Macaca HSK 3 Students

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Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)


• Liping AUTHORS: Yu Miao, Li Lin
?.onfucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)


HSK AUTHORS: Yu Miao, Li Lin



(CTI) ,



(HSK) , 201244

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HSK ( —41 ) 150 30-34

HSK ( ) 300 30-36

HSK ( -—41 ) 600 35—40

HSK ( 1200 75-80

HSK ( ) 2500 170-180

HSK ( ) 5000 170-180

5000 510-550

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201444 n

Lesson Page iöJiC Words/Phrases Notes


The Complement of Result "E"

RL/*F + -ro

I What's your plan for 1

The Negative Structure
the weekend
RL/*F + 3/ik••••••"

The Conjunction "±JIÆ"


Simple Complements of

2 When will he come 11 The Successive Occurrence of

back Two Actions
3. fit

The Rhetoric Question

0-0 Q.


Comparison of "i&k" and

2. Location Word+
V +Numeral+Measure
3 There are plenty of 20 Word+N
drinks on the table The Expression of Existence:
Location Word +V + Numeral
+ Measure Word +N
3. "é" fit

"4" Indicating the Possibility

The Structure "

4 She always smiles when 29

talking to customers
ik_m The Accompanying Action: VI
% (01) + V 2(02)

" " Indicating a Change

Æ4k) 2. +Adj[Mental V
5 I am getting fatter and
The Structure
fatter lately
Mental V"

iÆ: * Elfiff/AffGiüJ Traditional Sports in China 45

Characters fGiä Common Saying

Character Note (Self-Explanatory Characters): He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a

true man

2. : Word Game:

: Word Game:
A walk after dinner makes one live to 99

Word Game:
Good tea attracts frequenters

: Word Game:
The one who retreated 50 steps laughs at the one
who retreated 100

Character Note (Associative Compounds): The minute the medicine is used, the disease is

2. : Word Game:
iki Lesson Page iä]iC Words/Phrases Notes

1. T fiEibi&: +Complements
of Possibility
Complements of Possibility
Introduced by
2. "Z" iåJlGlkFfr: "N+%"
6 Why are they suddenly 46
"N+%" Used to Ask about

3. "ßJlJ" -fo

Comparison of "[11" and "

To Express a Period of Time
3kiC& 2.

To Express an Interest
7 I've known her for five 55
3. "+" "ZIJ" "k"
To Indicate Time Using "4"
"ill" or "k"

Comparison of " R" and "44"

8 Use of Interrogative
I'll go wherever you go Flexible
Pronouns I

The Structure

9 72
She speaks Chinese like Comparative Sentences l:

a native Adj)


Comparative Sentences 2: A Yt
B Adj + ;/
Maths is much harder 81
than history

Expression of Approximate
Numbers I

What Chinese People Wear on Their Wedding Days 89

Characters fGiä Common Saying

: Word Game:
The first step is always the hardest

: Word Game:
One wrong move makes all moves wrong

Word Game:
The higher you stand, the farther you'll see

= Aft,
Character Note (Pictophonetic Characters I ): When I walk with two others, there must be one
whom I can learn from
2. : Word Game:

Word Game:
The two cannot be mentioned in the same breath
Lesson Page iäJiC Words/Phrases Notes

l. AZB+V+......
kik. The Ba-Sentence l: AZB + V
Z, it. 52 im
11 Don't forget to turn off 90
the air conditioner Expression of Approximate
Numbers 2:

Comparison of" " and "*L"

12 98
Leave the important
The Ba-Sentence 2: A4tB + V
items with me
+ b/5J/*......

i&4J Compound Complements of


13 107
I walked back
The Structure


The Ba-Sentence 3: AZB +

V + Complement of Result/
14 Please bring the fruit 116
The Structure , fir /

The Structure ' 't

Flexible Use of Interrogative

15 The rest of them are all 125 Pronouns 2
"41 f " Used to Indicate


What Food Chinese People Eat on Their Birthdays 134

Characters {Giä Common Saying

Word Game:
Great wits have short memories

: Word Game:
Habit is a second nature

Character Note (Pictophonetic Characters2): Small as it is, the gift conveys deep affection

2. IE7*$ri6J : Word Game:

: Word Game:
First come, first served

Word Game:
Call a spade a spade
Lesson Page iäJiC Words/Phrases Notes

1. (ååi&) , (S)

The Structure "40


16 I am so tired that I want 135 Complex Complements of

to do nothing but sleep State
after work 3. *-6- fi *iÉJ
Reduplication of Monosyllabic


Reduplication of Disyllabic
17 Everybody is able to

cure your "disease" Flexible Use of Interrogative

Pronouns 3

The Structure •

18 151 2. h iäJ "

I believe they'll agree The Preposition "k f"

Extension of the
Complements of Direction
Didn't you recognise 159 2.
him Comparison of " " and

The Bei-Sentence

20 I've been influenced by 168

The Structure

Taboo Gifts in China 177

Vocabulary 178
Characters (Gig Common Saying

Word Game:
Money is not omnipotent

Character Note (Pictophonetic Characters3): Keeping early hours is good for your health

2. : Word Game:

Word Game:
One has become inured to the unusual

Word Game:
To see something once is better than to hear about

it a hundred times

Word Game:
The cart will find its way round the hill when it

gets there
Zhöumö ni yöu shénme dåsuån

What's your plan for the weekend

Match the pictures with the words.


zuöyé diånnåo y6uxi
north game
do homework
midnbdo zhöumö
pan ditü

mapa finde semana

Match the pictures with the verbs.



nervioso preocupado
an bdn


Standard Course 3

EÄ Talking about the plan rcr the weekend 01-1.

Texts /Jxfi: dasuan/plan New Words

n. weekend
yijing zhao n./v. plan; to intend

movie ticket 0
part. used at the end of
a sentence to indicate

confirmation or defense
have no idea gen
prep. with

Proper Nouns
1. Xiåoll Xiåogdng
Xiaoli, name of a person Xiaogang, name of a person

dian ying piao movie ticket

At home
& 01-2

# 21k New Words
adv. all the time
kaoshi exam
6. ijfrXk y6uxl
n. game
zhaoji nervous zuöyé
n. homework
fuxi revise
8. zhåoj(

那也不能一直玩儿啊 play adj. worried, anxious

v. to review

'alkine abcut (Ine tra•el plan 01-3

/J\jj: New Words

10. (fr) nån (fdng)
n. south, southern
divertido 11. béifdng
TJXjj: n. north, northern

jiushi .since part

/JWJIJ: riJfrk;i2kT,


Preparing for their trip 01-4

/J\ØIJ•. New Words

12. miånböo
tai n. bread

13. dåi
fit 0
no pueden faltar para nada
v. to take along, to


lleva mas ropa! 14. d'Itü

more n. map
still ban
v. to move, to carry

(haishi)mejor llevemos menos

Texts in pinyin

1. Tån zhöumö de dåsuån

Xiåoli: Zhöumö ni yöu shénme ddsuån?
Xiåogdng: Wö zåo jib xiånghåo le, qing ni chi fdn, kån didnying, hé käféi.

Xiåoli: Qing wö? find good movie ticket

Xiåogöng: Shi a, wö yijing zhåohåo fånguånr le, diånyingpiåo yé måihåo le.

Xiåoli: Wö håi méi xiånghåo yåo bu yåo gén ni qü ne.

2. Zdi jid

mdma: Ni ylzhi wånr diånnåo y6uxl, zuöyé xiéwån le ma?

érzi: Döu xiéwån lee

mdma: Mingtidn bé shi yöu kåoshi ma? Ni zénme yidiånr yé bü zhåoji?

érzi: Wö zåo jib füxi håo le.
mdma: Nd yé bb néng ylzhi wånr a.

3. Lido löy6u jihuå

Xiåoli: Xid ge yué wö qü löy6u, ni néng gén wö Yiqi qi ma?
Xiåogdng: Wö håi méi xiånghåo ne. Ni juéde når zul håowånr?
Xiåoli: Nånföng a, wömen qüniån jib shl zhége shihou qü de.
Xiåogdng: Nånfdng tdi ré le, béiföng håo yixié, bü léng yé bé re.

4. Zhünbéi qü lüy6u
Xiåogdng: Shuiguå, miånböo, chå döu zhünbéi håo le, wåmen håi dåi shénme?
Xiåoll•. ge yé bb néng shåo.
Shöuji, didnnåo, ditü, yi
Xiåogöng: Zhéxié wö zuåtiön xidwü jiü zhünbéi håo le.
Xiåoll•. Zdi duö dåi ji jidn yifu ba.

Xiåogöng: Wömen shi qi lüyÖu, bü shi bön jid, håishi shöo dåi yixié ba.

HSK Standard Course 3

"N' The Complement of Result 'W"

Notes "Vf" "EUf" "7f6Uf" ,

fjE, A kiJS$JJff-%Jji; "4VzUff"

"GS" , "n'zf%tun." o

The complement of result "2f" follows a verb as in "EUf" and "7ff6Uf" to indicate

that the action is satisfactorily completed. Compared with ' '321Yz-ucT (I've finished eating)" ,

which only indicates the completion of the action, "3VZUff" means both "I've finished
eating" and "I've enjoyed the meal". For example:

— Practise

ycJji6-Jf Complete the sentences.

gen con xuexi 学习好、复习好
dasuan plan fuxi
买好 maihao
块 kuai hurry 穿好 hao
put on zhunbei prepare go out

The Negative Structure " • tb/%ß +

"—+ Measure Word+Noun+ + v"

+ Measure Word+Noun + 0/815 + 8/12 + V ( all)" indicates complete
negation. For example:

Ayer ni una prenda compro

(4) —+8.J3fiE'Y (+)

fibTfl*, +MemsureWord" "—kJL"

Sometimes the —A + Measure Word" used in the structure above is ' '—kJL". For



When the predicate is an adjective, the structure '—kJLtL/%15 +

' + Adj" is used to

indicate complete negation. For example:


fH}ÆiJRiöJ7CJji6iJf Complete the sentences with the words given.

difficult Nán
一个汉字都不认识 (8iAiR)
zhen re barato 一点儿 也不贵 gui caro
1 no los conozco para nada
2 estas prendas de ropa no son para nada caras
3no traje dinero, no compre nada!

The Conjunction "ill"

ENTONCES coloquial

"Ill"' bk(ÆfrJÜ,
Used at the beginning of a sentence, "JJ["' indicates the result obtained from what's
said _previously. For example:

¯ Practise

Complete the dialogues.

B: 那你星期一能去商店买东西吗
play ball
B: 那我们在家里看电视 Then we watch TV at home

那我想看这个白色的手机。 Then I want to see this white phone.

3 the red cell phones have already sold out.

HSK Standard Course 3

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 01-5


o fflé:


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.


跟 with
周末 havefun
dai he said
O an 7ZfiE 跟

ban ditu
south dasuan
ifii@ JtL[41

搬 zhidao
how dont I know!
shang last month

南方 nanfang
打算 dasuan plan kao wan shi rendi fin examen
O A: # ZiÅf,6tfifrZ

ditu 地图 map
B: - )k4ko three kuai quian

面包 mianbao
lei tired


Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

xi hao 洗号
件你衣服 mei xi 没洗
jien yifu
A: wash xi
dasuan plan
how surprised!
dianer 一点儿饭
uncount. 没吃
你应该带 you should take
gai0 should

xiuxi rest again

ban 搬
累 lei
dianer lei dou bu lei 个累都不累 cansado
让我帮你一下。 rang wo bang ni yi xia

hui jia return home

mai hao 买好

知道 跟

Answer the questions according to the texts.

他早就想好了, 请她吃饭, 看电影,喝咖啡。
她觉得南方最好玩儿 ella considera q el sur es
juede interesting lo mas divertido.



HSK Standard Course

Character Note

$fi$Gz Self-Explanatory Characters

* , fflJüll:

When people in ancient times were creating Chinese characters, they used
abstract signs to signify the abstract things which could not be expressed by specific

images. For example:

Character Bh Picture

The Numeral "one".

The Numeral "two

The Numeral "three".

-E Above the horizon.

Below the horizon.

A dot is added at the lower part of

to indicate the root of a tree.

A dot is added at the upper part of '

to indicate the tip of a tree.

E word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Pair Work


Work in pairs to make dialogues, contradicting each other using

For example:

Group Work

3-4 A—EH, iafiC$Tn-kYßJLfiEijfr,

Work in groups of 3-4. Discuss where you are

planning to go traveling, how you will go, and what
should be prepared before the trip. Ask one member
to take notes and report the results to the whole

dasuan chu nar luyou

beijing hotel
zhao Lǚguǎn

2 打算去 我妈妈的家开车。 我丈夫有一辆车所以

3 我两个女儿打算去Monte旅游坐公共汽车 买好它票,准备好东西
Gōnggòng qìchē
4 我跟我丈夫一起打算去Argentina的南方。我们已经买了一张地图ditu
yijing already
5 我朋友打算回她的国旅游。 她已经买好飞机票。

HSK Standard Course 3

BO ddo Chångchéng féi håohdn

Common He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man
"8flJk}Jj14PUfil" , "41:" ,

"fÅJ%mkJA" o

"ftfil "

In the saying "8flJKR4FUfiI", "4k" means "not", and "üfil" means "awesome
person" or "hero". The saying means that a person who has never been to the Great Wall
is not a hero. As a metaphor for positive spirit, it defines a hero as one who tries hard and
works out the problems he faces.

Td shénme shihou huilai

When will he come back

Match the pictures with the words.


sån jingli bdngöngshi

f manager d
jiåo 16u shü
pies building b arbol
xiao jiao/da jiao piso

Talk about what you are going to do after you finish doing each thing in Column

(51]: qi chuång get up chi zåofån

chi fdn Zhěnglǐ chuáng make the bed

xié zuöyé xuexi zhongwen 学习中文

去公园 gongyuan park

EiJJ yündöng qumaidongxi 去买东西

做饭 zuofan

HSK Standard Course 3

Cn the way QOinQ down the mountain 02-1

Texts 'J\jj: New Words

怎么了 que paso? tui
tui ye teng, jiao ye teng
n. leg

2.14 téng
adj. hurt, painful

n. foot

al momento de subir... shü

n. tree

nan dificil adj. easy
adj. difficult

Cn the phone 02-2

wei, zhong ming
±iäl New Words

n. Mrs., madam
ban shi mishü
n. secretary
jiu rang even if
9. jingli
étå4J, n. manager
dao llega jiu gao
gaosu decir/contar ifrf&uo 10. bdngöngsh)
su ta n. office

üZi5J Proper Nouns

1. m Zhöu semana Zhöu Ming
Zhou, a surname Zhou Ming, name of a person

1 at Ibe exit (Ine l)tlildine 02-3

±iä] New Words

taxi 41Yj lidng

m. usedfor vehicles
12. 16u
就行了 xing le ok ya esta!
n. building
13. nå
v. to take, to fetch
14. bå
m. usedfor things
/J\ØIJ: with a handle
na agarrar sån
n. umbrella
12 送song pengyou despedir al amigo

At lwme 02-4

zheme pan ne
±i5J New Words
adj. fat
shui jiao
17. qishl
adv. actually en realidad
18. shöu
shou adj. thin
yun dong

她这么胖因为她每天晚上吃了饭就睡觉。 她不出去走走!

0frffiRX Texts in Pinyin

1. Xid shdn de lüshang

Xiåoll•. Xiüxi yixiå ba.
Xiåogöng: Zénme le?

Xiåoll•. Wö xidnzdi tui yé téng, jiåo yé téng.

Xiåogöng: Håo, ndbian shü duö, wömen guöqu zuö yixid ba.
Xiåoll: Shdnglai de shihou wö zénme méi juéde zhéme léi?
Xiåogdng: Shdng shdn r6ngyl Xid shdn nån, ni bill zhidåo?

2. Zdi då diånhud
Zhöu tditai: Wéi, ni håo, qingwén Zhou Ming zåi ma?
mishü: Zhou jingli chüqu let bü zdi bångöngshl.
Zhöu tditai: Td qü når le? Shénme shihou huilai?
mlshü: Td chüqu bdn shl le, xidwü huilai.

Zhöu tåitai: Huilai le jib rång td géi wö då ge didnhuå.

mishü: Håo de, td ddole bångöngshl wö jiü gåosu td.

3. Zåi 16u ménköu song péngyou

Xiåogdng: Yü xiå de zhén dd. Ni zénme huiqu? Wö song ni ba.

Xiåoll: Méi shl, wö chüqu jiåo lidng chüzüché jib Xing le.
Xiåogöng: Nd ni déngdeng, wö shdng 16u qü géi ni nå bå sån.
Xiåoli: Håo de. Wö gén ni Yiqi shångqu ba.
Xiöogdng: Ni zåi zhér déng ba, wö nåle sån jiü xidlai.

4. Zdi jid
Zhöu tåitai: Ni kån, wö zhéme pång, zénme bdn ne?
Zhöu Ming: Ni méi tidn wånshang Chile fdn jib shul jido, yé bü chüqu zöuzou, néng bü
pong ma?
Zhöu tditai: Qishl wö méi tidn döu yündöng.
Zhöu Ming: Ddnshl ni yidiånr yé méi shbu! Ni zuö shénme yündöng le?
Zhöu tåitai: Zub fdn a.

HSK Standard Course 3

Simple Complements of Direction

Notes ilißl+ "V+*/k" "R'

In Chinese, "V + *1k" indicates the direction of an action, with "R" indicating

the direction towards the speaker and "-k" the direction away from the speaker. The most
frequently used verbs include "Y", "F", "i±", ' 'HI", "Ü" and "E" as well as some
verbs we've learned, such as "k', and "5ü". For example:

(2) iftt±9hit? (

hanyu shu ni dai lai le ma ?

na bian shu duo,women guo qu lai yi xia ba

"*/-k" fi{JfYljjü0 f51JüLl:

If the object is a place, it should precede "*1k". For example:

xia gou xia lou lai chi dongxi
laoshi qing jiaoshi lai shang ke
pengyou hui jia chu le
wo shang lou qu

"*/k" fi{Jüfji2J,

If the object is a thing, it can be put before or after For example:

mintian yao dai zuo ye lai

( 10) @ bang wo mai lai dianer mianbao

( 11 )
ni ban zhe ba yizi qu ba

( 12) ,
zhe ci (this time)lu you, wo xiang dai qu
zhe ben shu

7tfJiåfJf Complete the sentences.

ni zenme hui jia lai wo dou zai lou xia deng ni bang xiao shi le
yijing 10 dian ban le qi lai 起来 kuaidianer

mintian qu pengyou jia wo xiang dai qu yi xie shui guoi
The Successive Occurrence of Two Actions



14 起来 levantate de lacama、
In Chinese, ' can be used to indicate two actions which occur
successively, with the second immediately following the first. For example:

wo xia le ke jiu chi fan

mama qile (rise) chuang jiu zuo zao fan desayuno
xiao wang na le san jiu xia lai (bajo)
ni mei tian wan shang chi le fan jiu shui jiao


In a sentence with two subjects, the second subject should be put right before "5Jt".

For example:

ni xia le ke women jiu qu shu shang

(6) "E tk-Fß" laoshi qin le jiao shi *aula women
jiu ta shuo shengri kuai le
baba hui lai le women jiu chi fan
ta dao le (llego) bangong shi wo jiu gaosu ta


Complete the dialogues.

ni shenme shi hou 打 da(give) mama da dian hua

chi 了wan fan wo jiu da dian hua

dao 了jia ni 就 shui jiao
wo tai lei le
zou walk
ta 就 qu zou
el llego y salimos a caminar

04? The Rhetoric Question "

Can/May I...?

"fib • • • •••IIUJ" is used in a rhetorical question in Chinese, with its positive form meaning
the negative and the negative form meaning the positive. For example:

lian xi xue
B: , (8 fih*4Æ)

B: fiE7ZhfVÆJ? (4h})

HSK Standard Course
n 那么 then/like that

— Practise
wo zen me zhe me lei a?
Complete the dialogues.
como es que estoy tan cansad,porque!
ni zenme shenme lei a
ba shan ba go hiking neng bu lei ma 能不累吗
escalar na me
tou teng (headache)
tianqi zhe me leng 能不病吗 bing neng bu leng
talanjio ma?

lian xi exercise. 能不好吗?

neng bu hao ma 能不好吗?
这么 zhe me (so...!)

你 chuan 过 guo

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 02-5



dolo rdeng

na agarrar lai

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

lou shu panG gordo
ban gong shi
04k 难 jintian de kaoshi yi dianer ye bu nan
楼 wo zai 505 jiao shi aula shang
ke, wo xian zai yao xia lou qu
树 arbol ni kan , xiao gou zai shu xia zuo shen me ne
胖 what to do
na me duo fan

liang qishi en realidad

tui pierna ba jinli so much/many
ni zhen ai kan shu, mai le zhe shen duo
zhen ai
qishi 其实 bu xihuan kan shu, zhe shi gei wo didi mai de

zou lu zou 走路走 caminar camino


O A: TFTJT! f;ZdJ•? que hago?

ba 把 把 clasificador para cosas agarrables
tui 腿 pierna teng dolor
dai duo le zuobian left tiao

ke yi ma? may I ? is that possible?
B: 4k nfi,
yao have to do
dai duo le too much/many

Complete the dialogues using the newly-learned language points and words.
kaishi gongzuo

too much B: bu lei 不累

'JJ4Z3L#, EfiE
到了家 休息 xiuxi

shui guo

B: xia lou 下楼


kaishi zenme
jin lai 进来


B: fro xing wo zai waimian deng peng you ne, ta laile

o go downstairs

B: yundong
pang engordaste
A: yi qian before

shou ma 能瘦吗?
, fit
HSK Standard Course

Answer the questions according to the texts.

zen me le what's wrong?
ta xianzai tui ye teng , jiao ye teng. 她现在腿也疼,脚也疼
他下午回来 ta xia wu hui lai
zen me
ta shang lou qu na ba san 他上楼去拿把伞

这么 so... 她这么胖因为她每天晚上吃了饭就睡觉。 她不出去走走!

zhe me
bu zuo 不做 她做饭啊!

5 Tā zhème pàng yīnwèi tā měitiān wǎnshàng chīle fàn jiù shuìjiào. Tā bù chūqù zǒu zǒu!
She is so fat because she goes to bed every night after eating. She won't go for a walk!

