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Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral

Atresia, and Aortic Atresia

HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME diameter of the aorta may be 2 mm or less, very small but
sufficient to supply adequate coronary circulation in a retro-
grade fashion. Untreated infants rarely show coarctation
of the aorta at autopsy, but coarctation is a common prob-
The term hypoplastic left heart syndrome describes a lem among surgically managed survivors, suggesting that the
diminutive left ventricle with underdevelopment of the tendency to develop coarctation is inherent in this anomaly.4,5
mitral and aortic valves.1 Because of its small size, the left The left atrium is small reflecting the limited blood flow in
ventricle is incapable of supporting the systemic circulation. utero. The atrial septum is thickened; the foramen ovale may
Some patients have mitral or aortic stenosis, or both, but be small and, occasionally, may be closed. A patent ductus
most have aortic or mitral atresia and rarely, some with aortic arteriosus is required for survival.
atresia have a nearly normal-sized left ventricle. These cases Anomalies of the brain have associated with the hypoplas-
are not properly examples of the hypoplastic left heart tic left heart syndrome.6
syndrome. Similarly, cases of mitral atresia with a double-
outlet right ventricle are not examples of the hypoplastic left
heart syndrome, nor are those rare instances of mitral atresia
with inverse ventricles. Overview
With an atretic aortic valve, survival beyond birth is
dependent on persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus
to maintain the systemic circulation. There have been
The recently reported prevalence of hypoplastic left occasional reports of long-term survival of children with
heart syndrome varies between 0.21 and 0.28 per 1000 hypoplastic left heart syndrome because of prolonged
live births.2,3 It is the fifteenth most common defect in the patency of the ductus arteriosus. Survival to 7 years has been
Children’s Hospital Boston series, accounting for approxi- reported.7
mately 1% of patients of all ages with heart disease. Of necessity, the right ventricle supplies both the
pulmonary and the systemic circulations via the ductus arte-
riosus, the coronary arteries and brachiocephalic vessels
are supplied in retrograde fashion. The relative flow to the
The left ventricle is small, often tiny (Fig. 41-1). Usually pulmonary and systemic circuits depends on the relative
the aortic valve is atretic and hypoplastic, although some resistances of the two vascular beds. One of the major
babies have severe stenosis. Similarly, the mitral valve may influences on total pulmonary resistance is the size of the
be hypoplastic, severely stenotic, or atretic. The ascend- interatrial orifice. A restrictive atrial defect tends to raise
ing aorta is hypoplastic; above an atretic aortic valve, the left atrial pressure and total pulmonary resistance, limiting

716 Congenital Heart Disease

FIGURE 41–2 Diagram showing ideal preoperative physiology.

Low systemic vascular resistance and high pulmonary vascular
resistance result in a Qp/Qs of approximately 1.
FIGURE 41–1 Drawing of the anatomy of the hypoplastic left From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
heart syndrome. Note the tiny ascending aorta (Ao) that supplies Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.
the coronary circulation in a retrograde direction. No blood
passes through the diminutive left ventricle (LV). The left atrium
(LA) empties through an incompetent foramen ovale into the
right atrium (RA), where all systemic and pulmonary venous some resistance to pulmonary blood flow may survive.
blood becomes mixed. The ductus arteriosus (PDA) supplies the
Nonetheless, life for more than a few weeks is precluded.
entire circulation to the body.
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992. Transitional Circulation
In the hypoplastic left heart syndrome, as in most forms
of congenital heart disease, the intrauterine circulation is
adequate to meet the needs of the developing fetus. It is
noteworthy that this most lethal congenital heart defect
pulmonary blood flow, whereas a nonrestrictive opening supports normal intrauterine growth.
does not. In utero, all circulation, with the exception of the small
There is a nearly direct relationship between the amount amount of pulmonary venous return, passes through the
of pulmonary blood flow and the systemic arterial oxygen right side of the heart. Streams of superior and inferior
saturation. The greater the pulmonary blood flow, the vena caval blood return to the right atrium and join the
greater the quantity of oxygenated pulmonary venous blood pulmonary venous return (5% to 10% of the cardiac output).
that will return to the heart and mix with the systemic The complete admixture of all venous return (that from
venous return (Fig. 41-2). the placenta as well as the fetus) results in blood flow with
It is interesting to speculate that patients with completely identical oxygen saturation to all parts of the fetus. The right
unrestricted pulmonary blood flow are likely to succumb atrial return then crosses the tricuspid valve to the right
to severe congestive heart failure secondary to right ventric- ventricle. The lack of a left ventricular contribution to cardiac
ular volume overload whereas those individuals with output results in a modest right ventricular volume overload.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 717

