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Opinion If you Environment France orders air-conditioned

have a shops to save energy by shutting doors

miscarriage in page 37
America, your
health is now at
Moira Donegan
page 19
Tuesday 26 July 2022
Published in New York, United States

An air tanker drops retardant to try to stop the Oak fire reaching Lushmeadows. Photograph: Noah Berger/AP

California fire crews make progress against

ferocious Oak fire near Yosemite
ing, a heavily resourced firefighting this thing from the beginning,” he said. The cause of the fire remains under “Hazy skies may be visible and the
Gabrielle Canon in Mariposa effort achieved 10% containment. The fire is one of dozens burning investigation. smell of smoke is possible at high eleva-
Since Friday, the blaze has con- across the American west as the region Firefighters working in steep ter- tions,” the Bay Area Air District said on
Firefighters made progress against a sumed more than 16,700 acres. More braces for peak fire-risk months that rain on the ground protected homes Twitter.
ferocious wildfire in the foothills of the than 3,000 people were under evacu- still lie ahead. More than 5.5m acres Sunday as air tankers dropped retar- Thousands remained under evacu-
Sierra Nevada that forced thousands of ation orders. have already burned in the US this year, dant on 50ft (15-meter) flames racing ation, awaiting word for when they
residents from their homes in the ga- More than 2,000 first responders roughly 70% more than the 10-year av- along ridgetops east of the tiny com- could return home. Miles away from
teway to Yosemite national park. from state and federal agencies were erage. munity of Jerseydale. Personnel faced the flames, fire crews and officers had
The Oak fire started on Friday near battling the blaze, attacking it both California, a state that in recent tough conditions that included steep prepared for the fire’s spread, marking
the town of Midpines, California, and from the ground and the air. At least 10 years has faced intensifying threats terrain, sweltering temperatures and mailboxes with descriptive pages that
exploded in size over the weekend. homes and other structures had been from behemoth blazes, had seen a ligh- low humidity, CalFire said. could aid in the firefight.
Burning through dense and dry destroyed, with thousands remaining at ter-than-normal start to its highest-risk Light winds blew embers ahead into The forms include information on
vegetation on the region’s steep and risk in its path. season. Spring rains offered a reprieve, tree branches “and because it’s so dry, if there’s access for large fire trucks, if
rugged hillsides, the blaze was fanned “The growth of this fire is pretty delaying the onset of what officials still it’s easy for the spot fires to get estab- occupants had vacated the area, wheth-
by gusty winds and temperatures that amazing given the fact of how quickly fear will be another devastating fire lished and that’s what fuels the growth”, er the property posed any extra risks
hovered around 90F (32C). The extreme we had resources here,” said Chief Mike year. The Oak fire has showcased how said a CalFire spokesperson, Natasha with visible hazards like propane tanks
nature of the fire meant it turned tall van Loben Sels of the Madera Merced quickly things can change. Fouts. or overhead power lines, and if a water
trees into matchsticks and sent bil- Mariposa unit of California’s fire and On Sunday the California governor, Smoke drifted about 200 miles source was available for use.
lowing black smoke curling over the forestry protection (CalFire). He noted Gavin Newsom, declared a state of (322km) north toward Lake Tahoe and In the chaos, a local man named
quaint historic downtown of Mariposa. that embers and spot fires were ignit- emergency for the area, allowing for the same distance west into the San Ron, who declined to share his last
But weather conditions improved ing more than a mile ahead of the the deployment of thousands of emer- Francisco Bay Area, pollution control
on Sunday night, and by Monday morn- blaze. “We really threw everything at gency personnel. officials said. Continued on page 2
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

2 Headlines

Continued from page 1 above as the firefighters helped Ron right time,” Jessen said, adding: “I have and others watching and waiting. Out- water to flush toilets. This was one part
wrangle the terrified Duke into the back a feeling this isn’t going to be the last side, a motorcyclist shared videos of of fire threats, which she said loom
name, left behind his medication and of their pickup and grab his pill boxes, one.” his harrowing close call with the fire. It large year after year, that takes a toll.
his dog Duke, an ageing labrador mix before they ferried the duo back down Throughout the town of Mariposa, spared his home but claimed his shed, “I am just exhausted,” she said. “I have
with a bad hip. the mountain to safety. people huddled around their A-frame where priceless keepsakes – his grand- no water and no power.”
“When he was left behind I couldn’t Jessen and Ascarie, who hail from information posts sharing stories and father’s fishing poles and guns – had But the community – and the
get anybody to help,” Ron said, adding different parts of California but were offering their thanks for the ongoing been housed. “Still, it could have been a restaurant – have come together during
that he had suffered a stroke and still assigned as partners for the incident, firefighting effort. Flags flapped over- lot worse,” he said, shaking his head as this trying time. Steve Knauf, who owns
gets disoriented. “But that’s my baby, spent the rest of the morning tra- head, turning what might have oth- he walked into the restaurant. the diner, ambled over to offer his sup-
man.” versing through the towns to post the erwise been a breezy reprieve on a hot From behind the cash register, port. “There’s been a lot of hugs and
CalFire officers Shayon Ascarie and latest maps and answer questions for summer’s day into another foreboding Tracy Heidseck dished details on how tears the last couple of days,” he said,
David Janssen came to Ron’s aid, rush- a public hungry for information. Along sign that the fire loomed close. power outages caused by the blaze did adding: “But, it is like one big family in
ing the man back to his evacuated hill- with supplying essential intel, big-inci- Further up the highway, a road- their own kind of damage. “We already here.”
side home as the fire crept closer. Heli- dent firefights also often require res- side diner called Steve’s Sportsman’s lost all our food in our fridge and our The Associated Press contributed to
copters zigzagged overhead and planes cues like Duke’s. “It is part of the job, Café had become a de facto hub for freezers,” she said, adding that her well this report
dropped fire retardant on the slopes you are just in the right place at the locals, both those displaced by the fire had also run dry and there wasn’t even

Mike Pence’s ex-chief of staff testifies to

grand jury investigating January 6
the Capitol attack, including one ex-
Hugo Lowellin Washington amining Trump’s fake electors scheme,
which is also being investigated by a
Former vice-president Mike Pence’s special grand jury in Georgia.
chief of staff Marc Short appeared last The grand jury investigating the
week before a federal grand jury inves- fake electors scheme – grand jury #22-4
tigating events connected to the Jan- – sought information about the involve-
uary 6 Capitol attack, indicating the ment of Donald Trump and his law-
justice department has penetrated the yers, while the grand jury that subpoe-
inner circle of the Trump White House naed former Trump White House offi-
in its criminal inquiry. cial Peter Navarro – grand jury #22-3 –
The appearance by Short – the top sought his contacts with Trump.
adviser to the former vice president Nonetheless, Short’s grand jury
who was also by Pence’s side on the day appearance marks the first known time
of the Capitol attack – makes him the that a top Trump White House official
highest-ranking Trump White House with inside knowledge about Trump’s
official known to have testified before actions leading up to the Capitol attack
the grand jury in Washington. and what took place in the West Wing
Short testified in response to a sub- in the following days has cooperated
poena for around two to three hours, with the justice department.
according to a source familiar with the When Short testified in a tran-
matter, though it was unclear what he scribed interview with the select com-
told the grand jury or whether he pro- mittee earlier this year, he told congres-
duced documents. ABC News earlier re- Marc Short, former Vice-President Mike Pence's chief of staff. Photograph: J Scott Applewhite/AP sional investigators about how Trump
ported his appearance. tried to enlist Pence in order to have
The development was also the has only escalated in recent months, as proceeding – a crime – in trying to stop and therefore to which investigation, him stop Biden’s certification as part of
latest indication that the criminal the House January 6 select committee Joe Biden’s certification. Short testified. The justice department a wider effort to overturn the 2020 elec-
investigation into the Capitol attack argues Trump obstructed an official It was not clear to which grand jury, has impaneled several grand juries over tion results.

The dystopian American reality one month

after the Roe v Wade reversal
Wade, and returned regulation of abor-
Jessica Glenza tion to states.
Bans at six weeks gestation or ear-
Severe new restrictions upend repro- lier, before most women know they are
ductive care across whole regions of pregnant, are in force in 12 states as
the US. Patients report delays for proce- of Thursday. The bans have forced pa-
dures that were once common and tients seeking abortions, and who have
routine, as doctors fear vague new the time and money, to travel hundreds
Danielle Maness, chief nurse executive,
laws with criminal penalties. A 10-year- of miles from home. At times, that stands in an empty examination room used
old rape victim was forced to travel travel has also placed friends, family to perform abortions at the Women’s Health
out of state to terminate a pregnancy. and abortion rights organizations in Center of West Virginia in Charleston. A
And activists promise more draconian legal jeopardy, as states have crimi- judge recently blocked enforcement of the
restrictions to come. nalized helping people obtain abor- state’s 150-year-old abortion ban. Photo-
In the month since the supreme tions. Other patients have seen routine graph: Leah Willingham/AP
court bombshell that ended the right to care for miscarriages and ectopic preg-
abortion, this picture is the new Amer- Flowers and a green bandana in front of the US supreme court during a memorial service nancies delayed, as doctors fear crim- not viable, because the chilling effect of
ican reality, as states across the south for those who will die as a result of the Roe v Wade reversal. Photograph: Allison Bailey/ inal sanctions should they accidentally what the state of Texas has done is so
and midwest embrace their new abil- NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock violate bans. powerful”, he said.
ity to ban abortion – at times with- “Truly frustrating and harrowing in More broadly, however, the court’s
out exception. The consequences have million women living in a state with an At its most basic level, the upheaval my view, the state of Texas [being] late June decision has shifted what
been both chaotic and predictable. abortion ban right now. That number caused by the supreme court’s decision intentionally ambiguous about when was once a fight over national abortion
“Everything is super in flux right we expect to increase, because more in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health hospitals can provide care,” said David policy to multiple fights in individual
now,” said Elizabeth Nash of the Gutt- states are looking to ban abortion – and Organization has endangered patients, Donatti, a staff attorney at the Amer- states, and even local governments.
macher Institute, a reproductive rights we could see as much as half of the doctors and lawyers said. Dobbs ended ican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of In Louisiana, the legality of abortion
research organization. country without abortion access very federal abortion protections nearly 50 Texas. Patients face “prolonged pain
“We’re looking at probably about 15 soon.” years after the landmark decision Roe v and suffering for pregnancies that are Continued on page 3
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Headlines 3

Continued from page 2 to make clear to Kansans as well.” The tion: when the supreme court allowed groups. called into question in the Dobbs deci-
nearest clinics with appointments may Texas to ban abortion at six weeks Now, there has been a “dramatic in- sion in a concurring opinion by Jus-
has changed almost daily, as a court now be in Illinois, Colorado, Nebraska gestation in 2021, clinics in Oklahoma crease in moderate Republicans, apolit- tice Clarence Thomas, who argued the
case about three new abortion bans and New Mexico, she said. began to care for Texas patients; then ical folks” who have found themselves court should “reconsider” cases grant-
progresses. On the local level, some A still untold number of patients Oklahoma passed a similar six-week interested in the Kansas referendum , ing those rights.
progressive cities such as Austin, Texas, will carry unwanted or dangerous preg- ban, forcing patients to Missouri and said Ashley All from Kansas for Consti- “They’re showing up and showing
intend to bar police from investigating nancies to term, a situation likely to Kansas; when the court ruled in Dobbs, tutional Freedom, a group that sup- out,” Martha Pint, co-president of the
abortion-related cases, even as the state worsen as more states bring bans online Missouri banned abortion, too. That has ports abortion rights. She said the League of Women Voters in Kansas.
bans the procedure. in the coming weeks. left Kansas as a legal haven for abortion. court’s decision “was a wake-up call “This right to reproductive choice – they
Meanwhile, small towns and some North Dakota, Idaho and Wyom- It may not remain that way. Law- for people who thought their consti- honestly feel their rights will be next.”
conservative prosecutors have vowed ing are all expected to begin enforcing makers have placed a statewide consti- tutional rights were protected at the While there does appear to be bipar-
enforcement. In Benton county, Arkan- bans this summer. Indiana has called tutional amendment vote on the pri- federal level – and that is not the case tisan support in Congress for enshrin-
sas, the local prosecutor warned abor- a special session to restrict abortion. mary ballot, which would give the now”. ing protections for gay marriage in sta-
tion would be investigated “like any A more severe criminal ban, providing Republican-dominated state legislature Kansas won’t be the only place tute – even as Senate Republicans are
other potential crime”. punishments of 99 years in prison more latitude to restrict abortion in a where the new political reality is tested. expected to block protections for abor-
In those states where abortion re- and $100,000 in fines, is also expected state where lawmakers have already A record number of states have ballot tion and contraception – any hopes that
mains legal, patients have suddenly in Texas, where abortion is already shown interest in banning it. initiatives on abortion rights this fall. abortion bans would increase support
found clinic appointments full. In banned. However, Kansas could also be a Voters in Kentucky and Montana will be among Republicans for social safety
Kansas, the nearest state to Arkansas, The court’s decision has also rippled bellwether of how overturning Roe v asked to vote on anti-abortion ballot net programshave so far been dashed.
Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas (all of into politics, as Americans absorb the Wade has changed the political land- measures, while voters in California Instead, anti-abortion groups have fo-
which have banned abortion), clinics shock of rescinding a nearly 50-year-old scape. New polling suggests the court’s and Vermont will be asked to protect cused on closing remaining legal routes
are at capacity. precedent. decision may have galvanized suppor- abortion rights. Campaigners in Mich- to abortion.
“We just don’t have enough appoint- Kansas is representative of one such ters of abortion rights – an issue that igan, too, are working to secure a ballot “When all is said and done, about
ments to meet the need,” said political battle. On 2 August, voters previously motivated its opponents initiative to protect abortion rights. half of the states [could ban] abortion,”
Emily Wales, the president and CEO there will cast ballots on the first abor- more strongly than supporters. About Notably, local campaigners said said Nash. “Meaning 34 million women
of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, tion-related referendum in the country, 85% of Americans support legal abor- Kansas’s abortion rights vote has also of reproductive age would live without
which once operated clinics in Arkan- in what is likely to be a tight and close- tion under at least some circumstances. energized the LGBTQ+ community. access.”
sas, Missouri and Oklahoma, as well as ly watched campaign. Its neighboring Historically, however, they have been The rights to gay marriage, same-sex
Kansas. “That’s something we’re trying states have, one by one, banned abor- less well organized than anti-abortion intimacy and contraception were all

Reality Winner says she leaked file on Russia

election hacking because ‘public was being
lied to’
thods” for obtaining sensitive intel-
Ramon Antonio Vargas ligence.
“I knew it was secret,” Winner
A former intelligence contractor who added. “But I also knew that I
was imprisoned for leaking a report had pledged service to the American
about Russian interference in the people. And at that point in time, it felt
US presidential election that Donald like they were being led astray.”
Trump won in 2016 has insisted she Her attorney, Alison Grinter Allen,
acted out of love for a nation that was also spoke to 60 Minutes corres-
“being lied to”. pondent Scott Pelley.
“I am not a traitor – I am not a Allen told Pelley that her client
spy,” Reality Winner said in an interview indeed broke the law but argued that
aired Sunday on CBS’ 60 Minutes. “I am Winner’s prosecution – the first of its
somebody who only acted out of love kind during the Trump presidency –
for what this country stands for.” was little more than political retri-
In some of her most extensive bution. The lawyer also said that she
remarks about her case since she would help Winner pursue a pardon be-
was freed from prison last year for cause her receiving one would be “the
good behavior, Winner portrayed her- right thing for the country”.
self living as normal a life as possible in Winner said her imprisonment was
Texas, teaching yoga and fitness while grueling, occurring during coronavirus
also being a pet owner, daughter and lockdowns and the worldwide pro-
sister named after a pun of her family’s tests ignited by the police murder
surname and her father’s wish to have a Reality Winner in 2010 while in the Air Force Photograph: US Government of George Floyd in Minneapolis. She
“real winner”. said she contemplated dying by suicide
The 30-year-old also gave perhaps hacked at least one supplier of voting Trump administration had her charged intentionally deceived about Russia’s and stopped those thoughts solely be-
the most detailed account yet about the software and tried to break into more under the Espionage Act, which was in- efforts to sow chaos in the presidential cause of her loved ones, particularly her
day she decided to leave her National than 100 local election systems before itially created during the first world war election that vaulted Trump into the mother, and that she’s tried to “have a
Security Agency contractor’s office at the polls closed in 2016. as a means to punish people spying on Oval Office. Winner hoped the report sense of accomplishment in having sur-
the Fort Gordon army base in Georgia She tucked the report into the the US during times of foreign conflict. would end what some purported was vived prison”.
with an intelligence report about Rus- pantyhose underneath her dress and Winner pleaded guilty as part of a confusion over whether or not Russia “I try so hard not to frame things as
sian attempts to meddle in the election walked out of her office at the Fort deal with prosecutors that called for had meddled in the race that Clinton being worth it or not worth it,” Winner
that saw Trump beat Hillary Clinton for Gordon army base in Georgia before the her to be sentenced to five years in lost. said. “What I know is that I’m home
the White House. document became the basis of an ar- prison beginning in 2018. She earned “The truth wasn’t true any more,” with my parents. And we take our lives
Working for NSA contractor ticle published on the Intercept news the right to an early release in June of said Winner, who also served in the US every day moving forward as being
Pluribus International Corporation, site. 2021. air force between 2010 and 2016. “The richer in knowing what to be grateful
Winner printed the document – labeled Federal authorities announced that In Sunday’s interview, Winner said public was being lied to.” for.”
“TOP SECRET” – that explained how Winner had been arrested about an she broke her oath to protect classified Winner said the leak “did not
Russian military intelligence officials hour after that article came out. The material because Americans were being betray” the country’s “sources and me-
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
4 Headlines

Typically mild Pacific north-west braces for

another blazing heatwave
stretch of high heat.
Maanvi Singh and agencies Much of the US saw above-av-
erage warmer temperatures in June, ac-
A searing heatwave is expected to bring cording to the National Oceanic and
dangerously high temperatures to US Atmospheric Administration (Noaa).
Pacific north-west – a region known for Noaa estimates that weather and cli-
its mild, temperate summers. mate disasters, including tornadoes,
As Oregon, Washington, parts of hail and extreme drought, have cost at
northern California and British Colum- least $9bn in damage across the nation
bia brace for a week of temperatures so far this year.
well above historic averages, officials Last year’s deadly heat dome
are warning residents in the region – prompted Portland to adapt meas-
many of whom lack air conditioning ures requiring new subsidized housing
and are unaccustomed to heat – to take constructions to have air conditioning
precautions. and housing built after April 2024 to
Though the forecast falls short of install air conditioning in at least one
June 2021 “heat dome” that brought room. Portland also launched a heat re-
temperatures of 116F (46.7C) to Port- sponse program to provide heat pumps
land, and 118F (47.8C) to other parts of and cooling devices to vulnerable resi-
the Pacific north-west, and resulted in dents. It aims to distribute 15,000 units
more than 600 deaths, local officials say over the next five years.
the duration of this heat wave is con- About 3,000 cooling units have
cerning. been ordered but only about 750 have
“To have five-day stretches or a A volunteer helps set up snacks at a cooling center in Oregon during a Pacific north-west heatwave last year. Photograph: Gillian Flaccus/ been installed so far, according to fig-
week-long stretch above 90 degrees is AP ures from Earth Advantage, the non-
very, very rare for the Pacific north- more extreme heatwaves, the region “Unfortunately there’s this inter- this week, according to the NWS. profit overseeing the program’s pur-
west,” said Vivek Shandas, professor of that many once considered a climate section of our climate crisis and our This heatwave has hit at the tail chases and logistics. This is partly due
climate adaptation at Portland State refuge has found itself once again housing emergency,” said Jonna Papaef- end of another heatwave in the north- to supply chain shortages amid growing
University. facing weather it is wholly unprepared thimiou, chief resilience officer for the east and the mid-Atlantic last week demand for air conditioners, according
The National Weather Service for. Portland bureau of emergency manage- that put more than 85 million Amer- to Jaimes Valdez, the organizational,
(NWS) has warned that the end of the Portland, Oregon’s bureau of emer- ment, adding that unhoused people icans under excessive heat warnings development and policy manager for
week will feel worst for many resi- gency management is opening cooling “face the greatest risk from all kinds on Sunday. Parts of northern California the Portland Clean Energy Fund, which
dents. “Residents without air condi- centers in public buildings and instal- of severe weather.” will also be affected by the high temper- oversees the initiative.
tioners will experience a buildup of ling misting stations in parks. Officials The heatwave will be especially in- atures, all while the Oak fire at the “This equipment is in high demand,
heat within their home through late hope outreach efforts will help those tense in Yakima, Washington, where Sierra Nevada foothills forces thou- not just in the region but globally,”
in the week,” the NWS warned. This facing the greatest risk from heat, in- temperatures between 102F and 107F sands from their homes. Swathes of the said Valdez, citing recent heatwaves in
“will significantly increase the poten- cluding people who are older, people are expected midweek. Portland is ex- south-west, from Phoenix to Las Vegas, Europe. “We do see a lot of need and
tial for heat related illnesses”, the NWS who live alone, those with disabil- pecting highs in the 90s, topping off at are also under excessive heat warnings. this program is ramping up.”
warned, especially for outdoor workers. ities, low-income households without 100F. And Seattle is expected to hit 90F And in the Vancouver area, authorities
As the climate crisis fuels longer, air conditioning and the unhoused. temperatures on four consecutive days have warned residents to prepare for a

Attack in Vancouver suburb leaves two

homeless people and gunman dead
team confirmed on social media that
Leyland Cecco and agencies its investigators had been deployed to
Langley to help the mounted police.
Canadian police say two people have Yellow police tape surrounded a
been killed in an early morning gun sandwich shop and a parking lot in
attack in a Vancouver suburb that left Langley at the scene of one of the
two others injured and appeared to shootings. A black tent was set up
target homeless residents. The suspect over one of the crime scenes.Langley
was shot dead by officers. is about 30 miles (50km) southeast of
On Monday morning, the Royal Vancouver.
Canadian Mounted Police said most Mass shootings are less common in
of the shootings were in downtown Canada than in the US. The deadliest
Langley in southwest British Columbia. gun rampage in Canadian history hap-
There was also a reported shooting in pened in 2020 when a man disguised
the neighbouring Langley township. as a police officer shot people in their
Two of the victims were pro- homes and set fires across the province
nounced dead at the scene, police said of Nova Scotia, killing 22 people.
later on Monday. One woman remained The federal government recently
in critical condition. A fourth person announced plans to overhaul its gun-
was shot in the leg. control laws, restricting the purchase,
The attack is believed to have un- importation and selling of handguns.
folded over several hours. Images from “We are capping the number of
social media showed multiple vehicles, handguns in this country,” said the
including a police SUV, with bullet A car with bullet holes in it at the scene of the shootings in Langley, British Columbia, on Monday. Photograph: Jesse Winter/Reuters prime minister, Justin Trudeau. The
holes in them. regulations to halt the growth of perso-
Residents received a cellphone alert lage T-shirt. and there was no longer a threat to the unsure whether the shooter acted nally owned handguns is expected to
at about 6.30am warning people to Police cordoned off a main public. It was not clear what medical alone. But police later said the man be enacted this autumn.
avoid the area. The alert described the thoroughfare through the centre of the condition the suspect was in when they being held was believed to be solely
suspect as a white male, wearing brown city. Authorities later issued a second were apprehended. responsible. Police also said the sus-
overalls and a blue and green camouf- alert saying the suspect was in custody Authorities initially said they were pect was known to them. A homicide
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Headlines 5

Six staffers arrested after climate sit-in at

Chuck Schumer’s office
mer’s office seemed to turn more
Richard Luscombe contentious.
A tweet posted by NBC News re-
Six staffers were reportedly arrested porter Julia Jester features a short video
in Congress on Monday afternoon for purporting to show one of the staff
staging a sit-in at Senate majority leader members in handcuffs, explaining why
Chuck Schumer’s office and protesting the group jeopardized their careers to
about a lack of legislative action on the take the action.
environment. The reporter asked the male staf-
The congressional staffers and fer what they were demanding of the
activists had started the demonstration senior Democrat. He replied: “to reopen
earlier Monday, with 17 staffers sitting negotiations on the climate reconcil-
in Schumer’s office to demand that he iation package ... and pass climate legis-
reopen climate negotiations, according lation”.
to Saul Levin, a policy adviser for pro- Christian Hall, a congressional re-
gressive congresswoman Cori Bush. porter for Punchbowl News, also
“Right now, we Hill staffers are tweeted that Philip Bennet, president
peacefully protesting Dem leaders of the Congressional Workers Union,
INSIDE. To my knowledge, this has had been taken away in handcuffs.
never been done,” he wrote. The reporter asked why the group
Some also protested outside the had chosen Schumer’s office, and not
building. that of Manchin. (Earlier today, Man-
Schumer, Senate majority leader, chin announced he had tested posi-
had been under pressure to negotiate Congressional staffers and activists staged a sit-in at the office of Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, on Monday. Photograph: J tive for Covid-19 and was working re-
a climate deal, especially after the su- Scott Applewhite/AP motely).
preme court struck down a key protec- The staffer replied cryptically: “Be-
tion of the Environmental Protection forts to advance climate legislation Virginia senator Joe Manchin, who has and killing off the president’s environ- cause there’s always going to be a sheep
Agency. have been thwarted largely because of been called a “modern day villain” for mental proposals. that strays away from the herd.”
But Schumer, and Joe Biden’s, ef- the opposition of the Democratic West his ties to the fossil fuel industry Later in the day the sit-in at Schu-

Goodfellas actor Paul Sorvino dies at 83

Sorvino was born in the Benson-
Adrian Horton hurst neighborhood of Brooklyn in
1939, the son of an Italian immigrant
Paul Sorvino, the Tony-nominated father who worked in a robe factory
actor who played mobster Paulie Cicero and a homemaker mother, also a piano
in Goodfellas, has died at age 83. Sor- teacher. He dreamed of becoming an
vino, the father of actor Mira Sorvino, opera singer, performing first in hotels
died of natural causes on Monday, his in the Catskills, but problems with
wife Dee Dee announced. asthma made him focus on acting.
“Our hearts are broken, there will He attended the American Musical
never be another Paul Sorvino, he was and Dramatic Academy under Stanford
the love of my life and one of the great- Meisner and William Esper, and made
est performers to ever grace the screen his Broadway debut as a singing pa-
and stage,” she said in a statement pub- trolman in the comedy Bajour in 1964.
lished by the Hollywood Reporter. He appeared on film for the first time in
The Brooklyn native’s career Carl Reiner’s Where’s Poppa? in 1970.
spanned over a half century, with Sorvino’s résumé also included one
memorable roles as James Caan’s season as Chris Noth’s partner on Law
bookie in The Gambler, secretary of & Order, the CBS dramedy That’s Life,
state Henry Kissinger in Oliver Stone’s The Panic in Needle Park, The Day of
Nixon, Claire Danes’s father in Baz the Dolphin, The Rocketeer, The Firm,
Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, and a he- Mr 3000 and The Bronx Bull.
roin-addicted lounge singer alongside Sorvino is survived by his third wife,
Alec Baldwin in The Cooler. Paul Sorvino in 2014. Photograph: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Dee Dee, whom he met after they both
He was nominated for a Tony award appeared on Fox News’s Your World
in 1973 for his performance as Phil coach, in the Pulitzer-winning Broad- Sorvino also worked with actor- ican Communist party in Reds and in with Neil Cavuto and married in 2014,
Romano, one of four former high school way production of Jason Miller’s That director Warren Beatty over several Dick Tracy, Bulworth and Rules Don’t as well as his children Mira, Amanda
basketball players who visit their old Championship Season. decades – as the founder of the Amer- Apply. and Michael and several grandchildren.

Pope Francis ‘begs forgiveness’ over abuse at

church schools in Canada
“pilgrimage of penance”. many members of the church and system of his “indignation” and “shame” against the Indigenous peoples,” he
Leyland Cecco The pontiff’s widely anticipated of religious communities cooperated, over the painful memory of the treat- said.
apology came during a Monday morn- not least through their indifference, ment of Indigenous children. He and the survivors had gathered
Pope Francis has apologised for the ing visit to the community of Mask- in projects of cultural destruction and Francis also lamented the “colo- at the Powwow Arbour – a space for
“disastrous error” and “evil” of Canada’s wacis, Alberta – the first formal event forced assimilation promoted by the nising mentality” behind the system First Nations community gatherings
church-run residential schools, asking of his one-week tour after landing in the governments of that time, which culmi- and “catastrophic” effects it had on and celebrations.
survivors of the system that abused western province on Sunday. nated in the system of residential generations of Indigenous people. “I The prime minister, Justin Trudeau,
tens of thousands of children for for- “I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness, schools,” Francis said, telling nearly humbly beg forgiveness for the evil
giveness as he toured the country on a in particular, for the ways in which 2,000 survivors of the residential school committed by so many Christians Continued on page 6
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

6 Headlines

Continued from page 5 “I do know when two people

have apologised, we feel better,” Chief
the governor general, Mary Simon, Greg Desjarlais of the Frog Lake First
the Assembly of First Nations na- Nation in northern Alberta, and a resi-
tional chief, RoseAnne Archibald, and a dential school survivor, told reporters
number of federal lawmakers were also on Sunday. “But our people have been
in attendance. through a lot … Our people have been
The event at Maskwacis (Cree for traumatised. Some of them didn’t make
“bear hills”), the site of Ermineskin, it home. Now I hope the world will see
Samson, Louis Bull and Montana na- why our people are so hurt.”
tions, is the only First Nations com- Ahead of the pope’s remarks, a
munity Francis will visit on his tour banner bearing the names of more than
of Canada. The location also marks 4,000 children who died in the resi-
the site of the former Ermineskin resi- dential school system was unfurled on
dential school, one of the largest of its the arbour grounds.
kind in the country, which ran from The pope’s apology in the presence
1895 until 1975. of Indigenous leaders and residential
An anguished rendering of Canada’s school survivors, given on the tradi-
national anthem in Cree by an Indi- tional territory of those affected by the
genous woman with tears streaming legacy of the schools, marks the second
down her face marked one of several time he has looked to atone to the
emotional moments on Monday. church’s past actions.
“It’s a special moment for survivors,” In April, during a meeting with Indi-
said Phil Fontaine, a residential school Pope Francis wears a headdress presented to him by Indigenous leaders in Maskwacis. Photograph:VATICAN MEDIA/AFP/Getty Images genous delegates at the Vatican, Fran-
survivor and former Assembly of First cis apologised to survivors, formally
Nations national chief, who was at the Littlechild placed a feather headdress survey in the 1920s found that half running the schools, paying billions of expressing contrition for “deplorable”
event. on the pontiff as the crowd cheered. of the pupils at the school were in- Canadian dollars in compensation to past abuses.
The unscripted moment capped Over more than a century, at fected with tuberculosis, according to survivors. Later on Monday, Francis is ex-
a ceremony fraught with symbolism. least 150,000 Indigenous children were the Indian Residential School History While both the Protestant and pected to visit a Catholic parish in the
Some at the event wore indigenous re- taken from their families and forced to and Dialogue Centre. Anglican churches ran schools, the provincial capital of Edmonton. The
galia, while others wore orange shirts attend schools like Ermineskin, run by The school has largely been torn majority, nearly 130, were operated by church incorporates Indigenous lan-
to mark the legacy of the residential the Catholic church. down and five teepees now stand at the Catholic church. Yet the Vatican for guage and customs in liturgy. In the
school system and the children who Survivors of the school have tes- the site, representing the four nations years had repeatedly resisted calls for a coming days, the pope will travel to
never came home from the institutions. tified about physical abuse as well as in the area, with the fifth serving as a papal apology. Quebec City and Iqaluit, the capital of
People watched intently as the pope punishment for speaking their mother symbol of the entrance to where the Before visiting the site of the school, the northern Nunavut territory.
spoke, while others leaned on each tongue. At least 15 children died while school once stood. Francis toured the Ermineskin ceme- Reuters contributed to this report
other. Some wept. attending the school, including three In 2008, the federal government for- tery, where many who attended the
After the pope spoke, Chief Wilton of tuberculosis in 1903. A government mally apologised for establishing and school are now buried.

Elon Musk denies reported affair with wife of

Google co-founder
Journal said: “We are confident in our
Dan Milmo Global technology sourcing, and we stand by our re-
editor porting.”
Google and Shanahan have been
Elon Musk has denied a Wall Street contacted for comment.
Journal report that claimed he had an The Journal’s allegation was pub-
affair with Nicole Shanahan, the wife lished as Musk faces a court battle
of the Google co-founder Sergey Brin, in October over his attempts to ter-
accusing the news outlet of running minate his $44bn purchase of Twitter.
“hit pieces” on him and Tesla. The social media platform wants to
The chief executive of the electric force Musk to go ahead with an agreed
carmaker tweeted on Monday rejecting transaction that values the company at
the affair claim as “total BS”, adding that $54.20 per share. Musk walked away
he and Brin were still friends. from the deal this month, citing con-
Citing unidentified sources, the cerns over the number of bot accounts
Wall Street Journal reported at the active on Twitter.
weekend that Musk had engaged in a Meanwhile, Tesla disclosed in a
brief affair with Shanahan in Decem- regulatory filing on Monday that it had
ber last year. The paper claimed the received a second subpoena from the
affair had prompted Brin to file for di- US financial watchdog in relation to
vorce from Shanahan in January and Musk’s tweets in 2018 about taking the
had ended the tech billionaires’ long company private. The company said it
friendship. had received the subpoena from the US
Musk tweeted that he was at a party Musk tweeted that he was at a party with Sergey Brin on Sunday and that there was ‘nothing romantic’ between him and Shanahan. Securities and Exchange Commission
with Brin on Sunday and that there was Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty (SEC) on 13 June and that it would coo-
“nothing romantic” between him and perate.
Shanahan, a lawyer and research fellow had “lost count” of the number of “hit tually matter to their readers and have Bloomberg. Musk is the world’s richest In November last year, the regulator
at CodeX, an organisation dedicated pieces” about him published by the solid factual basis”. person and is worth $242bn. subpoenaed Tesla in relation to a settle-
to using technology to improve legal Wall Street Journal. Musk claimed the Brin filed for divorce citing “irrecon- In its report, the Journal also said ment that required Musk’s tweets on
processes based at Stanford University news organisation had once reported cilable differences”, the Journal said, Brin instructed his advisers to sell per- material information to be vetted. In
in California. She is also the president of that the FBI was about to arrest him, quoting records it said were filed in sonal investments in Musk’s companies 2018, Musk settled an SEC lawsuit over
a foundation that focuses on criminal although a 2018 WSJ article alleging a Santa Clara County superior court. Brin after he came to know about the affair. his tweets about taking Tesla private by
justice reform, reproductive longevity criminal investigation into Tesla does is a board member at Google’s parent The paper said it was not able to agreeing to let the company’s lawyers
for women and climate science. not refer to arrests being planned. company, Alphabet, and is the world’s determine how large those investments pre-approve tweets that contained ma-
In a later tweet to his more than In a subsequent tweet, Musk said eighth richest person, with a fortune were, nor whether any sales were made. terial information about Tesla.
100 million followers, Musk said he the paper should run stories that “ac- worth $94.6bn (£78.6bn), according to A spokeswoman for the Wall Street
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

News 7

Two Americans killed while volunteering to

defend Ukraine from Russia identified
While the government is helping the
Ramon Antonio Vargas Ukrainian defense by providing billions
of dollars in weapons and other re-
Two Americans who were killed along- sources, it says it is limited in its ability
side a pair of Canadian and Swedish to help American citizens once things
nationals while volunteering to defend go awry there.
Ukraine from Russia’s invasion earlier Many US nationals have none-
this month have now been identified. theless still travelled to the country
Luke Lucyszyn and Bryan Young during the conflict.
were the US citizens killed during an Americans who have been killed
ambush by a Russian tank on 18 July, there include video journalist Brent
their Ukrainian commander said on Renaud; Jimmy Hill, who was gunned
Facebook. The attack in which they down while waiting in a bread line; Ste-
died also killed Emile-Antoine Roy- phen Zabielski, who was slain during
Sirois of Canada and Edvard Selan- fighting in May; and Willy Joseph
der Patrignani, according to the com- Cancel, who died during battle in April.
mander, Ruslan Miroshnichenko. Meanwhile, at least two other Amer-
Citing an account from Mirosh- icans were taken prisoner by Rus-
nichenko, Russian shelling left Lucy- sian forces during a gunfight in June:
syzyn wounded, and that prompted Alexander Drueke and Andy Tai Ngoc
Young and the others to try to help Huynh, both of Alabama.
him, CBS News reported. Additional A statement from Drueke’s family
tank fire killed the four foreign volun- late Sunday said the US state depart-
teers in the Donetsk region, a heav- A tank in the Donetsk region, a heavily disputed region of Ukraine, where the US citizens were killed. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty ment has spoken with him at least four
ily disputed region of Ukraine, Mirosh- Images times, though it appeared each of the
nichenko said. calls was scripted, and therefore it was
Miroshnichenko’s remarks came Lucyszyn’s parents, Kathryn and “He didn’t go there to be a hero,” Likening their struggle to that difficult “for them to assess the men’s
after the US state department late last George, told NBC News that their son Kathryn Lucyszyn said of her 31-year- of Luke Skywalker, Miroshnichenko treatment and conditions.”
week announced the recent deaths of had gone to Ukraine in early April to old son. “He went there because he called Lucyszyn, Young, Roy-Sirois and The Kremlin has threatened both
two Americans in Ukraine, without re- volunteer as a medic. He worried that wanted to help people.” Patrignani “warriors of light and good, prisoners with possible execution
leasing any additional details. They are his group lacked necessary equipment Miroshnichenko said his unit nick- heroes of Ukraine”. though their families are hopeful the
among at least six Americans who have and asked his folks to send over a tac- named Lucyszyn “Skywalker” after the US officials, including the president, US and Ukrainian governments can
died in Ukraine since it was invaded by tical vest and other supplies, the couple protagonist of the original Star Wars Joe Biden, have discouraged Americans negotiate their release.
Russia in February. from Calabash, North Carolina, said. film trilogy who shared his first name. from volunteering to defend Ukraine.