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Pair Work

Work in pairs. One says a sentence using a simple complement of direction, and the other

acts accordingly. Then switch the roles.


Group Work escribir un texto con rutina con estructura jiu 就

3-4A—41, mandar maca x privado
Work in groups of 3-4. Talk about who is the busiest in your family. Ask one member to

report the results to the whole class.

Fdn höu båi bü zöu, hu6ddo jiüsh(jiü

Common A walk after dinner makes one live to 99

Saying i#lJJL+jL" ,


The literal meaning of the saying "åüfifi

FiflJjL+jL" is that a walk of 100 steps
after each meal every day makes one live to 99
years old. Now it means it is good for health to

do some exercise after a meal.

Zhuözi shang fdngzhe hén duö yinlido

There are plenty of drinks on the table

Match the pictures with the words.


yinliåo d bebida hudchå lüchå

c f
shuiguö chénshdn küzi

a b e

Look at the pictures and talk about what there are in the places given.



Texts New Words
/J\jj: F}Jk,
Z Z T? 1. håishi
you shi cloudy conj. or
2. på shdn
irk y ,
v. to climb a mountain

adj. careful

you shi
她不买裤子。 她已经有两条这样的裤子了

In a mall
New Words
jide 4. tiåo
-18 + o
m. usedfor pants,
dresses, etc.
bie de
5. küzi

n. pants
not bad
Z' 7-4} ,
v. to remember
fro n. shirt

8. yuån
m. unit ofmoney

In a Itui( 03-3
New Words
ping guo xinxidn
adj. fresh

10. tiån

adj. sweet

11. Zhi

adv. only, solely

zhi only 只

HSK Standard Course 3

In the IcunQe 03-4

±iä] New Words

12. Jjk fdng
huozhe v. to put, to place

13. yinliåo
zui ai n. drink, beverage
14. huözhé
leng conj. or

15. shüfu
adj. comfortable

16. hud
n. flower
lv hong

adj. green

Texts in Pinyin
1. Zåi Xiåoll jid

Xiåogdng: Mingtidn shi qingtiön håishi yintidn?

Xiåoll: Yintidn, didnshi shang shuö duöyün. Zénme le? Yöu shl?
Xiöogöng: Méi shl, wömen mingtiön yoo qü på shön.
Xiåoli: På shdn de shihou yåo xiåoxin diånr.

Xiåogdng: Håo, ni yé qtl ma?

Xiåoll•. Wö bü qü, wö yöu shi.

2. Zdi shöngchång
Zhöu tåitai: Ni juéde zhé tiåo küzi zénmeyång?
Zhou Ming: Wö fide ni yijing yöu liång tiåo zhéyång de küzi le.

Zhöu tåitai: NO wömen zåi kdnkan biéde.

Zhöu Ming: Zhé jidn chénshdn zénmeyång?
Zhöu tditai: Håi bücuö, duöshao qiån?
Zhou Ming: Zhé shångmian xiézhe son bdi érshi yuån.
Zhöu tåitai: Måi yi jiån.

3. Zdi shuiguödidn
Zhöu tåitai.• Zhéxié shuiguå Zhen xinxidn, wömen måi xiguö håishi pinggu6?
Zhöu Ming: Xigud ba. Ni kdn, zhé shångmian xiézhe "xigud bü tiån bü yåo qiån".
Zhöu tåitai: Nd women måi yi ge dd diånr de ba.
Zhöu Ming Zåi måi ji ge pingguö.

Zhöu tåitai: Håo a, jintidn wånshang Zhi chi shuiguö bü chi fån!

4. Zdi xiüxishl

Xiåol): Zhuözi shang fångzhe hén duö yinliåo, ni hé shénme?

Xiåogdng: Chå huözhé kdféi döu kéyi. Ni ne? Ni hé shénme?
Xiåoll: Wb hé chå, chå shl wö de zul di. Tiön léngle hubzhé göngzuö léile de shihou, hé
béi ré chå hui hén shüfu.
Xiåogdng: Ni xihuan hé shénme chå?
Xiåoll: Hudchå, lüchå, h6ngchå, wö döu xihuan.


"Ei*" Comparison of "i6Z" and "g*"

Notes "i6Z" "DE*" R*ih, "ißh"
"ÜE%" mum :

Both "jßff' and are used to connect choices. "i6Z" is used in interrogative
sentences, and in declarative sentences. For example:

(4) k4T

For sentences with an interrogative clause, only "j6Z" can be used in the clause. For


% Practise

ychitfJf Complete the sentences.

youxi game
或者 huzi
hai mei red kafei se
aun color marron cafe

Location Word+ N
The Expression of Existence: Location Word + V n + Numeral + Measure Word + N
ili#rflhl "Location Word+Vm+NP"
"jk" "G" "44" "1±" NP " $$ '' "JL

+A" , "iX$4G" "JåJåN'

In Chinese, the structure "Location Word + + NP" means there is something
somewhere. In this structure, the verb "jk", "G", "44", or "f&" etc. is often used, and

the noun phrase is usually an indefinite object, for example "—8-$" (a book) and "JL+
A (several people)" rather than "iX2ÉFJ (this book)" and (Manager Zhou)." For


HSK Standard Course 3

Location Word
jia (clasificador de edificios)
dice (esta escrito) 3200

"Location Word + + NP" ,

The negative form of the structure is "Location Word + + NP", without a

measure word before the noun phrase. For example:

Location Word ikVm



e Practise

7tfjifrJ-f- Complete theesta puesto

fang zhe
yi ben shu 一本书

showdisplay 两个🖊笔 wo de dian nao pang bian


"a" Indicating the Possibility

"A" -k?JOJfiE,
The auxiliary verb "k" is used in a sentence to indicate the possibility, usually

referring to something that hasn't happened. For example:

na me in that way, may catch a cold

dont worry zhao wu take care
myself ziji 自己

2 dont worry. 别担心 , wo hui zhàogù hao zìjǐ 3-ni bu gei ta da dian hua ma? ta hui bu gao xing de
Bié dānxīn I'll take care of myself dont you call him? he will be upset

4-he bei re hua hui hen shufu

24 toma una taza de te sera reconfortante

Practise fin

ycJji6Jf Complete the sentences.

kuai qi chuan pa hui 迟到了 you will be late Chídào late

(1) jk-ænvt,
ni zen me you mei chi zao fan
still/yet 你会累了 !
(3) E ±+ifräk, 你会的身体不好的,记得喝热水 和 休息
yi sheng gao su wo, bu yun dong nihui de shentihui bu haode, jide he re sui he xiuxi
( exercise)

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 03-5

traer dai
O idf%:
xinxian fresco *Trfi$:
fang poner yinliao drinks
Ofik: tk*+o

clasificador para cosas largas


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

comfortable/shufu kuzi chen shan huo che hai shi

裤子 zhe tiao kuzi yi dianer ye bu gui, mai ba
huo zhe listen to music
chen shan ni chuan zuo dian xin mai de na jian (prenda)chen shan ba

kik T,
i dont like the south too hot
cuidado pa shang zhi fang jide/remember
xiao xing

shen me shi hou ma

HSK Standard Course 3

gen zou/walk

zhi 只

meal、fan cai 饭菜 fan zhuo dining table


小心 nin man zou (stay), lu shangxiao xing dian er

zaijian camino

fin de semana pasada

pa shang wo gen pengyou qu pa shang


xiang 想 pensar o extranar a alguien

Describe the picture using the newly-learned language points and words.

que estas pensando?

I fang zhe
放着 so much delicious

mian bao

A: Z Htdlk-k-Ei#? shanghai

jide 记得 Tfr o
ji piao air ticket
xie zhe 写着 is writte 4 -fro
that is the day after tomorrow
na jiu shi hou tian
bi ne kan jian

hong red
B: 4s-åå
还是 hei de negro huo zhe


O 放着的那个笔
/fang zhe de na is yours

arriba de tu casa lou shang

B: bu, zhi you liang ge xue sheng

hai shi 还是
uni secundRIa


Answer the questions according to the texts.

小刚明天要去爬山. 小丽不去。
她没买裤子。 她已经有两条这样的裤子了

O 3kV?JffZ? 他喜欢喝茶

O d'äÄü3kv%ffZ? 她最喜欢喝茶,茶很舒服

I word G
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

nA Pair Work

Make a survey of your partner and fill in the questionnaire.

3 zou lu hai shi zuo che

4 soleado o lluvioso

HSK Standard Course 3

Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the example.

One describes his/her home, and the others
draw pictures based on the description. Then
choose the one whose drawing is the most

Chå håo ké chång låi

Common Good tea attracts frequenters


means "if the tea is good, guests will often come", used
metaphorically to indicate that good stuff will surely be liked by customers.

Td zöngshl xidozhe gén kérén shuöhud

She always smiles when talking to customers

Match the pictures with the words.


füwüyuån chdoshi
d clientes supermartet

bisdi zhdopiån dångdo

match/competition foto c

Look at the pictures and write down what they are doing.

xiao reir 喝咖啡

着 zhe 着 zhe

看电视 4Tl@iÉ + zou 走 lu 路

yinliao caminar
HSK Standard Course 3

In the classroom 04-1

Texts ya paso New Words

1. bisdi

n. match, competition
zhao hen bu cuo nian ji zhdopidn
you gao you n. photo

nvhai niånjf
n. grade

4 you
pangbian hold xiao de again
shei Who's adv. and
na smiling
Proper Nouns
1. Xiåom(ng 2. Måké
Xiaoming, name of a person Marco

In the classrccm 04-2

zen me yang
estudia mucho New Words
you you nuli
adj. clever, smart

adj. warm, enthusiastic

duei nüll

adj. hard-working
a zöngshl
tai duo kan na xie those adv. always
43kZååAk3 T ,

na zhen deng
flores frescas xian hua zai men kou de
v. to answer
at the entrance door 10. jih
v. to stand

At the entrance cl a supennalket 04-3

/J\ØIJ: New Words

dong xi ba 11.
you pian yi adj. hungry
hao a 12. chdoshl
you , *2.99 a n. supermarket

zhen 13. dångdo

kuai hui jia chi zhe (ing) n. eake
yi kuai zhi yao
/Jxfi: (jiåo)
zai some he de lh=o.ljt, lh
k±iT ! =o.01hO
zhe tai hao le! kuai 快 mango (informal dinero)
mientras buenisimo!
1 porcion/ pedazo/ solo cuesta

ætfitfi In a restaurant
JIN LI nin ni zhao shei a quienbusca
New Words
you YOU
14.4:44 niånqing
fuwuyuan adj. young
15. rénzhén
adj. serious, earnest
you warm rén
reqing n. customer, guest

puede decirme again algo mas

Proper Noun

gen shuo hua I-I Xiåoméi

Li Xiaomei, name of a
zhidao li xiao person


Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi jidoshl
Xiåomfng: Zhé shl nimen bisåi de zhdopidn ma?
Måké: Shl, zhé shl wömen bisdi höu zhdo de.
Xiåom(ng: Zhåo de bücuö, nimen döu shl yi ge niånj( de ma?
Måké: Bü shi. Någe you gdo you piåoliang de nÜhåir shl ér niånji de.
Xiåom(ng: Pångbiön ndge nåzhe shü xido de rén shl shéi?
Måké: Nd shl wö!

2. Zåi jidoshl
Xiåoll: Ni juéde Xiåoh6ng zénmeyång?
t6ngxué: Td you cöngming you réqing, yé hén nil).

Xiåoll: Wå kån td zöngshl xidozhe hufdå låoshi de wénti.

t6ngxué: Td dui méi ge rén döu xiåo, yé chångchång dui wö xiåo.
Xiåoli: Ni shi bu shi xihuan td a?
t6ngxué: Xihuan td de rén tdi duö le, ni kån nåxié nåzhe xiänhud zhån zdi ménköu de, döu
shl déng td de.

3. Zdi chdosh) ménköu

Xiåogöng: Wö yöudiånr le, wömen jin chöosh) måi diånr döngxi ba.
Xiåol\l: Håo a, zhé jid chdosh) de ddngdo you piånyi yöu håochi, yi kudir Zhi yåo ér diån jiü

jib yuån.
Xiåogdng: Wömen måiliång kuåir, hui jid chizhe ddngöo kån diånshl, zénmeydng?
Xiåoll: Håo a, wö zåi qi måi yixié hé de.
_Xiåogdng: Hézhe kdféi chi dångdo, tdi håo le!

4. Zdi fdnguånr
jingli: Nin håo! Nin zhåo shéi?
Nimen zhér shi bu shl yöu yi ge you niånqing you pidoliang de füwüyuån?
jingli: Wömen zhér niånqing, pidoliang de füwüyuån yöu hén duö.
• Td göngzuö yöu rénzhén you réqing.
jingli: Nin néng zåi shuöshuo ma?
• Td zöngshl xiåozhe gén kérén shuö hub.
jingli: A, wö zhidåo le, ni shuö de shl Li Xiåoméi ba?

HSK Standard Course

The Structure

Notes "UAdjl+UAdj2" I-tum "1

In Chinese, "1Adjl + UAdj2" is used to describe two qualities existing in the same
person or thing, such as ' 'X [GJXWÆ" (both tall and pretty). For example:


% % Practise

ychi6Jf Complete the sentences.

又漂亮又便宜 you piaoliang you pian yi

又快又好吃 you kuai you haochi
又好看又便宜 de yifu ropa
wo xihuan you hao kan you pian yi

V In (01)+V2 (02) The Accompanying Action: V In (01)+ V2 (02)

Fifi, "fLflWhMWlJkJL"
JK" , fritz "jhF' , "'±W' 0

In Chinese, "VÆ ( 01 ) + V2 ( 02 ) " indicates two actions taking place at the same
time, VI being the accompanying state or manner of V2. For example, ' '(tUfl'JjlhnÅYlJkJL"

means "they are talking" while "standing" rather than "sitting". For example:

didi chi zhe pingguo xie zuoye

senor zhou he tai tai zuo zhe kan dian shi

hen duo ren na (stand) xian hua zhan zai men kou
hold stan d
ta cong shi xiao zhe gen ke ren shuo hua
e;;a simpre etsa sonriendo mientas habla con los
7tJjifrJf Complete the sentences.
wo xihuan ting zhe ge
yundong 开车 而食醋冲

da dian hua zhe 打电话着 kaiche

开着电脑 kai zhe dian nao
switch on the pc


Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 04-5



ke ren cliente o guest

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

bi sai zhao shi ren zhen seriously

competencia seprmarket e hungry
客人 xllegar
O xi wash

dao xiawu e饿
haizi xihuan
whats this
比赛 jieshao introduce
zhao shi
superm zhao pian zong shi

foto simpre nuli hardworking

re qing
nian ji grado

ni xian zen me hai kan dian shi decent job

B: solo mire media hora
zhao pian

zong shi
wei clasif de persona
gongzuo qi de zao shuixiao wan
who is the old wo man?

nianji 3L&eßÆ70Y
de laoshi yi jing
dnagao 当高
B: 2 pieces

HSK Standard Course

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

da dian hua de

piaoliang you gao

jiu para dar enfasis

lei you e 累又饿


A: duoleia

ttianer pashang
liao charlar
zhe 天儿 hui lei



xie de
zuo ye
you hao 又好



Answer the questions according to the texts.

I Word Game
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Application 101'* 0

Make a survey of your partner and fill in the questionnaire. Answer the questions using

+9 ftU? te gusta tu prof?

+9 ft4? te gusta el lugar donde vive

cuando descanses a donde te gusta ir?
h ft/Å?
what kind of person

hai shi (o)

shang dian vos te gusta ir a comprar ropa o comprar on line?

Group Work

Bring a photo and describe each person in it using "VT'.

HSK Standard Course

Wish( bb xiåo båi bü

Common The one who retreated 50 steps laughs at the one who retreated 100


originates from a story of ancient China. There were two soldiers

who fled from a lost battle. One had run 50 steps backward, and the other 100 steps. The
one who had retreated 50 steps laughed at the one who had retreated 100 steps, saying he

was a coward. The truth is both of them were running away, the only difference lying in

how far they'd run. 'ff+&Rfi4Y" is now used metaphorically to criticize people who
have the same problems as those they laugh at, only to a lesser degree.

Wö zuljln yué Idi yué pong le

I am getting fatter and fatter lately

Match the pictures with the words.


gånmåo fd shdo qünzi

f b d
cåo kdi hud xiåtidn

E a c verano
yuyo pasto 草 cao
cao di cesped 草地

Look at each picture and describe it using an appropriate adjective.

hén pidoliang

hén håochi

c d

hén léng
c. '4k 4
hén lü

2 因为春天开始了,所以那里有多很绿树 Yīnwèi chūntiān kāishǐle, suǒyǐ nà li yǒu duō hěn lǜ shù

Because spring has begun, there are so many green trees there
HSK Standard Course 3

At Xiacli's Iwme
shenti shufu comoda
Texts New Words
'J\ljj: fö shdo
he bei cha ba
v. to have a fever
lv cha green tea wéi
xianzai ta yao chi yao 84.&0hen bu cuo notbad
prep. for
/Jxfi: tuve q tomar remedio
yao para for
bei shui
yinwei ta qian ji tian you dianer fashao

Cn the Dhcne 05-2

dui bu qi he (Y) con igual he/gen: con

±iFJ New Words
tadeerzishengbingle hang out zhåogü

esposa de zhou
Y;JfrZ? Z Z T?what's wrong?zhaogu
v. to take care of

v. to need use
5. gånmåo
v. to catch a cold
ganmao ajd/verb/sustantivo
xie /wa:r/ Proper Noun

yi qi together Zhdng
xia ci zai
Zhang, a surname
proxima vez war war hang out

At Xiaceane•s tn€lue 05-3

jijie season
/Jxjj: New Words
chun na me
/J\ØIJ: ,

cao he shu dou lv le hua ye kai le

n. season
tree xia tian keyi can chuan piao
liang qunzi pollera adv. of course

xia tian verano chün (tidn)

cambio de opinion
n. spring

n. grass
/J\ßlJ: n,
kan 10. Xid (tidn)
n. summer

wozuixihuande jijie shi xiatian qünzi

n. dress, skirt

38 la estacion q mas me gusta es el verano


At Xiacgano's home 05_4

yue lai yue pang gordo

/Jxjj: o New Words
/J\ØIJ: iftiiåå? 12. zulj)n lo mas cerca
adv. lately, recently
tiao qunzi nian 13.
jiu chuan adv. more, to a

comer menos greater degree

shao yue lai yue cada vez mas y mas

/J\jj: 4k fit i)"
zuo de fan
neng shao

她最近越来越胖了, 所以她不neng穿 tiao 裙子是去年买的。

ta zui jin yue lai yue pang le (gorda), souyi ta bu neng chuan tiao qunzi shi qu nian mai de.

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi XiåoPl jid

péngyou: Wö tingshuö ni shénti bdl shüfu, zénme le?

Xiåoll: Qiån ji tidn yöudiånr fd shoo, xiånzåi håoduö le.

péngyou: Hé béi chå ba, zhé shl wö wéi ni måi de lüchd, hén bücuö.
Xiåol)•. Xiéxie,wb yåo chi ydo, bü hé chå le.

péngyou: Nd hé béi Shui ba.

Xiåoll: Håo de.

2. Zdi då didnhuå
Zhöu tåitai: Dulbuqi, wö mingtiön bü néng hé nimen chüqu wånr le.

Zhdng tditai: Wéi shénme? Zénme le?

Zhou tditai: Wö érzi shéng bing le, wö ydo zåi jid zhdogü to.
Zhdng tditai: Td chi yåo le ma? Yåo bu ydo qü yiyuån?
Zhöu tåitai: Büyöng qü yiyuån, zu6tiön Chile gånmåo ydo, xiånzdi Indo yixié le.
Zhdng tditai: Nd wömen xiå c) zdi Yiqi chüqu wånr ba.

3. Zåi Xiåogdng jid

Xiåoll: Ni zul xihuan någe jijié?

Xiåogöng: Ddngrån shl chüntidn, tidnql bé nome léng le, cåo hé shü döu lü let hud yé kdi le.

Xiåoll•. Wö zul xihuan xiåtidn, yinwéi wå kéyi chudn piåoliang de qünzi le.

Xiåogdng: Nd wö yé xihuan xidtiön le.

Xiåoll: Zénme? Ni yé yöu piåoliang de qünzi?

Xiåogdng: Bü, wö xihuan kån ni chudn pidoliang de qünzi.

4. Zdi Xiåogdng jiö

Xidoll: Wö zuijin yué Idi yué pång le.

Xiåogöng: Shéi shuö de? Wb juéde ni yué låi yué pidoliang le.

Xiåoll•. Ni kån, zhé ti60 qünzi shl qüniån måi de, jinniån jib bü néng chudn le.

Xiåogdng: Nd shl yinwéi ni chi de tdi duö le, shåo chi diånr ba.
Xiåoll: Wö zuö de fdn yué 16i yué håochi, wb néng shåo chi ma?