At this point in the circulation, certain physiological through this honeymoon period without recognition. They
questions emerge, even in utero. The relative flow to the behave normally and, unless their duskiness is questioned,
pulmonary or systemic circulation is largely dependent on are often thought to be well.
the relative resistance of the pulmonary and systemic vascu- Two normal physiologic events conspire to bring chil-
lar beds. Of equal importance is the status of the pulmonary dren with a hypoplastic left heart to medical attention: The
venous return. There is growing evidence that the devel- ductus arteriosus begins to close and pulmonary vascular
opment of the interatrial septum is abnormal8 (and of possi- resistance decreases. Partial closure of the ductus arterio-
ble primary etiologic significance) in hypoplastic left heart sus has several profound effects. The first, and the most
syndrome. In the face of mitral valve atresia, or even severe obvious, is the alteration in the relative resistances of blood
mitral valve stenosis, an obstructive interatrial septum can flow to the systemic and pulmonary circulation. The effect
result in left atrial hypertension. Even though pulmonary on the systemic circuit can be either subtle or dramatic.
blood flow is low in utero, altered intrauterine pulmonary A decrease in systemic output in a newborn has many mani-
venous pressure might be the best explanation for the abnor- festations. The child’s color may be poor despite a rise in
mal muscularization of the pulmonary veins in these patients. the systemic oxygen saturation (see below); the peripheral
Similarly, the abnormal atrial septal thickness may be caused pulses are weak with a narrow pulse pressure; periph-
by left atrial hypertension in utero. eral perfusion can deteriorate; and the child may become
There is less speculation about the circulation beyond lethargic. Concomitant with these changes is an absolute
the ductus arteriosus. It is common to see a posterior aortic and relative increase in pulmonary blood flow. The major
ridge of tissue opposite the site of the ductus; systemic manifestation of this change is tachypnea, with the inevitable
blood flow bifurcates at this point. In cases of aortic valve inability to breathe and suck at the same time. The force
atresia, in which the sole source of systemic blood flow feeding of the pulmonary circulation by the closure of the
is from the ductus arteriosus, the aortic arch becomes ductus arteriosus is abetted by the normal fall in pulmonary
progressively smaller between the ductus and the coronary resistance. The relaxation of the pulmonary bed, which
arteries. Sometimes the origin of the left subclavian artery may be seen even in the first day of life,9 may be tempered
is involved with ductal tissue and it may become stenotic by the development of acidosis secondary to poor cardiac
with time. The ascending aorta, carrying retrograde flow, is output.
an end artery (a common coronary artery) and is frequently Usually the end result of progressive ductal closure and
2 mm or less in diameter. This small size is appropriate for falling pulmonary vascular resistance is profound cardio-
the coronary flow required by the newborn heart. However, genic shock. The decreased systemic blood flow is accom-
it must be remembered that coronary blood flow is depend- panied by poor coronary perfusion. Thus, the right ventricle
ent on a long unobstructed path from the right ventricle to may have an increased pressure load (secondary to
the ascending aorta via the ductus arteriosus. Shortly after ductal constriction), an increased volume load (secondary
birth, coronary flow, as well as cerebral flow, can be compro- to increased pulmonary blood flow), and, because of poor
mised, because the aortic isthmus may include ductal tissue coronary flow, has less wherewithal to do the work. Right
that can constrict and obstruct the aorta. ventricular dysfunction and dilation with tricuspid regurgi-
At birth, when the ductus arteriosus is widely patent tation only exacerbate the volume overload. Finally, the
and the pulmonary arteriolar resistance is relatively high, increased pulmonary blood flow, with obstructed outflow
a brief honeymoon begins. The widely patent ductus arte- from the left atrium, increases pulmonary venous pressure,
riosus does not restrict systemic blood flow at a normal contributing to the difficulty in breathing. It is no surprise
right ventricular systolic pressure. In the absence of ductal that children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome often pres-
constriction, there is no narrowing of the aortic arch, ent to medical attention gasping for breath, in a profound
ensuring good coronary and renal perfusion. low-output state, acidotic, and in renal failure (Fig. 41-3).
A modestly restrictive foramen ovale limits pulmonary Before the introduction of prostaglandin E1, a child in
blood flow to some extent. More important, in newborns profound cardiogenic shock secondary to hypoplastic left
the elevation in pulmonary arteriolar resistance keeps heart syndrome died quickly, often before surgical inter-
pulmonary blood flow at manageable levels. The moderate vention could be organized. Although some children did
limitation in pulmonary blood flow caused by the relatively survive to undergo palliative surgery, they were a select
high resistance is not enough to produce dangerously low few whose systemic circulation was maintained by persist-
systemic arterial oxygen saturation (Fig. 41-2). ent patency of the ductus arteriosus. With the use of
Unfortunately, this ideal state of physiologic palliation prostaglandin E1, the ductus arteriosus almost invariably
is short lived. Although infants diagnosed in utero by two- reopens. Once an unobstructed pathway from the right
dimensional echocardiography are seen in this state, most ventricle to the aortic arch has been secured, support
children with the hypoplastic left heart syndrome pass for the right ventricle is needed. Usually, the ventricle has
718 Congenital Heart Disease

