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Web Applications - Server Side Track – week 4

External data

Gerralt Gottemaker
2020 - 2021
<h1>Today’s subjects:</h1>
Web Applications <ul>
week 4 <li>Revision of MVC</li>
Adding a (remote) data <li>Introduction to Hibernate</li>
source to our APIs.
<li class=“diy”>Adding data source</li>
<li>Entities and Repositories</li>
<li class=“diy”>CRUD data source</li>
<li>Custom queries</li>
<li class=“diy”>Deeper dive</li>
Controller sends Controller requests
MVC model data back to the view Controller information from
a service

Last week… Remember?


Service gets data


User does HTTP

request from the
The view datasource
renders browser
in the browser

Controller sends Controller requests
MVC model data back to the view Controller information from
a service

Today, we expand the MVC

model by adding Hibernate. Service

Service gets data


User does HTTP

request from the Hibernate
The view
renders browser
in the browser

Hibernate is an ORM framework that helps with abstracting
your data from your code.
Introduction to
Hibernate ORM: Object/Relational Mapping
What is Hibernate? - Makes sure (Java) Objects are mapped to a Relational
- Sounds easier than it is!
- It uses, just as Spring and Jackson, Java reflection

Abstracting your data from your code

- You don’t have to write (custom) queries for basic things
- Helps with speeding up your development
- Helps with reducing bugs in your code Hibernate
- Helps with if you want to change data sources

Introduction to
Let’s zoom in a bit…


Config Entities

Introduction to
Let’s zoom in a bit…


Config Entities

Which database you want to
use, doesn’t matter for Model
Hibernate. In this course, we are
using PostgreSQL.
Hibernate can be added to your project in two ways.

Introduction to Existing project:

Hibernate 1. Open your build.gradle file
Adding it to your project

2. Add the following two dependencies to it:


The first dependency is for Hibernate, the second dependency makes

sure Hibernate can use PostgreSQL.
Hibernate can be added to your project in two ways.

Introduction to Existing project:

Hibernate 3. Reload your dependencies if that doesn’t happen
Adding it to your project automatically.
Hibernate can be added to your project in two ways.

Introduction to New project:

Hibernate 1. Start a new project the same way you are used to.
Adding it to your project

2. At the dependency step, make sure to select:

- Spring Web (standard, mandatory)
- Spring Boot DevTools (extra, optional)
- Spring Data JPA (hibernate, mandatory)
- PostgreSQL Driver (database, mandatory)

3. Make sure to check your build.gradle to see if it contains

We need to configure Hibernate (and Spring) to make sure it
knows what database to use.
Introduction to
Hibernate A few prerequisites:
Configuring Hibernate ü PostgreSQL must be running
ü You have a tool to manage PostgreSQL (pgAdmin)

With that tool (pgAdmin):

ü Make sure to have a user available that your application can
ü Create a database with a good name, with that user as owner

We need to configure Hibernate (and Spring) to make sure it
knows what database to use.
Introduction to
Hibernate Let’s say there is a database demo_db with the owner demo
Configuring Hibernate (without password).

# ---- Datasource properties ----

# URL to the database.
# Usually only database name has to be changed

# ---- JPA properties ----

# Show SQL on console?
# Should Hibernate create the tables (schemas)?
Config spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true
# Should Hibernate drop all tables on shutdown?
# ONLY for debugging / developing!
Do It Yourself time! Connecting to your database

1. Download the project from Blackboard, located in folder:

week 4 – Server-side – During workshop

2. Create a new user for your spring boot projects, give it a

proper name

3. Create a new database for this spring boot project, give it

a proper name

4. Change the properties-file in the project from Blackboard

so it connects to your newly created database, using the
newly created user.

5. Start the project. If everything goes well, your project will

startup normally. It doesn’t serve anything yet
- Services use Repositories to access Entities (model classes)
- Repositories get their Entities from the database
- Entities are the ”simple” classes you know from OOP, with the
Introduction addition of some @annotations. Hibernate uses these
annotations to map the model classes to relational data (ORM).



Config Entities

We start off with a (simple) Java class.

Entities public class Cat {

Simple example private Long id;

private String name;
private String gender;
private int age;

// Constructor(s), getters, setters

Add annotations to your class

Entities @Entity
public class Cat {
Simple example
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private String name;

private String gender;

private int age;

// Constructor(s), getters, setters

Add annotations to your class

Entities @Entity
Table (cat) public class Cat {

ID, will be automatically @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
generated private Long id;

Column (name)
private String name;

Column (gender) private String gender;

Column (age) private int age;

// Constructor(s), getters, setters

Want different names?