HSK Standard Course

"T" "7" Indicating a Change

'Q" PUüfJfif&, fYIJüll:

Used at the end of a declarative sentence, the modal particle ' 'T" indicates a change in

the situation or the occurrence of a new situation. For example, T" means "I

used to have money, but now I don't", implying a change. For example:

you fashao

xia tian verano

tiao qunzi shi qu nian mai de, jinnian jiu bu neng chuan le

ycFJk4iJ-f Complete the sentences.

cao pasto y arbol lv hua hai mei kai,las flores aun no abren
tui leg teng dolor
(wo de tui) hao duo le (我的腿)好多了
不新鲜 le
these Bù xīnxiān(fresco)
last week
V The Structure "N*N+Adj/Mental V" yue lai yue more and m
mas le enfatiza cambio

8fiEih o

Followed by an adjective or a mental verb as in (colder and colder) and

(like. ..more and more), indicates the change in degree occurs as

time passes by. Note that no adverb of degree is used before the adjective or mental verb, so
phrases like and are unacceptable. For example:

wo renshi de hanzi yue lai yue duo

ni yue lai yue piaoliang

wo yue lai yue xihuan yun dong

wo zuode fan yue lai yue hao chi


ycfjifrJf Complete the sentences.

zuijin recently
yue lai yue leng le 越来越冷了
ta yue lai yue shou mas flaca le 他越来越瘦了
kaoshi exam
pronto yue lai yue mang le , 越来越忙了

yue lai yue 生气 danxin

haizi not yet Shēngqì angry 担心 preocuapda

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 05-5


O I-BY :

this is para vos

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

cao zuijin wei fashao qunzi pollera

O * k 77434k 草
为 parami
xiao wang zai mang shen me ne visto
xiatian summer
dang ran zhao gu yong jijie
xi gua
tian sweet lleva algunas mas
a few
si4 die
kaoshi exam jiu shuijiao kan shu

yong fuxi hao le

yijing fuxi hao le
yin tian nublado O A: an kJT,EJk,
dangran bisai competition
hai shi
zhao gu
gou zhe re 照顾

FISK Standard Course

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

shang xue :ir a la escuela

de shenti bu hao, ta you dianer fashao

A: k gunk E o
B: # k ,zuijin hen leng le
chuan de
yinle nublado
dai san traer paraguas

xia yv 下雨 esta x llover

zou ba
let's go

hang out

dormitorio uni
yizhi todo el tiempo
学习 xuexi nuli
yue lai yue hao (le)
han yu
xianzai chinese
yue lai yue wan le 越来越晚了
晚了 wǎnle (tarde)
wo yue lai yue hen mang
ban gong shi shi asunto
zuo hen duo gongzuo
jing li mei guo

Answer the questions according to the texts.

shufu comoda
因为她前几天有点儿发烧. yinwei ta qian ji tian you dianer fashao

xianzai ta yao chi yao 现在她要吃药

O NkkfiE jijie
"(+2, ? 她的儿子生病了 ta de erzi sheng bing le
ta zui xihuan xia tian, yinwei ta keyi chuan piao liang de qunzile
O %frZ?她最喜欢夏天, 因为她可以穿漂亮的春子
xiatian keyi
miko summer

5) a zui ye xihuan xiatian, yingwei ta kan xiaolichuan piaoliang de qunzi le

他最也喜欢qun天, 因为他看小丽 穿漂亮得裙子了

6) 她最近越来越胖了, 所以她不能穿 条 裙子是去年买的。

42 ta zui jin yue lai yue pang le (gorda), souyi ta bu neng chuan tiao qunzi shi qu nian mai de.

Character Note

Associative Compounds

When creating Chinese characters, people in ancient times sometimes

combined two or more single-component characters into one character. The meaning
of the compound one was the meanings of the single-component characters added

together. For example:

Character Bh Picture Meaning

The sun and the moon are combined

o) togeter to mean "bright."

A person is leaning against a tree.

A person is walking behind another.


Hold one's hand over one's eye to

look into the distance.

word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.
cao pasto
difang lugar


RATHER cao di tierra con cesped

oi q alguien dijo

菜地 huerta 43
yuedi suelo nevado 雨地
HSK Standard Course 3

Pair Work

± 811 "f"
Work in pairs. Complete the following story based on the hints given and add an ending.
Make good use of and "f".
winter/dongtian hong 月来月完 wantarde
-e-kihk±IJT, henlengle
bu qichuan de zao le
她buxiang yundong
yue lai yue duo
ta chi hen dongxi le yi qian wan shang zhi chi
mifan ye
ta 张 bang le.

Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. One talks about the changes in his/her habits, and the others take

不教 Jiào 上网 现在我教网上了
我常常去我的朋友的家 现在我不去我的朋友的家了

Ydodåo bingchü
Common The minute the medicine is used, the disease is cured

, fi-UJ±WtUf

means a disease is cured as soon as

some medicine is used. It is used to describe a skilful

doctor who can prescribe just the right medicine.

Now it is also a metaphor of one's ability to find the crux of a problem and thus solve it


Traditional Sports in China


In China, apart from modern sports like jogging, working out in gyms, and playing balls,

some traditional sports handed down from old times are also practiced as part of people's daily
exercise, such as flying kites, kicking shuttlecocks, playing diabolos, and practising taijiquan.
Can you do these ports? What traditional sports do you have in your country?
Zénme türån zhåo bu dåo le

Why are they suddenly missing

Match the pictures with the words.


duånliån D qü göngyuån
F ting yinyuéhul

jiång ti bong mång köi



ti problema matematico partir

o item de una prueba separse

Match the verbs with the complements, and then read the phrases aloud.


ming bai understand

jian comprender dao

shang qu go up

zuo wan done

look kanjian

Wö de yånjing ne? Zénme türån zhåo bu dao le? Ni kånjiån le ma?

In the living rccm 06-1

Texts New Words

no los vi n. glasses, spectacles
yang jing türån
sin meiyou 没有 adv. suddenly

3. If kdi

v. to leave, to part with

put adj. clear, distinct

venir rapido 5. liJlJå gdngcåi

n. just now
bang mång
zhaozhao buscar v. to help

Cn the Dhcne {L 06-2

wan finish
New Words
recien gang RlJ#kZ, tébié
ti adv. extraordinarily caracteristico
zhe xie these
no entiendo dong E, 84k ,
8. jiång
v. to explain

9. m(ngbai
explain adj. clear

ok guo qu voy v. to do physical
duan lian

finish exercising

In (Ine unee 06-3

tongshi : coworker
ISJ$: ±iFJ New Words
$08ifr'FfiÄvåtf, yinyué
n. music

12. göngyuån
n. park
piao boleto 13. (JL) liåo tidn (r)

v. to chat


park muy cansador

yingwei ta xiang qing xiao wan chi fan, danshi zhaobudaohao fan guan
应为她想请小wan 吃饭, 但是找不到好饭馆
HSK Standard Course

In the Ii»inQ rccm 06-4

zen me
New Words
whats wrong * 14. shul zhåo
Ni bü shi shuö wånshang Shui bu zhåo jiåo ma?
v. to fall asleep

only zhi only

mei shi, wo zhi he yi bei 15. géng
mejor adv. more, even more
hai shi he bei nu nai ba keyi shui de geng hao xie
shuijiao 睡觉
hao ba, nunai ne

hai mei ma ne

Ni håishi hé béi niünåi ba, kéyi Shui de geng (mas) håo xié.

DfrffiRX Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi kéting
Zhöu Ming: Wö de yånjing ne? Zénme türån zhåo bu ddo le? Ni kånjiån le ma?
Zhöu tåitai: Wb méi kånjiån a.
Zhöu Ming: Wö bu kdi yånjlng, méiyöu yånjlng, wö yi ge zi yé kdn bu qingchu.

Zhöu tåitai: Ni qü fångjiön zhåozhao, shl bu shl göngcåi fdng zåi zhuözi shang le?

Zhöu Ming: Wö zénme kån de dåo a? Ni kuåi guölai bong mång a.

Zhöu tåitai: Håo ba, wå bang ni qü zhåozfiao.

2. Zåi då didnhuå
t6ngxué: Jintiön de zuöyé ni zuöwån le ma?
érzi: Gong zuöwån, ni ne?
t6ngxué: Jintiön zhéxié ti' tébié nån, wö kån bu döng, bé hui zuö, ni néng bong wb ma?
' • Didnhud li jiång bu mingbai, ni låi wö jid ba, wö géi ni jiångjiang.
t6ngxué: Håo a, wö duånliån wån le jib guöqu.

3. Zåi xiüxishl
t6ngshi: Ni zénme yöudiånr bü gdoxlng?
Xiåogöng: Wö xiång qing Xiåoll chi fån, dånshi zhåo bu dåo håo fdnguånr.
téngshl: Nd ni qing td ting yinyuéhul ba, td xihuan ting yinyué.
Xiåogdng: Yinyuéhul rén tdi duö, måi bu dåo pido.
töngshl: Nd qi göngyuån zöuzou, liåoliao tidnr ba.
Xiåogdng: Göngyuån tåi då, duö léi a.

4. Zdi kéting
Zhöu tditai: Ni zénme håi hé kdféi?
Zhöu Ming: Zénme le?
Zhöu tditai: Ni bü shi shuö wånshang Shu) bu zhåo jiåo ma?
Zhöu Ming: Méi shi, wö Zhi hé yi béi.
Zhöutåitai: Ni håishi hé béi niünåi ba, kéyi Shui de gung håo xié.
Zhöu Ming: Håo ba, niünåi ne?
Zhöu tåitai: Hdi méi måi ne.


FJfiÉ+iä: V {4/6 + Complements of Possibility

Notes Complements of Possibility Introduced by "Vf9/8"

"V f} + Complements" "V 8 + Complements"

Elfi(J0 "Vf% + Complements" " V8 +
YVGifiJgÜJiåJo "Vf# + Complements V8 + Complements" "V
f} + Complements U"
In Chinese, "Vf} + Complements" or "V 8 + Complements" can be used to indicate

whether or not a result can be obtained or a goal be reached. "Vf} + Complements" is the

positive form, and "V 8 + Complements" is the negative form. The complements used
in this structure are usually complements of result or direction, and certain adjectives or
verbs. The interrogative form is "Vlf% + Complements V 8 + Complements" or "Vfl}- +
Complements 114". For example:


¯ Practise

ychi6J-f- Complete the sentences.

chidewanma 吃得完吗?

我 做得完

potencial (puedo terminar)

'6 DE" "N+ßÆ" "N+UÆ" Used to Ask about Location

ili-#+, "ZiöJ+ßJé" un "

" "/Js56JßJé?

In Chinese, "Noun + flJé" is used to ask about where somebody or something is. For
example, "UU11Jé? " means "where is mom?", and "/Js5fiJßJé? " means "where is the dog?".

For example:

HSK Standard Course 3

— Practise

Complete the dialogues.

ni de shouji ne? niega en pasado

B: no lo traje
它在我家里,桌子上。我mei dai 带。
ni de che ne? auto
B: wo mei you che wo zuotianmai le. 我没有车。 我昨天卖了吗

nibabane 你爸爸呢?


"ØIJ" Comparison of "ØIJ" and "ßlJt"

"HI]" "NIJ*" -ZZifiJ, "lkJlJ

i", "NIJ" "NIJå"

The adverb "NIJ" and the noun "lkJlJff" both indicate that the action has happened not
long ago. However, "NIJff" usually means several minutes ago, while "NIJ" means a short
time from the speaker's point of view, which can be several minutes, a few days, even
months. For example, ' " (I've been in China for only two months) shows

that the speaker considers two months a short period of time. "NIJ" is only used right before
the verb, while "NlJff" can be used before the verb or at the beginning of the sentence.


Compare the following sentences with "NIJ" and "BJIJ*":


— Practise

"NIJ" "NIJff" Fill in the blanks with ' 'Nil" or "NlJff".

(1) GANGCAI recien a donde fuiste

刚 gang zhen lei a
gang 刚 EIJ-Åb*,
Xiānshēng hai mei xiuxi ne
sr bai

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 06-5

hen turan turan de shi(asunto)
O (äkååÅE4Æ) Z Z
tiranxia yvle wo de yan jing
zenme turan zhaobu daole

likai beijing/ li bukai wo li bu kai yanjing

3) bangbang mang / bangyigemang/ yao bang mang ma / ni kuai guo lai bang mang ma
Ojiang ti/jiang qingchu/ gei wo jiang jiang/ dian hua li jiang bu ming bai

geng duo/ geng hao/ geng kuai/ he (niunai) keyi shui de geng hao(mejor geng hao xie

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

turan de repente ming bai entender

qing chu
claridad jiang hablar explicar te bie (especially)
yisi yi jing
grammar class jiang 讲

04k k te bie
qing chu
li kai
concert gong yuan partir liao dian er charlar
gang cai
yin yue hui park

O A: 4k BL-E#kft Z ? que haces esta noche?

li kai ni shenme shi hou

zenme zou
gong yuan como llego al parque?
yizhi wang qian zou jiu shi solo siga derecho

O A: g 3k#kfr Z? ni zui xi huan zuo shenme que es lo q mas te gusta hacer

gen con gen pengyou you liao dian er

li kai

bang ayudar

HSK Standard Course 3

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

gang 刚
xiawu yi qian

hui de lai

bang 帮 ge mang 个忙 hacer un favor

whats wrong
mei you shijian 时间 time

B: ikJblN@,
我做不完 no puedo terminar
no problem bang ayudar
wan fan

rang xiu xi
gang 刚 Ell * ,

de 休息 xiao shi hora

xiu x i de hao
interestin kan
tebie 特别
na me duo ren 卖到一个
that many peple piao

Just started selling tickets gang 刚

mai de dao

wo men mai dao yi xie nos conseguiremos boletos?

pg 64 Answer the questions according to the texts.
周明要找眼睛 (lentes)
zhouming 1) ta li' bu kai yånjing, méiyöu yånjing, ta bu neng kan
bu qingchu. 他离不开眼睛没有眼睛她不能看
2) ta mei zuo wan zuo ye
3) ta yao bang mang ta zuo ye. ta hui jiang
jiang ta.
4)ta bu gaoxing yingwei ta xiang qing xiao Li chi fan,
danshi zhaobudaohao fan guan,suoyi ta
5)ta zai he yi be cafe 他不高兴, 应为她想请小wan 吃饭, 但是找不到好饭
6) ta mei he niu nai ying wei mei you niu nai'

52 pasado

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Work in pairs. Read the following phrases first, and then ask each other about what you did
during the break.
xie zuo ye xiuxi rest

peng you jiangtiarle

gang cai ni zuo shenmele? charlar

gang cai wo chu qu mai yin lia0 le (bebidas)

Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. Make a survey of your group members and take notes. Choose the

one who is the most awesome.

kan dong he wan mai dao conseguir

ting dong
chi wan

ni ting de dong han yu ke ma?

wo ting bu dong han yu ke

你吃的完吗? 你买得到飞机票吗?
太多了! 我吃不完! 我买到了。
HSK Standard Course

(bdng, awesome)

Wån shl kdit6u nån
Common The first step is always the hardest


"JjWYFJafE" means the first step is always the

hardest. According to this saying, it is normal to find

something difficult at the start, but as long ås one

doesn't give up and keeps doing it, the situation will

get easier and better.

Wö gén td döu rénshi Wü niån le

I've known her for five years


7 5.

shi dido bdn chiddo hudnying

F welcome
O i&ElJ llegar tarde

jié hün yinhång téngshl

marry bank workpartner
0 4M-f

Complete the following form and talk about how much time you usually spend in
doing the following things.
duo zhang shijian

zuö zuöyé xiao shi

duånliån ejercitarse san dian dao si dian yi ge xiao shi

wo changchang chi wånfån jiu dian dao shi dian yige xiaoshi

kdn didnshi
看 duracion objeto

shång wång

shul jido

我常常吃完饭 从九点到十点看电视

si verbo no se separa del objeto el tiempo va atras del verbo 55

HSK Standard Course

In the Office 07-1

piaoliang xin nueva companera shi shei?

New Words
na shi xiao li 1. t6ngshl
ta gang lai beijing n. colleague
n. before, ago

3. yinhång
n. bank


In the Icunoe 07-2

New Words

chang cantar adj. for a long
time, long

5. gån x)ngqü
concierto to be interested in


geng more 更 hao jiu bu jian

geng con 埂 long time no see
cuanto tiempo cantaron cantaron?

In (lie unge 07-3

New Words
jié hün
v. to marry, to get
gang recien v. towelcome

pan 4 hacer
pangongshi: hacer tramite
entonces yo que hago?!

At the exit cr the cf(ice building 07-4

/J\jj: ? New Words

8. EflJ chidåo
v. to be late
9. bdn
num. half

10. jié
v. to meet (sb.),

to pick up (sb.)


m. quarter

fengzhon 12. chå

v. to fall shon of


OfrffiRX Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi bångöngshi
t6ngshl•. Ndge pidoliang de Xin t6ngshi shi shéi?
Xiåogöng: Nd shl Xiåoll.

t6ngshl: Td gong låi Béijing ma?

Xiåogöng: Bü, td zdi Béijing göngzuö son niån le.

t6ngshl•. Yiqiån td zdi når göngzuö?

Xiåogdng: Td zåi yinhång göngzuöle liång niån yihöu låi de wömen göngsi.

2. Zdi xiüxishi
töngshl: Zhöumö ni gén Xiåoli qü når wånr le?

Xiåogdng: Wömen qü chång gé le.

t6ngshi: Nimen chdngle duö jib?

Xiåogdng: Wömen chångle liång ge xiåoshi gé, wånshang håi qü ting yinyuéhul le.

t6ngshl: Nimen döu dui yinyué gån x)ngqü ma?

Xiåogdng: Td dui yinyué gån x)ngqü, wö dui td géng gån xingqü.

3. Zdi xiüxish)
Xiåogdng: Wö gén Xiåol'l Xid ge yué jié hün, dåo shihou huönying ni låi.

töngshi: Shénme? Jié hün?

Xiåogdng: Dui a, türån ma?
töngshl: Nimen bü shi gong rénshi ma?
Xiåogdng: Wö gén td döu rénshi Wü niån le.
t6ngshi: Ni gén td jié hün, nd wö zénme bån a?

4. Zdi göngsi ménköu llegar tarde

Xiåoll: Ni kånkan shöubiåo, zénme chidåo le?
Xiåogdng: Méi chiddo a.
venir a buscarme cuarto 15 min
Xiåoll: Ni bü shi shuö qi diån bdn Idi jié wö ma? Ni chiddole yi ké zhöng.

Xiåogöng: Xidnzåi bü shl qi didn bdn ma?

Xiåoll: Yijing clad yi ké bd diån le! Wö döu zdi zhér zuöle bdn ge xiåoshi le.
Xiåogöng: Bé shl wö chiddo le, shl ni de biåo kuåile y' ké zhöng.
ya faltan 15 para las 8 adelanto un cuarto
yo ya llevo media hora sentada aca 57
HSK Standard Course 3

To Express a Period of Time

Notes , f12Eh

A period of time refers to the length of time that an action or a state lasts, usually

indicated by a complement of duration, such as "—ZIJ#F" (a quarter), "*fr/JsHj" (half an

hour), (two days), or " (three months) etc.

"S+V+T+ O"
"S + V+ + Duration + O" indicates the duration of an action. For example:

+ Duration +

"S + V + + Duration + O + T" indicates the duration of an action which is still

going on. For example, T" means one has already read for an hour and is
still reading. For example:

% Practise

Complete the dialogues.



To Express an Interest

..!0kC' ,

In Chinese, one can use or "*f. to express an interest in

something. The negative form is •810)æ" or ( fi ) The adverb

of degree should be put before or if there is any, such as '

and For example:

% % Practise

Complete the dialogues.

To Indicate Time Using " "21]" or "Z"

EIJ#F" L-tün fifi

Note: EIJ#F" is a period of time, meaning a quarter, i.e. 15 minutes. For example,

3 T ffs—4Jft" means "I've waited for you for 15 minutes".

— Practise

"2k ihff}F91JEfrfISäJ Say the following me using "21]" or '6%".

(1) 10:30 十点半

(2) 12:45 十二点三刻 (sanke) 差一刻一点 cha yi ke yi dian

(3) 11:59 cha yi fen shier dian 差一份十二点

HSK Standard Course 3

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 07-5


O EflJ: (f*)


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

yiqian coworker welcome cha

tongshi xingqu huan ying 差: falta
o 欢迎 play
cha 差

jiehun jie pick up sbdy

ban half
yinhang casarse llegar tarde
chidao 迟到

wan tarde

B: 接 pengyou
match ban 半

银行 bank



Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.


Answer the questions according to the texts.

HSK Standard Course 3

I Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


511 iC}k

Pair Work


Work in pairs. Tell your partner what interests and hobbies you have, when you started to

have those interests and hobbies and how long you've had them. Your partner is supposed
to take notes.

: * , 5 , 20

Group Work


iE$L, j$ffJImfiikfikJ ifrilJ0

Work in groups of 3-4. Make a weekly plan for

learning Chinese, making clear about what to do
every day, when to do them, how much time to be

spent on them, how to rest, and how long to rest, etc.

Ask one member to report the results to the whole

class. Then choose the most effective plan for
learning Chinese.


8 00-9 oo
: :

Yf bb zöucuö bübü cub

Common One wrong move makes all moves wrong



means that in a chess

game one wrong move will make all the moves
after it wrong. In the metaphorical sense it

indicates if we've made a wrong decision, then

every decision following it would be wrong.
This saying tells us to be prudent when doing
something so as to avoid mistakes.

Ni qü når wö jib qü når

I'll go wherever you go

Match the pictures with the words.


be quiet
xiéngmöo önjing jiån midn d meet
f e

didnti hdipå xishöujidn

b a c

Write down the interrogative pronouns you've learned.

为什么 什么
zenme 怎么

多少 duozhang
几点 多久 duojiu hace cuanto?
duo gao 多高 que altura

In the Icunue&' 08-1

zui jin recintly

Texts ±fil New Words
adv. again

2. månyl
fang bian inconveniente v. to be satisfied

3. didnti
ceng 20 piso n. elevator

4. céng

/Jxfi•. k" ,

wang xia kan 5. Tffi

m. usedforfloors
håi pd
v. to be afraid, to be

At 08-2

jiu yao hui guo

±fiJ New Words
g fir : li kai beijing xi6ngmdo
ji n. panda

chang song ni le Ir a despedir al airport

7. 19tLfi jiån midn meet
ocupate/hace lo tuyo v. to meet

Zhége xiåo xiongmao song géi ni,
songgei:regalra huanying(bienvenido) ni yihöu zåi daoZhöngguo låi.
Måké: Xiéxie. Xiwång yihöu néng zåi jianmian(meet).

In a flee use & 08-3

New Words
8. dnjing
adj. quiet
/J\jj: ) , -190
bebida yin liao
n. cola, Coke

/Jxjj: n. a moment
ya vuelvo 11. måshdng
adv. immediately,
'FfiÄ, at once

li xishöujidn
n. bathroom,
Xiåogdng, wömen zuö når?
Xiåogdng: NY zuö når wö jiu zuö når.
Xiåoll: Zuo zhér ba, zhér dnj)ng. Ni xiång hé shénme yinliao? bebida
Xiåogdng: Ni hé shénme wö jiu hé shénme.
HSK Standard Course 3

At Zl•cu Mino's home 084

New Words
13. Z låo
pang fat yifu adj. old

14. JIN jihü
Jiankang zui zhöngyåo, pang shöu méi guanxi, adv. almost

yidin certainly jiu 15. bidnhud
v. to change
Ni zuö fan håishi Zhou Ming zuo fån?
äk#k, äkÆpZfrZjt#kffZ, 16. jidnkdng
adj. healthy

Wö zuö, wö xiång chi shénmejiu zuö shénme, xiäng chi 17. zhöngydo
duöshao jiu zuö duöshao. adj. important

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi xiüxishl
t6ngshl: Tingshuö ni zuljln dåsuån måi fångzi?
Xiåoll: Shl, zu6tidn qü kdnle kån, jintidn you qü kånle kån, mingtidn håi ydo zåi qü kånkan.
t6ngshl: Döu bü måny) ma?
Xiåoll: ge méiyöu didnti, bi-l fdngbiån.
YI' YI' ge yöu diånti, ddnshi zåi érshl' céng.
t6ngshl: Ershl' céng zénme le?
Xiåoll: Tåi goo le, wång Xid kån duö håi på a!

