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Measurements of

particle size distributions

Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240
Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)
Tipo MMF RA 17-1552

Analysis Report
MX - Atilaquia
NO. 170 999

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Analysis Report 170 999
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I. Summary _____________________________________________ 3
Introduction ____________________________________________ 3
Measurement details _____________________________________ 3
Evaluation _____________________________________________ 4
Particle size distribution __________________________________ 5
Conclusion _____________________________________________ 7
II. Detailed documentation of results _________________________ 8
Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240 ______________________ 9
Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)____________________________ 15
Tipo MMF RA 17-1552__________________________________ 22
III. Appendix_____________________________________________ 26
A. General terms ______________________________________ 26
B. HELOS terms ______________________________________ 33

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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I. Summary


This report contains the results of the analyses of the particle size distributions (psd) performed
with the HELOS laser diffraction analyser for the following samples

Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240

Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)
Tipo MMF RA 17-1552.

With this section a summarising and commenting survey about the measurements and results is
given. In addition to the information about the characteristic values of the distributions the mean
values of the particle size distributions are shown as cumulative curves Q3(x) and density
distribution curves q3lg. The detailed measurement procedure and the analyses results shown in
tabular form and as plots of the Q3(x) and q3lg curves are documented in section II. For all samples
the results of the single measurements as well as the statistical evaluation are presented. The
nomenclature and the graphical presentation used in this report are in accordance with ISO 9276
(refer to section III).

Measurement details

For the analysis the following range modules of the HELOS sensor were chosen:

measuring range f / mm xMb / µm

R3 100 0.5/0.9 – 175.0

R5 500 0.5/4.5 – 875.0

table I-1: Chosen measuring range: f - focal length; xMb - size range of particles that can be
detected by a measuring range (xu/xo of smallest size class, xo of largest size class)

In order to capture the entire spectrum of the broadly distributed samples a combination of the data
measured with different focal distances was necessary.

As dispersing system the dry dispersing system RODOS was applied.

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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The sample material for the analyses was taken with a spatula out of the delivered container which
was shaken thoroughly to ensure homogenisation.

The samples were measured several times to show the repeatability of the HELOS system and to
prove the quality of the sampling and dispersing technique applied. Three partial samples were
measured once each. The tables with the statistical evaluation in section II contain also the
calculated mean value of the cumulative distribution Q3(x) as well as the standard deviation. The
maximum of less than 1.00 % standard deviation measured in one class proves the high
repeatability claimed for the Sympatec HELOS system.


For evaluation of the measured data the Fraunhofer theory was used in form of the Sympatec
evaluation mode HRLD. Here the diffraction of the light is assumed to be the dominant interaction
between the particles and the laser light. This assumption is valid for opaque particles in the
micron range and coarser in general. Only in the sub-micron range and/or for transparent particles
other physical interactions between the particles and the laser light (refraction, reflection,
absorption) are also relevant. These effects are taken into account in the Mie theory where optical
information of the particle material (complex index of refraction) is mandatory.

From the analyses by laser diffraction also the volume-specific surface Sv of the particle material
can be calculated. For this calculation the value of the Heywood shape factor fH of the samples is
necessary. With the correct value of the density ρ of the material the mass specific area Sm can be
calculated from the volume related surface area Sv. In this case density and shape factor of the
samples are unknown and therefore set to 1.0.

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Particle size distribution

Characteristic values (x10, x50 and x90) of the measured particle size distributions of all samples are
presented in table I-2 as well as a description of the density distribution curves kq3lg:

Sample x10 / µm x50 / µm x90 / µm kq3lg

Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240 3.22 19.73 47.54 monomodal

Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B) 6.76 42.86 184.43 monomodal

Tipo MMF RA 17-1552 4.12 22.64 58.12 monomodal

table I-2: Characteristic distribution values of particle size distribution; xQ: size of Q % of total
particle volume; kq3lg: characteristic of density distribution curve q3lg

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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The next two diagrams illustrate the particle size distribution.


Dispersing system: RODOS
Cumulative distribution Q3(x) / %

80 Focal distance: f = 100 & 500 mm

70 Tipo 061 CAE Plus ML 17-0240
Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)
60 Tipo MMF RA 17-1552






0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500
Particle size / µm

figure I-1: Cumulative particle size distribution curve Q3 in %


Dispersing system: RODOS
0.9 Focal distance: f = 100 & 500 mm
Density distribution q3lg

Tipo 061 CAE Plus ML 17-0240

Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)
0.7 Tipo MMF RA 17-1552







0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500
Particle size / µm

figure I-2: Density distribution curve q3lg(x)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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As a consequence of the results we can state, that the HELOS system can be advised for the
measured samples without any restrictions.

