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Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn

A collection of informations gather from preview articles, podcasts, official documents,

and different lore excerpts sprinkled everywhere by Isaac and PHG.

(Note: Sorry in advance for any typos and syntax errors. English is not my native tongue. I tried my best to summarize concepts
expressed in audio files, but prose is not my forte. For written sources, i’ve tried to copy-paste as much as possible.
I will keep updating this document whenever i find new information.)

Table of Contents
(also available via View > Show outline)

Ashen Forest
Bone Sea
Erris Isle
Evermist Valley
Lighthouse Bay
New Gobi
Spiral Jungle


compiled by Oxirador, 2022

Ancestor Ari
Aradel Summergaard
Astor Redmoon
Brennen Blackcloud
Coal Roarkwin
Dimona Odinstar
Echo Greystorm
Elga Trilling
Felix Galeforce
Final Pythia
Fiona Mercywind
Flock Shepherd
Gerald Bywater
Harold Westraven
Hope Everthorn
James Endersight
Jericho Kill
Jericho, Reborn aka Jericho Whitepetal
Jessa Na Ni
Koji Wolfcub
Lady Mennan
Last Dragon
Leo Sunshadow
Lulu Firststone
Lord Mayor
Moses Redmoon
Maeoni Viper
Namine Hymntide
Noah Redmoon
Odette Diamondcrest
Orrick Gilstream
Pirate King
Rimea Careworn
Rin Northfell
Rowan Umberend
Saria Guideman
Sembali Grimtongue
Tristan Darkwater
Victoria Glassfire
Xander Heartsblood

King Strawbaby

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Godslayers aka Godhunters

Events, organisations, etc.

Red Rains
Great Cleansing
War Within
Vermillion Council
Collection of Ashes aka War of Ashes
Sealed Age
Magic Realms

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

● World, universe, realm created by Isaac Vega.
● Cities were cut off from each other for such a long period of time that they all developed their own
culture, modernizing in their own way, away from the rest of the world.

● City.
● Last known ruler, at least before the Collection of Ashes, is Jericho Kill.
● The historic battle site of Abylon can be found in the outskirts of the city. This site is a powerful well
of dormant magic. Those ruins are home of powerful ancient artifacts but they are not easy to

Ashen Forest
● Region in Argaia.


● Tallest mountain in the world. Also the name of the bleak and venerable city that sits at the top of it.
● Located on Ironside.
● Known to provide and send around the world the best assassins and mercenaries, mostly via House
Blackcloud. This was one of the city biggest points of livelihood, most importantly during the
Chimera era. And then, all that income and prosperity disappeared with the arrival of the
● Got its name from the smog pumped in the sky by the city’s industries.
● Blackcloud society is very stringent to the old ways of magic and the old ways of living.

● Woodland region on Eros.
● Last known ruler is Queen Jessa Na Ni.

Bone Sea

● City found deep within the Ashen Forest.
● It is shunned by the outside world, for its people tell tales of dark horrors that roam those haunted
trees, and of men and monsters held in slavery by the dark powers of the moons.

● Home of the Final Pythia, a mystic.

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Erris Isle

● One of the continents that we can find in the northern part of Argaia. Close to Ironside.
● Mostly tundra and ice with a colder climate. With one exception, the Evermist Valley.

Evermist Valley
● Small city on Eros. Unnaturally warm for the region, it is full of hot springs, waterfalls and other
things like that, giving it a tropical climate, suitable for plant life. This is not common on Eros.
● One of the few cities that actually doesn’t have a walled structure around it. The inhabitants are
known for their peacefulness and kindness to strangers, and have a good connection to that valley.

● Region on Eros, surrounded by huge ice walls.
● Mostly farms and villages.

● (see New Gobi)
● City within the region of Redsand.
● Now in ruins and referred to as the Old Gobi. The Vermillion Council has built a secret citadel
● Temptingly close from Gorrenrock (per Elga trilling).

● City.
● Birth place of Elga Trilling

● City within the region of Redsand.
● Has a brothel, according to a story by Rin Northfell.
● Located in a harsh environment/desert climate.


● One of the continents that we can find in the northern part of Argaia. Close to Eros.
● Rocky environment where a lot of mining is happening.


Lighthouse Bay
● Coastal city, beacon of civility and culture. By Bone Sea.
● Located on Eros.
● Home of the Guideman Manor.

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● City-sized maze of cathedrals and monasteries dedicated to the Gods of Argaia.
● This mausoleum-city is home to the Gatekeepers.



New Gobi
● (see Gobi)
● Nomadic settlement in the region of Redsand.
● Protected by Sunshield Sentries stationed on the outskirts of the settlement.

● Known for their spices.

● City.
● Located on Eros.
● Home of the fabled Library of Mariendretta. Also has a palace.

● Region in Argaia.

● Coastal city, ravaged during the Collection of Ashes. Known for its great metals.
● Located on Ironside.

● Coastal City.

● City. Named for the beautiful, giant silver-trunked trees that grew throughout the city. The city has
inner walls and outer walls. Has a port. Mining and metal work are predominant.
● Located on Ironside.
● Last known ruler is Queen Maeoni Viper.
● District(s): Goldleaf

compiled by Oxirador, 2022



Spiral Jungle

● Walled city where we can find Vermillion Council’s university and Godstar, the home of the
Vermillion Council.
● Largest city in existence.

● Desert oasis.

● Was located on Eros. Destroyed by Noah Redmoon.
● Was a large city, a very powerful and influential city in the world. Had one of the largest population
in the world at the time.
● Was lucky enough to not only have one Phoenixborn but three.
● Was governed by Lord Mayor.
● Home of the great Clocktower of the Sun before it was burned.

● Father of Aradel Summergaard. Had deep blue eyes. Had a great relationship with his daughter.
● Very influential to her growing up since her mother passed away shortly after her birth following a
mix of health issues and a complicated birth. Was a big part of Aradel becoming the Phoenixborn
that she is and of great help to her in the Great Cleansing.
● He was someone who was very, very well respected in the Evermist Valley. He was seen as a
leader, someone people would look for advice.
● During the Great Cleansing, the Valley was under attack. The Phoenixborn present were all being
taken piece by piece. Being along Aradel’s side, he jumped in front of a poison needle that was
meant for her. He passed away, saving her.

● Phoenixborn1 and prophet.
● Prophecy: “When the last Phoenixborn emerges screaming from the womb, a lust for war shall enter
the hearts of all their siblings. For those saviors who delivered humanity from the Chimera are but
pieces of a whole, and the whole shall demand assemblage. Not breeding, not morality, nor purity of
spirit shall deliver the children of the Phoenix from madness and bloodshed. They shall rage against
each other, consume one another, and their hunger will not be assuaged until but a single remaining

1 Assumption made by how their second citation use "us".

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

survivor arises as a true Phoenix, and mounting the throne of God, rules over this world, the next,
and all the realms that lie in-between.”
● “The danger of the Phoenix lies not in the threat of war. Someone always survives, no matter how
terrible the ravages of a war. No, the danger posed by the Phoenix is the threat against reality itself,
for it drives us not just into conflict, but to sculpt and reshape all that we see around us. When the
Collection of Ashes concludes, will humans even recognize the world they are left with?”