FIGURE 41–3 Diagram showing closing ductus physiology:

FIGURE 41–4 Diagram showing acceptable physiology. The
decreased systemic blood flow, poor coronary perfusion,
Qp/Qs is approximately 2. There is mild right ventricular volume
increased pulmonary blood flow, and the Qp/Qs is approximately
overloading (approximately three times that of normal), a mild
3. There is an increase in right ventricular volume overloading,
increase in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and a mild
right ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and left atrial pressure.
increase in left atrial pressure.
There is right ventricular dysfunction.
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.

suffered from a period of relative ischemia secondary to poor The overall pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio is likely to be
coronary perfusion; indeed, right ventricular infarctions have at least 2, with resulting systemic arterial oxygen saturation
been seen occasionally. In addition, the ventricle has had in the range of 85%. Consequently, the right ventricle
both a pressure and a volume overload and may have been is volume loaded to the extent that it is pumping three
deprived of adequate metabolic substrate because of hypo- times the normal volume in order to maintain an adequate
glycemia and hypocalcemia. Renal failure may result in an systemic cardiac output. An increase in right ventricular
additional fluid overload and hyperkalemia. Finally, hepatic end-diastolic pressure is a usual finding. The excessive
insufficiency, a frequent finding in the setting of low systemic pulmonary blood flow results once again in a volume load
output, may exacerbate the problems of hypoglycemia and to the left atrium. The obstruction to atrial outflow results
acidosis. Inotropic support of the right ventricle must be in pulmonary venous hypertension.
given gingerly so that whatever metabolic aberrations are All of this is relatively acceptable. Unfortunately, the
present do not contribute to toxic drug reactions. transitional circulation is not stable. With the passage of
The physiologic state following resuscitation is never quite hours, and with, ironically, metabolic improvement, there
as ideal as that seen shortly after birth (Fig. 40-4). The rela- is a continued decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance.
tive resistance of the pulmonary and systemic circuits will Because the relative resistance of the pulmonary and
have changed in the days following birth and that change may systemic circulations determines the relative flows to the two
have been influenced by the infusion of prostaglandin E1. circuits, when the maximum volume capacity of the right
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 719

ventricle is reached (perhaps between four and five times

Clinical Manifestations
normal, a Qp/Qs of 4), there is a decrease in systemic output.
This time, the low output state is not a function of ductal The infant, usually male (67%), seems healthy at birth.
obstruction, but simply a product of the inability of the right The incidence of prematurity and associated extracardiac
ventricle to meet the ever increasing volume demand caused anomalies is low. No murmur is heard. Within hours, or a day
by a decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance. The result or so, the nursery nurse may notice that the baby, at times,
of all of this is a continuation of the earlier evolution of the has poor color, is pale, or somehow just “doesn’t seem right.”
transitional circulatory changes. There is severe right ventric- These observations are an exception rather than the rule.
ular volume overloading, the right ventricular end-diastolic More often, without warning, the infant suffers circulatory
pressure rises, and there may be right ventricular dilation collapse, becoming ashen, cyanotic, gasping, and near death.
with tricuspid regurgitation, making matters worse. Once There are no palpable pulses. The infant is resuscitated, infu-
again, the poor systolic perfusion may result in renal failure sion of prostaglandin E1 is begun, and the baby is transferred
and acidosis. Left atrial hypertension will impair gas immediately to the nearest pediatric cardiac center.
exchange and, in all probability, necessitate intubation and
assisted ventilation (Fig. 41-5). Electrocardiography
Although, statistically, electrocardiograms in infants
with hypoplastic left heart syndrome tend to show less than
the usual left ventricular voltages for a newborn infant, this
feature is not helpful because many normal newborns also
have this pattern. Suffice it to say that the electrocardiogram
of an infant with hypoplastic left heart syndrome is rarely
interpreted as showing left ventricular hypertrophy and
usually shows a little more right ventricular hypertrophy
than normal.