Mexico-City, July 11th 2017

Kay Mootz
Sales Manager Americas

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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II. Detailed documentation of results

Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240

Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)

Tipo MMF RA 17-1552

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Results of the sample

Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Product name : Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240


Sample preparation : no sample splitting


Sensor : HELOS

Dispersing method : RODOS

Measuring range HELOS : R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm (f = 100.00 mm)

Dispersing system : RODOST4

Mass requirement : 6/20/17
Start condition of measurement : c.opt >= 1%
Stop condition of measurement : 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time
Time base : 100.00 ms
Measuring time : 0.90 s (0.75 s - 1.05 s)
Optical concentration : 5.73 % (2.79 % - 8.66 %)
Feed rate VIBRI : 50.00 %
Funnel height : 2.00 mm
Inner diameter of the
injector line : 4.00 mm
Product supply : funnel
Pressure setting : 0.99 bar
Number of measured
partial samples : 2
Measurements per partial sample : 1
HELOS evaluation mode : HRLD

Documentation of measured results (following pages)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Statistical evaluation of analytical data

HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm (f = 100.00 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240 Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number:
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.99 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 39.00 mbar
measuring duration: 0.90 (0.75 - 1.05) s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 5.73 (2.79 - 8.66) % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4.00 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
Measurements: Identifiers:
2017-07-10 17:54:42.6410 1490 H 9
2017-07-10 17:52:00.6420 1490 H 8
upper pct. under standard in band mean size distribution
band limit cumulative deviation different for band (log) density (log)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] abs. [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3*
0.90 1.72 0.0084 1.72 0.67 0.07
1.10 2.52 0.0179 0.80 0.99 0.09
1.30 3.30 0.0308 0.78 1.20 0.11
1.50 4.07 0.0466 0.77 1.40 0.12
1.80 5.19 0.0740 1.12 1.64 0.14
2.20 6.63 0.1147 1.44 1.99 0.16
2.60 8.00 0.1573 1.37 2.39 0.19
3.10 9.63 0.2095 1.63 2.84 0.21
3.70 11.49 0.2670 1.86 3.39 0.24
4.30 13.27 0.3158 1.78 3.99 0.27
5.00 15.29 0.3607 2.01 4.64 0.31
6.00 18.08 0.4043 2.79 5.48 0.35
7.50 22.13 0.4353 4.05 6.71 0.42
9.00 25.96 0.4372 3.84 8.22 0.48
10.50 29.58 0.4202 3.62 9.72 0.54
12.50 34.20 0.3788 4.62 11.46 0.61
15.00 39.82 0.3054 5.62 13.69 0.71
18.00 46.39 0.1986 6.57 16.43 0.83
21.00 52.64 0.0802 6.26 19.44 0.94
25.00 60.48 0.0811 7.84 22.91 1.03
30.00 69.32 0.2593 8.84 27.39 1.12
36.00 78.32 0.4044 9.00 32.86 1.14
43.00 86.46 0.4635 8.14 39.34 1.06
51.00 92.70 0.4198 6.24 46.83 0.84
61.00 97.01 0.2859 4.31 55.78 0.55
73.00 99.22 0.1127 2.21 66.73 0.28
87.00 100.00 0.0000 0.78 79.69 0.10
103.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 94.66 0.00
123.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 112.56 0.00
147.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 134.47 0.00
175.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 160.39 0.00
x10 = 3.22 µm +/- 0.07 µm x50 = 19.73 µm +/- 0.06 µm x90 = 47.54 µm +/- 0.56 µm
x16 = 5.26 µm +/- 0.13 µm x80 = 37.45 µm +/- 0.36 µm x99 = 71.80 µm +/- 0.71 µm
Q1 = 2.12 % +/- 0.01 % Q38 = 80.65 % +/- 0.42 % Q45 = 88.02 % +/- 0.45 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 9
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm (f = 100 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240 Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 17:54:24
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.99 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 39.00 mbar
measuring duration: 0.75 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 8.66 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 17:54:42.6410 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
0.90 1.73 98.27 1.73 0.70 43.23 0.67 0.07
1.10 2.53 97.47 0.80 1.00 40.22 0.99 0.09
1.30 3.33 96.67 0.79 1.20 39.63 1.20 0.11
1.50 4.10 95.90 0.78 1.40 38.90 1.40 0.13
1.80 5.24 94.76 1.14 1.65 37.96 1.64 0.14
2.20 6.71 93.29 1.46 2.00 36.61 1.99 0.17
2.60 8.11 91.89 1.40 2.40 34.99 2.39 0.19
3.10 9.78 90.22 1.67 2.85 33.36 2.84 0.22
3.70 11.68 88.32 1.90 3.40 31.71 3.39 0.25
4.30 13.50 86.50 1.82 4.00 30.30 3.99 0.28
5.00 15.54 84.46 2.05 4.65 29.23 4.64 0.31
6.00 18.37 81.63 2.83 5.50 28.25 5.48 0.36
7.50 22.43 77.57 4.07 6.75 27.11 6.71 0.42
9.00 26.27 73.73 3.84 8.25 25.58 8.22 0.48
10.50 29.88 70.12 3.61 9.75 24.05 9.72 0.54
12.50 34.47 65.53 4.59 11.50 22.93 11.46 0.61
15.00 40.04 59.96 5.57 13.75 22.28 13.69 0.70
18.00 46.53 53.47 6.49 16.50 21.63 16.43 0.82
21.00 52.70 47.30 6.18 19.50 20.59 19.44 0.92
25.00 60.42 39.58 7.72 23.00 19.31 22.91 1.02
30.00 69.14 30.86 8.71 27.50 17.42 27.39 1.10
36.00 78.03 21.97 8.90 33.00 14.83 32.86 1.12
43.00 86.13 13.87 8.10 39.50 11.57 39.34 1.05
51.00 92.40 7.60 6.27 47.00 7.83 46.83 0.85
61.00 96.81 3.19 4.41 56.00 4.41 55.78 0.57
73.00 99.14 0.86 2.33 67.00 1.94 66.73 0.30
87.00 100.00 0.00 0.86 80.00 0.62 79.69 0.11
103.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 0.00 94.66 0.00
123.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 113.00 0.00 112.56 0.00
147.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 135.00 0.00 134.47 0.00
175.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 161.00 0.00 160.39 0.00
x10 = 3.17 µm x50 = 19.69 µm x90 = 47.94 µm SMD = 7.47 µm VMD= 23.04 µm
x16 = 5.16 µm x80 = 37.70 µm x99 = 72.30 µm SV = 0.8 m²/cm³ Sm = 3e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 2.13 % Q38 = 80.35 % Q45 = 87.70 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 8
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm (f = 100 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CAE PLUS Lote ML 17-0240 Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 17:51:42
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 1.00 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 39.00 mbar
measuring duration: 1.05 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 2.79 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 17:52:00.6420 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
0.90 1.72 98.28 1.72 0.70 42.93 0.67 0.07
1.10 2.51 97.49 0.79 1.00 39.54 0.99 0.09
1.30 3.28 96.72 0.77 1.20 38.71 1.20 0.11
1.50 4.04 95.96 0.76 1.40 37.79 1.40 0.12
1.80 5.14 94.86 1.10 1.65 36.67 1.64 0.14
2.20 6.55 93.45 1.41 2.00 35.17 1.99 0.16
2.60 7.88 92.12 1.34 2.40 33.48 2.39 0.18
3.10 9.48 90.52 1.59 2.85 31.88 2.84 0.21
3.70 11.30 88.70 1.82 3.40 30.36 3.39 0.24
4.30 13.05 86.95 1.75 4.00 29.15 3.99 0.27
5.00 15.03 84.97 1.98 4.65 28.32 4.64 0.30
6.00 17.80 82.20 2.76 5.50 27.63 5.48 0.35
7.50 21.82 78.18 4.02 6.75 26.82 6.71 0.42
9.00 25.65 74.35 3.83 8.25 25.57 8.22 0.48
10.50 29.28 70.72 3.63 9.75 24.21 9.72 0.54
12.50 33.93 66.07 4.65 11.50 23.23 11.46 0.61
15.00 39.60 60.40 5.67 13.75 22.69 13.69 0.72
18.00 46.24 53.76 6.64 16.50 22.14 16.43 0.84
21.00 52.59 47.41 6.34 19.50 21.14 19.44 0.95
25.00 60.54 39.46 7.95 23.00 19.88 22.91 1.05
30.00 69.50 30.50 8.96 27.50 17.93 27.39 1.13
36.00 78.60 21.40 9.10 33.00 15.17 32.86 1.15
43.00 86.79 13.21 8.18 39.50 11.69 39.34 1.06
51.00 92.99 7.01 6.20 47.00 7.76 46.83 0.84
61.00 97.21 2.79 4.22 56.00 4.22 55.78 0.54
73.00 99.30 0.70 2.09 67.00 1.74 66.73 0.27
87.00 100.00 0.00 0.70 80.00 0.50 79.69 0.09
103.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 0.00 94.66 0.00
123.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 113.00 0.00 112.56 0.00
147.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 135.00 0.00 134.47 0.00
175.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 161.00 0.00 160.39 0.00
x10 = 3.27 µm x50 = 19.78 µm x90 = 47.14 µm SMD = 7.58 µm VMD= 22.90 µm
x16 = 5.35 µm x80 = 37.19 µm x99 = 71.30 µm SV = 0.79 m²/cm³ Sm = 2.9e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 2.11 % Q38 = 80.94 % Q45 = 88.34 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Graphical presentation of repeat analyses