● Name given to members of Vermillion Council’s army. Fearless warriors. Some fights alongside the
Phoenixborn during the Great Cleansing.
● The Council ceased training and disbanded them a few years after the Great Cleansing, which was
decades ago.

Ancestor Ari
● Inhabitant of Hemlock.

Aradel Summergaard
● Phoenixborn of Evermist Valley, The Lady of the Mists, in her 50s or 60s.
● Aradel has made her home in the Evermist Valley, guarding the denizens of the mists from the
outside world. Those creatures answer her call en masse, knowing when she calls that their safety
is at risk. Interlopers and despoilers beware, for under Aradel’s guidance the mists themselves take
on life, swirling and concealing and lashing Aradel's foes.
● Loved her father very much and looked up to him a lot.
● Like to conjure creatures based on the stories and legends her father told her when she was young
(i.e. Blue Jaguar, Mist Spirit and Butterfly Monk are not real in the real world.)
● Was born a little bit before the Great Cleansing. She was in her teens when it was taking place, so
she was still kind of getting used to her powers, understanding them, knowing to use them.
● During the Great Cleansing, Aradel went through a lot so after it, she went into a solitary, hermit-
type, lifestyle, wanting to be in her silence and tranquility, away from others. She felt that her time
for war and destruction was done and it was time for her to be alone. This also made her legend
status grow since some people had never seen her, thinking she didn’t even exist.
● Aradel is conflicted about the current state of things. She does not want to fight other Phoenixborn.
That is not who she is. She does not want to leave but she was pushed over the edge when people
started to threaten her home. She didn’t want more people to die so she felt that it was best for her
to leave.
● Quotes
○ “Quiet your mind. Listen to my words.”
○ “Be gone, interloper! This is where your trespass ends.”
○ “The valley itself shall rise against the foe!” + “They can smell the water within your flesh!”
○ “The enemy has come. To me, my little friends!” + “Small? Yes. But as infinite as the mists
○ “Heed our ancient pact and aid me now!”
○ “I shall cleanse this valley of your filth.”
○ “Within the mists, even Truth can be reborn.”
● “Can you imagine seeing one of these little Mist Spirit? Surely no one would think them dangerous.
Heck, I might even try to pet it should I come across one. Then another appears, and another. Soon
You’re surrounded by little blue Mist Spirits. And then you notice the antlers! And what’s that bit of
blue above their heads? Is that blue flame? They have cut off all escape, and suddenly you hear the
cry of a jaguar coming from out of the mists. You feel the vibrations and hear the low rumble of
something immense coming towards you, but you can’t get away!”

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

● They have come for you.

Aradel ignored the voice and kept walking. Her mist-kissed skin shimmered in the sunlight, and all
around flitted strangely beautiful insects and the occasional fay.

Even now they hunt you. You have laid a doom upon this land.

When she arrived at her father's grave, she shook her head. She should have known this was her
destination all along. And she saw him there by the gravestone, his deep blue eyes pleading with

I died for this land. For its people. Would you strip all meaning from my sacrifice?

“I will fight for them!” she said too loudly, her voice breaking the serenity. “Like I always have. Like
you taught me.”

If you stay here, the people of the Evermist will die. Each honest man who labors for his family.
Every good woman who toils with her hands. All the sweet babes whose dreams have yet to take

"But I cannot leave,” she pleaded. “My heart is here. Would you have me tear it from my breast? Let
the others come to me. I shall fight them, and I shall win.”

Fight them? Yes. Win? Perhaps. But you will lose trees to flame, and the mists will be trapped by
dust and ash. The digging of graves is the only prize you can hope to win by staying in this place.

The mists glowed blue, and from out of them emerged a spirit. It rolled lazily through the air, cooing
in the strange tongue of its kind. Aradel smiled as it floated by her, and she held out a finger for it to
touch. The mist spirit turned and looked at her, its eyes sad and knowing.

“If I leave this place,” she whispered to it, “how long will it be before I can return?” And when Aradel
heard the spirit coo the answer, she wept.

Astor Redmoon2
● Phoenixborn of Viros, older sister of Noah Redmoon.
● With brother Moses, they were well respected, very good and some of the most powerful
Phoenixborn that had never been seen before.
● Was killed in a strange situation. An incredibly powerful Chimera was tasked specifically to take
down the three siblings. But during the fight, a second one showed up and forced the Redmoon into
splitting up. The end result was that both Astor and Moses were killed, but not Noah. And then, the
Chimera just left, to never be seen again.

● Phoenixborn of Ishra
● We lay down our worldly thirsts in pursuit of her enlightenment. We lay down our imperfect bodies to
be reborn at her side. All praise be unto the Goddess of Ishra. Her enemies will kneel before her
glory. We will peel back their veils. We will end their cycle of pain. All praise be unto Astrea.
● Quotes:
○ “Our meeting was predestined. As is your fall.”
○ “May its tears wash clean your hate.” + “Look upon the fate of those who oppose me.”
○ “Give in to your desire to humble yourself before me.”
2 For now, since they are siblings, last name is assumed to be the same has Noah's.

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○ “Sister, fulfill your call. Send back the one whose destiny was not yet complete.”

Brennen Blackcloud
● Phoenixborn of Blackcloud, 15 years old noble, the last scion of the failing House of Blackcloud.
● Seeking to restore her family and city to the terrifying glory of their ancient heritage.
● Brennen was born a girl but her grandfather, through manipulations and wanting to follow
Blackcloud’s old-school tradition, made her live and act as a boy so she could inherit the throne.
Just as she is starting to think about that, how she feels about it and how she wants to represent
herself, her grandfather, known as the never dying king3, passes away and she inherits the kingdom.
On top of all, the Collection of Ashes is starting. This trauma can be seen in part by the Dread
Wraith conjuration, a representation of that undying king (aka her grandfather).
● Quotes:
○ “Your death will have a purpose.”
○ “Render unto me, all that I desire most.”
○ “Even now I fester within the hearts of your friends.”
○ “And just like that, your efforts are for naught.”
○ “Ideas breed disloyalty and words are their foul seed.”

Coal Roarkwin
● Phoenixborn of Rustwatch, The Lord of Iron, 514 years old, born during the second century of the
Sealed Age.
● His earliest memories were of roaming the streets with other parentless children, swinging sticks as
though they were swords in the hands of the world’s greatest heroes. The danger of regular
Chimera attacks made him grow up quickly and by his thirteenth year, he found a job on the famous
Captain Gerald Bywater’s ship, the Crusty Heel. Five years flew by on the deck of the old ship, filled
with ocean-dwelling chimera, fallen comrades, and promotions as his power, not fully understood,

Before long, his skills caught the attention of the Vermillion Council. They recruited him to join the
ranks of the fearless Amurai, training him. He excelled at formal training, learning discipline,
surpassing his strength, and discovering that he was more than just a man.

He was a Pheonixborn.

He relished his duty as an Amurai and it took him to the darkened corners of the world where the
Chimera were deadliest. This eventually brought him to the shores of Rustwatch, where, in the midst
of all the fighting, he found Lyn. Their love for each other blossomed more fiercely than any fighting
he had ever experienced, and he quit the Amurai, dedicating himself to her. Decades passed, old
age seizing Lyn like it never could a Phoenixborn. It was in her last breath that she whispered to
him, “Save them.”

