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Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy

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A missing pillar? Challenges in theorizing and

practicing social sustainability: introduction to the
special issue

Magnus Boström

To cite this article: Magnus Boström (2012) A missing pillar? Challenges in theorizing and
practicing social sustainability: introduction to the special issue, Sustainability: Science, Practice
and Policy, 8:1, 3-14, DOI: 10.1080/15487733.2012.11908080

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Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy


A missing pillar? Challenges in theorizing and practicing social

sustainability: introduction to the special issue
Magnus Boström
Department of Life Sciences, Södertörn University, Huddinge SE-141 89 Sweden (email:

Since publication of the Brundtland Report in 1987, the notion of sustainable development has come to guide the
pursuit of environmental reform by both public and private organizations and to facilitate communication among ac-
tors from different societal spheres. It is customary to characterize sustainable development in a familiar typology
comprising three pillars: environmental, economic, and social. The relationships among these dimensions are gener-
ally assumed to be compatible and mutually supportive. However, previous research has found that when policy
makers endorse sustainable development, the social dimension garners less attention and is particularly difficult to
realize and operationalize. Recent years though have seen notable efforts among standard setters, planners, and
practitioners in various sectors to address the often neglected social aspects of sustainability. Likewise, during the
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past decade, there have been efforts to develop theoretical frameworks to define and study social sustainability and
to empirically investigate it in relation to “sustainability projects,” “sustainability practice,” and “sustainability initia-
tives.” This introductory article presents the topic and explains some of the challenges of incorporating social sustain-
ability into a broad framework of sustainable development. Also considered is the potential of the social sustainability
concept for sustainability projects and planning. This analysis is predicated on the work represented in this special
issue and on related initiatives that explicitly discuss the social pillar of sustainable development and its relationship
to the other dimensions.

KEYWORDS: human-environment relationship, environmental sociology, socioeconomics, sustainable development, public policy

Introduction: The Hope pears promising and compelling. However, a consid-

erable amount of sustainable development research
Since publication of the Brundtland Report in indicates that huge are involved in the realization of
1987, the notion of sustainable development has this hope. The obstacles are of two related kinds. The
come to guide the pursuit of environmental reform by first is theoretical and concerns how we should define
both public and private organizations and to facilitate and understand this fluid concept of social sustaina-
communication among actors from different societal bility. The other involves the practice: how are the
spheres. While there is no universal consensus on social sustainability aspects to be operationalized and
how to define the concept, its inherent vagueness and incorporated into various sustainability projects and
interpretative flexibility contribute to its broad ap- planning? Partly due to its contested character, a
peal. It is nonetheless customary to characterize sus- number of scholars argue that the social dimension
tainable development in a familiar typology com- garners less attention or is dismissed altogether
prising three pillars: environmental, economic, and (Dobson, 1999; Agyeman et al. 2003; Agyeman &
social (or sociocultural). These are also known as the Evans, 2004; Lehtonen, 2004; Agyeman, 2008;
three “Ps” (People, Planet, and Profit) or the three Cuthill, 2009; Dillard et al. 2009). Rather, it is mainly
“Es” (Environment, Economy, and Equity). For both the merging of environmental and economic dimen-
substantive and normative reasons, the relationships sions that has been seen to create synergies and po-
among these dimensions are generally assumed to be tentials for environmental policies and reforms (Littig
compatible and mutually supportive (Littig & & Grießler, 2005; Bluhdorn & Welsh, 2007). Fur-
Grießler, 2005). For instance, the Johannesburg Con- thermore, at least thus far, very little actual attention
ference in 2002 further stressed the need to integrate has been paid to the linkages between and integration
the three dimensions, as well as to build a humane, of the social and environmental dimensions
equitable, and caring global society for present and (Lehtonen, 2004; Fitzpatrick, 2011a). While social
future generations. policies in terms of welfare institutions have a long
This broad call for a comprehensive and integra- history in developed countries, they have been deeply
tive understanding and practice of sustainability ap- embedded and reliant upon a society marked by

