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Inexperienced Teachers Need to Join Workshops and Proper Training to Gain Their
Inexperienced teachers can join workshop in a way to learn more about
classroom assessment and also to gain their knowledge. Because, classroom
assessments can be an effective instructional tool, but only if teachers receive
sufficient training and support.
By joining the workshop and proper training, inexperienced teachers will be
able to learn how to segregate the assessment based on students’ level understanding.
Because there are students who cannot perform well in their exams for example when
the examination pattern changes. At the time of assessment, these students find it
difficult to adjust with a new pattern and are confused to attempt the new form of
questions. Sometimes students with low grades get demotivated with the assessment
as it marks their performance compared to others. So, to ensure students are
progressing towards the classroom assessment goals, it is important to assign relevant
readings and assess their progress through tests, reports, oral presentations or other
assignments based on students’ level understanding.
Inexperienced teachers need to be taught how to create lesson plans, what to
do when a lesson plans does not last as long as planned and how to adapt when a
lesson falls flat. Therefore, inexperienced teachers can learn to do a good lesson plan
by including the activities as they were joined workshops. This is because, one of the
most important skills for inexperienced teachers to master is how to design and
implement lessons in the classroom. Designing lessons involve how to cater the
needed curriculum into discussions, activities and assignments. In addition,
inexperienced teacher should also be able to evaluate whether or not their students
mastered the lesson after joining the workshop. The activities also must be planned
suitable with the level of the students.
Now, we are having an online learning, so the teachers can improve their
practice by giving task for the students. This method might be helpful for the teachers
to adopt to the online learning system and practise themselves to give a better
assessment to the student. Many workshops now also conducting via online, so the
teacher can join it at home and no need to going out.

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