Coal joined the Great Cleansing, destroying leagues of Chimera as his heart ached. Rustwatch
came to peace shortly after and there he stayed, enjoying the calm, until the Collection of Ashes
called him back to fight.
● Quotes
○ “Let death find the liars that called me brother.”
○ “You’re out of your depth.”
○ “I cleansed an ocean of beasts once. Like this!”
○ “They pummeled the chimera. Now they’ll pummel you.”
○ “Here’s a little trick i learned.”
○ “Now give ‘em hell!”
3 For now, since they are siblings, last name is assumed to be the same has Noah's.

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

● Can you feel it? That’s the thunder of a stampede. It’s the ringing of smiths' hammers. It’s the
rhythm of the crew on a galley working as one. Do you feel the power of unified purpose rattling in
your chest, swelling to a crescendo of unstoppable force? Become caught up in it, unable to stop
the momentum! At its head, Coal Roarkwin. These are the men and women worthy of being called
The Iron Men!
● Coal's Guide to Inspiring Loyalty
○ Lesson 1: Make sure your units’ sacrifices are not in vain. Never forget them, and avenge the
○ Lesson 2: Give your units the strength they need to carry out the tasks you give them.
○ Lesson 3: Your units are an extension of yourself. Protect them, and they will serve you well.
○ Lesson 4: Give your units shiny armor. Make sure it has spiky bits… because who doesn’t
love spiky bits!
● Coal laid the boy's body on the cold cobblestones, and, drawing his hand down the child's face,
closed his eyes. An explosion shook the streets as a flaming arrow flew through the window of a
bakery, its fire igniting the flour particles that hung heavy in the air. Coal stood, his face dour, as all
around him weapons clashed, people screamed, and buildings burned.

This is Rustwatch. This was my love's home.

The anger inside him boiled over and he bellowed in rage. As if in response, a Rayward knight
appeared, and spotting Coal, spurred his horse forward. Coal gave a cry, spittle flying from his lips,
and he drew a cutlass that he threw at his foe. His magic launched the blade forward at a blinding
speed, and it slammed into the mounted rider. A gurgling sound came from the knight's helmet as
the blade punched through his steel plate, and he flew backward to the ground.

I have killed before. But those were monsters. Those were chimera.

Two more assailants came at him on foot, but Coal spun away and lashed out with two more of his
blades. One fell to the ground dead. The other fell screaming, hands futilely clutching at the stump
of a leg. Coal granted the soldier mercy and the screaming stopped.

Another dead boy. All of this for the mad desires of one person.

And suddenly she was there. Her armor was immaculately clean and she wore a smirk upon her
face. “Hello, Coal.”

“Dimona,” he spat. He raised his arms, and the multitude of blades he wore upon his jerkin whipped
free, beginning to spin around him. “All of this pointless death!”

“And yet there is only one death I actually require,” she said. “Yours."

● Human, former Amurai, well-respected individual.
● Was expelled by the Vermillion Council and named the Terminal Amurai (i.e. the last amurai).

Dimona Odinstar
● Phoenixborn of Rayward, The Radiant Queen, Commander of the Rayward Army
● Behind her Holy White look, she’s a super cold, ruthless character.
● Dimona has sent units around the world, trying to gather information on different parts of that world
and also on Phoenixborn. The intent is to gain intel and see who is the next person to strike against.
● Quotes:
○ “I point and they will see it dead.”

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○ “Bow before the unyielding clarity of the light!”
○ “Tremble! For there is no light without me!”
○ “We shall see how your forces fare against mine” + “My fury made manifest.”
● She sat upon her destrier and scowled at the resplendent battle-line that stretched out before her.
Dimona wondered if they knew her secrets. Her stomach was a churning ocean of sick. She had
never killed another human before, much less waged war against a whole city. She was making
everything up as she went. Oh, there had been meticulous planning, but how could one make plans
when everything one knew was hypothetical?

But Dimona had crafted schemes nonetheless. She knew her former brothers and sisters would
adopt the same fighting styles they had against the Chimera, so Dimona sought out the fabled
Library of Mariendretta. In those hallowed and haunted halls she researched the wars of the
ancients, learned about formations and maneuvers, and studied the notes longdead generals had
made about the uses of terrain. And yet, despite months of preparation, here she sat, scared once
again, just as if she was still that little girl hiding under her bed from monsters.

Enough. She had never been one for self-indulgent reflection, and she would be damned if she
would start there in the fields outside of Rustwatch. Dimona reared up on her warhorse and turned
to address the soldiers who had pledged their lives to fighting for her cause.

“The world already tried to wipe our precious Rayward from its face,” she yelled. “But we refused to
be swept aside. Now night falls once again, but this time Rayward shall be the light that shows the
way! Shall we sit back as humanity descends into barbarism? Shall we allow our kin to remain
squatting within their little cities, shunning the great wide world? No my brothers and sisters! The
great reclamation of the world is at hand, and it is Rayward that will unite our kind and usher them
into a new age of civilization. They shall see our glorious example and join us, or like Rustwatch, we
will lead them by the sword to salvation. And when the world awakens from its slumber, it shall see
stalwart Rayward standing tall, not just as one city, but as a multitude, all saying, here we are! Now
and forever!”

“Now and forever!” her army roared back. “Now and forever!”

Echo Greystorm
● Phoenixborn of Hemlock
● “Just as the waxing and waining of the moon, just as the tidal push and pull of the Glow Sea, you
too are predictable. I can influence your every move to work to my ends. A small adjustment here
and simply standing becomes a burden too great for you to bear. You walk an endless path, but it
doesn’t have to be this way. Join me and I can lift the weight of this long war from your shoulders.”
● Quotes:
○ “You misunderstand the gravity of your actions.”
○ “Release yourself from the shackles of doubt.”
○ “I name you steward to the blades of Ancestor Ari.”
● Echo's greatest allies have been turned against him! The Light and Sonic Swordsmen have fallen
under Astrea's control, as shown by them bearing the Mark of the Goddess, and been turned on the
Phoenixborn of Hemlock.

Elga Trilling
● Human, old woman, founder and former editor of The Weekly Highriver. Has amassed a small
fortune in her morning years.
● Foreigner inhabitant of Gorrenrock.
● Made a successful career out of being a political weathervane.
● Ask to meet with Lulu Firststone but the request was denied.

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Felix Galeforce
● Young Phoenixborn, face up against Maeoni Viper in Silverwood plaza. Was killed by Maeoni’s
silver snakes.

Final Pythia
● Mystic from Delphi.
● Has been issuing cryptic statements regarding Jericho Whitepetal, the usually isolated Phoenixborn
of Abylon.
● “In my dream I saw a great war; one long-fought over many years, and in the end there was but a
single victor. A true Phoenix, she was like a second sun, and I wept at the sight of her. But the
dream ended, as all are wont to do. What portent was revealed by this nocturnal whimsy? I feel that
something has happened, as if the world itself was changed but no one was ever informed. My
world is identical to the world of my dream, save for one detail. The victor. Why is she and she alone
unique between these worlds? What has she done?”
● The Pythia’s words are frustratingly vague as if she fears Jericho but more greatly fears the rest of
the world understanding why.
● "The vision unfolded before me and I saw two great fiery birds arise from the depths. One
smoldered as it burst from the ocean and as it spread its wings, it carried upon its train a host of
lifeforms never before seen by human eyes. The other arose from cracked recesses within the
ground, its cries speaking the language of ruin, and upon its head was stamped the name of

I cannot explain why, yet I am certain this was my final revelation. Whatever is yet to come, I do not
think I shall survive it."