Sixth man linked to 1989 Central Park rape

case is exonerated
murderer, Matias Reyes, to the attack.
Associated Press in New York The Central Park Five, now known
as the “Exonerated Five”, went on to
A forgotten co-defendant of the so- win a $40m settlement from the city
called “Central Park Five”, whose and inspire books, movies and tele-
convictions in a notorious 1989 rape in vision shows.
New York City were thrown out more Lopez, now 48, has not received
than a decade later, is set have his a settlement, and his case has been
conviction on a related charge over- nearly forgotten in the years since he
turned. pleaded guilty to robbery in 1991 to
A hearing was scheduled for avoid the more serious rape charge.
Monday afternoon in the case of Steven Lopez’s expected exoneration was
Lopez, who was arrested along with first reported in the New York Times.
five other Black and Latino teenagers “We talk about the Central Park
in the rape and assault on Trisha Meili Five, the Exonerated Five, but there
but reached a deal with prosecutors to were six people on that indictment,”
plead guilty to the lesser charge of rob- the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin
bing a male jogger. Bragg, told the Times. “And the other
The brutal assault on Meili, a 28- five who were charged, their convic-
year-old white investment banker who tions were vacated. And it’s now time
was in a coma for 12 days after the to have Mr Lopez’s charge vacated.”
attack, was considered emblematic of The Associated Press does not
New York City’s lawlessness in an era usually identify victims of sexual as-
when the city recorded 2,000 murders a Manhattan’s district attorney, Alvin Bragg: ‘We talk about the Central Park Five, the Exonerated Five, but there were six people on that sault, but Meili went public in 2003 and
year. indictment.’ Photograph: Eduardo Muñoz/Reuters published a book titled I Am the Central
Five teenagers were convicted in Park Jogger.
the attack on Meili and served six to 13 years in prison. Their convictions were overturned in 2002 after evidence linked a convicted serial rapist and
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

8 News

Democratic senator Joe Manchin tests

positive for Covid
Monday he was experiencing mild statement on Monday. “When ques- its predecessors, is now the dominant Manchin dealt a significant blow
Sam Levine in New York symptoms. tioned, at this point he only notes some strain of the virus in the US. to Democrats earlier this month when
Manchin’s positive diagnosis comes residual nasal congestion and minimal Manchin’s diagnosis could affect an he said he would not support climate
Senator Joe Manchin, the West Virginia as Biden himself is recovering from hoarseness.” expected vote this week on increas- change and tax provisions in a bill
Democrat who has thwarted many Covid-19. After four days of taking the Both men tested positive amid a ing semiconductor chip production in Biden hoped would be a signature part
of Joe Biden’s most ambitious policy antiviral Paxlovid medication, the pres- surge in Covid cases across the US the US, the Associated Press reported. of his domestic agenda.
goals, has tested positive for Covid. ident’s symptoms from the virus “have in recent weeks. The highly conta- While members of the US House of
The 74-year-old senator is fully now almost completely resolved”, his gious BA.5 subvariant, which can avoid Representatives can vote remotely by
vaccinated and said on Twitter on physician, Kevin O’Connor, said in a immunity from vaccines better than proxy, members of the Senate cannot.

Joni Mitchell gives first full live performance

since 2002
was named MusiCares person of the
Laura Snapes year and gave a brief performance at
the ceremony to honour her.
Joni Mitchell gave her first full live Mitchell is also working on a series
performance since 2002 at this week- of archival releases to share demos, pre-
end’s Newport Folk festival. Mitchell, viously unheard material and covers.
78, joined country musician and friend The first, Joni Mitchell Archives Vol 1:
Brandi Carlile at the festival to perform The Early Years (1963–1967), was re-
Mitchell classics including A Case of leased in October 2020 and featured a
You, Both Sides Now and Big Yellow rare new interview by Cameron Crowe
Taxi. During the 13-song set, Mitchell in the liner notes.
also performed the guitar solo from In January, she removed her cata-
Just Like This Train. logue from Spotify in solidarity with
Joining her and Carlile – who has Neil Young, who directed his manage-
covered Mitchell’s 1971 album Blue in ment and label to remove his music
full – were Marcus Mumford, Wynonna from the streaming platform given its
Judd, Blake Mills, Jess Wolfe and Holly support of Joe Rogan, whose pod-
Laessig of the band Lucius, and Mit- cast has been criticised by doctors
chell’s bandmates Phil and Tim Han- for spreading misinformation about
seroth and Celisse Henderson: a live Covid-19 and vaccination.
version of the private “Joni Jam” nights “Irresponsible people are spreading
that Mitchell has held at her Los An- lies that are costing people their lives,”
geles home in recent years with the Mitchell said. “I stand in solidarity with
likes of Elton John, Bonnie Raitt and Joni Jam … Mitchell performing at the Newport folk festival on Sunday. Photograph: Douglas Mason/Getty Images Neil Young and the global scientific and
Herbie Hancock. medical communities on this issue.”
“I just realised, Joni’s the least nerv- Watch videos of the performance at 2015, Mitchell has made a steady return video thanking fans for “getting” an The full setlist of Joni Mitchell’s
ous person up here,” Carlile told the Pitchfork and read the setlist below. to public life. She was present at a album that originally “fell heir to a Newport folk festival performance
crowd. Mitchell’s last full live show was tribute concert in celebration of her lot of criticism” – namely that her CareyCome in from the Cold-
As well as renditions of Mitchell at the Wiltern in Los Angeles on 13 75th birthday in 2018 and appeared on candid lyrics were undignified over- Help MeCase of YouBig Yellow
songs including Carey, Amelia and November 2002. She last appeared at stage as other musicians performed Big sharing. She appeared at the Kennedy TaxiJust Like This TrainWhy Do
Circle Game, the group also cov- the Newport folk festival in 1969 on the Yellow Taxi to blow out the candles on Center Honors gala in December 2021 Fools Fall in LoveAmeliaLove Potion
ered Gershwin’s Summertime, Frankie same bill as Arlo Guthrie and the Everly her birthday cake. – telling reporters, “I’m hobbling along No 9ShineSummertimeBoth Sides
Lymon’s Why Do Fools Fall in Love and Brothers. To mark the 50th anniversary of but I’m doing all right” – where she was NowThe Circle Game
Leiber and Stoller’s Love Potion No 9. Since having a brain aneurysm in Blue in June 2021, Mitchell shared a among the recipients. In April, Mitchell

Major blow for One America News as Verizon

Fios drops far-right network
revenue provider for OAN, announced “No company should profit from
Sam Levine in New York that it was dropping the network in spreading content that endangers our
April. democracy.”
Verizon Fios will no longer carry One The only network still carrying the Common Cause and other civil
America News (OAN) at the end of this channel is General Communications rights groups have pressured carriers to
month, dealing a major blow to the Inc, available in a little over 100,000 drop OAN.
far-right television network that has households, the Daily Beast reported. The network, which has staunchly
become a hotbed of misinformation. OAN is also still available on two little- supported Donald Trump, has played a
Verizon was the largest pay-TV pro- known streaming providers. significant role in spreading the lie that
vider still carrying the OAN, according “One America News Network will be the 2020 election was stolen from the
to the Daily Beast, which first reported left without a major carrier to spread its former president.
the network was getting dropped. Ve- often harmful and dangerous disinfor- It is facing billion-dollar lawsuits
rizon and OAN were unable to reach mation and baseless conspiracy theo- from voting equipment vendors Domi-
an agreement to continue providing the ries,” said Yosef Getachew, the media nion and Smartmatic over its false
network and customers will not be able and democracy program director at claims. In May, as part of a settlement
to access the service after 30 July. ‘One America News Network will be left without a major carrier to spread its often harm- Common Cause, a government watch- in a defamation lawsuit, the network re-
The development means that OAN ful and dangerous disinformation and baseless conspiracy theories,’ said Yosef Getachew of dog group that urged Verizon to drop tracted untrue information about two
in effect will not have a major television Common Cause. Photograph: David Barak/Zuma Wire/Rex/Shutterstock OAN. “This is a welcome change but
platform in the US. DirecTV, a major long overdue. Continued on page 10
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The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

10 News

Continued from page 8 2020. network. That correspondent has since AT&T executives as the carrier weighed Reporters are leaving OAN, and one
One of OAN’s top correspondents left to work for Trump’s political action dropping the network. Ball last week person there told the Daily Beast that
Georgia election workers falsely ac- also helped fundraise and support a committee. pleaded with viewers to contact Ve- there has been a push to focus on con-
cused of committing crimes while bal- partisan review of the 2020 election Earlier this year, the OAN host Dan rizon and urge them not to drop the tent that can go viral on social media.
lots were being counted in Atlanta in in Arizona as she covered it for the Ball urged viewers to dig up dirt on network.

Chinese military has become more

aggressive and dangerous, says US chief of
The Biden administration has been
Associated Press taking steps to expand its military and
security relationship with Indo-Pacific
The Chinese military has become nations as part of a campaign to build a
significantly more aggressive and dan- stronger network of alliances in China’s
gerous over the past five years, the backyard and counter China’s growing
United States’ top military officer said influence
during a trip to the Indo-Pacific that in- Milley, who met on Sunday with
cluded a stop in Indonesia. Gen Andika Perkasa, chief of the Indo-
Gen Mark Milley, chairman of the nesian military, said Pacific nations like
joint chiefs of staff, said on Sunday that Indonesia wanted the US military in-
the number of intercepts by Chinese volved and engaged in the region.
aircraft and ships in the Pacific region “We want to work with them to de-
with US and other partner forces had velop interoperability and modernise
increased significantly over that time, our militaries collectively,” Milley said,
and the number of unsafe interactions in order to ensure they could “meet
has risen by similar proportions. whatever challenge that China poses”.
“The message is the Chinese mili- He said Indonesia was strategically
tary, in the air and at sea, have become critical to the region, and had long been
significantly more and noticeably more a key US partner.
aggressive in this particular region,” said Milley, who spent the afternoon at
Milley, who recently asked his staff to Indonesia’s military headquarters in Ja-
compile details about interactions be- karta, was greeted with a massive bill-
tween China and the US and others in The top US military leader, Gen Mark Milley, right, with Indonesia's military chief, Andika Perkasa, in Jakarta on Sunday. Photograph: board bearing his photo and name, a
the region. Mast Irham/EPA military parade and a large television
His comments, made en route to screen that showed a video of his
a meeting with Indonesian defence focused on the China threat. He will cations against the self-ruled island as “This is an area in which China is career.
chiefs in Jakarta, came as the Indo- attend a meeting of Indo-Pacific de- it looks to intimidate it into unify- trying to do outreach for their own pur- At the end of the visit, Andika
nesian president, Joko Widodo, pre- fence chiefs this coming week in Aus- ing with the communist mainland.The poses – and again, this is concerning told reporters that Indonesia had found
pared to set off to Bejiing for a two- tralia, where key topics will be China’s US and others are also worried that a because China is not doing it just for China to be more assertive and “a
day visit on Monday where he will meet escalating military growth and the need recent security agreement that Beijing benign reasons,” Milley told reporters little bit aggressive” with naval vessels
the Chinese president, Xi Jinping. It will to maintain a free, open and peaceful signed in April with the Solomon Isl- travelling with him. “They’re trying in connection with territorial disputes
be the first time in two years that a Pacific. ands could lead to the establishment of to expand their influence throughout with his country.
foreign leader has been received indivi- US military officials have also raised a Chinese naval base in the South Pa- the region. And that has potential
dually by Beijing aside from February’s alarms about the possibility that China cific. The US and Australia have told the consequences that are not necessarily
Winter Olympics. could invade Taiwan – possibly by 2027. Solomon Islands that hosting a Chinese favourable to our allies and partners in
Milley’s trip to the region is sharply China has stepped up its military provo- military base would not be tolerated. the region.”

Shooting in Los Angeles park leaves at least

two dead
– later died of their wounds, depart- of classic cars and low riders often The shooting is the latest to hit the
Guardian staff and agencies ment spokesperson Brian Humphrey gather in public places to show off their United States this summer, following
said. vehicles. mass shootings in Highland Park, Illi-
At least two people were killed and sev- The shooting victims – four men The Los Angeles police depart- nois, Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New
eral others injured in a shooting at a and three women – ranged in age from ment said the shooting started around York.
park in Los Angeles, officials said. 23 to 54, he said, but could offer no 3.50pm, adding that the incident was The wave of incidents has renewed
Seven people were taken to local information about what caused the not an active shooter situation. a fierce debate over why such mass ca-
hospitals after gunfire erupted at an confrontation. Police had yet to report whether sualty events keep occurring in the US,
Police near the scene of a shooting at Peck
informal car show at Peck Park in the Park in San Pedro, Los Angeles, that left at The car show was an informal ga- they had identified any suspects. and the need for new gun access legis-
San Pedro neighborhood on Sunday, least two dead and several injured. Photo- thering, rather than an officially sche- Peck Park is about 20 miles (32km) lation.
the Los Angeles fire department graph: Ringo HW Chiu/AP duled event, Humphrey said. As part of south of downtown Los Angeles, Cali-
said.Two of them – a man and a woman Southern California car culture, owners fornia.
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

News / Politics 11

First Thing: Ginni Thomas faces possible

January 6 subpoena
torn between the two.
Nicola Slawson The Chinese military has become
significantly more aggressive and dan-
Good morning. gerous over the past five years, the
The House January 6 committee United States’ top military officer said
could subpoena Ginni Thomas, the wife during a trip to the Indo-Pacific that
of the supreme court justice Clarence included a stop in Indonesia. Gen
Thomas, if she will not testify volun- Mark Milley said the number of unsafe
More than 3,000 people under evacu-
tarily about her involvement in Donald interactions has risen by similar propor- ation orders from just one of dozens of fires
Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 tions. burning across the American west, with the
election. Stat of the day: More than 85 mil- risk yet to peak. Photograph: David McNew/
The news from panel member Liz lion Americans were under excessive AFP/Getty Images
Cheney came two days after Trump’s heat warnings on Sunday
former strategist Steve Bannon was From the Pacific Northwest to the anxieties about children, and so on – all
convicted of criminal contempt of Con- southern Great Plains and on to the the usual business of living.”
gress for refusing to cooperate with the Clarence and Ginni Thomas last October. Photograph: Drew Angerer/Getty Images heavily populated Interstate 95 cor- Climate check: Tyre dust: the
committee. He faces time in jail. ridor, more than 85 million Amer- ‘stealth pollutant’ that’s becoming a
The second Republican on the com- hovered around 100F (38C). The ex- power. icans were on Sunday under exces- huge threat to ocean life
mittee, Adam Kinzinger, said yesterday: treme nature of the fire meant it turned “As a matter of principle, as a matter sive heat warnings or heat advisories For decades, coho salmon returning
“You can’t ignore a congressional sub- tall trees into matchsticks and sent bil- of character, Trump has proven him- issued by the National Weather Ser- from the Pacific Ocean to the creeks
poena or you’ll pay the price,” a warning lowing black smoke curling over the self unworthy to be this country’s chief vice (NWS). The agency warned of and streams of Puget Sound in Wash-
he said applied to “any future witnesses quaint historic downtown of Mariposa. executive again.” “extremely oppressive” conditions in ington state to spawn were dying in
too”. It remained at 0% containment last Haveany of Murdoch’s other paper’s the north-eastern USfrom Washington large numbers. No one knew why.
Cheney, the vice-chair of the panel, night, despite a heavily resourced fire- turned against Trump? The Wall Street to Boston. Even in Promised Land Scientists working to solve the mystery
told CNN’s State of the Union: “The fighting effort. Since Friday, it had con- Journal, another Murdoch paper, issued state park, 1,800ft up in Pennsylvania’s of the mass deaths noticed they oc-
committee is engaged with [Ginni sumed more than 15,000 acres. More a similar critique. Trump had “shown Pocono mountains, temperatures were curred after heavy rains. Toxicologists
Thomas’s] counsel. We certainly hope than 3,000 people were under evacu- not an iota of regret”, the Journal said, forecast to soar above 90F (32C). suspected pesticides but no evidence
that she will agree to come in volun- ation orders. adding: “Character is revealed in a crisis, Don’t miss this: Want to stop feel- of pesticides was found. They ruled out
tarily but the committee is fully pre- Have any homes been destroyed? and Mr Pence passed his January 6 trial. ing hurt when someone says no? disease, lack of oxygen and chemicals
pared to contemplate a subpoena if she At least 10 homes and other structures Mr Trump utterly failed his.” Take the rejection therapy challenge such as metals and hydrocarbons. It
does not.” had been destroyed, with thousands re- What else did the paper say? In 2012, 30-year-old Jia Jiang walked was when they tested car tyre particles
Why does the committee want to maining at risk in its path. “Unsubscribe from Trump’s daily up to a stranger and asked if he could – a poorly understood yet ubiquitous
speak to Thomas? She corresponded Is it the only fire raging? No. The emails begging for money. Then pick borrow $100. “No” was the response pollutant – that they knew they were on
with Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of fire is one of dozens burning across your favorite from a new crop of from the baffled man sitting in a hotel the right track.
staff, and John Eastman, a law professor the American west as the region braces conservatives. Look to 2022, and 2024, lobby. He wanted to know why he was Last Thing: Chess robot grabs and
who shaped the congressional side of for peak fire-risk months that still lie and a new era. Let’s make America sane being asked, but Jiang didn’t explain; breaks finger of seven-year-old oppo-
a push that culminated in the deadly ahead. More than 5.5 million acres have again.” he just said thanks then walked away. nent
Capitol attack. She also corresponded already burned in the US this year, In other news … This was Jiang’s first day of rejection Played by humans, chess is a game
with Arizona Republicans about at- roughly 70% more than the 10-year av- A leading critic of the US response therapy, a concept created by Canadian of strategic thinking, calm concen-
tempts to overturn Joe Biden’s victory erage. to the monkeypox outbreak, he didn’t entrepreneur Jason Comely that chal- tration and patient intellectual endea-
there. Is Murdoch tiring of Trump? understand why the US didn’t have lenged people to approach strangers vour. Violence does not usually come
What can we learn from the Jan- Mogul’s print titles dump the ex- more vaccines for the rapidly spreading with weird requests to build their resi- into it. The same, it seems, cannot
uary 6 hearings? Trump’s efforts to president viral disease. The California Democrat lience against rejection. always be said of machines. Last week,
subvert the elections laid bare the Rupert Murdoch, hitherto one of Adam Schiff said he wanted “to light a … or this: I’ve been meeting with according to Russian media outlets, a
system’s weaknesses, exposing it to Donald Trump’s most loyal media fire under the administration”. the same group of men for 36 years – chess-playing robot apparently unset-
greater exploitation. messengers, appears to have turned on At least two people were killed and here’s what they’ve taught me tled by the quick responses of a seven-
California fire remains uncon- the former president. several others injured in a shooting at a “When I saw a flyer for a ‘men’s year-old boy unceremoniously grabbed
tained as governor declares state of US media circles were rocked this park in Los Angeles, officials said.Seven group’ in a shop window, I was a and broke his finger during a match at
emergency weekend after the New York Post people were taken to local hospitals young, buttoned-up and newly single the Moscow Open.
A ferocious wildfire in the foothills issued an excoriating editorial indict- after gunfire erupted at an informal car father. More than three decades on, the Sign up
of the Sierra Nevada raged uncontained ment of Trump’s failure to stop the show at Peck Park in the San Pedro conversations are still changing my life,” First Thing is delivered to thou-
yesterday, forcing thousands of resi- attack on the US Capitol. neighborhood yesterday, the Los An- writes David Spiegelhalter. “The messy sands of inboxes every weekday. If
dents from their homes in the gateway The editorial, in a tabloid owned by geles fire department said. bits of people’s lives have been fasci- you’re not already signed up, subscribe
to Yosemite national park. Murdoch since 1976, began: “As his fol- Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei nating, although confidentiality means now.
The Oak fire started on Friday near lowers stormed the Capitol, calling for Lavrov, has reassured Egypt over Rus- that, unfortunately, I can’t give the de- Get in touch
the town of Midpines, California, and his vice-president to be hanged, Pres- sian grain supplies at the start of a tails of all the extraordinary stories. But If you have any questions or com-
exploded in size over the weekend. ident Donald Trump sat in his private four-country tour of Africa, amid uncer- I can say that for decades we’ve listened ments about any of our newsletters
Burning through dense and dry dining room, watching TV, doing noth- tainty over the future of a deal to to concerns about drinking too much, p l e a s e e m a i l
vegetation on the region’s steep and ing. For three hours, seven minutes.” resume Ukrainian exports via the Black being fed up with work, enjoying work,
rugged hillsides, the blaze was fanned Trump’s only focus, the Post said, Sea. Egypt bought 80% of its wheat suffering from depression, negotiating
by gusty winds and temperatures that was to block the peaceful transfer of from Russia and Ukraine, and has been bisexuality, difficulties with partners,

How a Trump-backed ‘QAnon whack job’

won with Democratic ‘collusion’
Hogan previouslycalled Cox “a Cox, endorsed by Donald Trump, ing the risky bet that as the January Democrats, who propped this guy up
Martin Pengelly in New York QAnon whack job”. surged past Kelly Schulz, a member of 6 committee remains in the headlines, and got him elected.
“Collusion” is a loaded word in US Hogan’s cabinet, to win the Republican extremists who support the former “But he really is not a serious can-
Dan Cox, an extremist pro-Trump politics, in the long aftermath of the nomination. president’s lie about electoral fraud in didate.”
Republican, won his party’s nomination Russia investigation, in which the spe- In the Democratic race, Wes Moore, his 2020 defeat will prove unpalatable The New York Times reported the
for governor in Maryland last week cial counsel Robert Mueller scrutinised a bestselling author, beat candidates to voters. sum spent by the DGA on pro-Cox TV
thanks to “collusion between Trump election interference by Moscow and including Tom Perez, a former Demo- Hogan said: “There’s no question ads at “more than $1.16m”.
and the national Democrats”, the cur- links between Trump aides and Russia. cratic national committee chair and US this was a big win for the Democratic Hogan’s host, Jake Tapper, pointed
rent Republican governor said. The battle to succeed Hogan as gov- labor secretary. Governors Association that I think out that 142,000 Republicans voted for
“I don’t think there’s any chance ernor of Maryland might seem small In a midterm election year, Demo- spent over $3m trying to promote this Cox, a state legislator, “So it’s really
that [Cox] can win,” Larry Hogan added, beer in comparison. But the race at- crats have sought to boost pro-Trump guy [Cox]. And it was basically col-
speaking to CNN’s State of the Union. tracted national attention. Republicans in competitive states, plac- lusion between Trump and the national Continued on page 12
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

12 Politics

Continued from page 11 nounces now.

“And, you know, it may help in very
Republican voters that did this.” red states or very red districts. But in
Hogan said: “Yes, well, some of competitive places and purple battle-
them. I mean, we only have a little fields, it’s going to cost us seats if he
over 20% of the people in Maryland were to do that.”
are Republican, and only 20% of them Hogan said he thought Trump’s
showed up at the polls. So it’s about 2% “ego probably can’t take another loss
Larry Hogan speaks to reportes in Anna-
of the people of our state that voted for – after all he lost to Joe Biden, which is polis, Maryland. Photograph: Brian Stukes/
the guy. And in the general election, I hard to do – but he likes to be the center Getty Images
think it’s going to be a different situ- of attention”.
ation.” On CNN, Tapper cited Liz Cheney, heart and soul of the Republican party
Hogan has sought to establish him- another anti-Trump Republican and and this is just the beginning.’
self as a figurehead for anti-Trump possible presidential hopeful who “I think, in November, we’re going
Republicans. Asked if he would vote seems set to lose her US House seat to have a different story, when a lot
for Moore, he said he would “have to Dan Cox shakes hands with a supporter on primary night in Emmitsburg, Maryland. in Wyoming, and asked if Hogan felt of these fringe candidates lose. And
make a decision about that between Photograph: Kenneth K Lam/AP Trump was winning the battle for the then we’re going to have to start think-
now and November. But I’m certainly soul of his party. ing about, between November’s elec-
not going to support this guy [Cox]. I theory which among other beliefs holds thought a Trump 2024 announcement “There’s no question that we lost a tion and the election two years later,
said I wouldn’t. He’s not qualified to be that the US is run by a cabal of child- before November, which seems likely, battle and we’re losing a few battles,” what kind of a party are we going to be?
governor.” molesting cannibals which Trump will would cost Republicans in the mid- Hogan said. “But the fight is long. It’s And can we get back to a more Reaga-
Cox tried to impeach Hogan over defeat. terms. long from being over. nesque big tent party that appeals to
his handling of the Maryland Covid re- Hogan has said he is considering “We had discussions about that at “I mean, we have another couple more people?
sponse. He has used QAnon-adjacent a run for the Republican presidential the Republican Governors Association of years before the next [presidential] “Or are we going to double down on
language and attended a QAnon-linked nomination. He was not drawn further last week,” he said, “and I think most election. In November of ’20, I gave a failure?”
convention. on the matter on Sunday. people are very concerned about the speech at the Reagan Institute saying,
QAnon is an antisemitic conspiracy He did tell ABC’s This Week he damage it does to the party if he an- ‘There’s going to be a long battle for the

Is Murdoch tiring of Trump? Mogul’s print

titles dump the ex-president
Corp could be sued by Dominion Voting
Edward Helmore in New York Systems for broadcasting conspiracy
theories related to the 2020 election.
Rupert Murdoch, hitherto one of Rupert Murdoch and his son Lach-
Donald Trump’s most loyal media lan are named in the $1.6bn suit, for
messengers, appears to have turned on allegedly acting with “actual malice” in
the former president. allowing Fox News to broadcast claims
US media circles were rocked this the election was rigged. The judge, Eric
Donald Trump with Rupert Murdoch
weekend after the New York Post Davis, cited reports that the elder Mur- and his ex-wife Anna Murdoch. Photograph:
issued an excoriating editorial indict- doch privately said Trump lost the elec- Sonia Moskowitz/Zuma Press
ment of Trump’s failure to stop the tion.
attack on the US Capitol on 6 January Fox News says it is “confident we friendship of convenience.
2021. will prevail as freedom of the press Murdoch was able to bypass White
The editorial, in a tabloid owned by is foundational to our democracy and House aides to reach the president.
Murdoch since 1976, began: “As his fol- must be protected, in addition to Trump reportedly called Murdoch for
lowers stormed the Capitol, calling for Donald Trump is embraced by Rupert Murdoch during a dinner in New York in 2017. the damages claims being outrageous, reassurance Fox News would not be af-
his vice-president to be hanged, Pres- Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images unsupported and not rooted in sound fected by a deal to sell 21st Century Fox
ident Donald Trump sat in his private financial analysis, serving as nothing to Disney.
dining room, watching TV, doing noth- regret”, the Journal said, adding: “Cha- In the Post, Michael Goodwin said more than a flagrant attempt to deter Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
ing. For three hours, seven minutes.” racter is revealed in a crisis, and Mr Trump’s “old feuds and grievances al- our journalists from doing their jobs.” holidayed on Murdoch’s 184ft yacht.
Trump’s only focus, the Post said, Pence passed his January 6 trial. Mr ready sound stale and by 2024 they are A friendship of convenience Ivanka became a trustee for Murdoch
was to block the peaceful transfer of Trump utterly failed his.” not likely to inspire the hope and confi- The relationship between Murdoch and Wendi Deng’s twin daughters.
power. The editorials were only the latest dence America desperately needs”. and Trump has long been regarded as The latest editorials may not change
“As a matter of principle, as a matter salvoes from the big guns of Murdo- Last year, Murdoch himself said one of convenience. Thirty years ago, the views of Fox News primetime hosts.
of character, Trump has proven him- chian conservatism. conservatives must play an active role Trump often used the New York Post in Sean Hannity, for one, has described
self unworthy to be this country’s chief “The person who owns January 6 in political debate, “but that will not his divorce battle with Ivana Trump, his the House January 6 hearings as an
executive again.” is Donald Trump,” the Journal said in happen if President Trump stays fo- first wife who died this month. As de- “obsessive partisan anti-Trump smear”
The Wall Street Journal, another June. cused on the past”. scribed by the Trump ally Roger Stone, and claimed they have not “estab-
Murdoch paper, issued a similar cri- “Look forward!” it urged readers. There are also signs that Murdoch’s to the New York Times, Trump consi- lish[ed] a criminal case or reveal[ed]
tique in which it said evidence before “The 2024 field is rich. You have Flor- most powerful media property, Fox dered the Page Six column “very impor- new damning evidence … as they have
the House January 6 committee was ida governor Ron DeSantis, former sec- News, is beginning to change its stance. tant to his rising stature in New York promised”.
a reminder that “Trump betrayed his retary of state Mike Pompeo, former On Friday, Fox News elected not to City and branding efforts”. But the print titles seem to be
supporters”. UN ambassador Nikki Haley … the list broadcast a Trump rally in Arizona But a year before Trump was moving on. Quoting “someone in the
Trump, the Journal said, took an goes on. All candidates who embrace during which a state endorsement met elected, in 2015, the Times reported Murdoch orbit”, Vanity Fair said last
oath to defend the constitution and conservative policies … Unsubscribe with boos. Instead, Fox News broadcast that Murdoch thought him a “phony”. month the media baron was “a prag-
had an obligation to protect the Capitol from Trump’s daily emails begging for an interview with DeSantis. After Trump mocked the senator matic guy”.
from the mob he told to march there, money. Then pick your favorite from Observers believe Murdoch, 91, may and former Republican presidential no- “He knows better than anybody
knowing it was armed. a new crop of conservatives. Look to be tiring of Trump’s lie that the 2020 minee John McCain, Murdoch wrote on how to read political tea leaves. It’s
“He refused. He didn’t call the mili- 2022, and 2024, and a new era. Let’s election was stolen, which has both Twitter: “When is Donald Trump going fairly self-evident that quite a few
tary to send help. He didn’t call [Mike] make America sane again.”Columnists kept Trump in the spotlight and denied to stop embarrassing his friends, let people in the firmament have begun
Pence to check on the safety of his issued similar calls. him the ceremonial status usually ex- alone the whole country?” to challenge the previously supported
loyal [vice-president]. Instead he fed “Let go of the anvil that, in the most tended to ex-presidents. The Journal called Trump a “catas- collective viewpoint about Trump. It’s
the mob’s anger and let the riot play buoyant waters imaginable, will sink Murdoch outlets have faced legal trophe” and declared: “Trump is toast.” understood now that the gloves are off.
out.” you to the bottom of the sea,” Peggy repercussions for repeating Trump’s lie. But by the time Trump was elected in As [Trump] lashes out, it just makes it
Trump had “shown not an iota of Noonan wrote in the Journal. A judge in Delaware recently said Fox 2016, he and Murdoch had cemented a easier for people to hit back.”
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

World News 13

Met admits not sending Boris Johnson

questionnaires over Partygate gatherings
little to be gained” from sending one to
Ben Quinn a particular person simply for them to
confirm what was already known, and
Anger over the Partygate scandal has there was no duty to send one, it was
been reignited after Scotland Yard con- said.
firmed that it did not send question- The Met said Operation Hillman,
naires to Boris Johnson before decid- the probe into Partygate, had con-
ing against fining him for attending two cluded and that it would not comment
Downing Street lockdown gatherings. on the steps taken in the course of the
Fines were issued to other attenders investigation.
at the gatherings in 2020, including one There was an angry reaction from
at No 10 on 13 November, where the former officials embroiled in the police
prime minister gave a leaving speech inquiry, included one who pointed out
for his departing director of communi- that Rishi Sunak received a fixed-pe-
cations, Lee Cain, and another in the nalty notice for his presence at the end
Cabinet Office on 17 December. of Johnson’s birthday party, which the
Downing Street has previously then chancellor was said to have wan-
briefed that Johnson did not receive dered into as he prepared for another
police questionnaires relating to some meeting.
lockdown events. But the revelation on Jo Maugham, director of the GLP,
Monday is thought to be the first time said: “Johnson isn’t going to be prime
the Metropolitan police has admitted minister for much longer. But, for me,
this, under details released as part of a this continues to be about what it was
legal challenge. Boris Johnson is pictured in 10 Downing Street at a gathering on 13 November 2020 during a Covid lockdown. Photograph: Sue Gray always about: trust in policing and the
The Good Law Project (GLP), a non- Report/GOV.UK/Reuters rule of law. Seventy-two per cent of
profit campaign group that has brought voters think there is one law for the rich
a judicial review over accusations that it’s consistent with what the Met has Met’s response to the challenge, re- 2020. and another for the poor. Why won’t
the Met failed to fully investigate John- elsewhere conceded is their public duty leased by the GLP, the force said it could In its response to the GLP, Scot- the Met address that perception? Why
son’s presence at parties, said: “The to maintain public confidence in polic- confirm no questionnaire was sent to land Yard said investigating officers had won’t they just say what happened?”
Met’s actions have raised grave con- ing.” Johnson for the two 2020 gatherings. It examined hundreds of documents in- No 10 declined to comment, refer-
cerns about the deferential way in The group is taking action in confirmed it sent one in relation to a cluding emails, diary entries, witness ring queries to Scotland Yard.
which they are policing those in power. concert with Brian Paddick, the Lib- gathering held on 14 January 2021. statements and CCTV images.
“We don’t think the Met’s response eral Democrat peer and former senior Johnson received a single £50 fine Questionnaires were a useful part of
is consistent with their legal duty of police officer. in April for breaking Covid laws at a the investigation, but if answers were
candour. And we certainly don’t think In a document summarising the birthday party thrown for him in June clear from other evidence, “there was

