16 Exercise Testing

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Exercise Testing

The primary task of the cardiopulmonary system is to the metabolism of fuels (e.g., fats and carbohydrates). The
provide blood flow (and oxygen) in quantities sufficient aerobic metabolism of fuels produces large quantities of ATP
to support the metabolic needs of the body. This system per molecule of substrate, but requires an adequate supply
is maximally stressed when the body’s metabolic rate is of oxygen. This oxygen must be delivered to the exercising
increased, a condition that occurs most commonly during skeletal muscle by the cardiovascular system. The mecha-
physical activity or exercise. Most of the clinical tests used by nisms by which the cardiovascular system delivers oxygen
the pediatric cardiologist assess the cardiopulmonary system to the skeletal muscles are best understood from consider-
when the patient is at rest, lying on a table. Although valu- ation of the Fick equation:
able, these tests do not necessarily predict the manner in
which the cardiopulmonary system will respond to the υ′O2 = [C.O.] × [oxygen extraction]
demands of exercise, nor do they reliably inform the clini-
= [HR × SV] × [CaO2 − CvO2]
cian regarding a patient’s true capacity to perform physical
activities.1 Conclusions based on a patient’s (or a patient’s = [HR × SV] × [1.36(Hgb)(SaO2 − SvO2)]
family’s) subjective account of his or her exercise function
are also unreliable, as these reports can often be distorted (υ′O2: oxygen consumption; C.O.: cardiac output; HR: heart
and misleading.2 Formal exercise testing, however, provides rate; SV: stroke volume; CaO2: arterial oxygen content; CvO2:
physicians with an opportunity to gain valuable, objective venous oxygen content; Hgb: hemoglobin concentration;
insights into these and other clinically important aspects of SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation; SvO2: venous oxygen
a patient’s cardiopulmonary function. saturation)
Normally, during exercise, each of these variables is altered
so as to maximize oxygen delivery.
Heart Rate
Interpretation of exercise data, and an appreciation of the
capabilities of this technology, requires an understanding During exercise, heart rate rises up to threefold from rest-
of the physiology of exercise and the mechanisms by which ing values of 60 to 80 bpm to ~200 bpm at peak exercise.3,4
the cardiovascular system normally meets the metabolic This rise is mediated primarily by the autonomic nervous
demands of exercise. This chapter will therefore begin with system via an increase in sympathetic activity and a reduction
a review of some basic exercise physiology. in parasympathetic activity.5
The energy required to perform the mechanical work of
exercise is derived from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphos-
Stroke Volume
phate (ATP). At rest, skeletal muscle possesses only limited
quantities of ATP and other high-energy phosphate mole- During a progressive upright exercise test, stroke
cules. If exercise is to be continued for more than a brief volume rises rapidly during the early phases of exercise
period of time, ATP must be continually replenished through and, at a relatively early point in the study, plateaus at a

276 Tools of Diagnosis

level one-and-a-half to two times greater than baseline.6 Although the aerobic metabolism of fuels produces large
(Thereafter, increases in cardiac output are due primarily quantities of ATP, the amount of ATP that a muscle cell may
to increases in heart rate.) The increase in stroke volume derive from aerobic metabolism is limited by the amount
is mediated by (a) increased cardiac contractility second- of oxygen that is delivered to the cell. As the intensity of
ary to increased adrenergic stimulation; (b) decreased exercise increases, the energy requirements of the muscle
afterload secondary to a dramatic decline in systemic and cell rise and may, if oxygen delivery is limited, ultimately
pulmonary vascular resistance during exercise; (c) enhanced exceed that which can be produced by aerobic metabolism.
ventricular filling secondary to the pumping action of the Under these circumstances, the muscle cell may begin to
skeletal muscles;7 and (d) improved lusitropic function.8 rely on anaerobic metabolism of glucose to provide a portion
Hence, peak exercise is typically associated with a five fold of its energy needs:
increase in cardiac output (HR × SV).
C6H12O6 → 2(CH3CHOHCOOH) (0.3 ATP generated/
glucose lactic acid carbon atom)
Oxygen Extraction
Normally, at rest, arterial oxygen saturation approaches Anaerobic metabolism does not produce as much ATP
100% and mixed venous oxygen saturation is approximately as aerobic metabolism, but it does not require oxygen.
70%. Hence, the body extracts only 30% of the oxygen deliv- Anaerobic metabolism also produces lactic acid, which
ered to it. At peak exercise, however, the exercising muscles reacts with bicarbonate to produce carbon dioxide:
extract a much greater percentage of the oxygen delivered
to them. Mixed venous oxygen saturation typically falls to CH3CHOHCOOH + HCO3– → CH3CHOHCOO–
less than 30% and total body oxygen extraction more than lactic acid bicarbonate lactate
doubles at peak exercise.9 + H2O + CO2
Hence from consideration of the Fick equation, it can be carbon
seen that the cardiovascular adaptations to exercise permit
the oxygen consumption at peak exercise to increase more
than 10-fold over resting values. Hence, when the muscles begin to rely on anaerobic
In addition to consuming oxygen, the aerobic metabolism metabolism to generate some of the ATP required to
of fuels produces carbon dioxide. For each carbon atom perform the mechanical work of exercise, serum lactate
of glucose that is metabolized, one molecule of oxygen is levels abruptly rise and an increase in carbon dioxide
consumed and one molecule of carbon dioxide is produced: production, out of proportion to the concomitant increase
in υ′O2, is observed. During a progressive exercise test, the
H-C-OH + O2 → H2O + CO2 point at which these phenomena are detected is called the
(6 ATP generated/carbon atom) lactate threshold or anaerobic threshold or, perhaps most
appropriately when only expiratory gases are measured, the
The respiratory quotient (i.e., the stoichiometrically ventilatory anaerobic threshold. Although some contro-
determined ratio of the number of moles of carbon dioxide versy exists concerning the mechanisms and physiology that
produced in this chemical reaction divided by the number underlie it,10,11 most exercise physiologists agree that the
of moles of oxygen consumed by this reaction) is 1.0. anaerobic threshold is a clinically useful and valid concept
The aerobic metabolism of each carbon atom from the that informs our understanding of many of the phenomena
hydrocarbon chain of a free fatty acid consumes 11/2 mole- encountered in the exercise physiology laboratory.12–14
cules of oxygen and produces one molecule of carbon dioxide: The elimination of carbon dioxide is another important
function of the cardiopulmonary system that may be maxi-
H-C-H + 11/2 O2 → H2O + CO2 mally stressed during exercise. The mechanisms used by
(8 ATP generated/carbon atom) the lungs to excrete the large quantities of carbon dioxide
produced during exercise are best understood from the
The respiratory quotient for this chemical reaction is 0.67. alveolar ventilation equation:
Consequently, during aerobic metabolism, when a
mixture of fats and carbohydrates are consumed, the respi- υ′CO2 = υ′A × PACO2/PB
ratory exchange ratio (RER; the ratio of the measured
carbon dioxide production divided by the measured oxygen This equation states that the amount of carbon diox-
consumption) is typically approximately 0.80 (i.e., between ide eliminated by the lungs (υ′CO2) is equal to the alveolar
0.67 and 1.0). ventilation (υ′A, L/minute) times the partial pressure of
Exercise Testing 277

