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P Ol r C H u n c u t L rr n r Ro ll o l M C C R A D Y A D
Prrr<nrrp':c PA rctrc

Mlrmo BnurucoMnrrno, E LLp' i) ili\i:\i AI L,\\\

FalcoA. Muscante
412-2424400, Ext. 144 fam@mbml a w .net
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TEL: 44oo 4t2-242Ftx:4 rz-z4z-47 77

November 2010 8,

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BurLoncSune 3oz a, Prrtsaun*r, r5:o3 PA Trr:4rz-3Br-iBoo

TheHonorable F. DiSalle John Court Common of Pleas Washington of County 1 South MainStreet, Suite 2003 Washington, 15301 PA


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Fort CherrySchoo/ Districty. Susan Coppotaand PA Office of Open Records No.2010-3874

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Wexrono, rgogo PA TELt 724-gJ\-6990

Dear Judge Disalle:

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I am in receiptof the october 28, 2010 correspondence from counselfor Ms.Coppola whichshe indicates shewill no longerbe participating in that in theabove-referenced appeal. Regardless the participationMs.Coppola, FortCherry of of the School District still seeks revlewof the FinalDetermination the Pennsyivania of Officeof open Records it relates the release w-2 and 10g9forms. Not only as to of doesthe Pennsylvania Office OpenRecords of remain Respondent thii a in matter, also,the issues but raised havealreasonable likelihood repetition of baseduponfuturerequests forw-2 and 109gformswhichmay be received, not only by the Fort cherry school District, any public entitywithin by washington county. The Pennsylvania office of open Records madeit has clear thattheirintention notto abide Courtrulings is by fromotherCounties in how they rule on the releaseof recordsthroughout the rest of the Commonwealth. Therefore, this matterrelates the FinalDetermination OOR and its as to of ongoingapplication the Fort cherry School District,it is respctfully to requested this Honorable that jurisdiction this appealana Courtmaintain of issuea judicialdetermination. Unless directed othenruise, Fort Cherry the School District be filingits Briefin support the appeal the scheduled will of by date of November 2010and will be prepared arguethe meritson 29, to December 29.2010.


. i l yl Ju nave a r.u yu u tu t yu u t aitei'iiion ui l l i l cl l r('r lnanKyou ior your clt(ct tr.turI to inlLmalfer. lTyou rrdvE drf tild | ^ convenience to do not hesitate contactme at V{ ea}tiast
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FAM/cg PleasProthonotary Court Common of County Washington cc: Esquire M. Krista-Ann Staley, Hearing Officer OOF. J. Byerly, NJathaneal OORDirector TerrvMutchler.


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