Identifier Dispersing system Measuring range Evaluation
9 RODOST4 R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm HRLD
8 RODOST4 R3: 0.5/0.9...175µm HRLD

100 1.20

95 1.15
80 0.95
75 0.90

70 0.85
Cumulative distribution Q3 / %


Density distribution q3*

55 0.65
50 0.60

45 0.55
30 0.35
25 0.30

20 0.25
5 0.05
0 0.00
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200
Particle size / µm

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
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Results of the sample

Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Product name : Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B)


Sample preparation : no sample splitting


Sensor : HELOS

Dispersing method : RODOS

Measuring range HELOS : R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500.00 mm)

Dispersing system : RODOST4

Mass requirement : 6/20/17
Start condition of measurement : c.opt >= 1%
Stop condition of measurement : 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time
Time base : 100.00 ms
Measuring time : 2.05 s (1.26 s - 2.52 s)
Optical concentration : 10.67 % (5.38 % - 14.91 %)
Feed rate VIBRI : 50.00 %
Funnel height : 2.00 mm
Inner diameter of the
injector line : 4.00 mm
Product supply : funnel
Pressure setting : 0.98 bar
Number of measured
partial samples : 1
Measurements per partial sample : 1
HELOS evaluation mode : HRLD

Documentation of measured results (following pages)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Statistical evaluation of analytical data

HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500.00 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B) Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number:
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.98 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 38.00 mbar
measuring duration: 2.05 (1.26 - 2.52) s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 10.67 (5.38 - 14.91) % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4.00 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
Measurements: Identifiers:
2017-07-10 18:26:31.2760 1490 H 14
2017-07-10 18:15:07.9120 1490 H 13
2017-07-10 18:03:11.2240 1490 H 11
upper pct. under standard in band mean size distribution
band limit cumulative deviation different for band (log) density (log)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] abs. [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3*
4.50 6.56 0.1173 6.56 1.50 0.07
5.50 8.10 0.1391 1.55 4.97 0.18
6.50 9.61 0.1571 1.51 5.98 0.21
7.50 11.09 0.1713 1.48 6.98 0.24
9.00 13.24 0.1864 2.15 8.22 0.27
11.00 16.00 0.1965 2.76 9.95 0.32
13.00 18.66 0.1977 2.66 11.96 0.37
15.50 21.85 0.1894 3.20 14.20 0.42
18.50 25.54 0.1704 3.69 16.93 0.48
21.50 29.09 0.1478 3.55 19.94 0.54
25.00 33.07 0.1239 3.98 23.18 0.61
30.00 38.42 0.1064 5.35 27.39 0.68
37.50 45.62 0.1274 7.20 33.54 0.74
45.00 51.75 0.1793 6.13 41.08 0.77
52.50 56.88 0.2391 5.14 48.61 0.77
62.50 62.53 0.3142 5.65 57.28 0.75
75.00 68.28 0.3893 5.75 68.47 0.73
90.00 73.77 0.4556 5.49 82.16 0.69
105.00 78.01 0.4985 4.24 97.21 0.63
125.00 82.32 0.5222 4.30 114.56 0.57
150.00 86.24 0.5065 3.92 136.93 0.50
180.00 89.62 0.4427 3.38 164.32 0.43
215.00 92.59 0.3564 2.96 196.72 0.38
255.00 95.10 0.2873 2.51 234.15 0.34
305.00 97.27 0.2495 2.17 278.88 0.28
365.00 98.92 0.1736 1.65 333.65 0.21
435.00 100.00 0.0000 1.08 398.47 0.14
515.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 473.31 0.00
615.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 562.78 0.00
735.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 672.33 0.00
875.00 100.00 0.0000 0.00 801.95 0.00
x10 = 6.76 µm +/- 0.11 µm x50 = 42.86 µm +/- 0.20 µm x90 = 184.43 µm +/- 4.98 µm
x16 = 11.00 µm +/- 0.15 µm x80 = 114.25 µm +/- 2.37 µm x99 = 370.37 µm +/- 8.91 µm
Q1 = 0.82 % +/- 0.01 % Q38 = 46.03 % +/- 0.13 % Q45 = 51.75 % +/- 0.18 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 14
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B) Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 18:26:12
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.98 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 38.00 mbar
measuring duration: 2.52 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 14.91 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 18:26:31.2760 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
4.50 6.60 93.40 6.60 2.50 16.51 1.50 0.07
5.50 8.16 91.84 1.56 5.00 15.55 4.97 0.18
6.50 9.68 90.32 1.52 6.00 15.19 5.98 0.21
7.50 11.16 88.84 1.48 7.00 14.81 6.98 0.24
9.00 13.31 86.69 2.15 8.25 14.36 8.22 0.27
11.00 16.07 83.93 2.76 10.00 13.80 9.95 0.32
13.00 18.72 81.28 2.65 12.00 13.25 11.96 0.37
15.50 21.91 78.09 3.18 14.25 12.73 14.20 0.42
18.50 25.57 74.43 3.67 17.00 12.22 16.93 0.48
21.50 29.09 70.91 3.52 20.00 11.74 19.94 0.54
25.00 33.04 66.96 3.94 23.25 11.26 23.18 0.60
30.00 38.33 61.67 5.30 27.50 10.60 27.39 0.67
37.50 45.47 54.53 7.14 33.75 9.52 33.54 0.74
45.00 51.55 48.45 6.08 41.25 8.11 41.08 0.77
52.50 56.64 43.36 5.09 48.75 6.79 48.61 0.76
62.50 62.24 37.76 5.59 57.50 5.59 57.28 0.74
75.00 67.93 32.07 5.69 68.75 4.55 68.47 0.72
90.00 73.35 26.65 5.43 82.50 3.62 82.16 0.69
105.00 77.55 22.45 4.20 97.50 2.80 97.21 0.63
125.00 81.83 18.17 4.27 115.00 2.14 114.56 0.56
150.00 85.76 14.24 3.94 137.50 1.57 136.93 0.50
180.00 89.21 10.79 3.45 165.00 1.15 164.32 0.44
215.00 92.26 7.74 3.05 197.50 0.87 196.72 0.39
255.00 94.82 5.18 2.57 235.00 0.64 234.15 0.35
305.00 97.01 2.99 2.19 280.00 0.44 278.88 0.28
365.00 98.74 1.26 1.72 335.00 0.29 333.65 0.22
435.00 100.00 0.00 1.26 400.00 0.18 398.47 0.17
515.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 473.31 0.00
615.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 562.78 0.00
735.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 672.33 0.00
875.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 805.00 0.00 801.95 0.00
x10 = 6.72 µm x50 = 43.09 µm x90 = 189.08 µm SMD = 16.57 µm VMD= 73.48 µm
x16 = 10.95 µm x80 = 116.44 µm x99 = 379.61 µm SV = 0.36 m²/cm³ Sm = 1.3e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 0.83 % Q38 = 45.88 % Q45 = 51.55 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 13
