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.O.B0x 65983. | Lubbock, Texas | 79484 | 806.702.3181 | ‘Dear Potential Sponsor, hate my life because Ihave no family, No one cares about me, and I have to do things for myself. Now I have to live with people 1 don't even know." Samuel wrote these thoughts because he felt 0 alone and felt no one in the world cared about him. Just imagine ‘hat it would be like to live every day of your life in an environment of abuse and neglect - where your basie needs were not provided - ‘here you lived in fear of being hit - where you wondered what tomorrow might bring, even if there would be a tomorrow. Fortunately, ‘most of us do not ever have this experience, but itis a harsh reality for some children in the Lubbock area, Foster*A*Life (IRS # 20-1336607) has helped foster children obtain services and opportunities they would not have if not for your generosity. Your sponsorship will help foster children in the Lubbock area to have a dream come true or to receive special services Prom dresses, playing on a baseball team, going to sports camps and taking gymnastic lessons have all been possible! Our organization is growing as are the needs of these “forgotten children”. A major program is “JOURNEY GEAR", that provides suitcases that will help move the children’s possessions so tha trash bags do not have tobe used. We feel these children deserve some dignity during this trying time. Another project is the “HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROGRAM”. We found that many of these children never had anyone to ‘make them feel special on their important day so Foster*A*Litfe will provide this celebration fora child, A great program is “KIDS ART JOURNEY”. The mission of the “KLDS ART JOURNEY” project is to promote the arts to these children and to “discover” talent that can be nurtured. An art contest allows the children to draw whatever they want, Some of the pieces will be displayed atthe First Friday Art Trail in June 2022 and we will have fantastic masterpieces! Another program is “PROM EXPO" that provides the prom necessities including dresses, accessories and shoes for such a special night! Progress has been made with our major project. [tis the “ANCHORS” project, which focuses on promoting more foster placements. Its also a program that helps children who have been dopted and need continued support. Another program is *PRESTON'S PURPOSE”. Preston represents all the foster children whose lives were cut short and never had time to find their purpose in life. This project will provide funds for former foster youth to pursue their education. Our newest program, HOPE CHEST”, provides basic household needs for children who have gratiated from high School such as @ microwave, dishes, bedding, ete. 2022 is Foster® A*Life’s 18" year to provide services to these very special children! In order to obtain funding, Foster*A*Life will host the 17 Annual Hub City Beach Party. This year’s event will include a Priday night Happy Hour featuring Gary Roland (the lead singer from the Landsharks and others to be announced! DETAILS OF THE FRIDAY NIGHT EVENT WILL BE PROVIDED NEARER THE DATE! This event has been extremely successful and it continues to enteriain hundreds! The ever popular Landsharks will retum to headline the event. This band has played for our event every year and they continually put on a fantastic show. IF you have attended this event, you were able to see Lubbock’s only beach complete with sand, water, beach umbrellas and sharks! We will continue to provide delicious food! We are hopeful your business will participate by being one ofthe sponsors for the event. The main event will be held on Saturday, August 6, 2022, Enclosed is information regarding the event. With your help, we can play a big role in helping these children put their lives back together so that they ean begin the business of being a child and leave behind a life of neglect. What may seem so small to us might be the one thing that lets child know: that she is loved, respected ang important. We want him to know that there isa brighter tomorrow because there are people who care about him and want him to see a world of opportunity