Fiona Mercywind
● Phoenixborn of Birdsnest
● Quotes:
○ “Bring your war, but you will leave your mind.”
○ “Unnoticeable, right up to the moment it kills you.”
○ “Every species can lend strength to others.”
○ “Let the impetus of your forces be mine.”

Flock Shepherd
● Flock Shepherds have a storied past as citizens of Gobi. Once the great Gobi Sunshield warriors,
they have since retired their armor to take up the homesteading practices needed to reestablish
their recently-nomadic community of New Gobi.

Gerald Bywater
● Human, captain of the famous ship, Crusty Heel.

Harold Westraven
● Phoenixborn of Darmas
● The Phoenixborn define their own existence, and this is especially true of Harold Westraven. Harold
has embraced the city of Darmas’ legends, and for no other reason than it gives him delight, has
used his power to make these horrors a reality. The people of Darmas lock their doors well before
the sun sets, and cower in their homes as strange noises echo in the streets. Woe to the weary
traveler who finds herself caught outdoors, when the howls of wolves sound from the alleyways, and
the squeaking of bats erupts from dark cellars.
● There are hints that he might not be human (vampire/werewolf).

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● Quotes:
○ “Your heart sings to me of its blood.”
○ “I hunger only for you.”
○ “He is a tick you will not easily pluck off.”
○ “They are my hungry little angels.”

Hope Everthorn
● Phoenixborn of Mosriel
● Hope is a creative artist adept in reshaping dreams and proliferating magical spirits.
● Old friend with Victoria Glassfire. Or are they? Also, their signature necklace was a gift from Victoria.
● Quotes:
○ “Crafty exploitation in a cute, furry package.”
○ “My feathered friend, crafted from your subconscious.”
○ “I can stay the impetuous.”

James Endersight
● Phoenixborn of Marrowden
● James is a ruthless Phoenixborn that sacrifices and resurrects armies with which to overwhelm his
● Quotes:
○ “I would pay anything to end but one more life.”
○ “Behold the tragic legacy of Marrowden.”
○ “The dead do not tire so easily as you.”
○ “Life is magic, and magic, life. All existence is interchangeable.”

Jericho Kill
● Phoenixborn of Abylon, The Assassin Queen
● Born in bonds, nursed on hatred, honed to kill. Like an assassin’s arrow, from her mother’s bow,
Jericho flew. She stalked and killed each of her mother’s slavers, and when the last Pirate King fell,
she despaired. Another hand took hold of her then, and aimed her at the Last Dragon. He too, soon
lay slain at her feet. The killing continued. Today, Jericho Kill sits on the throne of Abylon. She has
now become the wielder, and her people are her weapons.
● No one remembers the violent mercenary who called herself Jericho Kill. Indeed, it is as if she never
existed. In the place of that ruthless killer is a new Jericho, one who knows mercy, self control, and
who can tap into a previously unknown source of power. What has happened? For the common folk
of Argaia, guessing at the motives of the Phoenixborn is an old and popular sport…
● Eventually ascend to the throne of God during the Collection of Ashes.

Jericho, Reborn aka Jericho Whitepetal

● Phoenixborn of the Forfeited Throne, Phoenixborn of Abylon, usually isolated, Legendary
● Once she was known as Jericho Kill. Warlord. Assassin. Monster. But upon ascending the throne of
God, Jericho was crushed with a feeling altogether alien to her - guilt. Reeling from the horrors she
had caused, Jericho wielded her new power and tore asunder the heart of the Phoenix. Time has
been broken and reset, and Jericho cast from the realms beyond. Can she change all that she
previously wrought, or will she succumb to madness once more?
● Quotes:
○ “There is yet time for us to change.”
○ “You exist, yes, but when?”
○ “This timeline requires adjustment.”
○ “Your déjà vu is another time’s echo.”

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

● Jericho, more than most of her divine siblings, shows great reluctance to engage in battle. Indeed,
she recently passed through Gorrenrock without incident, and last I heard she had spent a few days
with the people of New Gobi. These wanderings are unusual for her, Whitepetal has rarely left her
home since the Great Cleansing.

Jessa Na Ni
● Phoenixborn of the Bloodwoods Clan, The Red Queen
● Jessa has absolute control of the Bloodwoods Clan. She decides who lives, who dies, and who will
live again. But these choices are not made on a whim. Each choice works to further her purposes, to
claim control of everything, even her opponent.
● Quotes:
○ “Sorry, precious. Your life has better uses.”
○ “I don’t care who bleeds, so long as there’s blood.”
○ “Your minions have figured out what you cannot.”
○ “Meat, blood, gristle… I manage my resources.”
○ “This meat is still yet mine.”
○ “If I die, it will be by my choosing.”
○ “A veritable army flows through my veins.” + “My puppets guarantee things get messy.”
○ “You always cherish the toy you made with your own hands.”
● The throne was hers now. Jessa giggled as she climbed atop it and settled into its polished seat.
She looked off to her right, her eyes focusing on something distant and unseen, and she cackled at
some joke that went unheard by the others. Those of the Bloodwoods Clan that were present looked
at each other questioningly. But then they looked back at the smoking, squelching corpse, its eight
enormous legs twitching in the air. That had been their queen. Maggada had ruled the Bloodwoods
Clan for as long as anyone could remember. The outside world would have called her Chimera, but
to the people of the woods, the spider thing with the three human faces was their queen, their
goddess, and their eternal tormentor.

“My king!” shouted Jessa. “Bring me my king!” An eyeless and tongueless woman ran up to the
throne and handed the Phoenixborn the straw doll dressed up like royalty. The pitiful creature
grunted excitedly before bowing away in a hurry. “King Strawbaby,” Jessa cooed. “Do you see it? All
this is ours,” and she gestured wildly at the dark gloom that enveloped them. “These people are ours
now. So much flesh. So many plans.”

“Jessa!” shouted a warrior.

“Queen Jessa” she corrected him.

“Perhaps,” he sneered. “Do you think we shall follow you simply because you cast down Maggada?”

“No,” she said softly. “You will follow me out of fear.” And the warrior made a whimpering noise. He
looked around in confusion before staggering backward.

“What are you doing witch?” he gasped. Jessa opened her mouth, and from out of it dribbled dark
rivulets of blood. The warrior gave a wheezing cry and flailed his arms, his limbs contorting, his skin
turning pale and pulling tightly over his bones. The flow of blood that came from Jessa's mouth grew
stronger, gushing forth in a crimson vomit. The warrior's exsanguinated corpse hit the ground. The
blood trickled to a stop, and Jessa grinned as she wiped her lips with the back of a hand.

“Jessa!” came the cries of her clan. “Queen Jessa!”