2. Zdi xuéxido
Xiåoming: Tingshuö ni Xid ge xingqi jib yåo hui gu6 le?
Måké: Shi a, zhén bü xiång likdi Béijing.
Xiåoming: Wö Xid xingqi bü zdi Béijing, bi-l néng qü jichång song ni le.

Måké: Méi gudnxi, ni mång ba.

Xiåomfng: Zhége xiåo xi6ngmdo song géi ni, hudnying ni yihöu zåi ddo Zhöngguå låi.

Måké: Xiéxie. Xiwång yihöu néng zåi jidn midn.

3. Zdi kdféiting
Xiåoll: Xiåogdng, wömen zuö når?
Xiåogdng: NY zuö når wö jib zuö når.
Xiåoll: Zub zhér ba, zhér dnj)ng. Ni xiång hé shénme yinlido?
Xiåogdng: Ni hé shénme wö jib hé shénme.
Xiåoli: Hé kélé ba. Ni déng wö yihuir, wö måshdng huilai.

Xiåogdng: Xiåoli, ni qü nårQ Ni qü når wö jib qü når.

Xiåoli: Wö qü xyshöujidn.

4. Zåi Zhöu Ming jid

låo t6ngxué: Kubi Wü niån le, ni jihü méi bidnhuå.

Zhöu tditai: Shéi shuö de? Wö pong le, yiqiån de yifu döu bb néng chuön le.

låo t6ngxué: Jidnkdng zul zhöngyåo, pdng shöu méi guönxi,

Zhöu tditai: Shl a, xiång chi shénme jib chi shénme.
låo t6ngxué: NY zuö fdn håishi Zhou Ming zub fån?
Zhöu tåitai: Wö zuö, wö xiång chi shénme jib zuö shénme, xiäng chi duöshao jib zuö duöshao.

" X" Comparison of "X" and "g"


The adverbs 'I" and ' can both be put before a verb to indicate the recurrence of
an action or a situation. ' 'X + V" usually means the recurrence has already happened, while

+ V" means the recurrence has not happened yet.

' 'X" fi(JfYlJ6JUIlF•. Examples of ' 'I" .

chi dao llegar tarde

Examples of

(8) Hfk-k*Tf, +k f,
• Practise

Complete the sentences.

nage fanguan resturant
( 1) A tiff , 再 yi ci (once)
you 又
tiao kuzi yijing ya
äk—--/k JL 再
gangcai 找 zhao
recien lookfor
a moment

a pair of trousers
I Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns I

ilifrF, "FJt"

"N)t" fififjiÜ0 fYlJüLl:

In Chinese, "WI" is used to connect two same interrogative pronouns, indicating an

uncertain person, thing or manner. The interrogative pronoun appears twice in the sentence,

referring to the same thing. When the two clauses of a sentence share one subject, the subject
of the second clause can be left out; when the two clauses have different subjects, the second

subject is put right before "WI". For example:

HSK Standard Course 3

el dia q tengas tiempo veni a mi casa

% Practise

Complete the dialogues.

a bit

ni想喝shenme wo就xiang 喝什么
pa shan mountain climbing
我不知道。zuijin 最近(recintly) tianqi bu hao. tai leng le! 你什么时候去我们就什么时qu候爬上

ni xiang gen shei yiqi qu luyou (travel)B: 我就 xiang gen shei yiqi qu luyou

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 08-5

fuwuyuan fangzi casa
dont be afraid
hai pa miedo
jianmian encontrase o
verse c alguien wa:r
yihuier a bit
un momentito
o Qft:
bian hua

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

ceng(piso) jihu xishoujian dianti

hai pa (afraid)
bano ascensor manyi satisfaction
O dianti
zou shang qu (go usptarisr
meishier hai pa 害怕
O ikY)L,
no problem
洗手间 (bano)
jihu dian nao pc
xianzai yong use

man yi satisfaction
bian hua change zhong yao
YLtfii fik5ffi
fuwu servicio
B: 34}, 熊猫 xiongmao panda
good pasarlo bien
68 have fun
zhoumo zuo
que hiciste el finde?

xiongmao 熊猫 panda
jianmian 我们 jidian what time
meet 见面
a few years
bianhua mei you no hay
seeee cambiar
yungdong exercise

zhe jian yifu tai gui le !

g 3k,iLfr0jiu xing row

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
nin dui zhe ge fangzi manyi

yang de (type)
da suan plan
又 again in the past you shengbing ill resfrio
又 you
ganmao ganghao
B: BfkTkFFJ, cold
你马上去 just
bing ba ill
Qù yīyuàn
yihuier 一会儿 a moment
shui sleep dai san
yixie some
几个 yi ge
买几的 several
na entonces
再 zai

jian yifu hen hao kan na jian

B: na jian

蓝色 blue Lán sè
又 you
x q queres compar otra vez azul ya
HSK Standard Course 3
yinwei 因为
Answer the questions according to the texts.

因为三个房子都不方便。fang bian (inconvenient)
O #kfrZ? 他们在咖啡加。他们想喝可乐。

O kkåfrZiLåyour own ? 因为她以前的衣服都不能穿了

YIN WEI TA DE yi qian (de antes)de yifu dou bu neng chuan


Word Game
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

de trabajo

Pair Work

iåJ" [0130
Work in pairs. Make a survey of each other and fill in the questionnaire. Answer the

questions using the structure "Interrogative Pronoun + + Interrogative Pronoun".

2 你什么时候去我就什么时候去

3 你怎么去,我i就怎么去

4 gen shei yi qi chu 你跟谁一起去, 我就跟谁一起去

5 我家人住在哪儿, 我就住在哪儿。

6 他们到了旅游的地方吃什么,我就吃什么

nage difan

Group Work

7kji€fi4WJ, ihih-küJL7'x,
fi'Ü, fhtTffa,
Work in groups of 3-4. Describe one of your travel experiences to your group members,
including how many times you've been to that place, when you went there, what you did,

and what you'd like to do if you have a chance to be there once again.

我去过Mar delPlata。一次。我是2020年的,去我朋友的家、

jkf4B, Zhån de goo, kån de yuån

Common The higher you stand, the farther you'll see

fif%jÜ' jX6JiTi

Tf4jÜ' means the one who

stands higher takes a broader view. It is also used

metaphorically to indicate that we should view

a problem from more than one aspect to obtain a
more comprehensive understanding of it.

Td de Hdnyü shuö de gén Zhöngguörén yiyång håo

She speaks Chinese like a native

Look at the pictures and talk about if the things given are the same in each picture.

tamen de yanse bu yi yang

yifu yånsé fångzi

tamen de yifu de yiyang

bu yi yang
tidnqi béizi pdngshöu

zuo bian de tian qi gen you bian de tian qi bu yi yang zhe liang ge beizi shi yi yang da

Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

como cada vez mas

Wö xidnzdi chi de yué låi yué duö more and more

WO I-ldnyü shuö de yue lai yue hao 越来越好

Wö juéde yüfå grammar yue lai yue nan 越来越难

5kfffi{Jåü Wö zuö de fdn yue lai yue haochi 越来越好吃

Wö påo bü påo de 越来越快 yue lai yue kuai rapido

Wö då lånqiü då de 越来越好 yue lai yue hao/不好

tu chino mas hablas
In the classrccm 09-1
nali nali
respuesta a un cumplido
Texts New Words

更好 genghao better wang jing??? n. Chinese language

2. FJÆ bdn
zen me hao?
n. class

hanyu de gen yiydng

adj. same,

zen me mei ting shuo guo zhe ge


laoshi 她的汉语越说越好了因为她说的跟中国人一样好
tade hanyu yue shuo yue hao le yin wei ta shuode gen zhong
guo ren yi yang hao .
In a bakery 09-2

san kuai
/J\jj: New Words
danggao zulhöu
yi kuai (last piece) n. the last one

cong shi fång Xin

siempre sweet yue v. to ease one's

to rest assured

bian pan become fat adv. definitely,
* å4JA*FfleJL,
shou pang fat
zai shan shang
n (he nm untain 09-3

a little scared
±fiJ New Words
hai bai
don Xin
nan zou (dificil caminar)
v. to worry
lu yue+ yue
pa montana 4.&40
8. Et4i bijiåo
dui adv. fairly, rather
bu yong dan xin
conocer bien(en
zhe 9. liåojié
liaojie v. to know profundidad)

/J\jj: , 10. xidn

xian xiu xi yi xia adv. in advance
zai pa

cong desde zhöngjidn

n. middle
keyi can medio

tiao lu shang
road 73
HSK Standard Course 3
oso panda

At Xiacmino's home 09 4

yang jing ojos

New Words
jiao deng dolor de pie 12. cdnjid
v. to participate

13. yingxiång
n. influence

yi yang : the same 一样

yi ding da lan bi sai can jia
seguramente , fit ?

competencia de basquet, vos podes participar?

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi jiåoshl
Dåshdn: Måké, ni de Zhöngwén yué shuö yué håo le!
Måké: Nåli nåli, wömen bön Wång Jing shuö de géng håo.
Dåshön: Zénme håo?
Måké: Td de Hånyü shuö de gén Zhönggu6rén yiyång håo.
Ddshdn: Wång Jing? Wö zénme méi tingshuöguo zhége mingzi?
Måké: Td shl wömen de Hånyü låoshi.

2. Zåi ddngdo didn

Xiåoll: Bié chi le, ni yijing Chile son kuåi ddngdo le. 他已经吃了三块蛋糕了
Xiåogöng: Zhé shi zuihöu yikuåir. ta yijing chile san kuai dangao le
Xiåoll: Ni zöngshl chi tiån de döngxi, hul yué chi yué pong.
Xiåogdng: NI fång Xin, wå yiding bü hui biån pång.
Xiåoll•. Wéi shénme?
Xiåogdng: Wömen jid de rén döu hén shöu, chi bü pong.

3. Zdi shdn shang 小丽 有点儿害怕山越高, 路越南走

Xiåol): Wö yöudiånr håipd. xiaoli youdianer haipa shan yue gao , lv yue nan zou
Xiåogdng: Zénme le?

Shön yué goo, lb yué nån zöu. Wö yé yué pd yué léng.


Xiåogdng: Bü yöng ddn Xin, yöu wö ne, wö dui zhér bijiåo liåojié.
Xiåoll: NO wömen xidn xiüxi yixid, y(huir zdi pd.
Xiåogdng: Håo, y(hulr wömen kéyi cong zhöngjiän zhé tiåo lb shångqu.

4. Zåi Xiåoming jid
ta zhe ji tian jiao teng suoyi mei xuixi hao.
t6ngxué: Xiåoming, ni de yånjing zénme gén dd xi6ngmdo yiyång le?
Xiåom(ng: Wö zhé ji tidn jiåo téng, méi xiüxi håo. duele pie
t6ngxué: Qü yiyuån le ma? Yishéng shuö shénme?

Xiåoming: Td rång wö duö xiüxi. Xiüxi de yué duo, håo de yué kuåi.

t6ngxué: Xid ge yué de lånqiü bisdi, ni néng cdnjid ma?

Xiåoming: Yidlng néng cdnjiö, yidiånr yingxiång yé méiyöu.

一定能参加, 一点儿影响也没有

The Structure

"NA@B" (the more A, the more B) means B changes with A. For example:

cuanto mas al sur mas calor

¯ Practise

7tFJi6J-f Complete the sentences.

(1) 越喜欢看

越高兴 mientras mas charlaos mas felice

越不说 cuanto menos habla mas me preocupo

: ( +Adj ) Comparative Sentences 1: (+ Adj)

"ALNB +4" means A and B are the same after comparison. The structure can take an

adjective to indicate the aspect being compared, for example, "—#k" means "the same in
size". In the negative form, '8" is added before For example:


7tJji6Jf- Complete the sentences.

gen nidebeiziyiyangda 跟你的杯子一样大

(2) +kååEiäJ sheng ci new word 跟昨天的生词一样难

(3) 小狗跟大狗

HSK Standard Course

ED Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 09-5

Exercises yiyang
yiding seguro

canjiaparticipar -iÅ/7Z ?

ying xiang ikfi.Vvå/Y/ våäkk/E,Vv6J no

0 influyo p nada.

ifluence 不一定来 quizas viene (maybe)

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.
can 加 ying xiang influence
participar dan xin
bi jiao bastante/ rather compared

比较 ni zai gei wo repite accion a futuro

game bar ying xiang influence

fang xin
liao jie know well
take it easy zui hou xian zhong jian
later yiding

B: 放心 yun dong exercise

hui lai :va a venir


B: 中间

xian 1st


Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

wan le finish

kan yue xihuan 看越喜欢

bisai competencia
canjia 参加

你 一样yiyang

喜欢 xihuan
da yue
this time de hanzi caracteres
担心 danxin kaoshi exam
lian xi exercise
lianxi yue haole

zhi certainly
wo geng dan xin yufa
jihu casi
zuijin recently

ying xiang

越shou 瘦

mandarlo a maca answers in the notebook

Answer the questions according to the texts.

yi gong chi (en total come) cuantas porciones

can jia 参加 participar

0 åffZ?
1) 她的汉语越说越好了因为她说的跟中国人一样好
tade hanyu yue shuo yue hao le yin wei ta shuode gen zhong guo ren yi yang hao .

HSK Standard Course 3

Character Note

Pictophonetic Characters 1

Around 70% of Chinese characters are pictophonetic ones, which are composed of two
components, one indicating meaning and the other sound.

The pictophonetic characters of a left-right structure fall into two types. One has the

semantic component on the left and the phonetic component on the right. For example:

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

md (må)
zhü (zhü)

The other has the semantic component on the right and the phonetic component on the
left. For example:

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

fång (fang)
lin (ling)

E -3*friäJ Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

)feLJ * -E


Pair Work

Work in pairs. Discuss whether the following behaviours are good or not, and explain the
reasons using "NA@B".

不好 越晚回家, 。。。越不好

hao 越锻炼, 身体越好 I

好 越帮助越 高兴

yueliaowodehanyu yue haole

Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about others' situations and talk about whether you are the same
as them or not.

HSK Standard Course

E A 6, Sdn rén Xing, bi yåu wö shi

Common When I walk with two others, there must be one whom I can learn from
A'fi, Uf3kIJI$"


AfiUfi8klJ($" means "When I walk with two

others, there must be one whom I can learn from". In
the metaphorical sense, itmeans everybody may have
some merits that we lack, so we should learn from

Shüxué bi lishi nånduö le

Maths is much harder than history

Match the pictures with the words.

B c

sports and
llshi tiyü gézi
historia ed fisica d estatura

chézhån shüxué zlxingché

bus stop bike

Write down the antonym of each of the following words.

Xin nån
gdo 唉 容易
jiu 旧 old ai

yuån gui pdng

jin 进 便宜 瘦 shou flaca

HSK Standard Course

教室 jiaoshi classroom
In the classrccm 10-1

shan he make
Texts New Words
*Ll-l: gézi
ai short
n. height, stature

shei 2. åi
adj. short

*ill: sui
+ more
B9É•. genhao
*1.14: $qå4J make habla un poco mejor que yo

mi chino es no mejor q el de el

In the classroom
New Words
ye yisi interesting
n. history

4.18T tiyü
nan dificil n. P.E., sports
dong entender
keyi can shüxué
%lJå2iü, n. maths

shi jian 他们每天要学一个小时了

xiao shi hora
una o dos horas

In (Mne 'c unnee 10-3

zui jin bi yiqian de zao ban

tongshi New Words
companero shang ge yue
zhi dao mes pasado jiu 6.

adj. convenient
ban mudar 7. zix(ngché ziyi 自已
caminando n. bicycle
da suan 8.4-5 qi
fr4 v. to ride
qi che
7u8 jib
fit EIJ 0
adj. old, used,

huan pian worn

/Jxjj: , hudn
yi barato kuai qian mangos v. to change,

pian yi 200 o 3oo $ to substitute

xue xiao li mian campus 10
Seeing an apartment 10-4

estos 2 lugares son iguales?

JTJ {IJ ? ±fiJ New Words
nin xiao school Wàibian afuera
11. }Ljj difang
bian fangzi casa n. place

更 gen
gen anjing quiet zhuyao n. intermediary, agent
meiyou not 13. zhüyåo
adj. main
xuexiao school
TAN: name anjing quiet 14. huånjlng
方便fangbian conveniente
15. füj)n
n. nearby, vicinity
fang bian
学校里边的没有学校外边的那么安静 quiet
3 or 4 bus stops convenient

meiyou opuesto de bi
10frffiRX Texts in Pinyin 没有 比
1. Zåi jiåoshl
péngyou: Dåshdn, ni hé Måké shéi gézi goo?
Dåshön: Måké bi wö goo, wö bi Måké di yidiånr.
péngyou: Nd nimen shéi då?
Ddshön: Wö bi Måké dd liång sul.
péngyou: Nimen shéi de Hånyü shuö de géng håo?
Ddshön: Måké bl wö shuö de håo ylxié, wö de Hånyü méiyöu td håo.

2. Zdi jiåoshl
Xiåomfng: Wö xlhuan lishi ké, tiyü ké, bü xihuan shüxué ké.
t6ngxué: Wéi shénme? Shüxué yé hén you yisi a.

Xiåoming: Wå juéde shüxué bi lishi nånduö let wö ting bu dång.

t6ngxué: Bié don Xin, wö kéyi böng ni.
Xiåoming: Håo a, women méi tidn xué duö chång shijiän?
tångxué: Y)-liång ge xiåoshi ba.

3. Zdi xiüxishl
t6ngshl•. Ni zuijln bi yiqiån Idi de zåoduö le, ban jiö le?

Xiåoll: Shl a, ni bü zhiddo? Wö shdng ge yué jib bön jiö le, zöu lb érshi fénzhöng jib dåo.
t6ngshl•. Nd hén föngbiån a.
Xiåoll: Wö håi dåsuån måi lidng zix(ngché, qi ché qi-bd fénzhöng jib néng ddo.
t6ngshi•. Ni bü shi you yi lidng ma?
Xiåoll: Nd liång tåi jib le, yåo hudn yi liång, hén piånyi, liång-sön båi kuåi qiån.

4. Zåi kån fångzi

Ddshdn: Zhé liång ge difang de fångzi yiydng ma?
zhöngjié: Bb yiyång. Nin kån, xuéxiåo wåibian de fångzi bi xuéxiåo libian de dd ylxié.

Ddshön: Ddxiåo méi guönxi, zhüydo shl huånjing, någe géng önjlng?
de méiyöu xuéxiåo wdibian de ndme dnjing.
zhöngjié: Xuéxido libian

Dåshön: Någe fdngbiån ylxié ne?

Xuéxiåo libian bi xuéxiåo wdibian fdngbiån,
zhöngjié•. füjln you son-si ge chézhån.

HSK Standard Course 3

EÄ AbtB + Adj +
Notes Comparative Sentences 2: AbbB + Adj + —k) L/—4f43/$ 7

Jäjü, " kJL" " JY"

k, "f}$" "3 f" fYlJüll:

kJL", "—Jt<", "f"" or "$ f" etc. can follow an adjective in a comparative
sentence, indicating the degree of difference between things, among which "—,EJ L" and "—#9"
indicate a slight difference, while "f"" and "*T" indicate a big difference. For example:
ai bajo

(4) k# YbJfJ
lishi historu
T 0

"Ai±fiB (+ ) + Adj" , fYlJü[I:

no se usa cantidad
The negative form is "Ai±fiB ( + iXZ/}JlVzs) + Adj". For example:
con meiyou
rico NOT AS..AS...

he is not as tall as i am

• Practise quiet
ychifiJf Complete the sentences.

( ) 4k ååkfiot
比开车容易rongyi 多了
骑 qi

Expression of Approximate Numbers 1

In Chinese, two adjacent numerals can be used together to indicate an approximate

number, for example, ( j#j) (one or two)", 'fÅjE (two or three)",
' G' = (three or

four)", (five or six)", (seven or eight)", and "A)L (eight or nine)". For example:



• Practise

yiying ta 5/6niande
ycJji6Jf Complete the sentences.
已经有5、6 年le
tai jiu le! wo xiang mai yi liang xin de
finish wan
(2) +kåå(fr21Läk zhi 只 only yiliang 个小时 fit 0 kZ
tiao dark kuzi
clasif heizi trousers

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 10-5

lishi historia
Exercises O k/JTJ o

0 fif-j4:

huanban (cambiar curso/turno de trabajo)

huanjing ambiente gen + anjin quiert

supermercado cercano

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

anjing quiet estatura jiu qi ride

sports gezi

安静 quiet anjing
旧 jiu old compra otro!
shuxue huan cambiar fu jin
fang bian convenient }tujj di fang place
O A: ålJ

B: f,ft
huan 换
bi jiao liaolliao chat
fangbian compared
jianmian tia:r
zhou mo fan

HSK Standard Course

xiatian verano

fujin cerca chao shi supermarket

walk straight on


Complete the dialogues using the newly-learned language points and words.
shei qi get up

B: 我妈妈比我起得早多了

zao 早


ban class

八九 8/9

多 yidiaer un poco mas

poco (adj)
you xi game


玩儿得张 waner name zhang

play son long

300 /400 *k4k0
no es mas caro que este o aquel

well enough 贵 gui

haikeyi 那么、这么

done in the notebook 10-

Answer the questions according to the texts.

