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Julio 9 de 2022

Interactuar con otros en idioma extranjero según estipulaciones del marco
Común Europeo de referencia para idiomas.


Identificar, comprender y reconocer la terminología, el significado y la
pronunciación en inglés de acuerdo a la formación técnica.


- Identificar los efectos de la contaminación en el medio ambiente. -

Comprender y ampliar vocabulario del idioma extranjero..

19 Professional Etiquette Rules You Need to Know

Whether it’s a blowout holiday bash with all of your co-workers

or an intimate end-of-the-year meal with clients, it’s a good idea
to brush up on business etiquette before you walk into a social
event for work.

Luckily, the folks at Business Insider have spoken to Barbara

Pachter, author of The Essentials of Business Etiquette. In her
book, Pachter shares the rules “people need to understand to
conduct and present themselves appropriately in professional
social settings.” Since a lot of her tips can apply to life in
general, I’ve rounded them up below. Here are 19 etiquette
rules you should know and follow no matter what.

1. How to Introduce Yourself

Stand up when you’re being introduced to someone. This helps
establish your presence

2. Proper Greetings
Always say your full name when introducing yourself.

3. Handshake How-Tos
Always initiate the handshake if you’re the higher-ranking
person or host. Don’t overlook the importance of a handshake.
In the U.S., it is the official business greeting.

4. Dress Code
Always find out what the dress code is at an event, meeting, or
restaurant. Then follow it.

5. Expressing Gratitude
Only say "thank you" once or twice during a conversation. If you
overuse the term, you’ll dilute its impact and make yourself
seem needy or helpless.

6.Sending Thank-You Notes

Send separate thank-you notes to everyone involved. When
interviewing, it’s customary to send an email or handwritten
thank-you note to all of the people you met with.

7.Don't Use Your Phone in a Meeting Leave your phone in

your pocket. Don’t take it out during meetings. It’s rude.

8. Use Professional Headshots

For your business profile on LinkedIn or other websites, don’t
post a photo of yourself at the beach. You won’t be taken
9. Double-Check Emails
Always double-check that you have selected the correct email
recipient. You don’t want to send the email to the wrong person.

10. Admit When You Forget

If you forget someone’s name, admit it. It’s no big deal! Just
say, “I’m so sorry, but I’ve forgotten your name. Can you remind
me what it is?”

11.Always Say Hello

Greet people at work. Say hello to the people you know as well
as the people you don’t know.

12. How to Point

Keep your fingers together when you point. Never point with just
an index finger—it’s too aggressive. Instead, point with an open
palm and keep your fingers together.

13. Never Pull Out Someone’s Chair for Them

In a business setting, Pachter says you should leave behind
social gender rules. It's okay to hold open the door for a guest,
but a man does not have to pull out a woman’s chair.

14. Don't Order Anything Expensive

When at a business lunch or dinner, don’t order anything too
expensive. Follow the lead of your host. If they say you can
indulge in the steak or lobster, do so, but otherwise, select an
item like chicken that is more wallet-friendly.

15. Don't Order Too Much

Order the same amount as your guest/host. If they order an
appetizer and an entree, you can, too, but if they order a salad,
choose a menu option that is on the smaller, more affordable

16. Don't Get a To-Go Box

Never ask for a to-go box. “You are there for business, not for
leftovers,” says Pachter.
17. Pay if You're the Host
The host should always pay. If you were the inviter, you should
pay the bill; gender does not matter. If you’re worried about a
fight over the bill arising, excuse yourself from the table—e.g.,
say you’re going to the bathroom—and then discreetly take
care of the bill.

18. Don't Drink Too Much

Stay sober. Don’t get blackout drunk at a work event. Enough

19. How to Exit

Prepare a polite exit from every meeting or conversation.

written by KATIE SWEENEY


Questions about Reading :

1. What are the three rules of etiquette?

 It is in bad taste to eat on the desk where you work.

Space should be varied during the lunch hour.

 It is advisable to go to the office dressed as formally as

possible, except on Fridays when it is possible to relax
the dress code.

 Under no circumstances may one take off one’s shoes

to work.

2. What are the four types of etiquette?

 persuasive labels.

 informative labels.

 brand labels.

 descriptive labels.

3. What is social etiquette rules?

Etiquette is a standard of conduct that meets expectations

about social behavior. The label obeys the conventional
norms within a society, social class or group.

4. What are 5 rules of etiquette you follow?

 Present yourself properly

 Respect each other’s privacy.

 Share knowledge.

 Follow the rules of the platform on which you interact.

 Respect other’s time.

5. What are etiquette skills?

 A lady or gentleman of charming chatter bears the

seed of a leader.

 cultivate empathy

 A well-conducted conversation

 Reading is a hobby that involves,

6. ¿What is the difference between etiquette and manners?

 refers to the code of polite conduct in the society while

manners refer to the way of behaving, speaking, and
living according to the expected behavior patterns.

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