Myanmar junta executes democracy activists

in first such killings in decades
which monitors arrests and killings.
Rebecca Ratcliffe and Maung According to AAPP Burma, 76 pris-
Moe oners have been sentenced to death
since the coup, including two child-
Myanmar’s junta has executed four ren. A further 41 people have been sen-
prisoners including a former politician tenced to death in absentia. Before the
and a veteran activist, drawing shock executions on Monday, Myanmar had
and revulsion at the country’s first use not carried out capital punishment in
Demonstrators hold a banner reading
of capital punishment in decades. more than 30 years, according to the “we will never be frightened” at a protest in
Junta-controlled media reported on UN. Yangon on Monday. Photograph: NurPhoto/
Monday that four men, including Phyo Many in Myanmar turned their REX/Shutterstock
Zeya Thaw, a rapper and former law- social media profile pictures black and
maker from Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, red in a show of mourning. Others Kyaw Min Yu, 53, a veteran activist,
and the prominent democracy activist posted lines from the men’s lyrics and was arrested in an overnight raid in Oc-
Kyaw Min Yu, known as Jimmy, had speeches including the line “nothing’s tober. He was a prominent leader of the
been executed. They were accused of Phyo Zeya Thaw, a 41-year-old former lawmaker from ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s gonna happen if we are all united” from 88 Generation Students Group, which
conspiring to commit terror acts and party was among four men executed by the Myanmar junta Photograph: Aung Shine Oo/AP one of Phyo Zeya Thaw’s rap songs. led pro-democracy uprisings against
were sentenced to death in January in Phyo Zeya Thaw, 41, was arrested the military, and was imprisoned in
closed trials. said he was extremely saddened. “What mation from the deputy prison chief in November when about 100 police 1988 for his role in the protests. He was
The UN special rapporteur Thomas else do we need to prove how cruel the of Insein prison that the death penalty and soldiers raided a housing complex released in 2005 but jailed again from
Andrews said he was “outraged and murderous Myanmar’s military is?” he had been carried out. No information in Yangon. Before entering politics he 2007 until 2012.
devastated” by the executions. “The said. was provided about when the execu- was an activist and rapper. In 2000 he Kyaw Min Yu was also a writer,
widespread and systematic murders Following reports of the executions, tion took place. Prison officials refused released the country’s first rap album, and while in prison translated works
of protesters, indiscriminate attacks demonstrators in Yangon held up a to hand the body over to relatives, they having founded the hip-hop band Acid. including Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci
against entire villages, and now the banner which read “we will never be said, despite prison regulations stating His lyrics, and their thinly veiled criti- Code and Angels and Demons, and
execution of opposition leaders, de- frightened”. it must do so unless there is a special cisms of the previous military regime, wrote the novel, The Moon in Inle Lake.
mands an immediate and firm response Another banner was hung on a reason. captured the anger and frustrations of a His 2005 self-help book Making Friends
by member states of the United Na- bridge in Yangon bearing a warning that Myanmar’s military junta seized generation of young listeners. was a bestseller, according to PEN Inter-
tions,” he said. the junta should “be ready to pay for power in a coup in February 2021, oust- Phyo Zeya Thaw was an activist national.
France and Japan also condemned the blood debt”. Text underneath read: ing the elected government of Aung with the movement Generation Wave, The two other executed men – Hla
the executions, while the US national “RIP Zeyar Thaw, Jimmy, Hla Myo Aung San Suu Kyi, and has since unleashed which used graffiti, pamphlets and Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw –
security council described the killings and Aung Thura.” a campaign of brutal violence to sup- coded protest material to campaign were accused of killing a woman they
as “heinous”. Local media reported that the fami- press opposition. against the previous regime. Like many suspected was a military informer in
Aung Myo Min, the human rights lies of the men had travelled to Insein A total of 14,847 people have been of the group’s members, he was ar- Yangon, according to Agence France-
minister in Myanmar’s national unity prison in Yangon demanding to see arrested since the coup, while 11,759 rested and imprisoned. He went on to Presse.
government (NUG), which was formed their loved ones’ bodies. remain in detention, according to the become a lower house MP in April 2012, The men had tried to appeal but
in exile by elected politicians, ethnic A source close to the family of Kyaw advocacy group Assistance Association the same year Aung San Suu Kyi was
minority representatives and activists, Min Yu said they had received confir- for Political Prisoners (AAPP) Burma, elected to parliament. Continued on page 14
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
14 World News

Continued from page 13 violation of international human rights made arrangements, and committed Yee Mon, the NUG’s defence minis- for, [we] will chase him down until the
law. conspiracies for brutal and inhuman ter, wrote on Facebook: “This revo- end of the world.”
their sentence was upheld in June. The junta-controlled newspaper terror acts”. lution isn’t over until we bring justice
They were reportedly denied access to Global New Light of Myanmar said on The junta gave no details on how against [junta chief] Min Aung Hlaing.
legal counsel during their appeal, in Monday the men had given “directives, the men were executed. He won’t have an inch of earth to run

Tyre dust: the ‘stealth pollutant’ that’s

becoming a huge threat to ocean life
its device.
Karen McVeigh “Tyre wear is unique in that it can
count as microplastic but it is also air
For decades, coho salmon returning pollution because it’s so small,” she said.
from the Pacific Ocean to the creeks “Anything that is 10 microns can be in-
and streams of Puget Sound in Wash- haled in our lungs and anything that
ington state to spawn were dying in is 2.5 microns has the potential to pass
large numbers. No one knew why. the membrane barrier,” Anderson said.
A coho salmon jumping up a waterfall
Scientists working to solve the mys- Tyre dust particles have been found to get to its spawning grounds. Photograph:
tery of the mass deaths noticed they to be smaller than 23 nanometers (0.02 Cavan Images/Alamy
occurred after heavy rains. microns).
Toxicologists suspected pesticides, Edward Kolodziej, an associate pro- microplastics.
as the main creek they studied ran fessor at the University of Washington “We’re finding something like 2-5%
through a golf course. But no evidence and co-author of the coho study, cites maximum of TRWP is reaching the
of pesticides was found. They ruled out twostudies from China showing that ocean,” he said, citing a two-part
disease, lack of oxygen and chemicals Tyre wear particles are considered by environmental scientists to be one of the most tyre dust is an important contributor study published in 2018, commissioned
such as metals and hydrocarbons. significant sources of microplastics in the ocean. Photograph: Ian Nicholson/PA to urban air pollution. “It’s not just the by the European Tyre and Rubber
The first real breakthrough hap- roadway runoff and stormwater getting Manufacturers Association, which used
pened when they tested actual runoff run-off into storm drains, where they due to heavier vehicles and torque (the into the river that kills the fish, there’s the Seine watershed as a case study.
collected from a nearby road and ex- empty into rivers and the sea. They rotational force of a car engine). The also unknown or poorly characterised Environmental groups, however,
posed test salmon to it. The fish died are also released from sewage efflu- UK’s air quality group warned in 2019 chemicals present in these things that have questioned the independence of
within hours. ent and from the atmosphere, where that dust from tyres and car brakes are ending up in our lungs.” this research.
“The harder step was delving into they can circulate into the ocean and would continue to pollute the air, rivers Kolodziej is concerned about the Anne Cécile Rémont, the director of
what could be in that stormwater,” said back again. A 2020 study suggested and ultimately the sea, even when the big data gaps in our knowledge of the the TIP said that after the coho salmon
Jenifer McIntyre, an assistant professor windblown microplastics are an even fleet has gone electric. effects of thousands of chemicals in study, the US Tire Manufacturing Asso-
of aquatic toxicology at Washington bigger source of ocean pollution than In January, McIntyre’s research the environment. “As a society, we’re ciation (USTMA) has been involved in
State University, who has spent 15 years rivers. team published a new study, which literally making 300,000 chemicals, of discussions with regulators and stake-
searching for what was killing the coho, While it is fiendishly difficult to pin found that 6PPD-quinone was “more which 20,000to 30,000 are the most holder on “potential alternatives” to
an important species in the Pacific down the exact composition of micro- toxic than previously calculated” to commonly used,” he said. “Between 6PPD. A proposal in California, where
north-west. plastics, there is plenty of research coho and should be categorised as a 90% and 95% of chemicalshave had no the loss of coho salmon has signif-
It was when they tested car tyre which points to tyre dust making up “very highly toxic” pollutant for aquatic assessment of what they do in the envi- icantly affected Indigenous commun-
particles – a poorly understood yet a significant portion. organisms. ronment.” ities, would require tyre makers to con-
ubiquitous pollutant – that they knew In 2017, a global model by the Inter- Like any detective, McIntyre hopes “All these chemicals are pro- sider safer alternatives to 6PPD. USTMA
they were on the right track. Using a national Union for the Conservation of her team’s work will prompt others to prietary, confidential business infor- has said it supports the proposal.
parmesan grater atop a drill, they care- Nature estimated tyre wear to be the look backwards, at locally extinct aq- mation. When you go and buy a prod- Asked if the industry was pre-
fully shaved tiny fragments of tyre and second largest source of primary micro- uatic species, to determine whether uct like a tyre, nobody’s being told pared to be more transparent about the
soaked them in water. plastics in the ocean, at 28%, after syn- 6PPD-quinone may have played a role. about what chemicals are in it.” chemicals in tyre wear to speed up re-
“When we tested the tyres it killed thetic textile fibres, at 35%. Dr Steve Allen, a specialist in atmos- Frédérique Mongodin, the senior search, Rémont said the formula was
all the fish,” said McIntyre. From there, And, in 2019, a report by scien- pheric microplastics at the Ocean Fron- marine litter policy officer of Seas At what gives a manufacturer compet-
they were able to identify the culprit: tists across Europe concluded abra- tier Institute at Dalhousie University Risk, said she is very concerned about itive advantage. “Sharing ingredients is
a toxic chemical known as 6PPD-quin- sion from car tyres was a large source in Canada, described the coho salmon the “chemical cocktail” from tyres. very difficult and complicated,” she said
one, the product of the preservative of microplastics and possibly nanop- study as “landmark”, because it ex- “Tyre dust is impossible to control. We but added that the USTMA is devel-
6PPD, which is added to tyres to stop lastics. While there remains a lack of amined the real-world effects of tyre are pushing the EU to introduce meas- oping a “surrogate test material” for re-
them breaking down. The pioneering data on risks to the environment and particles. ures at the design stage.” searchers.
study, published in 2020, has been he- human health, the scientists concluded The study of microplastic is fast The $264bn (£194bn)-a-year tyre But experts are calling for more
ralded as critical to our understanding that if future emissions remain con- moving but still in its infancy. Fewer industry is countering scientific studies transparency from the tyre companies.
of what some describe as a “stealth pol- stant or increase “the ecological risks than 100 scientific papers about them on tyre wear and microplastics with re- It took decades for scientists to narrow
lutant”. could be widespread within a century”. have been published to date, said Allen, search of its own. down which chemical was causing the
Tyre-wear particles – a mixture of One thing is certain. Tyre-wear par- all of them in the last decade. The Tire Industry Project (TIP), a mass die-offs of coho salmon in Wash-
tyre fragments, including synthetic rub- ticles are ubiquitous. The average tyre Siobhan Anderson, the co-founder body representing 10 tyre manufac- ington state.
bers, fillers and softeners and road loses 4kg over its lifetime. About 6m and chief scientific officer of the Tyre turers including Goodyear, Michelin “Very few people, except manufac-
surface particles – are considered by tonnes of tyre particles are emitted Collective, a group of masters students and Pirelli, has commissioned mul- turers, know what is in the tyres,” said
environmental scientists to be one of annually and have been found every- who designed a device to collect micro- tiple studies over the last decade, con- Allen. “There are thousands upon thou-
the most significant sources of micro- where from the deep sea, to the atmos- plastics directly from tyres, calls tyre cluding that TRWP (tyre and road wear sands of chemicals. What happens if
plastics in the ocean. phere, even in the Arctic and the An- dust “a stealth pollutant” because few particles) presents no environmental two of them get together? When it
Created during acceleration and tarctic. people know about it. “There is very and health risks. comes to microplastic, we don’t know
braking, they are dispersed from road And it is only going to get worse. little public awareness,” said Anderson, Gavin Whitmore, the commu- what a safe level is and we may have
surfaces by rainfall and wind. The main Electric cars will lower tailpipe emis- whose organisation is in talks with nication manager of TIP, disagrees that already passed it.”
environmental pathway is from road sions, but tyre wear is projected to rise, Volvo and Seft about development of tyre wear is a major source of ocean

Ghislaine Maxwell moved to low-security

prison in Florida
girls to be abused by the financier Jeff- The disgraced socialite appealed Center, New York, since her arrest in were “reprehensible”. They claimed
Emine Sinmaz rey Epstein. against her conviction and sentence July 2020 on charges that she lured girls Maxwell was subjected to such inva-
The 60-year-old has been moved to this month. as young as 14 into Epstein’s abusive sive surveillance that it “rivals scenes
Ghislaine Maxwell has been sent to a FCI Tallahassee in Florida, according to Maxwell, the daughter of the pub- orbit. of Dr Hannibal Lecter’s incarceration”
low-security prison to serve her 20-year the Bureau of Prisons. She will be eli- lishing baron Robert Maxwell, had been Her lawyers repeatedly complained
prison sentence for procuring teenage gible for release on 17 July 2037. held at the Metropolitan Detention that conditions at the Brooklyn jail Continued on page 15
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

World News 15

Continued from page 14 influence.

Epstein was arrested by federal
from the film The Silence of the Lambs. authorities in July 2019 on sex-traf-
They also alleged that Maxwell was ficking counts. He killed himself while
deprived of water and fed food infested awaiting trial in a New York City federal
with maggots. They claimed that raw jail.
sewage permeated her cell, which was The judge handed down a 20-year
plagued by rats, and that guards pre- sentence, saying Maxwell “repeatedly,
vented her from sleeping by shining and over the course of many years
torches into her eyes every 15 minutes. participated in a horrific scheme to traf-
Her lawyers requested that she fic young girls, some the age of 14”.
serve her sentence at FCI Danbury Nathan said it was important that
in Connecticut, a minimum security although “Epstein was central to this
prison that was the inspiration for scheme” she was not being sentenced
the hit Netflix series Orange Is the “as a proxy” for him. She said: “The
New Black. Experts have previously defendant’s conduct … was heinous and
described the jail as being “like Dis- predatory.”
neyland” compared with the Brooklyn The sentencing took place nearly
institution. three months after the judge rejected
Alison Nathan, who oversaw Max- Maxwell’s request for a fresh trial after
well’s trial, had recommended that revelations that a juror in her case had
Maxwell be moved to FCI Danbury fol- not disclosed childhood sexual abuse
lowing the request, but the Bureau of during jury selection.
Prisons ultimately made the decision. Ghislaine Maxwell had been held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York since her arrest in July 2020. Photograph: US Maxwell, who has maintained her
FCI Tallahassee opened in 1938 and Department of Justice/PA innocence, was convicted on 29 Decem-
houses women only. ber of five of the six charges she faced.
Prosecutors argued in June that four to five years, arguing it would be lawyers contended that her jail condi- the money she’d receive for murdering The jury came to its decision after
Maxwell should be imprisoned for at “a travesty of justice for her to face a tions were harrowing, alleging: “An Ms Maxwell.” 40 hours of deliberations spanning six
least 30 years. But in submissions sentence that would have been appro- inmate in Ms Maxwell’s unit threatened They also argued that an emo- days.
before her sentencing hearing, her law- priate for Epstein”. to kill her, claiming that an additional tionally abusive childhood at the hands
yers said she should face no more than In their bid for leniency, Maxwell’s 20 years’ incarceration would be worth of her father primed her for Epstein’s

Monkey attacks injure 42 people in Japanese

tranquilliser guns after traps they set
Agence France-Presse failed to snare any of the monkeys. “In-
itially, only children and women were
Local authorities in a Japanese city are attacked. Recently, elderly people and
to use tranquilliser guns to confront adult men have been targeted too,” the
marauding monkeys that have injured official said.
42 people in recent weeks. The city is not sure if the attacks
Japanese macaques are common are the work of multiple monkeys or
across large parts of the country and a single aggressive individual. The in-
are a pest in some areas, eating crops truders have in some cases entered
and sometimes entering homes. But a houses by sliding open screen doors,
spate of monkey attacks in Yamaguchi or going through windows.
in the west of the country has been City officials and police have been
unusual, with adults and children suf- patrolling the area since the first attacks
fering wounds including scratches and around 8 July but have yet to capture
bites. any monkeys.
“All of Yamaguchi city is surrounded The story has made headlines in
by mountains and it’s not rare to see Japan in recent weeks, with people
monkeys,” said a city official from the reporting regular invasions. “I heard
agricultural department, who declined crying coming from the ground floor
to give her name. “But it’s rare to see so I hurried down,” one father told the
this many attacks in a short period of Mainichi Shimbun daily. “Then I saw a
time.” monkey hunching over my child.”
The injuries have so far been large- Japanese macaques are common across large parts of the country. Photograph: Dai Kurokawa/EPA
ly mild, but authorities are turning to

David Trimble, key architect of Good Friday

agreement, dies aged 77
serve in the role of first minister, and Tony Blair, who was one of the bro- Doug Beattie, said: “He chose to grasp Beattie added.
Ben Quinn and Martin Belam won the Nobel peace prize, along with kers of the peace deal as Labour prime the opportunity for peace when it pre- On the nationalist side, the Sinn
John Hume, leader of the nationalist minister and had an often fraught rela- sented itself and sought to end the dec- Féin leader, Mary Lou McDonald, said
David Trimble, Northern Ireland’s inau- SDLP party, for their part in negoti- tionship with Trimble, paid tribute by ades of violence that blighted his be- on Twitter that she was “saddened”
gural first minister and a crucial union- ations for the Good Friday agreement. saying that he had “showed politics at loved Northern Ireland.” to hear of Trimble’s death, adding:
ist architect of the Good Friday agree- He was UUP leader between 1995 and its very best.” “He will forever be associated with “His contribution to building the peace
ment, has died aged 77. 2005, accepting a life peerage in the Tributes from across Northern Irel- the leadership he demonstrated in the process in Ireland will stand as a proud
His death on Monday was an- House of Lords in 2006. and’s political divide and beyond were negotiations that led up to the 1998 Bel- and living legacy of his political life.”
nounced by the Ulster Unionist Party Trimble had played a “crucial and paid to a politician whose own political fast agreement.” Trimble’s death was announced
(UUP), the party he led into a his- courageous role” in the Good Friday journey from hardline unionism to a Trimble had demonstrated bravery shortly before the Tory leadership TV
toric power-sharing arrangement be- agreement negotiations, said Ireland’s risk-taking partner with his sworn ene- and courage while battling his recent debate between Liz Truss and Rishi
tween nationalists and republicans in Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, who said all mies helped end decades of strife. illness in a way that was typical of Sunak. They both paid tribute to Trim-
Northern Ireland. in politics at the time had “witnessed Describing Trimble as “a man of the qualities he showed in his political
Lord Trimble was the first person to his crucial and courageous role.” courage and vision”, the UUP’s leader, career, at Stormont and at Westminster, Continued on page 16
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

16 World News

Continued from page 15 be said to have shaped history in our

ble – who joined their party in 2007 – as The former Sinn Féin leader Gerry
“a giant.” Adams expressed his “deep regret” at
The SDLP leader, Colum Eastwood, Trimble’s death and extended his “sin-
said Trimble had left an “indelible mark cere condolences” to his family and his
on our shared island’s story” and that former UUP colleagues.
without him there would not have been Born in Belfast in 1944, he was
David Trimble, Tony Blair and the Irish
a Good Friday agreement. educated at Queen’s University before nationalist John Hume await the results
The MP for the Westminster consti- becoming a barrister and a lecturer. His of the Good Friday agreement referendum.
tuency of Foyle said: “Over the course involvement in politics picked up pace Photograph: Alan Lewis/Photopress Belfast
of his political career, but particularly in in the 1970s and he was involved in
difficult years of the Good Friday agree- the Vanguard party, an extreme union- Others paying tribute to him in-
ment negotiations, he demonstrated ist grouping. cluded Boris Johnson, the UK prime
immense courage and took political A return to the mainstream union- minister, who said he was “deeply sad-
risks that sustained the life of our fled- David Trimble was the first person to hold the office of first minister of Northern Ireland. ist establishment followed, however, dened”. The Labour leader, Keir Star-
gling peace process. Photograph: Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images and he rejoined the Ulster Unionist mer, said Trimble was a “towering
“He doesn’t often enough get credit party in 1978, becoming MP at West- figure of Northern Ireland and British
for it, but without David Trimble’s for- faced as he went about implementing Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the leader minster for Upper Bann at a by-election politics”.
titude, there would simply have been the agreement, while Alastair Camp- of Northern Ireland’s largest union- on May 17, 1990. Trimble is survived by his wife,
no agreement.” bell, strategist and spokesman for Blair ist party and a former UUP member The high point of his career, at that Daphne, and his sons and daughters,
Peter Mandelson, who was sec- at the time, described Trimble as some- who left over his opposition to Trim- point, was when he won the Ulster Richard, Victoria, Nicholas and Sarah.
retary of state for Northern Ireland one who “could be a difficult and mer- ble’s pro-agreement stance, said: “David Unionist leadership in September 1995
from late 1999 to 2001, referred to the curial character, but he was the right leaves a huge and lasting legacy to after the resignation of the veteran Sir
“pain and strife” which Trimble had man in the right place at the right time”. Northern Ireland. He can undoubtedly James Molyneaux.

Czech police turn seized Ferrari into patrol

Jiří Zlý, head of the police’s traf-
Oliver Holmes fic department, said the car would
be used nationwide against some of
Police in the Czech Republic have the “most aggressive” criminals on the
turned a high-powered Ferrari they Czech road.
seized from criminals into a patrol car The country’s police force is not the
capable of chasing down joyriders at first to use sports cars. Italian officers
speeds of up to 200mph. have a partnership with Lamborghini,
The 2011 Ferrari 458 Italia was for- and use their cars to transport urgent
merly coloured racing red, but the blood supplies to accident sites. In
authorities painted it with yellow and Dubai, police run an entire fleet of
blue reflective stripes and mounted a supercars.
panel of lights on top. It will be used to Czech police said the Ferrari was
chase stolen cars and to crack down on not the most valuable or rarest vehicle
illegal road races, police said in a state- they had seized – 900 cars were confis-
ment. cated last year. The vast majority, they
While similar models can fetch said, are resold, with the proceeds used
upwards of £150,000, Czech police to cover damage caused by offenders.
stressed that the supercar was no “We keep some vehicles for official
luxury buy; they modified it for about duties,” police said. “However, these are
£10,300, which they said was the same not such luxurious cars as Ferraris.”
cost as a new Skoda hatchback.
The vehicle will be used by a special
surveillance department and driven The car was coloured racing red before being given its yellow and blue reflective stripes. Photograph: Police of the Czech Republic
only by trained police officers.

Sunak ruse aims to outmanoeuvre Truss over

Financial Dialoguecouncil going ahead. tage hasn’t just alarmed the Chinese China lacked nuance adding “we can thinktankers, China analysts or busi-
Patrick Wintour Diplomatic It looked a clear attempt to set up embassy in the UK. There is also a pursue with confidence our economic ness leaders. They are headline ideas,
editor a dividing line between Sunak’s Trea- group of free-trading Tory MPs who relationship with China in a safe mu- not costed, hard to measure and not
sury-led orthodoxy on China, and her have long feared a Dutch auction of tually beneficial way without compro- new.” James Cleverly, a Truss supporter
Rishi Sunak’s pre-emptive strike at- call for a more robust approach. anti-China rhetoric breaking out. Boris mising our values”. and the new education secretary, in-
tacking Liz Truss over alleged For- There had also been briefings in Johnson’s brother Jo for one has long Regardless of whether Sunak made sisted on Monday that the education
eign Office pusillanimity towards China Sunday papers last week by Truss allies warned that if Brexit is followed by the right tactical choice in pre-empting department was well on top of the issue
looks to have been a daring attempt to accusing Sunak of seeking trade deals a fully fledged Ch-exit (an economic Truss, it is not clear how much Sunak of Confucius Institutes.
fend off an imminent assault from his with China. decoupling with the world’s second broke genuinely new ground in his four Sunak had in effect picked up an
Tory leadership rival. Enjoying the support of the fierce- largest economy), it would be the equiv- policy proposals – to close all 30 Con- amendment to the higher education
But it locks the contestants into a ly China-sceptic Times newspaper, alent of attempting to fly the Global fucius Institutes in the UK, to build bill tabled in June with cross-party sup-
potentially uncontrollable dogfight as Sunak’s team thought a surprise attack Britain airplane after demobilising both stronger diplomatic security alliances port by Alicia Kearns and Tom Tu-
they seek to prove their credentials as on the “Truss Red Carpet for the Chi- main engines mid-air. against China, to use MI5 to help British gendhat, the two senior Tories on the
the truer enemy of authoritarianism. nese” would please his media base and In a country in search of growth, business cooperation, and to examine foreign affairs committee. Kearns had
Sunak had detected a Truss attack undermine her credentials as a cold war alienating Chinese state-controlled the case for banning Chinese acqui- argued that universities were being
coming when, asked by ITV during its warrior. It also skilfully chimed with re- markets may not thrill British busi- sitions of key British firms including weaponised and were part of a Chinese
debate to pose one question to Sunak, marks by the MI6 boss, Richard Moore, ness. Many of those businesses would strategically sensitive tech firms. hybrid warfare.
Truss chose the niche Westminster last week that China was now the UK’s have preferred the earlier Sunak mes- The Beijing to Britain weekly intel- Their rebellion was bought off when
issue of whether he supported a meet- top priority. sage in his Mansion House speech last ligence briefing was pretty scathing,
ing of the UK-China Economic and But his stab at first mover’s advan- year – where he said the debate on saying: “These are not ideas to impress Continued on page 17
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

World News / Opinion 17

Continued from page 16 learn from the mistakes of Ukraine and

proffer arms to Taiwan to help the
ministers conceded a new clause in the country deter a Chinese invasion. She
bill placing a duty on the Office for Stu- has not repeated that remark, but her
dents to monitor the Confucius Insti- whole stance on the threat to liberty,
tutes to ensure they do not breach free- the central theme of her speeches, sug-
dom of speech, and if necessary to ter- gests she would as prime minister at
minate a partnership. the very least push America towards a
Critics of Kearns said recent aca- more proactive stance on Taiwan.
demic studies had suggested Confucius The genocide issue has yet to ex-
Institutes do not have the malign influ- plode, but could if the UN human
ence the detractors claim. And if the rights commissioner, Michelle Bache-
institute’s covert purpose is not to let, defies Chinese lobbying and pub-
teach Chinese but make the west more lishes a report declaring that a genocide
open to China, they have hardly suc- did happen in Xinjiang.
ceeded. Even some China hawks such The UK under successive foreign
as the former diplomat Charlie Parton ministers has rigidly resisted stating
have not called for a total ban. that a genocide did take place, citing
China would also not take a mass the longstanding UK view that it is
closure lying down. The British Council for international courts, not national
would certain to be shut in retaliation. parliaments, to determine whether
Rana Mitter at Oxford’s China a genocide had occurred. However,
Centre was also critical, saying the Truss’s aides are briefing that she be-
UK desperately needs more people Allies of Liz Truss have been briefing that Rishi Sunak would seek trade deals with China despite human rights and security concerns. lieves a genocide did take place.
who read and understand Chinese. The Photograph: themotioncloud/Getty Images/iStockphoto Either way, Beijing will be watching
reason the Chinese funded institutes, like a hawk to see if the China issue
he argued, was the lack of UK govern- The higher education bill had set the The business secretary, Kwasi Kwar- What is more noticeable is neither continues to be seen as a source of
ment funding for Mandarin teaching. threshold at £75,000. teng, only last week used the act to pre- Sunak or Truss have so far discussed in rich ammunition for the candidates, or
The one thing the UK could not afford Another Sunak proposal – a call for vent Beijing Infinite Vision Technology the open the two big live China issues – was instead a one-off ploy by Sunak to
was to be ignorant about China. a ban on strategically sensitive firms Company from acquiring vision sens- the defence of Taiwan and whether the defuse a bomb Truss had intended to
Sunak’s other restriction on the Chi- coming under Chinese control – is also ing technology from the University of UK government should declare a geno- detonate later in the campaign.
nese activity in universities is hardly an issue that the government has had Manchester. There was no harm in hig- cide in Xinjiang.
revolutionary. He proposed to force all on its radar ever since the passing of hlighting the issue, but Sunak seems Truss has already got herself in
UK universities to disclose all Chinese the National Security and Investment to be theatrically trying to shut a long- hot water with the sinophile Johnson
partnerships worth £50,000 or more. Act in the wake of the Huawei debacle. closed stable door. government by saying the UK should

If Biden isn’t willing to really fight the climate

crisis, he shouldn’t run in 2024
his own climate agenda from Manchin’s
Daniel Sherrell beloved infrastructure package, prom-

ising everyone that he could get Man-
n Friday, 15 July, Joe Biden chin’s vote on the former.
acknowledged the death Was that a lie, or just deeply naive?
of his signature climate I’ll still be agonizing over this question
bill, conceding defeat in in 2024, when I pull the lever for his pri-
a war he never truly mary opponent.
seemed willing to wage. He did it from I want to emphasize that Biden is
a hastily prepared briefing room in not the villain here. It is Republicans –
Jeddah, where he had spent the pre- and Joe Manchin – who are making the
vious day shilling for increased Saudi sociopathic choice to further enrich the
oil production. already-super-rich at the expense of all
It was painful to watch. The fossil life on earth. I have no doubt that Biden
fuel oligarchs had him right where wants sincerely to address the climate
they wanted him: his climate ambitions crisis. But presidents are not judged
foiled, his rhetoric defanged, his hat in on their intentions. They are judged on
his hand. For their part, they had never their results. And on climate especially,
been under any illusions that they were the results of the Biden administration
waging a war. Over the course of his – of the entire, gerontocratic leadership
presidency, they had deployed every of the Democratic party – have fallen
weapon at their disposal to protect dangerously short of what’s needed.
their profit margins from the public’s With summer heatwaves inten-
desire for a dignified life on a habitable ‘Biden had spent the previous day shilling for increased Saudi oil production.’ Photograph: Bandar Aljaloud/AP sifying and federal climate legislation
planet. wilting, young people are rightfully
Their final blow was delivered on around climate, a willingness to start ican people. He could appeal privately proved: his “decades of experience”, his desperate. There are only so many
Thursday by US senator Joe Manchin, twisting arms and cracking skulls. But to Mitt Romney, perhaps the last Senate purported “knowledge of the Senate”, losses we will accept before taking our
puppet to the plutocrats, a man capable Biden has shown himself either unwil- Republican with any integrity, who just his reputation as a “deal maker” – if he chances on a different formula: the
of patting his grandchildren on the ling or unable to don the same brass last month bemoaned our nation’s lack couldn’t land a climate bill, what good charismatic fire of an AOC, the cros-
head while selling their future to the knuckles as his opponents. His latest of progress on climate. He could say were they? sover appeal of a John Fetterman, the
highest bidder. With a fickleness bor- defeat has affirmed what we’ve long the truth out loud, at the top of his Surrounded by a suffocating gauze judicious futurism of a Ro Khanna.
dering on sadism, Manchin killed our feared: that he just isn’t the man for lungs: that the fossil fuel industry has of Beltway consultants, he made mis- Joe Biden may be a “decent man”, as
last chance at federal climate action for the moment. declared war on the American people. take after mistake. He failed to use his defenders constantly contend. But
years, effectively completing the cor- There are still ways that he could That we are fighting for the soul of his bully pulpit to rally the public what does my generation care about
porate capture of our nation’s climate flip this script. He could declare a cli- our democracy and the future of our around the dangers of climate change. decency, when the planet’s going up in
policy. mate emergency and leverage the De- planet. He almost never named – let alone dec- flames? If he really wants a second term
Biden’s failure to prevent this cap- fense Production Act and the Stafford If he’s unwilling to do even that, laimed – that those dangers were the in office, he should show us why he
ture has confirmed, with almost eerie Disaster Relief and Emergency Assis- he shouldn’t run for president in 2024. direct result of burning oil, coal and deserves one. He needs to realize he’s
precision, the worries that dogged him tance Act to circumvent a Congress What young voter in their right mind natural gas. He held up executive cli- at war with the oligarchs. And then he
on the campaign trail. That he was too corrupted by corporate polluters. He would nominate him again? Why would mate regulations and approved fossil needs to start winning.
milquetoast, too norm-bound, too nos- could wage rhetorical and political war we trust him to succeed without a fuel projects, miscalculating that it was Daniel Sherrell is the author of
talgic for the 1970s. Young people have on Manchin, stripping him of his com- congressional majority when he’s failed carrots and not sticks that would win Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of
waited in vain for the administration mittee chairmanship, and parading his so abjectly with one? His entire theory Manchin’s approval. Over the remon- Our World (Penguin Books) and a cli-
to evince a fiery, existential urgency naked corruption in front of the Amer- of governance will have been dis- strations of the Squad, he decoupled mate activist
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Opinion 19

If you have a miscarriage in Republican

America, your health is now at risk
so clear and apparent as Seago and
Moira Donegan DeSanctis believe they are. The truth

is that while any moral movement for
he worst-case scenarios choice must defend women’s rights
arrived with alarming to control their own bodies with-
speed. In the weeks since out reservation, in these tragic med-
the US supreme court’s ical crises, the line between an “elec-
decision in Dobbs v Jack- tive” and an “emergency” abortion is
son Women’s Health, the case that over- not so easy to distinguish. The differ-
turned Roe v Wade and eliminated ence between abortion and “necessary
the constitutional right to an abortion, women’s health care” is ambivalent be-
American women have faced a rad- cause medicine and the body do not
ical reordering of their lives. A right conform to the strict moral lines that
essential to their dignity and self-deter- the anti-choice movement tries to place
mination has been stripped away after them in. When pressed, even Seago
nearly 50 years – and with it, the gains admits this. Soon after declaring that
women have made in professional, the laws championed by his group
political and social life are newly and pose no danger to women’s health, he
gravely endangered. But in addition to acknowledged that complying with the
this moral and civic crisis, the supreme law would indeed require providers to
court’s decision has also created a vast delay emergency care. “He acknowl-
and acute new public health crisis, as edged that such delays could cause
abortion bans complicate once-stan- medical complications for women,” the
dard care for pregnant women – and ‘With ambiguous but strongly worded laws now in effect in anti-choice states, providers don’t know what they are permitted to do for Times said.
place the health of even those who are miscarrying patients.’ Photograph: sturti/Getty Images Not that the likes of Seago and De-
not pregnant into new and arbitrary Sanctis are in touch with their move-
danger. own and cardiac activity can no longer from these delayed miscarriage treat- The more highbrow denizens of the ment anyway. The base of the anti-
For one thing, there are the miscar- be detected – an emotionally fraught ments. But the deaths are coming. anti-choice movement insist that the choice movement seems alarmingly
riages. Care for patients experiencing and physically painful process that can Then there are the ectopic preg- deluge of draconian misogynist laws comfortable with dispensing of “life
spontaneous pregnancy loss has been take days or weeks. One woman in nancies. In approximately one in 50 that have been brought into effect by of the mother” exemptions, much
dramatically reshaped in hospitals Texas told CNN about having to carry pregnancies, a fertilized egg will im- the supreme court should not really as that same movement has largely
across Republican states. The treat- a dead fetus that her body would not plant somewhere other than the ute- create these disastrous outcomes, de- dispensed with their professed sup-
ment for a miscarriage is to evacuate expel for two weeks, as she searched in rine wall – usually in the fallopian tube, spite the brutally obvious fact that anti- port for rape and incest exemptions.
the contents of the uterus, either with vain for a provider who would take the but sometimes elsewhere in the abdo- choice laws have clearly created a ra- In Wisconsin, anti-choice groups have
a minimally invasive surgery or with legal risk of giving her a D&C. minal cavity. In these cases, the preg- pidly more dangerous landscape for called for amending the state’s long-
medication, and these interventions, as Meanwhile, a miscarrying woman nancy is never viable; it is always life- women’s health. dormant 1849 abortion ban to grant
it happens, are identical to those used has a softened cervix, putting her at threatening to the pregnant patient. These voices claim that the vague fewer exemptions for maternal life and
in voluntary abortions. But with ambi- heightened risk of infection, and she As with miscarriages, the treatment is wording and narrow circumstances health. In Idaho, a recent Republican
guous, as-yet-uninterpreted but strong- is vulnerable to hemorrhaging or even abortion. But providers in conservative permitted by the laws’ “life of the party convention amended its platform
ly worded laws now in effect in anti- sepsis as the pregnancy tissue inside states aren’t sure what they’re allowed mother” exemptions are not the real to support an abortion ban with no
choice states, providers don’t know her begins to break down. Dr Jessian to do under the law, or what they can problem, but rather that the real prob- exemptions at all. When a proposal to
what they are permitted to do for Munoz, an obstetrician in San Antonio, do without incurring punishment from lem is the way hospitals and their law- include an ectopic pregnancy exemp-
miscarrying patients. Many bans have told the AP about his attempts to treat zealous anti-choice colleagues or vigi- yers are reading the law. “I have seen re- tion was proposed, it failed by nearly
so-called “life of the mother” exemp- a patient who had developed a ute- lantes newly empowered to bring ruin- ports of doctors being confused,” John four to one.
tions, but these are vaguely worded, rine infection while her fetus still had ous lawsuits. Seago, the president of Texas Right to In retrospect, it seems obvious that
and carry strong penalties for providers signs of cardiac activity. Constrained by In Michigan, for now an island of Life, told the New York Times, “but the anti-choice movement would insist
if they get it wrong. How sick does a Texas laws, there was little he could do legal abortion in a deep anti-choice that is a failure of our medical associ- on a false dichotomy between abor-
patient need to be before a doctor can until it was almost too late. “We physi- midwestern sea, a woman presented at ations.” The National Review pundit tion and women’s healthcare. It seems
abort the pregnancy that is killing her? cally watched her get sicker and sicker a hospital emergency room with an ec- Alexandra DeSanctis Marr wrote, “Abor- in keeping with the other false bina-
Does she need to be dying? How close and sicker,” Munoz said. The woman topic pregnancy that could have killed tion supporters are the ones conflating ries that the movement is so enamored
does she need to be to death? lost multiple liters of blood, needed her; she had travelled there from anoth- abortion with miscarriage care and of: like that between women who have
These are not hypotheticals: since emergency surgery, and had to be put er state, where doctors had turned her care for ectopic pregnancy. Pro-lifers children and women who have abor-
the Dobbs decision, accounts of dange- on a breathing machine – all because away. Another woman wasn’t so lucky: know the difference between necessary tions; or between those who deserve be
rously delayed miscarriage care have the law of her state considered the her central Texas hospital advised her women’s health care and intentionally in control of their lives, and those born
been reported with alarming frequency. hypothetical life of her fetus to be more doctor not to intervene in her ectopic killing a baby. It’s abortion supporters with a uterus.
Providers are postponing life-saving valuable than her own. So far, we have pregnancy until it ruptured, at which who won’t distinguish.” Moira Donegan is a Guardian US col-
abortions, often until a fetus dies on its not seen reports of women’s deaths point her life was in immediate danger. Would that these distinctions were umnist

