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"Could Scott save Olivia and have no recall - Poll

Go to my next survey, I want to know if you guys think it is possible to be so drunk you can't remember what you have done, but in that state you do something remarkable. "Could Scott save Olivia and have no recall - Poll"


robittybob1 (29

) 6:11 pm, Fri 5 Mar #1

No. He was sober enough 3 hours later to sail his boat.... so he can't have been in a state to forget something like that.


lyl_guy (217

) 6:12 pm, Fri 5 Mar #2

ask the writers of Shortland Street... they have an answer for everything...


saveloy (710

) 6:12 pm, Fri 5 Mar #3

When I was 17 at a new Years Eve party in Queenstown I can only remember up to 11:45 PM, yet in the morning at 7:00 AM I found myself in the back of a station wagon, wet up to my middle without my coat. What had happened I have no idea.

Had I been accused of anything between those hours I would have had no recollection of anything, yet lots of things must have happened.
Edited by robittybob1 at 6:20 pm, Fri 5 Mar


robittybob1 (29

) 6:19 pm, Fri 5 Mar #4

I have no idea what you're talking about but yes, it would be possible to be drunk to the point of not remembering, then wake up 3 hours later and have memory of doing something


mfish3 (21

) 6:20 pm, Fri 5 Mar #5

robittybob1 wrote:

When I was 17 at a new Years Eve party in Queenstown I can only remember up to 11:45 PM, yet in the morning at 7:00 AM I found myself in the back of a station wagon, wet up to my middle without my coat. What had happened I have no idea. Had I been accused of anything between those hours I would have had no recollection of anything, yet lots of things must have happened.

We've all been there


hazyd (91

) 6:20 pm, Fri 5 Mar #6

Is what you are trying to say, that Watson was so boozed he cant remember murdering the couple?

Edited by brymak at 6:23 pm, Fri 5 Mar


brymak (41

) 6:22 pm, Fri 5 Mar #7

But has anyone done something remarkable while they were in their drunken state? I have heard of people driving home and not recalling how they got home. Do you think there is a combination of drugs that could suppress memory yet allow you to do things?


robittybob1 (29

) 6:23 pm, Fri 5 Mar #8

brymak wrote:

Is what you are tring to say, that Watson was so boozed he cant remember murdering the couple?

Would that be a defence in a court of law? What sort of background do you come from?


robittybob1 (29

) 6:25 pm, Fri 5 Mar #9

robittybob1 wrote:

Go to my next survey, I want to know if you guys think it is possible to be so drunk you can't remember what you have done, but in that state you do something remarkable. "Could Scott save Olivia and have no recall - Poll"

Is there Life After Death? Do we have a life at all?


focuson21 (24

) 6:25 pm, Fri 5 Mar #10

I still say no. If he was SO drunk he blacked out (ie. lost memory of events) then there's no way he would have been able to jump into the water and save a girl.... then to have NO trace of that event 3 hours later. They say he went to his boat about 4am, then set sail about daybreak!! So.... No..... not in this case. I fully agree people do all sorts of stuff when totally drunk... but not in the scenario you're trying to portray. You're also saying it's possible he did the murders and disposed of the bodies without remembering?????


lyl_guy (217

) 6:26 pm, Fri 5 Mar #11

I have noticed you starting a number of threads on this case as of late and it is pretty obvious that you have what appears like an obsession in this case. I'm not saying that to be nasty or rude...just stating an obvious. What is your connection with the case may I ask?


clgodkin (373

) 6:27 pm, Fri 5 Mar #12

focuson21 wrote:

Is there Life After Death? Do we have a life at all?

Show us that you are alive, contribute to the discussion. What experiences have you had?


robittybob1 (29

) 6:27 pm, Fri 5 Mar #13

hazyd wrote:

We've all been there

I haven't been there.


hdoubleu1 (69

) 6:28 pm, Fri 5 Mar #14

no this scenario i don't reckon it could be so.


hazey (296

) 6:28 pm, Fri 5 Mar #15

clgodkin wrote:

I have noticed you starting a number of threads on this case as of late and it is pretty obvious that you have what appears like an obsession in this case. I'm not saying that to be nasty or rude...just stating an obvious. What is your connection with the case may I ask?

My connection - I would like to resolve it, find the bodies and the killers, and get Scott pardonned for he did not do it.


robittybob1 (29

) 6:30 pm, Fri 5 Mar #16

robittybob1 wrote:

Show us that you are alive, contribute to the discussion. What experiences have you had?

Actually, I'm a bottled spirit - for sale on Trade Me...pickled


focuson21 (24

) 6:30 pm, Fri 5 Mar #17

ds o


l.o.t.m (473

) 6:31 pm, Fri 5 Mar #18

hdoubleu1 wrote:

I haven't been there.

