has no function in the conduction of nerve impulse.
The neurons of nerve tissue inside the brain and spinal cord are held together by
supporting cells called neuroglia cells. Neuroglia cells resemble neurons and have
long radiating processes but no Nissl's granules.
5 (a): Epithelial tissue forms a continuous layer over the free surface of many other
tissues. It rests on a non cellular basement membrane or basal lamina, which separates it
from the underlying connective tissue. Since blood vessels are absent in the epithelial
tissue, therefore, the materials are exchanged between the cells of epithelial tissue &
vessels of connective tissue by the process of diffusion across the basement membrane.

6 (b): Sclerenchyma fibres constitute the major mechanical tissue of the plants
because they can bear compression, pull, bending and shearing. Sclerenchyma is
a simple supportive tissue of highly thick-walled cells with little or no
protoplasm. The thickening of the wall may be made up of cellulose or lignin or
7 (a) : Sieve tubes are elongated tubular conducting channels of phloem. Each sieve
tube is formed of several cells called sieve tube members. Internally a sieve tube
member has peripheral layer of cytoplasm without any nucleus. Companion cells
are thin walled living cells which lie on the sides of the sieve tubes and are closely
associated with them through plasmodesmata. Sieve tube member and its
adjacent companion cells are derived from the same mother cell. Death of
companion cell results in the death of its adjacent sieve tube member. The
companion cells are formed by longitudinal division of the mother cell of the
sieve-tube element before specialization of this cell begins. One daughter cell
become a companion cell and other sievetube element.
8 (a): A complex tissue or a compound tissue can be defined as a collection of
different types of cells that help in the performance of a compound function.
Xylem and phloem are the complex tissues which are an assemblage of living and
dead cells and may be primary or secondary, depending upon their mode of
9 (b): A meristematic tissue is a group if cells that are in a continuous state of
division or retain their power of division. Permanent tissues are composed of
mature cells that, after undergoing complete growth, have assumed a definite
shape, size and function and have temporarily or permanently lost the power of

1 Differentiate between epithelial and connective tissues.

2 Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites?
3 Why is epidermis important for the plants?
4 Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissues? How are they different from
each other?
5 (a) Name any two simple and two complex permanent tissues in plants.
(b) Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.
6 A student of standard IX gave the functions of the following cells/tissues wrongly.
Correct these answers:
(a) Muscle cells: Carry messages
(b) Vascrlar tissues in plants: Transport oxygen, food, hormones and waste
(c) Nerve cells: Contract and relax to cause movement.
(d) Blood: Conduct water, mineral and organic solutes from one part of the
organism to other parts.
7 Give one reason why
(a) The blood is called connective tissue?
(b) Muscles contain contractile proteins?
(c) Muscles of heart are involuntary?

2 Differences between epithelial and connective tissues are as follows:

3 Epithelial tissue Connective tissue

They are composed of same type of They are made of different types of cell
cells in a particular sub-type. e.g., mast, adipocytes etc.

No intercellular spaces between the Intercellular spaces present between the

cells. cells.

Their functions are covering, Helps in intercommunication of various

protection, secretion and sensory etc. tissues.

4 The plant body is externally covered by a germ proof layer called epidermis. It
does not allow the entry of germs because it is formed of compactly arranged
parenchymal cells with no intercellular spaces. It is also a water proof layer as in
most of the organs it is externally covered by cuticle with fatty substance, cutin.
5 Epidermis is important for the plants because
(i) It protects the internal tissues from mechanical injuries.
(ii) It acts as a germ proof layer and checks entry of germs.
(iii) It acts as a water proof layer and checks loss of water by transpiration.
(iv) It has stomata which help in exchange of gases during respiration and
photosynthesis. Stomata also act as sites of transpiration.
6 Xylem and phloem are called complex or compound tissue as both of these are
formed of more than one type of cells.
Differences between xylem and phloem is given below:

Characters Xylem Phloem

1. Tracheids and vessels. Sieve tube cells.

Conduction of water and Conduction of organic

2. Function
minerals. food.

7 (a) Simple permanent tissues in plants: parenchyma, collenchyma and

sclerenchyma. Complex permanent tissues in plants: xylem and phloem.
(b) Differences between meristematic and permanent tissues are as follows:

S.N. Characters Meristematic tissues Permanent tissues

Divide throughout life so Lost of division power so do not

1. Division power
help in growth. help in growth

2. Nature of cells Living Living or dead.

Oval or rounded or Oval or rounded or polygonal or
3. Shape of cells
polygonal fibre-like.

Thin walled and formed Thin or thick walled (may be

4. Cell wall
of only cellulose. deposited with pectin or lignin).

5. Cytoplasm Non-vacuolated Vacuolated

6. Absent Present

9 (a) Muscle cells: Contract and relax to cause movement.

(b) Vascular tissues in plants: Conduct water, mineral and organic solutes from
one part of the organism to other parts.
(c) Nerve cells: Carry messages.
(d) Blood: Transport oxygen, food, hormones and waste materials.
11 (a) Blood has loosely spaced cells embedded in an intercellular fluid matrix. It
acts as linking and supporting material which connects other tissues and organs of the

(b) The contractile proteins help in contraction and relaxation of muscles to cause

(c) Muscles of heart perform contraction and relaxation throughout the life without
tiring. They cannot be stopped or start according to our wish.

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