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Proposal For IADCS Project

Health-Product Selling System

Health-Product Selling System

Lai Ye Phoo & Wut Hmone Linn

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Health-Product Selling System

1. Introduction to Background Organization and Project...............................................................................3
2. The Current System....................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Member Controlling Section.....................................................................................................................5
2.2 Selling Section...........................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Ordering Section.......................................................................................................................................6
3. Explanation of project necessity.................................................................................................................6
3.1 Information and membership...................................................................................................................7
3.2 Payment...................................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Services for Customers and Partners........................................................................................................7
3.4 System Hardware and Software Requirements........................................................................................8
3.5 Advantages of new web-base system.......................................................................................................8
4. Proposed System........................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Operational Feasibility..............................................................................................................................9
4.3 Economically Feasibility..........................................................................................................................10
4.4 Development specification.....................................................................................................................10
5. Requirements and estimate costs for new system...................................................................................11
5.1 Hardware Cost........................................................................................................................................11
5.2 Human Resources Cost...........................................................................................................................11
5.3 Software Development Cost...................................................................................................................11
5.4 Software Requirements..........................................................................................................................12
5.5 Technologies and Tools..........................................................................................................................12
6. The Benefits of Profits of System..............................................................................................................13
7. Data Flow Diagram...................................................................................................................................14
7.1 Initial Diagram........................................................................................................................................14
7.2 Context Diagram.....................................................................................................................................15
7.3 Level 1 Data Flow Diagrams..............................................................................................................16
7.4 Level 2 Data Flow Diagrams....................................................................................................................18
8. Sample of Invoice & Registration Form....................................................................................................22
8.1 Invoice....................................................................................................................................................22
8.2 Registration Form...................................................................................................................................23
9. Normalisation...........................................................................................................................................24
10. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)........................................................................................................29
11. Entity Life Histories (ELH)......................................................................................................................29
12. File Specification...................................................................................................................................32

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Health-Product Selling System

13. Reports.................................................................................................................................................37
14. Project Plan Using Waterfall Model......................................................................................................41
Myanma Computer Company Ltd.
NCC International Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies
Practical Project (Health-Product Selling System) Proposal Form

1. Section : IADCS- 46
2. Course Manager :
3. For : Exam Cycle
4. Team Member :

Lai Ye Phoo
Name ( Leader )

Name (Member ) Wut Hmone Linn

5. Project Title :

No. Title Choice

1 Health-Product Selling System 

2 Home Decoration Wallpapers Selling System 
3 Travelling Agent System 

6. Platform (Development & Running System)

Running Development Language

 Web Base  Advanced VB.NET

 Client Server  Advanced JAVA

7. Attachment (must include with this proposal form)

1. About Existing System

2. About Proposed System

Signature : Signature :

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Health-Product Selling System

Name (Leader) : Project Supervisor :

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Health-Product Selling System

Myanma Computer Company Ltd.

NCC International Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies

Health-Product Selling System

Member’s Name : Lai Ye Phoo ( Leader)

: Wut Hmone Linn ( Member)

Project Title : Health-Product Selling System

Supervisor : U Sann Lwin

Course Manager : Daw Aung Thandar Lin Myint

1. Introduction to Background Organization and Project

Shining Life Trading Co., LTD. a company of selling health supported products.
The main organization locates in Yangon and there are 5 sub-organizations and 27 stockist
from other cities or towns.

No City Type of Organization

1 Yangon Head Office
2 Mandalay Sub organization
3 Taunggyi Sub organization
4 Myit Kyi Nar Sub organization
5 Lashio Sub organization

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Health-Product Selling System

The company built since 1996. The Mandalay sub-organization of company locates
at No.41/4, between 77th & 78th and 31st & 32nd. Its chief products are Herbal Garland for
liver and cancer diseases, and Natural Bee Pollen tonic. Other products are also sold such
as Herbal Gastrosia for stomach, Natural C tonic, pure Gynostemma Tea (yellow tea),
Excellent Mycellium tonic, Goodi Tin for physique and other health supported products. The
products are manufactured from Hong Kong and the Selling system is Direct Distribution
System with members. The effect of tonic gets good results and, as the rate of product-
selling is increasing now.
For the project of IADCS, we request U Ba Win (Manager) to study and analyze their
manual system and to give a try to develop the system as a web-based system. They also
want to improve their system and allow us to analyze their current system. We have
discussed about their system during 2 days. Their main purpose of system is to distribute
the members all over in Myanmar and distribute their products all over the cities.