I wish I had not been there. I hate the thought there were moment I could not account for my actions.


robittybob1 (29

) 6:31 pm, Fri 5 Mar #19

l.o.t.m wrote:

ds o



robittybob1 (29

) 6:32 pm, Fri 5 Mar #20

robittybob1 wrote:

My connection - I would like to resolve it, find the bodies and the killers, and get Scott pardonned for he did not do it.

Are you a friend or family member whom he has told he did not do it, or just a part of the general public that has followed the case, read the details and believes he is innocent. Sorry, I'm purely interested because I have seen how strongly you believe in his innocence. I have no vested interest either way as I only know of the case obviously, but have no opinion either way. However, I do agree that for the sake of all parties that the bodies be found and that the truth comes out as to what really happened that fateful night.


clgodkin (373

) 6:36 pm, Fri 5 Mar #21

hazey wrote:

no this scenario i don't reckon it could be so.

I tend to agree, except for my own experience. I was wondering if mariauna plus alcohol plus prozac plus tiredness combination could produce an amnesia like state. I was once so tired I took a phone call, discuss a case with a client, but when I got off the phone I had no recall of who I had spoken too or what I spoke about. Has anyone had experiences like this?


robittybob1 (29

) 6:37 pm, Fri 5 Mar #22

robittybob1 wrote:


Computer slang for "Laughing out Loud" A phrase meaning to laugh. Mostly used by n00bs. Also a filler word now when there is a pause in the conversation or the person is lost for a response, or they are too stupid or lazy to think of one. Person: Today was boring. *10 minutes later* Me: Lol.
Edited by l.o.t.m at 6:38 pm, Fri 5 Mar


l.o.t.m (473

) 6:38 pm, Fri 5 Mar #23

clgodkin wrote:

Are you a friend or family member whom he has told he did not do it, or just a part of the general public that has followed the case, read the details and believes he is innocent. Sorry, I'm purely interested because I have seen how strongly you believe in his innocence. I have no vested interest either way as I only know of the case obviously, but have no opinion either way. However, I do agree that for the sake of all parties that the bodies be found and that the truth comes out as to what really happened that fateful night.

"just a part of the general public that has followed the case, read the details and believes he is innocent."


robittybob1 (29

) 6:39 pm, Fri 5 Mar #24

l.o.t.m wrote:

Computer slang for "Laughing out Loud" A phrase meaning to laugh. Mostly used by n00bs. Also a filler word now when there is a pause in the conversation or the person is lost for a response, or they are too stupid or lazy to think of one. Person: Today was boring. *10 minutes later* Me: Lol.

you take first prize for the most boring posting on this thread so far.


robittybob1 (29

) 6:44 pm, Fri 5 Mar #25

i realy think that you fancy scott with all ur postings and fixations about him does he have the same feeling for you i think you should reali seek help about your fantasies about scott

Edited by nzgems at 6:45 pm, Fri 5 Mar


nzgems (664

) 6:45 pm, Fri 5 Mar #26

robittybob1 wrote:

you take first prize for the most boring posting on this thread so far.

Oooooh, I think not.


motorway (37

) 6:46 pm, Fri 5 Mar #27

nzgems wrote:

i realy think that you fancy scott with all ur postings and fixations about him does he have the same feeling for you i think you should reali seek help about your fantasies about scott

and you take second prize for the most boring posting on this thread so far.


robittybob1 (29

) 6:46 pm, Fri 5 Mar #28

motorway wrote:

Oooooh, I think not.

Tell me in full detail, triplicate, why you think so?


robittybob1 (29

) 6:47 pm, Fri 5 Mar #29


l.o.t.m (473

) 6:49 pm, Fri 5 Mar #30

considering marijuana sits in system for 6 weeks and he was clear of it when tests done...then no its not possible...he recalled cooking his feed when he got back to sure he wouldnt have forgotten something so momentous...not withstanding the fact that numerous people stated you could almost hear a pin drop it was so calm that absolutely positive a near drowning with all the screaming and bustling and splashing and crashing would have been noticed by at least one..and it wasnt mentioned


soundsie1 (270

) 7:01 pm, Fri 5 Mar #31

l.o.t.m wrote:

They are getting heaps of responses aren't they - NOT.


robittybob1 (29

) 7:03 pm, Fri 5 Mar #32

l.o.t.m wrote:

Computer slang for "Laughing out Loud" A phrase meaning to laugh. Mostly used by n00bs. Also a filler word now when there is a pause in the conversation or the person is lost for a response, or they are too stupid or lazy to think of one. Person: Today was boring. *10 minutes later* Me: Lol.