O k -L fokJ-Ji@ß? ifr4*k?
nian ling edad

Word Game
Characters Efl

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

huanji zhucai main dish/course

ropa de estacion
onthe floor

Pair Work

Application ifiJlhJXifr4tæTfüF91J$ff,

Work in pairs. Ask your partner whether or not he/she has done the following things this

year, and how many times he/she has done them. Answer the questions using approximate
ni....guo jizi

go hiking
canjiai bisai competencia canjai 参加san si zi bisai 比赛
go to a concert wo tīng yiliangci 一两次 yinyuehui
guang pasear gon yuan park 逛guang八九次 gonyuan 公园

late for class 我上课 一两次chidao 迟到

separar el verbo del objeto

verbo + (cuantas veces) + objeto (se puede omitir el objeto en la respuesta)
HSK Standard Course

Group Work

"Ai±fiB ( + ) + Adj"
Work in groups of 3-4. Compare and find each person's most distinguishing aspect, using "A
+ + and ( + +

C: ikfiB±JF Z that long

Eli 0

movies watched

yuan kuai
far fast

我女儿都学习的时间比我儿子张多了。 我大女儿 学习的时间是张。


FJFJ Bb ké t6ngöl'éryü

Common The two cannot be mentioned in the same breath

ffijifi." ,

' '8iiJlfiJ H ffijif", literally "(two things) cannot be mentioned

in the same breath", is used metaphorically to mean that there
is no comparison between two people or two things because of
the significant difference. For instance, in terms of science and . _ • frM¯

technology, there is no comparison between the past and the 'u



What Chinese People Wear on Their Wedding Day

In the past, brides in China wore traditional red cheongsams on their wedding days, and
now they wear both red cheongsams and white wedding gowns, which mirrors that Chinese and
Western cultures have been blended together. What do people wear on their wedding days in
your country?
Bié wdngle bå köngtiåo gudn le

Don't forget to turn off the air conditioner

yinwei xinqire

Match the pictures with the words.


cidiån kuåizi köngtiåo

b d
O iäJ a

d)tié déng pingzi

O *L4k— f c e

Look at the pictures and talk about what they are doing. ni ba guan kangtiao.

guan köngtiåo

xi yifu

d a
devolver libro
huån shü

gudn déng


In the classrccm 11-1
xian zou left
Texts me voy ahora New Words
n. library

v. to borrow, to lend

ji de acordate jiao shi aula

3. cfdiån
n. dictionary

v. to return
fang xin
deng guan le
dont worry n. light, lamp
turn off the lights

In the conference rccm 11-2

New Words
h ulyl
n. meeting,
v. to end, to finish

/J\jj: 8. Eid wångj)

di tie v. to forget

gao su avisar köngtiåo

T ,iL+ifräk0 n. air conditioner
espera el momento llegue
10. -k gudn
v. to turn off,
ni bien llega el me avisas to close

11. ditié

n. subway

In (he li'inu 11-3

±iÉJ New Words

12. shudng
m. pair
zhen re kudizi
n. chopsticks

14. pfjiü
n. beer

15. c:] köu

m. mouthful

16. )fti+ pingzi

n. bottle

HSK Standard Course 3


New Words

mai vender
17. Zid$
geng more
bijlbén (didnnåo)
desp de levantarme n. notebook, laptop

18. didnzi y6ujiån

xin carta

v./n. be used to
turan habit; to

y q hacemos? suddenly

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi jidoshl
Xiåoming: Wö xidn zöu le.

t6ngxué: Ni qü når?
Xiåom(ng: Wö qi tüshüguån jié bén shü.
t6ngxué: Bang wö bå zhé bén cidiån huånle ba.

Xiåom(ng: Håo, déng yihulr ni If köi jidoshl de shfhou, jide bå déng gudn le.

t6ngxué: Håo den fång Xin ba.

2. Zdi hulylshl

Zhöu Ming: Hulyi jiéshü höu, bié wdngjl bå köngtiåo guön le.

Xiåoll: Håo de. Wång jingli liång diån zuåyöu låile ge diånhuå.
Zhöu Ming: TO yijing ddo Béijing le?
Xiåoll: Shi de, td zhéng zuö dltié Idi women göngsi ne.
Zhöu Ming: Déng td dåole jib gåosu wö.

3. Zåi kéting
möma: Håi chd y) shudng kuåizi, ni qü nå yixid.
érzi: Jintidn zénme zuåle zhéme duö cåi?
möma. • Jintiön shl ni båba de shéngri.
Zhén de a? Wö bå båba de shéngrl wdng le. Nd wömen jintidn hé diånr pijiü ba.

mama. Yishéng shuö

• ni båba y) köu jib döu bü néng hé, bié rong td kånjidn jib pingzi.


Zhége bij)bén didnnåo wö qüniån måi de shihou ydo Wü qidn kuåi zuöyöu, xiånzåi piånyi
duö le. Wö xiång bå zhége diånnåo måi le, zåi måi y' ge géng håo de. Xiånzdi wö méi tiön qi
chuång höu de d) yi jiån shl jib shl då kdi diånnåo, kdn didnzi y6ujiån. Wö yijing hén shåo xié
Xin, yé hén shåo yöng bl xié z), yijing xiguån yöng didnnåo låi xuéxf hé göngzuö le. Nå y) tidn

türån méiyöule didnnåo, wömen zénme bdn ne?


Notes The Ba-Sentence 1: + V+ •

6J, "A$UB+V+


In Chinese, a ba-sentence can be used to indicate a certain action done on a definite

person or thing, the structure being "AåEB + V+ This type of ba-sentence is often

used to request or order other people to do something. It is noteworthy that A is the agent

of the action, and B is the patient. Both A and B should be specific or known to the speaker

and the listener. For example:

"$1!" *fikJüfjjÜ, fYlJüfl:

If there is a negative adverb or a modal verb etc., it should precede For example:



Complete the sentences with the words given.

Expression of Approximate Numbers 2:


In Chinese, "&fi" can be used after a numeral to indicate an approximate number,

such as k &fi" (around three o'clock), ' 'Tfr%fi" (about five), and "+åF&fi" (ten

years or so). For example:

HSK Standard Course

% Practise

Complete the dialogues.





Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 11-5

jiaoshi jide remember
jie: borrow or lend
04k: jiu licor
jie shu fan

xi guan acostumbrarse

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

kongtiao ci dian diccionario

)fFi-Y QiJåJ iGJft
shuang 双

type kou 特别 tebie specially

pingzi 瓶子 Rift # ? botella
O Z ik+r 空调
jieshu finish devolver huiyi
( huån )
guan 关

11 -

还 huan

结束 jieshu
VI % , äkffl—æ-ktfå'tvåtivto

xiguan tu shu guan biblioteca

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
xian sheng 把手机关了
A: , h E, ifr,dC
ba shouji 管了

左右 aprox


A: ba 吧牛奶喝了




A: 把钱还他吗 me ayudas a devolver le el dinero

bang ayudar

HSK Standard Course

Answer the questions according to the texts.

bang tongxue ba shu huan le

因为医生不让 bu rang no lo deja

yong dian nao usar pc

Word Game
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

iäJ iÉi}J — kik

Pair Work
Work in pairs and ask each other the price of something you are interested in.


sale opcional


Group Work

3-4A—tH, 36Jihih4RfikJifr±lJ: ff-/AHjfri,

Work in groups of 3-4. Talk about today's plan (including when, where, and what to do)

using ba-sentences.

$&fri6J ..

difan que lugar

ba obj verb ..le

Guirén duö wdng shl

Common Great wits have short memories


In the saying "We ' refers to "a high-ranking

official" or "a successful businessman". The saying means that one

who holds a high government position or does big business often
forgets certain trivialities due to the enormous amount of work.
Now it is a polite way to say that it is understandable that one who
is fully occupied with work or business affairs should forget some
trivial matters, sometimes also conveying an ironic tone.

Bå zhöngyåo de döngxi fång zåi wö zhér ba

Leave the important items with me

Match the pictures with the words.


hüzhåo héibån x(nglixiöng

f b

tåiyång hudr böo

a d e

huiba poder poner
la posibildad de poner
Where would you put the following things? 会把

qidnbi zhuözi shang

yizi shang 椅子上 chair

zhdopidn bao li 包里

qiånbdo billetera 包里

hüzhdo 包里

bijibén didnnåo
桌子上 zhuozi shang
ni hui ba3 ...fang zai nar
你会把。。。放在那人? wo hui 吧pa zhaopian fang zai baoli
donde podes poner la...? 我会吧照片放在包里

12 -

At Incme 12-1

hoy el sol salio por el oeste? que paso? rarooo

Texts New Words

zheme tan!
1. tdiyång
n. sun
cai recien 2. xi
n. west
ta 平时(generally)pingshing12dianyihoucaishuijiao
3. sheng qi
他个十二点以后才睡觉 v. angry

经理 今天他很早就睡觉了
jingli jing li 经理 gerente
jiudao lai
si manana no llegas a las 8, no vengas mas

At I•cme 12-2

gen con shi asunto

New Words
jingli afuera de la ciudad
fangdao xinglixiöng
n. luggage, suitcase

5. fid z)ji

pron. self
n. bag, sack
zhao ku yijing ya

fang dao poner 放到

yao have to tenes que ... 要

照ku zhaoku cuidar

yo ya te prepre la comida y la bebida p vos


BRA: New Words

BEE , 7. fdxiån
v. to discover

airport jichang n. passport

Bid* , v. (of an aircraft) to
take off

1() BJfJL siji

n. driver

HSK Standard Course 3

zhong xue middle school
New Words
meici 每次 every time 11. jido
v. to teach

zong hui 12. hud

zong hui 总会 forgot
qianbi v./n. to draw,
always to paint; drawing,
带 dai traer painting

13. xüydo
v. to need
study habit 因为他们没有好的学习习。。。
xi xi guan 14.
n. blackboard

OfffiRX ALUMNOS Pinyin

1. Zdi jid

Xiåoll: Jintidn tdiyång cong xibian chülai le ma?

Xiåogöng: Zénme le?

Xiåoli: Ni zénme zhéme zåo jib yåo shul jido le? Yiqiån döu ydo shi'ér diån yihöu cåi shul


Xiåogöng: Wb mingtiön bd diån jib yåo dåQ göngsi.

Xiåoll: Yöu shl ma?
Xiåogöng: Jingli shéng ql le, td gåosu wö, mingtidn bd diån bü dåo, yihöu jib bié Idi le.

2. Zdi jid

Xiåogdng: Wö yoo gén Zhöu jingli qi wdidl bån shl, mingtidn de féiji.

Xiåoll: Nd wö bong ni bå yifu fångdåo xinglixidng li ba. Shénme shihou huilai?

Xiåogdng: Yi ge xingqi jib huflai.

Xiåoll: Å? ge xingqi yihöu cåi huilai?


Xiåogdng: Ni yoo ziji zhåogü håo zlji, wö yijing géi ni zhünbéi håo chi de hé hé de le.

Xiåoll: Håo ba. Wö yijing bå wö de zhåopiån fdng zåi ni de boo le. li

3. Zdi jichång
Zhou Ming: Ni zénme cåi låi?
Xiåogöng: Dulbuqi, Zhou jingli, låi jichång de lüshang wö cåi fdxiån wdng ddi hüzhdo le.
Zhöu Ming: Kudi diånr ba, féiji jiü yåo qiféi le.
Xiåogdng: Nin yöu qidn ma? Siji bd wö song ddo jichång de shihou, wö cåi fdxidn •wångji dåi
qiånböo le.

Zhöu Ming: Wö kån ni håishi bå zhöngydo de döngxi fång zåi wö zhér ba.


Wö shl yi ge zhöngxué låoshi, jido xuésheng hud hudr. Méi c) Xid ké qiån, wb döu hui bå
xiå cl xuésheng xüyåo ddi de döngxi xié zåi héibån Shang, dånshl méi ci shång ké shi, zöng
hui yöu xuésheng wångle nå qiönbi, suåyi wö yöudiånr sheng q), bü shi yinwéi tomen méi dåi
qiönbi, shi yinwéi tdmen méiyöu håo de xuéxi xiguån.


"it" Comparison of "t" and

Both 'd" and
"FJt" can be used as an adverbial modifier before a verb.

"*Jt" indicates that in the speaker's opinion, the action happened early, or went on fast

or smoothly. For example:


"t" indicates that in the speaker's opinion, the action happened late, or went on

slowly or unsatisfactorily. For example:

(5) A.k-Ei*,

(6) fiEElJ 0


Complete the dialogues.

B: 我昨天Xiàwǔ 5 diǎn就回的家。

B: 我昨天的作业一张时间就写完的。

B: 我昨天才睡了6小时 xiaoshi hs.

The Ba-Sentence 2: A}EB + V+


In Chinese, a ba-sentence is often used to indicate a certain action is done on a definite

person or thing and has changed the location of the person or thing, the structure being "A$[E

B+V+ (Æ/f•lJ + location". For example:

HSK Standard Course

zhao pian fang zai ni bao li le

If an action has changed the owner or user of a definite object, the structure "A$EB +
V+ + sb." is used. For example:

% Practise

Complete the sentences with the words given.


Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 12-5

Exercises O ±ft•. Q/hlJ±- 0

O fid:

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.


fit $ -E

faxian fid fi*$fi

sheng qi ziji 08
discover angry oneself

chidao be late

B: 4k $qRL-kÆ---*k0


ziji on my own
bu yong danxin zhao gu

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

才 recien


才 cai recien


che jie (prestar) gei wodidi le


se lo preste a mi hermanito
HSK Standard Course 3

nos llevas a nadar

ok/dale xin can
recien aprendiste a nadar、

A: 就 学会了
dai dao pool


puse tus lentes arriba de la pc

Answer the questions according to the texts.

ta 平时(generally)pingshing 12 dian yihou cai
shuijiao。 他个十二点以后才睡觉 今天他很早就睡觉了

O 'FfiÄ%? a 给 B 准备好吃的和喝的了 A gěi B zhǔnbèi hào

chī de hé hē de le (de comer y de tomar)
que se olvido de traer wanle忘了

4 小。。完了带护照 和钱包 .se olvido de traer el passport y la billetera

5 他 会把下次学生需need要带东西写在黑板上 el profe escribe en el pizarron lo que los alumnos necesitan traer
la proxima
6)因为他们没有好的学习习惯habito de estudio
Xuéxí xíguàn

Word Game
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

12 -

Pair Work

Work in pairs. Ask about and compare each other's living habits. fin

ni meitian shenme shihou...... jidian a q hora?


2 jiaoshi classroom 我每天下午5点就到教室 jiaoshi

3 ni meitian ji dian xue hanyu? 你每天几点学汉语?

4 shuijiao dormir /我每天完(wan night)11 点就睡觉

5 zuowan zuoye finish hw / 我每天下午5点就做完作业

6 我没点晚wan 10点就吃完饭 。
chi wan fan cenar

Group Woyk

Work in groups of 3-4. Talk about where you usually put certain articles for daily use using
ba-sentences, and find out who have the same habits as yours.

huzaho passport yifu ropa kuzi pants

shu bao mochila

zhaopian Zúqiú
foto football

钱包 我们都把ba钱放fang 在 跑里。

woba ......fangzai...... 我把。。。。放在... (lugar) shubaoli

sujeto ba cosa fang zai lugar

estructura q muestra cambio de lugar lo puse

你把ba 。。。 放在哪? donde lo pones? ni ba .... fangzai nar?

HSK Standard Course 3

Xigudn chéng zirån

Common Habit is a second nature

' 'SJ'ff)jifi'k" , "fji"

In the saying ">J'ffJji fi EC', "f&" means "to become".

The sentence means that when the way of doing something
turns into a habit, it becomes natural and hard to change.
It tells us to form good habits and not to think it's 0K to
do something bad just once, because the bad deed may
gradually become a natural habit without you knowing it

and by then, it would be hard to discover or change it.

Wö shl zöu huilai de

I walked back

Match the pictures with the words.


shångqu xiålai jinqu

subir bajar entrar

chülai qilai guölai

salir come over

pasar veni vino

Talk about what else you can do at the same time when you do the following

kdn bdozhi hé chå

zuö zuöyé

EijJ yündöng 一边听音乐

déng rén 打电话

JF!LI-I på shdn 聊天人 照相 zhaoxiang take photo

kdn didnsh) 吃饭

HSK Standard Course

At home
Texts /J\jj: New Words
1. ge-Y zhöngyü
adv. finally

2. yéye
n. grandfather

n. gift, present

4. ITiJITiJ nåinai
n. grandmother

At home

/J\jj: ±fiJ New Words

v. to come across,
to run into

shi ylbidn
adv. indicating two
wan late actions taking place at
the same time
hablaron muchos temas del pasado
n. past
no bus
past tense

tong shi Cn (lie plat ne 13-3

A-id New Words
8. Ylbdn
yuan yi prefer
/J\jj•. adj. general,

9. yuånyl
v. would like to

10. qilai

pararse y descansar un rato v. (indicating an

upward movetnent)
life to rise

ying gai should/need 11. yinggdi

v: should
tub ,

lo tengo a el mi vida ya es interesante n. life


pasado (cuando recien casados。。)

zang fu marido
±i5J New Words
13. xidozhång
n. headmaster
ya 14. hudi
adj. broken, ruined

roto de cansado
15. jingchång
adv. often

haizi children often wang 望 hope
diario baozhi

I å)frffiRX Texts in Pinyin

l. Zdi jiö

Xiåoll: huiPai le! C6ng når måi huilai zhéme duö döngxi a?
Ni zhöngyü
Xiåogdng: Döu shl cång nd bian de shdngdiån måi huilai de.
Xiåoli: Zénme håi måi h6ngjiü huilai le? Shéi hé a?

Xiåogdng: Zhé shi géi yéye de liwü, mingtiön women Yiqi song guoqu, kdnkan yéye nåinai.
Xiåoll•. Nd wö de liwü ne? Kudi nå chulai rång wö kdnkan.
Xiåogdng: Wö bü shi yijing huilai le ma?

2. Zåi jiö

Xiåoll: Wö jintidn kånjiån ni hé yi ge nü de jinle kdféidiån, td shl shéi a?

Xiåogdng: Td shi wö jintidn zdi lüshang yüdåo de yi ge låo t6ngxué.
Xiåoli: Nimen jiü Yiqi qü hé kdféi let
Xiåogöng: Shi a, y'lbidn hé köféi ylbidn shuöle xié guöqü de shl.

Xiåoll: Ni huilai de zhéme wån, shl shuöle hén duö guöqü de shl ma?
Xiåogdng: Bü shl. Méiyöu gönggöng qiché le, wö shl zöu huilai de.

3. Zdi dd diånhuå
tångshi: Xiåoll, zhöumö ni ylbön gén Xiåogöng chüqu kån diånying ma?
Xiåol'l: Wö hén shåo qü diånyingyudn kån didnying, wö géng yuånyl zåi jid kån didnshi.
töngshl: Kån diånshi you shénme yisi a?
Xiåoli•. Kéyi yibiön chi yibiön kdn, zuö jib le håi kéyi zhdn qilai xiüxi yihulr.

t6ngshl•. Ni yinggdi duö chüqu zöuzou, zhéyång nimen de shénghu6 hui géng yöu y)si.

Xiåol)•. Yöu td zåi, wö de shénghuö yijing hén yöu ylsi le.


Gong jié hün de shihou, wö zhdngfu shi zhöngxué löoshi, td xihuan méi tidn zåoshang
qi chuång hbu, ylbidn chi zåofån y)bidn kån bdozhi. Shi niån guöqu le, xidnzåi td yijing
shi xidozhång le, yinwéi tdi mång, méi tidn zåoshang wö qi chu6ng höu döu kån bu ddo to,

wånshang hén wån td cåi huf dåo jid. Wö zhén pd td léihuåi le. Xiwdng td néng shåo yixié

hulyi, duö ylxié xiüxi, kéyi jingchång hé wö håi you håizi zåi ylqi.

HSK Standard Course 3

Compound Complements of Direction

Notes ili#+,
fYlJüLl :

In Chinese, a compound complement of direction is formed by a verb and a simple

complement of direction following the verb, describing the direction of an action. For example:

拿出 /ná chū/ fetch / take out na agarrar

跑 /pǎo/ run 来 hacia mi

llevar alla/alli te lo paso/alcanzo

aun podes stand up

When the object is a place, it should be put before For example:

走进 /zǒu jìn/ walk into/ approach

教室 /jiào shì/ classroom

"R' "E' 2ifj, "R' "E'
f5JJüLl :

When the object is a general item, it can be put either before or after For
sustantivo comun
compro y trajo
笔记 本/bǐ jì ben/
notes (10) Z it 0

notebook (11)
cong 从 de/desde
folder ( 12)

x fav todos saquen el cuaderno gang

h E: Jäiüo btüll:

Note: If the action has already been completed and realized, the object is usually put after

"*1k". For example, (My elder brother has bought

a watermelon.)" and (Dad has brought some gifts



7thi6Jf Complete the sentences.

例如 /lì rú/
for example

ping botella
饮料 /yǐn liào/ drinks
JIÄtk*+ 小gang买回来几瓶饮料
周明 进bangongshi 去
(2) J&Jnn
我们dai 带过去一件衣服 ?lleva p alla una
before 1 prenda
The Structure

*PJS "

In Chinese, is used to indicate two actions taking place at the

same time. For example, ' means the two actions "listening to

music" and "doing homework" happen simultaneously. " " can be left out. For example:

falta yi (se puede omitir)

chat liaotiar

zhangfu baizhi diario

% % practise

Complete the dialogues.

周末 /zhōu mò/weekend

gen 饭馆 /fàn guǎn/restaurant

爬 climb
一边 聊天人 it)fe, no estoy cansados p nada
xiuxi rest 的时候 when 、at the time of
free time
看电视 he cha 喝茶
一般 /yī bān/
Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 13-5
Jù dào   encontrarse 

愿意   Yuànyì   querer/willing bieren otra persona prefiero (mas quiero)

zhan stand up mover hacia arriba


Huài   mala, podrido,roto (bad) zhenpa

meiyou + verbo = mei+verb niega el verbo en pasado 111

hai ke yi 还可以 :aceptable
HSK Standard Course 3

应该 /yīng gāi/
Choose the ought
proper to to fill in the blanks.
愿意   Yuànyì 
yiban 经常 jingchang should

generally often /zhōng yú/finally,at last eventually, in the end

O 一般 *ZEN T ,
war play
shui sleep
应该 late 完wan name 那么tan
愿意yuanyi kit, 80k X 0
yuan lejos
/fàn guǎn/

guoqu qilai Jù dào Xiàozhǎng   Lǐwù   regalo

  director de escuela
k* 3b qilai 起来 stand up
/jīng lǐ/manager


B: ikkh, guoqu???

qianbian 站 zhan standing

zhe me wan tarde?
聊 liao chat


Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

买mai 回来

guo lai venir 过来



food is ready!
para cansadonada
huai 坏
做饭 聊天人
拿去 nachu
带过去 take
daihuikai 带回来 traer
song 过去 diste?