carbon dioxide in the alveolar gas (PACO2) divided by the CENTRAL HEMODYNAMICS
barometric pressure (PB). The alveolar ventilation is equal
to the alveolar volume (VA, the volume of air participating in It is instructive to consider the changes in central hemo-
gas exchange with each breath; l/breath) times the respira- dynamics that occur during exercise, and the hemody-
tory rate (RR; breaths per minute). Hence namic burdens that these changes impose upon the right
and left ventricles. Invasive data concerning exercise-related
υ′CO2 = υ′RR × VA × PACO2 /PB changes in central hemodynamics are not available from
children. However, data are available from normal young
However, VA is equal to the tidal volume minus the volume adult subjects. In these individuals systemic arterial pres-
of the physiologic dead space (VT − VD). Substituting this sure rises steeply as the intensity of exercise is increased.
term for VA yields: At peak exercise, systolic blood pressure typically exceeds
resting values by 50% to 75%. In contrast, diastolic pres-
υ′CO2 = RR × (VT − VD) × PACO2 /PB sure changes little during exercise. Consequently, mean
= RR × VT (1 − VD/VT) × PACO2 /PB arterial pressure increases modestly, rising only 25% to 30%
above resting values. The relatively modest rise in mean
Under idealized conditions, the alveolar pCO2 equals arterial pressure, despite the four- to fivefold increase in
the arterial pCO2 (PACO2 = PaCO2) and the equation may cardiac output that accompanies strenuous exercise, indi-
be rewritten: cates that systemic vascular resistance falls dramatically
during exercise, typically falling to levels 30% to 40% of
υ′CO2 = RR × VT(1 − VD/VT) × PaCO2 /PB resting values. Most of the fall in systemic vascular resist-
ance is due to dilation of blood vessels in the exercising
In a manner analogous to that encountered with regard muscles and the cutaneous vascular beds.18
to the delivery of oxygen, the physiologic variables of this Left ventricular filling pressures also rise during
equation are altered so as to optimize carbon dioxide elim- exercise. At peak exercise, they may exceed resting
ination during exercise. values by 5 to 10 mm Hg, an increase of approximately
In young adults, pulmonary artery systolic pressure rises
Respiratory Rate
progressively as the intensity of exercise is increased. Near
During a progressive exercise test, a normal subject’s peak exercise, pulmonary artery systolic pressures are typi-
respiratory rate rises slowly initially. During later, more cally 100% greater than resting values. Pulmonary artery dias-
intense stages of exercise, however, the respiratory rate rises tolic pressures change little during exercise. Mean pulmonary
more rapidly and, at peak exercise, may increase to more artery pressures rise to levels approximately 10 mm Hg
than three times resting values.15 (~70%) above resting values. Almost all of the increase in
mean pulmonary artery pressure is due to the rise in left-
sided filling pressure. The transpulmonary gradient changes
Tidal Volume
little during exercise, indicating that the four to fivefold
During a progressive exercise test, tidal volume rises increase in pulmonary blood flow during exercise is accom-
rapidly at first and, at a relatively early stage of exercise, panied by an almost reciprocal fall in pulmonary vascular
tends to plateau at a level approximately three times resistance.18 This fall is mediated by dilation of pulmonary
greater than resting values.15 resistance vessels and by recruitment of pulmonary vascu-
lar beds that are normally closed or only partially perfused
at rest.19
Dead Space/Tidal Volume Ratio
It can be seen from this analysis that the hemo-
Anatomic dead space (i.e., the volume of air in the trachea, dynamic work performed by the left ventricle at peak exer-
bronchi and other airways that does not participate in gas cise (pressure × flow) is more than six times greater than
exchange) does not change appreciably during exercise. resting values. The hemodynamic work performed by the
Physiologic dead space may actually decline secondary to right ventricle increases even more dramatically (more
improved matching of ventilation and perfusion. Hence, than eightfold) during exercise. This observation has
during exercise the dead space/tidal volume ratio falls rapidly important implications for patients with congenital heart
(as tidal volume rises and dead space remains unchanged disease, in whom the right ventricle may be absent (as in
or declines slightly) and then levels off at a level one third patients with Fontan) or structurally abnormal (as in post-
to one half of the resting value.15–17 operative patients with tetralogy of Fallot).
278 Tools of Diagnosis

