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EC 441 Data Acquisition and Control-I


Course Overview

Dr. Nizar Khemri

Spring 2022
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Class Schedule and Office Hours
• Email :

• Class Time : 12:30pm - 01:45pm Sat. & Tue.

• Class Location : 2-13

• Tutorials : Sat. 2:00pm - 3:00pm

• Office hour : Sat. 11:00am 12:00pm in the department office

Nizar Khemri 2
Course Learning Objectives
• Study and understand the components of data acquisition systems (DAS)

• Study several types of sensors and transducers used in different


• Understand different signal conditioning techniques

• Study and understand the impact of bandwidth, noise, and data correction
in DAS

• Study signal processing and data presentation methods

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Course Learning Outcomes
► Text book: John P. Bently, Principals of
Measurement Systems, 4𝑡ℎ edition, Publication
Date 2005
► Slides will also be provided on MS Teams
► Other references
► Jacob Fraden, Handbook of Modern Sensors
Physics, Designs, and Applications 4𝑡ℎ edition,
Publication Date 2010
► Bruce Carter and Ron Mancini, OP AMPS
For Everyone 3𝑟𝑑 edition, Publication Date 2009
► Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, Data Acquisition
Systems: From Fundamentals to Applied Design,
Publication Date 2013

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Course Topics
➢ General Measurement Systems
➢ Static Characteristics of Measurement Elements
➢ Accuracy of Measurement Systems in Steady State
➢ Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement Systems
➢ Loading Effects and two-Port Networks
➢ Signals and Noise
➢ Sensing Elements
➢ Signal Conditioning Elements
➢ Signal Processing Elements and Software
➢ Data Presentation
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Course Outcomes
▪ By the end of this course, students should be able to
• understand the characteristics and functionality of various elements of a
typical data acquisition system,
• select appropriate sensors or transducers for a given application,
• analyze the accuracy of a data acquisition system and reduce errors,
• design signal conditioning circuits,
• design signal processing circuits, and
• design and build a complete data acquisition system

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• Final: 50%

• Midterm: 35%

• Quizzes: 10%

• HomeWorks: 05%

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Course Polices
• Don’t be late
• Cell Phones are not allowed
• Please read the material before the lecture
• HomeWorks need to be turned in hard copies at the beginning of the
lecture on the due date
• NO HomeWorks will be accepted after the lecture of the due date
• Late assignments will NOT be accepted under any circumstances
• Quizzes will be held during the last 15 minutes of the lecture time
• Any Academic misconduct will not be tolerated
➢Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication
• Presentation slides, which will be available before every class, in
class is the main channel of information
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DAS Block Diagram

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DAS Block Diagram

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