A: iikff Z ?
一起喝酒 he jiu drink together
红酒 /hóng jiǔ/
red wine
忙点儿 slowly
走zou 聊天儿 chat

jingchang often
generally yiban

Answer the questions according to the texts.

O kk3J

Character Note

+2 Pictophonetic Characters 2

There are two types of pictophonetic characters which have a top-bottom structure.

One has the semantic component on the top and the phonetic component at the bottom. For


HSK Standard Course 3

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

bd (ba)

ping (ping)

The other has the phonetic component on the top and the semantic component at the

bottom. For example:

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

xiång (xidng)
-5 nü (nü)

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Pair Work


Work in pairs. Describe your habits to your partner using Ask your
partner to point out your bad habits.



Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. Talk about what gifts you would buy for your family members and
friends when travelling abroad, and explain the reasons.


Li qing qingy'l zhöng

Common Small as it is, the gift conveys deep affection



"31$4'ffEM" means though the gift itself is small, the

goodwill it conveys is deep. Now it often means that when

giving a gift, a genuine wish counts much more than the
value of the gift itself.

Ni bd shuiguö nå guolai

Please bring the fruit here

Match the pictures with the words.


cdiddn pånzi didnshi jiémü

menu plato tv programme

yuéliang bingxidng xidngjido

moon heladera banana

Talk about the three things you would do during the following periods of time.
zai/you ranhou (then) 然后
先 xian

qi chuång yihöu RJlJff shud yå xi liån chi zåofån

我先吃晚饭 再看电视节目 然后刷牙 shua ya

Shui jiåo yiqiån lavarse los dientes
又吃完饭 然后洗xi 我们的盘子 panzi
Xid ké yihöu xi wo de shou
lavar los platos
kåo shl yihöu xianxioushi一下 再 吃东西 然后 做饭

llegado a casa... 看电视

ddo jid yihöu 先开门 有打扫 dasao 然后

chi fån yihöu

At Incme 14-1

ke ren guest zenme

Texts New Words
1. dåsåo
bie zhao voy a pedir a los chicos
v. to clean, to sweep
de shi hou 2. gdnjlng
tampoco adj. clean
fit f 3. rånhöu
conj. then, after that
cha fang hao
4. bingxidng
nachulai sacar la sandia de la heladera n. refrigerator

kong tiao
fang hao put away/tidy 放好
mejor dakai open/turn on
Cn the plucne 14-2 zhao ji ponerse
cangcai recien nervioso
läJ$: New Words
tampoco da pegar/llamar x tel
jie connect 5. xi zåo
v. to take a bath/
gang shower
shiqing asunto
gong si li jiémü
n. programme
xian turn off

tener q asunto? que queres

hui dian hua

nuine•s 14-3

wan zhen re white platos

New Words
se parece a un plato blanco 7. yuéliang
tampoco hay viento n. moon

ban chu qu mover v. to be like
n. plate
ayi tia
gud féng
v. to be windy
k$ T ! itPr*kJ-låT+GÉ,
jide remember 11. shüshu
-hid* 0 n. uncle

3 JflåTT,
yong da
12. dyi
n. aunt

13. güshl
n. story
搬出去 banchuqu mover de adentro a afuera
n. sound, voice

HSK Standard Course
on the menu: caidan shang 菜单上

饭馆 /fàn guǎn/ restaurant

New Words
(zhe se puede omitir) 15. cdiddn
zhe present continuous tag ? * ,
n. menu
zai 16. jiånddn
其实 /qí shí/actually adj. simple

n. banana

放进 /fàng jìn/
愿意 /yuàn yì/ put in let in
kua piece 快 be willing to
Xīnxiān de fresco
Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi jiö

Zhöu tåitai: Kérén jiü ydo låi let ni zénme håi bü dåsåo fångjidn a?
Zhöu Ming: Bié zhåo ji, wö rong håizimen dåsåo ne, kérén låi de shihou, tomen hul bd fångjiön
dåsåo gdnjlng.
Zhöu tåitai: Nd ni yé bü néng kdn diånshl a.
Zhöu Ming: Ni rong wö zuö shénme?
Zhöu tåitai: Xidn bå chå hé béizi fånghåo, rånhöu bå bingxidng de xigud nå chulai. li

Zhöu Ming: Tdi ré le, wö håishi xiön bå köngtiåo då kdi ba.

2. Zdi då didnhuå
töngshl: Ni zåi mong shénme ne? Gdngcåi då ni de shöuji ni yé bü jié.

Xiåogdng: Dulbuqi. wö gong xile ge zåo, méi tingjiån. Yöu shénme shi ma?
töngshi: Wö xiång wénwen ni göngsi de yixié shiqing. li

Xiåogdng: Ni xiön déng yixiå, wö qü bå didnshl guan le.

tångshi: Méi guönxi, ni xiön bå diånshl jiémü kdnwån ba, rånhöu zåi géi wö hui diånhuå.

3. Zdi Xiåoming jid

t6ngxué: Jin wån de yuéliang zhén pidoliang, xiång båisé de pånzi yiyång.
Xiåoming: Shl a, wåibian yé bü guö féng, wåmen zuö zåi wåibian yibiön kån yuéliang ylbiön
chi döngxi, zénme yång?
tångxué: Håo a, wö xidn bå zhuöyi bdn chuqu, rånhöu ni bå shuiguö nå guoiai, women ting
shüshu dyi jiångjiang tomen niånqing shihou de güshi.
Xiåoming: Tåi håo le! Jide géi Ddshön då ge didnhud, rong td måshång guölai.
töngxué: Büyöng dd le, ni ting wåibian de shéngyin, yiding shi Ddshön.


Ni chi guo shuiguå fån ma? Ni zåi fånguånr de cåiddn shang jiån guo shuiguö fån
ma? Ni xiång xuézhe zuö shuiguö fån ma? Qi'shi zuö shuiguö fdn hén jiåndön, xiön bå mifån
zubhåo, rånhåu zåi bå yi kuåikuåi xinxidn de shuiguö fdng jinqu, shuiguö fån jib zuöhåo le. Ni
kéyi zuö p(ngguö fån, xiöngjido fdn, yåoshi ni yuånyi, håi kéyi zuö xigud fdn. Duö chi xinxiön
shuiguö dui shénti håo.


"*E" 7-53:
Notes The Ba-Sentence 3: A}EB + V + Complement of Result/Direction
0 fYlJü[l :

In Chinese, the structure "A$EB + V + Complement of Result/Direction" can be used

to indicate an action which is done on a definite person or thing and has brought a result to

or has changed the position of the person or thing. For example:

Ait! B

na agarrar zhu la sacar (saquen

el lapiz)
traer guo lai

• Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) A: 444% ,

kan wan le看完了 kan wan le

terminar de ver
verb+wanle (terminar
B: 我把空调打开把 de hacer algo)
fang put 放 jin进
拿 na agarrar
Wǒ bǎ xínglǐ fàng
搬 mover
I put my luggage。
xian zai/you then ranhou then

The Structure ,


iCsi±fi , "1" f91Jü[1:

The structure (first then. and then.. .)" indicates

the sequence of a series of actions. indicates the action has not happened yet, while "X"
indicates the action has already happened. For example:


HSK Standard Course

first 先xian then zai... , ranhou.....

— Practise 先。。。,再/又。。。,然后。。。

Complete the dialogues.

B: 先 我回家, 然后我再做饭,然后看电视。


(3) A: #ZiÅT, terminoel examen, que planes tenes?

xian们哭 ku cry 的多,再吃很多巧克力,然后回家睡觉
/qiǎo kè lì/ 睡觉 /shuì jiào/

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 14-5

da sao limpiar limpia xian
gan jing limpio xi

O iftik : changge

gua feng ba shou xi gan jing 把手干 洗 xi se parece a xian 先 de
windy primero pero tiene antes radical de agua

Choose the las manos
proper words to fill in the blanks.

节目 /jié mù/ story menu 香蕉 /xiāng jiāo/

program banana

04k BL-E, gushi 故事

盘子 来 voy a 。。。。
香蕉 banana
0 tk*+å 节目

ifr$ 菜早 dian cai (order) at the restaurant

fuwuyuan menu
/jiǎn dān/ sheng yin voz sonido
干净 /gān jìng/
neat adj
dasao clean v

shengyin 声音

干净 ganjing

xiang se
hua er picture

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.



tu ya saliste? 开闹钟了 poner el despertador

B: rot r ,

yundong 运动

洗干净。xi gang jing

no te preocupes limpiar
xian maiwan dongxi itk%
先买完东西 terminolo de hacer las compras

A: 'Jon ,

送机场吧 song ji chang ba (llevar al aeropuerto)

A: JEJ ,


bin guan
restauramt 121
HSK Standard Course

Answer the questions according to the texts.

O fiUkkÆiEfiu#kffZ?
O 'J s BJJJ #Z

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Work in pairs. Look at the Beijing subway map and talk about how to get to the following



o o

HSK Standard Course

Group Work

GEE: #ZiEJL) 0

Et—bt, "$E"

Work in groups of 3-4. Discuss how to solve the problem of sending the sheep, the flowers
and the tiger to the other side of the river. (Note that you can only send one of them each

time, and that the tiger eats sheep and the sheep eats flowers).

Compete with other groups, and see which group has solved the problem the fastest with

the fewest steps. Please use ba-sentences and the sentence structure

Xidn ddo xidn dé

Common First come, first served


In the saying "5EflJ5hf4" (first come, first served),

"5€" means "early". The saying means that due to the
limited amount of something, the ones who come early LIMITED
will get it, while those who come late won't.

usually used to encourage people to take the initiative in

doing something and to be ready and get started as soon
Now it is

as possible.

Oitd döu méi shénme wéntl'

The rest of them are all 0K

Match the pictures with the words.


jiérl liüxuéshéng jiédåo

dia festivo F esudiante extranjero calle C
O fia
shijié shång wång xinwén
mundo online noticia B
wang red

ihihffiüxkf+L, x 0

Talk about what you like and what you don't like. Tick (4) the things you like and
cross (x) those you don't.

yinlido kdféi niünåi chå Shui

shuiguö pingguö xiöngjido xigud xidnggud

röuléi niüröu yångröu jiröu yüröu

yånsé h6ngsé båisé lüsé héisé

yündöng påo bü på shdn y6u yöng då lånqiü

xuéx( shüxué yingyü lishi Hdnyü


HSK Standard Course

In the cilice 15-1

Texts *Ill: New Words

å4J liü xué
ren zhen wan cheng
v. to study abroad
complete shuiping
n. level, standard

iik4kH#kåå4fr21L, 3. tf gdo
v. to improve
n. exercise

5. wån chéng
*ill: v. to complete

6. 6J-Y jüzi
n. sentence
huo zhe
pron. the rest
v. to send

In the cla«rccm 15-2

excepto o ademas
New Words
9. ydoqiü
n. requirement
talk 10. zhü y)
zhu yi v. to pay attention to

Proper Noun

JiǎngJiǎng Xiåoyün
JiǎngJiǎng fit $ 需要 /xū yào/ Xiaoyun, name of
放心 /fàng xīn/ need a person
be at ease want
In (he 15-3

fangbian conveniente
±i51 New Words
± VüJ shdng wång
v. to surf the Internet

12. chüle
prep. other than
no te la podes probar
13. xinwén
n. news
14. hud
v. to spend
穿着 /chuān
man yi ji le 15. jf (le)
zhen /wearing
exremadamente contento adv. extremely
be dressed in
chu le except 秋天otono qiu
±iÉJ New Words
16. jiér)
xia verano n. festival

* 17.
v. to hold (a meeting,

an event, etc.)

18. shljié
n. world

19. jiédåo
n. street

* 20.6
歌舞 /gē wǔ/ pron. each

song and dance 21. wénhud

n. culture
了解 liaojie conocer bien、entender

DfffiRX Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi bångöngshl
Dåshdn: Låoshi, wö låi Zhönggu6 liü xué liång niån le, dånshl wö de Hånyü shuipfng ti'

gdo de yidiånr yé bü kudi a.

låoshi: Ni méi tidn rénzhén xuéx(, zuö liånxi, wån chéng zuåyé, yizhl' bücuö a.

Dåshdn: Zhé shi wö zu6tiön de zuöyé, nin bang wö kånkan dui bu dui.
låoshi: Xié de bücuö, chille zhége jüzi ylsi yöuxié bü qingchu wåi, qitd döu méi shénme

Dåshön: Xiéxie låoshT!

låoshi: Yihöu yöu shénme bdl mingbai de dlfang, kéyi géi wö då didnhuå huözhé fd
diånzi y6ujiån.

2. Zdi jidoshi
xuésheng: Låoshi, chüle Xiåoyün, qitö rén döu låi le.

låoshi: Bisdi måshdng jib yåo kdishi le, Xiåoyün zénme håi méi låi?

xuésheng: Gdngcåi géi td då didnhuå le, td zåi lüshang ne.

låoshi: BO déng td le, wå xidn géi dåjid jiångjiang zhé c) bisdi de ydoqiü hé yixié xüyåo
zhü yl de difang.
xuésheng: Låoshi, nin fångxin, jintidn de bisdi wömen néng nå d) yi.

3. Zdi Xiüxishl
t6ngshl: Xiånzåi yöng didnnåo shång wång zhén fdngbiån a!
Xiåogdng: Shi a, chüle kdn xinwén, rénmen håi kéyi zåi wångshang ting gé, kån didnying,
måi döngxi.
t6ngshl: Dulle, ni c6ng wångshang måi de nd jiån yifu ne? Zénme méi jidn ni chudn?
Xiåogdng: Nd jidn yifu wö chudnzhe yöudiånr xiåo, géi wö d'Idi (e.

t6ngshl: Td månyl ma?

Xiåogdng: Büyöng hud qiån, håi yöu Xin yifu chuön, td måny'i ji le.


Chüle Chünjié, Zhöngqiü Jié yiwåi, pijiü jié yé shl zhéli hén zhöngyåo de ge jiérl. y'

Zhége difang méi niån xiåtidn döu yåo jüxfng y' c) p(jiü jié. Zåi pijiü jié Shang, ni kéyi hédåo
shljié shang bütång dlfang de pfjiü. Chüle hé Pl'jiü, ni håi kéyi zåi jiéddo liång bidn kdndåo
shang büt6ng difang de géwü, ni xiång bu xiång
shljié liåojié shijié gégé difang de pijiü

wénhuå? Låi zhéli de pijiü jié kånkan ba.

HSK Standard Course EXCEPT FOR....

CHULE YIWAI dou/hai/ye....

...x ••••••Å91N, The Structure %ß/i6/tb


' (all ...except...)" indicates that except the part being

mentioned, all the others in a specific scope are the same in a certwin way. "H9h" can be
left out. For example:

iß/&••••••" Rh3EftftUfi{J0

fik(Æ6Jå, "j6/W' fi{Jüfjiü0 fYlJüLl:

indicates that there are still others besides

the part being mentioned. The subject is put at the beginning of the sentence or right before

"iß/&". For example:

ademas de cantar a el gesta bailar

(6) T iRi#ÉÅ9h, $NiCéiiÄi+0

(8) * 4k $ ÉÅ9h,

Rewrite the sentences


除了我以外,大家都听懂了。 (1) *443k 3k Zko1。。除了冬天以外,我也喜欢秋天。
chule 除了 invierno, 我喜欢都seasons


3。。除了西瓜以, zhi 他水果不想吃

Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 2

iliBcF, "(+2"

como 什么 15
yo no se como hacer comida china
In Chinese, "1+4" can be used as a demonstrative pronoun instead of an indefinite

person or thing, making the tone politer. The meaning of the sentence won't change if "

is left out. For example:
alguna 什么 can be ommited
algun plan?
我不知道什么玩踢足球。 como que no tenes ningun problema

1 周末你有没有什么打算? alguna duda/no entendes

2 你觉得什么电影感兴趣?
3 你有什么问题?什么。。。Complete the dialogues.


2 你觉得什么电影感兴趣? 你知道有什么好看的

3 你有什么问题吗?tiene alguna duda/pregunta

dong entender 懂

"ti T" Used to Indicate Degree

jile (-isimo) 极了

ili#cF, o

In Chinese, the superlative degree can be expressed using "Adj/Mental V+ f". For

• h h Practise

ychiåfJ-Y Complete the sentences.

hlJ ,

累积了 trabaje todo el dia


水平 /shuǐ píng/
其他 /qí tā/
level, standard
HSK Standard Course 3 else, the rest

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 15-5


iii# /äk å4J

wan cheng

z./ikii ,e-/ii z. 9 o

注意 /zhù yì/ attention notice, pay attention to look out need zhu yao

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

(huā) (fā) send
elevar, mejorar,aumentar
flor , gastar (wánchéng)lograr, terminar,
(liànxí)ejercicio, práctica completar
电子邮件 /diàn zǐ yóu jiàn/ fa 发  
electronic mail
wang cheng


(jùzi) oración,frase (shìjiè)

(wénhuà)   mundo/MUNDIAL
(xīn wén) (jiérì)
dictation Noticias día festivo,festival

bi zhi papel
B:Æ+? -EJ)F, k' T!
lapiz baozhi periodico

Zhòngyào de

B: ffrehkiLiL0

(chúle)con excepción, además de 举行 15
celebrar (evento, reunión, ceremonia)

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
fan guan fu wu servicio
极了 jile
B: chule yiwai
4k LvfriLi±,
cai ye haochi

you shenme

de zui hao mejor

shuiping 水平 提高(tígāo)
yinggai should elevar,

zuo ye 作业 -练习 practicar

more gen
rongyi easier

hay algo para tomar?


chule coffee yiwai
qita the rest
bien 完成
yijing already (wánchéng)lograr, terminar,completar
极了 jile

nuli try hard

Answer the questions according to the texts.

0 iffik*?

HSK Standard Course

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Application AlhJ, —A
Work in pairs. Ask about each other's opinions on your classmates, and take notes.

de nuestro grupo quien se esfuerza mas?

jile isimo
wan mei nombre

ni bien

keqi cortes

kind cong ming


Group Work

3-4A—41, +i5E10 ihihÆffLHifl*,

ff/zss Afüid*,
Work in groups of 3-4. Introduce one of the festivals in your country, including when it
is, how people celebrate it, what to eat and drink, and what to do. Ask one member to take

notes and report to the whole class.

hai tambien

gala (wan hui )de ano nuevo chino


春节 shi 9月21号
9 月 21 号是春天开始, 所以很多学生去公园听音乐, 聊天tian,玩玩和喝 mate

Yi shl yi, er shl er

Common Call a spade a spade



The saying ZE" means to keep the

true look of something without making any alteration.

It is often used metaphorically to describe someone

who is honest in word and deed and doesn't lie.


What Food Chinese People Eat on Their Birthdays

Westerners eat cakes on their birthdays, while by tradition, Chinese pgople eat noodles.
The noodles, being long, stand for "longevity", which is why birthday noodles are also called
longevity noodles.' What do people eat on their birthdays in your country?
Wö xiånzdi léi de xidle bdn jib xiång shul jiåo

I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work

Match the pictures with the words.


pixié chéngshl mdozi

a f

bizi shud yå töufa

e d

Talk about what you would or would not like to do under the following

léi de shl'hou bill xiång shuö hud

gdoxlng de shl'hou

mång de shihou

74fi(JHdfIi léng de shl'hou 我想穿多衣服

yå téng de shl'hou 我去呀 医生 dentist


HSK Standard Course all the time

In the company 16-1

Texts New Words
Ritj chéngshl

n. city

joven年轻 Niánqīng
conj. if, in case
mainly 3. iAY'J
v. to think, to believe
'Jsfij: wa:r fun ir de paseo

tenes razon! xia le ban finish work

At a cclleauue's hcme 16-2

IäJ$: New Words
ni lo digas ban ban gorda
n. leather shoes

zhen mdozi
n. hat, cap
casi cuanto mide
ihkl*f, mt. zhång
pizi nariz hei negro
v. to grow, to develop

a crecido parcido a quien ké'åi

xiang4 de adj. lovely, adorable

nacer zhu shengrecien nacio arroz
n. metre
9. LYT göngjin
zhen hao chi re rico! n. kilogramme

10. bl'zi

n. nose
bie ke qi de nada 别客气
11. t6ufa
n. hair
像 xiang parecerse a 。。。

still deng duele

New Words
u 12.80+ jiånchå
many times
& EEJLikT,
dai fu doc useless
v. to check, to
kk&ZiLåå? shu ya 13. shud yå
v. to brush the teeth
ci gao su
因为每次她去医生检查了,daifu 大夫 (medico)说她回家好
told me
136 好儿刷牙但是没什么用
我们应该多对别人笑笑, 说话您好, 谢谢 所以这个词语, 可以别人得关系就会变得越来越好 16 •

New Words
14. gudnxi
gen con n. relationship

no dispuestos 15. biérén

hlJA3iLiÉ0 n. other people

* 16.
E" estass palabras
fohlJAåå n. word, expression

不愿意 unwilling
biàn change
Bù yuànyì
de hen hao 得很好 get better
cuchillo o tijeras regalas es porque cortas la relacion

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi göngsi
Xiåoll•. Wö bb xihuan ylzhf zhü zåi t6ng yi ge chéngshl, xiång qü qitö chéngshi kdn yi
Zhöu Ming: Wö niånqing de sh(hou yé zhéme xiång, ddnshi nd shihou méiyöu qiån, rüguö
you qiån, jiü qü le.

Xiåoll: Nå nin xidnzåi wéi shénme bü qü?

Zhöu Ming: Xidnzdi qiån bü shi went!' le, zhüydo shl méiyöu sh(jidn.

Xiåoll•. Wö rénwéi xidnzdi nin yöu shijidn yé bü hul chüqu wånr.

Zhöu Ming: Ni shuö de dui, wö xidnzdi léi de xiåle bdn jib xiång Shui jiåo.

