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HCI theory question bank

Unit 1

What is NOT HCI?

Which all Disciplines are involved in HCI

Why HCI study is important? example

What is the role of The psychology of everyday things in HCI

What are Principles of HCI

What is subjective satisfaction principle

Explain example of an interface which still has short term memory load

What are phases of User-centered Design

What are Measurable Human factors and how are they measurable

Unit 2

What are Input-output channels?

Explain example of an interface which makes use of most of the I/O channels

Explain similarity in terms of organization or functioning of Human memory and computer memory

Explain any product or interface which is widely used with ease by all age groups

Explain how Human emotions affect use of interface or product with example

How Individual differences matter while designing an interface, explain with example

How does human Psychology matter in HCI explain with example

What is relation of Ergonomics with HCI

How to design for Human errors

What are Models of interaction?

What are Paradigms of Interactions

What are Interaction styles

What is role of Interactivity in HCI

Why Context of interaction is important

How to measure User experience.

Unit 3

What are User Profiles explain with example?

What are categories of user
Explain Goal and task hierarchy model
Explain Linguistic model Physical and device models
What is GOMS
What is the use of Norman’s 7 stage model
What is Hierarchical task analysis (HTA)
What are Uses of task analysis
How does Diagrammatic dialog design notations help designers

Unit 4

What are Design Rules

Explain the principle of learnability with example
Explain the principle of flexibility with example
Explain the principle of robustness with example
Explain the principle of predictability with example
Explain the principle of synthesizability with example
Explain with example immediate vs. eventual honesty
Explain the principle of Familiarity with example
Explain the principle of Generalizability with example
Explain the principle of Consistency with example
Explain the principle of Substitutivity with example
Explain the principle of Customizability with example
Explain the principle of Observability with example
Explain the principle of Recoverability with example
Explain the principle of Responsiveness with example
Explain the principle of Task conformance with example

Explain with example

Strive for consistency
Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
Offer informative feedback
Design dialogs to yield closure
Offer error prevention and simple error handling
Permit easy reversal of actions
Support internal locus of control
Reduce short-term memory load

Draw software design process

How to design for User focus
Explain the importance of Scenarios while designing an interface
Explain good example of Navigation Design
Explain good example of Screen Design
What are Prototyping techniques
What is Wire-Framing and how does it help in design
What is UI Layer and Its Execution Framework
What Model- View-Controller(MVC) Framework has to do with HCI

Unit 5

What is role of toolkit in HCI

What is User interface management system (UIMS)
What are Evaluation techniques?
What is the goal of evaluation technique?
What is cognitive walkthrough?
What is Heuristic evaluation?
What is review based evaluation?
What is think aloud technique?
What is cooperative evaluation?
Explain eye tracking technique as one of the evaluation method.

Unit 6

What is Ubiquitous Computing

Draw phases of Design thinking
Why Finding things on web is difficult for some users
What is the difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
What are Challenges in designing interfaces for –
smart homes
smart devices
handheld devices
smart wrist watch
What is Future of HCI

What are names of text books mentioned in HCI syllabus

Mention any two books from reference section of HCI syllabus

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