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Koji Wolfcub
● Phoenixborn of the Spiral Jungle
● Wild is the son of the Spiral Jungle. Untrained, undisciplined, and ill-prepared for the trials that await
him. Nevertheless, Koji Wolfcub walks boldly forward. His every step splits the earth beneath his
feet. Out of the fissures grow the jungle’s verdant flora. Groping vines tear down the gaudy edifices
of man. Wild animals heed the boy’s call. The jungle rises up and joins the boy in his fight to restore
the world.
● Quotes:
○ “I don’t want your world, but the jungle is mine!”
○ “See, Elder, I brought your story to life.”
○ “I am never going to let them win.”
○ “If you see someone we don’t like, eat them.”
○ “We’re in a fight, you lazy bear! Get up!”

Lady Mennan
● Human, a moneyed widow, member of Argaia’s high society. Guest of Saria Guideman.

Last Dragon
● An inhabitant of Abylon. Slayed by Jericho Kill.

Leo Sunshadow
● Phoenixborn of Neverset, the most charming of all Phoenixborn
● While Leo turns heads all on his own, there is more going on behind his dark eyes than you might
realize! He's calculating (though no one would ever say he's cold) and manipulative, and Leo always
seems to know exactly what you're thinking.
● Quotes:
○ “I strip aside this petty facade so that we might revel in the essence of what is truly you.”
○ “A flower to beg forgiveness. A kiss to preface bloodshed.”
○ “You feel it, don’t you? Like a lover’s fingers running through your hair.”
○ “Let us cast aside the earthly concerns that stifle you.”
○ “It is exquisite finality draped in a gentle kiss.”
○ “An eternity is just long enough to sate all that I desire.”
● What was I just thinking? The beauty and brilliance is breathtaking! What was I so angry about?
Why would I want to harm Leo? I'm sure I'd regret it. Perhaps I should just rest and enjoy my
surroundings. After having read your mind, Leo is sure to know how best to discourage any act of
aggression against him, or at least make you pay for those actions you've taken!

Lulu Firststone
● Phoenixborn of Gorrenrock
● Gorrenrock value power, aggression and fighting. Lulu is the epitome of that. She is not playing
around, she is going full force. If you get in her way, she will destroy you, shatter you, and still just
get to the next person behind you.
● Quote:
○ “Well struck! Now it’s my turn…”
○ “You fail to understand what we are.”

● Human, Coal Roarkwin’s partner for many decades. From Rustwatch.

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Lord Mayor
● Human, mayor of Viros, until they were slayed by the sword of Noah Redmoon.

Moses Redmoon4
● Phoenixborn of Viros, Older brother of Noah Redmoon.
● With sister Astor, they were well respected, very good and some of the most powerful Phoenixborn
that had never been seen before.
● Was killed in a strange situation. An incredibly powerful Chimera was tasked specifically to take
down the three siblings. But during the fight, a second one showed up and forced the Redmoon into
splitting up. The end result was that both Astor and Moses were killed, but not Noah. And then, the
Chimera just left, to never be seen again.

Maeoni Viper
● Phoenixborn of Silverwood, The Queen in Silver and Gold, 134 years old.
● Maeoni was born in Silverwood. Her childhood was modest but happy, as she helped her mother
sell jewelry of twisted silver on the streets of the Goldleaf district. Most importantly, she grew up

Then, everything changed when the Chimera breached the Outer Walls. Maeoni spent many years
fending off the chaos of blood and fire, surviving. When the chimera reached the Inner Wall, she
answered the cries of her fellow citizens, leading Silverwood’s charge in the Great Cleansing.

When the great war ended, Silverwood made her their queen. She is known for reigning over her
citizens wisely, giving them many peaceful years. Now with the prophecy birthing the Collection of
Ashes, she waits in her beloved home loathing the fighting that will come. Yet ready to again do
what she must.
● Quotes
○ “I defend this world and the next.”
○ “The children of the new world rally to me.” + “They safeguard a power beyond any of us.”
○ “No.”
○ “If gold is what you desire…”
○ “I have spent a lifetime preparing for this moment.”
● Dust clouds swirled through the damaged plaza in howling gusts, but Maeoni hung over
nothingness, her clothes and hair as still as the air in a sealed room.

“Felix!” she cried, her voice deep and terrible. “My war ended forty years ago. Begone from my
sight! Begone from my city! And only then might you survive this.” Her opponent staggered
backward in terror, but the young Phoenixborn's eyes were defiant. He gesticulated wildly, and
brought forth another colossus.

“Kill her!” Felix screamed. “Smash her! Wipe her from the face of this world!” Maeoni merely waved
an arm. There was a great cracking noise, the smell of ozone, and the colossus exploded into fiery

“Wipe me from the face of this world?” she yelled in rage. “I who have existed in this world and the
next? So be it, Galeforce.”

From out of the smoking depths of the plaza arose her silver snakes. Only now Felix saw that they
had grown, made monstrous by the power of their mistress.

4 Isaac said Maeoni is the first Phoenixborn to kill an other one. This might be it.

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And he gave one last scream.5

Namine Hymntide
● Phoenixborn of Soaksend
● An ancient song binds its silvery strings to every living soul. Namine adds her voice to this unending
melody. She plays the strings and subtly alters the song to her will. She changes the tempo from a
calm wind to a crashing storm. She and the people of Soaksend know this song and live serenely
within its melody. Woe unto those that cannot hear its beauty.
● There are connections that bind all things in the world of Argaia. Namine has spent several lifetimes
examining and identifying these connections, but now she is forced to use them against the very
Phoenixborn she once fought alongside.
● Quotes:
○ "This is my song."
○ “Well, if you insist.”
○ “We are connected, the innocent and the evil.”
○ "Lift your spirits and live for another day."
○ “My steed, born from thunder.” + “They are more than just our creations.”
○ “What use is godhood if I cannot save the innocent?”

Noah Redmoon
● Phoenixborn of Viros, The Master of Shadows, has an older sister and an older brother
● One of the Phoenixborn that traveled the most during the Great Cleansing. He was pulled in so
many different directions. Different wants and needs of the ruling Vermillion Council, different wants
and needs of the city, different wants and needs of other people in the world. For a long time, he
was at their beckon call.
● Destroyer of Viros. When Noah returned to Viros and the city council decided that his sister and
brother were far more capable of ruling the city, he felt they weren’t giving him what he considered
was rightfully his. He felt that it was time for him to get what it was own, which was ruling Viros. So
he chose to rain fire on them. Noah made this enormous illusion of destruction on an apocalyptical
level but underneath that illusion, he actually was destroying the city piece by piece over time.
● Following the wiping of Viros from the map, Noah decided to save a group of children, adopting and
raising them as his own. They would become what we know now as Stormwind Snipers, his loyal
guards and fighters. But the new city, those children's families and their own children are all but an
illusion. An imaginary world created by Noah.
● He was thought to be dead for a long time. When in fact, he was living in a world of his own
● Noah Redmoon desires nothing less than to be the figure of destiny. A prophecy foretold the conflict
of the Phoenixborn, and a collection of ashes, the remains of the Phoenixborn who fall in that
conflict. The victorious Phoenixborn collects these ashes, absorbing the power of their fallen foes
and inheriting a newborn world. Noah knows this is his fate!