2. The Current System

The current system is running by manual system. The company is mainly organized
with many members and so about 10 staffs are needed in company. The company’s
systems are mainly divided into four sections – member controlling section, selling section,
ordering section and management section.
The staffs make the selling section with members. When the products reach the low
level, they contact the reception and reception report the Reorder Report to manager. They
also have to report the weekly reports and monthly reports to Manager. Manager checks
the reports and have to send the Monthly Report to Directors.
The reception makes payment process and registration process to register the
customer to be member. In the process of registering a new member, one senior member
has to recommend when register a new member. The reception also makes the ordering
section, that is, orders the products to suppliers and receives the orders from customers.
The staffs in transportation section transports the products ordered by customers. The
managers make the management section over the staffs and members.
In these sections, our development is based over member controlling section, selling
section and ordering section. So we have to analyze these sections in detail.

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2.1 Member Controlling Section

Our company creates a membership program. The selling system is direct

distribution to customer by members. Our staff members have to do the marketing plans
and expected earning cost for yearly. Member can get bonus when they recommend a new
member and they can also get many bonus as many as they can sell products. Detail is:
1. 50 point for selling one item, and
2. 100 point for recommending a new member,

The bonus can take on the end date of each month. Bonus is:
1. 50 point will be 5000 Kyats and
2. 100 point will be 10000 Kyats.

2.2 Selling Section

In this section the members can called distributors, they deals with customers and
introduce product and make a sell. The selling system is direct distribution system. There
are many differences between direct and normal selling system.

Normal Selling System Direct Distribution Selling System

 Need many investments  Need fewer investments
 Need good place to open sub-organization  No need to find good place
 Less trustful over colleague  Can trust over colleague
 Can get one profit for one investment  Can get lots of profit

Steps of selling sections are -

1. Member inquires the product they want.
2. Staff responses the product is exist or not
3. Member buy the products
4. Staff requests member card
5. Staff calculate the member’s bonus
6. Staff pays voucher
7. Members make payment

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2.3 Ordering Section

In ordering section, our receptionist accepts the order.

There are two types of ordering: order from members and orders to suppliers. Our
suppliers are from Thailand. In the orders from member, the detailed steps of ordering
system are -
1. Member enquires products by phone line
2. Staff responses the product is exit or not
3. Member orders the product
4. Staff request the Member code
5. Member answers the Member code
6. Staff set ordered-products separately from other products

After these steps, the reception pays the data to selling section and selling section
makes the calculation bonus for members. Members come and make payment for products
and take ordered products.

3. Explanation of project necessity

This project is called Health-Product Selling System in title and as the title, we will
analyst the system’s selling section, ordering section and member controlling section. As
there have two types of projects – classical life cycle Project and Prototype Project, we
choose to make it with waterfall life cycle.
The system will be produced as a web-based system and this web site is mainly for
the members. Only members can buy and order the products from web site and get points
on web site. Other customers can only watch the advertising products on this website and if
they want to buy the products, they can connect the members’ contact information and can
order the products. So, on that website, the member’s contact information will also be
displayed and other customers can register to be a member on website by contacting the
senior members to referee them. If customers want to ask about something such as about
bonus, they can also send E-mail to members. Therefore, the members will populate and
the marketing will also populate. So to get these benefits, the company needs to change
their system as web-based system.

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3.1 Information and membership

The new system can take many advantages to the company by changing the system
as web-based system. The up-to-dated information of the products can advertise on
website within a few minutes. We can also release health article on website. The product
details and prices of each product can be explained on the website in detail.

3.2 Payment

In current system, the payment system is to go the company and self make payment.
Now, in new proposed system, the payment system will be made by banking. The invoice
will be sent to the member by E-mail. If a customer wants to register as a new member, he
can contact to senior members and make registration. The company has Bank Account in
the bank and the registration fee and payments have to make by transferring to the
company’s bank account. The registration fee is 30000 Kyats. After transferring the
payment from customers or members, the bank will notify to the company and the
company will send the products to the delivery address. By changing the web-based
system, the marketing system of product will be 24 hours and 7 days.

3.3 Services for Customers and Partners

When a customer orders products to members, the ordering process will be take 5
hours to 1 week. If the customer is from the cities that locate main organization or sub-
organizations, the ordering process will take only a few hours. If the customer is from other
cities or towns that have stockiest, the ordering process may take a week because the
members have to take the products from the main organization or sub-organizations.
However, the benefits are that members doesn’t need to go to the company and can make
both the ordering and buying processes on online and the customers can also notify the
website and he may be a new member. The data can be distributed to many customers
and the customers can know the up-to-dated information of products quickly on website.
The system will be more secure and the selling processes can be done more easily for
members. The standard of the company will also rise among other medicine companies.