The dramatic increase in ventricular work rate during TABLE 16–2. Relative Advantages of Bicycle and
exercise is supported by a concomitant increase in coro- Treadmill Ergometer
nary blood flow during exercise, from values of 60 mL per
Bicycle Treadmill
minute per gram of tissue at rest to as much as 240 mL per
minute per gram of tissue at peak exercise. This increase in Easy to measure external work Can achieve slightly higher
coronary blood flow results from a decline in coronary External work performed peak VO2 and peak heart
relatively independent of rate and peak myocardial VO2
vascular resistance and other factors related to the structure patient size May more closely simulate
of the coronary vascular bed and its unique relationship to Ramp protocols → easier to a patient’s usual physical
the myocardium.20,21 determine ventilatory activities
The myocardial blood supply during exercise may be anaerobic threshold Can easily accommodate very
compromised by congenital or acquired coronary artery Can more easily accommodate small patients
extremely fit individuals
lesions. It is also important to recall that coronary arterial Less noisy → easier to
blood flow occurs primarily during diastole.21 Consequently, determine blood pressure
aortic regurgitation and diastolic run-off lesions (e.g., Less motion artifact on
aortopulmonary shunting lesions) can compromise coronary electrocardiogram
perfusion by lowering diastolic blood pressure (and, there- Less risk of injury
Less expensive
fore, coronary perfusion pressure). Requires less space
VO2, oxygen consumption.

The protocol chosen for an exercise test should be deter-

mined by the clinical questions that the test is to address.
Table 16-1 lists some of the more common and important
clinical questions that may be encountered in the exercise
physiology laboratory. Most of these questions can be
addressed with a bicycle or a treadmill ergometer. The
relative advantages of these modalities are listed in
Table 16-2. The most popular bicycle protocol (Fig. 16-1)
is a ramp protocol. This protocol requires the subject to
pedal at a rate of 60 rpm. After an initial 2- to 3-minute
warm-up period during which the subject pedals against

TABLE 16–1. Important Clinical Questions That May Be

Addressed in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory
What causes a patient to stop exercising? Is the patient limited
by cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, hematologic,
metabolic, neurologic, emotional, or other factors?
If the patient’s ability to exercise is limited by the function of
his/her cardiovascular system, which cardiovascular factors
are responsible for the limitation?
If the patient’s ability to exercise is limited by respiratory or
other factors, can the pathophysiologic processes responsible
for the poor exercise function be identified more clearly?
How does the patient’s condition compare to healthy subjects?
How does the patient’s condition compare to his/her past status?
What interventions might improve his/her status?
How might the effectiveness of these interventions be assessed?
Does exercise pose any risk for this patient?
Can anything be done to minimize these risks?
How can the effectiveness of these risk-lowering strategies be
FIGURE 16–1 A typical patient undergoing a bicycle ergometry
stress test.
Exercise Testing 279

TABLE 16–3. The Standard Bruce Protocol TABLE 16–4. Physiologic and Clinical Parameters
Stage Speed, mph Grade, % Duration, min
Determined During Exercise Tests
Measured Derived Clinical
1 1.7 10 3
2 2.5 12 3 Variables Variables Parameters
3 3.4 14 3 RR υ′E υ′O2 max
4 4.2 16 3 VT υ′CO2 Peak work rate
5 5.0 18 3 PECO2 υ′O2 VAT
6 5.5 20 3 PEO2 HR Peak RER
7 6.0 22 3 PET CO2 Arrhythmias Peak HR
PETO2 ST changes Peak oxygen pulse
Blood pressure — Peak υ′E
Work rate — Breathing Reserve
Oxygen saturation — Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2
zero resistance, the resistance in the pedals is increased Electrocardiogram — Peak VT and RR
progressively at a constant rate until the 60 rpm pedaling
rate can no longer be maintained. The rate at which the HR, heart rate; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; RR, respiratory rate; VAT,
ventilatory exchange ratio.
resistance is increased is selected so that the subject will
reach peak exercise after about 10 minutes.22 The most
popular treadmill protocol is the Bruce protocol (Table 16-3).
In this protocol, the treadmill speed and elevation are that may be derived from them. The manner in which some
increased by standardized, predetermined amounts every of the more important and useful individual parameters
3 minutes, until the subject can go no further or the may be analyzed, interpreted, and integrated into a coherent
desired information has been acquired.23 The standard picture of a patient’s exercise function and cardiopulmonary
Bruce protocol has only seven stages and is therefore not status will now be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on the
ideal for extremely fit individuals whose exercise capacity application of this analytic approach to the unique clinical
exceeds that required to complete the seventh stage. and physiologic problems encountered by the pediatric
Baseline (and sometimes postexercise) spirometric measure- cardiologist.
ments are also commonly obtained at the time of exercise
testing, as these measurements often aid in the interpreta-
υ′O2 Max
tion of the exercise physiology data.
In general, for patients with congenital heart disease, the During a progressive exercise test υ′O2 increases linearly
most relevant questions addressed in the exercise physiol- in proportion to work rate. However, near peak exercise,
ogy laboratory are those related to exercise capacity and the υ′O2 plateaus, and further increases in work rate do not induce
cardiopulmonary response to exercise. At Children’s Hospital additional increases in υ′O2. The level of υ′O2 at this plateau
Boston, we find that the advantages of the bicycle ergometer is defined as υ′O2 max. The level of motivation and effort
ramp protocol generally render this modality preferable for required to reach the υ′O2 max plateau is not always achieved
these purposes. In cases where issues relating to myocardial during an exercise test, especially when the subject is a young
perfusion/ischemia are of paramount importance, treadmill child. In recognition of this fact, many exercise physiologists
protocols are often preferable because of the slightly higher refer to the highest υ′O2 achieved during an exercise test as
myocardial oxygen consumption that may be achieved with the peak υ′O2 rather than the υ′O2 max. Under ideal circum-
a treadmill ergometer. Treadmill protocols may at times also stances, the peak υ′O2 and υ′O2 max are equal. However, when
be preferable when assessing a patient for exercise-related an exercise test is terminated due to motivational factors or
symptoms, as they may more closely simulate the circum- factors other than the cardiopulmonary system’s ability to
stances that produced the symptoms. Other protocols, or deliver oxygen to the exercising muscles, peak υ′O2 will be
modifications of standard protocols, may be desirable in less than υ′O2 max.
special clinical circumstances. υ′O2 max is one of the best indicators of exercise capacity
and cardiopulmonary fitness. However, defining a normal
value for υ′O2 max is a complicated matter. υ′O2 max, when
INTERPRETATION OF EXERCISE expressed as milliliter of oxygen per minute, increases as
PHYSIOLOGY TESTS body mass increases. υ′O2 max is therefore commonly normal-
ized for weight. However, the relationship between υ′O2 max
Table 16-4 lists the physiologic variables that are directly and body weight is not linear. Moreover, υ′O2 max is also
measured during a noninvasive exercise physiology test affected by other factors such as body habitus and compo-
and some of the clinically relevant physiologic parameters sition, and since adipose tissue consumes almost no oxygen
280 Tools of Diagnosis