Other, weaker souls resist the reunification, which only proves Noah’s right to the power! By striking
down his weaker brethren before they even know they are in peril, Noah saves them from the pain
of anticipating their doom. Some realize their fate before the end comes.

Even fewer are those fully aware of Noah’s quest, who resist him and try to deny his fate. We see
the fiends he brings forth to combat the fools. But fear not, Noah is merciful. The loved ones of the
fallen need not feel the pain of loss, for in the end, opposition simply fades away, ceasing to have
ever been.
● Quotes
5 Refer to the Abylon's ruins?

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○ “Your every success furthers my purposes.”
○ “You’re deceived. Nothing in this world is worth saving.”
○ “When they kill you, you will not see them.” + “Look past reality. You’ll see my wolves
stalking you.”
○ “You’ll know they’re here when the bolt hits your head.”
○ “Even my schemes have schemes.”
○ “And still you try to fathom what I am about.”
○ “To die is not enough. You shall cease to have ever been.”
○ “It is nothing at all, yet it is everything you fear.”
● “You can take off the mask,” gasped the Lord Mayor as he lay at the base of the stairs leading up to
the prytaneum. His right leg was bent at a grotesque angle, and the older man's breathing was
heavy and uneven. “Is this what you wanted, Redmoon? Viros burns. This city that held you in
esteem. Did you save us from the chimeras solely so you could be the one to light the match?”

His masked adversary chuckled as he came down the stairs, each step slow and deliberate. Wolves
howled in the night, and screams echoed from every street and alleyway. The great Clocktower of
the Sun burned, casting light over the city like some obscene candle from hell.

Noah Redmoon pulled the mask from his face. “Do you pretend to know what I want, human?” He
held his sword over the prostrate mayor, and let the weight of the blade settle into the man's
midsection. If the Lord Mayor felt pain, he refused to show it. “I never wanted more than your love.
Yet since I was boy, no one wanted anything from me other than the weapon that flows through my
veins. Your kind has stripped away everything I am, and now you wag your tongue in anger at
discovering only the weapon remains.” Noah pressed down on the sword, and the mayor screamed.
The man's hands tried to hold the blade by its sides, but Noah pushed down further.

From down the street, a common woman shrieked in terror, and the gnashing snarls of a wolf rang
out in response. The woman screamed, the wolf growled, and soon her voice was cut off in a
hideous, wet instant. Noah grinned at this and leaned down to the mayor's face.

“Please,” gasped the mayor. His hands were slick with his own blood, and it began to trickle from
the corners of his mouth. He mouthed more words, but only a sickly, rattley noise emerged. Noah
smiled and pulled the blade from the man's belly.

“You plead to me like the sheep pleads to the lion,” Noah sneered. Growling wolves emerged from
the darkness. “Eat,” he said to them. “For I have had my fill.”

Odette Diamondcrest
● Phoenixborn of Lordswall
● She is the commander of the pride, the follower of the path, the righteous judge and the merciful
servant. She emboldens the virtuous and strikes fear in the heart of the transgressor. She is Odette
Diamondcrest. Her quill wrote Lordswall’s law. Her sword protected its gate. Her word sent forth its
crusaders. She will see the world restored to divine order.
● Quotes:
○ "My sword will decide your fate."
○ "Judgement is mine!"
○ "The end is nigh."
○ “They are my word brought to life.”
○ “Come forth, harbingers of justice!”
○ “The time for retribution is at hand.”
● Odette’s justice is swift, and her Divine conjurations carry out her judgement without hesitation.

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● Forged by Odette herself, the Sword of Virtue has enforced the law of Lordswall for generations.
This powerful artifact is capable of dispensing justice and security in equal parts.

Orrick Gilstream
● Phoenixborn of Gobi, Phoenixborn of New Gobi
● Top priority is to keep peace amidst an ever-raging war.
● The Vermillion Council was convinced the young man had vanished from the planet. His return from
the unknown seems to have coincided with Jericho’s visit to New Gobi.
● Orrick Gilstream has always shown wisdom and trustworthiness (per Darius).
● Quotes:
○ "Only in denying the Phoenix, can this world thrive."
○ “We were raised together as children, and now we seek to save the world together.”
● “The Phoenix cannot bear the strain of its fractured soul, but I would urge you to resist. I have
walked the flow of time and I tell you now, our future is our past. We must be united as we once
were, for our great task is not yet complete!” in a letter to his Phoenixborn siblings.

Pirate King
● Slavers that ruled/plagued the city of Abylon. Were all stalked and killed by Jericho Kill.

● Powerful magic wielding demi-gods. They have saved humanity from the Chimera and now face off
against each other to claim ultimate godhood.
● Humans capable of wielding magics not previously thought possible, and together they initiated the
Great Cleansing, and eradicated the chimera menace ushering humanity into a new golden age.
● Children of the Phoenix. Refer to each other as siblings.
● Slowly but steadily, the Phoenixborn were plagued with a desire to slaughter their own kind, and
absorb the abilities of their incinerated kin. To unify the true power that blessed them.
● Unfortunately, Phoenixborn aren’t able to procreate.
● Their age varies greatly and no lifespan has been established yet. The oldest is around 600 years
old and still alive. The younger was born a few years after the Great Cleansing. Some have died but
only in battle (or “maybe in battle”).

Rimea Careworn
● Phoenixborn of Shadowreck
● Rimea Careworn can perceive the spirit world that lies beyond Argaia, and she pulls from it to
challenge her opponents with powerful ancestral guardians.
● Quotes:
○ “I see the world hanging heavy about your neck.”
○ “Each of them is an over-seeing eye, with blades for lashes.”
○ “The past is a needle. Experience is a leaking wound.”
○ “Nothing ever ends.”
● Rimea Careworn has glimpsed the spirit world, and with it the knowledge of a realm beyond our
own. She calls upon the power of her ancestors and leads their spectral forces into battle to avenge

Relying on sight beyond sight, Rimea influences the battlefield and imbues her allies with the
knowledge needed to dispatch their enemies with ease. When all else fails, Rimea's powerful
conjurations can summon an army of Ancestral Spirits to turn the tide of battle.
● Taya tried not to giggle as she filled her sack with the precious treasures that decorated the massive
chamber. She turned her eyes to the Phoenixborn who sat on the throne, staring into nothing, drool
gathering on her collar. The tip Taya had purchased had been worth every coin. It was true: Rimea

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Careworn’s mind had long since left this world behind. Now Taya quietly slid countless treasures
into her bag, and considered that if she hurried, she would still be able to take the next ship out of
Shadowreck before anyone discovered what had happened. But as she lifted a silver statuette from
a squat serving table, she felt it grow cold, and a slight rime grew over its surface. She dropped it,
then suddenly realized she could see her own breath. Turning, Taya saw she was not alone. The
chamber was filled with the dead, all of them armed, and there, among their number, Taya saw

“Your death has been ordained by powers you cannot comprehend,” said the Phoenixborn from her
seat, her gaze still vacant. “So much so that your soul already dwells with the dead.”

