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Test: Module 4

A. Match.

c 1. explore a. pictures
h 2. go b. asleep
e 3. buy c. a cave
g 4. travel d. across
a 5. take e. souvenirs
f 6. get f. tired
b 7. fall g. on a cruise
d 8. come h. abroad

score 8

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

get crowded foot traffic sightseeing

1. Let’s get the next bus. This one is really crowded .

2. Let’s go sightseeing . I really want to see the city.
3. We’ll get off at the next station.
4. Nancy usually goes to the gym on foot .
5. There’s a lot of traffic downtown on weekday mornings.

score 5

C. Circle the correct words.

1. I don’t understand how they got lost. It’s a mystery / theory.

2. Liam is the leader / climber of the team. We have to listen to what he says.
3. The snowstorm was so bad that two people on our team lied / died.
4. We were walking in the park when suddenly / terribly an angry dog started running towards us.
5. My brother is really curious / proud. When I get back from school he keeps asking questions about everything.

score 5

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A. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Andrew fell (fall) off a camel when he was on vacation and he

didn´t be (not be) happy.

2. My mom couldn´t (not can) drive when she was (be) eighteen.

3. My aunt and uncle went (go) on a cruise around the Caribbean last spring.

4. When did be (be) your parents in Italy?

5. Stuart managed (manage) to win the competition.

6. I didn´t feel (not feel) well yesterday so I left (leave) school early.

7. When did Helen travel (travel) abroad?

score 10

B. Complete the blanks with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in parentheses.

1. A: I was riding (ride) my bicycle when I crashed (crash) into a tree.

B: Did you wear (you / wear) a helmet?

2. A: What did toby do (Toby / do) all day yesterday?

B: He was sleeping (sleep) after his long flight from Alaska.

3. A: I was calling (call) you all afternoon.

B: I didn´t answer (not / answer) the phone because I was studying

(study) hard for a test.

4. A: Why didnt you´sail (you / not / sail) last week? The weather was beautiful.

B: Unfortunately, I was working (work). I was too busy to go sailing.

score 10

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Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-f.

a. it took us some time c. don’t believe a word

b. it got worse d. couldn’t believe my eyes

A: Why do you like climbing? B: Well, our leader told us to go back because a
B: I like adventure. Just the other week the weather really bad snowstorm was coming
conditions were strange. The wind was so strong A: Were you tired?
up in the mountains and (1) . B: Yes, we were. So (3) b to get back to
A: Really? the base camp. Fortunately, we were fine in the
B: Yes. All of a sudden, lots of clouds appeared in end. What do you think about my adventure?
A: Actually, I (4) c of it.
the sky. It was getting so dark! I (2) d
A: What happened next?

score 8


Listen to a radio interview with Louise Harvey and answer the questions below.
Choose a or b.

1. When was Louise born?

a. In 1980. b. In 1981.

2. Where was Louise born?

a. In India. b. In the U.K.

3. Why didn’t Louise climb the mountain again last month?

a. It was dangerous. b. She didn’t have the money.

score 6

Copyright © 2013 MM Publications


Read the text and answer the questions.

Last summer my family and I went to Egypt. At the beginning of our trip, we went on a cruise on the River Nile.
We left Cairo on Monday morning and got back on Thursday evening. It was a wonderful experience. Then we
stayed in Cairo for five days. We went sightseeing and of course we went to the Egyptian Museum, too. There
were so many interesting things to see there. We even saw the mummy of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun! We also
visited the Pyramids of Giza and took lots of pictures. They were amazing! My parents and I also tried camel
riding. It was lots of fun. My sister didn’t want to go anywhere near the animal. You see, she was afraid. I really
want to visit Egypt again. It’s beautiful and there are many things to see and do there!

1. How long was the cruise?

4 days

2. Where did they see the mummy of Tutankhamun?

In the Egyptian Museum

3. What did the writer think of the Pyramids?

She tought the pyramids were amazing.

4. Did the writer’s sister enjoy camel riding?

No, she didn´t

score 8

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Write a story about an unpleasant/unusual experience you have had. Write about:
• when it happened
• where it happened
• what the weather was like
• who you were with (alone, with friends / family, etc.)
• what you were doing
• what happened
• what you did/saw/heard
• how you felt
• what happened in the end

score 10

total score 70

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