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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1472 (1999) 376^384

The gene for 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase (gph) in Escherichia coli is

located in the same operon as dam and at least ¢ve other diverse genes
Anita Lyngstadaas *, Anders LÖbner-Olesen, Ellen Grelland, Erik Boye
Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Cancer Research, Montebello, N-0310 Oslo, Norway

Received 6 May 1999; received in revised form 2 August 1999; accepted 5 August 1999


Downstream of the dam gene in the Escherichia coli genome the following three genes are located: first rpe, then a gene
encoding a 27 kDa protein and finally trpS. Here we present evidence that the 27 kDa protein has 2-phosphoglycolate
phosphatase activity, and we name the gene gph. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase is needed in autotrophic organisms
performing the Calvin^Benson^Bassham (CBB) reductive pentose^phosphate cycle. E. coli is not capable of autotrophic
growth and probably utilizes Gph activity for other function(s) than in the CBB cycle. We found no physiological effect of
deleting gph and its function in E. coli remains unclear. The use of fusion plasmids, where lacZ was inserted into gph and
trpS, and deletion derivatives of these fusion plasmids, showed that rpe, gph and trpS are all members of the dam-containing
operon. A novel promoter was identified in the distal part of the dam gene. The operon, which contains aroK, aroB, urf74.3,
dam, rpe, gph, and trpS, can be termed a superoperon, since it consists of (at least) seven apparently unrelated genes which are
under complex regulatory control. ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: dam containing operon; Phosphoglycolate phosphatase; Superoperon; (Escherichia coli)

1. Introduction mapped in this region [4,10]. The major promoter

for the operon, P2, is located 3.5 kb upstream of
The Escherichia coli dam gene, encoding DNA ad- the dam gene.
enine methyltransferase [1,2], is located at the 3.51 The following three genes are found downstream
Mb position of the genome [3]. It is part of an oper- of dam (in order): rpe, a gene encoding a 27 kDa
on containing at least four genes [4], in order: aroK protein, and trpS. The rpe gene encodes ribulose-5-
encoding shikimic acid kinase I [5,6], aroB encoding phosphate 3-epimerase activity [11] and trpS encodes
3-hydroquinate synthase [7], urf74.3 encoding a pro- the tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [12]. The rpe gene
tein of unknown function [8,9] and dam (Fig. 1). Five is separated from dam by 17 nucleotides (nt) [9]. The
transcription initiation sites, termed P1^P5, and two short intergenic region between rpe and the 27kDa
transcription termination sites (T1, T2) have been gene (3 nt) and the 8 nt overlap between the open
reading frames of the 27kDa gene and trpS suggest a
transcriptional unit that consists of at least the rpe,
* Corresponding author. Present address: Norwegian Centre
for Health Technology Assessment, SINTEF Unimed, Pb 124 27kDa and trpS genes [9]. In addition, we have pre-
Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway. Fax: +47-22067979; sented evidence for translational coupling between
E-mail: rpe and the 27kDa gene [9].

0304-4165 / 99 / $ ^ see front matter ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 4 1 6 5 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 4 6 - 4