 2012 Boström Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

productivism, overconsumption, and economic previous literature that explicitly discusses the social
growth, as well as national and short-term timescales. dimension, or its relationship to the other sustainabil-
These are all objectives that most variants of green ity dimensions. In the next section, I describe how a
thinking oppose (Fitzpatrick, 2011c). Rethinking and selection of scholars uses and defines the concept of
reorganizing for green social policies and welfare— social sustainability, and present a table with aspects
social sustainability—is thus both a crucial task and a to which they commonly refer. This discussion is
very big challenge. followed by an analysis of six challenges to integrat-
It must be acknowledged, however, that recent ing the social dimension into concrete sustainability
years have seen notable efforts to address and inte- projects and planning. In the concluding part, I con-
grate social aspects of sustainability on the part of sider some potential benefits of the frame.
standard setters, planners, and practitioners. This has
occurred within such diverse areas as urban and re- What Does Social Sustainability Refer To?
gional planning (Schlossberg & Zimmerman, 2003;
Cuthill, 2009; Davidson, 2009; Dempsey et al. 2011), Like the general concept of sustainable devel-
fair trade certification (e.g., Taylor, 2004), forest opment (e.g., Baker, 2006), social sustainability is an
certification (e.g., Klooster, 2010; Boström, 2011), open and contested concept. According to Nicola
organic agriculture (e.g., Shreck et al. 2006), con- Dempsey and colleagues (2011), “social sustainabil-
ventional agriculture (Nordström Källström & Ljung, ity is neither an absolute nor a constant…[it] has to
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2005; Mancini et al. 2008), as well as corporate so- be considered as a dynamic concept, which will
cial and environmental management, reporting, and change over time (from year to year/decade to dec-
responsibility (e.g., Sharma & Ruud, 2003; ade) in a place.”
Bebbington & Dillard, 2009; Brown et al. 2009). This Such conceptual imprecision and interpretative
special issue contributes to this trajectory first pre- flexibility is often seen as both a strength (in that it
senting a typology for organizing research on social encourages communication among different and dis-
sustainability (Murphy, 2012) and then featuring agreeing actors) and a weakness (in that people must
studies on alternative agrofood networks and prac- constantly elaborate what they actually mean when
tices (Psarikidou & Szerszynski, 2012), conflicts they address social sustainability) (e.g., Davidson,
surrounding human-animal relations (Hiedanpää et 2009; Dempsey et al. 2011). Such vagueness has
al. 2012), bureaucratization of fair trade and organic given rise to many efforts by scholars to suggest ty-
food policy making (Casula Vifell & Thedvall, pologies and frameworks. Accordingly, during the
2012), sustainable tourism (Klintman, 2012), access past decade, a body of literature has emerged that
to mobility (Cucca & Tacchi, 2012), green social focuses specifically on developing theoretical
cooperatives (Osti, 2012), sustainable buildings schemes to define and study social sustainability
(Jensen, et al. 2012), and participatory environmental (Agyeman & Evans, 2004; Lehtonen, 2004; Littig &
monitoring of a Brazilian mining company (Devlin & Grießler, 2005; Pawlowski, 2007; Cuthill, 2009;
Tubino, 2012).. These examples demonstrate some Dillard et al. 2009; Larsen, 2009: Magis & Shinn,
progress toward the realization of an integrative vi- 2009; Seghezzo, 2009; Casula Vifell & Soneryd,
sion of sustainability in various sectors, but they also 2012).
confirm many challenges. A few examples deserve specific consideration.
Readers of this special issue will encounter use- Cuthill (2009), based on an action research approach
ful frameworks, understandings, and analyses of so- that involved input from government managers and
cial sustainability. With this introductory article, I do other stakeholders involved with social policy and
not aim to provide a ready-to-use definition and community development, developed a social sustain-
schema. I rather envisage the concept of sustainable ability framework that includes 1) social justice and
development, including social sustainability, as a equity, 2) social infrastructure, 3) engaged govern-
“frame.” In other words, it is a conceptual tool that ance, and 4) social capital. Littig & Grießler (2005)
policy makers and practitioners can use to communi- argue that social sustainability has to be guided by an
cate, make decisions, and measure or assess current analytical concept that provides a sound theory of the
developments, and that scholars can very well study relationship between society and nature. Sustainabil-
and even refine. My objective is primarily to seek a ity strategies and indicators should have both analyti-
number of explanations for why it seems challenging cal depth and clarity, including clearly defined ideas
to incorporate social sustainability into a robust about what kinds of social values to promote. Littig
framework of sustainable development, as well as to & Grießler (2005) expand on the notion of needs,
point out this concept’s potential for sustainability taken from the Brundtland definition of sustainabil-
projects and planning. To accomplish this, I refer to ity, and introduce work in a very broad sense to dis-
articles included in this special issue as well as to cuss key elements of social sustainability. Georgio