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B) Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 18:14:49
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.98 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 38.00 mbar
measuring duration: 2.37 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 5.38 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 18:15:07.9120 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
4.50 6.42 93.58 6.42 2.50 16.06 1.50 0.07
5.50 7.94 92.06 1.52 5.00 15.22 4.97 0.17
6.50 9.44 90.56 1.49 6.00 14.92 5.98 0.21
7.50 10.90 89.10 1.46 7.00 14.60 6.98 0.23
9.00 13.03 86.97 2.13 8.25 14.22 8.22 0.27
11.00 15.78 84.22 2.75 10.00 13.74 9.95 0.32
13.00 18.43 81.57 2.66 12.00 13.28 11.96 0.37
15.50 21.64 78.36 3.21 14.25 12.84 14.20 0.42
18.50 25.36 74.64 3.72 17.00 12.39 16.93 0.48
21.50 28.95 71.05 3.59 20.00 11.96 19.94 0.55
25.00 32.97 67.03 4.02 23.25 11.49 23.18 0.61
30.00 38.38 61.62 5.41 27.50 10.83 27.39 0.68
37.50 45.68 54.32 7.30 33.75 9.73 33.54 0.75
45.00 51.90 48.10 6.22 41.25 8.30 41.08 0.79
52.50 57.12 42.88 5.22 48.75 6.96 48.61 0.78
62.50 62.86 37.14 5.74 57.50 5.74 57.28 0.76
75.00 68.70 31.30 5.84 68.75 4.67 68.47 0.74
90.00 74.26 25.74 5.56 82.50 3.70 82.16 0.70
105.00 78.54 21.46 4.29 97.50 2.86 97.21 0.64
125.00 82.87 17.13 4.32 115.00 2.16 114.56 0.57
150.00 86.77 13.23 3.91 137.50 1.56 136.93 0.49
180.00 90.09 9.91 3.32 165.00 1.11 164.32 0.42
215.00 92.96 7.04 2.87 197.50 0.82 196.72 0.37
255.00 95.40 4.60 2.43 235.00 0.61 234.15 0.33
305.00 97.51 2.49 2.12 280.00 0.42 278.88 0.27
365.00 99.08 0.92 1.57 335.00 0.26 333.65 0.20
435.00 100.00 0.00 0.92 400.00 0.13 398.47 0.12
515.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 473.31 0.00
615.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 562.78 0.00
735.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 672.33 0.00
875.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 805.00 0.00 801.95 0.00
x10 = 6.89 µm x50 = 42.71 µm x90 = 179.18 µm SMD = 16.74 µm VMD= 71.14 µm
x16 = 11.17 µm x80 = 111.74 µm x99 = 361.84 µm SV = 0.36 m²/cm³ Sm = 1.3e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 0.80 % Q38 = 46.09 % Q45 = 51.90 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 11
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500 mm)
Product: Tipo 061 CFR ML 16-0040 (B) Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 18:02:52
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.99 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 38.00 mbar
measuring duration: 1.26 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 11.72 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 18:03:11.2240 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
4.50 6.64 93.36 6.64 2.50 16.60 1.50 0.07
5.50 8.20 91.80 1.56 5.00 15.63 4.97 0.18
6.50 9.73 90.27 1.53 6.00 15.26 5.98 0.21
7.50 11.22 88.78 1.49 7.00 14.87 6.98 0.24
9.00 13.38 86.62 2.16 8.25 14.41 8.22 0.27
11.00 16.15 83.85 2.77 10.00 13.85 9.95 0.32
13.00 18.81 81.19 2.66 12.00 13.31 11.96 0.37
15.50 22.01 77.99 3.20 14.25 12.80 14.20 0.42
18.50 25.70 74.30 3.69 17.00 12.29 16.93 0.48
21.50 29.24 70.76 3.55 20.00 11.82 19.94 0.54
25.00 33.21 66.79 3.97 23.25 11.33 23.18 0.61
30.00 38.54 61.46 5.33 27.50 10.66 27.39 0.67
37.50 45.70 54.30 7.16 33.75 9.55 33.54 0.74
45.00 51.79 48.21 6.09 41.25 8.12 41.08 0.77
52.50 56.89 43.11 5.10 48.75 6.80 48.61 0.76
62.50 62.50 37.50 5.61 57.50 5.61 57.28 0.74
75.00 68.22 31.78 5.72 68.75 4.58 68.47 0.72
90.00 73.69 26.31 5.47 82.50 3.65 82.16 0.69
105.00 77.94 22.06 4.25 97.50 2.83 97.21 0.63
125.00 82.25 17.75 4.31 115.00 2.16 114.56 0.57
150.00 86.18 13.82 3.93 137.50 1.57 136.93 0.50
180.00 89.57 10.43 3.39 165.00 1.13 164.32 0.43
215.00 92.54 7.46 2.97 197.50 0.85 196.72 0.38
255.00 95.08 4.92 2.53 235.00 0.63 234.15 0.34
305.00 97.27 2.73 2.19 280.00 0.44 278.88 0.28
365.00 98.93 1.07 1.66 335.00 0.28 333.65 0.21
435.00 100.00 0.00 1.07 400.00 0.15 398.47 0.14
515.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 473.31 0.00
615.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 562.78 0.00
735.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 672.33 0.00
875.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 805.00 0.00 801.95 0.00
x10 = 6.68 µm x50 = 42.79 µm x90 = 185.04 µm SMD = 16.49 µm VMD= 72.39 µm
x16 = 10.89 µm x80 = 114.56 µm x99 = 369.66 µm SV = 0.36 m²/cm³ Sm = 1.3e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 0.83 % Q38 = 46.11 % Q45 = 51.79 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Graphical presentation of repeat analyses