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Based on amino acid sequence analysis, we pro- under the control of an inducible promoter [9]. Plas-
posed that the 27kDa gene encodes 2-phosphoglyco- mid pJEL109 (J.E.L. Larsen, unpublished; [4]) is an
late phosphatase (EC, an enzyme that con- R1-derived vector with a copy number of one to two
verts 2-phosphoglycolate (PG) to glycolate [9]. The per host chromosome [20]. It contains the R1 origin
amino acid sequence of the 27 kDa protein is similar of replication, the bla gene of Tn3, unique cloning
to that of phosphoglycolate phosphatase from auto- sites for the restriction enzymes BamHI, ClaI and
trophic organisms like Ralstonia eutropha (previously HindIII, and a unique AseI site in the bla gene.
Alcaligenes eutrophus) and Rhodobacter sphaeriodes
[13,14]. The principal route of CO2 assimilation in 2.3. Preparation of cell extracts and assay of
autotrophic organisms, the Calvin^Benson^Bassham 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity
(CBB) reductive pentose^phosphate cycle, produces
PG as a side-product, and phosphoglycolate phos- Strains were grown in LB supplemented with glu-
phatase activity avoids PG accumulation and allows cose to an optical density (OD at 600 nm) of 0.5,
it to be recycled into the CBB cycle. Most autotro- harvested by centrifugation, resuspended in ice-cold
phic organisms have their CBB enzymes, including bu¡er (20 mM Tris^HCl (pH 7.6) containing 10 mM
ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase, encoded within MgCl2 and 1 mM dithioerythritol), and disrupted by
cbb clusters [15,16]. sonication on ice. Protein concentration was meas-
Here we have studied the function of the 27 kDa ured as described [21]. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase
protein. Enzymatic assays show that the protein has activity was assayed by colorimetric measurements of
2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity, and we free phosphate production (OD at 820 nm) [13]. Ex-
name the gene gph. Removing or increasing gph ex- tracts from strain ANL99 were prepared after
pression has no physiological e¡ect under the condi- growth in the presence of 1 mM IPTG (isopropyl-
tions tested, and the function of Gph in E. coli re- L-D-galactopyranoside), to allow induction of the
mains unclear. Furthermore, we have analyzed the cloned gph gene.
expression pattern of the genes surrounding gph.
We ¢nd that rpe, gph and trpS belong to the dam- 2.4. Growth analysis
containing operon, which therefore contains at least
seven genes with diverse functions. For growth rate analysis, cells in a single colony
were picked from a fresh LB plate and propagated in
the medium of interest. Growth was analyzed by
2. Materials and methods measuring OD at 600 nm (LB) or 450 nm (minimal
medium) with appropriate dilutions into the same
2.1. Growth media medium if necessary. The cultures were grown in
shaking waterbaths at 37³C. All growth rate experi-
Cells were grown in either Luria Broth (LB) [17] or ments were performed at least twice.
in AB minimal medium [18] supplemented with 1 Wg/
ml thiamine and 0.2% glucose. Casamino acids 2.5. L-Galactosidase assay
(CAA; Bacto Difco) were added to a ¢nal concen-
tration of 0.5%. Leucine was supplemented at 40 Wg/ Strain LJ24 containing the di¡erent lacZ fusion
ml. Selective growth of strains was achieved by addi- plasmids were grown in AB minimal medium supple-
tion of ampicillin or kanamycin at ¢nal concentra- mented with CAA and glucose and the L-galactosidase
tions of 25 Wg/ml and 30 Wg/ml, respectively. activity measured. Cells were permeabilized by sonica-
tion on ice and L-galactosidase units calculated as de-
2.2. Bacterial strains and plasmids scribed [17]. Enzyme levels of each strain were deter-
mined as an average of ¢ve samples taken at di¡erent
The E. coli K-12 derived strains and plasmids used optical densities of the culture. The values presented in
are shown in Table 1. Plasmid pANL15 is the Table 3 are mean values of at least two independent
pUHE21^2 expression vector [19] containing gph measurements with standard deviation 6 10%.

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2.6. S1 nuclease mapping 2.7. Construction of gph: :lacZ and of trpS: :lacZ
fusion plasmids
RNA was puri¢ed from exponentially growing
cells as described [22]. S1 nuclease mapping was per- Plasmid pALO160 [4] is pJEL109 carrying the 8 kb
formed essentially as described before [23], with BglII^BglII fragment of interest (Fig. 1). The
some modi¢cations. The RNA probe covering the gph: :lacZ transcriptional fusion plasmid pEBO7
HpaI^HincII region was synthesized from a plasmid was constructed by inserting the promoterless lacZ
with this region cloned into the EcoRV and SalI gene, carried on a 3 kb BamHI^DraI fragment from
sites of a Bluescript vector. T7 polymerase was plasmid pTL25, between the two closely spaced StuI
used for transcription of the linearized fragment in sites of plasmid pALO160. Insertion of the blunted
the presence of K-35 S-labeled UTP. The probe prep- BamHI end of the lacZ fragment into the StuI site of
aration was treated with DNaseI and hybridized to pALO160 created a BamHI restriction site in the
total RNA in the presence of yeast tRNA before resulting plasmid pEBO7, a site that was used in
treatment with S1 nuclease. Total probe length was the cloning described below. Another gph: :lacZ
510 nt, covering the chromosomal fragment (456 nt) transcriptional fusion plasmid, pEBO6, is similar to
plus 37 and 26 nucleotides of vector sequence (see pEBO7, but the 3 kb HindIII^DraI lacZ fragment
Fig. 2B). The protected fragments were run out on a from pTL25 was inserted into the StuI site(s) of
polyacrylamide gel and the radioactive bands were pALO160 after blunting of the HindIII site. Control
detected in a Phosphoimager. Fragment lengths were experiments showed that the lacZ reporter genes,
determined by comparing with a parallel sequencing whether we used the BamHI^DraI or the HindIII^
reaction. DraI fragment, were equivalent. The trpS: :lacZ
transcriptional fusion plasmid pANL51 was con-