Good on you l.o.t.m. for admitting you're a n00b !!


hazey (296

) 7:08 pm, Fri 5 Mar #33

soundsie1 wrote:

considering marijuana sits in system for 6 weeks and he was clear of it when tests done...then no its not possible...he recalled cooking his feed when he got back to sure he wouldnt have forgotten something so momentous...not withstanding the fact that numerous people stated you could almost hear a pin drop it was so calm that absolutely positive a near drowning with all the screaming and bustling and splashing and crashing would have been noticed by at least one..and it wasnt mentioned

Scott confesses (from memory) to having a joint on the Mina Cornelia, did he not? He was asking the girls about going out to the ketch to have prosac, (he admitted to Mike K that he was the person called Mr. Prosac). He had the better part of the bottle of rum. It was bloody late 4:30 AM or so when the girl fell into the water (lots of people heard it). Maybe with the quick action of Scott there was not that much need for extra help. So there you have that combination alcohol + marijuana + prosac + tiredness. Who can tell what sort of person you would be like after all of that.


robittybob1 (29

) 7:17 pm, Fri 5 Mar #34

robittybob1 wrote:

When I was 17 at a new Years Eve party in Queenstown I can only remember up to 11:45 PM, yet in the morning at 7:00 AM I found myself in the back of a station wagon, wet up to my middle without my coat. What had happened I have no idea. Had I been accused of anything between those hours I would have had no recollection of anything, yet lots of things must have happened.

you did it


bl0ndie2 (60

) 7:19 pm, Fri 5 Mar #35

im on that combination all the time and i'm not going to kill two teens


bl0ndie2 (60

) 7:21 pm, Fri 5 Mar #36

soundsie1 wrote:

considering marijuana sits in system for 6 weeks and he was clear of it when tests done...then no its not possible...he recalled cooking his feed when he got back to sure he wouldnt have forgotten something so momentous...not withstanding the fact that numerous people stated you could almost hear a pin drop it was so calm that absolutely positive a near drowning with all the screaming and bustling and splashing and crashing would have been noticed by at least one..and it wasnt mentioned

What's this about Scott getting tested for marijuana? I know they found no drugs on the Blade, but I have not heard ofthe drug test? That memory of going to the boats next door and doing the cooking is earlier and before he gets onto the prosac. I may be hated for saying this, but the order of events is important and half the reason he lost his case. I have never had a problem with the two trip theory, for I say there was 3 trips actually.


robittybob1 (29

) 7:26 pm, Fri 5 Mar #37

bl0ndie2 wrote:

you did it

Olivia wasn't even born when that happened!


robittybob1 (29

) 7:27 pm, Fri 5 Mar #38

bl0ndie2 wrote:

im on that combination all the time and i'm not going to kill two teens

Is this for real or are you just giving me the p*ss? Tell us what that would be like?


robittybob1 (29

) 7:29 pm, Fri 5 Mar #39

hazey wrote:

Good on you l.o.t.m. for admitting you're a n00b !!



l.o.t.m (473

) 7:32 pm, Fri 5 Mar #40

robittybob1 wrote:

They are getting heaps of responses aren't they - NOT.

Good idea though hope it happens.


l.o.t.m (473

) 7:33 pm, Fri 5 Mar #41



bl0ndie2 (60

) 7:39 pm, Fri 5 Mar #42

robittybob1 wrote:

When I was 17 at a new Years Eve party in Queenstown I can only remember up to 11:45 PM, yet in the morning at 7:00 AM I found myself in the back of a station wagon, wet up to my middle without my coat. What had happened I have no idea. Had I been accused of anything between those hours I would have had no recollection of anything, yet lots of things must have happened.

whatever happened to you was obviously very traumatic...I hope they get the guy one day


golander (8

) 7:56 pm, Fri 5 Mar #43

golander wrote:

whatever happened to you was obviously very traumatic...I hope they get the guy one day

might have to get Leigh Hart to see if he can find out who did it on his Mysterious Planet tonight 9:30 - must see...he's sure to have the answers!


robittybob1 (29

) 8:46 pm, Fri 5 Mar #44

Well even Leigh Hart was a bit of a flop last night. The New Zealand humour did not seem to relate well in the States .... but on the whole I have enjoyed the series so far.

The results of this poll have been a bit disappointing. I was hoping for some heroic stories of what some guys had done while they were intoxicated. Maybe thats the problem, they might have done them but can't remember what they have done. Catch 22. Caught out Scott too. I have proposed he jumped in to the water to rescue Olivia after she slips on the deck of the ketch, drags her onto his boat. Saves her life, and takes her back to the boat from which she fell. But can't remember doing that, or can only recall parts of it. Something like that. What do you think?


robittybob1 (29

) 8:01 am, Sat 6 Mar #45

robittybob1 wrote:

Scott confesses (from memory) to having a joint on the Mina Cornelia, did he not? He was asking the girls about going out to the ketch to have prosac, (he admitted to Mike K that he was the person called Mr. Prosac). He had the better part of the bottle of rum. It was bloody late 4:30 AM or so when the girl fell into the water (lots of people heard it). Maybe with the quick action of Scott there was not that much need for extra help. So there you have that combination alcohol + marijuana + prosac + tiredness. Who can tell what sort of person you would be like after all of that.