Identifier Dispersing system Measuring range Evaluation
14 RODOST4 R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm HRLD
13 RODOST4 R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm HRLD
11 RODOST4 R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm HRLD

100 0.80

95 0.75

80 0.65

75 0.60

70 0.55
Cumulative distribution Q3 / %


Density distribution q3*

55 0.45

50 0.40

45 0.35

30 0.25

25 0.20

20 0.15
5 0.05

0 0.00
0.5 1.0 5 10 50 100 500
Particle size / µm

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Results of the sample

Tipo MMF RA 17-1552

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Product name : Tipo MMF RA 17-1552


Sample preparation : no sample splitting


Sensor : HELOS

Dispersing method : RODOS

Measuring range HELOS : R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500 mm)

Dispersing system : RODOST4

Mass requirement : 6/20/17
Start condition of measurement : c.opt >= 1%
Stop condition of measurement : 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time
Time base : 100.00 ms
Measuring time : 2.44 s (0.00 s - 0.00 s)
Optical concentration : 8.51 % (0.00 % - 0.00 %)
Feed rate VIBRI : 50.00 %
Funnel height : 2.00 mm
Inner diameter of the
injector line : 4 mm
Product supply : funnel
Pressure setting : 0.98 bar
Number of measured
partial samples : 3
Measurements per partial sample : 1
HELOS evaluation mode : HRLD

Documentation of measured results (following pages)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Measurement 10
HELOS (H1490) & RODOST4, R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm (f = 500 mm)
Product: Tipo MMF RA 17-1552 Evaluation:
density: 2.71 g/cm³ evaluation mode: HRLD (
shape factor: 1.00 contamination: 0.00 %
sample number: reference measurement: 07-10 17:59:39
Measuring condition: standard dry Dispersing method: 1 bar
start condition: c.opt >= 1% doser: VIBRI
stop condition: 5s c.opt <= 1% or 20s real time pressure: 0.98 bar
time base: 100.00 ms vacuum: 38.00 mbar
measuring duration: 2.44 s feed rate: 50.00 %
opt. concentration: 8.51 % gap width: 2.00 mm
revolution: 0.00 %
inner diameter of injector line: 4 mm
Preparation: Customer: MC17F92201/202
sample splitting: T.SCRUGGS measurement: 2017-07-10 17:59:57.7410 1490 H
amount of sample: 6/20/17 operator:
additional info: database: Clarimex HELOS
upper pct. under pct. over in band mean size distribution mean size density pct.
band limit cumulative cumulative different for band (lin) (linear) for band (log) (logarithm.)
x0 [µm] Q3 [%] (1-Q3) [%] dQ3 [%] xm [µm] q3 [1/mm] xm [µm] q3*
4.50 11.06 88.94 11.06 2.50 27.64 1.50 0.12
5.50 13.68 86.32 2.62 5.00 26.20 4.97 0.30
6.50 16.22 83.78 2.54 6.00 25.44 5.98 0.35
7.50 18.69 81.31 2.47 7.00 24.69 6.98 0.40
9.00 22.26 77.74 3.58 8.25 23.83 8.22 0.45
11.00 26.82 73.18 4.56 10.00 22.78 9.95 0.52
13.00 31.17 68.83 4.35 12.00 21.74 11.96 0.60
15.50 36.36 63.64 5.19 14.25 20.76 14.20 0.68
18.50 42.29 57.71 5.94 17.00 19.78 16.93 0.77
21.50 47.95 52.05 5.66 20.00 18.87 19.94 0.87
25.00 54.22 45.78 6.27 23.25 17.90 23.18 0.96
30.00 62.47 37.53 8.26 27.50 16.51 27.39 1.04
37.50 73.08 26.92 10.60 33.75 14.14 33.54 1.09
45.00 81.25 18.75 8.18 41.25 10.90 41.08 1.03
52.50 87.13 12.87 5.88 48.75 7.83 48.61 0.88
62.50 92.24 7.76 5.11 57.50 5.11 57.28 0.67
75.00 95.93 4.07 3.70 68.75 2.96 68.47 0.47
90.00 98.22 1.78 2.28 82.50 1.52 82.16 0.29
105.00 99.30 0.70 1.09 97.50 0.72 97.21 0.16
125.00 100.00 0.00 0.70 115.00 0.35 114.56 0.09
150.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 137.50 0.00 136.93 0.00
180.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 165.00 0.00 164.32 0.00
215.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 197.50 0.00 196.72 0.00
255.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 235.00 0.00 234.15 0.00
305.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 278.88 0.00
365.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 335.00 0.00 333.65 0.00
435.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 398.47 0.00
515.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 473.31 0.00
615.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 562.78 0.00
735.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 672.33 0.00
875.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 805.00 0.00 801.95 0.00
x10 = 4.12 µm x50 = 22.64 µm x90 = 58.12 µm SMD = 10.68 µm VMD= 27.65 µm
x16 = 6.41 µm x80 = 43.85 µm x99 = 100.79 µm SV = 0.56 m²/cm³ Sm = 2.1e+03 cm²/g
Q1 = 1.38 % Q38 = 73.62 % Q45 = 81.25 %