Taya screamed

Rin Northfell
● Phoenixborn of Frostdale
● A jovial Phoenixborn whose lust for life and battle flares up like a beacon in his frigid homeland. Rin
shuns the subtlety of complex magic, preferring spells and monsters as robust and as considerable
as his spirit.
● Normally Rin doesn't have to give it all he's got, calling upon his army to fight. But when the chips
are down, and Rin's true mettle is tested, he has an inner fire he can call upon, known as Rin's Fury.
● Quotes:
○ “Don’t worry buddy, I got your back.”
○ “I’m trying not to laugh at how serious you look.”
○ “Your toys are boring. Let’s play with something else.”
○ “Toughen up and kill something, would ya?”
○ “I’m going to straight-up slaughter you!”
○ “The North incarnate.” + “I’ve got giant ice bears, and it feels good saying that.”
○ “I do not take friendship lightly.”
● After visiting Gorrenrock, went to Silverwood by boat later that same year, the fifth year of two
thousand and met Maeoni Viper. “When I finally saw her, and heard those first words fall from her
mouth, I was immediately overwhelmed by the tremendous presence the woman possessed. I fell in
love with her then and there, though I'll admit falling in love has never been too difficult for me.” But
that same night, after a terrifying dream he awoke from in tears and sweat, he fled Silverwood in
shame and made his way back to Frostfell, letting the stinging cold there freeze away his feelings.

Rowan Umberend
● Phoenixborn of the Abylon Outskirts. Member of the Vermillion Council.
● Double agent/traitor from within the Vermillion Council seeking to use all the knowledge about
Phoenixborn for himself. This led him to the historic battle site of Abylon, where he excavated the
physical and temporal surrounding ruins in search of the dark history and power of the Chimera of
ages past.
● Speaks the language of ruin6, and upon its head his stamped the name of Blasphemy.
● Within the depths of the excavated ruins, Rowan is able to use his superior knowledge of Argaian
history to discover dark and powerful Red Raindrop artifacts His insatiable appetite for knowledge
could be the catalyst for undoing all that the Phoenixborn had done to save the world from the
chimeras of the Red Rains.
● Quotes:
○ “The past is my schematic for the future.”
○ “Why should we fear what we once defeated?”
○ “Time passes so cruelly, no?”

6 Not a real name. Issac use this to illustrate the idea behind Phoenixborn banding together to combat the chimera.

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Saria Guideman
● Phoenixborn of Lighthouse Bay, The Belle of the Ball, patron of the arts, member of the high society
of Argaia.
● Quotes
○ “I know the arts aren’t for everyone, but I kill those people.”
○ “Darling, you’re going to look like such a fright.”
○ “Poor child, you’ve been thinking on your own again.”
○ “Now do try to keep a civil tongue.”
○ “No, no dear. That’s not how it’s done. This is!”
○ “Sometimes I blush at my own competence.”
○ “Owls are such lovely little entrail-eaters aren’t they?” + “My owls respectfully ask you to
● Battles rage across Argaia, and the world is turned upside down by the ravages of war. But you
need not worry, for all is calm in Lighthouse Bay tonight. Tonight is the ball, and Saria will allow
nothing to interrupt her little soiree. All Saria requires for her protection is an appreciation for the
arts. Her generosity knows no bounds and she’s willing to share with all, so long as they do as she
wishes, EXACTLY as she wishes!
● The viola's haunting melody carefully lay beneath the volume of the party's many conversations.
Glasses clinked, the occasional fork scraped across a plate, and here and there noble ladies threw
back their heads and laughed at the jests of their gentleman companions. She strolled through the
lavishly furnished manor, guests turn to her with hypnotic fascination as she entered each room.

“Saria, darling,” cooed one moneyed widow. “You must have your cook share their recipe for this
devil's punch. The spices are Olympian, are they not?” A handful of other guests stood there in the
drawing room, anticipating the response, their eyes glazed and vacant.

“Well done Lady Mennan,” whispered Saria with a smile. “The spices are indeed from Olympus. I'll
make sure your man has the recipe before you leave.” There were nods of approval, and one dandy
even clapped at Lady Mennan's guess. A servant sidled up behind Saria and whispered in her ear.
“How many ships?” she asked him.

“Three,” responded the thin man. Saria walked to the enormous window that looked out over the
Bone Sea. She waited as the Guideman light house passed its yellow gaze over the dark waters,
and there! Three large ships crept toward the cliffs on which Guideman Manor rested.

Saria raised her hands, and suddenly there were two enormous seaside ravens upon the lighthouse
where previously there had been none. She casually waved a hand, and the two birds descended
upon the ships.

“Oh gods!” cried a man as panic seized the room. “Attackers! Call for our carriage at once!” But
Saria turned back to her guests and smiled. She exhaled gently and suddenly the room was calm
once more. A single line of blood ran from the nose of Lady Mennan, though she gave no sign she

“Come,” said Saria. “Who wants to join me in the hall for games of chance?” They all professed their
excitement at this. And outside, on the dark waves of the sea, men went screaming to their deaths.

Sembali Grimtongue
● Phoenixborn of Memoria
● Main protagonist of the War Within. “Two paths lie before you. One cloaked in shadow, another
basked in light. Which will you choose?”

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● For years Sembali has poured over the ancient holy tomes within Memoria’s walls, and it was deep
within the darkened halls of the cloistered libraries that she discovered a secret that made her
question all she knew about not only her fellow Phoenixborn, but the Gods themselves. In the wake
of this discovery, Sembali was forced to choose which path she would now follow: Would she
continue to use her Phoenixborn abilities to safeguard the faithful of Argaia or would she instead
embark on a path of conquest to take her rightful place as the Phoenixborn supreme? In the end,
she chose the path basked in light.
● Quotes:
○ “Ours is but another world’s shadow.”
○ “My thoughts are dark of late.”
○ “The dead have found you wanting.” + “Ignore them at your peril.”
● Sembali Grimtongue is the leader of the Gatekeepers. Her worshippers bring the corpses of their
loved ones to the city’s many temples, so that she, the priestesses of the cult, can guide the souls of
the departed to their loved ones in the world beyond.

The rituals of the Gatekeepers are celebratory, but Sembali’s mind has grown dark, troubled by the
whispers of those whose souls she guides. The dead speak of great calamities to come, and so
Sembali has turned to illusion magic to ease her worries. But one must take care to not play
overlong with illusions, lest one become addicted to one’s own little lies…

● Human thief. Was killed by Rimea Careworn while trying to rob her massive chamber.

Tristan Darkwater
● Phoenixborn of Erris Isle
● He communes with the life of every being in the ocean.
● There are hints that he might not be human.
● Quotes:
○ “How did it come to this?”
○ “I tend a world you pretend not to see.”
○ “Behold oceanic apotheosis!”
○ “With anger as deep as its hunger.”

Victoria Glassfire
● Phoenixborn of Smogborough, The Queen of Mean
● Old friend with Hope Everthorn. Or are they? Her signature lantern was a gift from Hope.
● Quotes:
○ “You seem so sure about what’s real and what isn’t.”
○ “I’m not crazy… just enthusiastic!”
○ “My imaginary play thing is gonna destroy you for reals!” + “The first time I made one of
these things, I threw up a little. So I made a bunch more!”
○ “You probably don’t think of shadows as cute, but they are. You know what else are cute?
Puppies! Why are we talking about puppies?”
○ “I can’t murder you if you keep killing my things!”
○ “Taa-taa, cutie!”
○ “C’mon, let me go! Don’t you want to play?”

