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ECGC PO Question

Bank MCQs
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FOR ECGC PO and Banking exams

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What is ECGC PO Exam?

ECGC PO Exam is conducted for the recruitment of probationary officers in
ECGC (formerly known as Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India). It is a
100% Government of India owned Enterprise, hence ECGC PO Exam is a great
opportunity for aspirants preparing for competitive exams to secure a Government

ECGC PO Exam Pattern

Objective Paper
Maximum Sectional
Subjects Maximum Marks
Questions Timing

Reasoning Ability 50 50 40 minutes

English Language 40 40 30 minutes

20 20 10 minutes

General Awareness 40 40 20 minutes

50 50 40 minutes

Total 200 200 140 minutes

Descriptive Paper
The descriptive paper carries a total of 40 marks and needs to be completed in 40
minutes. There will be two sections here. One will be essay writing, and the other
will be precis writing. The candidate will be given two options in each section to
choose from. The candidate has to answer two questions in the section, and each
question carries 20 marks.
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ECGC PO Questions – eBook

Direction (1 -5): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series.

Q1. 17 , 9 , 10 , 16.5 , 35, ?

1. 90
2. 90.5
3. 94.5
4. 91.5
5. 92

Q2. 20, 26, 38, 56, 80, ?

1. 128
2. 110
3. 124
4. 130
5. 126

Q3. 110, ?, 102, 126, 94, 134

1. 112
2. 96
3. 118
4. 120
5. 92

Q4. 7, 35, 140, 420, ?, 840

1. 700
2. 940
3. 740
4. 840
5. 640

Q5. 120, 59, 28.5 ,13.25, ?

1. 5.265
2. 6.625
3. 5.625
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4. 5.526
5. 6.645

Q6. In the following questions there are two equations given. You have to solve both the equations
and give answer:
I. 6y²+19y-25=0
II. x²-44x+363=0

1. x > y
2. x ≥ y
3. x < y
4. x ≤ y
5. x = y or no relation can be established between x and y

Q7. In the following questions there are two equations given. You have to solve both the equations
and give answer:
II. 3y²+7y+4=0

1. x > y
2. x ≥ y
3. x < y
4. x ≤ y
5. x = y or no relation can be established between x and y.

Q8. In the following questions there are two equations given. You have to solve both the equations
and give answer:
I. x² +(14)² = (15)² + 35
II y = ∛512

1. x > y
2. x ≥ y
3. x < y
4. x ≤ y
5. x = y or no relation can be established between x and y.
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Q9. In the following questions there are two equations given. You have to solve both the equations
and give answer:
I.6x² + 13x + 6 = 0
II 2y² + 9y + 10 = 0

1. x > y
2. x ≥ y
3. x < y
4. x ≤ y
5. x = y or no relation can be established between x and y.

Q10. In the following questions there are two equations given. You have to solve both the
equations and give answer:
I.x² + 19x + 90 = 0
II y² + 10y + 9 = 0

1. x > y
2. x ≥ y
3. x < y
4. x ≤ y
5. x = y or no relation can be established between x and y

Directions (11-15): Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting in a linear row. Some of them face towards
south direction and some of them face towards north direction. No two friends sitting together
according to the alphabetical order (i.e. A does not sits immediate neighbor of B and B does not
sits immediate neighbor of A). M sits 3rd to the right of J. O and M face the same direction as K
is facing. The number of persons sitting to the right of P is equal to the number of person sitting
on the right of M. J sits one of the extreme ends of row. L and N are immediate neighbors but
both face opposite directions with respect to each other. Q sits 4th to the right of L. L does not
sits on the left of P. K sits on the left of L but does not faces the same direction as J. Q faces the
same direction as J and P are facing. N does not face south direction.

Q11. Who among the following sits 2nd to the right of L?

(a) J
(b) P
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(c) K
(d) M
(e) Q

Q12. How many persons face south direction?

(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) Two
(e) More than Four

Q13. Who among the following sits on the immediate left of J?

(a) K
(b) M
(c) N
(d) Q
(e) No one

Q14. Who among the following sits on the immediate left of K?