Monkeypox is truly an emergency. The WHO

was right to raise the highest alarm
can be a serious disease with the case transmission, about which we under- Zika virus and H1N1 swine flu. Since gay or bisexual men, 75% of them were
Devi Sridhar fatality rate around 3-6%, although the stand too little and which meets the the first human case was discovered white, and 41% had HIV. No women

vast majority of people manage to re- criteria in the international health regu- in 1970 in the Democratic Republic were among the cases, and 95% of cases
robably the last thing you cover at home without hospitalisation lations.” of Congo, monkeypox outbreaks have were thought to be linked to sexual
want to hear is that the or medication. For a disease to be called a public largely been contained and limited to transmission. These findings are cru-
World Health Organization This WHO declaration is unusual health emergency of international con- roughly a dozen African countries. In cial in developing an effective and tai-
has declared another dis- in that the organisation’s director gen- cern, it has to meet a high threshold. recent weeks, the number of cases has lored public health response to contain
ease – this time monkeypox eral, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, It must be an “extraordinary event” risen to more than 15,000 across the spread which needs to largely focus
– to be a public health emergency of overruled a split emergency committee that constitutes a public health risk world. on the current highest-risk group: men
international concern. Monkeypox is a (an expert advisory committee from to other countries through the inter- Dr Tedros’ concern now is with having sex with men (MSM).
virus similar to smallpox that causes around the world in virology, epide- national spread of disease, requiring a the increase in cases, and how the While some have suggested it is
fever, swollen lymph nodes and dis- miology and public health) to insist coordinated global response. virus is spreading rapidly across the homophobic to note that MSM are
tinctive rashes on the face, palms, the that the loudest alarm bell should be Given how many disease outbreaks world through sexual contact networks. the group at highest risk, others have
soles of the feet and genitalia. Gay and rung. His justification was: “We have an occur, often hundreds a month, this A new research paper on 528 mon- noted that homophobia is recognising
bisexual men are most at risk, as are outbreak that has spread around the alarm bell has been rung sparingly for keypox cases in 16 countries lays out
other men who have sex with men. It world rapidly, through new modes of diseases such as polio, Covid-19, Ebola, that 98% of the people infected were Continued on page 20
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

20 Opinion

Continued from page 19 and most importantly targeted vacci-

this pattern of spread and not doing West African countries have been
anything about it. It is standard in struggling with monkeypox for years.
public health when tackling infectious This has drawn little attention from
diseases to identify which groups are richer countries and the disease was al-
most at risk and offer support to reduce lowed to simmer there without much
the negative impact the disease can investment or provision of vaccination.
have. Think of flu vaccination cam- Monkeypox is a reminder that a dis-
paigns tailored to protect pregnant or ease circulating anywhere, however far
older people – some of the highest-risk from us we may think it is, is only
groups for illness and death from in- ever a plane ride away, and that bugs
fluenza. This is also a disease that could don’t respect national boundaries. The
easily spread beyond the MSM com- entire history of humankind surviving
munity, given its usual transmission these sorts of disease outbreaks shows
pattern is through household members, that the best approach is collective; that
close contacts and healthcare workers. if a fire is raging in your neighbour’s
This is an emergency quite dis- garden, the imperative is to help them
tinct from Covid-19 and polio, which put it out. Not just because it’s the right
are also current public health emer- thing to do, but also because it could be
gencies being tracked by the WHO. your house on fire next.
Fortunately, we have an effective vac- Prof Devi Sridhar is chair of global
cine – developed for smallpox – that public health at the University of Edin-
has been approved for the prevention A man receives a monkeypox vaccine in Montreal, Canada, on Saturday. Photograph: Graham Hughes/AP burgh
of monkeypox as well. However, availa- Comments on this piece are premo-
bility is limited even in Britain. The symptoms and testing, and support for more effective to show how to reduce the WHO. Rather than fatigue, cynicism derated to ensure discussion remains
necessary response to monkeypox is those who want to isolate and need to risk and protect oneself. and fatalism, it’s time for governments on topics raised by the writer. Please
intense vaccination efforts within the take time off work. With fatigue setting in after years to step up a tailored response. It won’t be aware there may be a short delay in
MSM community and ensuring ade- Just telling people not to have sex of the Covid-19 pandemic, public health involve lockdowns or restrictions, but comments appearing on the site.
quate supply and access to all who need hasn’t worked well: this has been clearly leaders don’t want to cry wolf. How- surveillance, testing, provision of self-
it. There needs to be clear messaging shown by the HIV response and the fail- ever, this is a dire situation and a true isolation support, clear messaging and
and education to raise awareness about ure of abstinence-only approaches. It’s global emergency, as stated clearly by outreach to the most at-risk groups,

Putin’s attack on the grain deal was

despicable. It also shows he’s desperate
though it were a second world war tank vation. The grain deal, brokered by Nato The Ukraine crisis is also one of they have the stomach for this fight
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon battle – and, unsurprisingly, his 20th- member Turkey, should allow food the things responsible for creating ram- – Nato must match their bravery and

century tactics are not standing up to from Ukraine to reach these countries, pant inflation in the UK and elsewhere, back them to the hilt. We cannot forget
ver the weekend, Russia 21st-century weaponry. But we know but any guarantees of safety for the contributing to the cost of living crisis. that our failure to act in Syria, when
signed a deal with from the Russian playbook in Syria that ships transporting it– especially in the Helping Ukraine defeat Russia is the up to 1,500 civilians were killed with
Ukraine to allow grain when the conventional does not work, wake of Russia’s attack on Odesa this quickest way to get economies back on the nerve agent sarin, no doubt embol-
exports to resume from Putin is quick to turn to the unconven- weekend – should be taken with a pinch track. If this means putting boots on the dened Putin to invade Ukraine.
three Ukrainian ports, tional. In Syria, this meant attacking of salt. ground, ships in the sea or planes in the Putin is losing in all aspects and
thereby easing the global food crisis. hospitals and schools, denying aid and, As soon as these ships get into inter- air, then so be it, if it ensures Putin’s war on all fronts of this war, and we must
Before the ink was dry, Russian forces ultimately, using chemical weapons. In national waters off the coast of Odesa, crimes in Ukraine do not also affect the help Ukraine to victory at all costs. Last
fired precision missiles into the port of Ukraine, another Russian war crime is they should be protected by Nato figh- most in need around the globe. There weekend’s events confirm- – if further
Odesa as grain was being readied for about to happen in plain sight, even ter jets. The Russian air force has are many war crimes being committed confirmation were needed – that Putin
export. after the grain deal: the weaponisation proved scant match for ageing Ukrai- in Ukraine by Russian forces and, as the cannot be trusted. In order for much-
This is clearly the behaviour of of food and fuel. If we allow this to nian jets, and it will be even less of UN appears powerless or unwilling to needed food to get to those who most
a tyrannical despot, one whose word happen, it is not such a large step to a match for state-of-the-art Nato ones. act, Nato must. need it, Nato must get directly involved
cannot be trusted. But it may also be an chemical, biological or nuclear warfare, The deal also involves lifting some In Ukraine, as in Syria, Putin ap- to protect its passage through the Black
act of desperation: Richard Moore, the all of which Russia has already threat- sanctions against Russia, allowing it to pears to have no concern about colla- Sea.
head of MI6, told a US security confe- ened. generate huge amounts of revenue by teral damage or the rules of war and Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is a
rence last week that the Russian army is The weaponisation of food has al- selling its own grain and fertilisers on appears to favour directly targeting chemical and biological weapons
about to “run out of steam”. ready forced up prices for those who the world markets. This will, of course, civilians as the quickest way to stra- expert and a fellow at Magdalene Col-
The Russian president, Vladimir can least afford it in Africa and Asia, allow Putin to rebuild his beleaguered tegic victory. Unfortunately for him, lege, Cambridge
Putin, has approached the conflict as putting millions at the threat of star- army. the Ukrainian people have shown that

Take off your bra! Put on some weight! After

decades of being talked down to, Kate Moss
speaks out
or voiceovers; no Simpsons cameo, no a decision, at the age of 14, that she low move. An equal could retort, “Why Moss talked about her crippling anxiety
Zoe Williams gentle segue into the kind of familiarity wouldn’t become public property – in do you need to see me without a bra, before the equally seminal Calvin Klein

where someone who sounds a bit like which case, she’s just about the wisest when you’re specifically hiring me to shoot in 1992, rooted, it sounds, in that
o many things Kate Moss said her could make a decent living doing person, famous or otherwise, who ever wear a bra?” It’s a pure leverage of nightmare hall of mirrors, where she
on Desert Island Discs were voiceovers for radio ads. She has been, lived. shabby, middle-ranking power. was lauded for her beauty, yet expected
shocking and yet not shock- at various points, just about the most It’s terrifically sad to hear what it She talked about the photographer to surrender her autonomy in its ser-
ing, but before any of that, famous person in the country, without was like to be a model in 1990, partly Corinne Day, who was a friend of hers, vice – and smile while she was at it.
just the sound of her voice anyone who didn’t know her being able because it’s probably exactly the same and yet still steamrollered her into If that sounds particularly judg-
was absolutely arresting. For over 30 to say with certainty what she sounded today. Moss described going to a cast- – what else? – being naked, for the mental towards the fashion industry,
years, she has been the sphinx at the like. And maybe it’s because she’s really ing for a bra catalogue when she was 1990 Camber Sands shoot for The Face it isn’t really, because the rest of the
very centre of the culture: no chat shy, as she told Lauren Laverne on 15, and some garden-variety predator that not only made Day’s name and
shows, no panel games; no podcasts Sunday, or maybe it’s because she made asking her to take her bra off. It’s such a Moss’s, but also Cool Britannia’s. Then Continued on page 21
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Opinion 21

Continued from page 20 ning around like a walking eating dis-

order, not even ashamed. It was unfair
world wasn’t any better, it was just fur- because she never had an eating dis-
ther away. The 90s overflowed with ru- order – that’s just the way she looks.
mours about Kate Moss – that she was It would make just as much sense
dumb, that she was a druggie, that she to attack her for setting unreasonable
used not to be dumb before she was a standards for the perfect nose. But it
druggie, or – counter view – that she had was unfair on a deeper level. She was
always been dumb, because she grew accused of upholding a dangerous ideal
up in Croydon. Misogyny and snobbery by the very people who had decided
collided to produce a cloud of disap- she was perfect, and then expected to
proval that sounded arch and knowing atone for that.
but was base and irrational, almost me- Throughout the years of Kate
dieval. Moss’s ongoing discretion, she still
It came to a head in 2005 when always came off as completely magni-
some tawdry story about cocaine cost ficent. Was her dignity preserved by her
her millions in lost advertising cam- silence, like the Queen’s? Turns out, no:
paigns. It made no sense. Cocaine in she has now spoken and is, still, com-
2005, as it had been in the 90s, as it pletely magnificent.
is now, was just a trundling, out-of-of- Zoe Williams is a Guardian col-
fice-autoreply of a story. Stories about umnist
traces found in the toilets of the Royal Do you have an opinion on the issues
Opera House, the BBC! Traces on every raised in this article? If you would like to
banknote! Come back to me, moral Kate Moss getting ready for a fashion shoot in New York in 1995. Photograph: Catherine McGann/Getty Images submit a letter of up to 300 words to be
majority, when you have some drug considered for publication, email it to us
dirt on a figure whose drug use ac- you’re only going to go after models and for “partying” and “heroin chic”, Kate for girls, being too thin, making thin
tually matters, such as someone who rock stars, that’s just bullying. Moss was being blamed for being the look too easy, or making it look too
is running a government department. If When she wasn’t the poster girl model peddling “unrealistic standards” hard, not having a “healthy” BMI, swan-

The UN wants to educate children – it will

succeed only if it feeds them first
est safety net, reaching more than 300
Kevin Watkins million children in the poorest places.

The pandemic’s classroom closures
ore than 100 years cut the nutritional lifeline of school
have passed since meals, leaving many children with-
social reformer Mar- out their main – or only – meal of
garet McMillan the day. The fiscal space available
fought for free to governments trying to restore the
school meals in Britain. As a pri- programmes has shrunk with slower Pupils queue for their midday meal
mary school inspector in Bradford, she growth, reduced tax revenues and in New Delhi, India. Photograph: Manish
had seen hunger render poor children unsustainable debt. Education budgets Swarup/AP
unable to learn, robbing the promise have been cut in two-thirds of the poor-
that came with universal education. est countries. summit. Last month, the UN orga-
The landmark 1906 Education Act pro- Children have returned to school nised a preparatory jamboree bringing
vided public funds for meals where carrying the double burden of lost together dozens of governments, UN
children were “unable by reason of lack A school cook serves lunch to students at St Luke's Church of England Primary School in learning and increased hunger. The agencies, and NGOs to “rethink and rei-
of food to take full advantage of the East London. Photograph: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Images World Bank estimates that 70% of 10- magine” education, reflect on evidence
education provided”. year-olds could now be living in “learn- and table solutions. What emerged was
That phrase should be at the heart data on malnutrition across developing leading cause of ill-health among pri- ing poverty”, unable to read a simple a stream of consciousness devoid of
of the agenda for the UN’s Trans- regions. Applying those rates to school- mary children and adolescents. story, up from 53% before the pan- financing commitments and strategies
forming Education summit scheduled children captures the deadly inte- Nothing destroys potential as sa- demic. One study after another shows for delivery. Margaret McMillan would
for September. This is the world’s raction of poverty and food price infla- vagely as hunger. Malnourished child- deterioration in learning coupled with have been turning in her grave.
opportunity to tackle a hunger crisis tion. In sub-Saharan Africa and south ren are less able to concentrate and rising inequality. Dropout rates are on There will be no transformation of
jeopardising recovery from learning Asia, global centres of child hunger, absorb information. They are also more the rise. education without a credible response
lost during Covid-19 school closures. there were almost 180 million children likely to drop out of school, partly Restoring the momentum behind to the hunger crisis. Children at the
Yet UN agencies, the World Bank, and aged five to 18 who experienced un- because they are not learning – and school meal provision could change sharp end of that crisis don’t need
governments shaping the summit have der-nutrition in 2021 – a 76 million in- partly because poverty pushes them this picture. It would take about $5.8bn another talking shop. They need a prop-
failed to grasp the nettle. crease over pre-pandemic levels. One into work and child marriage. (£4.8bn) a year to reach an additional erly financed plan of action to deliver
Perhaps that’s because hunger quarter of Africa’s schoolchildren are Feeding children in school can pro- 73 million children. This could protect what every parent reading this article
among schoolchildren is hidden. Inter- now trying to learn while hungry. tect them from malnutrition, increase children from hunger, restore learning, would demand for their child – a chance
national data focuses on child health The reality is almost certainly worse enrolment, reduce dropout rates and and support the budget of households to learn in freedom from hunger.
during the critical first 1,000 days of than FAO data which does not yet in- improve learning. Evidence from India’s living in extreme poverty. It would also Kevin Watkins was chief executive
life. That has obscured the importance clude the inflation triggered by the midday meal scheme shows children represent value for money: every $1 in- of Save the Children and is visiting pro-
of the 8,000 days it takes for a child Ukraine war. Wealth and gender dispar- of women who participated when they vested would generate another $9 in fessor of development practice at the
to transition to adulthood. Nutrition ities also weigh heavily. Fewer than were at school are less likely to be benefits, according to one study. Yet Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa at the
during the formative years is critical for half of adolescent girls in south Asia stunted. major donors have shunned aid for London School of Economics
health and cognitive development. receive an adequate dietary intake. Much of the infrastructure for deli- school meals – and the World Bank, the
A wake-up call is long overdue. Ear- Micronutrient deficiencies, and anae- vering school meals is already in largest source of development finance,
lier this month, the Food and Agri- mia – a major barrier to learning – are place. Before the pandemic, these pro- has no school meals strategy.
culture Organization (FAO) published endemic. In Africa, poor nutrition is a grammes represented the world’s larg- Which brings us back to the
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

22 Opinion

Has Democrat John Fetterman found a way

to beat the reality-TV politician?
it comes to the art of the political
Matthew Cantor stunt. He posted pictures of himself

visiting Pat’s and Geno’s, the dueling
hether it’s Ronald, cheesesteak shops, across the street
Donald or Arnold, from each other, that are a Philadelphia
Americans are all landmark. It was a rookie error, akin
too familiar with to a New Yorker taking a selfie at
the phenomenon Times Square – any local can list at
Mehmet Oz at a rally in June. Photo-
of the second-tier celebrity turned poli- least five cheesesteak places they’ve graph: Ariana Shchuka/AP
tician. So when the TV doctor Mehmet deemed better than those two. Fet-
Oz decided to run for Senate in terman called Oz a “tourist”, and even works.)
Pennsylvania, his background as a B- Pat’s itself replied: “Do you even live in Perhaps in desperation, Oz has re-
lister seemed well suited to the role. [Pennsylvania]? And can you spell the cently adopted a new tactic: a “John Fet-
As he proudly notes in his offi- town you live in?” (Oz misspelled the terman basement tracker” that records
cial biography, Oz has won Emmys, name of his supposed home town, Hun- how long it’s been since the Democrat
has written eight bestsellers, and was John Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor, takes a selfie with attendees at a tingdon Valley, in a campaign filing.) has held a public event. But instead of
featured on six seasons of The Oprah meet-and-greet in May. Photograph: Hannah Beier/Reuters When you’re getting burned by a chee- coming off as a blow to his opponent,
Winfrey Show. He is a master of tradi- sesteak shop, you know you need to up the strategy just seems mean-spirited.
tional media. But now the daytime TV that, he lived in New Jersey for decades. job,” she says. “I know you’re away from your social media game. What took Fetterman off the campaign
star is facing a Democratic opponent In Fetterman’s view, Oz is still a home and you’re in a new place, but … While Fetterman has proved him- trail was a stroke on 13 May.
who has proved himself a media suc- Jersey boy, and the Democrat has don’t worry, because you’ll be back in self a natural in the art of trolling, Despite his pause from IRL cam-
cess story in his own right – though his weaponized meme after meme against New Jersey soon.” you can almost feel the blood, sweat paigning, Fetterman’s strategy appears
area of expertise is Twitter, not tele- his rival. Fetterman has posted a pic- Fetterman’s attacks aren’t limited to and tears poured into Oz’s efforts. to be working. Polls have repeatedly put
vision. ture of Oz’s face on a Pennsylvania the digital world. He had a pilot fly a When he posted a doctored image the Democrat on top in the race, and he
When John Fetterman entered the driver’s license, labeled “McLovin” in an banner over the Jersey shore saying, of Bernie Sanders with Fetterman la- has raised about nine times as much
race, the relatively little known lieu- homage to cinema’s best known fake “Hey Dr Oz. Welcome home to NJ! ᤸ beled “best friends”, Fetterman rep- as his opponent since April. A win
tenant governor had his work cut out ID. He has mocked his rival for appar- John.” He posted the image online, flex- lied with a meme mocking Oz’s graph- in November may serve as a political
for him: a Bernie Sanders backer who ently filming an ad for his Pennsylvania ing Pennsylvania credentials by dedi- ic design skills. When the Republican lesson about the importance of carving
supports universal healthcare and a $15 campaign in his New Jersey mansion. cating it to “yinz and youse down the shared a picture of a dictionary defi- out a digital identity and could be cru-
minimum wage, he is running to re- And he has employed the services of shore today” – a combination of Pitts- nition of “John Fetterman” – a “Bernie cial to Democrats’ chances of holding
place a Republican in a swing state. the most Jersey person this side of burgh and Philly-speak. He’s also sell- Sanders socialist” who is “wrong for the Senate. Like so many others these
But he has rapidly made himself Bruce Springsteen: Nicole “Snooki” Po- ing a “Dr Oz for NJ” sticker. And in a Pennsylvania” – it felt like exactly days, Fetterman is working from home
a national name as he tears into Oz lizzi. coup de grâce on Thursday, Fetterman what it was: an attempt to crow- – and finding that he can still get things
on social media – hammering him, in In a clip that has received more confirmed that he had launched a peti- bar old-fashioned political boilerplate done.
particular, on the question of whether than 84,000 likes on Twitter, the Jersey tion to have Oz honored in the New into a modern format. (It also placed
he’s really from Pennsylvania at all. Oz Shore reality star offers some savage Jersey Hall of Fame, which celebrates “John Fetterman” between “justice” and
has said he moved there in 2020 – to sympathy: “I heard that you moved the accomplishments of state residents. “jurisdiction”, which, as several people
a place his wife’s parents own. Before from New Jersey to look for a new Oz himself has a ways to go when pointed out, is not how the alphabet

‘I’m just not afraid’: Lynda Carter on her

online activism and Wonder Woman
liceman, might come to your house to
Emma Brockes say you had a procedure. Or that [if you

have] IVF you’re capable of murder or
he afterlife of the movie something. My God.”
star with a single, iconic That, she says, is the emotional side.
role is a curiosity. Be- The practical side is what to do about it.
tween 1976 and 1979, “If we all got to together in state where
Lynda Carter appeared in they are going to arrest anyone who
Carter as Wonder Woman. Photograph:
three seasons of Wonder Woman, a admits to having an abortion – and said, Everett Collection/Rex Feature
hit so huge that for those of us who ‘Lock me up’? I just think we should all
saw it as children, she remains a some- race to the state, I don’t care how old cheerleaders. That makes for a lot of
what mystical figure. Knight Rider was you are!” fun.” It also allows Carter to feel suffi-
great, the A-Team was fun, but Wonder You mean overwhelm the system? ciently emboldened to wade in to the
Woman – jumping between boulders, “Right. Prove it! Prove I’m not political debate. “If not now, when, in
sparks flying from her wrist plates – was pregnant now!” This, the textbook I- my life and career?” she says. “I’m just
something else. Lynda Carter in New York in December 2021. Photograph: John Nacion/NurPhoto/Rex/ am-Spartacus move, seems a fittingly not afraid.”
Here is Carter today, in a pastel- Shutterstock jaunty suggestion coming from Carter. The funny thing about this is that,
colored blazer on video chat from her Although the politics is all hers, for a great many celebrities, the fear
home in Maryland, and although I’m a Human and Divine, which she wrote for ciousness of it all. Check it out, guys: Carter has help with the wording of of voicing an opinion about politics is
46-year-old woman with two children her late husband). Wonder Woman has engaged with the her tweets. She tells me that a team secondary to the fear of admitting to
and a mortgage, I can’t help it: I’m com- More pressing is the renaissance discourse. of young women and “a couple of very having help with the message. Carter
pletely agog. “It was such a short part of she’s enjoying on social media. Plenty Nowhere has the actor been more cute guys” – mostly under 30, and led is blithely uninterested in concealing
my life, but it has made a bigger impact of celebrities spout off about politics, strident or effective than in her oppo- by Sabrina Cartan, a media strategist – how the sausage is made, not least be-
than any other thing I’ve done,” says but in the wake of the overturn of sition to the supreme court’s over- have been responsible for distilling and cause it would deny credit to her colla-
Carter, who is 70 and looks nothing of Roe v Wade, Carter’s Twitter feed has turning of Roe v Wade. Carter has presenting her online persona. “They borators. She is very emphatic about
the sort. Among the many reasons to broken through. She is warm and wry, always been political – “give me some- get me,” she says. “They get my voice, young people – about “passing the
love her, is her good grace in the face using her odd but powerful standing thing to march about!” she says, and and my strengths and my weaknesses, baton”, as she puts it – and acting as
of a generation’s obsession with those in the memories of millions of Amer- supported Hillary Clinton, who she and my sense of humor.” It’s in the con- a figurehead to inspire and amuse. That
three short years of her life. icans to have a word about what’s going counts as a friend, in her run for pres- text of this group that ideas are dis- the source of this influence is a 40-year-
We are not, ostensibly, here to talk on. When, a few months ago, Carter ident. But this was different. cussed, angles worked, jokes rehearsed old TV show would be baffling if most
about Wonder Woman, nor Carter’s started tweeting about abortion rights, “I am so stunned I haven’t really and Carter’s message honed for the of us weren’t, at this point, completely
latest release (she’s pivoted from acting got up in arms about Florida’s “don’t say spoken out about my feelings,” says public domain. “They are free to voice well-versed in how social media picks
to singing; most of her songs are kind gay” laws and had a cheeky back and Carter. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so their own opinions, and they do,” she up and reboots childhood heroes.
of pop showtunes, but her new single forth with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, speechless. That you would have to says. “They lend their ideas, and exper-
is a fantastic dance remix of her song Gen X keeled over at the sheer deli- explain a D&C, that a stranger, a po- tise, and voices, and we are each other’s Continued on page 23
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Opinion 23

Continued from page 22 Wonder Woman in the form of the current biases, however, Lynda Carter’s in a biopic of Rita Hayworth; in the to do,” says Carter. “On the contrary, he
Gal Gadot movie, the tone and script Diana Prince is spoken of these days mid-90s, she played Elizabeth Shields, encouraged me to go back to singing
Success lies in injecting precisely were overtly feminist, which abso- as a feminist progenitor practically up the female lead, in 22 episodes of a fron- again. Or: ‘Don’t worry, take that movie,
the right amount of camp to trig- lutely wasn’t the vibe of the orig- there with Mary Wollstonecraft. “I think tier TV drama called Hawkeye – but I’ll deal with the kids, I’ll bring ’em every
ger affection without undermining the inal show. Three years before shoot- Wonder Woman was considered a piece despite her best efforts, never broke weekend, we’ll figure it out.’And I would
message. Too little, and you’re preach- ing the Wonder Woman pilot, Carter of feminist work,” says Carter. “And it through again in the same way. do the same for him. If we had a vaca-
ing; too much, and you’re David Hassel- won the Miss World USA competition, meant to be feminist. They tried to get She has never wanted to show up to tion plan, I wouldn’t take a movie, or
hoff. “I just didn’t know how there’s a a fact the show capitalized on with it less feminist, but she was definitely Comic-Con, she says, but neither does a singing tour, or something like that,
certain Twitter way,” says Carter. “And it the tiny shorts and corset of her cha- the feminist – oh, definitely.” she resent the source of her fame – because we had family plans. And we
was a little above my head. And then racter’s wardrobe, and the beauty con- Carter is fully onboard with the as so many in her position, with one spent as much time as a family together
my head of media strategy came in and test bounce of her manner. If Carter’s franchise’s current reboot. “Oh, I was overshadowing role, tend to do. “If I was as possible. And then Covid hit, and we
said, well, this is how we engage. I went, Wonder Woman was designed to thrill thrilled, I was standing, I was applaud- on a talkshow, they would talk about were together 24/7. And then in Feb-
whoa!” and inspire, she was also, per TV stan- ing, I was crying, I was laughing. I was Wonder Woman and I would discuss it. ruary 2021, he perished.”
If Carter had a certain amount of dards of the day, required to titil- holding the hand of my daughter and Or if someone stopped to tell me their She says all this simply and her
political credibility in the bank, it is late. And yet, the iconography of the husband.” She says: “It was strange to story, I would listen and sign their auto- takeaway is characteristically outward-
thanks to the weird status of the orig- only mainstream female superhero was see another woman taking that mantle,” graph.” Carter, as sunny about this as looking. “When I see what the supreme
inal Wonder Woman. I loved that show so strong that Ms. magazine featured although somewhat made up for by her she appears to be about most things, is court has done, and the glee that is on
– the music, the outfits, the incred- Wonder Woman on its cover six times smallpost-credits role as Amazonian happy that the show launched her at all. the faces of people who have stolen the
ibly lame special effects. She didn’t ac- and even in the show, something of the warrior Asteria in the most recent film. And this in a 12-month period that rights of generations of women, I’m just
tually fly, she jumped between what ap- fierceness of the original DC character She is happy to keep throwing has been tougher than any other in sad,” she says, but it’s an active kind
peared to be fibreglass boulders, sure- shone through. out suggestions, offering her support her life. Last year, Carter’s husband of of sadness that foments connection. If
footed as a cat. And, of course, I loved Nonetheless, it wasn’t exactly a stri- to younger women, and harnessing 37 years, the lawyer Robert Altman, this has been a period of “insight and
Carter, her flip between sweet-natured dent message. In 1976, anything bearing the sizable goodwill felt towards her, died of myelofibrosis. She and their grief”, says Carter, then the only way
Diana Prince and fierce but still twinkly a feminist label was guaranteed a swift all of which is only possible because two adult children are still in a period forward is empathy. “A great deal of em-
Wonder Woman. She was all-powerful, box office death. (Of all the 70s and 80s of Carter’s shrewd acceptance of the of mourning. “The guy that I married pathy,” she says and smiles; it’s the only
and she was beautiful, and she had a TV shows, the one with the most undis- nature of her appeal. In the decades was handsome, smart, loving,” she says, real superpower.
lasso that she knew how to use. guised feminist energy wasn’t Wonder after Wonder Woman, she appeared and it was an unusually wonderful mar- • This article was amended on 25
Still, let’s not get carried away. Woman but Charlie’s Angels.) In the in countless shows and TV movies – riage. Why did it work? “He really did July 2022; an earlier version gave the
In 2017, when Patty Jenkins revisited spirit of retrofitting history to fit our in 1983, Carter played the title role not hold me back in anything I wanted incorrect surname for Sabrina Cartan.