ahead. ‘You can help make this happen through your generosiy. One hundred Percent of the money that is raised will stay right here in the Lubbock area to help these children make their dreams a reality. Sincerely, Shouytllloyp ‘Shaun H. Keel, EdD Founder / Executive Director Foster* A*Life The isin of Foster‘ st prvieotenwiseunaalstezsitanoa sri and opportunist cidren who have ben placed In festa care The purpose if enhance te eso thse cies wh have een abused, nlctd or abandoned Fest ALie hanes o promote a mre prt sat-msge and inreasesell-sierby promi the rea wel bung of tase cen, 3G F000 py, =u Sub City Beach Party, | Saturday chugust 6, 2022 Ploceces 05001 pan soso (oT UST BEFORE 127) Téervees :a0Pw cares ores 7.000 LANOSHARS BAAD =O~ Target Audiences iii its q Ticket Phicess $20.10 (i novancs} $25.00 (ay 0F SHOW) “3b 0cK, exe 4 y ‘WEKET MNBL RT AL SELECT SRT LOCATIONS fs SERVIC CHARGE) ‘VEKETS LO BVNLABLE AT FOSTERR"UFE OFFICE 792-3189 - THE HUB CUT BEACH PARTY 1S THE 17H ANAUAL EVENT FOR FOSTER*R"LIFE. THE TRADITION CONTINUES AKD THIS YEAR WE ARE CELEBRATING FOSTER"A'LIFES 18TH ANKIVERSARY! THE HUB CITY BEACH PARTY WILL INCLUDE FESTIVE, BERCH RELATED ACTIVITIES SUCH RS LE MUSIC, A HULA HOOP ‘COMPETITION, A TREASURE HUNT [THE LOST SHAKER OF SALT], ALIVE RUCTION AAD MORE! FOOD AS WELL RS SOUVENIRS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. ‘THIS YEAR THE HUB CITY BEACH PARTY WILL BE A TWO DAY EVENT! FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2022 THERE WILL BE HAPPY HOUR EVENT FERTURING GARY ROLAMB (LERD SINGER DF THE LANOSHARKS} AND OTHERS TD BE RNNDUNCED! FOR FRIDAY NIGHT, ERC ‘SPOHSOR WILL HAVE TWO WRIST BANDS INCLUDED I THE SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE THAT DENOTES VIP TRERTMENT THRT EVENING! ‘MORE DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED NEARING THE DATES SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2022 THE EVER POPULAR HUB CITY BEACH PARTY EVENT RETURHS! BY POPULAR DEMAND, THE FLORIOR BAND HAMEO "THE LARDSHARKS® IS RETURNING! THEIR PERFORMANCES FOR THE LAST 17 YEARS CAN ORLY BE DESCRIBED RS PHENOMENAL! THE LARDSHARKS LOVE TO ENTERTAIN THE AUDIENCE ‘AND MAKE THE AUDIENCE A PART OF THE SHOW! THE HUB CITY BEACH PARTY HAS PROVEN TO BE DIFFERENT THAN ANYTHING WE RAVE SEEN IM LUBBOCK: WE GROW EVERY YEAR AND THE EVENT WIL BE EVEN BIGGER N 2022 AS WE CELEBRATE THE 17TH ANNIVERSARY FOR THIS EVENT! “ 2022 Sponsorship Levels (A) Yub City Beach Party Presenting Sponsor - $10,250 er EST SH ENS A —ie ta acer TS cee re Se (A) Tropical Heat Wave Sponsor - $5,250 A) Paradise Sponsor - $2,750 econ santo ‘amen iene mcrae, "aes wt ase rurane esr (A) Ocean Breeze Sponsor - $1,250 eae wi na antec ‘ims vttener etn mc tence “cnn sen masa (A) oral Reef Sponsor - $750 GE Me LO ELT SS vs HO mRNA HT mn Ao ACH cA ce (A) dand Castle Sponsor - $749 and under JOH HS Oe For logo & business name to be included on the event poster, snonsotship money must be recelued 6y Jane 3, 2022. Te-have a banner, sponsorship maney must be receded by Jaly 27, 2022. N oH 1000 ry 7 =x -—O— Tub City Beach Party lnonsorahin Agreement YES, | WOULD LIKE TD BECOME A SPONSOR OF THE HUB CITY BEACH PARTY TO BENEFIT FOSTER"A"LIFE | UNDERSTAND THAT BY SPONSORING THIS EVENT, | WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE ADVERTISING AND MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES RS OUTLINED ON THE SPONSORSHIP LISTING. BUSINESS WAME / NAME: = (PLEASE UST YOUR AME AS YOU WOULO EE FUR 10 RPPERR OM RECOGRITION) ‘CONTACT PERSOK: ‘ADDRESS:, om: PHORE: EMA: PLEASE SELECT YOUR LEVEL OF SPONSORSHIP: — Hub City Beach Party Presenting glponsor -Sii,250 _. Topical Heat Wave Sponsor -$5,250 — Paradise Sponsor -$2,150 _ Ocean Breeze Sponsor - $1250 —— Coral Reef Sponsor - $150 — Band Castle Sponsor -\N0ER S143 — ENCLISED IS MY CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO FOSTER * * UFE PLEASE CHARGE MY MASTERCARD / VISA CREDIT CARO WO. EXP. DATE: ve CODE: NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: = UP CONE: SIGNATURE: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: FOSTER*ATLIFE PO BOX 65383 LUBBOCK, 1179464 ‘OR EMRIL TO FOSTERALFERATENET A

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