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

Osti, in his analysis of green social cooperatives in to integrate a set of issues often treated disparately
this special issue, also emphasizes work as a basis not (see also the next section).
merely for income but for human dignity, recovery, Second, articles in this special issue connect the
recognition, and social integration. An anthology notion of social sustainability to a variety of other so-
entitled Understanding the Social Dimension of Sus- cial science perspectives, concepts, and theories in-
tainability (Dillard et al. 2009) discusses a number of cluding theories of scale (Klintman, 2012), notions of
relevant perspectives. In one chapter, Magis & Shinn temporality (Devlin & Tubino, 2012; Hiedanpää et al.
(2009) define four universal principles covering so- 2012; Psarikidou & Szerszynski, 2012), moral econ-
cial sustainability: human well-being, equity, demo- omy and moral taskscape (Psarikidou & Szerszynski,
cratic government, and democratic civil society. 2012), human-nonhuman animal relations
Yet another relevant tradition is found in the (Hiedanpää et al. 2012), concepts of work related to
“environmental justice” literature (Agyeman & green social enterprises (Osti, 2012), ecological mod-
Evans, 2004), concerned with questions of distribu- ernization and transition theory (Jensen et al. 2012),
tion. On one hand, this work focuses on who—in governance through bureaucratization (Casula Vifell
terms of gender, race, and class—experiences im- & Thedvall, 2012), as well as social movement the-
pacts from environmental “bads” and access to envi- ory (Devlin & Tubino, 2012).
ronmental “goods” (e.g., natural resources, quality of Third, a couple of articles penetrate the term “so-
life). On the other hand, research on environmental cial” and by this route challenge the very pillar-
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justice deals with questions of procedure and partici- oriented view of sustainability. For example,
pation—what social groups have access to delibera- Hiedanpää and colleagues develop a pragmatically
tive forums and participatory decision making. This oriented socioecological perspective in which both
perspective rests on the assumption that “most envi- humans and nonhuman animals take part in estab-
ronmental pollution and degradation is caused by the lishing the social. When the present social order is
actions of the more affluent” at the same time as “en- disturbed, such as when wolves attack sheep or when
vironmental problems are vested disproportionately animal welfare groups politicize swine-rearing prac-
upon the poor” (Agyeman & Evans, 2004). Agyeman tices, “the social” (including cultural habits and cus-
& Evans (2004) coined the term “just sustainability” toms related to the unsettled practices) becomes acti-
to emphasize the conceptual linkages between sus- vated, contested, and reorganized. Psarikidou &
tainable development and environmental justice, as Szerszynski (2012) also criticize the view that social
well as to avoid a one-sided emphasis on the envi- sustainability should constitute a separate pillar adja-
ronmental dimension of sustainability. cent to the “dominating dyad of the ecological and
The proliferation of various frameworks—and the economic.” Instead, they stress a sociomaterial
not one hegemonic theory—is constructive because perspective of sustainability in which the economy
sustainable development is enormously complex. and the environment are always entangled in the so-
Pluralism is preferable to a single common approach. cial. The latter refers to social relations, practices,
As Lehtonen (2004) notes, “Different geographical cultural meanings, and so forth. The material dimen-
and temporal scales as well as situational contexts sion would recognize “that social life is conducted by
require their own frameworks, which do not neces- embodied beings in constant exchange with their
sarily provide a coherent picture, but a mosaic of physical environment.” A lesson from these and other
partly contradicting views of reality.” The various contributions in the special issue is that neglect of the
approaches reflect the need for “framing” or “con- social dimension of sustainability not only leads to
structing” social sustainability (Davidson, 2009). inattention to a number of social aspects, but that our
Contributions to this special issue further theorize the understanding of environmental problems, and
concept of social sustainability and authors outline society-nature relationships in general, becomes fun-
four different types of theoretical contributions. damentally flawed.
First, several articles (including the present one) Finally, the special issue highlights a number of
engage in a dialogue with the literature on the con- concrete social aspects that are commonly referred to
cept of social sustainability. For instance, Kevin in empirical studies and policy debates about social
Murphy (2012) provides a comprehensive literature sustainability. While my aim here is not to provide
review and outlines a framework relevant for policy yet another definition and framework of social sus-
development and assessment. He bases his scheme on tainability, it is instructive to map out what social
four key dimensions: equity, awareness, participa- sustainability often includes in such studies (Table 1).
tion, and social cohesion. An important element of Such a map helps to visualize that social sustainabil-
this approach is that it links social sustainability to ity often refers to both the improvement of conditions
environmental implications and thus provides a way for living people and future generations and the
quality of governance of the development process.

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

Table 1 Examples of substantive (What) and procedural (How) aspects of social sustainability.*

Substantive aspects: What social sustainability goals to Procedural aspects: How to achieve sustainable
achieve? development?
• Basic needs such as food, housing, and income and • Access to information about risks and the sustainabil-
extended needs such as recreation, self-fulfillment ity project
• Inter- and intra-generational justice along gender, race, • Access to participation and decision making in
class, and ethnicity dimensions different stages of the process and over time
o Fair distribution of income • Proactive stakeholder communication and con-
o Fair distribution of environmental “bads” and sultation throughout the process
“goods” • Empowerment for taking part in the process (e.g.,
• Equality of rights, including human rights, land user awareness, education, networking, economic
and tenure rights, and indigenous people’s rights compensation)
• Access to social infrastructure, mobility, local services, • Participating in the framing of issues, including
facilities, green areas, and so forth defining criteria, scope, and subjects of justice
• Employment and other work-related issues, facilitating • Social monitoring of the policy, planning, and
for local small and medium enterprises standard-setting process
• Opportunity for learning and self-development • Accountable governance and management of the
• Community capacity for the development of civil policy, planning, and standard-setting process
society and social capital
• Security (e.g., economic, environmental)
• Health effects among workers, consumers, and
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• Social cohesion, inclusion, and interaction
• Cultural diversity and traditions
• Sense of community attachment, belonging, and
• Social recognition
• Attractive housing and public realm
• Quality of life, happiness, and well-being
In addition to the articles in this special issue, other work along these lines includes Agyeman et al. 2003; Agyeman & Evans,
2004; Lehtonen, 2004; Littig & Grießler, 2005; Nordström Källström & Ljung, 2005; Cuthill, 2009; Davidson, 2009; Dillard et al. 2009;
Magis & Shinn, 2009; Seghezzo, 2009; Dempsey et al. 2011; Fitzpatrick, 2011a; Casula Vifell & Soneryd, 2012.