during exercise, normalizing υ′O2 max for weight alone may TABLE 16–5. Some Useful Prediction Equations
be misleading and predispose to erroneous conclusions for υ′O2 Max*
concerning an individual subject’s cardiopulmonary status.
Predicted υ′O2
For instance, suppose that a 50-kg individual who had a υ′O2 max (l/min) Comments
max of 2000 mL O2/minute (40 mL O2 /kg/minute) went on
an eating binge, increased his weight to 100 kg and once For males: These equations, derived from normal
4.36 ht – 4.55 subjects aged 6–17 years, are the ones
again achieved a υ′O2 max of 2000 mL O2 /kg/minute (now
For females: used most frequently for pediatric
20 mL/kg/minute). Although the weight-normalized υ′O2 2.25 ht – 1.84 patients.27 They tend to generate
max has declined by 50%, it would be inappropriate to unrealistically high estimates for
conclude, based on the data, that there has been a decline extremely tall, thin subjects, and for
in the subject’s cardiopulmonary system’s ability to deliver extremely short subjects (< 130 cm tall)
paradoxically predict lower values for
oxygen per se.
boys than for girls.
In recognition of these problems, and based on theoreti- For males: These equations, derived from healthy
cal considerations regarding the relationship between body 0.053 wt – 0.30 subjects aged 6–17 years,28 yield
size and υ′O2 max, some physiologists have suggested methods For females: unrealistically high values for
of normalizing υ′O2 max using an exponent of body length or 0.029 wt – 0.29 overweight subjects, but may provide
superior estimates for tall, thin
weight.24,25 There is no conformity of opinion concerning
the optimal method and these approaches invariably result For males: These equations are for subjects
in rather unwieldy and unfamiliar units (e.g., mL O2 /kg2/3/ 3.45 ht – 0.028A + > 17 years.26
minute). Although each approach has its advantages and 0.022 wt – 3.76
disadvantages, as a practical matter, at Children’s Hospital For females:
2.49 ht – 0.018A +
(and most pediatric exercise physiology laboratories) esti-
0.010 wt – 2.26
mates of a subject’s υ′O2 max are generated using a regres- For males: 0.67 ht2.7 These equations are appropriate for
sion equation that takes into account age, gender, height For females: 0.48 ht2.7 subjects < 20 years old.26 Because wt
and/or weight. Ideally each laboratory should generate its is not taken into account, they may
own regression equations based upon a local population of produce unrealistically high values
for tall, thin subjects.
normal subjects. Alternatively, predicted values may be calcu-
For males: These equations are appropriate for
lated using one of the published regression equations.26–28 It 5.14 ht1.88/A0.49 subjects > 20 years old.26
is important to use a regression equation that was generated For females: Because wt is not taken into account,
with an appropriate study population, and account must be 3.55 ht1.88/A0.49 they may produce unrealistically
taken of the protocol used to generate the regression equa- high values for tall, thin subjects.
tion. In addition, one must bear in mind that regression Ht, height in meters; wt, weight in kilograms; A, age in years.
equations can produce unrealistic results when a subject’s *Predicted values are for bicycle ergometry. Treadmill values are 5% to
age and/or size are near or beyond the limits of the patient 10% higher.
population from which the equation was derived. Some of
the more commonly used regression equations are listed in
Table 16-5. This parameter is not readily determined during treadmill
υ′O2 max may be compromised by deficiencies in any of the exercise testing, because the external work performed on a
cardiovascular adaptations that contribute to the normal treadmill is a function not only of the speed and elevation
exercise-related increase in oxygen delivery. Among patients of the treadmill, but also of the weight borne by the subject’s
with congenital heart disease the most common factors feet. This last variable is a function of the subject’s body
responsible for a low υ′O2 max are (a) an inability to increase weight and the difficult-to-quantify degree to which he/she
stroke volume during exercise (e.g., patients with ventricular leans on the handrails. On account of these complexities,
dysfunction, valvular disease, left-to-right shunts, elevated the endurance time on a standard protocol (e.g., the Bruce
systemic afterload, or pulmonary vascular disease); (b) an protocol) is used as a surrogate for the peak work rate.
inability to increase heart rate to appropriate levels at peak Nomograms and tables are available for the prediction of
exercise (e.g., patients with sinus or atrioventricular node an individual’s expected endurance time on the basis of age
dysfunction); and (c) systemic hypoxemia (e.g., patients and gender (Table 16-6).23 The normal ranges tend to be
with right-to-left shunts). quite broad and it must be emphasized that, for the
reasons alluded to in prior sections, endurance time on a
treadmill does not provide quantitative information
Peak Work Rate
regarding the amount of external work that an individual’s
The peak work rate achieved during a progressive cardiopulmonary system may support. It is therefore often
exercise test is another useful index of exercise function. inappropriate and misleading to compare the endurance
Exercise Testing 281

