Truncus Arteriosus: J F. K D C. F

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Truncus Arteriosus

DEFINITION these weeks, supported by experimental data3–5 result in

conotruncal abnormalities including truncus arteriosus.
Truncus arteriosus is characterized by a single arterial
vessel that originates from the heart, overrides the ventric-
ular septum, and supplies the systemic, coronary, and ANATOMY
pulmonary circulations, all from the proximal ascending
vessel. When the pulmonary circulation is supplied from A single arterial trunk, larger in diameter than the normal
the descending aorta by collateral vessels or a ductus arte- aorta at a comparable age, arises from the heart. The trunk
riosus, the anatomy is considered to be that of tetralogy of is positioned above the ventricular septum, being domi-
Fallot with pulmonary atresia. There must be no remnant nantly over either ventricle (the right in 42%, the left in
of a separate main pulmonary artery connected to the heart 16%, and equally shared in 42%). The truncal valve is rarely
and no evidence of a separate pulmonary valve if one is to normal, often having thickened and deformed leaflets (72%)6
be confident of the presence of true truncus arteriosus. that are variably stenotic or, more often, incompetent (50%).7
Valve anatomy is variable, with 42% tricuspid, 30% bicuspid,
24% quadricuspid, and 1% unicuspid in one study,6 and 69%,
PREVALENCE 9%, 21%, and 1%, respectively, in a literature review.7
A malalignment ventricular septal defect, which is rarely
Truncus arteriosus is a rare lesion. Reported incidence small, is present in almost all patients. This ventricular
rates range from 0.006 to 0.043/1000 live births.1,2 Overall, defect type, the overriding great artery and frequent right-
among all patients seen by us from 1988 to 2002, this was sided aortic arch are reminiscent of tetralogy of Fallot,
the major lesion in 0.3% (Exhibit 47-1). The common asso- another conotruncal abnormality. The pulmonary arteries
ciation with DiGeorge syndrome and deletion of chromo- usually arise from the truncus within a short distance of the
some 22q11 is well recognized and discussed in detail, valve, as a single short vessel that divides into right and left
together with recurrence risk data in Chapter 5. pulmonary arteries (Fig. 47-1)8,9 or as two separate vessels,
usually without stenosis, from the posterior wall of the
truncus. Occasionally, a pulmonary artery is absent.10–12 An
EMBRYOLOGY interrupted aortic arch is a common associated lesion in
11% to 14% of patients (Exhibit 47-1),6 as are extracardiac
In the normal embryo, septation of the single truncus anomalies (21% to 48%).8,13 Coronary artery anomalies are
arteriosus into aorta and main pulmonary artery together frequent—these include a prominent right conal vessel, high
with aortic and pulmonary valve formation occurs by the end or low origins of the vessels, greater than normal frequency
of the fifth week. Shortly thereafter, conal septum forma- of posterior descending origin from the left coronary
tion is completed. It is thought that disturbances during artery, and a single coronary artery.14–16

768 Congenital Heart Disease

Exhibit 47–1
Children’s Hospital Boston Experience: Truncus Arteriosus Complicating Factors
Complicating Diagnoses 1973–1987 1988–2002
93 patients Deaths % 171 patients Deaths %
Interrupted aortic arch 10 70 24 25
Truncal stenosis 22 23 69 20
Truncal regurgitation 52 44 138 14
Mitral valve disease 13 31 83 12
There were 171 children with the diagnosis of truncus arteriosus: 62% were younger than 2 months when first seen: 22%
were older than 6 months.
Some patients had more than one complicating diagnosis: survival with interrupted aortic arch has improved considerably.
Life-table analysis of all 171 children with truncus arteriosus first seen between 1988 and 2002 compared with 49 seen 1983
to 1987, without respect to type of treatment. Late survival has improved.

Life-table analysis of 131 children undergoing reparative surgery at Children’s Hospital Boston (median age 19 days) 1988
to 2002 compared to 36 between 1983 and 1987. Survival is improving: The 14 early postoperative deaths included three
in the interrupted aortic arch group and all three with severe truncal regurgitation and/or stenosis.
Truncus Arteriosus 769