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Graphical presentation of repeat analyses

Identifier Dispersing system Measuring range Evaluation
10 RODOST4 R5: 0.5/4.5...875µm HRLD

100 1.10

95 1.05

90 1.00
Cumulative distribution Q3 / %


Density distribution q3*

60 0.65
55 0.60
50 0.55

45 0.50

40 0.45
10 0.10
5 0.05
0 0.00
0.5 1.0 5 10 50 100 500
Particle size / µm

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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III. Appendix

A. General terms

Details regarding particle size analysis using laser diffraction are given in ISO 13320:2009-10
“Particle Size Analysis - Laser Diffraction Methods”.

The symbols and indices employed in the tabular print-outs and graphical representation, as well
as the type and form of the plotted results are in accordance with the following ISO standards:

ISO Title

9276-1:1998-06 Representation of results of particle size analysis

Part 1: Graphical representation

9276-2:2001-04 Representation of results of particle size analysis

Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments
from particle size distributions

9276-3:2008-07 Representation of results of particle size analysis

Part 3: Adjustment of an experimental curve to a reference model

9276-4:2001-07 Representation of results of particle size analysis

Part 4: Characterization of a classification process

9276-5:2005-08 Representation of results of particle size analysis

Part 5: Methods of calculation relating to particle size analyses using
logarithmic normal probability distribution

table III-1: List of relevant ISO

The variables used in the Sympatec printouts are briefly described in the following.

The dimension x denotes the equivalent diameter achieved from the evaluation. It is usually
described as “particle size” or “grain size”.

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Upper Band Limit xo

Particle diameter (upper band limit), as referred to the upper limit of the particle size
interval under consideration.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)

Lower Band Limit xu

Particle diameter (lower band limit), as referred to the lower limit of the particle size
interval under consideration.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)

Average for Band xm

Particle diameter (average for band), as referred to the middle of the particle size
interval under consideration.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)
Two different types of average values are employed:
xo,i  xu ,i
Arithmetic average: xmlin , i 
The arithmetic average is used for graphics presented in a linear scale.

Geometric average: xmlg , i  xo,i  xu ,i

The presentation in a logarithmic scale is based on the geometric average.

Minimum Particle Diameter xmin

The minimum diameter of particles with respect to the entire particle size distribution.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)

Maximum Particle Diameter xmax

The maximum diameter of particles with respect to the entire particle size distribution.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)

The dimensions Q and q respectively denote the particle quantities distributed to the size intervals
(classes). The factor q describes the fraction quantity, which is covered by each particle size
interval. With the factor Q the summed fraction quantity from the finest to the relevant interval
will be given.

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Cumulative Distribution Qr(x)

Cumulative distribution, as given by the defining equation:
Fraction of quantity of particles in the interval ( x min  xi )
Qr ( x i ) 
Total quantity of the particles ( x min  x max )

Four different types of quantities r have to be distinguished:

r = 0: number
r = 1: length
r = 2: area
r = 3: volume
r = 3: mass, if density of the material ρ = const
The cumulative distribution Qr(x) indicates the normalised fraction of particles which
are smaller than the particle diameter x.
Usually in the graphical presentation of the results for the particle size analysis the value
of the cumulative distribution Qr is plotted along the linearly subdivided ordinate whilst
the particle diameter x is plotted in µm along the logarithmically subdivided abscissa.
Unit: Number (percentage)

Residue Distribution Rr(x)

Residue distribution, which indicates the normalised fraction of particles being coarser
than the particle diameter.
Fraction of quantity of particles in the interval ( xi  x max )
Rr ( x i )   1  Qr ( x )
Total quantity of the particles ( x min  x max )

For the meaning of r refer to the explanation of Qr(x).