They used her eggs to have a baby. Now

they’re one big family
party fertility back in 1992. (The Child-
Ellie Houghtaling with photo- Parent Security Act in New York, which
graphs by Bridget Bennett went into effect February 2021, now

offers intended parents full legal cus-
urses hush her to tody in egg or sperm donations, remov-
be quiet. Women in ing any parental rights of the donor.)
the surrounding beds They had no reason to doubt
haven’t been as for- the information in donor 1558’s med-
tunate as she is, but ical report, which portrayed him as a Rachel Grashow embraces Brooke
Brooke Sodahl, 22, is fresh out of the healthy, young ice hockey player. But a Sodahl, who donated her eggs to Grashow
operating room and has someone she year after Steven died, through connec- and her husband Ken Walton, who now have
needs to call. “They got 26 eggs!” she tions on the Donor Sibling Registry and two daughters.
whispers over the line. a 23andMe test, the Gunners found a
Rachel Grashow, 34, is on the other grandmother of donor 1558, who shared this. Usually, donors are required to
end, getting ready for work in her Rachel Grashow, left; Ken Walton and Rachel Grashow, with their daughters Nika and details of Steven’s sperm donor with fill out a physical and mental health
Boston apartment. The whole world Tessa Walton; Brooke Sodahl. Photograph: Bridget Bennett/The Guardian them. survey during health screenings, but
lights up as she hears the words. For the Just like Steven, donor 1558 was tall none of the information provided is re-
first time in years – after five deaths in about the donor through an agency, re- through a known donation are ob- with a tight smile, a fair complexion quired to be or verified. So while donor
the family and a cataclysmic reckoning ceiving only basic, non-identifying fea- vious to her now. Since that long after- and wore glasses. And just like Steven, 1558’s condition violated ASMR’s guide-
with her own infertility that included tures about them – such as their univer- noon at the Boxer, she and Sodahl he had died of an opioid overdose after lines, there were no consequences.
a miscarriage and four failed rounds of sity or their eye color – but never learn- have shared a sister-like relationship, a long struggle with schizophrenia. In other instances of organ dona-
IVF – she feels her luck turning. Her ing a name or hearing their voice. building a family together that sprawls “I can’t even describe the shock,” tion, such as kidney transplants, donors
family is about to grow, and Sodahl, a The donor is also often blind to across the country. said Laura Gunner. “They were paral- are legally required to go through
stranger she met on the internet few the family. Most will go through test- The connection is symbiotic and, at lel in presentation of mental illness, extensive assessments and medical his-
months ago, is the reason: she is their ing (and in the case of egg donation, first glance, effortless. Sodahl is in their their diagnosis, their decompensation. tory reviews.
egg donor. hormone injections to procure 20 or lives and the children aren’t in the dark: I couldn’t understand how this hap- “This feels ridiculous,” Gunner said,
When Grashow hangs up the phone, more eggs over the period of half a there’s no mystery surrounding their pened.” “but I did not fully understand that the
returning to her day job at Harvard year), never knowing whether a dona- ancestry, their genetic predispositions The Gunners, devastated, reached donor was my son’s biological father. It
doesn’t seem like an option. She calls tion was successful, who the family is, to certain illnesses, or how they came to out directly to the Virginia-based was presented almost that the donor
out from work, and heads to the place or what the hopeful offspring will look be in this world. agency that supplied the sperm, asking was this abstract person with an altruis-
where she knows she is most needed. like. Not all donations go as well as this. them to notify other families who had tic nature that was helping us. It wasn’t
An hour later, she climbs into the ele- But Grashow and Sodahl met ••• used the donor’s sperm. The agency presented to us to consider that this
vator at the Boxer hotel, juggling three through an increasingly accepted It wasn’t until their 27-year-old son refused and asked for medical proof was a person.”
cups of soup up to Sodahl’s hotel room process called “known donation”. Here, Steven died in 2020 that Laura and of not just Steven’s condition, but In 2021, the Gunners contacted their
to find her laid up on the bed, stomach egg and sperm donors can meet pros- David Gunner found out what they also the donor’s – which the Gunners friend and local representative, New
cramping, unable to relax. pective parents face-to-face (or com- wish they had known about his sperm didn’t have. The agency hadn’t verified York state senator Patrick Gallivan, to
Earlier that week, Sodahl had flown puter screen to computer screen) to donor. Gunner vividly remembers the the donor’s medical information them- address what they saw as a gap in the
up to Boston to begin the surgical pro- build a relationship before converging moment she, her husband and their selves, but now wanted the Gunners, donation industry: how could families
cedure to remove her eggs. While she on the process of creating a new life to- male ob-gyn sat around a table in 1992 who never knew him, to do so. It felt go through a whole donation and con-
was there, Grashow and her husband, gether. The relationship from then on to discuss how anonymity would be hypocritical. ceive children without ever knowing if
Ken Walton, invited their donor out to can be as open or closed as desired. best for the child. “He was incentivized to lie. I was what the donors reported about them-
dinner to get to know her, and were Experts say this model provides less “I was the lady in the room sitting not,” Gunner said by text message. selves was true?
surprised by their mutual connection. pain and confusion for donors, parents at the kid’s table. It was just not a good The FDA now requires donors to Together they drafted two bills
But it was this afternoon in 2013 when and children – but most people still opt experience,” said Gunner via phone. get a physical examination and to take which are in committee in the New
soup, a back rub and a couple of movies for closed donations: they don’t want to Gunner remembers the doctor’s blood and urine samples for infectious York state senate. If passed, the legis-
turned a contractual obligation into an involve strangers in their lives; they are throwaway warning: that if the couple diseases and STDs. lation would require medical, educa-
unconventional sisterhood. often influenced by the cultural pres- didn’t choose an anonymous donation The group that oversees egg and tional and felony history of any pros-
••• sure to appear “normal”; or they fear the donor might spring up years later, sperm donation, the American Society pective donor in New York before dona-
It is rare for families to meet the having to reveal a painful infertility demanding custody. for Reproductive Medicine, stipulates tion.
stranger donating eggs to them. In the diagnosis to their friends and neigh- The possibility terrified her, as there that donors with a history of serious “I just can’t think that there won’t be
US, egg and sperm donation is usual- bors. were few explicit protections for par- mental illness should be excluded from
ly a closed process: the family hears Grashow says the benefits of going ents or donors when it came to third- donating, but little is done to enforce Continued on page 24
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
24 Opinion

Continued from page 23 needed an extra piece from Auntie the early 1990s, when the disease was a But industry leaders argue fewer upfront in the process, there’s no guar-
Brookie.” death sentence. He wanted more time people will donate their eggs if they’re antee the child will look or be like them,
support after they hear a story like this. It wasn’t always this easy: when with the child born of his donation, de- expected to maintain an open, poten- that they won’t get sick, or that they’ll
Think of what’s at stake here – a human Grashow brought her daughter to first spite originally agreeing not to be in- tially lifelong connection with the live a happy life.
life!” Gallivan said by phone in March. meet Sodahl seven years ago, she volved. family and fear that the responsibility Still, Grashow feels she has an
The couple also inspired a new feared the worst: that Sodahl and The US legal system didn’t rec- of keeping and verifying health records advantage by knowing Sodahl – a
bill in the House of Representatives, Nika would feel an immediate innate ognize Young and Russo’s same-sex would increase the cost of an already glimpse into the future she wouldn’t
introduced last week by Representative connection facilitated by their biology, partnership as legitimate, and in 1994, expensive procedure. have had if she chose not to. Together,
Chris Jacobs. The new bill, called usurping Grashow’s maternal bond the appellate division of the New York “In most cases, you’re going to take their family feels complete.
“Steven’s Law”, would require potential with her children. state supreme court recognized Steel as a treatment that’s already difficult to Their experience might become
sperm donors to disclose their medical But that didn’t happen. When the legal paternal figure in the child’s access because of cost and put that more commonplace in the future, but
records to intended parents. Sodahl saw Nika, she looked at her with life. [new financial] burden on the patients,” it still won’t be the norm. In early June,
But despite the Gunners’ tireless ef- curious eyes: a Where’s Waldo hunt for The four-year court battle was a said Sean Tipton, the chief advocacy Colorado became the first state in the
forts to change the system, they feel the similarities. It was a fun peek into landmark case in the third-party fer- and policy officer of the American So- nation to ban anonymous sperm and
little resolve. her own future, if she were to have kids, tility industry, with lingering impacts ciety for Reproductive Medicine. egg donation. When the law goes into
“I go over that moment a million but Sodahl never felt any inclination on the rights of donors and parents In 2012, ASRM successfully lobbied effect in 2025, children born of future
times, with the doctor and my husband that Nika was hers. She simply did not alike (the saga was chronicled in the against and ultimately blocked legis- procedures will legally gain access to
at the side of me, and I try to rewrite want to be a mother yet. Helping Gra- HBO Max series Nuclear Family, di- lation in New York that would increase their donor’s identity and medical his-
history to ask the questions that need show start her own family was exactly rected by Ry Russo-Young, the offspring transparency and create a donor regi- tory. It will require agencies and clin-
to be asked,” Gunner said. what she wanted: the possibility to be of Young and Steel, now an acclaimed stry. ics based in Colorado to keep current
“And then I think, ‘How was that a cool aunt figure without any of the film-maker.) Tipton warns against the involve- records on the health of their donors,
my responsibility? How were those my responsibility. But sperm donation is a drastically ment of the government in the indus- which will create a de facto registry.
questions to ask?’” Now the broadened families see simpler process than egg donation, a try, arguing that a central registry poses Only a dozen states have attempted
••• each other twice a year, in Las Vegas multi-month procedure that requires risks when “non-magnanimous poli- to regulate the industry through the
When I ring the bell at Sodahl’s at Brooke’s home and on vacation to- hormone injections and surgery, and ticians” seek to draft policy around law. Six states (California, Connecticut,
house, nestled in the Las Vegas red rock gether at Cape Cod in Massachusetts, has more legal guardrails than the reproductive rights, as in as the na- Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and
mountains, it’s Grashow who greets me near Grashow and Walton’s home. They newer industry of egg donation. tional abortion rights crisis. Washington) adopted the 2017 Uniform
warmly at the door. She offers endless call each other regularly. When Nika Legal experts in the world of “We are very committed to giving Parentage Act, which authorizes the re-
snacks, chuckling as she acknowledges had a recent surgery, Sodahl’s parents women’s reproductive rights say that patients the autonomy to make their lease of donor identities once the child
this isn’t exactly her home. Sodahl mailed presents and a care package. few protections have been drafted own decisions about their reproductive reaches age 18. Still, it permits donors
is upstairs with Grashow’s girls, Nika, And through time and close connec- specifically with female donors in lives,” said Tipton. “There would be to conceal their identities at the time
eight, and Tessa, six, braiding their hair. tion, Grashow’s insecurities have eased. mind. Some of the legislative deci- many advantages to [a donor registry] of donation, so pro-disclosure activists
Soon, the girls descend into the “Nobody understands it until they sions that apply to the realm of egg in the industry, but we have not seen a don’t see the regulation as truly protec-
kitchen giggling and run straight to Gra- actually see it,” Walton says. “My family donation are hand-me-downs from sur- proposal that solves the rather formid- tive.
show to show off their new locks. Al- are dumbfounded. They don’t know rogacy cases, litigated to protect the able obstacles, which include privacy Meanwhile, the increasing popu-
though they share Sodahl’s button nose what it’s like choosing family.” parental rights of the intended parents, [for donors and families].” larity of genetic tests like 23andMe
and her wide smile, it’s their manner- “We did this weird thing,” Grashow not intending to provide safety or secu- ••• and MyHeritage effectively nullify any
isms that organically liken them to begins, laughing. rity to those donating. Now that Sodahl has children, she promises of anonymity in the donation
Grashow. Nika is sharp and inquisitive, “And now it’s even weirder!,” Sodahl In New York, state senator Liz appreciates the emotional turmoil that process.
cerebral like her mother, while Tessa chimes in, finishing her sentence. Krueger proposed a bill in February parents must go through when decid- Recently, Sodahl and her husband,
clings to her heels. “I think if Brooke had been ano- 2020 that would curtail the health risks ing to use a donor. She remembers Jared, volunteered to serve as guar-
A couple years earlier, Grashow’s nymous, I would have used my imagi- taken on by would-be surrogates and the false expectations of an instant dians to Nika and Tessa should any-
oldest daughter, Nika, approached her nation to fill in all the pieces in what- egg donors and sought to provide an connection after giving birth, which thing happen to Grashow and Walton.
wondering: is Sodahl her mom? As ever way would have been convenient avenue for tri-parent families to legally was at odds with her own experience. Eight years ago, that offer would have
she grew, more resemblances between for me,” said Grashow over the phone exist (there is currently no legal frame- She could only imagine how con- been Grashow’s worst nightmare.
her appearance and Sodahl’s transpired another evening. “That maybe if the work for multi-parent family struc- ceiving children with the help of a “It’s a weight off my chest that they
and with them, a curiosity that was girls were jerks, maybe I had chosen a tures). It also proposed a donor registry, donor would enhance any impostor offered,” said Grashow. “I think it’s what
heightened by her penchant for light sociopath.” but critics argued the plan was flawed syndrome around the already fragile I always wanted. It was a huge gift to
provocation. ••• because participation in the registry experience of early motherhood. me.”
“I don’t think she was trying to hurt The fear over who the “real” parent would have been entirely voluntary. It But she and Grashow can’t im- The girls are completely open with
me but she was probing. I told her, ‘I am is remains the leading reason why was shot down in favor of the Child- agine a donation any other way. Gra- friends or strangers about the struc-
definitely your mom,’” Grashow said. many prospective parents and donor Parent Security Act, another surrogacy show agrees that families have a right ture of their family. A month ago, Nika
That seemed to be enough for Nika, and organizations avoid open donations. bill with few explicit protections for to know accurate information about wrote an essay for her class where she
the topic hasn’t resurfaced. That fear was crystalized in 1991, when donors. donors, butshe feels there’s a larger lie described having “two moms and two
“I think the girls know intrinsically Robin Young and Sandy Russo were Most egg donors want open dona- perpetuated by agencies. dads”.
that we’re their parents,” says Walton, sued for paternity by their sperm donor, tions: in October 2021, a study of 271 “There’s this illusion of health and Their family might be different, but
their father. “From the moment we Tom Steel. donors found nearly two-thirds (63%) control that people don’t think about the girls aren’t confused at all. Nika
thought they’d even remotely under- Steel, who was initially introduced of interviewed egg donors preferred when they’re conceiving naturally,” Gra- ends her essay with one short sentence:
stand, we started trying to explain to the young lesbian couple through a their donations be known as opposed show says. “A myth that you can control “I love my big family.”
where they came from. We’d use a mutual friend, wanted to change the to anonymous; 88% were in favor of a biology and pick the perfect donor to
puzzle piece analogy: sometimes you terms of their parental arrangement donor registry; and 45% felt that such a have the perfect kid.”
only need two puzzle pieces, but we when he was diagnosed with HIV in registry should be mandatory. No matter how much parents invest

Instagran: meet Thailand’s new generation of

over-60s influencers
your typical social media influencer.
Rebecca Ratcliffe South-east Yet his Facebook video on growing
Asia correspondent trees as an investment has been viewed

by almost 8,000 people, and his Face-
omsak Jiteurtragool stands in book page dedicated to gardening, set
a sun speckled field, sapl- up six months ago, already has more
ings lined in rows behind than 900 followers.
him. “Hello viewers, today Somsak is one of about 50 people
Somsak Jiteurtragool with one of his
I’m bringing you to Principal who took part in a digital training saplings. Photograph: Facebook
Uncle and Auntie’s Forest Garden plot,” scheme designed for over 60s by the
he says. A tour begins, and the camera Thai Media Fund, a government agency. tent creators. “As the older generations,
pans up and down various plants: from The project, which will soon accept a we should get up and give it a go,”
red wood to makha and mahogany. new intake of students, aims to help he says. “Do something that you like,
He tells the camera that his 600 Thailand’s rapidly ageing population present something that you are enthu-
seedlings, which cost just 27 baht [0.73 use social media more effectively, and siastic about.
USD] each when he planted them five Most older Thai people are already using social media, one participant said, but they don’t to generate their own content. “Our knowledge can be valuable to
years ago, could be worth up to 10,000 consider themselves as content creators. Photograph: Sutiporn Somnam/Getty Images Most older Thai people are already society. The younger generation can
baht [271.19USD] per plant in 10 years’ using social media, says Somsak, but
time. Somsak, a 62-year-old retired head- teacher from central Thailand, isn’t they don’t consider themselves as con- Continued on page 25
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Opinion 25

Continued from page 24 online bullying and addiction to social of expertise, from learning English to is from working so I don’t think of retir- was a topic he promoted at school, he
media are the biggest problems af- advice on caring for children who are ing at all,” she says. says, and now he hopes to share the
learn from us,” he adds. fecting young people online in Thail- autistic. A grandad in Ubon Ratcha- Older people are perhaps put off same messages among his own gener-
Almost 78% of Thailand’s popu- and, older generations are more vulner- thani created a YouTube chatshow with producing content online because they ation. “They have time and some of
lation is online, according to a report by able to scams and disinformation, he his grandson in Bangkok, so that they worry about making mistakes, she them have land,” he says.
DataReportal and the creative agency says. “They might believe some sort of could stay in touch even while living far adds. “They don’t want to be compared Each morning, he films a short
We Are Social, while a 2021 estimate fake news about vaccines, for example, away from one another. with other people and that can make video while out in the garden, which
suggested that Thais spent almost that it can have an effect on their ‘I let it go naturally’ them lose their confidence, so they dare he spends about 30 minutes editing
three hours every day on social media. health … or some fake news about a Nadrda Suksuthamwong, 61, a per- not present themselves in the media.” later in the evening, ready to post the
This is likely to include many from certain diet or about a nutrition supple- sonal trainer and fitness influencer, Pojai Poonnat, director of the next day. Somsak doesn’t obsess over
Thailand’s older age groups, says Dr ment that might have an effect on their another of the participants, credits the project, which is called Soong Wai his follower count and number of likes.
Dhanakorn Srisooksai, chief executive actual health and cause them to lose a course with teaching her about how to Huajai Young Work, said that some “I let it go naturally,” he says. “If [people
officer of Thai Media Fund. “We are lot of money.” illustrate and cut her videos more effec- participants were shy about appearing online] like the same thing as me, they
entering the digital era with elderly Alongside training on areas such tively. She has used social media for on screen. “They’re worried about being can come and join.”
people, more and more elderly are as disinformation, the Thai Media 10 years and has a TikTok following of bullied over how they look and or how “During my official work before I re-
using media right now, but with limited Fund’s project partnered participants more than 68,300 people. “My children they behave in front of the camera,” tired, I was quite happy with my work
skills,” says Dhanakorn. Forecasts sug- with university students who pro- are in their 30s, they tell their friends she says, adding that trainers suggested and happy being busy,” he says. Now, he
gest more than 30% of Thailand’s popu- vided mentoring on the technical skills – my mom is a TikTok star,” she says. alternatives such as doing voiceovers. says, social media has become his new
lation will be aged over 60 by 2035. needed to develop an online presence, Her videos feature the shuffle dance As a former school headteacher, classroom.
Older users tend to face different including editing videos. Participants trend, as well as advice on proper form Somsak wasn’t nervous about pre-
risks online, Dhanakorn adds. While created online pages sharing their areas when exercising. “I think our livelihood senting. Environmental conservation

David Warner: a fiercely charismatic actor

who raised the IQ of his movies
Sloane in The Ballad of Cable Hogue
Peter Bradshaw and for Alain Resnais he was John Giel-

gud’s troubled son Keith in Providence,
avid Warner was a distin- released in 1977.
guished English Shakes- Perhaps Warner’s most interesting
pearean actor, in fact one role came in the 1979 cult sci-fi mys-
of the great stage Ham- tery thriller Time After Time by Nicho-
lets of his generation but, las Meyer. Warner plays 19th-century
in movie terms, and especially as he surgeon John Stevenson who is sus- Macabre … Warner and Gregory Peck in
got older, his strong, intelligent face and pected of being Jack the Ripper; mean- The Omen. Photograph: 20th Century Fox/
equine handsomeness almost made while HG Wells (played by Malcolm Allstar
him the English Max von Sydow, emi- McDowell) reveals to his associates that
nently castable in supporting character he has invented in reality the kind of Cameron’s epic who keeps an eye on
roles as troubled or darkly villainous time machine featured in his work. Ste- Kate Winslet’s headstrong young hei-
people in scary films. venson uses this invention to evade ress, and Admiral Boom in Mary Pop-
It was Warner’s destiny to have Bafta nominated … David Warner in the 1966 film Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment. the police and escape into the future pins Returns, the crusty old seadog who
one of the most macabre and shock- Photograph: British Lion Film Corporation/Allstar and Wells follows him to the deeply had a habit of firing a cannon from his
ing death scenes in movie history in strange and alien world of the late balcony.
the classic 1976 chiller The Omen, a seat in the cinema when I first saw role. 1970s. The role is perfect for Warner: With the rigour of his classical train-
stomach-turningly horrible coup which Warner’s fake prosthetic head spinning It wasn’t true to say that the movies disturbing, intelligent, alienated. Meyer ing, his style and his fine voice, Warner
he endured in the role of Keith, up into the air, and at the dawn of didn’t give Warner a leading role. He also directed Star Trek VI: The Undis- boosted the IQ of any movie he was in.
the long-haired and wild-eyed photo- the VHS age, this horribly ingenious was nominated for a Bafta for Karel covered Country in 1991 and made
grapher who notices that there is spectacle was repeatedly savoured by Reisz’s fascinating Morgan: A Suitable Warner the stately and sympathetically
something very wrong with the che- generations of horror fans on pause and Case for Treatment in 1966, an angrily- presidential-looking chancellor of the
rubic baby adopted by the US ambas- rewind. unhappy-young-man role for the times: Klingon high council.
sador and his wife: Gregory Peck and Warner was also to have an iconic the mercurial leftwing artist whose As the years went by, Warner car- I remember literally
Lee Remick. The climatically gruesome horror presence in Anthony Hickox’s wife has left him for a smoothie art ried on doing outstanding character jumping out of my
moment comes when Peck soft-hear- 1988 movie Waxwork, playing the sinis- dealer. Warner is gangly and tall, awk- work. He was the Prussian covert agent
tedly refuses to use the special anti- ter Mr Lincoln, who owns a creepy wax ward, fiercely charismatic, voluble, with Sir Edmund Appleton in the 1978 ver-
seat in the cinema
christ-killing daggers on the child and museum whose horrifying exhibits can a mop of fair, a little like the young sion of John Buchan’s The Thirty-Nine when I first saw
enfold unwary visitors into their own Rhys Ifans. It was the kind of inter-
throws them away. Keith defiantly picks
hellish reality. In John Carpenter’s In esting, textured lead role that an actor
Steps; and was interestingly used as
Warner’s fake
them up, saying he will use them him- the unprincipled software executive in
self, at which point dark forces re- the Mouth of Madness (1994), Warner like him could expect to get in the thea- Steven Lisberger’s Philip K Dick-esque prosthetic head
lease the handbrake on a builder’s truck is the consulting psychiatrist Dr Wrenn, tre or in TV drama (Morgan was devel- VR movie Tron, with the gangsterish spinning up into the
parked nearby with an inadequately se- to whom the hero John Trent, played by oped from a television play), but maybe name of Dillinger who steals the work
cured sheet of plateglass in the back. Sam Neill, recounts his disturbing story: not so much in the movies. Four years of Jeff Bridges’s programmer Keith
This shoots out, decapitating Keith. I at this stage in his career, Warner is later, Sam Peckinpah cast Warner as Flynn. Later he was the ex-Pinkerton’s
remember literally jumping out of my perhaps assuming the father-confessor the itinerant preacher Reverend Joshua gumshoe on board the Titanic in James

The big idea: should we be using data to

make life’s big decisions?
Now, though, there is a better way. We Researchers have collected data on var- principals at deciding which teachers outperformed competitors by seeking
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz are living through a data explosion, ious kinds of choices people make, should be promoted. out patterns in stock market data and

as vast amounts of information about the information they base those choic- The power of data analysis has using them to inform its investment
hom should you all aspects of human behaviour have es on, and how things turn out. They been proved in the sports and busi- strategy. Tech firms in Silicon Valley
marry? Where become more and more accessible. We have found, for example, that a simple ness worlds, too. As made famous by have found that data from experiments
should you live? can use this big data to help determine data-driven algorithm would have been the book and movie Moneyball, base- provides better insights into how to
How should you the best course to chart. better than judges at deciding wheth- ball teams found that algorithms were design their websites than designers
spend your time? There has long been overwhelming er a defendant should stay in jail or better than scouts at picking players, could.
For centuries, people have relied on – and often surprising – evidence that be released; better than doctors at and better than managers at picking But stats have had surprisingly little
their gut instincts to figure out the an- algorithms can be much better than deciding whether a patient should get strategies. In finance, the hedge fund
swers to these life-changing questions. people at making difficult decisions. a procedure; and better than school Renaissance Technologies dramatically Continued on page 26
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

26 Opinion / The Guardian View

Continued from page 25 that might come into play. For example,
a study of tens of millions of children
impact, thus far, on our personal lives. has found the places that increase their
One major problem is that good data future earnings the most. Another with
about life’s biggest personal questions a huge sample size found that certain
has been difficult to come by. The revo- cities can improve one’s life expectancy.
lution may have come to baseball early These are the early days of the data
thanks to all the information about revolution in personal decision-mak-
performance that its obsessive fans had ing. I am not claiming that we can com-
demanded and collected. Now we can pletely outsource our lifestyle choices
anticipate a “Lifeball” moment as a to algorithms, though we might get to
result of all the data that our smart- that point in the future. I am claim-
phones and computers are able to harv- ing instead that we can all dramat-
est. ically improve our decision-making by
Consider this not-too-trivial ques- consulting evidence mined from thou-
tion: what makes people happy? Data sands or millions of people who faced
to answer this question in a rigorous, dilemmas similar to ours. And we can
systematic way was simply not avail- do that now.
able in the 20th century. While play- •Don’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data
by-plays from every game provided raw to Get What You Really Want in Life by
material for data scientists working in Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is published
sports, there was no equivalent record by Bloomsbury.
of events in people’s lives and the Further Reading
changes and mood they provoked. Hap- Illustration: Elia Barbieri/The Guardian Moneyball by Michael Lewis (WW
piness, unlike baseball, was simply not Norton & Co, £11.99)
open to quantitative research watching TV and browsing the inter- Another way to be happier is to for happiness is moving house. A study The Happiness Project by Gretchen
It is now. Experience sampling net. Watching sports fixtures involving marry well. Here, too, data is offer- by three economists at the National Rubin (HarperCollins, £10.99)
projects ping people on their devices your favourite team can be particularly ing us new insights. One study by 86 Bureau of Economic Research in Cam- Noise: A Flaw in Human Judge-
and ask them various questions: what dangerous to your mood, it turns out. researchers collected information on bridge Massachusetts analysed survey ment by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier
are you doing? Who are you with? The average sports fan gets 3.9 points more than 11,000 romantic couples. data and ranked the happiness of every Sibony, Cass R Sunstein (William Col-
How happy are you? The largest of of happiness when their team wins, but They used machine learning models corner of the US. They found that when lins, £10.99)
these, Mappiness, co-founded by the forfeits 7.8 points of happiness when it to understand what predicts romantic people moved from an unhappy city to
UK-based economists Susana Mourato loses. satisfaction. They found many highly a happier place, the effect rubbed off on
and George MacKerron, has collected a There is even some evidence that desired traits, such as a partner’s attrac- them, and their overall mood improved. Experience sampling
repository of more than 3m data points. just telling people about the data on tiveness and height, have just about no Clearly, data based on large samples projects ping people
They have revealed the activities that happiness can increase it. One rando- correlation with long-term happiness. of people isn’t all you need consider
provide far more enjoyment than most mised controlled trial found that indi- Instead the qualities most predictive when moving. An individual might not
and ask them: Who
of us would have guessed, such as exer- cating which activities had been found of romantic satisfaction tended to be want to pack up and head to Charlot- are you with? How
cising, going to a museum and gar- most likely to bring them pleasure, psychological ones, such as having a tesville, Virginia – the happiest place happy are you?
dening. Then there are the things that combined with a plan to incorporate so-called “growth mindset”, or a secure in the US – based on these surveys
give us less pleasure than you might more of them into daily life, led to im- attachment style. alone. Interestingly, data is giving us in-
assume, such as playing video games, proved mood. And one final data-driven strategy sights into many of the other factors

The Guardian view on Brexit and the border:

all jammed up
political opponents for unrealistic
Editorial pledges, while boasting of their own
hard-headedness. But it is the current
The worst of the chaos of the last few government that appears addicted to
days at the Kent border towns of Dover false promises. The myth of Brexit has
and Folkestone thankfully appears to taken the place of reality, as trade-offs
be over. But tens of thousands of British that were the inevitable consequence
tourists have had the start of their holi- of leaving the EU are denied in favour of
days seriously disrupted, while HGV buccaneering fantasies. Having encour-
drivers waited for up to 18 hours to aged voters to give up free movement
cross the Channel as sections of the by leaving the EU, politicians now rec-
M20 were turned into a lorry park. Huge ommend that they blame others for
queues for ferries at Dover eased first, every inconvenience.
followed by those for the Eurotunnel Future difficulties with regard to
at Folkestone. But, amid warnings that the borders are coming into view. Brit-
the problem may recur as soon as this ish disabled drivers’ badges may not
weekend, questions about what caused be accepted in some EU countries,
it need urgent answers. meaning that travellers will face restric-
Ministers including Liz Truss, the tions on where they can go. Roam-
foreign secretary who wants to be ing charges are being reintroduced for
prime minister, should provide them. mobile phones, leading to higher bills.
It is almost four years since Dominic Waiting times at borders could get
Raab, then Brexit secretary, said he longer with tougher checks that may
hadn’t grasped “the full extent” of the Vehicles queue to enter the Eurotunnel terminal in Folkestone on Sunday. Photograph: Henry Nicholls/Reuters involve drivers being asked to get out
UK’s reliance on the Dover-Calais cross- of cars. These were all predictable
ing. But more than 18 months since blamed the French for the situation, far the government has not explained running smoothly. Airports too have consequences of Brexit. Practically
the withdrawal agreement took effect, and pointed to the lack of staff at its decision against the upgrade, apart seen cancellations, vast queues and speaking, none of them ought to be
there has been plenty of time to put in passport control booths on Friday as from noting that there were more bids long waits, due to staff shortages after insurmountable. But efficient adminis-
place arrangements to ensure the Brit- a trigger for the immense traffic jams than funds. The obvious conclusion is layoffs related to the pandemic – and tration and straightforward commu-
ish port’s smooth running. Because of that built up during the day. But that warnings were not taken seriously difficulty filling posts due to low pay nication with the public were never the
Covid restrictions on foreign travel last given that Dover’s owners put in a enough by a government determined and visa rules. Such disruption points top priorities of Boris Johnson’s govern-
summer, it was widely predicted that bid for £33m of government funding to minimise negative effects of quit- to weak planning by both industry and ment – and appear unlikely to be those
the crunch would come after schools to help them manage the changed ting the EU – and to blame anyone but government. (That it unfolded at the of his successor.
broke up this July. Yet the events of the circumstances, and particularly the itself when these become too obvious same time as plans to allow the aviation
weekend show that, once again, Britain post-Brexit requirement for passports to ignore. industry to expand massively points to
was poorly prepared. to be stamped, it is clear that they antic- Kent is not the only departure an alarming failure of leadership.)
Predictably, Ms Truss and others ipated issues beyond one-off delays. So point where business has not been Conservatives habitually mock
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The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

28 The Guardian View / Arts

The Guardian view on the Lambeth

conference: don’t make it about sexuality
couples – issued a furious statement,
Editorial condemning the draft text as an at-
tempt to “undermine and subvert” the
The staging of the twice-delayed Lam- dignity of LGBT+ people. The bishops
beth conference, which this week sees of Los Angeles and Toronto have also
bishops from the Anglican communion weighed in, and senior Anglicans have
assemble in Canterbury for the first called on Church of England bishops to
time since 2008, should be a cause throw out the text in its current form.
for celebration. Postponed in 2020 Among liberals in the church, there is
due to the pandemic, it offers repre- a sense of having been blindsided by
sentatives from more than 40 national some behind-the-scenes politicking of
churches around the world the chance the most cynical kind.
to reconnect in person. The archbishop It is in the interests of all con-
of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has ex- cerned that this fraught debate is not
pressed the hope that it will be an occa- resumed on such crude and polarising
sion for fruitful dialogue, as Anglicans terms. Not least on the grounds that
negotiate the challenges of creating “a the consensus asserted by the draft
postcolonial model” for a communion text palpably does not exist. On LGBT
created in the era of empire. + rights, there remains a gulf between
Sadly, such admirable aspirations the views of conservative hierarchies in
risk being undermined by more divi- the global south, their allies in the west,
sive debate on sexuality and the status and the liberal wing of the Anglican
of same-sex unions. Among a series of church. It is to be hoped that delegates
draft texts distributed last week to the ‘The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has expressed the hope that it will be an occasion for “walking together”.’ Photograph: Yui at this week’s 15th Lambeth conference
650 attending bishops and archbishops, Mok/PA learn from bitter experience, give cul-
one called for the reaffirmation of ture wars a wide berth, and seek out
an infamously divisive resolution from the mind of the Anglican Communion good. In a sensible attempt to avoid sions. The conciliatory approach even common ground on which genuine
the Lambeth conference of 1998. This as a whole that same-gender marriage the toxicity of previous debates, he led to suggestions that this would be agreement may be possible.
flatly rejected homosexual practice as is not permissible”. has decreed that, for the first time, no the “Kumbaya” Lambeth conference. Do you have an opinion on the issues
“incompatible with scripture”, and fu- The feeling of deja vu is deeply traditional “resolutions” will be passed But it appears that arch-conservatives raised in this article? If you would like to
elled years of acrimony and culture depressing. In 2018, when this confe- during the coming discussions. Since found a way to try to inject some all- submit a letter of up to 300 words to be
wars, leaving gay and lesbian Anglicans rence was originally due to take place, each national church can ignore or too-familiar toxicity into proceedings. considered for publication, email it to us
feeling marginalised, betrayed and ex- Mr Welby cancelled it on the grounds adopt Lambeth pronouncements as it At the weekend, bishops from the at
cluded. The draft text also asked bi- that levels of internal division were sees fit, this was an eminently prag- Church in Wales – which last year intro-
shops to back the proposition that “it is such that it might do more harm than matic approach designed to defuse ten- duced church blessings for same-sex

Thirteen Lives review – Ron Howard’s Thai

cave-rescue saga told with non-Hollywood
phobia and danger of the cave system
Peter Bradshaw – although, for a non-caver like me, the
question of why anyone should want
Here is Ron Howard’s decent retelling to cave dive in the first place remains
of an amazing true-life story: the Tham unanswered. He finesses the (unavoid-
Luang cave rescue in northern Thailand able) problem of white-saviour-ism by
in 2018, when international volunteers making the performances as unas-
and Thai Navy Seals battled to rescue suming and un-Hollywood as possible:
12 teenage boys and their football coach Mortensen, Farrell and Edgerton all go
trapped in a flooded cave. Howard and into ordinary-bloke mode. The only real
screenwriter William Nicholson have Hollywood moment comes when Brit-
the tricky job of following last year’s ish diver Chris Jewell (Tom Bateman)
excellent documentary on this subject, almost panics and loses his nerve, a bit
The Rescue, by Jimmy Chin and Eliz- like Ives in The Great Escape.
abeth Chai Vasarhelyi. Well, there is another problem
Just as with Howard’s other near- which Ron Howard clearly found inso-
disaster-movie Apollo 13, we have the luble, and so he avoids it, just as Chin
unlucky number right up there in and Vasarhelyi did in their film. The
the title. When the 13 were stranded blowhard plutocrat Elon Musk noto-
in the cave, caught unawares by the riously disgraced himself during the
torrential downpour, a colossal mission rescue by calling Unsworth a “pedo” for
got under way which involved thou- rejecting his preposterous and egocen-
sands of volunteers frantically pump- tric offer of a submarine for the rescue
ing, draining and diverting the rain- Bold plan … Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton and Viggo Mortensen in Thirteen Lives. Photograph: Vince Valitutti/Metro Goldwyn Mayer – it was clearly unsuitable, being ob-
water so that they wouldn’t drown, Pictures viously too big and un-manoeuvrable.
while the authorities tried to think was Volanthen and Stanton who first who has the terrifying job of putting plan, tacitly agreeing to let them have The film doesn’t mention any of this,
what to do. found the boys alive. But how to get each boy under sedation and floating the praise in the event of success, but and maybe ignoring Musk’s grotesque
Colin Farrell and Viggo Mortensen them out? Even with scuba gear and their sleeping form through the terri- resolving to take the blame if things outburst is the only way to go. This
play John Volanthen and Rick Stan- guidance, the boys couldn’t be relied fyingly narrow cave tunnels, period- went wrong. event, tonally jarring, is an example of
ton, two dedicated amateur cave divers on to swim out without panicking and ically topping up the dose, with death In human terms, this is a how real life sometimes just won’t fit
from Britain who were brought over to drowning in the darkness. So Stan- an ever-present danger for rescuer and straightforward film, unlike the story into the template: it’s what you leave
Thailand at the prompting of resident ton suggested bringing over another rescued. Sahajak Boonthanakit plays of the trapped Chilean miners in 2010, out when you’re printing the legend.
British national and experienced diver diver, Australian anaesthesiologist Ri- Governor Narongsak who calmly gives who were all adults with complex back-
Vern Unsworth (Lewis Fitz-Gerald). It chard “Harry” Harris (Joel Edgerton), the go-ahead for the foreigners’ bold stories. Howard conveys the claustro- Continued on page 29
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Arts 29

Continued from page 28 • Thirteen Lives is released on 29 on Prime Video.