Accordingly, I find it instructive to distinguish be- that foster sustainable development in general, that is,
tween a substantive and procedural dimension, a dif- in all of its dimensions. 1
ferentiation found in the environmental justice liter-
ature (Agyeman & Evans, 2004; cf. Fitzpatrick, What Explains Challenges to Integrate Social
2011d) and implicitly discussed more widely (in- Aspects in Sustainability Projects and
cluding in the contributions that comprise this special Planning?
issue). The social pillar of sustainable development
could thus be seen as including both procedural as- The following discussion departs from the argu-
pects, such as the role of democratic representation, ment, introduced by a number of scholars, that the
participation, and deliberation and substantive as- concept of social sustainability is more difficult to
pects, that center on “what” is to be done (i.e., the analyze, comprehend, define, and incorporate into
social goals of sustainable development). The proce- sustainability projects and planning than the other
dural aspects include the “how” or the means to dimensions of sustainability (e.g., Lehtonen, 2004;
achieve these goals. Procedures cannot be static, but Littig & Grießler, 2005; Dillard et al. 2009). 2 I seek
should always include a temporal dimension. Aspects to explain some of the challenges reported in the lit-
overlap, and it is also not always easy to distinguish erature and the obstacles discussed in the contribu-
between substantive and procedural issues as they tions to this special issue. The first three topics relate
may reinforce one another. For example, by achiev-
ing certain social sustainability goals—such as
providing opportunities for learning or improving the It would, of course, be equally relevant to label this as an
participatory capacities of local civil societies—one “institutional” or “governance” dimension, but this is just a matter
of wording. My intent here is to collect and sort elements that are
is simultaneously improving opportunities for actors commonly seen as social sustainability aspects.
to take part in sustainability projects and planning. 2
I certainly do not claim that “social problems” are more difficult
While the “what” aspects specifically concern social to solve than, for example, “environmental problems.” Considering
sustainability goals and their relationship to eco- a global issue such as climate change, for example, it would be
nomic and environmental dimensions, the “how” unreasonable to suggest that the “environmental” dimension of this
issue is easier to tackle than the “social” dimension, because these
aspects may be seen as social sustainability elements are inseparable.

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

to framing issues, while the last three concern organi- (Cucca & Tachi, 2012) effectively illustrates the
zational, institutional, and structural factors. complex tradeoffs that arise in policy practice. Envi-
ronmental problems often imply the need for re-
High Expectations strictions on access to long- and short-range mobility.
As seen in Table 1, notions of social sustainabil- Such measures tend to affect the population asym-
ity often refer to such aspects as social welfare, qual- metrically—wealthy people still find ways to reach
ity of life, social justice, social cohesion, cultural their intended destinations—and thus clash with so-
diversity, democratic rights, gender issues, workers’ cial goals such as equal accessibility and integration.
rights, broad participation, development of social
capital and individual capabilities, and so forth. It Vague, Subjective, and Ideological Framing
goes without saying that achieving “success” in terms Many scholars agree that the meaning of social
of all these aspects would be an enormous task. A sustainability remains unclear and there exists un-
comment by Johan Hedrén (2009) illustrates the certainty about how it relates to both the other dimen-
enormity of actually putting the world on an effective sions and wider policy issues (Littig & Grießler,
pathway to social sustainability. 2005; Davidson, 2009; Dillard et al. 2009; Casula
Vifell & Soneryd, 2012; Dempsey et al. 2011). It has
In the Johannesburg documents this is defi- been argued that environmental sustainability has
nitely not just a matter of slight corrections more concrete objectives and is easier to measure
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to the current structures, but rather a creation (Davidson, 2009; Bebbington & Dillard, 2009). A
of something fundamentally new: a world related argument is that there is no evident scientific
without chronic hunger, malnutrition, for- basis for measuring social sustainability. As
eign occupation, armed conflict, illicit drug Bebbington & Dillard (2009) observe,
problems, organized crime, corruption, natu-
ral disasters, illicit arms trafficking, traf- [S]ocial sustainability appears to present dif-
ficking in persons, terrorism, intolerance and ferent and more severe challenges in specifi-
incitement to racial ethnic, religious and cation, understanding, and communication
other hatreds, xenophobia, and endemic, than environmental sustainability because
communicable and chronic diseases, in par- there is no widely accepted scientific basis
ticular AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (em- for analysis, unlike the ability to debate
phasis in original). population ecology, acceptable levels of
toxicity, or acceptable concentrations of
Such goals are, of course, tremendously ambi- green-house gases in the atmosphere. Nor is
tious, especially given the extremely complex and there a common unit of measure such as
problematic circumstances that exist today on a monetary units with the economic dimen-
worldwide basis. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with sion of sustainability.
high ambitions. Hedrén (2009) discussed the im-
portant political role of “utopian thought” in both These authors referred particularly to corporate,
abstract and concrete manifestations. The concept of social, and environmental accounting. In these fields,
sustainable development is a good example of uto- social sustainability appears to be more subjective,
pian thought because it offers a formulation of alter- soft, less scientific, more ideological, and local in
natives with which existing societies can be com- contrast to global (cf. Klintman, 2012), which in
pared. Visions, utopias, and aspirations are surely many instances puts it in a disadvantageous position
needed. At the same time, expressions of extremely relative to both the economic and environmental di-
high ambition can create unrealistic expectations and mensions. Brown et al. (2009) develops the argument
may, in the long run, lead to great disappointment further, claiming that the “triple bottom line” concept
and claims of major failure. in corporate reporting implies three separate, assessa-
The win-win-win framing embedded in the con- ble measures. This atomistic view masks and misrep-
cept of sustainable development (the positive inte- resents the complex relations among the three dimen-
gration of the three pillars) may conceal the fact that sions and neglects the fundamentally different nature
clashes or tradeoffs between environmental and so- of social systems.
cial goals are sometimes (or even often) unavoidable
(cf. Fitzpatrick, 2011c). Given this rhetoric, real-life In a broad sense, social systems differ dra-
examples of such putative tradeoffs are likely to lead matically from systems that can be maxim-
to frustrations. For example, ecotaxes have often ized (or minimized)…In economic systems,
given rise to heated discussion about negative distri- maximizing wealth may be appropriate. In
butional effects. The case of access to mobility natural systems, maximizing (or minimiz-

