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A személyes névmás alakjai:

Alanyeset Tárgy/részes Birtokos 1 Birtokos 2 Visszaható

I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves

Be – a létige

I am a vet. / I’m a vet. I am not a vet. / I’m not a vet. Am I a vet?

You are a vet. / You’re a vet. You are not a vet. / You Are you a vet?
aren’t a vet.
He is a vet. / He’s a vet. He is not a vet. / He isn’t a Is he a vet?
She is a vet. / She’s a vet. She is not a vet. / She isn’t a Is she a vet?
It is a house. / It’s a house. It is not a house. / It isn’t a Is it a house?
We are vets. / We’re vets. We are not vets. / We aren’t Are we vets?
You are vets. / You’re vets. You are not vets. / You aren’t Are you vets?
They are vets. / They’re vets. They are not vets. / They Are they vets?
aren’t vets.

There is/are

There is a car in the There isn’t a car in Is there a car in the Yes, there is.
street. the street. street? No, there isn’t.
There are two cars in There aren’t two cars Are there two cars in Yes, there are.
the street. in the street. the street? No, there aren’t.
There are some cars There aren’t any cars Are there any cars in Yes, there are.
in the street. in the street. the street? No, there aren’t.

How many cars are there in the street? There are two. / There aren’t any.

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