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3.4 System Hardware and Software Requirements

For the Server Computer:

Processor - Core 2 duo

Hard disk - 500G
Operation System - Window XP
- Window Server 2003
- SQL server 2005 (for database)
- ISA server (for Network Security)
- AD server (for Centralize Management)
- Norton Antivirus
For the Clients PC:
10 Computers for client base with Window XP operation system.

Internet Explore, Google Chrome, Firefox Browser.

For User Training:

Training our staff also needed because of new web base system.
- Internet usage course
- Web site editing course

For Maintenance:

System maintenance also needed. For security we need up to date Antivirus, hardware
or software error.

3.5 Advantages of new web-base system

1. Can give up-to-date information to customers

2. Can improve the standards of Company
3. Can improve members from others cities
4. Can safe time for members without coming to Company
5. Can get easy access of payment system
6. Easy to register to become a membership
7. Can get good advertising in Marketing

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4. Proposed System

About to analyst this system, the manager of this sub-organization U Ba Win

explains about all the sections that include in selling section. During analyzing the system,
the management will be decided upon details of analyzing. So, we have to discuss the
system in details. Among the functions of company, the selling and ordering sections is
proposed to change into web-based.

4.1 Technical Feasibility

The system is possible as technical feasibility. The head office has 10 computers
and each sub-organization have 5 computers in their workstations. Their system has
already had the local area network. To change the web-based, the server has to update.

4.2 Operational Feasibility

The system is also possible in operational feasibility. After changing the new
proposed system, the system has the powerful security and the communication between
head office and sub-organizations will also increase. In comparing with other system,
1. The system will more effective in advertising products,
2. Saving time for customers to order and buy the product,
3. Can order from other cities or towns ,
4. Fast in data processing and order processing
5. Can get up-to-date information for customers and members
6. Needed data can get in a short time
7. More flexible for finding the member file
8. Data can get high security
9. Can control all running processes in detail form MD and managers.

The staffs in system don’t need to be selling within the system because the web-based
will make the selling system. So the staffs in system are responsible to update their
products on web page and to order the products to suppliers. The staffs in selling system
have to change the workstation with computers. After changing, the staffs in selling system
don’t need to busy in working and so the staffs can be reduced in company. The staffs in
selling system have to be trained to use a web-based system and the company needs to
employ at least one staff who is skillful in computers web-based and networking.

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4.3 Economically Feasibility

From the view of economically feasibility, the cost for advertising and salary for
selling staffs can be reduced. The benefits and profits will also get by changing the new
system. The profits will get about 6 months later after changing the new web-based system.

4.4 Development specification

In developing the project, there have the models to develop the system: Waterfall
water fall model to developing our project. The following are the expected phases of
waterfall model approach to our project.

 Requirement Specification and Analysis Phase: In this phase, the requirements

from the members are captured and analysis of the same is carried out. After that as
a basic for developing the system, we will document the requirement specification.
 Design Phase: In this phase, we will produce the logical design for all the forms and
pages the will be implemented.
 Implementation: In this phase, we will implement the real world system by using
java server page technologies and java servlet and struts technologies.
 Delivery and Maintenance Phase: we will focus on this phase after the
implementation of the project. In this phase we will focus on system testing and data
testing throughout the system.

The project will be developed with these four phases. The waterfall model is match
with the students who is learning System Analysis and Design and this model can get to us
many experiences about planning system, designing, programming and testing.

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5. Requirements and estimate costs for new system

5.1 Hardware Cost

A server PC and 10 clients PC will fix (about 4,000,000 Kyats) and Web server and
Database server will set up on Server PC.

5.2 Human Resources Cost

No. Description Price(Kyats)

1 Project Manager 80000
2 Analyst 60000
3 Designer 50000
4 Programmer 30000
Total Cost 220000

5.3 Software Development Cost

No Description Price(Kyats)
1 Development Fees 300000
2 Domain name for 1 year (Low level security) 6000
3 Hosting name(.com) 100000
4 Software Installation 7000
5 Training Fees 5000
Total Cost 418000

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Health-Product Selling System

5.4 Software Requirements

Window Server 2003 standard Edition (Web server)

ISA Server for internet connection
Active Directory for centralize management
Microsoft.Net Framework version 2.0
Netbeans IDE 6.8
MySQL for database
Firefox browsers
Window 7 Ultimate
Microsoft Word 2003
Microsoft Access 2003
Microsoft Power Point 2003
Internet Information Server version 6.0