What? olivia fell into the water? i never followed this case closely, but i didnt hear that one.


piwidakiwi (199

) 12:20 pm, Sat 6 Mar #46

piwidakiwi wrote:

What? olivia fell into the water? i never followed this case closely, but i didnt hear that one.

Read the other thread about Olivia's jersey being found on the Blade and you might get to see the picture. It was some brief comment that Scott's mum said to me that made me think it definitely is a possibility it went something like "it is not the first time he has rescued a person from drowning". Well that is pretty heroic isn't it, for I have never done that, well not by diving into deep water. It starts to make sense, why he did the things he did and the forensic findings, if this was true. But the loss of memory is the problem, and I know that happens for it happened to me too. So he can't quite remember doing it, but there were others around and they probably told him later what he had done, therefore he accepts it but he does not remember it.


robittybob1 (29

) 2:05 pm, Sat 6 Mar #47

So agitated by the other threads calling for a diversion... read this reply... can you get the grasp of my frustration?

"How far back do you go. In the first Smoke and mirrors I showed to all here that Ben was driving his car on the first over at Punga. So that proves something. Olivia's jersey found on Scott's boat proves something else.

And then the phone calls to Punga checking on whether Ben's car was in the car park at Punga on the 1st proves yet another thing. But you may have missed all the action. Who did the Punga staff ring back too? It surely wasn't to the parents of Ben and Olivia. You all have a lot to learn. Are you all stupid!"


robittybob1 (29

) 4:58 pm, Sat 6 Mar #48

robittybob1 wrote:

When I was 17 at a new Years Eve party in Queenstown I can only remember up to 11:45 PM, yet in the morning at 7:00 AM I found myself in the back of a station wagon, wet up to my middle without my coat. What had happened I have no idea. Had I been accused of anything between those hours I would have had no recollection of anything, yet lots of things must have happened.

you must of been on some good stuff lol


plasticboys (70

) 5:12 pm, Sat 6 Mar #49

This message was deleted by a moderator.


malza2 (9

5:16 pm, Sat 6 Mar #50

Page: Prev12

malza2 wrote:


thanks mate


plasticboys (70

) 5:17 pm, Sat 6 Mar #51

plasticboys wrote:

thanks mate

I don't feel I lost that round. Round 1 to Robittybob


robittybob1 (29

) 7:47 pm, Sat 6 Mar #52

no me


plasticboys (70

) 8:21 pm, Sat 6 Mar #53

How are you doing Piwidakiwi?


robittybob1 (29

) 10:36 pm, Sat 6 Mar #54

Scott did it- my tea leaves told me


twindizzy (147

) 10:41 pm, Sat 6 Mar #55

This message was deleted by a moderator.

malza2 (9

) 10:42 pm, Sat 6 Mar #56

This message was deleted by a moderator.

malza2 (9

) 10:45 pm, Sat 6 Mar #57

Not spam at all Not spam at all Not spam at all Not spam at all different topics every time.


robittybob1 (29

) 7:10 am, Sun 7 Mar #58

How are you doing Piwidakiwi?


robittybob1 (29

) 7:10 am, Sun 7 Mar #59

Where was Ben while Olivia was drinking the ocean? and how drunk were the pair?


golfaholic2 (0

) 7:55 am, Sun 7 Mar #60

golfaholic2 wrote:

Where was Ben while Olivia was drinking the ocean? and how drunk were the pair?

Hi when Ben arrives on the ketch I understand there lo and behold is his other girlfriend. Now how does he handle that but to try and get out of the embarassing situation - he decides it might be easier to walk home. So the scruffy man and Ben row across to Furneaux to look for that blond girl (the one Ken has written about on Smoke and Mirrors, the ketch associate, one of the crew.) The Ketch needs to leave before day light but there was one crew member missing. So Ben as I said was either still rowing ashore or looking for the girl at the time Olivia falls into the water. Most of the reports of the "sounds of the girl falling in the water" were centered on a time of 4:30 AM. Ben does not begin his walk home to Punga till about 8:00 AM. I know this as one lady sees him sitting on the jetty at that time. His boots, hair, and jersey tied around middle fit Bens' description.

Olivia was not drunk, she was relatively sober, but Ben had saved his joint till later and he was stoned, drunk and tired. He could barely stand or say anything. He was just about falling off the Tamarack as he moved about. This is also being discussed on thread "Definitely not the Smarts or Hopes so who was it? OK" x?id=203029&p=2
Edited by robittybob1 at 8:42 am, Sun 7 Mar


robittybob1 (29

8:36 am, Sun 7 Mar #61

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