2. Zåi t6ngshi jid

t6ngshl: Xiéxié nimen låi kån wö nü'ér. Ni sbng de xiåo pixié hé xiåo mdozi zhén
Xiåoll: Bié kéqi, ni nü'ér zhång de båibåi de, pdngpång de, zhén ké'åi! Xiånzdi duö
goo le?
t6ngshl: Kubi y) mi le, érshfwü göngjin.
Xiåoll•. Ni kån td bizi xiåoxiåo de, tåufa héihéi de, zhång de xiång shéi?
tångshl: Xiång td bdba, gong chüshéng Shi' td bdba gdox)ng de yi ge wånshang döu méi
Shui zhåo.

3. Zåi göngsi
Xiåogdng: Wö de yd håishi hén téng.
téngshl: Rüguö bü Shüfu, jib qü yiyuån jiånchå Yi'xiå ba.
Xiåogdng: Jiånchå håo ji c) le, ddnshl méi shénme yöng.
t6ngsh).• Ddifu zénme shuö de?
Xiåogdng: Méi ci yishéng döu gdosu wö, hui jid håohdor shud yd.


Hén duö rén döu juéde xiånzdi rén hé rén de guönx) léngléng de, zhé kénéng shl
yinwéi göngzuö tåi mång, mång de méi shijidn gén biérén jiån midn, léi de bü yuånyl hé
biérén duö shuö hub. Qishi, wömen yinggöi duö dul biérén xiåoxiao, shuö hud shi rüguö
néng duö yöng yb(ié "nin håo" "xiéxie" zhéyång de ciyü, hé biérén de guönxl jiü hui biån de
géng håo.

HSK Standard Course

fin* • ( , (S ) 3k if conditional 1

Notes The Structure ( ) ,

i±E, "fit" fi(Jüfjiü0

The clause following "A[lk" is a hypothesis, and the clause after "5Jt" is the result

based on the hypothesis. Note that the subject of the second clause should be put right
before "WI". For example:

de vida
(3) $4kå4Ji&,

jian cha : check

% % Practise

ycJji6Jf Complete the sentences.

vida de hua
(1 ) -bka}JkTFFJååiÉ, 我和我儿子就 不出去 salir salir a pasear
2Wǒ jiù wán er yīdiǎn er 我就跟朋友去玩儿 去跟我老公玩儿
play 如果明天天气很好的话 gen
踢足球 /tī zú qiú/
play football

Complex Complements of State

ilif+, "W' "W'

Jä fftÆ3JiåJiöJÉf10 fYlJün:

In Chinese, "85" can be used to form a complement to describe a certain state. Usually

is preceded by an adjective or a verb and followed by a verb phrase. For example:


tiao saltar
Hermanito estaba tan contento q salto de alegria

hijo tan cansado q ni bien termine de trabajar va a


-ucFJ16J-f Complete the sentences.

我想去医院检查 jiancha exam 不想说话
不想chuqu 出去
哭出来 (lloro de risa)
tanto que



Reduplication of Monosyllabic Adjectives

In Chinese, a monosyllabic adjective is often reduplicated in the form of "AAfi(J" to

describe the characteristics of a person or thing, indicating a deep degree. For example:

xiang4 parece a quien

pang gordo
% practise

7t)ji4iJf Complete the sentences.

gezi altura

长长的 largo 长

好好的 甜甜的 dulce


Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 16-5

chéng shì/ chengshi city

Exercises O }Jjkiti:

bixie leatehr shoes

长大 /zhǎng dà/
长 zhang It looks
grow up
jian cha check O $frf:
guan xi relation
relacion entre prof/alumno human ren he ren
el tiene buena relacion c sus alumnos

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

guan xi keai bizi chengshi ruguo if

o 如果
城市 divertida estar juntos
wu guanxi
同屋 tongwu roommate nk±t, ban hacer 办


keai 可爱
ba take home

HSK Standard Course 3 gongjin
mi metro renwei think
shuaya brush teeth



mi 米 750
qi wu
gang recien


南方 nan fang south

bei fang north

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

红红的 (hong)

只是 /zhǐ shì/
Wǒ zhǐshì xiǎng shuìjiào

si tenes tiempo...


ziji 自己 myself

高高的 长长的 大大的

B: 3kZååiÉ, 就去说她

Answer the questions according to the texts.

Niánqīng de young 旅行 /lǚ xíng/travel
O å4J Z 她没去旅游因为请的时候她没有钱

dolor dientes 因为每次她去医生检查了,daifu 大夫 说她回家好好儿刷牙但是没什么用

5)因为现在多人工作太忙忙得他们没有时间跟人见面 Yīnwèi xiànzài duō rén gōngzuò tài máng mang dé tāmen
méiyǒu shíjiān gēn rén jiànmiàn

Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Work in pairs. Make a survey of your partner and fill in the questionnaire.

2 如果我有时间的话,我就睡觉
3 如果我能去一个地方的话,我就去中国

4 ruguowoshichaoren的话, 我就飞Fēi (volar)

5) 如果我是妈妈的话,我就不让我孩子有一个手机
6 ban4

6) 如果我没有钱了的话,我就我丈夫借点钱 wǒ zhàngfū jiè diǎn qián

HSK Standard Course

Group Work

"AAfi'J" +2. ,


Work in groups of 3-4. One describes a person in your class using "AAfi{J", and the other

two or three guess who the person is. The one who has guessed right describes another


我的儿子个子高高的, 眼睛 Lán lansè de, 他张瘦瘦的 shou。他张白白的。她的头发金金的 (jin1)

shijinhuanse de

EFEhfiÉåkJ Qiån bü shl wdnnéng de

Common Money is not omnipotent
"f&6ÆJjfiEßJ" ,

means though money is important,

it is not the answer to all problems. It tells us to have a

correct attitude towards money. We may need money

everywhere in life, but being wealthy doesn't mean
everything is possible.

Shéi döu yöu bdnfå kånhåo ni de "bing"

Everybody is able to cure your "disease"

Match the pictures with the words.


dihåo xuånzé
E escoger

båo döngtiön
lleno invierno

Add an appropriate object after each of the following verbs.

dasao clean
introduce 检查 /jiǎn chá/
朋友 房间
åTå3 shenti examine

wotongshi 我同事 zuoye 作业

锻炼 /duàn liàn/ bang zhu help revise

have physical training fuxi
take exercise

HSK Standard Course 3

In the company 17-1

jinli gerente
Texts New Words
J&JÆE, -F +Æü$qTÉÅifrJLk
x fa dia libre
qing jib
v. to ask for leave

adv. in total
jiehun marry

fißfi: ---kÆifrJLkfI?
/J\jj: =k O

In the company 17-2

New Words
3. 41tJß
tong Ifnjü

n. neighbour

4. höulåi
* k h ---i'/kß%o relacion continuo
n. later, afterwards
IäJ$: fib---4k43k#kfr Z ?
5. dihåo
IJxfi: n. hobby, interest

de todo puede

/J\jj: rut,

«t Iu me 17-3

±fiJ New Words forma manera

de hacer algo
examin 6. bdnfå metodo

n. way, approach
adj. full, having
eaten one's fill

BJ-k*: o 8. para/por
prep. for the sake of
9. 7k;E juédlng
ying gai should v. to decide



-Éid New Words

10. xuånzé /xienze/
v. to choose

11.4 ( k) döng (tidn)

n. winter

12. bixü
adv. must

13. génjü
prep. according to,
based on
* 14.
jide olvidar qingkuång
n. cordition, situation

15. köu
n. mouth

adj. thirsty sed

OfffiRI Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi göngsi
Xiåoli: Zhöu jingli, Xid ge xingqi wö kéyi qing ji tidn jib ma?

Zhöu Ming: Ni you shénme shl?

Xiåoll•. Wö de yi ge låo péngyou jié hün, wö gén td liång niån méi jidn le.

Zhöu Ming: Ni yigöng xiång qing ji tidn jib?

Xiåoll: Son tidn.

2. Zåi göngsi
t6ngshl•. Xiåoli, ndge gdogdo de nånrén shi nimen göngsi de ma? Ni dui td liåojié ma?
Xiåoll: Wömen guöqü shl linjü, höulåi shi ddxué t6ngxué, guönxl ylzhi hén bücuö.
t6ngshl: Tö yibdn xihuan zuö shénme?
Xiåoll: Td you hén duö dihåo, chdng gé, hud huår, ti züqiü, shénme döu hul.

t6ngshl: Zhen de? Nd ni jiéshåo women rénshi rénshi ba.

Xiåoll•. Bi Xing, xiånzdi to shl wö zhdngfu.

3. Zåi jid

Zhöu tåitai: Zuijln wö juéde når döu bi shüfu, ni dåi wö qü yiyuån jiånchå jiåncha ba.
Zhöu Ming: Büyöng qi yiyuån, shéi döu yöu bånfå kånhåo ni de "bing". Wö wén ni, ni duö
jib méi yündöng le?

Zhöu tditai: Wö son niån méi yündöng le.

Zhöu Ming: Shéi döu zhidåo yündöng dui shénti håo. Ddnshl ni chibåole jib Shu).
Zhöu tåitai: Wéile jidnköng, wö zhén yinggdi duö dudnlidn duånlian le. C6ng mingtiön qi,

wö juéding méi tidn qi chångpåo.


"Yündöng hén zhöngyåo" zhé jü hud shéi döu döng. Ddnshl ni zhTddo zénme
yündöng ma? Dl yi, ydo xuånzé "dui" de shfjidn. Ylbön Idi shuö, zåoshang jiü didn shl zui
håo de shijiön, döngtiön ydo zdi wån yb(ié. D) ér, yåo xuånzé "dui" de didiån, göngyuån,
shönshang, y6uyöngguån, zhéxié difang döu kéyi yündång. D) son, blxü yåo génjü zlji de
jidnkäng q(ngkudng yündöng. Rüguå ni hén jib méi på shön huözhé y6u yöng le, yündöng
yihulr jib yiding yåo xiüxi xiüxi.Håi yåo jide gong yündbng wån kåu ké de shihou, büyåo
måshång hé shui.

HSK Standard Course

Reduplication of Disyllabic Verbs

Notes "ABAB"

The form of a reduplicated disyllabic verb is "ABAB", such as indicating

a short action or an attempt. For example:

( 1 ) Ekift? {$0 gg$vfiIikiRikiRvt0

bang zhu help

% Practise

ycJji6J-Y Complete the sentences.


Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 3

In Chinese, interrogative pronouns such as "ifE", ' '(+4" "'FL" and 'IWJL" can be

used to refer to every member in a certain scope, indicating all of them are the same in a

certain way without exception. For example:

ellos todos

como sea vamos al parque



Complete the dialogues.

B: 我喜欢吃什么菜

B: 我们什么时候你嫩去看电影



Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 17-5


xuan ze


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

B: ikiR,

, 'f,ft


HSK Standard Course

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

B: Eve,

A: 4k k Ec7Z4&,



Answer the questions according to the texts.

O ifrJLkfP1?

O k k tiff Z

O å4J


Character Note

Pictophonetic Characters 3

"9HVIiJ)fi" ,


There are two types of pictophonetic characters which have an inside-outside structure.

One has the phonetic component inside the semantic component. For example:

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

yuån lt- (yuån)

bing (bing)

The other has the semantic component inside the phonetic component. For example:

Character Pronounciation Phonetic Component Semantic Component

wen (mén)

word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Application —+AihihBJIJflJ YJ

Work in pairs. One talks about the feeling when you get to a place for the first time, and

the other talks about the feeling when you've got familiar with the place. Use interrogative

pronouns in a non-interrogative way.

A: ift*F3ikiRo

HSK Standard Course

Group Work

Work in groups of 3-4. Think about the disyllabic verbs you've already learned. Write down
those which can be reduplicated, and say a sentence using each of the reduplicated verbs.

Zåo shul zåo qi shénti håo

Common Keeping early hours is good for your health


literally means one will

become healthy if he/she sleeps early at night and

gets up early in the morning. It tells us that keeping
a proper work-rest schedule is good for our health.

Wö xiöngxln tdmen hul t6ngyl de

I believe they'll agree

Match the pictures with the words.

B c
. :se.v

= u 111 a

döngwü guåjiö töngyl

xidngxln qiguåi wdn

Draw lines to match the reasons with the results.

yuånyin jiéguö

HY-fIU> chudn de hén shåo iBfIJ chidåo

qi chuång tåi wån låoshi shéng q)

bü chi zåofdn gånmåo

bü füxf yå téng

bü Idi shdng ké Cfk é

8hGlJff bb shud yd kåo de bü håo

HSK Standard Course

Cn the plwne 18-1

Texts BYE :
New Words
1. IfiJ xiång
prep. towards

hai zhe a'u'n wdn

num. ten thousand

hai zhe aun

In a store 18-2

New Words
m. usedfor certain

zhao gu cuidar 4. zur

n. mouth
5. döngwü
own n. animal

6. dudn
m. used for sections
or periods
zhao gu cuidar

E-hä] In (Ine 18-3

xuan ze elegir
iLiLf,å: fr Z L% 0 ±i5] New Words
7. Bfu.....•ifijß.
büddn • •

conj. not only... but also...

8. yöumfng
adj. famous

E ,
shang ban
k fri&+L 9. t6ngyl
v. to agree

10. xidngxin
v. to believe

机会 /jī huì/ guönyü

nuli esforzar chance prep. about,
opportunity regarding

occasion 12. +JIA jihul

probability n. opportunity


New Words
13. gu6jid
n. country, nation

14. zhöng
m. kind, type
* 15. tédiån
n. feature

yi duan 16. qfgudi

period adj. strange, odd
17. de
part. used to connect
an adverbial modifier
and the verb it


å)fffiRX Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi då diånhuå
péngyou: Låo Zhöu, wö dåsudn måi fångzi let xiång xidng ni jié diånr qiån.
Zhöu Ming: Méi wénti, zhiyåo wö you, jib yidlng hui jié géi ni de. Håi chå duöshao?
péngyou: Håi chå wb won kuåi qiån.
Zhöu Ming: Håo, qiån xidwü då géi ni. NY dåsuån zåi når måi fång?
péngyou: Jiü zåi women yiyudn qiånmian.
Zhöu Ming: Nd ni yihöu qi yiyudn jiü fdngbiån le.

2. Zdi shdngdiån
Xiåoming: Mdma, ni kdn nd Zhi göu duö ké'åi, yånjing dddå de, zui xiåoxiåo de, women
måi huiqu ba.
rndma: Döngwü hé xiåohåir yiyång, döu xüyåo rén zhåogü. Måi hui jid qu, shéi zhdogü
td a?
Xiåoming: Wö zhåogü a.
mdma: Zhé dudn shfjiön ni ziji de yifu döu méi xi, ni néng zhdogü håo td ma?
Xiåoming: Zhiyåo ni géi wö måi, wå jib néng zhåogü håo td.

3. Zdi göngsi
jingli: Shuöshuo ni wéi shénme xuånzé låi wömen göngsi göngzuö.
xuésheng: Gui göngsi büdån hén yöuming, érqié göngzuö huånjlng håo.
jingli: Zuö zhége -göngzuö yöudiånr léi, xüydo jingchång qü wåidi. Ni jiörén t6ngyl
xuésheng: Zhiyåo wö yudnyi, wö xidngxln tomen jib hui töngyi de.
jingli: Håo, nd ni mingtiön låi shång ban ba. Gudnyü zhége göngzuö, håi yöu shénme
wentl' ma?
xuésheng: Méiyåu le, xiéxie nin géi wö zhége jihui, wö hul nüli de.


Büt6ng de gu6jid you bütång de wénhuå, méi zhöng wénhuå döu yöu z)ji de tédiån.
Ddole yi ge Xin huånjlng, ni hul juéde shénme döu hén xinxidn, érqié håi hul juéde
yöudiånr qigudi: yöuxié gu6jid de rénming xié zåi Xing qiånmiån, yöuxié guåjid de rénm(ng
xié zdi Xing höumidn, ddnshl zhiyåo jingguö Yf duån shijidn, jiü hul månman de x(gudn.

HSK Standard Course •

The Structure


"WI" fi(Jffijiü0 fYIJüL1:

is used to connect the two clauses of a conditional complex

sentence, with introducing a necessary condition and "FJt" followed by the
consequent result. The subject can be put before or after "V&". If there is a second subject
in the sentence, it is put right before "WI". For example:

zhi yao mientras que

as long as


Complete the dialogues.

1 。。。,就一定别人对我好

2 。。。,就对我很高兴。

B: ± äk—ZéSYJå4J0

" k Y" The Preposition '*Y" '

"*Y" is used before a noun, introducing the object to be talked about. For example:

(2) -kfi&frY,


7tfji6Jf Complete the sentences.

关于 花

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 18-5


jihui O fJlA: te dian

一种 /yī zhǒng/
a sort of
one kind di land
one type

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.


HSK Standard Course

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

3k 0

A: JL3tJL?


Answer the questions according to the texts.



I Word Game

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.

Pair Work

Application jÅjA—tH, Xi$HiJåJf*fjjfikJfB7h,

Work in pairs. Make a survey of your partner and fill in the questionnaire.

Group Work

• , • 4-8-00

Work in groups of 3-4. One talks about one of his/her current worries, and the others give
some advice using

HSK Standard Course

Jidn gudi bü gudi

Common One has become inured to the unusual

Saying "VLÆF%" , "

The first "14" in the saying "YLf%8f4" is a noun meaning

something strange, and the second "14" is a verb meaning feeling
strange. The saying means that one has seen too many unusual
things to be surprised by any.

Ni méi kån chulai ma

Didn't you recognise him

Match the words with the positions.


yånjing t6ufa bizi

pelo nariz

érduo zui liån

oreja boca cara

Talk about under what circumstances you would have the following feelings.

gdoxlng qi göngyuån
shéng ql 老公不要做饭

nånwång inolvidable

Tffi hdipå miedo

ddn Xin worry

zhåo jf nervioso

HSK Standard Course

At home
dou fa fa put
New Words
shi use
n. ear

zui jin 最近 lately 2. liån

n. face
bian hua cambio
xiang nan shi hou duan 3. duån
adj. short
igual a un nino
manman di xiang

Lcckino at a pl•ctc 19-2

ci can jia competencia zhao bian photo

'Jsjij: New Words
4. må
de zui kuai wei
n. horse
/J\jj: gan a zhdng
m. usedforflat objects
such as paper,
上班 /shàng bān/ /J\jj:
photos, etc.

be on duty bisai 6. Wéi

xifu xiang parece m. a respectful measure
ISJ$: wordfor people
nian qing joven 7. lån
gen con adj. blue
衬衫 /chèn shān/
shirt xifu suit traje 西服

At Xid( lies me 19-3

New Words
/J\jj: 8. 8k (X) qiü (tidn)
jiu wan
n. autumn, fall

没办法 /méi bàn fǎ/ end

9. gub
can't do anything about it sonido de los pajaros v. to spend, to pass
can do nothing about it 10. niåo
as long as
•n. bird

se reduce 安静 /ān jìng/ 11. kü

quietness v. to cry

liwu ban do

160 xue imitar un sonido/aprender

±iÉJ New Words
nan wang xian 1st huang amarillo
12. Huång Hé
n. Yellow River,
the second
longest river
in China

13. fJTL chuån

fa put n. boat, ship

14. jingguö
照相 /zhào xiàng/ v. to pass by
nan wang photograph
难忘 take pictures

DfrffiR-X Texts in Pinyin

1. Zdi jid

bdba: Nü'ér zuijln xihuan bå t6ufa fång zåi érduo höumidn, ni zhidåo wéi shénme ma?
mdma: Zhéyång kéyi shi td de liån kån shangqu pidoliang yb(ié.
bdba: Wö zuljln juéde td hé yiqi6n bü tåi yfyång le.

mama: Nü'ér bidnhuå bb xiåo, td xiåo shihou xihuan duån töufa, xidng nån håizi yiyång.

bdba: Wö yé xiång qilai le. Td xiånzåi rnånmån de köishi xiång ge nü håizi le.

2. Zdi kdn zhåopiån

Xiåoll•. Shång c) wömen cdnjid qi må bisdi de zhåopidn, wö xuånle ji zhöng xi chulai le.
t6ngsh): Kuåi géi wö kånkan. QI' de zul kudi de zhé vvéi shl shéi?
Xiåoli: Ni méi kdn chulai ma? Td shl Xiåogdng a.
tångshl: Zénme kån shangqu gén xiånzåi bü tåi yiyång?
Xiåol): Td shdng ban chuön xifü, chénshän, bisåi de shl'hou chuän de shi yündöngfü.
t6ngshi: Td jintidn chudn lån xifü, kdn shangqu xidng sishf duö sul, håishi chudn yündöngfü
rdng td géng niånqing.

3. Zdi Xiåoll jid

péngyou: Wömen yi niån méi jiån midn le ba?

Xiåoli: Tingshuö ni döu yöu nö'ér le? Td duö dd le?

péngyou: Td qüniån qiütidn chüshéng de, gong gubwån y' sui shéngri.
Xiåon: Td xihuan shénme? Wö sönggéi to.
péngyou: Td jib xihuan ting td bdba xué niåo jiåo. Kü de shihou, zhiyåo td båba xué xiåo
niåo jiåo, td måshång jib önjlng xialai le.

Xiåoli: Å? Zhége liwü wö méi bdnfå song.


Zhé c) lüyåu, wö qüle bü shåo difang, méi ge difang döu rdng wö féichång nånwång.
Wö xidn qü kdnle Zhöngguö yöuming de dd hé, wö zuö zåi chuån
Huång Hé, Huång Hé shl

Shang, ylbidn kån y)biön zhåo xiång. YI' lb shang jingguöle hén duö difang, méi ge difang
döu bü yfyång. Wö xiång kuåi diånr bd zhåopiån fögéi ddjiö, jiåo péngyoumen yé gdoxlng

HSK Standard Course

Extension of the Complements of Direction

In Chinese, a complement of direction can be used after a verb or an adjective to mean
different things.

"HI*" , fYlJüß:

' '{P*" can be used after a verb to indicate the emergence of something new. For
example: salio

hua hua

3JiöJjJ[I "{H*" LUk7JSfr"iAYJIJ, :

When used after a verb, "EPI*" can also indicate the recognition of something
implicit. For example:

(7 ) Z 3---*40 negative

JYVGiåJgüJiöJjJ[I "F*"
baja venir abajo reduce AMENGUAR
When used after certain adjectives or verbs, "F*" indicates a change from movement
to stillness, from being strong to being weak, or from being fast to being slow. For example:
ting stop

(10) k XT*T,
(II) 慢下来 /màn xià lái/

slow down

When used after a verb, indicates the act of recalling has reached a result. For

example: qi lai
jide recordar ya volvió a la cabeza
( 13) tu recuerdas qiuen soy yo?

