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1. Learning is a relatively permanent changing in behavior occurring as a result of experience or


Affected to occur by:- learning is best when we are physically ,mentally and emotional to ready
to learn.

-We learn bet and retain information longer when we have meaningful practice and exercise

-individual must have some abilities and skills may help them to learn.

-things most recently Learned are best remembered.

-a student will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute.

2. Stage 1. Before training

Conditioned Stimulus (CS) the child gets shocked _____________ No response
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) he becomes frightened____________ unconditioned Response
Stage 2. During training
CS he get shocked _________________ UCR he begins to cry
UCS become fright
Stage3. After training
CS he shows fear _______________________CR he refuse to play with the toy
(The conditioned stimulus now produces a conditioned response)
3. Reinforcemet is reward based operant conditioning that strengthens the response or make to

-Positive reinforcement:- The process whereby presentation more likely to occur gain. A factor
adding something unpleasant feeling to increase a behavior.

-Negative reinforcement:-the process whereby termination of an aversion stimulus makes

behavior more likely to occur. A factor removing something unpleasant resulting in pleasant
feelings. Removing factors to increase a behavior.

4. By operate or produce effect of the environment, this effect in turn, influence, when the
response will occur again.

5. The social learning theory of bandura emphasis the importance of observing and modeling the
behavior, attitude and emotional reaction of other.

It look at learning as a direct result of conditioning, reinforcement and punishment bandura

asserts that most human behavior is learning through observation, imitation and motion dealing.


- Easily handles inconsistencies in behavior.

-Optimistic in good way

-accurate pictures, explaining how behavior is learned

- offer a way to integrate social and cognitive processes.

-Explains a large number of behavior

-accurate and easy to understand.


-too heavy of an emphasis on what happens instead of what the observer does with what

-does not explain behavioral difference

-does not take in account that what one person views as punishment another person may view as

6. Theory of Latent learning „Latent‘ means hidden and thus latent learning is learning that
occurs but is not evident in behavior until later, when conditions for its appearance are favorable.
It is said to occur without reinforcement of particular responses and seems to involve changes in
the way information is processed..

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