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

ing) biological diversity (or greenhouse gas that a more systematic focus on the social dimension
emissions) may be desirable, but does it has been secondary to environmental and economic
make sense to either maximize or minimize considerations (Marcuse, 1998; Agyeman, 2008;
in the realm of social sustainability (Brown Bebbington & Dillard, 2009). Some scholars have
et al. 2009)? discussed the risk that the concept of sustainable de-
velopment tends to depoliticize matters because no-
Aspects of social sustainability such as employ- tions of nature and environmental sustainability often
ment rates or income equality can be measured (and remain tied to a particular ontology.
maximized), but the problems Brown and colleagues
highlight are very relevant when it comes to such As such, calls for sustainability, made gen-
social sustainability issues as quality of life, commu- erally or with specific reference to particular
nity well-being, and social recognition. They argue pillars, can attach themselves to certain on-
that “the fundamental differences in the attributes of tological and consequently epistemological
economic, environmental, and social sustainability positions—most notably notions about
illustrate the inappropriateness of measuring, report- “equilibrium,” “balance” and “stability”
ing and conceiving of these facets in the same way” (Davidson, 2009).
(Brown et al. 2009).
An observation by Osti (2012) in this special is- As the sustainability framing emerges from its
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sue is relevant to address here. He remarks that green environmental roots, a conservative bias is potentially
social cooperatives offer great potential both for job created. It is easy to see the many complexities in-
creation and environmental services, for example in volved if one tries to integrate such abstract catego-
relation to waste recycling or energy supplies. How- ries as “social” and “environment” without much
ever, they face huge difficulties entering these fields reflection on what constitutes the social and the envi-
due to the requirement of expertise in ecosystems or ronmental. As Marcuse (1998) observes, “[s]ustain-
other complex systems. The majority of green social ability as a goal in itself, if we are to take the term’s
enterprises engages in more labor-intensive services ordinary meaning, is the preservation of the status
such as urban sanitation. As little or no expertise is quo. It would, taken literally, involve making only
needed for such tasks, these enterprises impart only those changes that are required to maintain that
weak social recognition and negotiating power. status.”
Because of the vague, subjective, and often more While the conservation or strengthening of the
politicized nature of social sustainability, it generally environment “as it is” is usually assumed to be desir-
appears to be more difficult to legitimize. However, able, this is less often the case regarding the conser-
state or nonstate initiated sustainability projects often vation of some social sustainability features. “No one
refer to well-established principles such as the United who is interested in justice wants to sustain things as
Nations Declaration of Human Rights or the Interna- they are now” (Marcuse, 1998). Indeed, far-reaching
tional Labour Organization’s conventions. Such social change may well be required to achieve con-
global frameworks help to validate inclusion of some servation of the environment. Goals of environmental
social aspects (cf. Tamm Hallström & Boström, and social sustainability may be conflicting rather
2010). Furthermore, the proliferation of social sus- than compatible. For example, efforts to overcome
tainability frameworks discussed earlier can be seen social inequalities and develop human capabilities
as an effort to clarify for both academics and practi- could easily mean increasing the use of natural re-
tioners how social sustainability should be delimited, sources to the detriment of the conservation or resili-
what it contains, and how it relates to the other di- ence of the biophysical environment. Likewise, social
mensions (see also Murphy’s article in this special sustainability goals could be internally inconsistent
issue). Such efforts make social sustainability more when the interests of the present generation are con-
visual, measurable (also through qualitative means), fronted with those of future generations, as environ-
and hence more legitimate. mental justice theorists have observed.
A related topic is the criticism that social scien-
Historical Roots: The Sustainability Framing is tists raise in relation to the conceptual separation
Better Suited to Environmental than Social among the three sectors (see above), which are as-
Issues sumed to be on equal levels, and in relation to the
Although the Brundtland Commission and Rio corresponding lack of clarification of the connections
documents clearly stressed a social dimension, for across the sectors (Littig & Grießler, 2005). Such a
instance through their insistence on intra- and inter- division may, for example, give the wrong impres-
generational justice, gender equity, and calls for par- sion that the economy is independent of a social or
ticipatory decision making, several scholars argue institutional context and that the economy and the