Table 1
Bacterial strains and plasmids
Strain/plasmid Relevant characteristics Source or
LJ24 leu-6 v lac [47]
ANL9 LJ24 gph: :Km [9]
ANL99 LJ24 containing pANL15, Gph overproducer This work
AB1157 wt [48]
MG3819 AB1157 dam16: :Km [49]

pJEL109 R1-derived vector, cloning vector for L-galactosidase assay [4]
pTL25 Contains lacZ on a 3 kb BamHI^DraI (B^D) or HindIII^DraI (H^D) fragment [50]
pALO160 pJEL109 with aroK^trpS (BglII^BglII) in the BamHI site [4]
pALO163 pALO160 with lacZ (B^D) in the BamHI site; dam: :lacZ fusion plasmid [4]
pALO163#87 Bal31 deletion derivative of pALO163 missing bp 1740^2929 (Fig. 1) This work
pALO226 pEBO6 with Bal31 deletion (bp 1740^2929, v P2); gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pEBO6 pALO160 with lacZ (H^D) in StuI site; gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pEBO7 pALO160 with lacZ (B^D) in StuI site; gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pEBO8 pEBO7 with AseI^EcoRI (vP1^P3) deletion; gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL15 pUHE21-2 with gph (AviII^AluI) in the BamHI site; gph expression construct [9]
pANL51 pALO160 with lacZ (B^D) in the Bsu36I site; trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL53 pANL51 with AseI^EcoRI deletion (vP1^P3); trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL54 pANL51 with AseI^BamHI deletion (v P1^P5); trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL55 pEBO7 with AseI^BamHI deletion (v P1^P5); gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL59 pEBO7 with Bal31 deletion (bp 1740^2929, v P2); gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work
pANL60 pANL51 with Bal31 deletion (bp 1740^2929, v P2); trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid This work

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Table 2
Gph activity in cell extracts from di¡erent strains
Strain Gph activitya (U/mg protein)
LJ24 (wt) 0.03
ANL9 (gph: :km) 6 0.001
ANL99 (pUHE^gph) 8
One unit is the amount of cell extract which produces 1 Wmol
of product in 1 min.

structed by inserting the BamHI^DraI fragment of

lacZ from pTL25 into the unique Bsu36I site of
pALO160, after blunting of cohesive ends. All blunt-
ing reactions were performed by Klenow enzyme.

2.8. Deletion derivatives of the gph: :lacZ fusion Fig. 1. Map of the dam-containing operon. Top scale in kilo-
bases (kb). Previously reported promoters and terminators in
plasmid pEBO7 and pEBO6
the operon are numbered P1^P5 and T1^T2, respectively. Puta-
tive promoter, as reported in this study, is numbered P6. Only
For constructing pANL55, plasmid pANL54 (de- restriction sites used in this study are shown (abbreviations: Bg,
scribed below), lacking the 4.5 kb AseI^BamHI frag- BglI; As, AseI; E, EcoRI; B, BamHI; Ea, EagI; Hp, HpaI;
ment which contains promoters P1 through P5 (Fig. Hi, HincII ; A, AluI; Av, AviII; St, StuI; Bs, Bsu36I; H, Hin-
1) was used as follows: the HindIII^EagI fragment dIII). The two Ba entries represent the endpoints of a deletion
created by the use of Bal31 nuclease. pJEL109 is the cloning
of pANL54, from which P1^P5 has been removed in
vector. Restriction sites for insertions of lacZ are marked X.
pANL54, and the EagI^HindIII gph: :lacZ-contain- Regions of the operon deleted in certain constructs are marked
ing fragment of pEBO7 were ligated. with dotted lines.
For constructing plasmid pEBO8, pEBO7 was di-
gested with AseI and EcoRI, resulting in three frag-
ments. The 2.8 kb AseI^EcoRI P1^P3-containing
chromosomal fragment (Fig. 1) was removed after 2.9. Deletion derivatives of the trpS: :lacZ fusion
gel electrophoresis and the two remaining fragments plasmid pANL51
were ¢rst religated at their AseI ends followed by
treatment with Klenow enzyme and ligation. For constructing a P1^P5 deletion version of the
A library of deletion derivatives of the dam: :lacZ trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid, pANL51 was digested
fusion plasmid pALO163 [4], was used for construct- with AseI and BamHI, resulting in three fragments.
ing pANL59. Plasmid pALO163 Bal31#81 from this The 4.5 kb P1^P5-containing chromosomal fragment
library is missing basepairs no 1740 to 2929, which was removed and the remaining fragments were ¢rst
are replaced by a BamHI linker, thereby removing religated at their AseI ends followed by treatment
the 310 region of P2, whereas P1 is intact (see Fig. with Klenow enzyme and ligation to create pANL54.
1). Digestion of pALO163 Bal31#81 and pEBO6 The P1^P3 deletion of pANL51, pANL53, was
with AseI and EcoRI results in three fragments of constructed by digesting pANL51 with AseI and
each plasmid. By putting the 1.6 kb AseI^EcoRI EcoRI, and the fragments were treated as described
fragment of pALO163 Bal31#81 into pEBO6 instead for pEBO8 (see above).
of its 2.8 kb AseI^EcoRI fragment, we made Plasmid pANL60 (containing the 1.2 kb Bal31 de-
pALO226. Plasmid pANL59 was constructed by letion) was constructed by replacing the 2.8 kb AseI^
the same strategy, by replacing the 2.8 kb AseI^ EcoRI fragment of pANL51 with the 1.6 kb AseI^
EcoRI fragment of pEBO7 with the 1.6 kb AseI^ EcoRI fragment of pALO226, using the same strat-
EcoRI fragment of pALO226. egy as for constructing pANL59 (see above).