TABLE 16–6. Endurance Time on Bruce Protocol for Healthy Children with Innocent Murmurs

Age Group (yr) 10 25 50 75 90 Mean SD

4–5 8.1 9.0 10.0 12.0 13.3 10.4 1.9
6–7 9.7 10.0 12.0 12.3 13.5 11.8 1.6
8–9 9.6 10.5 12.4 13.7 16.2 12.6 2.3
10–12 9.9 12.0 12.5 14.0 15.4 12.7 1.9
13–15 11.2 13.0 14.3 16.0 16.1 14.1 1.7
16–18 11.3 12.1 13.8 14.5 15.8 13.5 1.4
4–5 7.0 8.0 9.0 11.2 12.3 9.5 1.8
6–7 9.5 9.6 11.4 13.0 13.0 11.2 1.5
8–9 9.9 10.5 11.0 13.0 14.2 11.8 1.6
10–12 10.5 11.3 12.0 13.0 14.6 12.3 1.4
13–15 9.4 10.0 11.5 12.0 13.0 11.1 1.3
16–18 8.1 10.0 10.5 12.0 12.4 10.7 1.4

times of different subjects. Comparisons of the endurance phenomenon that is not affected by patient effort or motiva-
times from exercise tests performed on different occasions tion, and may be determined on a submaximal exercise test.
by the same subject are frequently worthwhile, but the Consequently, it is an excellent index of the cardiovascular
potential influence of changes in a subject’s age, size, and system’s capacity to adapt to the hemodynamic demands of
exercise technique must be taken into account when inter- exercise. Because anaerobic metabolism produces carbon
preting the results of these comparisons. dioxide (through the buffering of lactic acid by bicarbonate)
The external work performed on a bicycle ergometer but does not consume oxygen, during a progressive exercise
derives primarily from the work required to overcome the test the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) is marked by
resistance in the pedals. This quantity is readily measured an increase in υ′CO2 out of proportion to the associated increase
during a progressive exercise test. It is generally expressed in in υ′O2. This phenomenon is manifested by a change in the
the units of watts or kilopond-meters per minute (1 watt = slope of the υ′CO2 versus υ′O2 curve or the υ′E versus υ′O2 curve.
6.12 kilopond-meters meters). Identifying a normal value The VAT may also be determined by detecting the point
for the peak work rate is complicated by many of the same where the υ′E/υ′O2 reaches a minimum and begins to increase
considerations that applied to peak υ′O2. Consequently, while the υ′E/υ′CO2 is flat or decreasing. End-tidal PO2 also
as a practical matter, regression equations are generally reaches a minimum at the VAT (Fig. 16-2).12,14 Computer
used to calculate predicted values for peak work rate, and algorithms are available for detecting the VAT.29 These
results are expressed as a percentage of this predicted algorithms are sometimes confounded by erratic breathing
value. patterns near the start of an exercise test (a not uncommon
Because the amount of work performed during an exer- problem among anxious young patients) and it is important
cise test is dependent, to a large extent, on the amount of to assure that the computer-determined VAT corresponds
oxygen that can be delivered to the exercising muscles, the with the value determined by visual inspection of the
peak work rate is influenced by the same factors that influ- appropriate graphs.
ence peak υ′O2. The peak work rate may also be influenced The VAT is usually expressed in the units mL O2/kg/minute.
by orthopedic, neurologic, and other issues that can affect Prediction equations exist for the calculation of normal values
the efficiency of exercise. for the VAT on the basis of age, size and gender.30 VAT is also
commonly expressed as a percentage of predicted υ′O2 max.
In the absence of cardiovascular disease, VAT rarely falls
Ventilatory Anaerobic Threshold
below 40% of predicted υ′O2 max. However, VAT is typically
During a progressive exercise test, the anaerobic threshold depressed below this value in patients with conditions that
occurs when aerobic metabolism, limited as it is by the significantly impair the ability to increase cardiac output or
amount of oxygen delivered by the cardiovascular system, oxygen delivery appropriately during exercise.15,31,32 VAT is
is insufficient to meet the energy requirements of the also dramatically depressed in patients with coarctation of
exercising muscles. The anaerobic threshold is a physiologic the aorta,33 peripheral vascular disease (e.g., patients with
282 Tools of Diagnosis

rate to normal levels, despite expending an excellent effort

and pushing his/her cardiovascular system close to its limit.
Determination of the peak-exercise RER is also very helpful
in the interpretation of exercise tests of patients receiving
beta blockers or other anti-arrhythmic agents that may
depress the chronotropic response to exercise.

Heart Rate
The maximum heart rate achievable at peak exercise
tends to decline with age. For treadmill exercise, the normal
peak heart rate is commonly estimated from the equation:

FIGURE 16–2 Noninvasive detection of the ventilatory anaerobic Peak HR = 220 − age (in years)36
threshold. At the anaerobic threshold the VE/VO2 reaches a mini-
mum and begins to rise while the VE/VCO2 is flat or declining, Peak heart rate on a bicycle tends to be about 5% to 10%
the PETO2 reaches a minimum and begins to rise, and the slope of less than on a treadmill.37
the VCO2 vs. VO2 relationship increases. VE, minute ventilation;
Normally, during a progressive exercise test, heart rate
VO2, oxygen consumption; PETO2, end-tidal oxygen; AT, ventilatory
rises linearly in proportion to υ′O2, from resting to peak values.
anaerobic threshold.
In patients with isolated chronotropic defects, the slope of
the heart rate versus υ′O2 curve is depressed and a normal
peak heart rate is not achieved. Patients with a depressed
Takayasu arteritis), and other conditions that limit blood stroke volume response to exercise rely excessively on a rise
flow to the legs during lower extremity exercise.31,32 in heart rate to increase their cardiac output during exercise,
and the slope of the heart rate versus υ′O2 curve tends to be
abnormally steep. This abnormal heart rate response may be
The Respiratory Exchange Ratio
seen even in patients with coexisting chronotropic defects.
During a progressive exercise test, the respiratory In these individuals the stimulus to increase heart rate in
exchange ratio (RER) (υ′CO2/υ′O2) rises progressively after the compensation for the depressed stroke volume response
VAT has been passed and the exercising muscles must rely on partially overwhelms the chronotropic defect and causes
anaerobic metabolism to provide an ever-increasing propor- the heart rate rise to be abnormally steep relative to the rise
tion of their energy requirements. Hence, the RER at peak in υ′O2, even though the peak exercise heart rate remains
exercise is a good, objective physiologic index of the degree abnormally low. In contrast, athletes tend to have larger than
to which the oxygen delivery capacity of the cardiovascular normal stroke volumes and therefore, at submaximal levels
system has been stressed (and the degree to which the exer- of exercise tend to have a below-normal heart rate for any
cising muscles have been forced to rely upon anaerobic given υ′O2. The athlete’s peak-exercise heart rate, however,
metabolism) at peak exercise.12,13 For adults and older chil- is normal (Fig. 16-3).
dren, a peak RER below 1.09 implies that exercise was
not terminated on account of a cardiovascular limitation.15
The Oxygen Pulse
(Young children tend to have less anaerobic capacity and their
peak-exercise RER therefore tends to be slightly lower.34) The oxygen pulse at peak exercise is related to the stroke
Conversely, a peak-exercise RER above 1.09 strongly volume at peak exercise and is therefore, for the clinician,
suggests that a cardiovascular limitation (i.e., an inability to one of the most useful indices available from the exercise
provide sufficient oxygen to the muscles to support ongoing physiology laboratory. The relationship between the
exercise) was a major, if not the major, factor responsible oxygen pulse and stroke volume is best understood by
for the termination of exercise. These considerations are dividing both sides of the Fick equation by heart rate:
of particular importance in patients with a compromised
chronotropic response to exercise, a condition commonly υ′O2/HR = oxygen pulse = C.O./HR × oxygen extraction
encountered among patients who have had surgery for = SV × oxygen extraction.
congenital heart disease.35 These patients will typically have
a low heart rate at peak exercise. In these cases, an elevated At peak exercise, oxygen extraction is maximized and may
peak-exercise RER would indicate that the low peak heart be assumed to be the same value in most patients. Therefore,
rate is not due to a suboptimal effort. On the contrary, these at peak exercise, the oxygen pulse is proportional to stroke
data would indicate that the patient cannot increase his heart volume, provided the assumption regarding the oxygen
Exercise Testing 283

than normal and the oxygen pulse would therefore under-

estimate stroke volume. In contrast, polycythemia increases
arterial oxygen content and would therefore cause the oxygen
pulse to overestimate the stroke volume. Similarly, among
athletes the peak oxygen pulse tends to overestimate stroke
volume because their oxygen extraction at peak exercise is
slightly higher than that of normal subjects (i.e., their mixed
venous oxygen saturation at peak exercise is slightly lower
than normal subjects’). If these potential confounding factors
are borne in mind, calculation of the oxygen pulse can permit
clinicians to make valid and valuable inferences regarding
a subject’s cardiovascular response to exercise.
It is important to note that, for the purposes of this
discussion, the term stroke volume refers to the forward, or
FIGURE 16–3 Influence of various clinical conditions upon the physiologic stroke volume (i.e., the amount of blood that
relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption during goes to the body with each heart beat). It is therefore not
exercise. Variation of heart rate with respect to oxygen consump- equivalent to the anatomic stroke volume (i.e., end diastolic
tion during a progressive exercise test for a hypothetical 50-kg volume minus end systolic volume) when valvular regurgi-
15-year-old healthy subject (solid triangle), athlete (diamond), tation or shunt lesions are present.
patient with a depressed chronotropic response (circle), patient The oxygen pulse tends to be depressed in patients with
with a depressed stroke volume response (square), and a patient conditions that impair their ability to increase forward
with both a depressed chronotropic and stroke volume response
stroke volume to appropriate levels at peak exercise. Patients
(open triangles). Note that the athlete’s peak oxygen pulse (peak
oxygen consumption divided by peak heart rate) is above normal.
with depressed ventricular function, severe valvular disease,
The patient with a depressed stroke volume response has a below- systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease,36 and
normal peak oxygen pulse and partially compensates for this pulmonary vascular obstructive disease39 often have a low
condition by increasing heart rate more rapidly than normal, peak-exercise oxygen pulse. The peak-exercise oxygen pulse
causing the slope of the heart rate–oxygen consumption curve to is often depressed in patients who have undergone a Fontan
be abnormally steep. In contrast, the patient with a depressed procedure, even in the absence of ventricular or valvular
chronotropic response has an abnormally flattened curve and dysfunction.40,41 In these patients, the low oxygen pulse prob-
cannot achieve a normal peak heart rate, although a partial ably reflects the absence of a pulmonary ventricle and the
compensation for the chronotropic deficiency is achieved by consequent inability of the passively perfused pulmonary
increasing the peak oxygen pulse (i.e., stroke volume) to above- vascular bed to accommodate the high rate of blood flow
normal levels. The patient with the depressed chronotropic and
normally present at peak exercise.
stroke volume response still has a steeper-than-normal slope, but
cannot achieve a normal peak heart rate and cannot compensate
Young patients with chronic aortic regurgitation usually
for this chronotropic deficiency by increasing stroke volume. This have well-preserved exercise function and peak-exercise
individual’s peak oxygen consumption is therefore more depressed oxygen pulse.42 In these patients, the fall in systemic vascu-
than any of the other subjects’. lar resistance that normally accompanies exercise tends to
lessen the severity of the regurgitation during exercise. In
addition, the left ventricular dilation typically present in
chronic aortic regurgitation helps to maintain forward stroke
extraction at peak exercise is valid.38 Normal values for volume and usually compensates effectively for the hemo-
oxygen pulse at peak exercise may be calculated by dividing dynamic burden imposed by the leaky valve. Similar factors
the predicted peak υ′O2 by the predicted peak heart rate. may also help to preserve the exercise function of patients
Peak-exercise oxygen pulse is best expressed as an absolute with other valvular insufficiency lesions.
value (mL O2/beat) and as a percentage of the predicted
peak-exercise oxygen pulse.
Minute Ventilation and Breathing Reserve
When using the oxygen pulse to draw conclusions
concerning a subject’s stroke volume at peak exercise, it is The exercise capacity of healthy subjects and patients
important to recall that oxygen extraction is equal to the with isolated cardiovascular disease is limited by the body’s
arterial oxygen content minus the mixed venous oxygen ability to deliver blood (i.e., oxygen) to the exercising muscles.
content. Consequently, in patients with depressed arterial Hence, at peak exercise, minute ventilation is usually less
oxygen content at peak exercise (e.g., patients with anemia than the maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV, the maxi-
or patients with significant arterial desaturation at peak mum amount of air that a subject can breathe in and out in
exercise), oxygen extraction at peak exercise would be less 1 minute). The MVV is usually estimated by measuring the
284 Tools of Diagnosis

