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Wake up kids We've got the dreamers disease Age 14 we got you down on your knees So polite, you're

busy still saying please Fri - enemies, who when you're down ain't your friend Every night we smash their Mercedes - Benz First we run and then we laugh till we cry But when the night is falling And you cannot find the light If you feel your dream is dying Hold tight You've got the music in you Don't let go You've got the music in you One dance left This world is gonna pull through Don't give up You've got a reason to live Can't forget you only get what you give Four a. m. we ran a miracle mile Were flat broke but hey we do it in style The bad rich God's flying in for your trial This whole damn world can fall apart You'll be ok follow your heart You're in harms way I'm right behind Now say youre mine Fly high What's real can't die You only get what you give Just dont be afraid to leave Health insurance rip off lying FDA big bankers buying Fake computer crashes dining Cloning while they're multiplying Fashion mag shoots With the aid of 8 dust brothers Beck, Hanson Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson You're all fakes Run to your mansions Come around We'll kick your ass in! Don't let go One dance left {unsaid lyrics from liner} Championed by a soulless media misleading People unaware they're bleeding No one with a brain is believing It's so sad you lost the meaning Never knew it anyway Human natures so predictable I'm a fool to do your dirty work whoa, whoa

............................................. i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, you could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in, and if you do not want to see me again, i would understand. i would understand. the angry boy, a bit too insane, icing over a secret pain, you know you don't belong, you're the first to fight, you're way too loud, you're the flash of light, on a burial shroud, i know something's wrong, well everyone i know has got a reason, to say, put the past away, i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, you could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in, and if you do not want to see me again, i would understand, i would understand. and well he's on the table, and he's gone to code, and i do not think anyone knows, what they are doing here, and your friends have left you, you've been dismissed. i never thought it would come to this, and i, i want you to know, everyone's got to face down the demons, maybe today, we can put the past away, i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend. you could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in, and if you do not want to see me again, i would understand, i would understand, i would understand... (i would understand) (i would understand) (understand)

ya ya ya ya ya... can you put the past away? i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, i would understand (i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,) i would understand (i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,) and i would understand (i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,) i would understand (i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,) and i would understand...

Syarat Pendaftaran

Tahapan Pendaftaran

* Yang Dapat Mengajukan Beasiswa Adalah Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya 1. Program S1 (Paling rendah duduk pada semester II dan paling tinggi d uduk pada semester VIII) 2. Program Diploma III / Pendidikan Vokasi (Paling rendah duduk pada se mester II dan paling tinggi duduk pada semester VI) dan 3. Berstatus aktif di Semester Genap 2010/2011 * Persyaratan mahasiswa yang mengajukan beasiswa wajib melampirkan berkas se bagai berikut : A. Untuk dikumpulkan di Fakultas (Berkas dimasukkan dalam Map Biru ditulisi Nama , NIM, Fakultas dan No.HP) : 1. Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) 2. Formulir Biodata Mahasiswa 3. Formulir permohonan beasiswa 4. Form Verifikasi 5. Fotokopi sertifikat penghargaan selama menjadi mahasiswa yang dilegalisir oleh fakultas masing-masing (bila ada) 6. Surat Keterangan Aktif dari Organisasi Mahasiswa Intra Kampus (BEM,EM,HMJ, UKM dll) yang diikuti (bagi mahasiswa yang menjadi pengurus organisasi mahasiswa intra kampus) (bila ada). B. Untuk dikumpulkan di Gedung Rektorat Koridor Lantai 1 (Berkas dimasukkan dala m Map Merah ditulisi Nama, NIM, Fakultas dan No.HP) : 1. 2. 3. 4. Formulir Fotokopi Fotokopi Fotokopi Biodata Mahasiswa Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) / SIM Kartu Keluarga (KK)

5. Fotokopi Slip Gaji / Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang Tua/Wali (bagi PNS /Perusahaan Swasta disahkan oleh Bagian Keuangan instansi / perusahaan dan bagi selain PNS / Perusahaan Swasta disahkan oleh Lurah / Kepala Desa dengan menyerta kan nominal penghasilan kotor) satu bulan terakhir. 6. Fotokopi Rekening Listrik, Telepon dan atau PDAM satu bulan terakhir (bagi yang tidak menggunakan listrik, telepon dan atau PDAM memakai surat keterangan dari RT,RW). 7. Fotokopi Bukti Pembayaran PBB (bagi yang tidak memiliki bukti pembayaran P BB memakai surat keterangan dari Pejabat daerah RT,RW) 8. Fotokopi Biaya SPP anak yang menjadi tanggungan Orang Tua (SD,SMP,SMA,PT) satu lembar 9. Transkip Asli (bagi yang data IPK tidak sesuai) yang telah dilegalisir dar i fakultas masing-masing

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