(a) L
(b) P
(c) J
(d) Q
(e) No one

Q15. J is related to O, in the same way M is related to L then who among the following follow
same pattern N is related to?
(a) P
(b) M
(c) Q
(d) K
(e) J

Directions (16-20): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some
Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance
from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given
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conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q16. Statements:
Some Ram are Rom
No Rom is bag
All bag are Bottle
I: All rom can never be bottle
II: Some bottle are not Rom
Ans. b

Q17. Statements:
All Desk are table
Some table are wood
All room are wood
I: Some room are table
II: No table is room
Ans. c

Q18. Statements:
No Pencil are pen
No charger are mobile
Some pen are Charger
I. Some mobile can be pen
II. Some pencil is mobile
Ans. a

Q19. Statements:
Only a few ratio is fraction
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Some fraction are Review

All review are tool
I. Some fraction are tool
II. Some review are ratio is a possibility
Ans. e

Q20. Statements:
Some grapes are green
All green are black
Only a few black are Pink
I: Some grapes are black
II: All black are pink is a possibility
Ans. a

Directions (21-22): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
Six family members namely B, C, D, F, L and T are living and there are two married couples in
the family. F is the father in law of C, who is the father of T. B is the sister in law of L, who is the
mother of D.

Q21. What is the relation of B with respect to D?

(a) Niece
(b) Sister
(c) Mother
(d) Aunt
(e) None of these

Q22. How many males members are in the family?

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Either (a) or (c)
(e) Can’t be determined
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Directions (23-25): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A is the only sister of S. J is the only son of the brother-in-law of S. K and M are siblings of J. M
is married to the only child of N. G is the father-in-law of V, who is brother-in-law of J. K is
unmarried. K’s mother is the sister of S. G does not have any sibling.

Q23. If D is wife N, then how is D related to M?

(a) Father
(b) Mother
(c) Mother-in-law
(d) father-in-law
(e) None of these

Q24. How is G is related to S?

(a) Sister
(b) Brother-in-law
(c) Sister-in-law
(d) Brother
(e) None of these

Q25. How is K related to A?

(a) Father
(b) Sister
(c) Daughter
(d) Mother
(e) Son

Directions (26-30): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven banks conduct entrance exam on seven different dates of the seven different months
starting from March to September of the same year.
SBI conducts exam on the date which is completely divisible by 3 and 4, and in the month, which
has odd number of days. HDFC conducts exam in the month which has even number of days and
on the date, which is square of the even number. More than two banks are conducting exam after
ICICI bank. OBC conduct exam 15days after BOB’s exam and in the month, which have 31days.
Three banks conduct their exam between PNB and OBC. ICICI does not conduct exam in March.
Difference between the dates of HDFC and PNB is 9. PNB conducts exam before ICICI and on
the date which is square of an odd number. The bank which conducts the exam on the 21st of
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the month, takes it immediately after the OBC Bank. Difference between the dates of SBI and RBI
is 9. The bank which conducts exam in August conducts on 7th of the month. ICICI bank conducts
exam on 6th of the month.

Q26. Difference between the exam date of RBI and OBC?

(a) 8
(b) 19
(c) 14
(d) 7
(e) None of these

Q27. SBI conducts exam in which of the following month?

(a) May
(b) March
(c) September
(d) August
(e) None of these

Q28. How many banks conducts exam before BOB bank?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Three
(e) None

Q29. Which of the following bank conducts exam in September?

(a) SBI
(b) HDFC
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(c) BOB
(d) OBC
(e) None of these

Q30. Which of the following combination is true about PNB?

(a) June-23
(b) May-9
(c) July-7
(d) April-25
(e) None is true

Directions (31-35): In these questions some statements are followed by some conclusions
numbered. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Q31. Statements:
Only a few Blue are Green.
No Green is a Yellow.
Only Blue is Brown.
I. Some Brown is Yellow is a possibility
II. Some Yellow is Blue is a possibility
(a) Only I follows.
(b) Only II follows.
(c) Both I and II follow.
(d) Either I or II follows.
(e) Neither I nor II follows.

Q32. Statements:
All Mango are Apple.
Only Few Guava are Mango.
No Guava is Banana
I. All Banana is Mango is a possibility
II. Some Apple is Guava is a possibility
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(a) Only I follows.

(b) Only II follows.
(c) Either I or II follows.
(d) Neither I nor II follows.
(e) Both I and II follow.

Q33. Statements:
All News is World.
Some World is India.
No News is True.
I. All True is India
II. No True is India
(a) Either I or II follows.
(b) Both I and II follow.
(c) Only I follows.
(d) Neither I nor II follows.
(e) Only II follows.