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3. Results 3.3. Transcriptional activity downstream of dam

3.1. The 27 kDa protein has 2-phosphoglycolate To analyze transcription downstream of dam dif-
phosphatase activity ferent lacZ transcriptional fusion plasmids were
made. The lacZ gene was inserted into either the
Enzymatic assays were performed to test the hy- BamHI site in dam, the StuI site in gph or the
pothesis that the 27kDa gene encodes phosphoglyco- Bsu36I site in trpS (Fig. 1). The L-galactosidase ac-
late phosphatase. We prepared crude cell extracts tivities in cells containing the gph: :lacZ fusion and
from the wild-type (LJ24), the 27kDa: :Km disrup- the trpS: :lacZ fusion were 1000 U and 1100 U, re-
tion mutant (ANL9) and 27 kDa overproducer spectively (Table 3), i.e., three times higher than the
(ANL99) cells and assayed them for 2-phosphogly- activity measured for the dam: :lacZ fusion (350 U),
colate phosphatase activity. The assay revealed a low suggesting promoter activity downstream of dam.
activity in wild-type cells and no detectable activity
in the disruption mutant (Table 2). In extracts from 3.4. dam transcription continues through rpe, gph and
the overproducer, the enzymatic activity was two or- trpS
ders of magnitude higher than that found in wild-
type extracts. We conclude that the 27 kDa protein To further investigate the transcriptional activity
has phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity and that in the region downstream of dam the fusion plasmids
this is the only detectable phosphoglycolate phospha- with lacZ inserted into gph and trpS were used to
tase activity in E. coli. Since the gene notation pgp is construct a series of deletion derivatives lacking the
already in use for E. coli, we suggest the name gph di¡erent promoters upstream of dam (P1^P5; see
for the gene (phosphoglycolate phosphatase). It has Fig. 1). The activity produced by the gph: :lacZ fu-
earlier been reported that E. coli does not contain sion plasmid lacking P1 through P5 was 125 U com-
phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity [13]. The level pared to 1000 U for the parent fusion plasmid (Table
of activity reported in the present work is low and its 3). Also, deletion of the P1^P3 region and of the P2
unambiguous detection was dependent upon con- region from the gph: :lacZ fusion plasmid yielded
struction of the gph disruption mutant and the dramatically reduced L-galactosidase activities, 250
Gph overproducer. U and 200 U, respectively. Thus, expression of gph
is reduced by deletion of promoters upstream of dam.
3.2. Normal growth of the gph mutant Furthermore, gph expression is mostly dependent
upon P2, the major promoter for the dam operon.
In contrast to a preliminary report on the growth We conclude that gph, and therefore rpe, are mem-
of the gph mutant [9], we report here that it has the bers of the same operon as dam.
same doubling time (23 min) as wild-type cells in LB Removal of the P1^P5, P1^P3 or P2 regions from
supplemented with glucose. Also, no di¡erence was the trpS: :lacZ fusion plasmid resulted in L-galacto-
found in minimal medium with glucose (doubling sidase activities of 350 U, 450 U and 220 U, respec-
time 65 min), or with glucose and CAA (30 min). tively (Table 3) as compared to the 1100 U meas-
ured for the parent fusion plasmid. Therefore, the
upstream promoters, and in particular P2, contrib-
ute signi¢cantly to trpS expression as well. We con-
clude that trpS is also part of the dam-containing
Table 3 operon, which thus contains (at least) the seven
L-Galactosidase activity (units) of lacZ fusion plasmids and genes, in order, aroK, aroB, urf74.3, dam, rpe, gph
their deletion derivatives
and trpS.
No deletions vP1^P5 vP1^P3 vP2
dam^lacZ 350 ^ ND ND 3.5. A distal promoter in the dam gene
gph^lacZ 1000 125 250 200
trpS^lacZ 1100 350 450 220
The above L-galactosidase measurements locate