Chest Radiography
There is little about the chest radiograph that is specific.
The size of the heart and the amount of pulmonary vascu-
lature are variable; the heart may be very large and the
pulmonary vasculature increased.

The hypoplastic left heart syndrome is recognized in
detail at echocardiography (Fig. 41-6). Indeed nowadays
increasing numbers of affected babies are being recog-
nized by fetal echocardiography long before delivery.
The abnormal mitral and aortic valves, the diminutive left
ventricle, and the hypoplastic ascending aorta, as well as the
flow of blood from the left atrium to the right, are readily
identified and confirm the diagnosis. The coronary arter-
ies are supplied from a tiny ascending aorta, often only a
few millimeters in diameter. Doppler imaging may reveal
retrograde flow in the ascending aorta. The left atrium
is small and the atrial septum bulges toward the right. An
absent or hypoplastic mitral valve is recognized and the
FIGURE 41–5 Diagram of the low pulmonary resistance physi- diminutive left ventricle is often visualized. The ductus arte-
ology. The Qp/Qs is approximately 4. There is severe right ventric-
riosus is large and carries blood from the pulmonary artery
ular volume overloading (approximately five times that of
to the aorta.
normal), an increase in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure,
an increase in left atrial pressure, poor systemic perfusion, low The atretic or hypoplastic mitral valve and the hypoplas-
urine output, acidosis, poor right ventricular performance, right tic left ventricle can be seen in subxiphoid or apical views.
ventricular dilation, and tricuspid regurgitation. Doppler examination of the mitral valve is useful to deter-
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology. mine if it is atretic. A potential pitfall in evaluating left
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992. ventricular size results from the tendency for the left
720 Congenital Heart Disease


FIGURE 41–6 Echocardiographic images in newborn with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
A, The apical four-chamber view shows the large, apex-forming right ventricle (RV) containing hypertrophied papillary muscles
(PM). The diminutive chamber of the left ventricle (LV) extends only a fraction of the heart length. B, In parasternal short axis views,
the tiny ascending aorta (Ao) giving rise to the left main coronary artery (LMCA) is seen to lie directly posterior to the very large
pulmonary valve (PV).

ventricle long-axis dimension to be reduced before the a septal defect to relieve left atrial hypertension and
short-axis dimension. If the left ventricle is evaluated using pulmonary edema before the stage I surgical procedure.
either two-dimensional or M-mode echocardiography in Although most patients require catheterization at age
short-axis projection only, the severity of hypoplasia can be 6 months before the bidirectional Glenn or hemi-Fontan
underestimated. operations, it is likely that it will be replaced by magnetic
Parasternal and suprasternal views are best for imaging resonance imaging (MRI) studies in uncomplicated
the hypoplastic ascending aorta and aortic arch. The point survivors. It is, however, a standard procedure before the
of juncture of the ductus arteriosus and the arch is often Fontan operation.
narrow, with a discrete coarctation being present.
The atrial septum can be imaged using subxiphoid views.
Tricuspid valve function should be evaluated with Doppler
technique from apical and parasternal views, in that tricus- Medical Treatment
pid regurgitation occurs in a significant proportion of Most infants arrive at the cardiac center intubated and
patients. Right ventricular function can be evaluated using receiving prostaglandin E1. An attempt must be made to
subxiphoid views. turn back the clock and return to the acceptable level of
pulmonary and systemic blood flow that existed before the
Cardiac Catheterization patient’s collapse. Factors that tend to increase pulmonary
Cardiac catheterization nowadays is rarely necessary in vascular resistance (within limits) are needed. The most
the newborn period, except in those with a virtually intact direct and controllable means of meeting this end is with
atrial septum. In those cases, it is undertaken to create controlled hypoventilation. The FiO2 should be reduced
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 721