Q34. Statements:
All Game are Winner.
No Winner are Loser.
Only a few Loser is Chance.
I. All Loser is Chance
II. Atleast some Winner is Chance
(a) Either I or II follows.
(b) Only II follows.
(c) Neither I nor II follows.
(d) Only I follows.
(e) Both I and II follow.

Q35. Statements:
Only Dream is Night.
Only a few Moon is Dream.
Only a few Moon is Morning.
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I. All Morning is Moon is a possibility
II. All Moon is Dream is a possibility
(a) Either I or II follows.
(b) Both I and II follow.
(c) Neither I nor II follows.
(d) Only I follow.
(e) Only II follows.

Directions (36-40): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
In number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers, it rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: 12 75 28 36 93 44 51
Step I: 13 72 29 37 90 45 48
Step II: 90 72 48 45 37 29 13
Step III: 9 5 4 1 4 7 2
Step IV: 18 10 12 2 12 14 6

And step IV is the last step of the arrangement.

As per the above rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following
questions the appropriate step for the input given below;

Input: 86 17 57 26 65 43 72

Q36. Which of the following digit is fifth from the right end in step-III?
(a) 4
(b) 1
(c) 5
(d) 3
(e) None of these

Q37. What is the sum of the numbers which are second from the left end in step-II and third to
the right end in step IV?
(a) 21
(b) 85
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(c) 87
(d) 56
(e) None of these

Q38. How many prime numbers are obtained in last step?

(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) None

Q39. What is the multiplication of the digits of the number which is third from the right end in step
(a) 18
(b) 10
(c) 21
(d) 25
(e) None of these

Q40. What is the difference between the numbers which is third from the left end in last step and
second from the right end in first step?
(a) 7
(b) 27
(c) 31
(d) 40
(e) None of these

41) Hari invests Rs.8000 in simple interest in a certain scheme for 4 years and received the total
amount of Rs.13760. If the rate of interest is increased by 2%, then what will be the total amount
received at the end of two years?

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42) Rahul invests Rs.4000 in a compound scheme at the rate of 15% per annum for 2 years. After
2 years he received the total amount and invested in a simple interest scheme at the same rate
of interest for 4 years. What is the simple interest amount received by Rahul?





E.None of these

43) Renu invests Rs.7000 in compound interest at the rate of 10% per annum in 2 years and
David invests Rs.4000 in simple interest at the rate of x% per annum for 4 years. If the David
received the interest is Rs.450 more than the interest received by Renu, then find the value of x?





E.None of these

44) A person invested Rs.‘P’ in a bank which offers 25% per annum compounded annually for 3
years. After 3 years it becomes Rs.15625. If the same principal is invested in SI for two years for
same rate of interest, find the interest earned by the person.
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E.None of these

45) A sum of money is kept in a bank at 8% interest compounded annually. Had the interest been
10% compounded semi-annually, the amount after one year would have been Rs. 225 more.
What was the principal amount kept in the bank?

A.Rs. 10,254

B.Rs. 10,420

C.Rs. 10,850

D.Rs. 10,000

E.None of these

46) A man invested 1/5th of his monthly salary at 15% rate of interest, 3/4 of the remaining at 5%
rate of interest and remaining at 10% rate of interest. If after 1-year total interest received by man
is Rs.1280, then find his monthly salary?



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47) Ram invests Rs.8000 on a simple interest scheme at the rate of 18% per annum for x years
and he also invests Rs.12000 on another simple interest scheme at the rate of x% per annum for
6 years. If the difference between interests received by Ram from both schemes is Rs.3600, then
find the value of x.






48) Anitha invests Rs.x on a simple interest scheme at the rate of 16% per annum for 5 years.
Remi invests Rs.(x + 3000) on a simple interest scheme at the rate of 18% per annum for 3 years.
The interest received by Remi is Rs.60 more than the interest amount received by Anitha. Find
the value of x.





E.None of these
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49) SI received on a certain sum for 2 years at 15% rate of interest is Rs.720 more than CI
received on same sum for 2 years at 10% rate of interest. Find the difference between CI and SI
on same sum for 3 years at 10% rate of interest?






50) A person invested Rs.8000 in scheme A for 4 years and same amount in scheme B for 2
years. Scheme A offers (R – 9)% of SI and scheme B offers ‘R’% of annual CI. If interest amount
received from both the schemes is also same, then find the value of ‘R’. (R < 100)





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