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Screen exits add fields to screens in R/3 applications.

SAP creates screen exits by

placing special subscreen areas on a standard R/3 screen and calling a customer
subscreen from the standard screen�s flow logic.
the tcode is cmod...

Screen Exit is nothing but enhancing the screen like creating some more fields,
subscreen and so on.

1. Go to the screen Status-->Program (Double click this program. It will take you
to the program)
No caso da me51n de dois cliques na transa��o que leva para tela que tem o programa
que � chamado.

2. Now, Goto-->Object Directory Entry.

3. Make a note the package name.

4. Now run the transactions SMOD, press F4 and enter theabove noted package, press

5. It will display list of Exits.

6. Now go back to the initial screen SMOD.

7. Specify the exit name here and select the radio button Components.

8. It will display four group boxes one for FM, second for Fcodes, thrid for Screen
areas and last for includes.

9. Goto transaction CMOD, create a new project, andclick the button "Enhancement
assignments" and specify your enhancements that you got in SMOD.

10. Now bouble click the enhancement, it will take you to editor with some includes
starting with Z, double clikc the include you want to edit and proceed.

Check this thread for step by step procedure to create Screen exit for XD01
Screen exit for XD01

Check the following link.

Also check this thread too.

pls send me one example for implementing menu-exits,screen exits and


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