to as close to 0.21 as possible to maintain an arterial PO2 of

30 mm Hg. The PCO2 should be allowed to rise to 40 mm Hg
in an attempt to maintain a pH of 7.35 to 7.40. Positive
end-expiratory pressure may also be beneficial in increas-
ing total pulmonary resistance. Because the intrinsic respi-
ratory drive leads to a lower than desired PCO2, heavy
sedation is often required.
The desired result is reduction of the Qp/Qs from 4 to 2
and reduction of the right ventricular volume load from
five to three times normal. This benefit may exceed the
potential benefit of intropic medications and vasodilator
agents. The judicious use of dopamine and milrinone will
aid right ventricular contractibility and reduce systemic
vascular resistance, a combination of effects particularly
beneficial to this group of patients.
A small subgroup of patients requires separate consid-
eration. Rarely, the interatrial communication can be so
obstructive that left atrial hypertension limits pulmonary
blood flow to levels that do not permit adequate oxygena-
tion for prolonged survival. In this instance, the PO2 is
below 20 mm Hg despite the reverse of the manipulations
described in the preceding paragraphs (i.e., high FiO2,
hyperventilation to the point of hypocarbia, and alkalosis).
In this setting, rapid relief of the pulmonary venous obstruc-
tion by an atrial septostomy with or without stent placement
at catheterization is the only alternative.10

Surgical Treatment FIGURE 41–7 Diagram showing ideal postoperative physiology.

Based on the initial attempts to manage the hypoplastic Widely patent pathway from the right ventricle to the aorta, limita-
left heart syndrome, the following goals for successful tion of pulmonary blood flow without distortion to the pulmonary
palliation were established. First is the need to establish a arteries, unrestricted pulmonary venous return, normal-sized
right ventricle, and normal tricuspid valve.
permanent unobstructed communication between the
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
right ventricle and the aorta with preservation of the right Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.
ventricular function. Second is the necessity of limiting
pulmonary blood flow with preservation of pulmonary artery
architecture. The third goal is to relieve pulmonary venous
obstruction (Fig. 41-7). ventricle to distal main pulmonary artery shunt (Fig. 41-8).
The surgical procedure developed by Norwood most The latter modification, popularized by Sano12 has the
nearly satisfies the goals for initial palliation and subsequent disadvantage of a small systemic ventriculotomy but the
repair of children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.11 advantage of avoiding diastolic pulmonary artery run-off,
Minimal prosthetic material is used in both the systemic which can compete with flow to the small ascending aorta
and pulmonary circulations, allowing for maximal potential and the coronary arteries. This stage of the operation is
growth. The prosthetic aortopulmonary shunt placed at the completed by ligating the ductus arteriosus and opening
time of initial palliation is, of course, removed at the time the atrial septum, unless there is an atrial septal defect.
of reparative surgery. The first-stage operation consists of
transection of the distal main pulmonary artery. The aorta, Surgical Complications
from the takeoff of the left subclavian artery to the ascending There are numerous potential problems after surgery.4
aorta, is incised, and an anastomosis is established between Some relate primarily to the underlying anatomic defect,
the proximal main pulmonary artery and the ascending some to the physiologic derangements associated with the
aorta and the aortic arch. This connection is almost always circulatory collapse that first signaled the presence of heart
augmented with homograft tissue in order to avoid arch disease, and some to the surgery.
obstruction. Pulmonary blood flow can be established by a Atrial Septum. This structure is thicker and more left-
modified Blalock-Taussig shunt, a central shunt, or a right ward in orientation than it is in healthy individuals. It is
722 Congenital Heart Disease

FIGURE 41–8 Drawing showing pulmonary blood supplied by (A) modified (arrow) Blalock-Taussig shunt (arrow) and (B) right
ventricle to pulmonary artery shunt (arrow).

not readily amenable to balloon septostomy. If obstruc- that there is a problem. The intensity of the shunt murmur
tive, catheter-directed septostomy, often using a stent, is may decrease as pulmonary artery pressure increases
performed preoperatively to achieve left atrial acute decom- subsequent to pulmonary venous hypertension. Fortunately,
pression for stabilization before surgery. At surgery, septec- two-dimensional echocardiography usually provides a
tomy is an integral part of the initial palliative operation in definitive diagnosis of the problem.
all. Even with purported wide excision of atrial septal tissue, Stenosis of the Pulmonary Veins. Progressive stenosis
obstruction to flow has developed (Fig. 40-9). As opposed of the pulmonary veins may be associated with extreme left
to initial palliation, subsequent management with stent atrial hypoplasia. Whether this occurs because of ongoing
placement or blade atrial septostomy can be achieved,10,13 underdevelopment of the left heart structures, progressive
beneficial, although likely temporary, maneuvers. Because mediastinal fibrosis, or inflammatory difficulties based on
pulmonary venous hypertension can adversely affect the the initial surgery remains unclear.
development of the pulmonary vascular bed, a restrictive Tricuspid Regurgitation. The next level of concern
atrial septal defect should be treated aggressively. following palliative surgery is the status of the tricuspid
Postoperative development of obstruction to flow across valve. As mentioned earlier, the right ventricle carries an
the interatrial septum may be subtle. Increasing cyanosis excess volume and may have been subjected to metabolic
before the time when the child should be outgrowing the and ischemic injury prior to palliation. Thus, some degree
systemic-to-pulmonary shunt might be the first indication of tricuspid regurgitation may be expected. The effect of
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 723