July in the US and UK, and on 5 August

John Oliver on the causes of the US inflation

crisis: ‘An unprecedented perfect storm’
priority, attempting to empathize with
Adrian Horton struggling Americans by saying, in a
press conference, “I know you’ve got to
John Oliver returned to Last Week To- be frustrated. I know. I can taste it.”
night after a month-long hiatus with an “No, no, no! Never say that again!”
economics lesson on inflation, which Oliver exclaimed at the comment. “That
has walloped the US over the past two may be the grossest thing I’ve ever
years. Food prices in the US, for ex- heard come out of Joe Biden’s mouth,
ample, are up 10.4% over last year, elec- and that is saying a lot, because I’ve
tricity up 13.7%, and gasoline up 59.9% heard the stuff that he used to say in
– “so to be honest, it’s probably a good the 1970s.”
idea to start making your gasoline at There have been some small,
home in the morning instead of getting encouraging developments: gas prices
an expensive cup of it on your way to have dropped slightly, and long-term
work,” Oliver joked. inflation expectations recently ticked
The soaring inflation and its strain down after the Fed’s intervention. Most
on many people’s budget have prompt- economists now expect this wave of
ed a “a flurry of finger-pointing”, Oliver inflation to pass in a year to 18 months.
explained, “with many tending to place But that’s an “incredibly long time
the blame on whatever they were al- for those suffering the most,” Oliver
ready mad at”. Democrats have blamed noted. For all the talk about supply
corporate greed, Republicans blamed and demand curves, “it’s important to
Joe Biden, Biden blamed Putin, “and remember that inflation’s effects are
your dog presumably blam[ed] the John Oliver: ‘Anyone loudly saying that one thing is the cause of inflation is either lying or has absolutely no idea what they’re talking anything but abstract for those that it’s
vacuum cleaner”. about.’ Photograph: YouTube hitting the hardest”.
Confusingly, “aside from the dog, “The next year is likely to be very
they’re probably all at least at a little that people were spending money, it chain crisis – “that’s just not true”, Oliver unfortunately just what it’s going to do.” hard for a lot of people,” he added,
bit right”, Oliver said, as this inflation mostly wasn’t on services like flights or said. “Inflation was happening even The thesis of Oliver’s inflation “which is why what we should defi-
crisis is the result of a multitude of fac- hotels or restaurants. Instead, it went before Putin invaded Ukraine, so that’s crash-course was basically that there nitely be doing right now is helping
tors combining in an “unprecedented to goods like furniture, appliances or, I just not how time works. What is true, is no one cause of the problem, and them”. He suggested passing a refund-
perfect storm”. don’t know, some steamy watercolor rat though, is that Putin definitely exacer- “anyone loudly saying that one thing able child tax credit for those that need
Oliver broke down the components erotica.” bated the problem.” is the cause of inflation is either lying it, and expanding rental assistance,
into an Economics 101 on supply and And “the notion that our economy It is also true that corporate greed or has absolutely no idea what they’re which economists say would have a
demand, conducted through the ex- would be fine if not for Biden’s stimulus has made it worse. “Some companies talking about”, he said. minor impact on inflation.
ample of three giant spreadeagled frog completely ignores what it would’ve are taking advantage of this envi- Regardless of the exact formula of Regardless, he concluded, “there are
statues marketed for $1,425 apiece looked like without it,” such as a likely ronment to drive up prices, and they’re the cause, the entity many are look- two things that we do know for sure:
(Oliver purchased all three, which deco- double-digit recession in spring 2021. getting record profits in return,” Oliver ing to for relief is the US Federal Re- one, it’s going to take a difficult combi-
rated his studio). On the excess demand “So two things are likely true here: the explained. “And that is infuriating, but serve, which has the power to raise nation of monetary policy, supply chain
side, particularly Republican efforts government stimulus did contribute to most economists will tell you that’s not interest rates and thus indirectly curb recovery and time to bring supply and
to blame Biden’s stimulus packages inflation, but it was also a necessary what caused inflation in the first place. spending. In June, the Fed announced demand back into alignment. And two,
during the pandemic: “There is a kernel intervention,” said Oliver. After all, it’s not like corporations only it would raise interest rates by 0.75 that if everyone does win the lottery
of truth to it,” said Oliver, as people He then turned to supply, which has just got greedy in the last two years. percentage points, its largest hike since in the future, and does suddenly want
did have more cash on hand, but “that been disrupted since Covid by factory Companies will shamelessly profiteer, 1994 – a move some, including chair- some frog statues, I just made the
is not the only reason” for inflation. shutdowns and supply chain delays. the exact same way that a dog will man Jerome Powell, dubbed as too late. smartest investment of all time.”
Many people actually saved money As for Biden blaming Vladimir Putin’s make an absolute meal out of its own Biden has pledged to make tack-
during the pandemic, “and the extent invasion of Ukraine for the supply ballsack. If left to its own devices, that’s ling inflation his number one domestic

Adele announces new dates for postponed

Las Vegas residency
on social media. “I truly was heartbro- over the guilt, but it was brutal.”
Guardian music ken to have to cancel them. But after In her new statement, she also
what feels like an eternity of figuring added: “Now I know for some of you
Adele has announced new dates for her out logistics for the show that I really it was a horrible decision on my part,
postponed Las Vegas residency. want to deliver, and knowing it can and I will always be sorry for that, but
The singer, who cancelled the orig- happen, I’m more excited than ever!” I promise you it was the right one. To
inal dates at the start of the year, will In a July interview on Desert Island be with you in such an intimate space
now begin her Weekends with Adele Discs, the singer revealed that the every week has been what I’ve most
concerts on 18 November running to 25 reason was down to quality. “The show been looking forward to and I’m going
March, taking in 32 shows. was not good enough,” she said. “Maybe to give you the absolute best of me.”
The residency was originally an- my silence has been deadly, I don’t There will be a select number of
nounced in support of the album 30 know. But it was horrible.” tickets for the performances available
which was the best-selling album of Adele also spoke about the grief with fans who held tickets for the orig-
2021. Adele then cancelled the day she felt after cancelling as well as the inal dates being prioritised.
before it was set to begin. overwhelming guilt. “I was a shell of a Adele recently made a return to the
“Words can’t explain how ecstatic Adele performs on stage in Hyde Park. Photograph: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for person for a couple of months,” she said. stage at Hyde Park in London as part of
I am to finally be able to announce Adele “I just had to wait it out and just grieve British Summer Time.
these rescheduled shows,” she shared it, I guess, just grieve the shows and get
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
30 Arts

Vinyl fantasy: how gamers fell in love with

as an art form alongside film scores. For
Keith Stuart many players, listening to game music
is a personal, immersive experience, be-
Caroline Grace has always enjoyed vin- cause we may have listened to it not
tage technology. An IT tech in the Mid- just through a 90-minute film, but tens
Ohio Valley, they collect retro games, of hours of play.
laser discs and cassette tapes, but “The concept of dynamic music –
mostly, vinyl records. Their collection or music that changes to your envi-
is in the thousands, and hundreds of ronment or actions – is unique to
those are video game soundtracks. “I’ve games,” says Sound of Gaming pre-
been a big fan of games all my life,” says senter Louise Blain. “As players, we
Grace. “Some of my earliest memories have come to rely on music to tell Surprise best-seller … LP cover for the
are playing games like Wonder Boy III: us we’re in danger, to react when we Policenauts soundtrack. Photograph: Data
The Dragon’s Trap and Goof Troop with draw our swords, and tell us to calm
my dad and brother. I get positive feel- down when the coast is clear. It is our releases. “On occasion, we’ve tracked
ings from listening to the Wonder Boy Press play … LP covers for Streets of Rage and Shenmue soundtracks. Composite: Data soundtrack, no one else’s. down the original paintings, either from
III music now. I have a lot of pleasant “Film music never needs to fill the the licensor’s vaults or through pri-
memories of playing it with my family releases spanning Sega’s history, from lone musician. For small studios, it can gap when we get distracted and wander vate art collectors, and have had HD
back in the day.” Sonic to Shenmue, and has since broa- be tough to make a living from game off the beaten path to see what we can photographs taken,” explains Crook.
The idea of buying video game dened to other classic Japanese titles sales alone in such an over-saturated find hiding deeper in the woods. Red “The rights for artwork can sometimes
soundtracks on vinyl may seem coun- such as Okami, Ikaruga and surprise market, so selling merch to a dedicated Dead Redemption 2 composer Woody be complicated too. For example, for
ter-intuitive: the most hi-tech digital best-seller Policenauts, the old cyber- fanbase is an important source of rev- Jackson jokingly called some of the our After Burner II release, we had
entertainment medium meeting this punk thriller from Metal Gear creator enue. 60 hours of music he’d composed for to license the cover image of the
fragile relic of the analogue era. But Hideo Kojima. There is also an important com- the game ‘cowboy yoga music’ be- F-14 Tomcat directly from Northrop
gaming albums have been steadily Nostalgia seems to be a major draw munity element to video game vinyl. cause those atmospheric strings had to Grumman, which was a very laborious
rising in popularity since the early for many collectors. Alongside Data Releases tend to be limited editions and accompany us everywhere. Game music (and expensive) process, but ultimately
2010s. Partly that’s thanks to the wider Discs, labels such as movie soundtrack not always widely marketed, so fans understands that we want to lose our- worth it.”
vinyl revival, but it’s also due to the specialist Mondo and hip New York- meet up on Discord servers and Reddit selves and take in the scenery as well as Soundtrack albums so easily
efforts of specialist record labels such based indie Ship to Shore PhonoCo also forums to swap tips and compare ticking off quest lists. It also means that become an extension of a game’s aes-
as Data Discs, which produces beau- produce high quality albums for classic collections. “We sometimes help each the more time we spend, the stronger thetic. They are large enough to show
tiful albums based on vintage video games. “Nostalgia plays a big part in my other get our personal ‘holy grails’,” says our emotional connection can be.” off its artwork, and they have an ele-
games. “When we started the label in vinyl collecting – I will go out of my Pete Boyle, a collector based in Leeds. This is a really vital point. Game ment of discovery too, with extensive
late-2014 there wasn’t really anyone way to acquire records for games that “Last year, I mentioned in passing that music reminds us of places that we liner notes, glossy inserts and luscious
releasing game soundtracks on vinyl,” I enjoyed as a kid,” says Chris Hansen, I missed the original release of the Fire- have effectively lived in. What’s more, packaging. And like video games, they
says co-founder Jamie Crook. “We had an IT contractor for the Department watch soundtrack by Chris Remo. Mi- we often play alongside friends, so are tactile, concerned with skill and
been half-joking about trying to re- of Homeland Security in Mississippi. “I nutes later I received a message from game music is the sound of a shared ritual. You treat vinyl records with reve-
lease Streets of Rage for the best part got into collecting vinyl in 2016 when I someone offering to sell it to me at cost journey, bringing to life all the emotions rence and care, dropping the needle so
of a decade and we’re still surprised heard about Mondo’s release of Castle- plus post. It was in my hands less than that entails. “There are two soundtracks that it falls as softly as a good jump in
that no one else beat us to it. It just vania. I own every Castlevania game, two weeks later! We look out for one that will always remind me of a partic- a platform game. And when the music
seemed abundantly clear that game it’s my favourite series, so I had to get another. I have made some incredible ular time in my life,” says Dutch vinyl starts, you are transported.
soundtracks were going to be one of the record. When I started looking into friends for life.” collector Jill Verhage. “The soundtrack
the next growth areas, alongside Japa- other releases, I discovered that Data In the early 2010s, Austin Win- to Ori and the Blind Forest, as it is
nese ambient, especially after the huge Discs had put out Streets of Rage and tory’s beautiful cello-led soundtrack for one of the last games my best friend
popularity of film soundtrack labels Streets of Rage 2 on vinyl. I’ve been Journey and the 1980s-splashed elec- played before she passed in 2017, and We often play
from 2012 onward.” hooked ever since.” tropop of Hotline Miami 2 showed the soundtrack of Ori and the Will alongside friends, so
The idea became a reality when But it’s not all about the past; a huge how varied and musically accom- of the Wisps, which always brings me
Cook sent a speculative email to Streets number of contemporary video games plished game scores had become. Now, great sadness knowing she never got to
game music is the
of Rage composer Yuzo Koshiro: he are accompanied by vinyl soundtrack from global Final Fantasy concert tours experience that game.” sound of a shared
releases, whether that’s an orchestral to BBC Radio 3’s excellent Sound of
was on board immediately, as was Sega
score for a bestselling Triple A block- Gaming programme to the forthcoming
Whatever else motivates collectors, journey
Japan (“though I think they were also a these are beautiful artefacts. At Data
little bewildered”). Consequently, Data buster, or an electronic soundtrack for a gaming concert at the BBC Proms, Discs, the team spends days sourc-
Discs was able to license a number of cult indie game composed entirely by a game soundtracks have been accepted ing archival video game art for their

The Last Movie Stars: Ethan Hawke pays a

complex tribute to his idols
early days of quarantine, a murderers’ more closely associated with lock- actor’s path: from-the-ground-up train- does devote just as much time and
Charles Bramesco row of actors’ actors who also record step devotees of pop music or super- ing in theater, consistently range-ex- attention to Woodward, and the shift-
voiceover readings of archival docu- hero movies, hordes prone to cyber- panding screen roles under a host ing dynamic between the longtime
The Last Movie Stars, a new docu- ments, Hawke pontificates on how a swarming anyone who challenges their of esteemed auteurs, side endeavors spouses. It’s here that Hawke’s cir-
mentary series on Paul Newman and generation of serious thespians mod- absolute allegiance. Hawke trades this too dedicated to be written off as cumspect view of a larger-than-life
Joanne Woodward released to HBO eled themselves and their careers after unquestioning fealty for an apprec- dabbling. As the episodes touch on legend really comes into play, as firs-
Max this past weekend, occasionally Newman and Woodward. For a subs- iation with a more critical bent, will- each canonical Newman performance, thand sources establish her to be
allows its focus to drift to a third sub- tantive performer looking to cultivate ing to acknowledge Newman’s sizable Hawke shares a beat of breathless awe a nobly suffering support beam to
ject. Ethan Hawke presides as direc- a rich inner life of varied hobbies and flaws alongside his virtues. For all his with whoever he’s got on the line. a husband on the verge of col-
tor and producer on the six episodes, intellectual pursuits to go along with A- open admiration, Hawke constructs an “Denzel in Malcolm X. De Niro, Raging lapse. The series doesn’t gloss over
and he makes no effort to minimize list icon status, there’s no clearer exem- even-keeled assessment of an essential Bull. Paul Newman, Cool Hand Luke!” Newman’s functional alcoholism, show-
his own presence under some pretense plar than Newman, whose ice-blue eyes artist and troubled man. In doing so, Hawke effuses, delivering some vari- ing us home movies in which he slop-
of fly-on-the-wall objectivity. As much hid the soul of a Lee Strasberg student he demonstrates how to account for ation on this for Hud, The Sting, The pily toddles around his living room
as his extensive research project exists and racecar driver. the problematic aspects of a personal Color of Money, and the rest. But his clutching a bottle. More unsettling still
to chronicle the lives and works of a Considered as a whole, this tribute favorite, a challenge for all of us that is a purposeful admiration, his compli- is a clip in which we see one of his
Hollywood power couple in a league to the pair ’00s tabloid media would’ve grows more pressing with every break- ments always couched in a though- children doing a convincing cross-eyed
of their own, he also digests the narr- dubbed Jaul (Poanne?) doubles as a ing scandal. tful analysis of the characters Newman impression of Daddy under the influ-
ative at hand by examining his own case study in fandom practiced prop- While he’s sculpted a public image played and how they corresponded to ence, a sign of the negligent parenting
relationship to it. erly. The profile of the typical fan of an alt-heartthrob farther from the his life story. for which he’d feel immense guilt later
With a cavalcade of famous pals has been significantly warped over movie-star mainstream than Newman, Though Hawke doesn’t talk around
Zoom-ing in during the shaggy-haired the past internet-besotted decade, now Hawke has still followed in the elder his identification with Newman, he Continued on page 31
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Arts 31

Continued from page 30 outright hero-worship for Newman’s

greatness or dismissal for his darkness,
in life. (The death by overdose of instead assuming a nuanced view that
his son, fledgling stuntman Scott, is accounts for all the frailty of human
Newman’s rock bottom.) George Cloo- nature. Anyone invested in the arts
ney reads as Newman throughout the must confront this contradiction con-
series, and infuses real anger into a rant stantly, that the people responsible for
that sees him defending his choices as a work we find beautiful or moving could
father by claiming that at least he didn’t nonetheless behave in ugly or cruel
beat his kids. ways behind closed doors. The adult
But life is long, and Newman’s mind can hold two opposing thoughts
thread continues. The latter episodes at the same time, and in Hawke’s case,
chart his redemption as he scales back even fuse them into a wider compre-
his intake of alcohol – “just beer,” he hension of how a genius’ demons can
maybe-jokes – and makes good through inform and even motivate their finest
charity and outreach to those strug- hours. There’s no interest in condem-
gling with addiction. Hawke takes this nation nor exoneration here, a verdict
without judgement, as he does the rest either way being a useless roadblock
of Newman’s complicated journey. “The to understanding. Newman has passed,
people I admire the most are the ones his legacy cemented. He simply is, and
who overcome their demons and work Hawke accepts him on those self-evi-
with them, and that’s what I take from dent terms.
it,” Hawke told Business Insider last The Last Movie Stars is now avail-
week. “If you don’t have shadow, you Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman Photograph: Album/Alamy able on HBO Max in the US with a UK
don’t have light.” He wisely eschews date to be announced

Bob Rafelson: subtle and complex director

was presiding genius of the Hollywood new
haunting ambience in that wintry sea-
Peter Bradshaw side town.
Stay Hungry (1976) was an eccen-
Of all the creative energies and tric rough diamond of a movie, co-writ-
commercial synergies that swirled ten with sportswriter and bodybuilding
around Hollywood at the end of the enthusiast Charles Gaines, starring Jeff
1960s, surely the strangest was the one Bridges as a guy who buys an advanta-
between the Monkees, actor Jack Ni- geously located gym to close a property
Claiming cult status … the Monkees in
cholson and the producer-director who deal, falls in love with the receptionist Head. Photograph: Everett Collection/Rex
was to become a presiding genius of (Sally Field) and finds himself weirdly
the American new wave: Bob Rafelson. drawn to the bodybuilding world of a piece of work.
Yet if Rafelson had not co-created pop certain humungous Austrian guy work- After this, his Mountains of the
music’s great boyband in his capacity ing out there: an early role for Arnold Moon in 1990 was a sweeping and
as a TV producer, his company would Schwarzenegger. high-minded movie about the Victorian
not have been as madly successful as But Rafelson brought the steam explorers Richard Burton and John
it was: he would not have been able Much imitated … Karen Black and Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces. Photograph: Colum- heat, the thrills and the overt ero- Speke, played by Patrick Bergin and
to produce Dennis Hopper’s counter- bia/Sportsphoto/Allstar ticism with his noir drama, The Post- Iain Glen, that was respectfully re-
cultural classic Easy Rider in 1969 (co- man Always Rings Twice, based on ceived. Nicholson turned in a menacing
starring Nicholson) and Peter Bogda- Out of all this emerged Rafelson’s wonder now: this is the Nicholson that the 1934 novel by James M Cain with yet roguish performance in the oddly
novich’s cinephile gem The Last Pic- glorious 1970 masterpiece, Five Easy existed before the crazy-man act that Jack Nicholson as the Depression era dark romantic comedy Man Trouble
ture Show in 1971. And it all allowed Pieces, co-written with Carole Eastman: became an integral part of his brand. drifter who shows up at a west coast from 1992, in which he provides guard
Rafelson to become a key director of an intricate tragicomedy, subtle, com- Every bit as brilliant, but still unac- diner and falls for the beautiful woman dogs and falls in love with a woman
the time, with an enduring partnership plex and ruminative in ways that set countably undervalued, was Rafelson’s running the place (Jessica Lange) who who needs one of his canines. Rafel-
with Nicholson that gave birth to some it apart from a very great deal of Hol- superb drama The King of Marvin Gar- is planning to murder her husband. son’s swansong with Nicholson was the
of the greatest films of the era. lywood cinema, either before or after dens from 1972, in which Nicholson is Some preferred the earlier, more obli- tough, forthright and well-made noir
The Monkees had given Rafelson the new wave, and with something of even more atypical with a wonderfully quely sexy version from 1946 directed thriller Blood and Wine, in which he
crucial professional access to the world Chekhov or Dickens. Nicholson plays melancholy and introspective perfor- by Tay Garnett with John Garfield and teamed up with Michael Caine and
of popular music which plugged him an oil-rigger: rough-mannered, angry mance as David, an NPR-style talkshow Lana Turner, but the David Mamet British producer Jeremy Thomas. Ni-
into the zeitgeist – or, to be exact, an and insubordinate (his peppery and dif- host in Philadelphia, given to long, lite- dialogue packed a punch and Rafel- cholson is the alcoholic wine merchant
expertise in fabricating the zeitgeist. ficult attitude while ordering food at a rary monologues at the microphone. son channelled the testosterone-surge who plans to rip off a client. It’s a good
The band he helped invent may not diner has become a much-spoofed-and- Bruce Dern plays his long-estranged of Nicholson’s performance with a sure movie, whose main value perhaps lies
have been as cool as the Beatles or the imitated Nicholson classic). When he brother, a shady character who wants hand. A more interesting noir – and in the restatement of Rafelson and Ni-
Rolling Stones, but they starred in the learns that his father is dying, the angry David to help him out with some dodgy certainly a subtler one – was the 1987 cholson’s enduringly potent and valu-
film he directed and co-wrote with Ni- young man travels back to the family business manoeuvres in Atlantic City drama Black Widow with Debra Winger able relationship.
cholson: the ineffably freaky and direc- home and we discover that he was (home of “Marvin Gardens”, a famil- as the Department of Justice official ob- Perhaps Rafelson never quite recap-
tionless all-star zanefest Head in 1968 once a brilliant classical pianist who in iar address from the original Amer- sessed with taking down sultry serial tured the pure inspiration of his early
which did nothing but annoy the crit- an act of psychic self-harm has aban- ican Monopoly boards). It is masterly husband-killer Theresa Russell. The work – but what amazing work it was.
ics and the Monkees’ more conserv- doned his vocation. To see the subtlety work from Rafelson: firecracker dialo- movie has a rare screen performance Five Easy Pieces and The King of
ative fanbase. It’s been doggedly claim- and vulnerability of the performance gue, a tremendous brotherly chemistry from Nicol Williamson as the man next Marvin Gardens are authentic Amer-
ing cult status ever since. which Rafelson got out of Nicholson is a between Nicholson and Dern and a in the frame. It’s a very sleek and stylish ican classics.
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
32 Arts

Driven to distraction: the best film, music,

games and more to prepare for a road trip
able traffic jams and mammoth solos
Michael Cragg, Sam Jordison, for when the terrain opens out. Tick-
Alex Mistlin, Hollie Richardson ing every box is this gloriously over-
and Keith Stuart stuffed 1977 epic from the late Marvin
Lee Aday, AKA Meat Loaf. Allow the
Film title track to propel you off the dri-
Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Roma) veway like, well, a bat out of hell,
took a break from his burgeoning Hol- and the gorgeous Heaven Can Wait
Zen Motoring, with Ogmios (centre).
lywood career to capture lightning to ease your pre-service station dip. Photograph: Ainsley Cannon/BBC/Rumpus
in a bottle with Y Tu Mamá Tam- Pair it with 1993’s 75-minute follow-up
bién, a Spanish-language road drama for maximum windows-down freedom. ***
set against the backdrop of Mexico’s Michael Cragg Game
political turmoil at the end of the *** The Forza Horizon titles are ostens-
20th century. Julio and Tenoch (Gael Books ibly racing games where you compete
García Bernal and Diego Luna respec- When he was 38, William Least to earn cash and become famous. But,
tively) play wide-eyed teenagers who Full throttle … Mexican coming-of-age drama Y Tu Mamá También. Photograph: Anhelo Heat-Moon lost his job and his wife in fact, you don’t ever have to race
hit the road in search of female flesh Producciones/Allstar but “got the idea instead”. He decided anyone, you can just drive. Forza Ho-
and a mysterious beach called Boca to take a circular trip over the Blue rizon 4 (PC, Xbox) lets you do that
del Cielo (“Heaven’s Mouth”). Accom- urban beauty in the everyday moments the road, our zen driver almost cries. It’s Highways, the back roads of the United within a beautifully replicated Britain.
panying them is Luisa (Maribel Verdú), on the city’s streets as he drives around a form of therapy. Hollie Richardson States, marked in blue in his old Rand You can jump in a car in the Cotswolds
a sexy older woman with a dark recording it all on a wobbly dash- *** McNally atlas. He put a camp bed in the then drive it up through the Pennines
secret. What follows is one of the cam. He then narrates his subtle obser- Music back and started out on his slow, 13,000- and into Scotland. The gorgeous sce-
most thought-provoking and unaba- vations in soothing, send-me-to-sleep A good road trip needs a dramatic mile journey in early 1978. He was a nery washes by, the weather changes,
shedly erotic (and homoerotic) coming- tones. “While they empty their bins, I soundtrack, one that peaks and troughs man searching for a new life with no sunlight glints off distant hills, the rain
of-age movies ever made. Alex Mistlin empty my mind,” he says of the refuse in all the right places. As well as throat- idea how to get there, but also some- forms puddles on the tarmac ahead of
*** collectors, stopping to appreciate their shredding singalongs, it should also en- one capable of persuading just about you. You get to be your own Kerouac,
TV choreography. Later, he gets out of the courage air guitar (for the passengers) anyone, anywhere to share their story your own Thelma or Louise – and if the
You don’t need to leave London to car to rescue a pigeon by letting it chill and steering wheel-based piano tin- with him. The result – Blue Highways trip goes wrong, you just start again.
find joy on the road. No, honestly! In on the dashboard. When an elderly man kling (for the driver). It needs tender – is one of the oddest and best books This road trip is truly endless. Keith
Zen Motoring, rapper Ogmios sees the waves at him four times while crossing moments to ease the pain of the inevit- written about America. Sam Jordison Stuart

‘If you have issues with someone in a place

like this, you have to confront them’: why
reality TV loves an island
“It’s about creating an alternate un-
Louis Staples iverse, where anything can happen –
or more precisely, where a very spe-
It’s that time of year again: heads cific set of things that the producers
are being turned, want to happen can happen,” he says.
endorsement deals chased, and we’re “Even if contestants aren’t on an island
hearing the phrase “It is what it is” physically, they’re often on one figura-
ad nauseam. That’s right: with sky-high tively.” It’s true that on Love Island we
Tropic like it’s hot … FBoy Island’s fantasy
ratings and no shortage of drama, this rarely see outside the confines of the world. Photograph: Julie Corsetti/BBC/HBO
is Love Island’s summer – and we’re all Mallorcan villa: it’s an island-within- Max
just living in it. an-island. The winter series is located
But over and above the shena- in South Africa and the mid-pandemic someone in a place like this, you have
nigans at ITV’s Mallorcan villa, reality season of Love Island USA was filmed to confront them,” Moylan says. “There’s
television seems to be obsessed with on the top floor of a Las Vegas hotel. no escape from the island.”
islands at the moment. This month, If an actual island isn’t a strict require- It is no coincidence that reality TV is
season two of FBoy Island – a bizarre Treasure island … beachy reality shows are ratings gold. Illustration: Jonny Glover/The ment on a show with the word “island” enamoured of islands – remote, primal
show where women choose between Guardian in the title, then Big Brother’s famous settings – at a time when the world
men who describe themselves as “nice Elstree compound is surely an island in is becoming increasingly digitised and
guys” and those who identify as woma- franchise branched out into its first ality TV’s island obsession was enough the figurative sense. hyperconnected. A lot of these shows
nising “fuck boys” – arrives on HBO “all stars” season, bringing holidaying of a thing to be mocked in the Milf Real or artificial, these islands are are sold as a social experiment, asking
Max. Netflix’s Too Hot to Handle – a Housewives together in the Turks and Island episode of the US sitcom 30 ideal for creating conflict. Throw in whether people can find love, or even
dating show that transports 10 horny Caicos Islands in the Lucayan Archi- Rock, which revolved around a fictional scantily clad singletons (Too Hot to survive, without the distractions and
singles to a tropical paradise and bans pelago. reality show featuring “25 super-hot Handle), alcohol (Ex on the Beach) amenities of modern life. They allow
them from kissing or touching each Reality TV’s preoccupation with isl- moms, 50 eighth-grade boys, no rules”. or exhaustion (The Island With Bear us to fantasise about how we would
other – dropped its third season in Jan- ands stretches back to the genre’s ori- Why is reality TV so drawn to isl- Grylls) and you’ve got a recipe for cope in these situations. “What would
uary. MTV’s Ex on the Beach, which gins. In 2000, Survivor was the first US ands? June Deery, the author of the drama. We see this every year on Love happen if you were stranded on a
reunites fiery contestants from British reality show to become ratings gold. 2015 book Reality TV and a professor Island, where fans grumble that the desert island with a bunch of hot young
reality shows with their exes, has filmed The Big Brother-in-the-jungle format at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in show is boring, then complain even people who also want a Boohoo con-
12 seasons on islands including Crete, followed two “tribes” of Americans in the US, thinks that this type of isolated more when producers intervene to tract?” Moylan says. “Love Island asks
Koh Samui, Bali and Gran Canaria. Borneo, with 51 million people tuning setting is “inherent” to the medium. spice things up. It is also visible on that very question.”
It’s not just dating shows: Chan- in to watch its dramatic finale. Today, “Whether the island is a geographic Real Housewives, when the cast of rich The journalist Anna Peele, who re-
nel 4’s The Island With Bear Grylls some of the most popular island-based place, or a socially produced envi- women embark on trips to exotic loca- cently dissected the rise of Love Island
has seen various groups battling for shows, such as Temptation Island and ronment, it allows controlled condi- tions. Removing them from their usual for Vanity Fair, says that technology is
survival in an unforgiving tropical ter- Love Island, are revivals from reality tions and is a form of narrative crea- surroundings and support systems and shifting our ideas of experiences that
rain. Nude survival show Naked and TV’s early years, beginning in 2001 tion,” she says. “Hence its attraction for filming them round the clock in loca- feel primal or intense. “Modern movies
Afraid was a surprise hit in the US, run- and 2005 respectively. The same goes reality TV producers.” tions such as St Barts in the Caribbean and TV are always trying to come up
ning for 14 seasons and filming in Fiji, for Shipwrecked, the Channel 4 show Brian Moylan, an author and (now nicknamed “scary island” by fans) with reasons to show people not star-
Dominica and Trinidad and Tobago. that was rebooted in 2019 but de- commentator on reality TV, agrees that have sparked the most intense drama
Last year, Bravo’s Real Housewives buted two decades earlier. In 2008, re- isolation is the most important factor. over the years. “If you have issues with Continued on page 33
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Arts 33

Continued from page 32 early years of the reality genre, it made shows are often more blatant about it, ality shows aren’t pretending to be origin and essence of the genre. So from
sense that it would choose a setting too. Love Island is practically a Shake- organic environments where inter- scantily clad singletons in a Mediter-
ing at screens,” she says. “Right now, it that felt familiar, where other mediums pearean drama, with multiple narra- personal relationships are natural – in ranean villa to Lord of the Flies-style
feels primal to have to communicate had done the “heavy lifting”, as Moylan tives and characters – villains, heroes fact, they are leaning into becoming the survival shows, don’t expect reality TV
directly.” Survival shows make people puts it. But two decades on from Sur- and antiheroes – edited to collide on opposite. “When we’re watching Love to give up on the island quite yet. Now
catch their own food and build their vivor and the beginning of the reality a regular basis. “An isolated setting Island, we know it’s a hyperproduced pass the suncream – and the popcorn.
own shelter, while dating shows revolve TV epoch, the continued reliance on is about power: the power of pro- environment,” Moylan says. “And we
around sex: the most primal act of all. island-style shows feels like a potential ducers over participants for purposes of really don’t care.”
It is curious that reality TV – a point of stagnation, or a sign that new entertainment,” Deery says. “It enables Have we hit “peak island”? Probably
newer genre, with seemingly infinite ideas are thin on the ground. producers to become more like the not. “There are only so many places
possibilities – is so wedded to a set- The saturation could also be a sign all-powerful authors of fiction. They you can isolate people. Islands have the Even if contestants
ting that has been widely explored else- that, as it matures, reality TV is becom- become the vigilant and manipulative best mix of exoticism and practicality,” aren’t on an island
where. From the scripted TV drama ing more like the scripted television, Prosperos of their own modest king- says Peele. Whether you’re on an actual
Lost to films such as Cast Away, books films, books and theatre that preceded doms.” island or a figurative one, isolation
physically, they’re
including Robinson Crusoe, Treasure it. As with traditional media, editing Reality TV producers becoming the has been integral to reality TV’s status often on one
Island and Lord of the Flies, and even and storylining have always been a new authors, scriptwriters and play- as a cultural phenomenon. The shap- figuratively
Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, there is part of reality TV shows. But view- wrights signals a move away from ing of contestant experiences through
hardly a format where island-based iso- ers are now savvier to the ways re- “authenticity” as the genre’s most controlled circumstances – what Deery
lation isn’t a common device. In the ality narratives are preordained, and valuable currency. Most island re- calls “staged actuality” – is both the

Comic-Con 2022: Wakanda Forever, Sandman

and Bill Murray joins the MCU
Agatha: Coven of Chaos (Disney+,
Michael Sun and Sian Cain December 2023), a sequel to Wanda-
vision that follows up on what hap-
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among pened to Kathryn Hahn’s villain.
Thieves Daredevil: Born Again (Disney+,
Truly the nerds have inherited the March 2024), Marvel’s return to its best
earth, or at least Hollywood: this Comic- telly series, bringing back Charlie Cox
Con gave us the first look at the forth- as the blind crime fighter and Vincent
Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln speak
coming adaptation of the tabletop role- D’Onofrio as Kingpin on stage at AMC’s The Walking Dead at
playing game, a fantasy caper starring Captain America: New World Order Comic-Con 2022. Photograph: Kevin Winter/
Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Brid- (3 May 2024), the first Cap film starring Getty Images
gerton hottie Regé-Jean Page and Hugh Anthony Mackie instead of Chris Evans
Grant. Thunderbolts (25 July 2024), an a plot in this comic series, which could
While the trailer is a little light antihero team assembled in the comics mean it won’t translate for screen like
on hearty laughs, it has a) Grant as a by Baron Zemo (previously played by some of Gaiman’s other works – but
baddie and b) is co-written and directed Comic-Con 2022: composite image featuring Black Adam (Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson), Daniel Brühl) we’ll see.
by Jonathan Goldstein and John Fran- Owain Arthur as Prince Durin IV in a scene from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Fantastic Four (8 November 2024): The 10-episode series also stars
cis Daley, who made one of the most (Amazon Prime Video via AP) and a first-look image from John Wick 4, starring Keanu no cast was announced – but here’s Gwendoline Christie, Patton Oswalt,
underrated comedies of the decade – Reeves. Composite: StudioCanal, AP and PR hoping they keep John Krasinski as Charles Dance, David Thewlis and Ste-
Game Night – so expect something fun. Reed Richards and cast his real-life wife phen Fry. Gaiman also revealed the
Also I have consulted a huge D&D fan new series covers what happened in the Marvel shows (we will pretend Iron Emily Blunt as Sue first season is based on the first two
who tells me the owlbear truly is a thing Second Age of Middle-earth: the forging Fist never happened). But the new Avengers: The Kang Dynasty (2 May volumes, Preludes and Nocturnes, and
and he gave this trailer a thumbs up. of the famous rings, the rise of the evil Ant-Man was just one of many, many 2025): yet another ensemble superhero The Doll’s House.
Where’s my Catan movie? Lord Sauron and the fall of the island Marvel projects announced at Comic- film – but who will still be alive to be in When’s it out? 5 August on Netflix
When is it out? 2 March 2023 in Aus- Númenor, Tolkien’s take on the legend Con. Kevin Feige was wheeled out to it remains to be seen John Wick 4
tralia, 3 March in US and UK of Atlantis (and where Aragorn’s ances- reel off an exhaustive list of titles like Avengers: Secret Wars (7 November Keanu Reeves gatecrashed a Comic-
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever tors, the Dúnedain, lived, for those who Steve Jobs plugging a new iPod. Here’s a 2025), see above Con directors panel to reveal a teaser
Marvel presented the trailer for the haven’t read or watched beyond LOTR). summary: The Walking Dead’s second life for John Wick 4, where he’s back as
long-anticipated Black Panther sequel, Visually and tonally, it appears to She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Disney Longtime zombie killer Rick Grimes the reformed hitman with a heart and
featuring a homage to its late star Chad- be taking its cues from Peter Jack- +, August) – leading man of The Walking Dead’s taking a battering. Luckily, he is also
wick Boseman, glimpses of new charac- son’s films as much as Tolkien: there’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever first nine seasons, before seemingly seen doing some appropriately macho
ters joining the fray, and a strangely Sauron! A glimpse of what might be (November). being killed off – was meant to have things to prepare, like punching a pylon
seamless mashup of No Woman, No Cry a Balrog! And a young Galadriel (pre- Ant-Man and the Wasp:Quan- his own spin-off film trilogy, as AMC until it is blood-stained and looking dra-
with Kendrick Lamar’s Alright. After viously played by Cate Blanchett and tumania (February 2023) announced in 2018. But in a sur- matic in the rain.
Boseman’s death from colon cancer now by Morfydd Clark), along with a Secret Invasion (Disney+, Sep- prise appearance, Andrew Lincoln (who “Have you given any thought to
in 2020, Marvel announced that they little Elrond (previously Hugo Weaving, tember 2023): a spin-off show set plays Grimes) and co-star Danai Gurira where this ends?” a voice asks at the
would not be recasting his role – though now Robert Aramayo). It’s like seeing around Ben Mendelsohn’s character announced that it would be a six-part trailer’s start. Not here, apparently: the
the trailer teases the possibility of a your elf mum and dad when they were Talos, part of a shapeshifting alien race series instead, airing next year. franchise has already been renewed for
new character wearing the Black Panth- young (so only, like, 1,000 years old). called the Skrull who – you guessed it – Grimes was last seen in the show a fifth chapter. But who doesn’t want to
er suit. When’s it out? 2 September on secretly invade Earth; also stars Samuel blowing up a bridge to stop an ad- see Nanu going ‘nanas again?
“Chad’s passion and genius and his Amazon Prime L Jackson, Martin Freeman and Olivia vancing horde of zombies, before his When’s it out? 23 March 2023 in Aus-
culture and the impact he made on this Bill Murray joins the Marvel Cine- Coleman boots inexplicably showed up on an tralia, 24 March in US and UK
industry will be felt forever,” director matic Universe – in one of about 65 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (5 island in the most recent season. “I Black Adam
Ryan Coogler said on a panel alongside new Marvel shows and films May 2023) personally can’t wait to get my cowboy While Marvel has gone down the
returning cast members Letitia Wright After much speculation – fuelled Echo (Disney+, December 2023), a boots back on,” Lincoln told the crowd. cheerful path of Taika Waititi and Fleet-
and Lupita Nyong’o, and new – like by a loose-lipped interview with a series focused on Maya Lopez, the When’s it out? Sometime in 2023 wood Mac, DC has stuck to its po-
I May Destroy You creator Michaela German magazine, then stoked by a hearing impaired arse-kicker played by The Sandman faced, smashy-crashy formula, priori-
Coel, who plays the Wakandan warrior Jimmy Kimmel appearance referencing Alaqua Cox in another Disney+ series, No, you’re not dreaming: Neil tising cool over fun. Dwayne “the Rock”
Aneka. a potential role in an unnamed Paul Hawkeye Gaiman’s lengthy comic book series, Johnson, one actor who actually looks
When’s it out? 11 November 2022 Rudd flick – Bill Murray is joining Loki season two (Disney+, Decem- which has passed through the hands of as if he could lift a car over his head,
Lord of the Rings: the Rings of the Marvel ranks, appearing for a split ber 2023), reuniting Tom Hiddleston’s everyone from HBO to Joseph Gordon- plays the titular antihero, who was
Power second in footage from Ant-Man and Nordic god and Owen Wilson’s time Levitt in development hell, might ac- given his powers by Ancient Egyptian
I for one am fine with Jeff Bezos the Wasp: Quantumania. travelling bureaucrat tually finally be happening. This trailer gods. It’ll probably play on every screen
attempting to buy my love by spend- “Janet Van Dyne!” Murray’s as-yet Blade (3 November 2023), a film reveals Tom Sturridge as the titular cha- in your local cinema and makes squil-
ing his horrendous wealth on adapting unnamed character says to Michelle reboot starring Mahershala Ali as the racter, the personification of dreaming, lions.
fantasy books; last year we got Robert Pfeiffer, who plays a fashion designer- vampire-killing vampire who is also known as Dream or Mor- When’s it out? 20 October 2022 in
Jordan’s The Wheel of Time, and now slash-scientist previously rescued from Ironheart (Disney+, September pheus. A century after being captured Australia, 21 October in US and UK
we’re getting The Rings of Power, a the clutches of subatomic space. “I 2023), a series centred on Riri Wil- and imprisoned by occultists, Dream
prequel of sorts to JRR Tolkien’s The thought you were dead!” liams,a Black teen genius who takes escapes and finds the waking world and
Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books. Many of us have enjoyed the 29 over Tony Stark’s work making souped- the world of dreams are out of whack
Set thousands of years earlier, this films in the MCU and some of the up suits – it’s hard to pin down much more of
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
34 Arts

