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Saurashtra University

Board of Studies in English

Draft Syllabus Bachelor of
Home - Science (Semester
I and II)

In effect from 2019 onwards

Effective from Academic Year June 2019

Bachelor of Home - Science (Semester 1 and 2)

Effective from June 2019

Semester 1
Saurashtra University
Faculty of Arts
Syllabus (Effective from June 2019 onwards)
Subject English Semester 01
Course Title Foundation Course in English Course Credit 03
Category Foundation Course Course 01
Course Code Foundation Course
Semester End Regular students 2:15 Hours 70 Marks
Program Semester Category Credit Internal External Practical/ Total
Marks Marks Viva Marks
B. A. 01 Foundation 03 30 70 -- 100

Internal Assessment: Assignment/ presentation/ test

Learning Objectives:
 The students will be able to master themselves in grammar and usage
 They will be able to understand the Indian culture and civilization through
the selected texts

Detailed syllabus:

Foundation Course in English (FCE 1)

Text: Images: A Handbook of Stories (Stories 1 to 5) 40 Marks
Edited by M. M. Lukose
Published by Macmillan Publishers India Limited, New Delhi.
ISBN: 10:0333-920201, AND, 13:9780333-920206
Grammar & Composition
Parts of Speech 10 marks
Tenses 10 Marks
Word formation – Forming noun, forming adjective 10 Marks

Semester end examination pattern

Saurashtra University, B. Sc. (Home Science) Syllabus, 2019 Page 2

Question Details Options Marks
Section A: For regular and external students
1 (A) Answer in one line (Text) 5/7 05
(B) Short notes (Text) 2/3 15
2 Short answer question (Text) 5/7 20
3 Objective type questions
(A) Parts of Speech 10/10 10
(B) Tenses 10/10 10
4 Word formation (Objective
10/10 10


Semester 2 Name of the Course: Foundation Course in English-2 (FCE-2)

Saurashtra University
Faculty of Arts
Syllabus (Effective from June 2019 onwards)
Subject English Semester 02
Course Title Foundation Course in English Course Credit 03
Category Foundation Course Course 02
Course Code Foundation Course
Semester End Regular students 2:15 Hours 70 Marks
Program Semester Category Credit Internal External Practical/ Total
Marks Marks Viva Marks
B. A. 01 Foundation 03 30 70 -- 100
Internal Marks break up: Assignment / presentation / test
Course Objectives:
 Master themselves in grammar
 Understand the Indian culture and civilization through the selected texts

Detailed syllabus:
Foundation Course in English (FCE 1)
Text: Images: A Handbook of Stories (Stories 6 to 10) 40 Marks
Edited by M. M. Lukose
Published by Macmillan Publishers India Limited, New Delhi.
ISBN: 10:0333-920201, AND, 13:9780333-920206

Saurashtra University, B. Sc. (Home Science) Syllabus, 2019 Page 3

Grammar & Composition
Modal Auxiliaries 10 marks
Vocabulary (Synonyms, antonyms and one word substitution) 10 Marks
Information transfer from visual to verbal 10 Marks

Semester end examination:

Ques.No. Details Options Marks
Section A: For regular and external students
1 (A) Answer in one line (Text) 5/7 05
(B) Short notes (Text) 2/3 15
2 Short answer question (Text) 5/7 20
3 Objective type questions
(A) Modal Auxiliaries 10/10 10
(B) Vocabulary 10/10 10
4 Information transfer from visual to verbal 10/10 10
Section B: For external students only
5 Short answer question (Text) 5/7 15
6 Objective type questions
(A) Modal Auxiliaries 8/8 15
(B) Vocabulary Word formation 7/7

List of Synonyms:

No. Base word 23 Gay 46 Sleepy

1 Abandon 24 Glad 47 Shame
2 Abbreviate 25 Glossy 48 Sharp
3 Accountable 26 Handy 49 Unique
4 Acknowledge 27 Haughty 50 Verdict
5 Amateur 28 Idle
6 Authentic 29 Illegal
7 Broad 30 Impatient
8 Candid 31 Inevitable
9 Center 32 Integrity
10 Colleague 33 Jealous
11 Compliment 34 Murmur
12 Consent 35 Obey
13 Delegate 36 Obstinate
14 Dangerous 37 Oral
15 Disguise 38 Prejudice
16 Durable 39 Pretty
17 Eatable 40 Queer
18 Eliminate 41 Recreation
19 Eternal 42 Remedy
20 Excursion 43 Rude
21 Fate 44 Polite
22 Fertile 45 Poor

Saurashtra University, B. Sc. (Home Science) Syllabus, 2019 Page 4

List of Antonyms:
No. Base word 17 Enemy 34 Mistake
1 Ability 18 Error 35 Narrow
2 Abundant 19 Famous 36 Necessary
3 Accurate 20 Fantasy 37 Obedient
4 Admit 21 Flatter 38 Oppose
5 Antique 22 Fluent 39 Permanent
6 Apparent 23 Foolish 40 Profit
7 Attractive 24 Former 41 Proper
8 Build 25 Freedom 42 Quiet
9 Calm 26 Heroic 43 Quick
10 Combine 27 Honest 44 Regular
11 Complex 28 Important 45 Revenge
12 Conceal 29 Innocent 46 Rich
13 Convenient 30 Joy 47 Short
14 Defect 31 Lazy 48 Social
15 Delicious 32 Mature 49 Singular
16 Empty 33 Merit 50 Wisdom

Saurashtra University, B. Sc. (Home Science) Syllabus, 2019 Page 5

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