Unit: Number (percentage)

Fraction dQr(xm)
Fraction of quantity for the distribution in a particular particle size interval, i.e. class,
expressed as a percentage to the total quantity. For plotting the average particle size xm
of the interval (xu, xo) is used.
dQr ( xm,i )  Qr ( xo,i )  Qr ( xu ,i )

Unit: Number (percentage)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Density of the Distribution Curve qr(xm,i)

Density distribution curve and frequency distribution curve respectively, indicating the
ratio of a class, that is, the fraction for a particle size interval, to its class width:
dQr ( xm,i ) Qr ( xo, i )  Qr ( xu , i )
q r ( x m ,i )  
dxi x o , i  xu , i

Unit: mm-1
The graphical presentation of the qr curves is often executed on a double linear grid, that
means both the ordinate and the abscissa are subdivided linearly.
The infinitesimal relationship between the cumulative and density distribution curves is
defined by the following equation:
Qr ( x' )   q ( x)dx

In practice a rather normal relationship is:

Qr ( xi )  q (x
j 0
r m, j )  ( xo, j  xu , j )

Logarithmic Density Distribution qr*(xm,lg)

The graphical presentation of the logarithmic density distribution curve qr* (often
denoted as qr,lg) is usually executed on a linear-logarithmic grid, that is a linear
subdivision along the ordinate and with a logarithmic subdivision along the abscissa.
The mathematical relationship between qr and qr* is expressed by the following
equation with the use of a transformation on the abscissa:
qr * ( xm,lg )  xm,lg  qr ( x)  ln 10  qr ,1g ( xm,lg )

In contrast to the plot of the distribution density curve on a linearly subdivided abscissa,
the distribution density curve is without unit dimension for a logarithmically subdivided
Unit: Number

With the following dimension xQ size information is given, which depend on the measured

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Characteristic particle Diameter xQ

Characteristic particle diameter (characteristic of fineness), for which the cumulative
distribution Q assumes the specified value (in percent), e.g. x50 denotes the size x for
which 50 % of all particles are finer.
Unit: Micrometers (µm)

Some special dimensions are employed in particle technology. They are listed below:

ktes Moment of the Distribution Mk,r

Complete kth moment of a qr(x)-distribution, it is represented by integrals as defined in
the following equation:
M k ,r  x
qr ( x) dx

M stands for moment. The first subscript k of M indicates the power of x, the second
subscript r of M describes the type of quantity of the density distribution.
Unit: Depends on the power of x (subscript k)

The weighted surface mean diameter, also known as Sauter Mean Diameter, is
calculated as the moment M1,2. It represents the average particle size that corresponds to
the specific surface area of the entire particle collective.
M 3,0
SMD  M 1, 2  D[3,2] 
M 2, 0
  xm,i  q2 ( xm,i )  ( xo,i  xu ,i )
i 1

Unit: Micrometers (µm)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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The moment M1,3 is called Volume Mean Diameter, also known as De Brouckere mean
diameter or D[4,3].
M 4, 0
VMD  M 1,3  D[4,3] 
M 3,0
  xm,i  q3 ( xm,i )  ( xo,i  xu,i )
i 1

Unit: Micrometers (µm)

Heywood shape factor fH

The Heywood shape factor is the ratio of the measured specific surface area of the
particle to the specific surface area of a sphere with a diameter x.

6  xs2 x
fH  
xv3 6

xs: diameter of the sphere with the same surface area

xv: diameter of the sphere with the same volume
Unit: Number
Heywood shape factor for some kind of particles:

Solid Heywood shape factor

Spheres 1.0
Sand 1.3 – 1.4
Cement 1.8
Coal dust 1.8 – 2.1
Flying dust, sugar 1.2 – 2.3
Quartz 1.8 – 4.0
Mica flakes 9.3


© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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Volume related surface area Sv

Volume related specific surface area, description of the ratio between the surface area of
all particles for the distribution and the volume of all particles for the distribution, and
thus proportional to the specific surface area, Sv , as referred to the volume, calculated
from the measured particle size distribution:
SV  6  f H  M -1,3

where 6 is the proportionality factor with respect to the volume of spherical particles
and fH denotes the Heywood shape factor:
fH = 1 for spheres
fH > 1 for irregularly shaped particles (see item above)
Unit: m2/cm3

Mass related specific area Sm

The mass related specific area, description of the ratio between the surface area and the
mass. It can be derived with the knowledge of the physical density ρ from the volume
related surface area Sv with the help of the following equation:
Sm  SV / 
Unit: cm2/g

RRSB distribution (named by Rosin, Rammler, Sperling, Bennett)
The definition of the RRSB-function is as follows:
R( x)  1  Q( x)  exp (( x / x' ) n )
It is a function with two parameters:
x' = position parameter
n = scatter parameter
For the particle size x = x’:
R(x') = e-1 = 0.368 = 36.8 % and with it Q(x) = 0.632 = 63.2 %.
n is the slope of a straight line in the RRSB grid (lglg(1/R)).
Unit: Number (percentage)

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland
Analysis Report 170 999
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B. HELOS terms

Optical Concentration Copt

The optical concentration is an indicator for the volume flow of the particles.
For the HELOS the optical concentration is the drop of light intensity (extinction) in the
centre of the detector , with respect to the intensity measured without particles
I0  I p
Copt 
Whereas I0 denotes the intensity measured without particles and Ip the intensity
measured with particles.
Unit: Number (percentage)

Additional information on the used sensors and dispersing systems such as technical data or
pictures can be found on the website of the Sympatec GmbH at

© 2014, Sympatec GmbH, System-Partikel-Technik,

Am Pulverhaus 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland

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