than for those with mitral stenosis. A study comparing

those two groups failed to demonstrate a significant differ-
ence. Right ventricular dysfunction after palliative surgery
has not been a prominent finding.4,14 The potentially dele-
terious effect of the ventriculotomy if the right ventricular
to pulmonary artery shunt is used to supply pulmonary
blood flow is an important consideration.
Coarctation of the Reconstructed Aorta. Until
patients began to survive with palliative surgery, it was not
recognized that coarctation of the aorta is a common compo-
nent of the hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Fig. 41-10).4,5
How much of this is caused by constricting ductal tissue
and how much is the result of surgical manipulation is not
always clear. After testing a variety of ways to avoid this prob-
lem, our current practice is to bypass the area of potential
coarctation with an extensive homograph patch augmented
aortic arch reconstruction at the time of initial palliation.9
If coarctation develops, the resulting increase in right
ventricular pressure and the increased pulmonary blood

FIGURE 41–9 Diagram showing restrictive atrial septal defect

physiology. The Qp/Qs is approximately 1. There is pulmonary
artery hypertension due to high left atrial pressure and decreased
oxygen saturation caused by low Qp/Qs and pulmonary venous
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.

tricuspid regurgitation on early and late mortality is not

clear.14,15 How much tricuspid regurgitation can occur before
it is necessary to recommend annuloplasty or valve replace-
ment or simply to refer these children for allotransplanta-
tion, remains under discussion.
Right Ventricular Myocardial Problems. The right
ventricle may fare poorly regardless of the status of the
tricuspid valve. Right ventricular dysfunction secondary to
a period of ischemia, acidosis, or severe volume loading
may preclude normal (or even adequate) functional status.
Ventriculocoronary connections may play a role in poor
right ventricular function in the hypoplastic left heart
syndrome.14–19 Thick-walled coronary arteries and myocar-
FIGURE 41–10 Diagram showing coarctation physiology. The
dial fibrillar disarray have been demonstrated in a subset of Qp/Qs is approximately 4. There is increased right ventricular
these patients, particularly those with a patent left ventric- end-diastolic pressure because of decreased ventricular function
ular inflow and obstructed left ventricular outflow tract. and tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary artery hypertension due
If these were to have a major effect on survival following to increased pulmonary flow, and increased left atrial pressure.
palliative surgery, one would think that overall survival From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology.
would be significantly better for patients with mitral atresia Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992.
724 Congenital Heart Disease

flow will produce symptoms; the diminished femoral pulses aorta, central pulmonary artery deformity may be
may provide diagnosis. Management with balloon dilation the result.15,22,23
has been successful.20,21 2. Constricting ductal tissue may produce obstruction at
Pulmonary Vascular Disease. The pulmonary vascular the point of insertion of the ductus into the origin of the
bed must evolve normally if a successful Fontan operation is left pulmonary artery. Severe narrowing at the takeoff
to be performed later. The excess of blood volume and pres- of the proximal left pulmonary artery may be seen.
sure to which the pulmonary vasculature is exposed must be 3. The point of insertion of the arterial-pulmonary shunt
kept in mind. Pulmonary vascular disease may be as devastat- may cause distortion of the pulmonary artery.
ing as right ventricular dysfunction in terms of the subsequent
suitability of a patient for a modified Fontan operation. Arterial-Pulmonary Shunts. A modified right Blalock-
Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis. If a later Fontan Taussig shunt may be the preferred method to supply
operation is to be successful, undistorted pulmonary arter- pulmonary blood flow.9 Although this provides a favorable
ies are required (Fig. 41-11). Three features conspire to regulation of overall pulmonary blood flow, the distribu-
deform the pulmonary arteries: tion to right and left lungs is not symmetric. The usual
2:1 (ipsilateral:contralateral) distribution of blood flow that
1. If the surgeon uses a long segment of the proximal occurs following a Blalock-Taussig shunt is exaggerated by
main pulmonary artery in reconstructing the ascending whatever degree of proximal left pulmonary artery obstruc-
tion is present. This combination of factors can lead to
potential right pulmonary artery hypertension and left
pulmonary artery hypoplasia. Once again, the adverse effects
on a subsequent Fontan operation are apparent. A poten-
tial benefit of the right ventricular to pulmonary artery
shunt as a source of pulmonary blood flow is the central
location of the distal anastomosis; a more symmetric distri-
bution of pulmonary blood flow is expected.
The Systemic Pulmonary Valve. Concern about the
ability of the pulmonary valve to manage the systemic
circulation seems to be unwarranted. There have been few
recognizable problems.24