maximum amount of air a subject can breathe out during of Fallot.44,45 This observation probably reflects the critical
12 seconds of maximal hyperventilation, and multiplying impact that pulmonary artery stenoses, when combined with
this quantity by 5. This maneuver requires a degree of the pulmonary regurgitation that is almost invariably present
patient cooperation that is often beyond the capacity of postoperatively in these patients, may have upon the right
most young subjects (and many older subjects as well). ventricle’s ability to increase cardiac output during exercise.45
Alternatively, the MVV may be estimated by multiplying The Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2 is also almost invariably elevated in
the FEV1 ([forced expiratory volume in 1 second] from Fontan patients.46 This observation is probably due to the
baseline spirometry) by 40.43 The breathing reserve is the absence of a pulmonary ventricle. The consequent loss of
percentage of a subject’s MVV that is not used at peak the normal pulmonary artery pulsatility results in ventilation/
exercise, i.e., perfusion mismatch secondary to a suboptimal distribution
of pulmonary blood flow.47 Elevations of the Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2
Breathing reserve = 100(MVV − peak υ′E)/MVV may also be seen in patients in whom the transport of gases
across the alveolar-capillary membrane is impaired (e.g.,
The normal breathing reserve at peak exercise is 20% to patients with elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressures),
45%.15 Patients with isolated cardiovascular disease tend to in patients with right-to-left intracardiac shunts,48 and in
have normal MVVs, but their peak υ′E tends to be low because patients with pulmonary vascular disease.39
their exercise capacity is depressed because of their cardio-
vascular disease. Consequently, these patients have higher
Tidal Volume and Respiratory Rate
than normal breathing reserves. In contrast, patients with
severe lung disease, especially those with obstructive lung The tidal volume at peak exercise typically increases to
disease, are often respiratorily limited. They will typically about 60% of the baseline forced vital capacity (FVC).15 The
have a lower than normal MVV and will have little or no FVC of patients who have undergone multiple cardiotho-
breathing reserve at peak exercise. For instance, a healthy racic surgical procedures is often reduced, however, and
subject might have an MVV of 100 L/minute, a peak υ′E of their tidal volume at peak exercise often comprises an abnor-
65 L/minute and a breathing reserve of 35%. A patient mally large percentage of their baseline FVC. Patients with
with severe obstructive lung disease who is respiratorily reactive airway disease may develop bronchoconstriction
limited might have an MVV of only 50 L/minute, a peak υ′E and air trapping during exercise and have abnormally small
of 50 L/minute and a breathing reserve of 0%. tidal volumes at peak exercise.49 In these patients post-
exercise spirometric measurements would typically demon-
Δυ′E /Δυ′CO2 strate an obstructive pattern more severe than that present
on baseline spirometry. In contrast, upper airway obstruction
Normally, during a progressive exercise test, υ′E rises (e.g., tracheal compression secondary to a vascular ring)
linearly in proportion to υ′CO2 until above the anaerobic tends to take unusually large, slow breaths during exercise.
threshold, when the accumulating lactic acidosis causes a The peak respiratory rate usually does not exceed 60 breaths
compensatory increase in υ′E out of proportion to the per minute in healthy subjects (70 breaths per minute in
increase in υ′CO2. The slope of the linear (subanaerobic young children).15 More rapid respiratory rates are often
threshold) portion of the υ′E vs. υ′CO2 curve (Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2, seen in patients with restrictive or interstitial lung disease.49
i.e., the number of liters of air that must be breathed to
eliminate 1 L of carbon dioxide; normal value < 28) is a
End-Tidal PCO2
useful index of pulmonary function that reflects the effi-
ciency of gas exchange during exercise. For gas exchange Normally, end-tidal PCO2 approximates arterial PCO2.
to proceed optimally, ventilation and perfusion must be (In fact, at rest end-tidal PCO2 slightly underestimates
optimally matched. Consequently, conditions that cause arterial PCO2, and during heavy exercise it slightly over-
maldistribution of pulmonary blood flow are associated estimates arterial PCO2.50) However, in the presence of
with an elevated Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2.44,45 This phenomenon is ventilation/perfusion mismatch, the close relationship
commonly encountered among patients with residual between end-tidal and arterial PCO2 is disrupted. Under
pulmonary artery stenoses following repair of tetralogy of these circumstances, end-tidal air is disproportionately
Fallot. In these subjects there is a positive correlation derived from alveoli with high ventilation/perfusion ratios
between the Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2 and the degree of pulmonary (and consequently low CO2 concentrations) and end-tidal
blood flow maldistribution present on radionuclide lung PCO2 would therefore be less than arterial PCO2. Hence
perfusion scans.45 The Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2 has also been found to a persistently low end-tidal PCO2 throughout an exercise
be one of the best predictors of postoperative peak υ′O2 in test is most often encountered in patients with ventilation/
patients who have undergone surgical repair of tetralogy perfusion mismatch. Low end-tidal PCO2 is also seen in
Exercise Testing 285