( 14) Z
( 15) pensar xiang 想



"fiE*" "W' ,

' 'T -E*' and 'fiE*" ' (to seem) are similar to each other. Both are used to make
an estimation or evaluation of someone or something in a certain aspect by looking. For
fang put
( 17)
lan xi fu xiang parece
( 18) f lan xi fu traje azul

( 19)

( 20) , o

• Practise

Complete the sentences.

雨下来了 amenguar la lluvia

(2) f,6tfiEå 起来 traer a la mente

qilai 起来 seemed -fi 18 o

shi pedir jiao pedir/llamar

" LILI" "it" Comparison of "04" and "i±"

rang permitir

"ff" "[ILI"

mean "to cause". The three of them basically mean the same thing, with "ff" usually used

in written Chinese, while "[IM" usually used in spoken Chinese. For example:
leer libros me hace feliz

el examen me pone nervioso

vestir ropa deportiva lo hace ver más joven

cause my friends/make my friends

7tFJi6Jf Complete the sentences.

bugaoxing 不高兴

bushufuyou diaer deng doler

dou xuhuan ta 都喜欢她

HSK Standard Course 3

Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 19-5


Oü: a /itfi/ZJ±J
Off: (ftFT) ,


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

秋天 /qiū tiān/ niao bird cuan boat

autumn zhang

jide recordar
guo pasar

o qiutian xiang parece


O ZAkiLiS, niao

0 chuan
经过 /jīng guò/
希望能 /xī wàng/
hope wei
Elk go through
clasif de persona importante
ku erduo oreja go by


jing guo

nin hao
o A: 3kiC, ifrA,dCJL 欢迎 /huān yíng/ welcome



Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

A: f,6t

A: k 3kXki-Ef,ft


A: i&iÉ4iEäk

A: 9hiUJ}JFZk,
B: YJlJå2ju,

Answer the questions according to the texts.

O Z 3kåå*L4h?

HSK Standard Course 3

I Word G am e

Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Pair Work

Application "3JiåJ+ElfiJibif" fi'd%fhJ

Work in pairs. Match the verbs with the complements of direction, and practise saying
sentences using them.

Group Work

"ffs DE"
Work in groups of 3-4. One tells a recent experience and its influence on himself/herself,

and the others take notes. Please use "fLi", "11M" and "if'.


1 4104b

Båi wén bü rü y' jidn

Common To see something once is better than to hear about it a hundred times

Saying VI" , "DTrihs nTrVL"

In the saying ' 'lid" means to "to hear

(about)". The saying means it's better to see something

once than to hear about it a hundred times. It tells us that
what we see with our own eyes is more reliable than what
we hear other people say.

Wö béi td yingxiång le

I've been influenced by him

Match the pictures with the words.



nånguö chéngjl zhåoxiångji

triste puntuacion/grado/nota

xlnyöngkå wån döng

card bowl este

Draw lines to match the verbs with the objects.

jiéjué 问题 JlfJli péngyou

yingxiång qiån

kdi zöu

hud wån 钱 zixingché

qi zöu bici zhåoxiångji camera

yöng hudi
andar 嗯auto

shang chang 商场 centro comercial 20-
EA In the lounge 20-1

Texts 'Jsjj: ±iFJ New Words
zhao budao 1. A($H$JI zhåoxidngji
zhao 2. béi
/J\jj: no la encontre! prep. used to indicate

the passive voice

3. nånguö
adj. sad

4. döng
n. east
cha bu duo le : mas o menos
zhao dao encontrar 找到 n. credit card

In the classrccm 20-2

qi ti you sports
New Words
6. gudnxin

bei ying xiang influence 影响 v. to care for, to

v6J 0
rang bian hua be interested in

x eso
t fiEiEATQo
B9ü•. zhiyöu cåi

ziu jiu football conj. only... (that/can... )

chule zu qiu hai 8. chéngjl
n. grade, performance,

•(he restaurant 20-3

nacha wan
±fiJ New Words
zhen xiang parecidos wån
often bei bowl
se equicon al conocernos n.

fr fén
R (II åå t fit h * 10.

v. to distinguish

fumu yi vai
bei 被 by
same di fan
xiang dong

lou casa

fumu parents 父母
HSK Standard Course


nan ti problemas
±iF] New Words
简单 /jiǎn dān/
11. jiéjué
v. to solve
simple shi 12. shi
not complicated nan
v. to try

* 13.
adv. really, truly
14. $2 duöme great
yi ding adv. very, to a
great extent

Texts in Pinyin

1. Zåi xiüxishi
Xiåoll•. Wb de zhåoxidngji béi shéi nåzöu le? Zénme zhåo bu dåo le?
t6ngshi: Ni zåi zhåozhao. Shl bu shi méi dåilai?
Xiåoll: Wö zhåo le, méi zhåodåo a.

t6ngshl: Bié nånguö, zåi måi yi ge ba, göngsi döngmén wåi bé jiü yöu yi ge dd shöngchång
Xiåoll: Dånshi wå zhége yué xlnyöngkå li de qiån yijTng hud de chå bu duö le.

2. Zåi jiåoshl

Xiåoming: Ni zénme türån gudnxin qi tiyü lai le?

péngyou: Wb denånpéngyou xihuan kån züqiü bisåi, wö béi td yingxiång de.

Xiåoming: Kånlåi zhiyöu néng rdng rén yöu biånhud.

di, cåi
péngyou: Shi a, wéile hé td de åihdo yiydng, wö tidntidn kån qiüsåi.

Xiåoming: Chüle züqiü, td håi yingxiång ni shénme le?

péngyou: Wå zuljln tidntidn shdng wång wånr y6uxl, wö de chéngji chd ji le.

3. Zåi fånguånr
péngyou: Ndge nåzhe wån chi fån de rén shi ni gége ma? Tö hé ni zhång de zhén xidng.
Dåwéi: Wömen jingchång béi biérén réncuö.

péngyou: Zhiyöu nimen de båba möma cåi néng fén chulai någe shi gége, någe shl dldi ba.

Dåwéi: Chüle fümb yiwåi, håi yöu women yé néng a.


péngyou: Nimen liång ge chüle zhång de xiång, hdi you shénme xidngtöng de difang?
Ddwéi: Wömen zhü zdi t6ng yi ge 16u, t6ng yi ge fångjiön••••••


Niånqing rén yüdåo nånti, chångchång hén zhåo ji, bb zhidåo zénme bån. Qishi, bü t6ng
de wénti yöu bb t6ng de jiéjué bdnfå. Yöuxié went( kån shangqu hén nån, dånshl zuö qilai

féichång jiånddn, suåyi déi shlzhe zuåzuo. Yöuxié wénti kdn shangqu suirån jiåndön, ddnshi
jiéjué qilai nån ji' le. Suöyi zhiyöu zhénzhéng zuö shlqing de shihou, cåi néng liåojié yöu duö
nån. Büguö, women yidlng yåo xiöngxin: döume nån de wénti, döu hui béi jiéjué de.

The Bei-Sentence

Notes "ifr" "&iB+

'*f" "ÅLI" "if"

In Chinese, a sentence with "if" can express the passive voice, its structure being "S
+ if/ElLl/ifr + O + V + Other Elements", in which the subject is the patient of the action and
the object the agent. The object following "if" can be left out, while the object after "[IM" or

"it" cannot. For example:

±ifi if/ßLl/i± SfJiöJ

ying xiang
maozi hat bei gua viento bao run
rang chi wan
bei shei llevo/tomo

"if" fi(JüfjjÜ,

Note that negative adverbs and modal verbs should precede "if" if there are any. For

example: bei
aun no tiene solucion
jie jue solve

otros ren zuo (conocen mal)
— practise

Complete the dialogues with the words given.

llevo prestada
B: 我的bici jie zou


B: 我的camera 被我弟弟用坏了 yong hui estropear

B: 我刚买的咖啡被我弟弟喝完了 (G)
1 我自行车被我好朋友借走了。
2 我的照相机被我弟弟用坏了。
3 被经理喝完了。

HSK Standard Course

zhi you (solo si) cai... entonces...

The Structure


"A 6......*.•••••" is used to connect the two clauses of a conditional complex

sentence, with "Afi" introducing the one and only condition and "X" followed by the result
which will be reached only if the said condition is met. For example:


lai rang bian hua cambiar


Complete the dialogues.

ren zhen

1 。。。,
2 。。。瘦的人,。。。
3 。。。,身体才可能提高。 B: % UkiL, RT 瘦的人

才可能提高 tigao improve


Read the following phrases and sentences aloud. 20-5



O iÅ—iÅ/iÅå


Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.



B: JL+i*

B: fit i-E6&,


Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

HSK Standard Course


Answer the questions according to the texts.

Word Game
Read the following words and guess the meanings of the newly-formed ones.


Pair Work

Work in pairs. Talk about the following competitions and discuss who in your class should

take part in each of them.



Group Work

3-4A—tH, 6 fi [ÜlfZfi —frAihHiftfLAid*,

"fflJG" fi{JA0 "72" 76J0
Work in groups of 3-4. Take turns to describe the unluckiest day in your life. When one
talks, the others take notes. Find the unluckiest person in your group. Please use bei-


HSK Standard Course

Ché dåo shdn qiån bl yöu lb

Common The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there

Saying , "L" " 4-JF


In the saying "4;-flJIlJGfj'UfiB6", ' 'U" means

"surely". The saying means that when a vehicle arrives
at the foot of a mountain, it doesn't matter if its way is

blocked by the mountain because there is always a way

out. It is often used metaphorically to tell us not to fear
the trouble or difficulty we face as there is always a
solution to it.

Taboo Gifts in China

-Ej "fl" fikJ%ff$HlfiJ, fifflJGfikJ,üÆ0 -5 "j&Z"


When visiting someone's home, we usually bring a gift. Remember not all gifts are
appropriate. In China, some articles cannot be given as gifts, such as umbrellas, shoes, and
clocks. The pronunciation of the Chinese character for "umbrella" is similar to that of the

character for "separation", so giving someone an umbrella means to separate from the person.
The character for "shoe" sounds the same as that for "evil", which bodes ill. The Chinese word
for "giving a clock" sounds exactly the same as that for "attending upon a dying person". What
taboos do you have in your country regarding giving gifts?
iäiälää Vocabulary
Abbreviations of Parts of Speech

Part of Speech Abbreviation Part of Speech Abbreviation

€1 iåJ n. MlJiöJ adv.

NJ iåJ friüJ prep.

adj. jGiåJ conj.

ftiåJ pron. part.

num. IlliöJ int.

m iiåJ m. onom.

üMiöJ num.-m. pref.

mod. suf.

. New Words
Word/Phrase Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning Lesson

dyi n. aunt 14

used at the end ofa sentence to indicate

a part.
confirmation or defuse

åi adj. short 10

dihåo n. hobby, interest 17

dnjlng adj. quiet 8

m. usedJör things with a handle 2

bdn n. class 9

bån to move, to carry

bdnfå n. way, approach 17

bångöngshl n. office 2

bdn num. half 7

bdng mång to help 6

bdo n. bag, sack 12

båo adj. full, having eaten one's fill 17

béiföng n. north, northern part

béi prep. used to indicate the passive voice 20

bizi n. nose 16

Et4Z bijido adv. fairly, rather 9

bisåi n. match, competition 4

Zit* ( ) bijlbén (diannåo) n. notebook, laptop 11

bixü adv. must 17

bianhuå to change 8

n. other people 16

bingxiöng n. refrigerator

conj. not only...but also... 18

cåiddn n. menu 14

cänjiö to participate 9

coo n. grass 5

céng m. used for floors 8

chå to fall short of 7

chdoshi n. supermarket 4

chénshdn n. shirt 3

chéngjl n. grade, performance, achievement 20

chéngshi prep. other than 16

i&51J chidbo to be late 7

chüle prep. other than 15

chuån n. boat, ship 19

chün (tidn) n. spring 5

cidiån n. dictionary 11

cöngming adj. clever, smart 4

dösåo to clean, to sweep 14

ddsudn n./v. plan; to intend 1

dåi to take along, to bring

ddn Xin to worry 9

dångdo n. cake 4

5k ddngrdn adv. of course 5

used to connect an adverbial modifier and
de part. 18
the verb it mod(/ies

déng n. light, lamp II

difang n. place 10

L4k dit'é n. subway 11

d'Itü n. map
didnti n. elevator 8

diOnzi yÖujiån e-mail II

döng n. east 20

döng (tidn) n. winter 17

dbngwu n. animal 18

duån adj. short 19

duån m. used for sections or periods 18

duånliån to do physical exercise 6

dUÖme adv. very, to a great extent 20

adj. hungry 4

érduo n. ear 19

to send 15

fö shöo to have a fever 5

fdxidn to discover 12

föngbiön adj. convenient 10

fång to put, to place 3

fang Xin to ease one's mind, to rest assured 9

m. fen, a unit of money (=l/l Ojiao) 4

to distinguish 20

n. nearby, vicinity 10

füxi to review

gönjing adj. clean 14

gönmao V. to catch a cold 5

gdn xingqü to be interested in 7

gångcai n. just now 6

gézi n. height, stature 10

génjü prep. according to, based on 17

gén prep. with

geng adv. more, even more 6

göngjin n. kilogramme 16

göngyuan n. park 6

gush] n. story 14

gud féng to be windy 14

-k guan to turn off, to close 11

gudnxl n. relationship 16

gudnxin to care for, to be interested in 20

guönyü prep. about, regarding 18

guåjld n. country, nation 18

guö to spend, to pass 19

guöqü n. past 13

hdishi conj. or 3

håi pd V. to be afraid, to be scared 8

héibån n. blackboard 12

håulaj n. later, afterwards 17

hüzhao n. passport 12

hud n. flower 3

hud to spend 15

hue: v./n. to draw, to paint; drawing, painting 12

hudi adj. broken, ruined 13

*kiC hudnying to welcome 7

huån to return II

hudnjing n. environment 10

hudn to change, to substitute 10

huidå to answer 4

n. meeting, conference II

huözhé conj. or 3

adv. almost 8

n. opportunity 18

adv. extremely 15

jide to remember 3

n. season 5

Jiånchå to check, to examine 16

jiånddn adj. simple 14

jiån midn to meet 8

jidnkdng adj. healthy 8

jiång to explain 6

Jido to teach 12

jiåo jiao, a unit of money (=1/10 yuan) 4

jiåo n. foot 2

to meet (sb.), to pick up (sb.) 7

Jiéddo n. street 15

jiémü n. programme 14

n. festival 15

jié hün to marry, to get married 7

jiéshü to end, to finish 11

to solve 20

jié to borrow, to lend 11

jingchång adv. often 13

to pass by 19

n. manager 2

jib adj. for a long time, long 7

jib adj. old, used, worn 10

jüzi n. sentence 15

juéding to decide 17

ké'di adj. lovely, adorable 16

adj. thirsty

m. quarter 7

n. customer, guest 4

köngtiåo n. air conditioner 11

m. mouthful 11
n. mouth 17

kü V. to cry 19

l<üzi n. pants 3

kuåizi n. chopsticks II

lån adj. blue 19

160 adj. old 8

to leave, to part with 6

iivvü n. gift, present 13

n. history 10

lidn n. face 19

lionxi n. exercise 15

hang used. for vehicle 2

liaotiön (r) V. to chat 6

liåojié to know 9

n. neighbour 17

lidl xué to study abroad 15

lou n. building 2

adj. green 3

rnd •n. horse 19

måshang adv. immediately, at once 8

månyi to be satisfied 8

maozi n. hat, cap 16

mi n. metre 16

midnbdo n. bread

mingbai adj. clear 6

to take, to fetch

nåinai n. grandmother 13

nån (fdng) n. south, southern part

non adj. difficult

xfEi± nånguö adj. sad 20

nidnji n. grade 4

nidnqing adj. young 4

niöo n. bird 19

nül'l adj. hard-working 4

pd shon to climb a mountain 3

pdnzt n. plate 14

pong adj. fat 2

pixié n. leather shoes 16

pijiü n. beer 11

pingzi n. bottle II

qishf adv. actually 2

qitd pron. the rest 15

qiguåi adj. strange, odd 18

qi to ride 10

(of an aircraft) to take off 12

(indicating an upward movement) to rise 13

qingchu adj. clear, distinct 6

qing Jid to ask for leave 17

qiü (tidn) n. autumn, fall 19

qünzi n. dress, skirt 5

rdnhöu conj. then, after that 14

réqing adj. warm, enthusiastic 4

to think, to believe 16

ivu- rénzhén adj. serious, earnest 4

rÖngy) adj. easy 2

rüguö conj. if, in case 16

son n. umbrella 2

shång wång to surf the Internet 15

shéng qi angry 12

shéngyin n. sound, voice 14

shijié n. world 15

shi V. to try 20

shöu adj. thin 2

shüshu n. uncle 14

shüfu adj. comfortable 3

shü n. tree

shüxué n. maths 10

shud yd to brush the teeth 16

shudng pair 11

shuiping n. level, standard 15

n. driver 12

k Ita tåiyång n. sun 12

tébié adv. extraordinarily 6

téng adj. hurt, painful 2

ti gdo to improve 15

tiyü n. P.E., sports 10

tidn adj. sweet 3

tiåo m. usedfbr pants, dresses, etc 3

töngsh'l n. colleague 7

töngyi to agree 18

tÖufa n. hair 16

türån adv. suddenly 6

tüshüguån n. library 11

lit tui n. leg 2

wån chéng V. to complete 15

wån n. bowl 20

wan num. ten thousand 18

wdngjl to forget 11

prep. for 5

prep. for the sake of 17

m. a respectful measure word for people 19

wénhud n. culture 15

xi n. west 12

xigudn v./n. to be used to; habit 11

xishÖujidn n. bathroom, restroom 8

xi zåo to take a bath/shower 14

Xid (tiön) n. summer 5

xidn adv. first, in advance 9

xiöngxln to believe 18

xidngjiöo n. banana 14

Xiang prep. towards 18

Xiang to be like 14

x:åoxin adj. careful 3

n. headmaster 13

xinwén n. news 15

xinxiån adj. fresh 3

xlnyongkå n. credit card 20

xinglixidng n. luggage, suitcase 12

xiöngrndo n. panda 8

xüydo V. to need 12

xuånzé to choose 17

ydoqiü n. requirement 15

yeye n. grandfather 13

yidlng adv. definitely, certainly 9

yigong adv. in total 17

yihuir n. a moment 8

Yiyång adj. same, as.. .as... 9

Yiqian n. before, ago 7

ylbön adj. general, usual 13

indicating tvvo actions taking place at the

yibidn adv. 13
same tine
adv. all the time

yinyué n. music 6

yinhång n. bank 7

yinhao n. drink, beverage 3

ÉLii yinggöi should 13

n. influence 9

yong to need 5

yöuxi n. game 1

fiz yöuming adj. famous 18

and 4
you adv.
again 8

i&51J yüdao to come across, to run into 13

yudn m. unit of monev 3

yuanyi would like to 13

yuéliang n. moon 14

adv. more, to a greater degree 5

Zhan to stand 4

used for flat objects such as paper, photos,

zhdng m. 19

zhång to grow, to develop 16

zhåoji adj. worried, anxious 1

zhåogü to take care of 5

zhåopiån n. photo 4

zhåoxidngji n. camera 20

Zhi m. usedför certain animals 18

Zhi adv. only, solely 3

conj. only...(that/can...) 20

zhöngjidn n. middle 9

zhöngyü adv. finally 13

zhöng kind, type 18

zhöngyåo adj. important 8

zhöumb n. weekend 1

zhüyåo adj. main 10

zhü yi to pay attention to 15

pron. self 12

zixingché n. bicycle 10

zöngshi adv. always 4

zui n. mouth 18

zuihöu n. the last one 9

zuijln adv. lately, recently 5

zuöye n. homework

Word/Phrase Pinyin Meaning Lesson

Hudng Hé Yellow River, the second longest river in China 19

Li Xiåoméi Li Xiaomei, name ofa person 4

Maké Marco 4

Xiåogdng Xiaogang, name of a person

Xiåoli Xiaoli, name ofa person 1

Xiåoming Xiaoming, name of a person 4

Xidoyün Xiaoyun, name ofa person 15

Zhdng Zhang, a surname 5

Zhöngwén Chinese language 9

Zhöu Zhou, a surname 2

Zhöu Ming Zhou Ming, name of a person

Word/Phrase Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning Lesson Level

ciyü n. word, expression 16

pron. each 15

Jüxing to hold (a meeting, an event, etc.) 15

n. cola, Coke 8

mishü n. secretary 2

qingkuång n. condition, situation 17

shénghu6 n. life 13

shul zhåo to fall asleep 6

* kk tditai n. Mrs., madam 2

tédiån n. feature 18

yönjing n. glasses, spectacles 6

zhénzhéng adv. really, truly 20

zhdngjié n. intermediary, agent 10

New Words Made Up of Characters Learned before

From This Book

New Word Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning Lesson Learned Characters

ban shi V. to work, to handle affairs 2

böng to help 6

biån to change, to become 9

Chünjié n. Spring Festival

cid to send, to remit 18

dao shihou that time, then 7

fangzi n. house, building 8

gong adv. just, only a short while ago 6

gui adj. (honorific term) your 18

géwü sing and dance 15

höng jiü n. red wine 13 g-LÄ

a measure word used for


kdi to open out, to unfold 5

mél tiön every day 2

nöli pron. 9
expression) not at all

nühåir n. girl 4

40 qtanbdo n. purse, wallet 12

rén ming name (of a person) 18

to recognise, to identify 20

-E shång to go up, to ascend 2

gfri)fu tingshuö V. to hear about, to be told 5

wåidi n. other places 18

xidnhuö n. fresh flowers 4

n. casaba 15

y'lbdn låi shuö generally speaking 17

Yihåu n. after, later 7

yinyuéhul n. concert 6

yöudldnr adv. a little, a bit 5

zåo adj. early

(used to ask for a solution)

zénme bön 7
what to do

zhdo to photograph 4

Zhöngqiü Jlé n. Mid-Autumn Festival 15

Supplementary Vocabulary

New Word Learned Characters New word Learned Characters



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