5.5 Technologies and Tools

Analysis and Design


IDE - Netbeans 6.8

Platform - Web
Language - Java
Technology - JSP, Java Script, css
Server - Window Server 2003 Standard Edition

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Health-Product Selling System

6. The Benefits of Profits of System

The benefits percentage of System after changing new proposed system is as the
following table -
Old System New System
Sales Sales
2011 25% 30%
2012 18% 26%
2013 25% 45%
2014 30% 47%
2015 35% 50%
2016 40% 52%
2017 46% 55%
2018 48% 58%

The Sales Profit Graph to compare the current system and new system will be as

Expected Sales for Old System and New System

Sales Items

Old System
New System
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Profits of Health- Product Selling System

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7. Data Flow Diagram

7.1 Initial Diagram

Health-Product Selling System

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7.2 Context Diagram

Health- Product Selling System

Health-Product Selling System

7.3 Level 1 Data Flow Diagrams

Health-Product Selling System


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7.4 Level 2 Data Flow Diagrams

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8. Sample of Invoice & Registration Form

8.1 Invoice

Invoice Id - 14238

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8.2 Registration Form

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9. Normalisation

Unnormalised Data
Order no Staff id
Order date Staff pw
Member code Staff name
Member name Staff post
Member pw Reg date
Delivery address
Product id
Unit Point
Total amount
Total point
Payment id
Payment date
Payment type
Payment amount
Invoice id
Total amount
Delivery date
Inv price

1st Normal Form

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Health-Product Selling System

“Order” Staff id
Staff pw
Order no Staff post
Order date Staff name
Member name Reg date
Member code
Member pw “Order Detail”
Age Order no
Point Product id
Sex Description
Job Qty
Phone Unit Price
Email Amount
Delivery address Point
Total amount Balance
Total point
Payment id
Payment date
Payment type
Payment amount
Invoice id
Total amount
Delivery date
Inv price

2nd Normal Form

“Order” “Order Detail”

Order no Order no
Order date Product id
Member name Qty
Member code Amount
Member pw Point
Age “Product”

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Health-Product Selling System

Job Product id
Phone Description
Point Unit Price
Email Balance
Delivery address
Total amount
Total point
Payment id
Payment date
Payment type
Payment amount
Staff id
Staff pw
Staff name
Staff post
Reg date
Invoice id
Total amount
Delivery date
Inv price

3rd Normal Form

“Order” “Staff”
Order no Staff id
*Member code Staff pw
*Staff id Staff name
*Payment id Staff post
Order date
Delivery address “Order Detail”
Total amount Order no
Total point Product id
“Member” Total Amount
Member code Total Point
Reg date
Member name “Product”
Member pw Product id
Address Description

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Health-Product Selling System

Age Unit Price

Sex Balance
Phone “Invoice”
Email Invoice id
Point *Order no
“Payment” Total amount
Delivery date
Payment id
*Order no “Invoice details”
*Staff id Invoice id
Payment date Product id
Payment type Qty
Payment amount Inv price

“Order” “Staff”
Order no Staff id
*Member code Staff pw
*Staff id Staff name
*Payment id Staff post
Order date
Delivery address “Order Detail”
Order no
“Member” Product id
Member code Qty
Regdate Point
Member name
Member pw “Product”
Address Product id
Age Description
Sex Unit Price
Job Balance
Email “Invoice”
Point Invoice id
*Order no
“Payment” Total amount

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Delivery date
Payment id
*Order no “Invoice details”
*Staff id Invoice id
Payment date Product id
Payment type Qty
Payment amount Inv price

10. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

ERD for Health-Product Selling System

11. Entity Life Histories (ELH)

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12. File Specification

(1) File Name : Product File

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(2) File Description : To store product’s detail information

(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size(B)

1 Product ID Unique no of Integer 4

2 Description Name of product Varchar 64

3 Unit Price Price per product Integer 4

4 Balance Balance qty after Integer 4


Total Size 76

(4) File organization : Sequential File

(5) File Type : Master File
(6) Primary Key : Product ID
(7) Foreign Key :-
(8) Record Length : 76 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 76 KB
(11) Retention period :-
(1) File Name : Order File
(2) File Description : To store product’s detail information
(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size(B)

1 Order no Unique no of Order Integer 4


2 Member code Unique no of Integer 4


3 Staff id Unique no of staff id Integer 4

4 Payment id Unique no of Integer 4

payment file

5 Order date Date of order Date 4

6 Delivery address Address to deliver Varchar 128

7 Total amount Total amount of Integer 4

order invoice

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8 Total point Total point of order Integer 4