patients with chronic metabolic acidosis (because of an asso- conditions such as the prolonged QT syndrome and cate-
ciated compensatory respiratory alkalosis) and in patients cholamine sensitive ventricular tachycardia are often char-
with right-to-left intracardiac shunts. In these latter indi- acterized by an increase in the frequency and complexity
viduals, the PCO2 of the blood returning from the lungs in of ectopy during exercise.56 Rhythm disturbances are also
the pulmonary veins (and hence equal to the end-tidal PCO2) commonly encountered in patients who have had surgery
must be reduced to below normal values so that the blood for congenital heart disease. In these patients the absence
ultimately entering the systemic circulation, composed of or suppression of an arrhythmia during an exercise test
a mixture of pulmonary venous and right-to-left shunting may have little predictive value. However, patients whose
blood, contains a normal PCO2.50 In patients with right-to- arrhythmias develop or worsen with exercise appear to be
left intracardiac shunts following a fenestrated Fontan at greater risk for future serious arrhythmic events, and
procedure, the end-tidal PCO2 (and the Δυ′E/Δυ′CO2) during exercise testing therefore plays an important role in the
exercise trend toward normal values following transcatheter assessment and management of this difficult clinical
closure of the Fontan fenestration.51 issue.56
Rarely, a persistently low end-tidal PCO2 may be due to The influence of exercise on conduction abnormalities
hyperventilation secondary to emotional or psychological should also be assessed. Patients with significant atrioven-
factors. However, in these situations, it is unusual for one tricular (AV) nodal disease may develop progressively higher
to continue to hyperventilate throughout an exercise test. grade AV block during exercise. In contrast, patients with
Arterial blood sampling is helpful in circumstances where AV block secondary to elevated resting vagal tone (e.g.,
doubt exists concerning the factors responsible for a low many athletes) typically develop normal AV conduction
end-tidal PCO2. An elevated end-tidal PCO2 almost invari- during exercise.57 In patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White
ably reflects CO2 retention, usually secondary to respiratory syndrome, the sudden loss of pre-excitation during exer-
disease.50 cise is thought to indicate that the bypass tract has a rela-
tively long anterograde effective refractory period and that
the subject is therefore at low risk for sudden cardiac death.58
Blood Pressure
Patients with the prolonged QT syndrome may have normal
Peak systolic blood pressure rarely exceeds 200 mm Hg QT intervals at rest but may be unable to shorten their QT
in healthy adolescents.37,52 In pediatric patients, an excessive interval appropriately during exercise.59,60 In patients with
rise in right upper extremity blood pressure during exercise pacemakers, analysis of the exercise ECG findings may
is most commonly encountered in patients with coarctation help assess whether the pacemaker is functioning properly
of the aorta. This abnormality may be encountered even and whether the pacemaker settings are optimal.61
after a successful repair.53 An excessive rise in blood pressure The influence of exercise on the ST segment and T wave
may also be seen in patients with renal vascular disease, morphology should also be analyzed. It must be emphasized,
essential hypertension, and diffuse vascular disease second- however, that the incidence of coronary artery disease in
ary to Takayasu arteritis. At peak exercise, systolic blood the pediatric population is quite low, and the sensitivity and
pressure should exceed resting values by at least 25%.52,54 specificity of ST-T wave changes for the detection of coro-
A depressed blood pressure response may be seen in patients nary artery anomalies in pediatric subjects is unknown.52,62,63
with cardiomyopathies, ventricular outflow tract obstruction, Exercise-induced ST-T wave changes are more commonly
severe atrioventricular valve insufficiency, severe pulmonary encountered in pediatric patients with cardiomyopathies
insufficiency, pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and and/or myocardial ischemia secondary to excessively
coronary artery disease. Systolic blood pressure should high myocardial oxygen demand during exercise (e.g.,
never fall during exercise (a fall in systolic blood pressure patients with aortic stenosis). More severe ST changes are
is an indication for termination of an exercise test). Abrupt, certainly more suggestive of myocardial ischemia, espe-
dramatic declines in blood pressure following exercise are cially when associated with chest pain and other abnormal-
sometimes seen in patients with vasodepressor syncope. ities.52,64,65 However, the correlation between ST changes
and myocardial ischemia in pediatric patients, although
not precisely known, is probably no more than moderate.
The Exercise Electrocardiogram
Radionuclide-based myocardial perfusion imaging is often
Analysis of exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) data is an used to help in the assessment of patients thought to be
integral component of an exercise test. The influence of at increased risk for myocardial ischemia, and has been
exercise on the incidence and nature of rhythm disturbances found to be helpful in patients with Kawasaki disease66 and
should be assessed. In structurally normal hearts, ectopy hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.67 However, perfusion abnor-
that is suppressed by exercise is thought to be benign.55 malities of questionable clinical significance, unassociated
In contrast, myocardial ischemia, cardiomyopathies, and with significant detectable coronary artery pathology, are
286 Tools of Diagnosis

commonly found in patients following the arterial switch 16. Jones NL, McHardy GJ, Naimark A, Campbell EJ.
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