Management after Palliation

The initial palliation must allow the baby to survive
surgery (Exhibit 41-1), to accommodate to the changes in
pulmonary arteriolar resistance that occur during the first
weeks of life, and to accommodate to the doubling or
tripling of body size. Indeed, cardiopulmonary bypass (with
or without a period of circulatory arrest), general anesthe-
sia, and neuromuscular blockade, followed by a period
of assisted ventilation, all have profound effects on the
pulmonary vasculature. It is not unusual to have an anatom-
ically large shunt appear to be physiologically small imme-
diately following cardiopulmonary bypass. Within hours
there may be a profound lowering of the pulmonary arte-
riolar resistance and the shunt that was too small an hour
ago has suddenly become too large. The same modalities
of treatment that were used before surgery are equally
important immediately following surgery. Administration
FIGURE 41–11 Diagram showing distorted pulmonary artery of high inspired oxygen, together with hyperventilation and
physiology. The Qp/Qs is approximately 2. There is right pulmonary alkalosis, may be necessary in the first hour after surgery,
artery hypertension and left pulmonary artery hypoplasia because rapidly followed by a decrease in FiO2 to room air, with
of low flow. controlled hypoventilation for the remainder of the period
From Nadas AS, Fyler DC [eds]. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology. of assisted ventilation. The right ventricle may require some
Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, 1992. degree of inotropic support in the days following surgery.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 725

Exhibit 41–1 or tricuspid regurgitation can be repaired at the time of the

Children’s Hospital Boston Experience second stage procedure.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Fontan Operation
A total of 402 patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome In earlier years, despite the initial success of the Fontan
was seen between 1988-2002—of these, 177 are known to operation following palliative surgery for the hypoplastic
have died. Of the 402, 330 underwent their initial surgery left heart syndrome,11 a number of problems subsequently
at Children’s Hospital Boston, with 141 known deaths. occurred.4,25 In part, these resulted from poor patient selec-
A modified Fontan procedure has been carried out in 149 tion (Exhibit 41-1). Many of the problems that adversely
patients at Children’s Hospital, with 7 deaths (5% mortality affect the outcome of Fontan operation are the result of
compared with 52% 1973-1987.) the near-lethal preoperative physiology and the complicated
surgical manipulation required for survival. Today, with an
eventual Fontan procedure in mind, every effort is made
to avoid right ventricular injury, to assist the normal evolu-
tion of the pulmonary vasculature, and to avoid distortion
of the pulmonary arteries. Current practice calls for aggres-
sive catheter-directed treatment of residual structural
defects following the initial stage I procedure, an early Glenn
operation at 4 to 6 months to relieve the volume load on
the single right ventricle, and a Fontan procedure, with a
fenestration in the intra-atrial lateral tunnel wall, at two
years of age. This strategy has resulted in a decrease in the
mortality of the Fontan procedure to 5%.