Entities @Entity(name = "my_cats")

public class Cat {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@Column(name = "custom_name")
private String name;


@Column annotations are optional if
default names are used. It is good
practice however to add them anyway
(readability, showing intentions)
Let’s add a class

Entities public class Person {

private Long id;

One-to-many relationships private String name;
private int age;
private List<Cat> cats;

// Constructor(s), getters, setters


public class Cat {

private Long id;

private String name;
private String gender;
private int age;

// Constructor(s), getters, setters

Tell Hibernate that the table person has a list of cats

Entities @Entity
public class Person {
One-to-many relationships ...
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Cat> cats;

public class Cat {
Do It Yourself time! Creating your Entities

1. Use the same project as the last DIY

2. Annotate the Cat class with the proper annotations

3. Run the Spring Boot project

4. Check the database using pgAdmin. There is now a cat


5. (Bonus if you have time) Create a Person entity with a one-

to-many relationship to Cat
- Services use Repositories to access Entities (model classes)
- Repositories get their Entities from the database
- Repositories are interfaces that are the “bridge” between the
Introduction entities, database data and the Services that use the entities.
- Repositories use generics to define what entity they are serving.
- Repositories have a lot of standard methods, provided by



Config Entities

A few steps.

Repositories Create a (simple) Java interface.

public interface CatRepository {
Simple example }

Make sure you annotate it to be a Spring Repository

public interface CatRepository {

And let it extend from CrudRepository

public interface CatRepository extends
CrudRepository<Cat, Long> {
A Repository uses Java generics.

Repositories You’ve seen Java generics before. For example, when creating an
ArrayList and you tell it what type it holds. Or, when you created a
Simple example Comparable and you told it what to compare itself to.

We need to tell the CrudRepository two things:

public interface CatRepository extends
CrudRepository<Cat, Long> {

1. What Entity are we serving? (1st generic param)

2. What is the type of the unique identifier? (2nd generic param)

And that’s all! Now, we can use the methods provided by

// Finds all rows in the cat table.
// Will return Iterable instead of List. More on this later!
Iterable<Cat> allCats = this.catRepository.findAll();

// Checks
a row with id exists in the cat table
boolean exists = this.catRepository.existsById(id);

// Will find one row. Returns an Optional object, so it either holds 1 or 0 object(s).
// use cat.isPresent() and cat.isEmpty() to check if it's there or not.
// If it's there, use cat.get() to actually grab it.
Optional<Cat> cat = this.catRepository.findById(id);

// Saves a cat.
// If no ID is given, this will create a new row
// If an ID is given, it will update the existing row
// Will return the newly saved cat, including (new) id.
Cat cat =;

// Deletes a cat. Will return true if succeeded, false otherwise

boolean succeeded = this.catRepository.delete(cat);
Add a reference to your Service to use it.

Repositories We can do that the same way we added our Service to our
1. Create a (private final) instance variable of the type
2. Create a CatService constructor that takes the CatRepository
as a parameter and assign it to the instance variable.
3. You are now ready to use the CatRepository in your Service!
public class CatService {

private CatRepository catRepository;

public CatService(CatRepository catRepository) {

this.catRepository = catRepository;
If you want to do more than the basic things, you can write custom
methods in your Repository interface. Because it’s an interface,
Repositories these methods need to be abstract (and therefore have no body!)

Custom methods for There are two ways of adding custom queries:
custom queries 1. Using the @Query annotation above your custom method
@Query("select c from Cat c where c.gender = :gender")
List<Cat> yourOwnName(@Param("gender") String gender);

The query isn’t really SQL, because they try to make it database
independent. The language follows a mix of SQL and object-
oriented notations.
2. Using the Hibernate method naming conventions
List<Cat> findAllByGender(String gender);

ByGender = will find

findAll = multiple
anything with a given
results, so return a List
Don’t worry if you can’t remember everything. IntelliJ has great
auto complete functionality for these queries!!

Custom methods for

custom queries

Make sure to use this. Saves you lots of trouble!

One more (important!) thing.


Custom methods for

custom queries

Usually, it’s good to override the default findAll() method so it
returns a List instead of an Iterator. Iterators are harder to work
with than Lists, so this one line of code saves you from a lot of
public interface CatRepository extends CrudRepository<Cat, Long> {

// Good way of making sure findAll returns a List instead of Iterable

List<Cat> findAll();

Do It Yourself time! Creating your Entities

1. Use the same project as the last DIY

2. Create a package “repositories” and create a

CatRepository interface. Follow the steps described in the
previous few sheets

3. Create custom methods for findAll() and to find all cats by


4. Connect your CatRepository to your CatService

5. Fix the TODOs in the CatService by calling the

CatRepository methods
… we have talked about:

To summarize… - Hibernate and what an ORM framework is

- How Hibernate uses Repositories and Entities to manage

database tables

- How to create those Entities and Repositories

- That Repositories can do custom stuff using @Query or correct

named methods

- That Services communicate with Repositories and that

Hibernate Repositories will reply with Entity objects (or lists of them)

Config Entities

That’s all folks!

What’s next?

This week:
• Get familiar with the usage of Repositories and its custom
• Expand the TODO API with a database (homework assignment)

Next week:
• Working on our own project (final assignment)

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