Dine like Da Vinci, unleash your inner diva –

101 ways the arts can slightly improve your
Lie down, close your eyes, crank the
Guardian writers volume up to 11 and listen to a classic
album in its entirety. It’s what it, and
Stage you, deserves.
If you’re seeing something long and Explore the catalogue of a band/
challenging, remember that having an artist/genre you’ve seen mentioned a
alcoholic drink beforehand is asking for lot but have never heard. From Steely
trouble. So be sure to do it. Dan to Neu!, from drill to early sludge
Posture-fixing … dancer Tamara Rojo.
Decorate a room as if you’re a set metal, fortune favours the brave. Photograph: PA Images/Alamy
designer, letting your imagination run There’s more to Discogs Music
wild. As William Morris said, bin what- Marketplace than flogging records. The Tube or There are early
ever isn’t useful or beautiful. evergreen database, constantly up- cinema masterworks, such as The
Study your favourite standup and dated by ardent collectors and deal- Lodger and The Cabinet of Dr Cali-
learn their best joke off by heart. It’s ers, is a goldmine for new discoveries. gari, as well as quirkier stuff like Reefer
not just about making your friends Type in your favourite album, scan the Madness and Plan 9 from Outer Space.
laugh: comedy teaches confidence and Clockwise from top left … equestrian gaming, architecture in the sky, guru Larry David, recommendations and hunt down rare Night of the Living Dead is even out
communication. Cheaters for morning laughs, headspinning B-Girl Terra. Composite: Rockstar Games/Ala- releases and forgotten hits. there, stalking the internet after its orig-
Feeling sad, happy, angry, nervous? my/HBO/Clerkenwell Films If you played an instrument or sang inal distributor failed to renew its copy-
There’s a showtune for that! From Evan as a kid, go back to it. So what if you’ll right.
Hansen to Alexander Hamilton to Mary them to bring you to things they love Soul and 1971: The Year That Music never be as good as you were. Doing Read the novel a great film was
Poppins, find a character whose feel- so you can see the world through their Changed Everything. But YouTube re- something incredibly difficult slightly based on. You will then understand the
ings mirror yours – then unleash that eyes. mains an unbeatable source, from a well is still honourable. If you can afford adage that it often takes a bad book to
emotion. Just as interesting as any musician’s 1979 South Bank Show about Talking it, send yourself to a summer school make a good film.
Improvisation isn’t just some zany imperial period are the times where Heads, to a downbeat 1967 doc about like Dartington. You will be rewarded Play Screen Test with your partner.
thing comedians do on telly. It’s a they got it wrong. Make a beeline for Duke Ellington struggling to keep his with joy, friendship and the intoxicating Watch a film in the cinema together,
philosophy, as Pippa Evans’ recent book their weirder albums, the ones that his- orchestra on the road. Then there’s feeling of experiencing music from the each storing half a dozen factual ques-
Improv Your Life shows. When you’re tory has cast aside – and decide wheth- LDN, the definitive 2017 history of inside. tions such as: “What was the name
thrown a curveball, deviate from your er the critics were right. Edgar Wright’s UK rap, drill and grime, not to men- Architecture of the heroine’s cat?” Then afterwards
standard script. Instead of “No but” say comprehensive Sparks documentary is tion every episode of BBC2’s legendary Look up! The most interesting bits in the pub, fire the questions at each
“Yes and”. Your positivity will be re- a great primer. low-budget early 90s indie/dance show of buildings are often above you. other.
warded. Listen to radio from around the Snub TV. Never cross a patterned (ie non- When you’re on holiday, visit a
Offer yourself to companies that world. There are umpteen apps, but Music festival lineups are so grid) patio without inspecting the famous movie location. In Mull, go to
provide TV audiences, eg SRO. You there’s something satisfying about the stacked, it’s tempting to create a lami- craftsmanship. Only two corners the red telephone box from I Know
could see your favourite comedians for Radio Garden website, boasting an nated spreadsheet and plan your day as should ever meet, as four creates a Where I’m Going. In Rome, visit the
free, and hear your own embarrassingly image of the world you can rotate, in a series of gigs interspersed with pow- cross that stops the eye. Look for Trevi Fountain (as featured in La Dolce
loud laughter when the show airs. order to find thousands of live broad- er-walking and scarfed-down pies. But mortar spills, too (called snot in the Vita, although you can get in trouble for
Improve your mood by improving casts from anywhere on Earth. Spin it it’s better to slow down. Pick a couple trade). climbing in).
your posture. And what better example at random, or alight on a place you’ve of must-sees, then meander the rest. Walk across cold marble floors in Using the iMovie app on your smart-
than all those upright spines in ballet? always wanted to visit – and discover You’ll come away with some accidental bare feet, slide across polished concrete phone and the 8mm app that creates
The Silver Swans videos, by the Royal what their daily soundtrack involves. new favourites, and it won’t feel like floors in your socks, and always take faux-Super 8 footage, create a montage
Academy of Dance, are aimed at over Make mealtimes more evocative by you’re mirroring a busy day at work. the stairs. of clips of you and your partner walking
55s but could work for anyone. It will be soundtracking your dinner with music Chill! Open both halves of a sash window. around looking thoughtful to the music
one giant leap not just in stance, but in that shares its origins with your food. Achieve your 10,000 steps plugged They are designed to create a convec- from The Way We Were.
how you view your body, every single Lasagne and Nessun Dorma were made into Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, tion current. Stay to the very end of the credits
energised bit of it. for each other! the work Wagner described as “the See how many different brick-laying in a film. There could be a post-cre-
Stop idly googling at mealtimes. Explore The Internet Archive’s apotheosis of dance”. It will still be patterns you can spot, from running dits sting. Even if there isn’t, the music
Go down a better YouTube hole and audio collection, a vast library aiming to boosting your mood on your 100th bond (common) to diagonal basket copyright namechecks are dependably
be uplifted by superhuman spinners. give “universal access to all knowledge”. listen. weave (rarer) to whorled (super-ad- valuable and interesting.
Recommended: Mikhail Baryshnikov’s Its fascinating, head-spinning hoard of Some operas are easier than others. vanced). When you go the cinema, just
11 pirouettes in White Nights, Tamara audio files has got the lot: digitised Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman, Ja- Keep your eyes peeled for “vermi- before you are told to turn off your
Rojo’s 32 fouettés in Swan Lake or the 78RPMs, hip-hop mixtapes, old rave-era nacek’s Jenufa and Philip Glass’s Akh- culated rustication”. That’s stonework phone, search YouTube and loudly
uncountable headspins of 14-year-old DJ sets, early demo tapes by artists both naten are ideal gateways to worlds of carved to look like its been eaten away play the music to the old Pearl &
B-girl Terra . famous and completely unknown. wonder. by worms. Dean advert: “PAH-pah-PAH-pah-PAH-
Learn two lines of a Shakespeare Read music writing on Substack. Seek out Ingmar Bergman’s charm- Buy a fun door-knocker. You’ll smile pah, pah-ah-pah-PAH.” Always gets a
soliloquy every day while brushing A lot of the biggest newsletters found ing and idiosyncratic film of The Magic every time you come home, especially big laugh from nostalgists in the au-
your teeth, morning and night. Within there are either curated by artists them- Flute. Filmed on a set that pains- if you’ve painted your kitchen yellow. dience.
a month, you’ll have the whole thing – selves (Tegan and Sarah, Wilco’s Jeff takingly recreated Stockholm’s 18th Film Art
an entire party piece! Tweedy, Perfume Genius) or are hy- century Drottningholm Palace Theatre, Go to the movies alone on a Love still lifes but can’t afford a
Off on a first date? Ask what would per-specific: “Essays on every Phish with props and backdrops mimicking Monday after work. If it’s a fancy Cézanne? Arrange yourself a lovely
Romeo or Juliet would do. Worried show from 1994 onwards.” Sometimes the opera’s first ever production in cinema, treat yourself to a cocktail. bowl of fruit instead. It’s tastier, better
about a presentation? Work out how it provides a home for fantastic writ- 1791 Vienna, Mozart’s fairytale story Your attentiveness to the film will be for you and cheaper.
Mark Antony would handle it. Turning ers exploring areas few mainstream and its glorious music sparkle afresh all the better for not being confused Gather together all those self-
down a romantic proposition? Channel outlets would consider: Ted Gioia’s in this loving and intimate made-for-TV with socialising. Communing with a big improvement books claiming Titian
Yelena’s glacial spirit in Uncle Vanya. Honest Broker blog is an endlessly intri- movie. screen is a great way to start the week. Will Change Your Life or Rembrandt
Want to take confrontations to the next guing, opinionated, eclectic stream of Attend a chamber music concert, Visit an elderly relative and show Can Cure Your Troubled Soul and then
level with your irritating spouse? Think ideas about all areas of music; Nelson preferably a string quartet. If the au- them the BFI’s Britain on Film player, dispose of them.
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? George’s Mixtape offers a collation of dience seem a bit staid, don’t be fooled. which finds movies by location. Ta-da! Want to make yourself giddy with
When you feel a slump coming on, archive material, playlists and musings Huge emotions stir beneath polite exte- Instant nostalgia. pleasure? Look for those little patches
watch dance sensation Hannah Lowth- (there’s a fabulous evocation of an Afri- riors when Beethoven gets going. Sit Stick the subtitles on. This is not of colour in the otherwise almost en-
er’s supermarket routines on TikTok. can-American house party circa 1967 close and let the music wash over you. just about muddy sound – it’s amaz- tirely white paintings of US minimalist
High kicks and twizzles in the tinned alongside a report of a recent, random Chamber music rarely costs much more ing how much neat dialogue is easily Robert Ryman.
soup aisle, all in a Tesco uniform. conversation in a coffee shop with Out- than a tenner and it’s the perfect balm missed. Thank your good fortune that you
Music kast’s André 3000). for a Sunday evening. Look up the film you’ve just seen on are not counting grains of rice in one of
Need a timer? Use music instead. Never play a song in the car without Who says clubbing has to be a late- Movie-Locations. You may have trouble Marina Abramović’s art workshops.
Find a song you love that’s the right singing along at the top of your voice. night pursuit? You often get reduced recognising the setting: it’s amazing Plan a trip to a museum in a town
length, hit play and enjoy the count- It’s like karaoke but without the han- (or even free) entry when the doors how quickly and dramatically places you have never visited before in order
down for once. gover in the morning. open. The floor will be yours to fill and change – and how ingenious film crews to look at a single artwork. Do not
Put your fate in the hands of a Scour YouTube’s archive of music the DJ will still be going for it (or at least can be in making use of an envi- look at anything else and pay particular
friend whose taste you trust – or even documentaries. We’re living in a great pleased to see you). ronment.
that you’re sceptical about – and ask era for new ones, such as Summer of Alone in the house for a bit? Watch public domain films on You- Continued on page 35
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Arts 35

Continued from page 34 Gogh, who claimed it was the best way romcom Cheaters) makes a quick burst Pay a virtual visit to the British Li- Odyssey, yomp to Jorvik in Valhalla,
to stay calm and happy. Of course, he of first-thing fun easy. brary in London, where you will find people-watch around Tokyo in Yakuza.
attention to your lunch – and, if you are was neither so it’s probably bad advice. Raid the Desert Island Discs archive beauty, scholarship and historical rari- Don’t think about achieving anything.
staying over, your dinner too. You will Lose entire weekends by spending on BBC Sounds. Everybody needs to ties. In person, you’d usually only see Just enjoy the sensation of being some-
remember your little adventure much Friday afternoons drinking absinthe, hear Maya Angelou’s harrowing, incred- a single page of precious manuscripts where else.
better if you eat well and don’t overdo the lurid green liquor consumed in dan- ible life story. And she’s just one of in semi-darkness. Online, you can read In a game that lets you dress
the art. gerous quantities by French artists in thousands. Plus, the music choices are William Blake’s diaries, leaf through your character, always choose some-
Nourish your mind but care for the age of Manet and Toulouse-Lautrec. shorter on the web versions, a good Mercator’s atlas, or examine the draft thing you’d never wear in real life but
your bottom. An inflatable cushion is a Forget the Da Vinci Code. Adopt the thing with footballers. score of Handel’s Messiah – and all in that nonetheless makes you happy. In
wise investment for video installations, Da Vinci Diet. Repelled by dead flesh, Adopt Curb Your Enthusiasm life your own good time. Animal Crossing, why not walk around
which are almost always furnished with Leonardo was a vegetarian who gorged hacks. Wear a MAGA cap to repel social Make a conscious effort to read a in yellow boots and a galaxy-print
hard benches. If there is no seating, lie on beans, accompanied by wine from approaches, never pause toast, and novel by a writer who has had dramat- hoodie?
on the floor and rest your head on the his own vineyard. All that protein may always jump queues using the “chat ically different experiences from your Rediscover the games of your child-
cushion. give you a brain as big as his. and cut” technique. own: someone from another country, or hood by picking up an old console and
If you visit the room containing Eat as much cheese as you fancy, If the news is too overwhelming or of a different gender, race or class. some fondly remembered games on
Rothko’s Seagram Murals at London’s in the manner of Michelangelo, espe- the wittering too tedious on your morn- Walk the Birks of Aberfeldy, the glo- eBay. There’s no better way to trans-
Tate Modern, ask the attendants to turn cially Tuscan stinkers. Then work off ing listen, switch to Radio 3’s Breakfast rious gorge trail in Perthshire named port yourself to simpler times.
up the lights for a better view. If they the calories by hammering a large block show. It’s fab and won’t send you de- after Robert Burns’ poem, which made Never board a long flight without a
refuse, which is likely, use the torch on of marble. mented. And on Saturday, try Building it famous. Its full of boulders, rockpools Nintendo Switch.
your phone to illuminate random pas- Visit a museum for 20 minutes. a Library (part of Record Review, from and waterfalls but Rabbie’s right: it’s the Got a spare 10 minutes? Get into
sages of brushwork, occasionally crying Enjoy just a handful of works, absorbing 9am). You don’t actually have to build countless birks, or birches, that make it ambient gaming. Make petals drift on
out “Ah-ha!” like Sherlock Holmes find- enough beauty and power to give you one: just listening to different versions ravishing. the breeze in Flower. Let dolphins pull
ing a clue. a lift. A concentrated burst beats an of the same piece discussed is a great Add literary sparkle to your day you through gorgeous oceanscapes in
Even if you think you cannot draw, exhausting trawl. way to build up knowledge. Stay tuned by sprinkling your Twitter feed with Abzu. It’s mindfulness – with a control
keep a sketchbook handy. Make little Explore a new artist every week. for Music Matters at 11.45am. poetry. Start with @Larkinquotes and pad.
sketches, even cartoons, while visiting Look them up online, read a book about Lean into the need for a good cry, @Yeats_Quotes. More currently, Ian Design your dream home in The
an exhibition. Write down overheard them, seek out their work. Not only using trashy YouTube videos of great McMillan’s tweeted asides and obser- Sims, unencumbered by concerns
conversations or, failing that, shopping will this deepen your experience of art, TV scenes. There’s Will’s dad leaving in vations from his daily travels are a joy. about affordability, practicality, or get-
lists. People will think you are serious you’ll soon feel more confident in your Fresh Prince, Marissa’s death in The OC, If you’ve got a week on a beach with ting your partner to agree to a feature
and interesting. tastes. Homer’s “do it for her” ode to Maggie in a few hours a day to really concentrate, wall or leopard-skin living room bar.
Give up your job, raid your child- If you’re feeling stir crazy, join a vir- The Simpsons. Hankie! forget the fluff and attack that massive In Mario Kart, Street Fighter or any
ren’s inheritance, and set yourself up tual tour of somewhere you’re never Forget Duolingo. Learn a new lan- tome you’ve always wanted to conquer. other competitive game, play on the
as an artist in a town where no one going to get to in person. Take a virtual guage on the sly by watching foreign Chomping through Roberto Bolaño’s lowest difficulty and leave your (com-
knows you. Make deep pronounce- drive along the silk road at St Peters- dramas. That way, you might one day be 2066, Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate or puter-controlled) opponents in the
ments about your art but never show burg’s Hermitage museum, or plunge able to inform a South Korean that they George Eliot’s Middlemarch will make it dust. It’s the perfect way to feel good
it. Cultivate a reputation as an undis- into France’s Chauvet Caves and peer are being chased by a zombie. a holiday to remember. on a stressful day.
covered genius. Soon, critics, dealers in well-lit close-up at the miracle of Bored with chart-toppers and sick Encourage any teenagers in your Put on a soundtrack from a favou-
and collectors will be clamouring at prehistoric art. of ad breaks? Switch to grassroots radio life to read all the chewy books and see rite old video game while you work.
your door. When the time comes to Only look at art you love. If some- stations. For deep sonic excursions and all the arthouse films they can. They You’ll be surprised at what memories
show and tell, say the whole thing was thing seems massive, boring, obscure specialist talk shows, try NTS, World- have the time and attention span, or at it brings up.
a spoof and that that is your art. Ar- or irrelevant, fear not. Most art is! Find wide FM and Radio Alhara. least more so than later in life. Forget games with tyre-shredding
ticles will be written, TV interviews what moves you and enjoy that in small Watch CBeebies. Even if you don’t Keep a careful note of what you’ve fast cars. Go equestrian instead. Ride
conducted, a place in history assured. doses, often. have kids. It’ll restore your faith in seen and read, including its impact a horse across a desert, through a forest,
At the height of it all, slip away and Indulge in repeated contemplation. humanity. on you. This will remind you of what or up a mountain. You’ll need a game
resume your former life. Return to a gallery over and over to Books you’ve enjoyed and hopefully lead you with a gee-gee obsession: Red Dead
Pick a partner and stroll the streets look at the same thing. The rewards of Want to read lots of amazing novels to other great stuff. Redemption 2, The Legend of Zelda:
like Gilbert and George, the suit-wear- “learning” an artwork, playing over it but are running short on time? Stick On holiday, read a book to do with Breath of the Wild, or Shadow of the
ing couple whose walks and lives are and unlocking it without pressure, are them on Audible at 1.3 speed. But be your destination: in South America, Colossus. Giddy up!
their art. Keep an eye out for historic immense. If you need more convincing, warned: 1.4 is too fast! read In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin; in Turn the difficulty level down to
graveyards and rude street names. read Hisham Matar’s A Month in Siena. Still taking your phone into the the Big Apple, try The New York Tri- easy. Nobody is watching.
In a museum, wander without pur- Give yourself a fresh view of bathroom? Keep a book in there to logy by Paul Auster; in Yorkshire, treat • By Chris Wiegand, Brian Logan,
pose, unfocused, until something snags the Muslim world with The Muslima occupy you during, er, more sustained yourself to Wuthering Heights by Emily Lucy Knight, Lyndsey Winship, Arifa
you or tiredness overtakes you. In front Project, a collection of inspiring work visits and learn something first thing in Brontë. Akbar, Alexi Duggins, Hollie Richardson,
of an artwork, do not try too hard. Let created by women. There’s something the morning instead of doom-scrolling. Games Ben Beaumont-Thomas, Dave Simpson,
your mind drift. Things will come in for everyone: street art from Afgha- Even if you have no ambitions to In Grand Theft Auto Online, find a Imogen Tilden, Safi Bugel, Charlotte Hig-
and out of focus. Do not be troubled by nistan, satirical painting from Iran, become a professional writer, take a friend, create your own private game, gins, Stuart Heritage, Andrew Pulver,
your incomprehension. Being baffled is women’s football from Zanzibar. writing class, especially poetry. It will and go for a hike up Mount Chiliad or Oliver Wainwright, Adrian Searle, Jona-
good. If you are bored, move on. All art is conceptual. Get over it and make you a better, more critical reader, a long walk along beaches, taking in than Jones, Claire Armitstead, Lucy
Eat like an artist. Out, in other lead a happier life. will cure you of embarrassment (after a sunset. You’ll see a whole new side Knight, Kate Abbott, Keza MacDonald,
words. For some reason, artists have a TV and radio you’ve read aloud your first sonnet, of the game and won’t have to worry Alex Needham, Alexis Petridis, Peter
heightened appreciation of restaurant Make laughter a part of your morn- nothing is scary any more) and will find about getting run over. Bradshaw, Andrew Gilchrist.
grub. Or at least the rich ones do. ing routine. The rise in 15-minute BBC you new friends. It will also improve Be a tourist in your favourite game.
Smoke a pipe like Vincent van comedies (think Zen Motoring or wry your everyday written interactions. Sail the oceans in Assassin’s Creed

The Deer King review – Studio Ghibli

graduates take on dystopian deer tamer saga
Aquafa and the Zol peoples as a plague deer tamer in a small village with Yuna.
Phuong Le rages runs parallel to a spiritual jour- Juggling palace politics, magical
ney towards healing. After breaking animals and medical ethics, The Deer
A key animator on numerous classics out of prison, Van, an enslaved Aquafa King can’t get over major pacing prob-
including Princess Mononoke, Spirited resistance fighter, finds the loss of his lems: the emotional moments are not
Away and Your Name, Masashi Ando wife and child softened by Yuna, an given enough time to land, as the plot
teams up with Masayuki Miyaji, anoth- orphaned toddler whom he rescues rushes to its next world-building intri-
er Studio Ghibli veteran, to co-direct during his escape. Though bitten by the gue. The visuals are pretty enough
this sprawling adaptation of Nahoko same rabid dogs that spread the deadly but, like the repetitive score, they lack
Uehashi’s fantasy novel series. This disease, Van does not get infected but distinctiveness; unlike Spirited Away,
long-awaited endeavour, however, lacks instead gains a superpower that grants which both Ando and Miyaji worked on,
the directorial deftness that has ele- him the ability to alter nature, like it is difficult to recall any single image.
vated their previous credits. making leafy branches sprout from a One can only hope that, in future, the
Stretching itself thin to cover the wooden log. This special ability be- directors will have a better script that
lengthy source material, The Deer King comes a curse, as different forces of may befit their talents as animators.
is laden with meandering, expository Pretty enough … Masashi Ando and Masayuki Miyaji’s The Deer King. Photograph: PR good and evil are hot on Van’s trail, • The Deer King is released on 27
details. A tale of conflict between the threatening to disrupt his new life as a July in cinemas.
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Arts / Environment 37

Shadow Game review – border crossing as

video game shows teen migrants’ traumas
tian forests.
Phil Hoad But this air of 21st-century self-
empowerment is entirely superficial.
Illegal immigration is disconcertingly They trudge through snowy coun-
rebranded as a kind of Hunger/Squid tryside at night and fend off bears and
Games-esque challenge by the teenage wolves with DIY aerosol flamethrowers.
boys shown here trying to gatecrash Mustafa, a 17-year-old Iraqi, is beaten
Fortress Europe. “Of course, the game and tortured by Croatian border police
is dangerous. If you fall on a moun- (who come over particularly badly – you
tain, you will die,” says SK, a 15-year-old wonder how complicit the EU is with
who is fleeing Afghanistan. “If you pass, their zero-tolerance stance). Often shot
you will win. That’s why they call it the in bleary night vision or under sodium
game.” Slapping this pop-culture filter lights in interstitial border zones and
on the harsh realities of globalisation camps, their ordeals linger with a near-
gives this Dutch documentary a high- hallucinatory power. But with the tes-
concept jolt, but in actuality it is prob- timony of 10 or so different migrants all
ably the only way for such young minds intermingled, individual journeys get
to process the traumatic enormity of subsumed – perhaps intentionally – into
what they are engaged in, and make a collective portrait of “the game”. Of
light of their own vulnerability. course there are no winners here, even
The distances involved – with some those of us with the luxury of watching
of those playing the “pedestrian game” as global migrant numbers continue to
walking overland from Syria to the Bal- rise.
kans – are mind-boggling. But we are Their ordeals linger with a near-hallucinatory power … Shadow Game. Photograph: Witfilm • Shadow Game is available on
a generation on from the rickety hu- True Story on 29 July.
man-trafficking supply lines of Michael resourced, buying winter clothing and the social-media reflex of documenting Bollywood smile, hosts his own vlog-
Winterbottom’s In This World; many mobile phones to replace confiscated their journeys. Would-be bodybuilder ging-style segments from atop coal
of these migrants seem relatively well- ones en route. They also seem to have and biology student SK, with his shy freight wagons and mine-strewn Croa-

France orders air-conditioned shops to save

energy by shutting doors
tising between 1am and 6am every-
Jon Henley in Paris where except in railway stations and
Air-conditioned shops throughout Yves Marignac, of the négaWatt
France will have to keep their doors thinktank, which recommends ways
shut or risk a fine of €750 (£635), a to reduce energy consumption, told
French minister has announced, after France Info public radio the minis-
the mayors of several major cities un- ter’s announcements did not amount to
veiled a similar rule during the coun- “miracle measures” but were certainly
try’s heatwave last week. more than symbolic.
Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the minis- “We are talking about measures
ter for ecological transition, said leaving likely to reduce consumption by a
doors open with air conditioning on led few per cent in a sector which itself
to “20% more energy consumption and represents a few per cent of French con-
… is absurd”. A decree confirming the sumption,” he said. “But it’s important
decision will be issued in the coming precisely because it’s only by working
days. all the levers that we will collectively
It follows recent announcements achieve this objective.”
by the mayors of Paris, Lyon and Marignac added that what was also
other cities. Anne Hidalgo, the Socialist significant in Pannier-Runacher’s re-
mayor of Paris, last week denounced marks was the implicit reminder that
“an aberration that must cease in the “we have lived for decades in this prom-
context of the climate emergency and ise of abundant energy, and have com-
energy crisis”. Agnès Pannier-Runacher called the waste of energy due to open doors ‘absurd’. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images pletely lost sight of the reality of our
Municipal police in the capital have energy consumption”.
already begun issuing €150 fines after which produces about 70% of its needs, off illuminated signs “as soon as the wifi router and TV when they are away Closing the doors of air-conditioned
Dan Lert, a deputy mayor in charge but the Russian gas crisis has prompt- store closes” and “systematically reduce and switch off lights in rooms they are commercial premises was obviously
of the green transition in Paris, and ed the president, Emmanuel Macron, lighting intensity” by reducing shop- not using. “common sense”, he said. “When a
the rest of the council expressed out- to demand an energy “sobriety pro- floor lighting levels. As part of the plan, aimed at reduc- government has to remind us of this,
rage over a “vast, irresponsible waste of gramme”. Public premises will also be re- ing French power consumption by 10% it shows how far down the cheap, harm-
energy”. Retail outlets including major quired to set thermostats higher in within two years, Pannier-Runacher less energy route we have travelled.”
French electricity is cheap because supermarkets have already agreed a summer and lower in winter, while the said on Sunday she would also issue
of the country’s use of nuclear power, plan under which they will switch public will be expected to turn off their a decree banning illuminated adver-
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

38 Science

Childhood hepatitis surge ‘probably linked to

two common viruses’
them, but in none of the 58 children
Linda Geddes Science corres- they also tested who did not have the
pondent condition.
Separately, researchers led by Prof
Simultaneous infection with two Judith Breuer at Great Ormond Street
common viruses is thought to explain hospital and University College London
a recent surge in childhood hepatitis tested samples from a further 28 child-
cases, which has led to 12 UK children ren with hepatitis, five of whom re-
requiring liver transplants so far. quired liver transplants. They detected
Two research groups have detected high levels of AAV2 in most of these
high levels of adeno-associated virus 2 children.
(AAV2) – a little-known virus not pre- Both studies were able to rule out
viously associated with human disease recent or prior Covid infection as a
– in almost all of the affected Brit- direct cause for the acute hepatitis – al-
ish children they have tested. AAV2 is though neither has been peer reviewed.
unable to replicate by itself but can do Since AAV2 cannot replicate with-
so in the presence of a second virus. out a “helper” virus, the researchers be-
Changes in the seasonal circu- lieve co-infection with a second virus
lation of viruses, brought about by the – an adenovirus, or less often a herpes
pandemic, may have triggered a rise virus called HHV6 – may explain the
in co-infections that are usually less onset of severe hepatitis.
common, causing hepatitis in some of Whether AAV2 or the second virus
these cases. is directly responsible for triggering this
“My feeling is that this has probably In one study, a team led by Prof Judith Breuer of Great Ormond Street hospital tested samples from 28 children with hepatitis, five of whom damage is still unclear. Thomson said
happened before. But because there required transplants. Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images larger studies were urgently needed
have been some changes in the sea- to investigate this. “We also need to
sonal trends of these viruses, we’ve Since health authorities were first involved children under the age of five, affected children. Another idea was understand more about seasonal circu-
seen a small collection of cases all alerted to a sudden increase in cases with 74 of them requiring admission to that Covid infections had left children lation of AAV2, a virus that is not rou-
at once, and that’s why we’ve picked of acute severe hepatitis of unknown intensive care. more susceptible to hepatitis. tinely monitored – it may be that a peak
them up,” said Prof Emma Thomson, a origin in young children in early April, The leading theory was that a surge To investigate, Thomson and her of adenovirus infection has coincided
consultant in infectious diseases at the the World Health Organization (WHO) in infections caused by a separate colleagues carried out detailed genetic with a peak in AAV2 exposure, leading
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for has reported at least 1,010 probable group of common viruses called adeno- sequencing of samples from nine Scot- to an unusual manifestation of hepa-
Virus Research, who was involved in cases in 35 countries, including 22 viruses was to blame, because they tish children with hepatitis of unknown titis in susceptible young children.”
the new research. deaths. Most of the UK’s 268 cases have were commonly found in samples from origin. AAV2 was detected in all of

Starwatch: Delta Aquariid meteors reach

peak this week
This week, it is the turn of the fain- new moon occurs on 28 July mean- east from London at midnight as 29 sky. Don’t look directly at the radiant
Stuart Clark ter Delta Aquariid meteors to reach its ing that it will be long gone from the July becomes 30 July. Expect to spend but be aware of that whole patch of sky
peak. Nominally expected on 30 July, sky around midnight when the meteors the hours from midnight until dawn around it – this is where the meteors
Practise your meteor-watching skills the truth is that they are consistent for become most visible. outside. This will give your eyes time to will appear. The shower is much better
this week in preparation for next days surrounding the crescendo. This Although faint, the Delta Aquariids fully adjust to the dark and reach their placed in the southern hemisphere as
month’s main event: the August Perseid year is a good one to look because the leave persistent trails in the sky. The maximum sensitivity, as well as allow- the radiant will be higher in the sky.
meteor shower. Delta Aquariids tend to be faint, yet the chart shows the view looking south- ing the radiant to climb higher into the

Fossil of ‘earliest animal predator’ is named

after David Attenborough
where Auroralumina has been discov- 2007, when a team of researchers from 540m years ago in the Cambrian explo-
Linda Geddes Science corres- ered. “They were considered to be the British Geological Survey spent sion. But this predator predates that by
pondent so ancient that they dated from long more than a week in Charnwood Forest, 20m years,” said Dr Phil Wilby, palaeon-
before life began on the planet. So I cleaning a 100-sq-metre rock surface tology leader at the British Geological
A hundred years from now, Sir David never looked for fossils there,” he said. with toothbrushes and pressure jets, Survey, who helped to discover it.
Attenborough’s body may have turned A few years later, in 1957, a fern- before using a rubber mould to capture “It’s the earliest creature we know
to dust, but a fossilised sea creature, like impression was discovered by an impression of its lumps and bumps. of to have a skeleton. So far we’ve only
thought to represent Earth’s earliest Roger Mason, a younger boy at Atten- The fossil was dated at the British found one, but it’s massively exciting to
animal predator, will continue to bear borough’s school. The discovery turned Geological Survey’s headquarters using know there must be others out there,
his name. out to be one of the oldest fossi- tiny radioactive minerals in the sur- holding the key to when complex life
Discovered in Charnwood Forest, Artwork emphasises the fossil Aurora- lised animals, and was named Charnia rounding rock, called zircons, that act began on Earth.”
Leicestershire, where Attenborough lumina attenboroughii. Photograph: British masoni, in Mason’s honour. as geological clocks. Dr Frankie Dunn from the Oxford
hunted for fossils as a child, the crea- Geological Survey/UKRI/PA “Now I have – almost – caught up Related to the group that includes University Museum of Natural History,
ture predates what was previously with him and I am truly delighted,” modern corals, jellyfish and anemones, who carried out the detailed study, said:
thought to be the oldest predator by resemblance to a burning torch, and the said Attenborough, who has more than the 560m-year-old specimen is the first “It’s nothing like anything else we’ve
20m years. creature is thought to have used a set 40 species named after him, ranging of its kind. Its discovery, reported in found in the fossil record at the time.”
Palaeontologists have named of densely packed tentacles to capture from a Madagascan dragonfly to a dan- Nature Ecology and Evolution, throws Whereas the body plans of other
it Auroralumina attenboroughii,in food in Earth’s early oceans. delion-like hawkweed found only in the into question when modern groups of fossils from this period bear no rela-
honour of the TV presenter. The first Charnwood Forest is known for Brecon Beacons in south Wales. animals appeared on Earth. tion to those of living animals, “this
part of its name is Latin for dawn lan- its fossils. Although Attenborough dug Auroralumina is part of a trove of “It’s generally held that modern
tern, in recognition of its great age and there as a child, he avoided the rocks more than 1,000 fossils discovered in animal groups like jellyfish appeared Continued on page 39
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Science 39

Continued from page 38 waved around in the water capturing lower water than the rest of the fossils over in the same direction by a deluge an odd angle and has lost its base, so
passing food, much like corals and sea found in Charnwood. “All of the fossils of volcanic ash sweeping down the sub- appears to have been swept down the
one clearly has a skeleton, with dense- anemones do today,” she said. on the cleaned rock surface were anc- merged foot of the volcano, except one, slope in the deluge.”
ly packed tentacles that would have Possibly, it originated from shal- hored to the seafloor and were knocked A. attenboroughii,” Dunn said. “It lies at

Low pay and damp housing driving UK lung

disease deaths, study finds
now five times more likely to die with
Josh Halliday the condition than the wealthiest, com-
pared with four times more likely in
Poorer people are much more likely 2009/11.
to die from chronic obstructive pul- Prof Nick Hopkinson, medical direc-
monary disease (COPD) than wealthier tor of Asthma + Lung UK, said: “One
patients due to damp housing and low of the impacts of inequality is that it
pay, researchers have found. affects some of the most vulnerable
A survey of nearly 6,000 people people in society and it increases the
living with COPD, one of Britain’s most risk of dying from lung disease.
common lung conditions, found that “COPD is one of the biggest health
structural inequalities had a significant problems in the UK and one of the big-
bearing on whether a patient would gest causes of hospital admissions so
survive. failure to deal with this is causing big
Of the nearly 4,000 people who suf- problems for the health and social care
fered two or more acute attacks a year, system.”
such as breathlessness or severe cough- Of the 5,997 patients surveyed, the
ing, 55% earned less than £20,000 a year research found that of those who expe-
and 13% lived in a cold, damp house. rienced two or more COPD exacer-
The research, carried out by Asthma bations a year, 62% were more likely
+ Lung UK and published in BMJ Open to smoke and 53% were more likely to
Respiratory Research, builds on pre- have experienced occupational expo-
vious findings that poorer people with sure to dust, fumes and chemicals.
COPD are five times more likely to die More than 1.3 million people in the UK are estimated to have COPD, a group of lung conditions that includes emphysema and chronic Asthma + Lung UK said just 25% of
than the wealthiest people with the bronchitis. Photograph: SIphotography/Getty Images/iStockphoto people with COPD receive proper care.
condition. It urged patients to get a self-manage-
More than 1.3 million people in the more are believed to have the disease ing up phlegm. An estimated 30,000 mortality rate between the richest and ment plan, access to pulmonary rehab,
UK are affected by COPD, a group of without knowing. people die from COPD each year in the poorest patients with COPD has grown help to stop smoking, a flu and pneu-
lung conditions that include emphy- Symptoms include breathlessness, UK. in the past 11 years. monia jab and support managing other
sema and chronic bronchitis, but many a constant cough, wheezing and cough- Research in 2020 found that the The poorest 10% of patients are conditions.