Cardiac Transplantation
Cardiac transplantation is an alternative form of therapy
for infants born with the hypoplastic left heart syndrome.26,30
Survival curves for patients operated on at Children’s The technical feasibility of such a procedure has never been
Hospital Boston, showing considerable improvement in seriously questioned. Issues are the availability of donors30
more recent group (1995-2002) compared to earlier and the problems of rejection. The results of allotransplan-
groups (1988-1994, 1973-1987.) tation in newborns are good.31 If issues of donor availabil-
ity are resolved, and if the exceptionally low incidence of
rejection reactions is confirmed over a longer period of
Following hospital discharge, virtually all children require observation, cardiac transplantation will remain as an alter-
a cardiotonic regimen, of digoxin and diuretics for the period native form of treatment.
during which the shunt is relatively large. If all goes well, it
will take several months for the child to grow into the shunt.
Ethical Issues
The status of the interatrial septum, right ventricular func-
The management of babies with hypoplastic left heart
tion, aortic arch reconstruction, and the pulmonary artery
syndrome, whether by palliation leading to a Fontan proce-
architecture should be monitored using oximetry and two-
dure or by transplantation, has provoked vigorous ethical
dimensional echocardiography. Cardiac catheterization or
discussion. The scientific facts are as follows:
MRI is carried out some time before the child is 6 months
old. Assuming an adequate atrial septectomy, good right
1. Untreated hypoplastic left heart syndrome is rapidly
ventricular and tricuspid valve function, an unobstructed
and virtually 100% fatal.
pathway from the right ventricle around the aortic arch, and
normal growth of the pulmonary arterial bed with a normal 2. Surgical treatment (palliation followed by a Fontan
pulmonary arteriolar resistance. A bidirectional Glenn procedure) has an improving mortality and unknown
shunt, although others advocate a hemi-Fontan operation, is long-range outcome.
then carried out. If preoperative evaluation demonstrates a 3. The initial mortality for transplantation may be better,
restrictive atrial septal defect, significant aortic arch obstruc- provided a donor heart is found, but the long-range
tion, or hemodynamically significant aortic to pulmonary outcome is equally unknown.
artery collaterals, these are usually addressed in the cardiac 4. Both approaches have produced children who appear
catheterization laboratory. Major pulmonary artery distortion and act normal.
726 Congenital Heart Disease

It is clear that not all physicians would recommend Exhibit 41–2

either surgical route and not all parents would choose Children’s Hospital Boston Experience
to risk the grief and expense associated with either form 1988-2002
of treatment. The present standard of practice does not Mitral Atresia
require that either form of treatment be recommended by
the cardiologist or that the parents should agree. There were 58 patients with mitral atresia and an adequate
The only ethical question remaining concerns the aortic outflow. Of these 28 had pulmonary stenosis, 13 had
adequacy of the information available to all concerned in pulmonary atresia, 5 had coarctation and 3 had total anom-
such decisions. A responsible physician may recommend alous pulmonary venous return: 10 of these patients died.
against either approach, but no responsible physician would Of the 21 pulmonary banding procedures, 12 were at our
withhold his or her opinion or deny the information to hospital: among our 35 modified Fontan procedures there
anyone. were 3 deaths (9%), much improved compared to the 33%
of the 1973-1987 era.



Patients with mitral atresia and a normal aortic outflow32

are not properly classified under the hypoplastic left heart
syndrome; yet, by convention, this lesion complex appears
in the hypoplastic left ventricle file of the Children’s
Hospital Boston.

In the period from January 1988 to January 2002, 58 chil-
dren with mitral atresia and a normal aortic root were seen
at Children’s Hospital Boston. Of these, 41 had pulmonary
outflow obstruction due to pulmonary atresia in 13 and
pulmonary stenosis in 28. Coarctation of the aorta was pres-
ent in five, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return in
Survival curves showing considerable improvement in
three. Of the 58 patients, 10 have died and 35 have under-
1988-2002 group compared to 1973-1987 patients.
gone a Fontan procedure with 3 deaths (Exhibit 41-2).

Mitral atresia with a good-sized left ventricle is associ- the ventricular defect may have important hemodynamic
ated with a ventricular septal defect if the aorta arises from consequences. Roughly half of these patients have
the left ventricle. Sometimes the tricuspid valve is strad- pulmonary stenosis and occasionally one sees a patient
dling. There may be a double-outlet right ventricle with who has pulmonary valve atresia. Coarctation of the aorta
the left ventricle being a blind pouch, or the ventricles may was noted in about 10% of our patients. Others have
be inverted, with the physiology being that of tricuspid reported similar experience.34,35
atresia. The great vessels may be transposed, the aorta aris-
ing from the right ventricle. A patent and incompetent fora-
Clinical Manifestations
men ovale is usually present, although egress from the left
atrium may take other routes (i.e., via a sinoseptal defect). All of these patients are cyanotic, although among those
Often the orifice of the foramen ovale is small enough to with excessive pulmonary blood flow this may not be appar-
raise left atrial pressure and the atrial septum is thickened. ent at first. Tachypnea is common because left atrial pres-
Most of our patients are classified as having a double-outlet sures are often high, causing pulmonary edema, or there
right ventricle, the aorta arising from the right ventricle. is excessive pulmonary blood flow. When there is limited
Others use different terminology.33 Sometimes the aorta pulmonary blood flow because of pulmonary stenosis or
arises from the left ventricle, in which case the size of atresia, cyanosis may be the chief complaint. Most are
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Mitral Atresia, and Aortic Atresia 727

symptomatic in the first weeks of life with tachypnea or REFERENCES

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