Practica Packed Tracer CISCO 3 Unidad

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Packet Tracer–IPv4 Addresses and Network Communication


 Buildasimplepeer-to-peernetworkandverifyphysicalconnectivity.
 AssignvariousIPv4 addressestohostsandobservetheeffectsonnetworkcommunication

Background / Preparation
Inthisactivity, you willbuildasimplepeer-to-
peernetworkusingtwoPCsandanEthernetcrossovercable.YouwillassignIPv4 addressing to the

Step 1: Connect thePCs tocreatea peer-to-peernetwork.

a. Click Connections > Copper Cross-Over cable. Click PC-A > FastEthernet0 and the click PC-B >
b. Verify that a green light is next to both PCs indicating that the physical connection is functional.

Step 2: ConfigureIPv4 Settings on PC-A and PC-B.

ConfigureIPv4 addressingon PC-A and PC-BmanuallysothattheyareabletocommunicateusingTCP/IP.
a. Click PC-A> Config > FastEthernet0.
b. In the IP Configuration, type in the IP address and the subnet mask
Note: when you click the Subnet Mask after you enter the IP address, Packet Tracer should enter the
value automatically. You can manually enter or change it if needed.
c. Close the Config window.
d. Repeat steps 2b – 2c for PC-B using an IPv4 address and a subnet mask

Step 3: VerifyIPv4 connectivitybetweenPC-A and PC-B.

NowthatthetwoPCsareconnectedandconfiguredcorrectlywithIPv4 addresses,weneedtomakesuretheycan
a. Click PC-A> Desktop > Command Prompt. Test connectivity to PC-B by entering the command ping The ping should be successful. If not, check your configurations in Step 2.
b. Repeat from PC-B with the command ping The ping should be successful. If not, check your
configurations in Step 2.
c. ClosethecommandpromptonbothPCs.

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Lab – IPv4 Addresses and Network Communication

Step 4: ChangeIPv4 addressforPC-B.

a. Click PC-B> Config > FastEthernet0.
b. ChangetheIPaddressforPC-Bfrom192.168.1.2to192.168.2.2andleavethesubnetmasksetto255.255.255.0.

Step 5: Testnetworkconnectivitybetweenthe 2PCs.

a. Click PC-A > Desktop > Command Prompt. Test connectivity to PC-B by entering the command ping Wasitsuccessful? Explain.
b. WhattypeofnetworkingdevicewouldallowthePCstocommunicate even though they are on different

Step 6: ChangeIPv4 address forPC-A.

a. Click PC-A> Config > FastEthernet0.
b. Change the IPv address for PC-A from to and leave the subnet mask set to
ThetwoPCsarestillonthesamephysicalEthernetnetwork.AretheyonthesamelogicalIPv4 networknow?

Step 7: Testnetworkconnectivitybetweenthe 2PCs.

a. Click PC-B> Desktop > Command Prompt. Test connectivity to PC-A by entering the command ping Wasitsuccessful? Explain.

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