Xander Heartsblood
● Phoenixborn of Vallen
● Xander Heartsblood is the primal defender of Vallen, and he uses the savage reptile beasts of the
oasis to defend it.

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● Quotes:
○ “You place your faith in the Phoenix. I shall place mine in my friends.”
○ “Let us set the stage with new players.”

● Life has struck a delicate balance in the desert oasis of Vallen, and Xander Heartsblood has sworn
to defend that balance to his last breath. Calling upon the power of his lumbering reptilian
conjurations, Xander draws upon the natural magic of Vallen to unleash primal fury against his

Command stoic Shamans, vicious Archasaurs, and Shining Hydras to defend the sacred ground of
Xander’s home from other Phoenixborn. And when the time comes, release the power of
cataclysmic natural forces to cast out your enemies.

(note: List of creatures spoken about that aren’t cards)

● Monsters fighting Phoenixborn during the Great Cleansing. They were created by the Red Rains
and are of various sizes, even as big as cities.
● Some say the chimera were a curse upon humanity for their crimes against the children of dragons,
but whatever the reason for their birth, the chimera visited destruction upon the world, and
civilization shuddered. These monstrous foes slaughtered armies, devoured townships, and
despoiled the ground and seas. Humans withdrew to the largest of cities, and these they fortified
against the horrors of the world outside. For 100 and 100 of years, the chimera roam the world,
keeping humans confined to the fortified cities.
● Even though the Phoenixborn have eradicated the chimera menace, it is rumored that there might
still have some lurking in dark places in the world.
● Chimera can do things beyond magic.
● They are not friendly creatures, even to each other. They are all for themselves, all for power. By
consuming each other, they gain more power and all their prey’s specifications. This means they are
always changing and evolving, making this one of the biggest reasons they were able to continue for
so long and thrive in that chaos.

● Unit controlled by Felix Galeforce.

King Strawbaby
● Straw doll, King of the Bloodwoods Clan.

● Chimera-like spider with three human faces, Queen of the Bloodwoods Clan, until they were burned
to death by Jessa Na Ni.

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● The mysterious source which those wizard-warriors called Phoenixborn drew their powers upon.
Powers that were but a fraction of the true power that blessed them, and that power now desired
unification. It cannot bear the strain of its fractured soul.
● “You cannot kill the Phoenix. Not unless you can kill Time itself.” (Unattributed quote.)
● Its heart was tore asunder by a Jericho, filled with guild after the War of Ashes. Time has been
broken and reset.

● Creatures that are the focus of older religions.

Godslayers aka Godhunters

Events, organisations, etc.

Red Rains
● The Red Rains swept over the world of Argaia, poisoning the creatures that dwelt there, and from
these rains the Chimera were born.

Great Cleansing
● aka Great War.
● Ages after the Red Rains.
● The Great Cleansing was born from the fear of the evolution of Chimera. They were getting smarter,
some were sentient, could speak and were gaining strength fast. When they started organizing and
creating communities, that is when the Vermillion Council created the “Watchmen protocol”7. All
those creatures needed to die. So the Council called forth all Phoenixborn known in existence and
each of them chose, or were appointed, a place to watch.
● This refers to the era where Phoenixborn band together to eradicate the chimera menace.

War Within
● This event represents the internal struggle of an unnamed Phoenixborn, and how they want to
approach the war that they must soon be a part of.
● Through a series of tournaments hosted by local game stores, players will have the opportunity to
determine the looks and abilities of this unnamed Phoenixborn. The forces of Light and Dark in the
world of Argaia are brought to bear against each other and at the center of this conflict stood the
enigmatic Phoenixborn named Sembali Grimtongue.
● The approaching war was the Collection of Ashes.

Vermillion Council
● The council has a very long history, one that existed way before the Phoenixborn. The main reason
for its existence was to preserve human life. For a long time, when all cities were cut off from each
other, the council was their only connection to the outside world. Their army, the Amurai, tried
battling the Chimera but they were not able to keep up. That’s when they turn to the Phoenixborn.
During the Great Cleansing, they were messengers, medics and healers, keepers of pieces of
history. Doing good to help human society continue. But eventually, once the Great Cleansing was

7 Legacy Organized Play poster tagline.

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

over, they were starting to no longer have a use. The Vermillion Council is seen as a respected old,
religious-like kind of organization that helped during a time but that is no longer needed. They have
been a little bit cast aside by some cities that want to do their own thing because things are good
now. The council wants to push against that. They don’t want war. And the Collection of Ashes is
seen as they way back in.
● Now, a secretive organization dedicated to the study of the Phoenixborn. They are behind the
summoning books. They are gathering data on these characters and spells and creating those
books. The objective is to recreate these spells so they, as regular people, can utilize them.
● Was responsible for the training of the Amurai. But it stopped decades ago.
● Offices, schools and hospitals abroad are being shuttered, except for the university of Sunhold.
● Motto: “Peace, Prosperity and Protection!”
● They tried to document the Chimera but there was so much variation, it proved to be an impossible

Collection of Ashes aka War of Ashes

● Across the entirety of Argaia, the Phoenixborn cry out in anguish. People of the cities tremble in
fear, and those scholars who still remember Alibrimbor’s fateful prophecy, wring their hands in
trepidation. The time for talk has ended. There is no quarter left for philosophy or ideals. Deep inside
each of Argaia’s protectors, the Phoenix spreads its wings and its cinders flare. It will be denied no

Not breeding, not morality, nor purity of spirit shall deliver the children of the Phoenix from madness
and bloodshed. They shall rage against each other, consume one another, and their hunger will not
be assuaged until but a single remaining survivor arises as a true Phoenix, and mounting the throne
of God, rules over this world, the next, and all the realms that lie in-between.
● Era, starting around 3 years after the Great Cleansing, where Phoenixborn are compelled to hunt
each other to claim ultimate godhood. (Conflicting information)
● Was used as the name for the last official tournament, also known as War of Ashes?
● “Now is the time of the Collection of Ashes, when Phoenixborn must battle Phoenixborn until only
one remains to inherit a newborn world.”
● “War is upon us. One Phoenixborn will rise above the rest, and all others will fall to ashes.”8
● Thirty years in the past from this era put us into the Chimera era. (Conflicting information)
● This war is set 40 years after the start of the Great Cleansing. (Conflicting information)
● This is something new for everybody. War between humans is stuff of legends. Nobody has seen
this before. It had been multiple and multiple generations since it had happened. It is very scary.

Sealed Age
● More than 100 years long, since Coal Roarkwin was born during its second century

● A peaceful death cult led by the Phoenixborn Sembali Grimtongue.

Magic Realms9
● Ceremonial
● Charm
● Illusion
● Natural
● Divine
● Sympathy
8 In an interview, Isaac said there is lore about where Ashes magic came from.
9 Kept himself alive for hundreds of years with ceremonial dark arts and magic.

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

● Time

● These magic-based creatures are not indigenous to the world of Argaia but will into existence, born
from the different Phoenixborn mind. They are representations of what they have experienced or
seen in their life, and recreated and manipulated in their own way to be utilized as units..

compiled by Oxirador, 2022

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