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wild type (Fig. 2A, lane 4). The mutant lacks the
chromosomal EcoRV^HpaI fragment (Fig. 1) and
therefore retains the probed region. Separate experi-
ments, involving end-labeled DNA probes, demon-
strated that there are no transcription termination
sites in the region (data not shown), showing that
the shortest fragment (Fig. 2) arises because of a
promoter located close to the HpaI site. The size of
the fragment is indeed consistent with the location of
a sequence very similar to that of c70 -dependent pro-
moters, with 310 and the 335 elements resembling
consensus (Fig. 2C). We term this promoter P6 (Fig.
1). The fragment between the 456 nt and 390 nt frag-
ments (Fig. 2A, lanes 3 and 4) suggests yet another,
but weaker, promoter in the region, but no sequence
close to consensus could be found at the appropriate

4. Discussion

Fig. 2. Locating the P6 promoter by S1 nuclease protection. 4.1. A gph gene in E. coli
(A) Protected probe visualized by a Phosphoimager. Lane 1,
undigested probe; lane 2, digested probe, no E. coli RNA
added; lane 3, RNA from the wild-type strain AB1157; lane 4, We have shown that the gene downstream of rpe
RNA from the dam16: :Km mutant GM3819. Fragment lengths in the E. coli genome encodes phosphoglycolate
are given in nucleotides. (B) Schematic diagram of the labelled phosphatase. The two E. coli genes rpe and gph
RNA probe (bottom) aligned with the chromosomal fragment both have high similarities to genes encoded in cbb
(top) and the 390 bp protected fragment. (C) The nucleotide se-
clusters encoding enzymes of the Calvin^Benson^
quence of the P6 promoter. Shown are the 310 and 335 ele-
ments (boxed). The leftmost A is located at position 5738 of Bassham (CBB) reductive pentose^phosphate cycle,
Fig. 1. which represents the main biochemical pathway for
CO2 assimilation in autotrophic organisms. Presum-
ably, the two genes have been moved together into
their present location from a cluster of CBB genes.
one or more promoter(s) in the region between the The same may be true for the close relative, Haemo-
dam and gph insertion sites, i.e., within the 1.6 kb philus in£uenzae, where rpe and gph homologues are
BamHI^StuI fragment (Fig. 1). In an earlier study colocalized as in E. coli [24]. Ribulose-5-phosphate 3-
[9], we presented evidence for a promoter in the dis- epimerase of autotrophic organisms functions in the
tal 140 nt of the dam gene. S1 nuclease assays re- pentose^phosphate pathway (PPP) as well as in the
vealed the location of this promoter. An RNA probe CBB cycle. Recently, the E. coli rpe was demon-
(Fig. 2B) spanning the HpaI^HincII region (Fig. 2A, strated to function in the PPP [11]. The only known
lane 1) was either protected in the whole chromoso- function of phosphoglycolate phosphatase, however,
mal region by total E. coli RNA (Fig. 2A, lanes 3 is associated with the CBB cycle of autotrophic or-
and 4) or reduced in size by 66 nt (Fig. 2A, lanes 3 ganisms.
and 4). No protected fragment could be detected in
the absence of E. coli RNA (Fig. 2A, lane 2). The 4.2. Possible physiological functions of Gph in E. coli
shortest protected probe was present in relatively
higher amount in a dam16: :Km deletion/insertion The function of Gph activity in E. coli is unclear.
mutant than in the otherwise genetically identical The metabolic pathway(s) utilizing Gph and the ex-