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

social are instead independent from the environment Similarly, measurement and monitoring of eco-
(Lehtonen, 2004; Hopwood et al. 2005; Dillard et al. nomic development, social welfare, and environ-
2009). As discussed below, the conceptual separation mental conditions are usually institutionally distinct
of sectors is also reflected organizationally in institu- practices. For example, Lehtonen (2004), on the basis
tions. of an investigation of the environmental performance
reviews carried out by the Organization for Economic
A Missing Institutional Link (Rather Than a Cooperation and Development, argues that interac-
Missing Pillar) tion (synergies and tradeoffs) between the social and
The division between “environment” and “so- environmental dimensions is the least developed as-
cial” (or “nature” and “culture”) reflects a historical pect of sustainability analysis and measurement.
dualism that has been institutionalized in administra- Similar results were reported in a case study of
tion and management. We tend to use phrases such as statewide sustainability indices in Oregon
the “environmental sector,” which is meant to include (Schlossberg & Zimmerman, 2003). The authors of
such activities as nature protection and environmental this study, however, argue that the development of
management, while the “social sector” encompasses sustainability indicators itself is an area with the po-
welfare politics, social insurance systems, and so tential to bridge the gap between previously separated
forth. activities.
These two sectors have very distinct and separate Sometimes, as Davidson (2009) has observed,
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traditions, and are only beginning to relate to one the term social sustainability is simply used to de-
other (cf. Fitzpatrick, 2011a). Is the sustainability scribe the current system of social welfare and policy.
discourse helpful for overcoming this dualism or Particularly in urban studies, social sustainability has
should it be blamed for preserving it? Psarikidou & been discussed only in terms of social relations—or
Szerszynski (2012) argue in their article in this spe- socially sustainable communities—thereby excluding
cial issue that the difficulty in conceptualizing and social-environmental relationships. Such usage of the
implementing social sustainability partly originates social sustainability frame achieves nothing more
from its very conceptualization as a separate pillar. than further perpetuating the institutional separation
I may take Sweden as an example that supports between social and environmental sectors.
this latter view. In Sweden, despite all the talk about The article by Kevin Murphy in this special issue
sustainable development and recognition of its three explicitly aims to develop a framework that should
dimensions, and notwithstanding a strong emphasis help analysts and policy makers to connect social and
on sector integration, sustainable development is seen environmental sustainability. The book edited by
as being covered by a huge administrative system Tony Fitzpatrick (2011a), which is the subject of a
with sixteen “environmental quality objectives,” that review symposium in this issue, also fills a very im-
actually only consider the environmental dimension. portant role in this regard. And other articles featured
No, or at best few, links to social objectives are con- here by Katerina Psarikidou & Bronislaw
sidered. Sector integration is to be achieved by re- Szerszynski; Juha Hiedanpää, Ari Jokinen, & Pekka
quiring that an extensive number of public agen- Jokinen; and John Devlin & Denise Tubino show
cies—including “social” agencies—on different lev- how the “social” and the “environmental” are in real-
els integrate environmental goals and concerns, but ity inseparable. And they could also be deliberately
there is no similar system for taking “social sustaina- integrated. For example, Jensen, Jørgensen, Elle, &
bility goals” into account. A previous study on sus- Hagelskjær Lauridsen (2012) demonstrate that the
tainability planning in the areas of food production sustainability concept applied in ecovillages in Den-
and electromagnetic fields in Sweden confirmed this mark reveals a close relationship between the envi-
picture (Casula Vifell & Soneryd, 2012). There is ronmental and social dimensions (community-
very little incorporation of the social dimension, re- building, local empowerment, shared facilities) in
garding either the procedural (participation of actors contrast with the new wave of “sustainable” buildings
representing social goals and concerns) or substantive that rely more exclusively on an environmental di-
elements, despite the explicit conceptual connection mension. It should be mentioned, however, that inte-
to the goals of sustainable development (see also grating the “social” and the “environmental” in pol-
Casula Vifell & Thedvall in this issue). We see the icy, administration, and management is not some-
same separation in civil society. Historically, labor thing done overnight, but will require a long-term
unions have seldom collaborated with environmental learning process, and careful attention to the proce-
organizations (Boström, 2001) because the former dural dimension including participatory aspects (dis-
have tended to defend what the latter has opposed: cussed further below).
the productivist, growth paradigm that is believed to
ensure continual “full employment.”

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

Global Capitalism for Sustainable Development? to the pressures of resourceful and powerful actors.
Several novel sustainability projects are embed- Thus, dilemmas stem “not so much from an opposi-
ded within local and/or global capitalist structures, tional strategy as from their significant success in the
and this special issue highlights cases such as sus- market” (Taylor, 2004).
tainable buildings (Jensen et al. 2012), certification of Studies reported in this special issue confirm
sustainable tourism (Klintman, 2012), fair trade, and these situations. Jensen et al. (2012) demonstrate how
organic food (Casula Vifell & Thedvall, 2012). These mainstreaming in the area of sustainable buildings
and other sustainability initiatives—framed as corpo- implies a narrow/technical sustainability framing in
rate social responsibility or the triple bottom line— which social sustainability goals came to be ex-
are often seen as concrete attempts to integrate all cluded. Klintman (2012) shows how the movement
three dimensions of sustainability. To date, scholars toward international harmonization of criteria for
have discussed the inherent contradictions and limi- sustainable tourism elicited protracted debate. More-
tations of using market-based governance and politi- over, important tradeoffs are involved in finding a
cal action to foster sustainable production and con- balance between overly strict and excessively lax
sumption (e.g., Guthman, 2009; Shaw & Black, criteria. For instance, very exacting sustainability
2010). Klooster (2010), who focuses on forest certifi- criteria may induce negative effects in terms of social
cation, claims, sustainability because they undermine the ability of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to attain
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Certification cannot make the current model certification.