Total size 156

(4) File organization : Index Sequential File

(5) File Type : Temporary Master File
(6) Primary Key : Order no
(7) Foreign Key : Member code, Payment id, Staff id
(8) Record Length : 156 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 156 KB
(11)Retention period : 2 years

(1) File Name : Payment file

(2) File Description : To store the payment information for ordering and registering
(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size(B)

1 Payment id Unique no of payment file Integer 4

2 Order no Unique no of Order Integer 4


3 Staff id Unique no of staff id Integer 4

4 Payment date Date on the payment Date 4

5 Payment type Type of payment Bit 1

6 Payment amount amount of payment Integer 4

Record Length 21

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(4) File organization :Index sequential File

(5) File Type : Transaction File
(6) Primary Key : Payment id
(7) Foreign Key : Order no, Reg no, Staff id
(8) Record Length : 21 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 21 KB
(11) Retention period : 1 years

(1) File Name : Member File

(2) File Description : To store detail information of member
(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size

1 Member code Unique no of product Integer 4

2 Reg date Date of member registration Date 4

3 Member name Name of member Varchar 64

4 Member password Password to log in Varchar 60

5 Address Address of member Varchar 128

6 Age Age of member SmallInt 2

7 Sex Sex of member Bit 1

8 Job Job of member Varchar 50

9 Phone Phone of member Varchar 32

10 Email Email of member Varchar 50

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11 Point point for bonus Integer 4

Record length 399

(4) File organization : Sequential File

(5) File Type : Master File
(6) Primary Key : Member code
(7) Foreign Key :-
(8) Record Length : 399 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 399 KB
(11) Retention period :-

(1) File Name : Staff File

(2) File Description : To store detail information of staff
(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size

1 Staff id Unique no of staff id Integer 4

2 Staff pw Password to log in Varchar 60

3 Staff name Name of staff Varchar 64

4 Staff post Post of staff Varchar 60

Record Length 188

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(4) File organization : sequential File

(5) File Type : Master File
(6) Primary Key : Staff id
(7) Foreign Key :-
(8) Record Length : 188 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 188 KB
(11) Retention period :-

(1) File Name : Invoice

(2) File Description : To store invoice to reference
(3) File Structure :

No Field Name Description Type Size

1 Invoice id Unique no of Integer 4

invoice id
2 Order no Unique no of order Integer 4

3 Total amount Total amount of Integer 4


4 Delivery date Date of delivery Date 4

Record Length 16

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Health-Product Selling System

(4) File organization : sequential File

(5) File Type : Temporary Master File
(6) Primary Key : Invoice id
(7) Foreign Key : Order no
(8) Record Length : 16 B
(9) Maximum Record : 1024
(10)File Size : 16 KB
(11) Retention period :-

13. Reports

Product report (Monthly Report)

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Member report (Daily Report)

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Payment report (Monthly Report)

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Order report (Monthly Report)

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14. Project Plan Using Waterfall Model

Project Schedule
No Title Duration
1 Submission of project proposal 26-Sept-2011 27-Sept-2011
2 Fact-Finding 27-Sept-2011 29-Sept-2011
3 Current System DFD 30-Sept-2011 6-Oct-2011
4 Requirement Specification 10-Oct-2011 15-Oct-2011
5 Submission of Analysis Report 17-Oct-2011
1 Propose System DFD 21-Oct-2011 25-Aug-2011
2 Data Design 5-Nov-2011 9-Sept-2011
3 Architecturel Design 15-Nov-2011 20-Sept-2011
4 Procedural Design 10-Dec-2011 13-Oct-2011
5 Interface Design 15-Dec-2011 17-Oct-2011
6 Submission of Design Report 20-Dec-2011
7 Business Presentation 23-Dec-2011
Phase 3
1 Coding Part 1 25-Dec-2011 10-Jan-2012
2 Coding Part 2 Transaction 11-Jan-2012 22-Jan-2012
3 Coding Part 3-Searching and Report 23-Jan -2012 30-Jan-2012
4 Testing 1-Feb-2012 10-Feb-2012
5 Installation & Final Documents 11-Feb-2012 13-Feb-2012
6 Submission of implementation Document 14-Feb-2012
7 Final Project 18-Feb-2012
Health-Product Selling System


System Analysis Text Book for IADCS by NCC Education

System Design Text Book for IADCS by NCC Education
Internet Access

Date Leader Signature

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