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382 A. Lyngstadaas et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1472 (1999) 376^384

tent of intracellular phosphoglycolate (PG) produc- 4.4. The operon encodes apparently unrelated gene
tion is unknown. We ¢nd a low but detectable Gph products
activity in wild-type cells. No physiological e¡ect is
observed by disrupting the gph gene (this work) or by A common denominator for the functions of the
overexpressing gph [9]. seven genes in the dam-containing operon is not evi-
We shall consider the possibility that Gph func- dent. AroB and AroK participate in early reactions
tions in a so far unidenti¢ed CBB or CBB-like cycle in the common pathway of aromatic amino acid bio-
of E. coli. There are two enzymes of the CBB cycle synthesis [32]. Interestingly, loss of AroK confers
that are not identi¢ed in E. coli: ribulose-5-phos- mecillinam resistance [33], indicating that AroK has
phate kinase (Prk) and the central CBB enzyme, ri- a second activity, possibly related to cell division.
bulose-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubis- Urf74.3 may be involved in cell division, but its func-
CO). The E. coli genome indeed contains a gene tion is dispensable [9]. Dam methylation is involved
encoding a putative Prk homolog [25]. This enzyme in several important processes related to the cell
might produce ribulose-diphosphate (Rul-1,5-P2 ), cycle, such as DNA replication [34], mismatch repair
which is the substrate for RubisCO. RubisCO acts (reviewed in [35]), gene expression [36,37], and trans-
as a carboxylase producing 3-phosphoglycerate from position frequency [38]. Rpe acts in the interconver-
Rul-1,5-P2 . At high oxygen concentrations (and low sion between ribulose-5-phosphate and xylulose-5-
CO2 ) RubisCO can act as an oxygenase producing phosphate in the non-oxidative branch of the PPP
PG from Rul-1,5-P2 . In E. coli this would give a role [11]. Surprisingly, the rpe gene product was recently
to Gph, namely to convert PG to glycolate, which, reported to be involved in the control of chromo-
when further metabolized, leads to the glycolytic some replication in E. coli [39], suggesting that Rpe
pathway and TCA cycle intermediates [26,27]. How- has a second activity related to cell cycle control. The
ever, there is no evidence for a RubisCO-like enzyme function of Gph is unclear, as discussed above. TrpS
in E. coli. Recently, genes and enzymes thought to be catalyzes the formation of tryptophanyl-tRNA, acti-
speci¢cally involved in the CBB cycle have been vating tryptophan for incorporating into proteins. A
found in other bacterial species incapable of autotro- collection of genes with so diverse functions into one
phic growth. Examples include a RubisCO homolog operon is highly unusual for E. coli.
in Bacillus subtilis [28], a Prk homolog in Erwinia
chrysanthemi [29] and RubisCO activity in archae- 4.5. Complex regulatory control of the operon
bacteria like Haloferax mediterranei [30,25]. Thus,
there is a possibility that these species, including E. There are ¢ve promoters in the operon upstream
coli, perform a complete or modi¢ed CBB cycle. Al- of dam and we have identi¢ed a sixth promoter close
ternatively, the Gph protein has a novel function to the end of dam. In addition, we have preliminary
unrelated to the CBB cycle. evidence that there are two more promoters located
between dam and trpS. The P2 promoter is the stron-
4.3. An operon containing the genes gest and ensures a basal level of transcription for
aroK-aroB-urf74.3-dam-rpe-gph-trpS most of the genes in the operon, whereas the other
promoters modulate or ¢ne-tune expression of an
An operon consists of genes that are cotranscribed individual gene or groups of genes. The presence of
into the same mRNA, including adjacent cis-acting multiple promoters suggests that transcriptional reg-
sequences required for transcription of the genes ulation is complex.
[31]. As described here, expression of rpe, gph and P2 is growth rate regulated [40,41], i.e. the activity
trpS is mostly dependent upon P2, the major pro- increases with growth rate, suggesting that one or
moter for the aroK-aroB-urf74.3-dam cluster (Fig. 1). more of the downstream genes require growth rate
Thus, we have provided evidence that the dam-con- regulation. As suggested earlier [40] this may be the
taining operon consists of (at least) the seven genes dam gene, but the present work adds rpe, gph and
aroK, aroB, urf74.3, dam, rpe, gph and trpS, which trpS as candidates for growth rate regulation. Some
spans 7 kb. central metabolic pathway genes are known to be

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growth rate regulated [42] and this may also be the References
case for rpe. Interestingly, the P6 promoter has an
AT-rich region immediately upstream of the 335 [1] S. Lacks, B. Greenberg, J. Mol. Biol. 114 (1977) 153^168.
region that might function as a UP element [43], an [2] S.M. Hattman, J.E. Brooks, M. Masurekar, J. Mol. Biol.
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