of insatiable demands for goods from all A related topic is that a market-based approach
over the world either environmentally sus- has great difficulty dealing with structural issues
tainable or socially equitable. This reflects such as poverty reduction, capacity building in de-
the contradiction of using a market-based, veloping country contexts, or equitable wealth distri-
consumption-dependent strategy to leverage bution (Klooster, 2010; Boström, 2011); prerequisites
sustainable development in a world where that may be a necessary if one is to work for all di-
markets and consumption patterns are fun- mensions of sustainability.
damentally inequitable. However, pessimism should not be exaggerated.
Researchers are recognizing that companies at times
Hopwood et al. (2005) argue that the interpreta- do shoulder responsibilities and develop proactive
tive flexibility and ambiguity of the sustainability strategies to prevent harmful social and environmen-
concept “allows business and governments to be in tal side effects from their production. The corporate
favour of sustainability without any fundamental sector can play a key role in achieving social goals,
challenge to their present course.” In this way, the such as improving conditions for workers and local
concept helps to legitimize (or greenwash) the status communities. Although based on compromises as
quo which means further expansion of capitalism, discussed above, labeling and certification have at
more economic growth, increasing social inequalities least potential to go a few steps beyond status quo.
and more environmental destruction (Lehtonen, As an example, in a recent study of how the For-
2004). In other words, it helps to “sustain the unsus- est Stewardship Council has pursued social sustaina-
tainable” (Bluhdorn & Welsh, 2007). bility, Boström (2011) found tangible benefits re-
The literature reminds us that fundamental con- garding some substantive social goals (for example,
tradictions in such market-based strategies need to be related to labor issues such as safe and humane
acknowledged. Contradictions are not solved, only working conditions, and respect of local communi-
handled. On the whole, market-based solutions can- ties’ right for other uses of forest resources) as well
not avoid a general compromise between market as procedural goals related to local organization, em-
pragmatist/expansionist goals, on one hand, and am- powerment, and stakeholder communication. Never-
bitious environmental and social goals on the other theless, many problems were unresolved and the dif-
(Taylor, 2004; Boström & Klintman, 2008). To fulfill ficulties accomplishing these benefits were not insig-
its objectives, market-based systems such as product nificant. Moreover, Klooster (2010) argues that we
certification and labeling must enter into the main- should acknowledge various instantiations of “ne-
stream market. Overly stringent social and environ- oliberal environmental governance,” as some may
mental criteria would imply huge costs and prevent a contain elements of questioning current practices,
substantial market impact. Approaches originally “especially when certification institutions were con-
identified as “alternative” face challenges maintain- structed with the participation of social movements
ing their “outsider” political identity as they move promoting social and environmental goals that seem
toward the mainstream. At the same time, as they to counter neoliberal tendencies.” Accordingly, he
become more influential, such products are exposed emphasizes the importance of the procedural (partici-

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

patory) dimension of social sustainability, which I local community is and who is supposed to represent
elaborate in the next section. it (often a local elite).
A focus on how procedures affect substance
Relation Between the Procedural (How) and ought to take into account a longitudinal perspective.
Substantive (What) Dimension of Social Devlin & Tubino (2012) highlight instances of both
Sustainability success and failure in the very same case, but at dif-
Allow me to turn back to Table 1 and to suggest ferent stages. The authors demonstrate how rising
that many challenges to fully incorporate social sus- public mobilization/participation, in connection with
tainability have to do with insufficient attention to the certain enabling conditions, could bring about change
relationship between procedural and substantive di- in the environmental plan of a Brazilian mining com-
mensions. A number of scholars indeed assume posi- pany. Yet, the initial victory turned to failure during
tive internal linkage between these dimensions of implementation due to the firm’s strategic moves and
social sustainability (e.g., Agyeman & Evans, 2004; changing conditions (such as less vigilant attention
Dillard et al. 2009). The way a sustainability project by the state). As public mobilization is episodic, a
is organized, which entails, for example, participatory powerful company has considerable flexibility to
aspects (who is allowed to contribute) and the way behave as it wants. The case under study reveals that
that leaders frame the issues that participants discuss, the firm in question could reach out directly to com-
may affect if and how substantive sustainability as- munities and introduce new programs to deflect at-
Downloaded by [DUT Library] at 05:23 08 November 2017

pects are considered. As Casula Vifell & Soneryd tention from past agreements. In light of these chal-
(2010) remark, “[I]f no actors explicitly addressing lenges, Devlin & Tubino (2012) argue that continu-
the social dimension are invited, this pillar is likely to ous supervision and participation need to be institu-
remain weak.” And merely providing opportunities tionalized. Deliberative democracy cannot be re-
for participation is not sufficient. “Social recogni- stricted to public participation only during the plan-
tion” is important for participants’ motivation and ning process.
confidence (Nordström Källström & Ljung, 2005)
and it is also essential to consider individual stake- What is the Potential Benefit of the Concept?
holders’ capabilities (e.g., financial, cognitive, or-
ganizational) to play effective roles in sustainability The inherent vagueness and interpretative flexi-
projects (Boström & Tamm Hallström, 2010; bility of both the sustainability concept in general and
Boström, 2011). If one fails to develop a system in social sustainability in particular cannot be fully
which procedural aspects are taken into account (ef- overcome. And indeed, it is precisely this feature that
fective participation of social stakeholders), then one explains why it has played an extraordinarily im-
can expect few incentives to include goals and con- portant historical role in facilitating communication
cerns that run counter to leaders’ framing of the issue among actors with colliding interests (Hajer, 1995;
(Casula Vifell & Soneryd, 2012). The organizing Jacobs, 1999). Similarly, Fitzpatrick (2011b) argues
process itself may lead to bureaucratization, as seen that sustainability can be “thought of as a ‘portal,’
in the cases of fair trade and organic food policy and entrance into a series of debates.” Before Brund-
making (Casula Vifell & Thedvall, 2012), that can tland, few such conceptual tools were in place that
obscure power struggles and the political aspects of could bring various actors together.
negotiations, as well as create obstacles to partici- The consequence is that (social) sustainable de-
pation, particularly for weak social stakeholders (see velopment needs to be framed, filled with content,
also Tamm Hallström & Boström, 2010). and interpreted from time to time and place to place.
Klintman considers scale-related participatory In the absence of active engagement, it is merely an
and representational challenges, including the dis- empty conceptual space (Davidson, 2009). Green-
tance between the global actors that dominate the washing will always be a risk, as will the possibility
definition and regulation of sustainable tourism and that the sustainability framing just helps to cement
the local communities and SMEs that are targets for the institutional separation of “the environment” and
such activity. This case is an echo of the common “the social” in policy, administration, and manage-
social sustainability call for local empowerment and ment. Yet, the various frameworks, such as those
participation in planning accreditation/certification. It briefly discussed here, or the one suggested by
also reveals the difficulties involved in deciding who Murphy in his contribution to this special issue, as
are legitimate participants/representatives. Who well as the various aspects listed in Table 1, shed
should represent social sustainability? This difficult light on topics that ought to be considered in policies
question is, according to Klintman, related to the and planning.
vagueness of the scale entity “local”—and what the Sustainable development is, as I see it, not a very
useful theoretical concept for social scientists for