FIGURE 47–1 There are similarities between the Collett and

Edwards and the Van Praagh classifications of truncus. Type 1 is
the same as A1. Types II and III are grouped as a single type A2,
because they are not significantly distinct embryologically or
therapeutically. Type A3 denotes unilateral pulmonary artery
atresia with collateral supply to the affected lung. Type A4 is
truncus associated with an interrupted aortic arch (13% of all cases
FIGURE 47–2 Diagram of the hemodynamics in a patient with
of truncus arteriosus).
truncus arteriosus. Note the equilibration of systemic and pulmonary
From Hernanz-Schulman M, Fellows KE. Persistent truncus arte-
pressures; the complete mixing of systemic and pulmonary blood
riosus: pathologic, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations.
as evidenced by similar systemic and pulmonary oxygen concen-
Semin Roentgenol 20:121–129, 1985, with permission.
trations; and the large left-to-right shunt as evidenced by
high pulmonary oxygen saturation. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium;
PHYSIOLOGY LPA, left pulmonary artery; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium;
RPA, right pulmonary artery; RV, right ventricle.
The truncus receives the output of both ventricles and, From Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology, ed Fyler DC, Hanley &
within a short distance, the blood destined for pulmonary Belfus, Philadelphia, 1992.
circulation is diverted to the lungs (Fig. 47-2). In the absence
of pulmonary stenosis, the pulmonary arterial pressure is blood flow, development of pulmonary vascular obstructive
equal to that in the truncus. The amount of pulmonary blood disease is common among survivors who have not undergone
flow is determined by the presence of pulmonary stenosis surgery: it can occur as early as 6 months of age.
or by the level of pulmonary arteriolar resistance. In the
absence of pulmonary stenosis, the expected reduction in
pulmonary resistance in the first days of life is not well toler- CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
ated; survival depends on persistence of some pulmonary
arteriolar resistance to prevent flooding of the lungs. Most of these babies are found to have a cardiac problem
Pulmonary blood flows are greater than normal, the exact within the first weeks of life, either because of a murmur
amount determining the systemic arterial saturation. When or the appearance of tachypnea and/or costosternal retrac-
a main pulmonary artery arises immediately beyond the tions. The infants are sometimes visibly cyanotic, although
truncal valve, the pulmonary circulation may largely derive tachypnea and even costal retractions are more common
from the right ventricle, the pulmonary arterial oxygen satu- presenting symptoms and this evidence of congestive heart
ration being less than that observed in the aorta. Truncal failure is usually readily apparent. The peripheral pulses are
regurgitation of some degree is present in most patients, bounding. There is generally an easily palpable and often
and when severe, the added burden of the regurgitant flow visible right ventricular impulse. There is usually a systolic
may be more than can be tolerated. The amount of blood murmur at the left sternal border, sometimes associated
passing through the truncal valve to supply the systemic with the diastolic murmur of aortic regurgitation. There is
blood flow and the pulmonary blood flow, as well as the frequently a prominent ejection click audible at the apex
regurgitant blood flow, is greatly excessive and often leads to or the left sternal border, and the second heart sound is
early congestive heart failure. Because of the large pulmonary usually single although this may be difficult to detect in a
770 Congenital Heart Disease

small sick infant. An apical diastolic flow rumble due to ostial to pulmonary artery origin measurements, are available
relative mitral stenosis and a huge pulmonary blood flow from parasternal long and short-axis views.
is common. Once pulmonary vascular obstructive disease The proximal pulmonary artery anatomy, including distal
has developed, the clinical features reflect the elevated branches, that is the truncus type (Fig. 47-1) is displayed
pulmonary vascular resistance (see Chapter 10). using parasternal short-axis and suprasternal notch views.
The ascending and transverse aortic arch, brachiocephalic
arterial and ductal origin anatomy can be outlined on a
suprasternal notch short-axis view.
The electrocardiogram may show left or right ventricular
hypertrophy, with left or combined ventricular hypertrophy
Cardiac Catheterization
being more common.
Given the precise anatomic details, together with truncal
valve function information provided by echocardiography
Chest Radiography
in these patients who are neonates when first seen (from
Chest radiograph shows that the heart is large; pulmonary which low pulmonary resistance may be inferred), there
vasculature is increased. There may be a right aortic arch. is little need for catheterization. The only preoperative
indications for such a study would include (a) uncertainty
about anatomic information (Fig. 47-4) or (b) suspicion of
pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, which does occur
From a subxiphoid long-axis view, the echocardiogram even in infants with this lesion. The purpose of the study
shows the overriding truncal root and its leftward posterior in the latter is to evaluate pulmonary resistance response
originating pulmonary artery is visualized atop a large to vasodilators such as oxygen and nitric oxide.
conoventricular septal defect together with truncal valve
thickness and mobility (Fig. 47-3). The atrial and ventricular
septa, atrioventricular valves and truncal valve commissural MANAGEMENT
details may be evaluated using a short-axis subxiphoid view.
Truncal valve stenosis may be quantitated using Doppler Since (a) most of these patients will develop heart failure
from apical, suprasternal or right sternal border views, and in the neonatal period, (b) pulmonary vascular obstructive
regurgitation from parasternal or apical transducer locations. disease is not uncommon by age 1 year,17 and (c) surgical
Coronary artery origins and branching details, including techniques have improved greatly, repair, including any asso-
ciated lesions, is usually undertaken within days of diagnosis
(Exhibit 47-1). In earlier years, palliative pulmonary artery
banding was an initial approach but resulted frequently in

FIGURE 47–4 A, Cineangiogram in the left anterior oblique

view showing a truncus arteriosus 1. The descending aorta is
FIGURE 47–3 Subxyphoid echocardiographic image showing supplied by a ductus arteriosus (arrow), through which the catheter
the right and left ventricles connected by a large ventricular entered the common truncus. B, the small transverse arch (arrow)
septal defect immediately below a thickened truncal valve. The ends in an interrupted aortic arch.
pulmonary arteries (arrow) arise directly from the single arterial From Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology, ed Fyler DC, Hanley &
root, which continues to the ascending aorta (Ao). Belfus, Philadelphia, 1992.
Truncus Arteriosus 771

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