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What is Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS)?

Help Topics / Accounting / Ratio Utility Billing (RUBs)

What is Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS)?

A customized Ratio Utility Billing System can help increase utility cost recovery and savings when you cannot use sub-

If you are not currently using RUBS, you'll want to find out if utility billing is allowed in the state, county and city where the
property is located. Helpful resources might be your state's Public Utility Commission, local DRE or apartment association.
If the utilities are paid by the owner and tenant billing is allowed, you should be eligible to use the RUBS feature.

Complete the following to begin using the RUBS feature in AppFolio:

1. Activate the RUBS feature - A presidential user should submit a support request to have RUBS activated for
their account.​

FAQs: Ratio Utility Billing (

2. ​Set up utilities and allocations for each utility on the main property page, then activate RUBS on each unit that will
be billed and so should be included in the allocation formula. 

Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS) Calculation Formula (


Set Up Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS) on a Property (


3. Start entering utility bills!

Enter a Utility Bill for RUBS (

Reverse a Utility Bill Entered for RUBS (


What is Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS)?


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What is Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS)?

Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS) Calculation Formula

Set Up Ratio Utility Billing (RUBS)

Enter a Ratio Utility Bill (RUBS)

Reverse a Ratio Utility Bill (RUBS)

Utility Management
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FAQs: Utility Management

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