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

understanding the relationship between society and participatory process of working toward sustainabil-
nature, or for studying environmental governance, ity (cf., Dillard et al. 2009). Furthermore, Cuthill
management, and communication, and so forth. This (2009) showed how the social sustainability concept
criticism is, for example, echoed in the articles by worked well as a communicative platform among
Juhu Hiedanpää and colleagues and Katerina academics and planners.
Psarikidou & Bronislaw Szerszynski. Neither should
we treat “social sustainability” as the best theoretical [A] focus on the concept of “Social sustain-
tool for studying social-environmental relations in ability” was seen to provide a meeting place,
general, although parts of the referenced literature which drew together participants’ diverse
clearly provide useful analytical tools for under- perspectives around a relatively new concept
standing and investigating sustainability projects and that did not carry any political or academic
planning, as well as normative tools for improving baggage from previous use. This concept
them. In its very broadest sense, the “social” has to provided an umbrella under which existing
do with the entire relationship between society and disciplinary and operational perspectives,
nature, which thereby includes economic, cultural, relating to the social dimension of sustaina-
political, and institutional structures and processes. ble development, could be sheltered. Social
From a social constructionist perspective, there is sustainability appeared to have a “low pro-
nothing in principle—including nature—that cannot file,” among both researchers and bureau-
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be labeled as “social.” Environmental sociology chal- crats.

lenges the dualism between society and nature, and
economic sociology teaches us that the economy is Second, opportunities are to be found in the sys-
socially embedded. However, the aim in this intro- tematic focus on the very process of defining social
ductory article is not to carry out a sociological anal- sustainability goals and criteria. If certain “social
ysis—or deconstruction—of the sustainability dis- stakeholders,” such as labor unions or community
course. groups, are both given access and empowered (eco-
If we take this discourse as given (in the sense of nomic, education, social capital) to take part in sus-
having a robust place in the public debate), we can tainability planning and projects, it is unlikely that
ask if and how social sustainability, viewed as frame social sustainability will be defined as all or nothing.
(discourse), enables policy makers to take into ac- The effective participation of such social stakehold-
count, integrate, and simultaneously work for social, ers should prevent very narrow or unbalanced fram-
economic, and environmental goals. This article has ings. As Cuthill (2009) argued, there is “an interde-
presented six challenges for operationalizing and pendent and self-reinforcing relationship” between
integrating social sustainability: 1) high expectations; the different social sustainability dimensions. By
2) vague, subjective, and ideological framing; 3) seriously taking into account both the substantive
historical roots (sustainability framing is better suited (what) and procedural (how) dimensions, while ac-
to environmental than social issues); 4) missing knowledging structural limitations and inherent con-
institutional linkage (rather than a missing pillar); 5) tradictions, there could be a strong potential role for
global capitalism for sustainable development? 6) the social sustainability projects. He observes, “A strong
relation between the procedural (how) and substan- marketing point for social sustainability lies in its
tive (what) dimensions of social sustainability. strategic, preventive approach to social issues, ad-
This discussion of the challenges has also indi- dressing the ‘causes’ rather than just treating the
cated some opportunities. First, both scholars and ‘symptoms.’”
policy makers should acknowledge the potential of Third, while the win-win-win framing of the
the social sustainability framing for sustainability sustainability concept may lead to unrealistic expec-
projects and planning. For example, although tations, it is also fair to say that the frame of social
Davidson (2009) expressed concerns about the onto- sustainability has, during the past decade, assisted in
logical and epistemological roots of sustainable de- focusing attention on many new issues among aca-
velopment, which may end up in a depoliticized no- demics, policy makers, and practitioners. It has trig-
tion of the concept (see third challenge in the previ- gered several new debates about the connections,
ous section), he still envisioned potential in another including the synergies and tradeoffs, between social
version that endorses its political dimension. The and environmental issues. Learning about tradeoffs
debate surrounding social sustainability may still in, for example, the use of policy instruments or ac-
offer a useful site for politics. Within the question cess to mobility is a first step toward formulating
“what type of society do we want to sustain?” resides integrated sustainable transportation policies.
latent political potential. The very framing of what Finally, the related frame of “environmental jus-
(social) sustainability is should be part of the broadly tice” has resulted in “the environment” being rede-

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

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Transnational Sustainability Projects.” This project was ronmental Sustainability and Social Justice. New York: Ox-
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Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Boström: A Missing Pillar

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Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy | Winter 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 1


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