Monday briefing: Gay and bisexual men are

most at risk from monkeypox. Why aren’t we
saying so clearly?
rious activity and ambitions”.
Archie Bland Ukraine| Russia’s foreign minister,
Sergei Lavrov, sought to reassure Egypt
Good morning. Over the weekend, the over Russian grain supplies at the start
World Health Organization declared of a four-country tour of Africa, amid
monkeypox to be a global health emer- uncertainty over the future of a deal to
gency, and said the outbreak “is concen- resume Ukrainian exports via the Black
trated among men who have sex with Sea.
People queue for monkeypox vacci-
men, especially those with multiple Myanmar |The country’s junta has nations at Guy’s Hospital in London on
sexual partners”. In the UK, the Ter- executed four democracy activists, in- Sunday. Photograph: Hollie Adams/Getty
rence Higgins Trust called for an urgent cluding a former lawmaker from Aung
injection of cash to scale up vacci- San Suu Kyi’s party, state media said it’s suddenly a huge subject. There are
nations, which are being targeted at on Monday, in the first use of capital fears that if it is not stopped, it could
men in high-risk groups. And outside punishment in decades. The junta has become an entrenched STD (although
Guy’s Hospital in London yesterday, a sentenced dozens of activists to death it is not usually transmitted through
three-hour queue snaked around the A man receives a monkeypox vaccine at an outdoor walk-in clinic in Montreal. Photo- since seizing power last year. bodily fluids, but through prolonged
building to get a jab – with those waiting graph: Graham Hughes/AP In depth: ‘Who actually gets the skin-to-skin contact).
for their turn almost all gay and bisex- right information is random’ “I knew almost nothing about mon-
ual men. Jones, is about why that is, what the Travel| UK holidaymakers hoping to Monkeypox is serious: symptoms keypox about three months ago,” said
This makes sense: all the evi- consequences are, and what a better travel to France endured another day include fever, an intense headache, Dr Will Nutland, co-founder of two
dence suggests that the outbreak is way to talk about the problem might be. of disruption as traffic chaos turned the a rash and lesions that can be ex- organisations devoted to gay and bisex-
highly concentrated among men who That’s right after the headlines. Eurotunnel into a “hotspot of holiday tremely painful. It can lead to hospita- ual men’s health, PrEPster and the Love
have sex with men, and the virus is Five big stories hell”. British and French officials have lisation and dangerous complications. Tank. “Now it’s like another job on top
overwhelmingly transmitted through Health| The NHS is facing “the blamed each other for the problems. But most cases are mild. While it can of my job. I’m a bit monkeypoxed out.”
sexual contact. But even as that has greatest workforce crisis” in its history Conservative leadership| Rishi be fatal, there have been no recorded Despite that concentration, as Guar-
become abundantly clear, there has still which is putting patients at serious risk Sunak is to unveil plans to curb China’s deaths linked to the current outbreak dian columnist Owen Jones has
been a curious reticence in much of the of harm, an influential group of MPs soft power by closing its 30 Confucius in the UK, and, the WHO said on Sat- warned, efforts to talk about it clearly
public health messaging about saying warns today. Estimates provided to the Institutes, which promote Chinese lan- urday, only five deaths among more have sometimes been characterised as
so. health and social care select committee guage and culture, in the UK. In a veiled than 16,000 reported cases worldwide. evidence of bigotry. “The madness” of
Today’s newsletter, with sexual suggest that there may be as many as attack on his leadership rival, foreign While most people are very unlikely that position, he tweeted yesterday, “is
health activist and researcher Dr Will 50,000 vacancies for nurses and 12,000 secretary Liz Truss, he will say the UK to catch monkeypox at the moment, for
Nutland and Guardian columnist Owen for doctors. has “turned a blind eye to China’s nefa- the communities where it is spreading, Continued on page 40
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
40 Science / Sport

Continued from page 39 “some exceptional people” at the UK cations can do ward. “The people now lying in roads truly dug in at the front. The Mail says
Health Security Agency, but he also It took Owen 20 phone calls to fi- and charging into airports and refi- mockingly “Tough on China Mr Sunak?
that the logic of [the] argument is the said: “I really wish more attention had nally get an appointment for a vaccine. neries have conveyed the urgency of Pull the other one”. It comes after, as
vaccine shouldn’t be prioritised for men been paid to gay and bisexual men.” He “You go right around the block,” he said. climate breakdown more successfully the Telegraph explains, “Sunak takes
who have sex with men.” points to a poster campaign, “Spot it, “Sexual health clinics are being over- than anyone in a suit,” he writes.Archie aim at Truss over China’s influence in
Here’s what we know about how stop it”, saying: “The vast majority of whelmed, which also means their other Once chic and cool, Airbnb and universities” – the former chancellor
monkeypox is spreading, and how it that campaign has not targeted who it services are massively under stress. I the individually planned holiday have says his rival as education minister was
should be addressed: should have.” rang one place 10 times. They were been falling out of favour with various “blind to threat from Beijing”. The Ex-
*** This PDF shows a bafflingly generic inundated.” demographics. Amelia Tait explores the press seeks to bolster its favourite with
Almost all cases of monkeypox are example. A middle-aged straight couple Meanwhile, “supervax” events like resurgence of the all-inclusive holiday, “Truss: my tax breaks will boost Brit-
among gay and bisexual men in West Wittering might see it and con- the one at Guy’s over the weekend are arguing that we should all embrace it. ain”. The lead story in the Financial
The evidence is clear: an article in clude they’d better have separate beds vital – but, Nutland points out, other Nimo Times is “China plans corporate disclo-
the New England Journal of Medicine for a while. A better approach, Nutland strategies are needed to reach those In Saturday magazine, Brian Cox sure tiers in bid to avoid US delistings”.
last week, which looked at infections said, is the one being adopted by PrEP- who may not be comfortable being vis- (the actor) and Brian Cox (the scien- Today in Focus
across 16 countries between April and ster and the Love Tank, which have ible in the queue, who are more likely to tist) met (over Zoom) for the first Homeless in California: the Amer-
June, found that 98% of cases were in distributed 5,000 information packs be from minority groups. time. Which is fun for obvious reasons, icans forced to camp in the desert
gay or bisexual men. In 95% of cases, through saunas, sex shops and other The UK has ordered 100,000 addi- but also led to a fascinating conver- In the richest state of the richest
the infection occurred through sexual venues whose clients are most likely to tional doses of vaccine, and the NHS sation ranging from Shakespeare to country in the world, unhoused people
activity. The R number, of coronavirus be at risk. is stepping up vaccination in London black holes. Archie are camping in the Mojave desert. Sam
fame, is 1.6 for men who have sex with *** (and now advising eligible people to Sport Levin reports
men in the UK, but below 1 for everyone Abstinence-based messaging (still) wait to be contacted). It is a good start, Cycling| Jonas Vingegaard of Den- Cartoon of the day | Ben Jennings
else. In the UK, more than 70% of cases doesn’t work says Nutland, but not enough. “Our best mark celebrated his first Tour de France The Upside
were in London as of 6 July. “I work alongside some people who estimate if we’re going to double dose is title after Belgium’s Jasper Philipsen A bit of good news to remind you that
In short, said Nutland: “The vast, want us just to call for gay and bisexual we need at least another 150,000 doses” brought the curtain down on the 109th the world’s not all bad
vast majority of cases are in gay and men to stop having sex for a month – and with only one manufacturer glo- edition with a sprint victory in Paris. After seeing the destruction of fo-
bisexual men, and pretending that to get on top of this,” says Nutland. bally, that may take some time. Formula One| Max Verstappen won rests for palm oil in Borneo, James
that’s not the case doesn’t help any of “But we know from Covid, from teenage Even so, he says: “It isn’t vaccine the French Grand Prix, extending his Baird, a farmer and landowner in
us.” pregnancy, from so much research on supply that is the key broken link lead over Charles Leclerc to 63 points Sussex, realised that the relationship
*** HIV, that when you tell people just not – it’s our public health system, and after his title rival crashed out. Mer- between agricultural practices and
The public health messaging hasn’t to do something, and particularly not to our sexual health system in partic- cedes’ Lewis Hamilton and George Rus- nature was “broken”. He decided he had
always matched that reality have sex, it doesn’t work.” ular. Local authority budgets have been sell finished second and third. to do something to better protect the
A mantra of public health commu- And, after all, somebody likely to be slashed over the last 12 years. And Cricket| The third one-day inter- environment, so he helped set up the
nication on the subject in the UK and receptive to an abstinence message is when councils have to make a deci- national at Headingley was abandoned Weald to Waves project – an ambitious
US is that anyone can can catch mon- already likely to abstain once they’ve sion between sexual health services because of rain, meaning the three- plan that seeks to restore and conserve
keypox. “Well yeah, anyone could get been told about the symptoms of mon- or some other public health service, match series between England and biodiversity in the area. The goal of
monkeypox, but not anyone is getting keypox and how it’s transmitted. “For sexual health is still the poor relation.” South Africa was drawn 1-1. South the project is to create at least 10,000
monkeypox,” said Nutland. the others, it stops them seeking help if What else we’ve been reading Africa reached 159-2 before bad weath- hectares of nature-friendly corridors to
Lurking in the background of that they’re unwell, and they’re more likely Six months since the war in Ukraine er prevented further play after just two boost biodiversity on land and in the
approach is “the HIV/AIDS pandemic, to end up hospitalised.” began, Peter Beaumont’s dispatch from hours. sea. “The era when nature has been
which led to huge stigmatisation”, said Owen also sees a kind of self- the eastern Donbas region is a portrait The front pages disregarded and degraded is coming to
Owen. In other words, part of what’s censorship at play among some gay and of adaptation to the unbearable. “I sleep The Guardian’s print splash this an end,” Baird says. “Farmers who are
underpinning this may be a well-inten- bisexual commentators (a frustration in my clothes so I can get out quickly if morning: “‘Greatest staffing crisis’ in unwilling to change are going to find it
tioned desire to avoid creating a sense that led him to start tweeting about it there is an airstrike,” says Tamara, 85, a NHS history leaves patients at risk”. very difficult to continue as they were.”
of shame. “But if we’re not clear about about it last week). “People worry about former nurse. “I hate it! I hate it! I just The Mirror also leads with the scath- Sign up here for a weekly roun-
where the risk is, it’s completely self-de- washing the dirty linen in public – it’s want this war to end.” Archie ing cross-party report: “Worst NHS staff dup of The Upside, sent to you every
feating, because that’s who we have to almost like, ‘Don’t say it in front of the Leah McLaren looks back at her crisis ever” while the Metro has “NHS is Sunday
prioritise talking to and protecting.” straights!’ So the discussions are huge unconventional relationship with her on its knees”. Chaos at the ports makes Bored at work?
That focus has started to change for some people on WhatsApp and mother, unpacking the ways the top story in the Times: “Channel tour- And finally, the Guardian’s cross-
– and Nutland acknowledged that “it’s Instagram, but who is actually getting ‘benign neglect’ she experienced as ists face long queues all summer”. “Why words to keep you entertained through-
always hard in the early stages [of an the right information becomes random. a teenager has affected her own pa- did my baby die?” – the Sun’s lead is out the day – with plenty more on the
outbreak] to understand where trans- Younger gay and bisexual men, for ex- renting skills now. Nimo about TV personality Lauren Goodg- Guardian’s Puzzles app for iOS and An-
mission is happening and what might ample, might not have those networks.” After a week in which the imme- er, who lost newborn Lorena minutes droid. Until tomorrow.
happen next”. *** diacy of the climate crisis was under- after giving birth. “Tory race to be next Quick crossword
But the data has been clear for a Until vaccines are more easily avail- lined in the UK, John Harris sees PM turns toxic” – that’s the i – and Cryptic crossword
while now. Nutland was keen to praise able, there’s only so much communi- disruptive protest as the only way for- the variously aligned titles are well and

Amusan shatters 100m hurdles world record

to revive super shoes debate
20mm – the same as the Adizero Avanti.
Sean Ingle in Eugene Until now these shoes have always
been used for long races, but the bene-
Nigeria’s Tobi Amusan reignited the fits for Amusan were obvious as she
debate about track and field’s new flew high over the hurdles and into the
super shoes as she unexpectedly shat- record books. “My abilities are not cen-
tered the 100m hurdles world record in tred around spikes,” said the Nigerian,
Eugene. who ran 12.06 in the final, only for the
On a night when Mondo Dup- wind speed of +2.5m/s to make it inelig- Sweden’s Mondo Duplantis reacts as he
lantis also broke his own pole vault ible for record purposes. sets another world record in the men’s pole
world record, Amusan ran a staggering “I had patella fasciitis at the begin- vault. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty
12.12 seconds in her semi-final to beat ning of the season so that set me back Images
Kendra Harrison’s old best by 0.08 sec for a while,” Amusan added. “I spoke Duplantis cleared 6.21m. The Swedish
– smashing her personal best time by to Adidas and requested if I could get vaulter won another gold medal – and,
nearly three-tenths of a second. spikes with a softer sole. They recom- like Amusan, left Eugene with a bonus
Immediately after the race, the Tobi Amusan celebrates her 100m hurdles gold medal. The Nigerian finished the final in mended a lot of stuff and I feel com- cheque of $100,000.
former world 200m and 400m record 12.06, which would have broken the world record she had set 90 minutes earlier in the semi- fortable in [the shoes], so I was using “I’ve gotta save the best for last,” said
holder, Michael Johnson, wondered final but for the wind speed rendering it ineligible. Photograph: John G Mabanglo/EPA them basically the entire time.” Duplantis, who beat his nearest rival
whether the timing system at Hayward The new breed of super shoes do Christopher Nielsen by an astonishing
Field was off. He was far from alone. gold in the final nearly two hours later, the shoes “provide a snappy, propulsive appear to particularly help hurdling 27cm. “You get quite a bit of pressure on
However it transpired that Amusan had Amusan revealed she had accidentally ride with high traction and reduce fa- events, with Sydney McLaughlin also you when you’re the only person com-
been given a boost by using Adidas Adi- stumbled on the idea of using the tigue, so you finish 5km and 10km races breaking the women’s 400m hurdles peting in the entire track. It’s an honour
zero Avanti shoes, which are designed shoes, which have extra bouncy foam, with a kick”. There is nothing illegal record wearing New Balance’s latest when people stay in their seats when
for 5km and 10km runners, rather than after injuring her foot. about the shoes, with current World model earlier this week. it’s literally only me on the track. It was
track spikes. Adidas bill the Adizero Avanti as Athletics rules dictating that sprint There was another world record at
After running even faster to win “like hitting fast-forward” and promise spikes cannot have soles thicker than the finale of these championships as Continued on page 41
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Sport 41

Continued from page 40 to Jake Wightman with a dominant sprint finish because I wanted to prove of 7.12 metres. of countries winning gold medals at
performance in the 5,000m. The race I am the better guy,” said Ingebrigtsen, Mihambo was on the brink of ex- one championships had been broken,
quite a pleasure jumping out there, ho- was never fast enough to blunt the Nor- who beat the Kenyan Jacob Krop into iting the competition after faulting on with 29 countries taking turns on the
nestly.” wegian’s finishing speed, and he was silver by 0.74 sec. “It was a great race but her first and second jumps but recov- top step of the podium, compared with
Asked how he would celebrate, the able to take the lead with 900m to go I wanted and I needed that. It felt really ered well to register a valid third at- 26 in 2017. Peru, Kazakhstan and Ni-
Olympic and world champion smiled. and gradually ramp up the pace before amazing.” tempt of 6.98m. Ese Brume of Ni- geria won their first ever gold medals,
“I’ll probably stay up kinda late,” he kicking for home. Elsewhere the German Olympic geria claimed silver with 7.02m, while while India and Burkina Faso enjoyed
said. “Those kinda performances prob- Such was his dominance he was champion, Malaika Mihambo, con- Brazil’s Leticia Oro Melo took bronze their best ever medal performances in
ably call for something fun.” even able to celebrate by pointing his tinued her dominance in the women’s with 6.89m, a personal best. winning silver.
Earlier in the day, Jakob Inge- finger at the crowd and easing down long jump by soaring to a second Afterwards, World Athletics re-
brigtsen made up for his 1500m defeat before crossing the line. “I didn’t want a successive world gold with a final leap vealed that the record for the number

James Harden has taken a $14m pay cut to try

to win a title. Why the hate?
seem to be upset with Harden’s deci-
Oren Weisfeld sion is either because they don’t like
Harden based on what he’s done in the
When James Harden entered the NBA past, or because they are simply jealous
in 2009, the league’s highest-paid that the star player on their favourite
player, Kobe Bryant, made just over team won’t do the same. That isn’t to
$23m a year. Now, there are 50 players say that other star players should feel
making more than that sum, and the pressure to take a discount like Harden
highest-paid among them, Steph Curry, did – only that if they do, they should be
will make a hair over $48m in 2022-23. lauded, not questioned.
But when Harden declined his After all, it’s decisions like these
player-option of $47.3m next season to that make a salary-capped league like
sign a new two-year contract (with a the NBA more competitive. The Sixers
player-option in Year 2) worth $68.6m could now realistically compete with
that will see him take a $14m dis- the Boston Celtics, Miami Heat, and
count next year, he became the first Milwaukee Bucks in a playoff series,
star player to take a pay cut of that and that makes for good television if
magnitude in the modern history of the nothing else.
league. After all, this isn’t Dirk Nowitzki When it comes to creating a healthy
taking a team-friendly deal at 39-years- working culture – something that the
old or Kevin Durant, Dwyane Wade Sixers have been unsuccessful at over
and Chris Bosh losing out on a couple the course of Embiid’s tenure – a move
million in the prime of their careers. like this could help foster a lot of good-
Harden took a big pay cut with the aim James Harden will return to the Philadelphia 76ers with a seemingly stronger supporting cast this season. Photograph: Matt Slocum/AP will among the rest of the roster, with
of helping his Philadelphia 76ers build a other players more likely to sacrifice on
championship contender around him- championship. You would think that which the Sixers would have likely had title will laugh at Harden taking a pay and off the court for the greater good of
self and co-star Joel Embiid, reportedly his willingness to do everything in his to match, since they have such little cut to try to do so. the team.
telling Sixers’ president of basketball power to compete for a championship leverage and couldn’t watch him walk Perhaps it’s because of Harden’s The Sixers probably won’t win the
operations Daryl Morey “to improve the would be commended. for nothing – he took a discount. That is past that he’s criticized in this way. championship this coming season, but
roster, sign who we needed to sign and But instead his decision to take a what we know. After all, this is the same player who sometimes the method matters just as
give me whatever is left over.” pay cut has been met with cynicism by “[I’m] cynical only because people forced his Rockets to trade a prime much as the results. And by giving
That pay cut helped the Sixers sign pundits and fans – at least those outside a lot of times frame things as if Chris Paul for an ill-fitting Russell them a slightly better shot at winning
veteran forward PJ Tucker to a three- of Philadelphia. they’re not self-interested, and they’re Westbrook because he grew frustrated a title when depth is more important
year, $33m contract, prying him away ESPN’s Max Kellerman echoed a lot almost always self-interested,” Kel- with the partnership. It’s the same than ever and when most stars seem
from the rival Miami Heat, who beat of peoples’ sentiments when he said: lerman added, in the same breath player who forced his way from the to be more focused on maximizing
the Sixers in the 2022 playoffs. Embiid “The reason I’m being cynical is be- acknowledging that Harden turned Rockets to the Nets after showing up their earnings than winning, that’s com-
specifically mentioned Tucker as some- cause … it’s doing two things at once: down long-term extensions from both unfit to play, and then from the Nets to mendable. And more than that, it could
one who plays with the kind of tough- it does help them sign guys and every- his previous teams, the Houston Rock- the Sixers after growing frustrated with be inspirational.
ness and physicality that the Sixers thing, House and PJ Tucker – but really ets and Brooklyn Nets, because he the Kyrie Irving situation, all within the Harden could set a new precedent
lacked, saying, “since I’ve been here I’d what it also does is get him an extra didn’t like the direction the franchises span of one year. Not to mention the in the NBA for other superstars to
be lying if I said that we’ve had those [guaranteed] $27m and another year were headed. So yes, it is a self-inter- same player who, um, enjoys a good follow. Even if the Sixers don’t win it
type of guys… we never had [a] PJ [on his deal], and maybe what he’s feel- ested move, but not monetarily speak- party. But is it fair to attack Harden for all, Harden could show the next gener-
Tucker.” ing now is: ‘I don’t know if I’m going ing — maybe the idea that people can learning from his past and finally hun- ation that once you’ve gained enough
The Sixers also signed Danuel to get that in two years.’” Others have have self-interests outside of money kering down with one team and doing individual accolades and made enough
House Jr to a two-year, $8.4m con- speculated that Harden will make the is too hard for some people to under- everything he can to help them win? money, you can go for it, regardless
tract and Trevelin Queen, the 2021-22 money back in some mischievous way, stand. Harden seems to be at a point in of what the talking heads say. Plus, if
G League MVP. The Sixers added depth, either off the books or in the form of a Aside from speculating about his career where he is willing to sacri- Harden does win a championship or
athleticism and shooting to a team that secretly promised long-term extension Harden’s hidden agendas, what jars is fice for the greater good of the team even two, there’s no telling how much
could have gone to the NBA finals last next offseason. that the same people who criticize play- and, most importantly, for his first NBA more money he could make in spon-
year had Embiid not suffered an orbital But that’s all just speculation, and ers such as Damian Lillard and Brad- championship. After making $269m in sorship deals and post-career oppor-
fracture and torn ligament in his thumb nothing is guaranteed in the NBA, as ley Beal for taking the most money his career on the court and more than tunities due to his success, like Garnett
during the playoffs. They wouldn’t have one injury at age 32 could significantly possible to stay with their middling $200m from Adidas (plus more from starring in Uncut Gems.
been able to add those players – and impact Harden’s future earnings. This franchises – ones that have failed other sponsorships) off it, Harden is Harden could have taken the easy
improve their title chances – if not for was possibly his final opportunity to to build championship-caliber teams willing to leave a significant amount of way out and cashed in, but instead he
Harden’s pay cut. cash in – especially with his skills appar- around them time and again – also cri- money on the table in order to achieve did what few superstars were willing to
Harden is a former MVP, a 10-time ently on the decline. But instead of ticize Harden for taking less money to a lifelong dream of winning a cham- do before him and put his money where
All-Star, and a three-time scoring cham- opting into his $47m player-option next try to win a championship. The same pionship. And that’s somehow seen as a his mouth is. Now we wait and see what
pion who has every individual accolade season or taking the maximum amount people who laugh at Chris Paul and bad thing. impact that decision will have on the
possible, but he has never won an NBA as a free agent on the open market – Charles Barkley for never winning a The real reason that so many people future of the NBA.
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
42 Sport

LIV golfers criticised by 9/11 survivors’ group

over staging of New Jersey event
do not realise. These players have flip-
Ewan Murray pantly forgotten how awful the attacks
were but former president Trump is
The head of a group representing fami- especially egregious in his behaviour
lies affected by the 9/11 terror attacks towards us. There are no words for it.”
has castigated the Saudi Arabia-backed Strada branded Graeme McDowell’s
LIV Golf Series for staging the tour- public statement of a “smear campaign”
nament at Bedminster in New Jersey against LIV as “comical”.
Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster,
this week. Terry Strada, the national On behalf of a body which New Jersey hosts the third LIV Golf Series
chair of 9/11 Families United, believes represents more than 10,000 family event. Photograph: Seth Wenig/AP
the venue is the “worst place on the members of victims and survivors of
planet” for event three of the lucrative 9/11, Strada wrote a scathing letter to bill design. The dancing and partying
rebel tour. the representatives of Mickelson and on the LIV jet. How did they think 9/11
On Tuesday morning Strada will a handful of others after they pledged families would feel about that?”
front a media conference close to commitment to LIV. No response has A routine defence by LIV golfers
Bedminster, owned by the former Graeme McDowell’s public statement of a ‘smear campaign’ against LIV Golf has been been forthcoming, although Mickelson that the source of money for golf tour-
US president Donald Trump. There, labelled ‘comical’ by the chair of 9/11 Families United. Photograph: Craig Mercer/MB Media/ has expressed his “deepest sympathy” naments under the banner of existing
9/11 Families United will publicise Getty Images to the families of those who lost loved tours receives little focus cuts no ice
documents they believe prove Saudi ones on 9/11. with Strada. “Business is one thing,” she
involvement in the attacks on the was extremely insulting and hurtful to the traditional model of the PGA Tour. “That didn’t surprise me,” Strada said. “I might not like people doing
World Trade Center. Saudi Arabia has think that, six weeks prior to the latest “He should know better than anyone, said on the lack of a direct response business with the kingdom but that’s
always categorically denied being com- anniversary, families were not going to as a former president, the level of to the letter. “It was disappointing. I not what this is. It is not a busi-
plicit in 9/11. “The players need to see feel the pain of a Saudi-backed league depravity the kingdom is capable of,” don’t think they know how to react ness arrangement. This is intentional
this and the White House needs to pay in their back yard. Strada said. “He turned a blind eye to to the families. They are just spin- sportswashing to cleanse their image,
attention as well,” said Strada, whose “The families suffered the most but it when he was president. He is a New ning off Saudi talking points, right manipulate public opinion and sweep
husband Tom was among the almost these towns suffered, too. There were Yorker, he claims to have empathy for and left. They are becoming more and the 9/11 atrocities under the rug. Golfers
3,000 people killed in the 2001 atrocity. schools with broken-hearted children the families but clearly he does not. more insulting as time goes by be- are willing to do this because of a large
New Jersey lost 750 residents in coming back into classrooms. New York If he had a sensitive bone in his body cause they just repeat the same things. sum of money.”
9/11. Strada said of golfers including City cannot host a tournament so he would understand the level of angst Sportswashing is a very serious issue if In response to previous outrage
Phil Mickelson who have converted to Bedminster, New Jersey is the worst this causes. you look at it through a serious lens. from those affected by 9/11 to the stag-
the LIV Series: “They might have all place on the planet this could be taking “These people don’t understand “I cannot imagine that they are ing of an LIV event at Bedminster,
thought about what it would feel like place.” how devastating September 11 was. My completely heartless but actions speak organisers said, “These families have
for the families if they came to Bedmin- Trump’s involvement as essentially husband was dismembered. We don’t louder than words and their actions our deepest sympathy,” adding: “While
ster and New Jersey. Of all the courses the tournament host adds another layer know where all his body parts landed. scream that they are heartless. They some may not agree, we believe golf is a
in the world, this is literally the worst of controversy. Last week he actively He has never been identified. There was have done some abhorrent things; the force for good around the world.”
they could hold a tournament in. It advised golfers to side with LIV against a psychological cruelness that people shirt [worn by Pat Perez] with 100 dollar

Cristiano Ronaldo set for talks with

Manchester United over future
and Australia due to a family issue, longer interested in signing Ronaldo With less than a fortnight left before
Fabrizio Romano and Ed Aarons with manager Erik ten Hag expected after holding talks earlier this month, Brighton’s visit to Old Trafford on 7
to meet with him in the coming days. while Bayern Munich are also believed August for the season opener, Ten Hag
Cristiano Ronaldo is set to hold talks Ten Hag is keen to involve Ronaldo in to have turned down the chance to do a said last he has no concerns about Ro-
with Manchester United this week as he his plans as soon as possible, although deal for a player who scored 24 goals in naldo being ready for action.
seeks to clarify his future amid doubts it is understood that Ronaldo’s repre- 38 appearances for United last season. “We all know Ronaldo is a top
whether he will remain at Old Trafford sentatives have been attempting to find Atlético Madrid have also shown an professional and will be fit, that is the
this season. him a new club after he made it clear he interest in the five-time Ballon d’Or last concern I have,” he insisted.
Erik Ten Hag is keen to involve Cristiano
The 37-year-old flew back to the Ronaldo in his plans as soon as possible. wants to play in the Champions League winner but must sell players first before
UK on Monday evening having missed Photograph: Jon Super/AP this season. they can consider bringing him back to
United’s pre-season trip to Thailand Chelsea have indicated they are no the Spanish capital.

‘We are fighting the car’: Wolff lauds

Hamilton’s F1 skillset in tough season
in third, the team’s first double podium because we are fighting the car at the starting in 19th. Hamilton was able
Giles Richards this season. Mercedes remain unable to moment, we are trying to motivate and to stay in front of Verstappen’s team-
match Ferrari or Red Bull for race pace energise the team and in the factory. mate, Sergio Pérez, and maintained a
The Mercedes team principal, Toto but at least stayed with them at Le Cas- Lewis is positive even on days that are consistent gap to the Dutchman. Wolff
Wolff, has praised Lewis Hamilton for tellet. not so good, like [qualifying] on Sat- emphasised the difference his driver
the role he has played in driving the Mercedes have been working flat urday. That attitude is great and that’s was making in what he once more con-
team forward during a difficult year. out to try and improve the perfor- something that has really grown with ceded was sorely-wanting machinery.
After Hamilton took second place at mance of their car all season, a task him over the years.” “You have a seven-time world cham-
Lewis Hamilton celebrates his second-
the French Grand Prix, Wolff noted how placed finish in the French Grand Prix. Wolff believes Hamilton has been uni- Hamilton delivered an exemplary pion in a car that is just not good
Hamilton was demonstrating a very dif- Photograph: Antonin Vincent/DPPI/Shut- quely suited to adapt to with his huge drive on Sunday, albeit one in which enough for a world championship at
ferent skill set to that which he had terstock experience from 16 years in the sport. his position was flattered as a result of the moment,” said Wolff. “He is push-
employed in taking his seven Formula “The situation is very different than Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc crashing out, ing very hard and maximising what is in
One world championships. their best result of the season, with when you are fighting for a title,” he allowing Verstappen to secure a huge the car and gave a faultless delivery.”
Max Verstappen won for Red Bull Hamilton second in his 300th grand said. “Then it’s 100% of concentration 63-point lead in the championship, and
at Paul Ricard but Mercedes returned prix and his teammate George Russell to fight the other guy. This is different by Leclerc’s teammate, Carlos Sainz, Continued on page 43
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Sport 43

Continued from page 42 ninth consecutive constructors’ cham- and the character they have shown immune system of the team, it keeps us They never let go, they just never let go.”
pionship title is already beyond Mer- during what has been a consistently working with the right mindset and to
Russell and Hamilton are fifth and cedes. They are third, 44 points behind challenging season. persist when it is difficult. The drivers
sixth in the drivers’ championship and Ferrari and 126 points behind Red Bull. “The biggest asset is the culture we are part of our culture and mindset and
despite their best efforts it’s clear a Wolff is, however, proud of his team have in the team,” added Wolff. “It is the they squeeze the utmost out of the car.

Brailsford admits Thomas proved Ineos

management wrong at Tour de France
“He needs the opportunity to be
Jeremy Whittle in Paris himself. I think he can set his sights
on the Tour in the future, but to get
Dave Brailsford, the Ineos director of there, he has to be true to his authentic
sport, has lauded the Tour de France self and his authentic self is a brilliant
performances of Geraint Thomas and bike rider across all terrains.”
the debutant Tom Pidcock – in which Brailsford, who is travelling in Por-
the veteran Welshman finished third tugal on behalf of OGC Nice as they
Dave Brailsford says he does not expect
and the 22-year-old took a spectacular complete their preseason buildup, was
Jumbo-Visma’s Jonas Vingegaard to prove
stage win at Alpe d’Huez – while also not present on the Tour for the first invincible after winning the Tour. Photo-
admitting the 36-year-old proved team time in a decade, but remains in situ graph: Marco Bertorello/AFP/Getty Images
management wrong. as Ineos Grenadiers team principal and
Brailsford said Thomas’s perfor- was in daily contact with the team man- gaard’s all-conquering Jumbo-Visma
mance was “to be admired greatly”, ager, Rod Ellingworth. super-team.
adding: “He has brought his years and “I’ve got a fantastic working rela- “In cycling, we all always draw these
years of experience to this and that’s Ineos Grenadiers' Geraint Thomas (with child) and Thomas Pidcock (right of Thomas) tionship with Rod, the team and the big conclusions, like last year, that Po-
what got him his third place in this celebrate winning the award for best team at the 2022 Tour. Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/ riders,” he said. “Going into this year gacar will be invincible and, like the
year’s Tour. He’s been brilliant, we have Reuters with the role I have now, it was always first week of this year’s race, when eve-
seen the best version of himself. Eve- a very different year for me and how I ryone thought he’d got it won,” Brails-
rybody feels it’s a very satisfying perfor- laxed approach worked. spired climbing display. “His win on allocate my time, but I was in contact ford said.
mance for him and the team.” “Basically, he hasn’t put a foot Alpe d’Huez sums him up,” Brailsford with Rod constantly and we know each “But sport’s not like that. Pogacar
But Brailsford also accepted that wrong all season. He’s a natural mentor. said. “He was respected for the win but other inside out. We have spoken pretty isn’t invincible and it [the Tour] hasn’t
Thomas’s enduring ambition might In the end, top young riders watch the also loved for the manner of the win.” much on a daily basis. Every day, the ended as people predicted. The idea
have been underestimated by team older top riders and for Tom [Pidcock] Asked if Pidcock could be devel- performance team gets together and that there’s been two riders going at it
management. Asked if Thomas had and the others to watch Geraint and see oped into a Tour contender in the pulls a report together and I get that [Pogacar and Vingegaard] and nobody
proven a point to those within Ineos how he handles himself, well, they will coming years, Brailsford was more every night.” else, that everyone else was making up
who had doubted him, Brailsford said: take a huge amount from that.” guarded. “I think if you clip his wings Twelve months ago Ineos Gre- the numbers – I just don’t buy that.
“Well, if I was in his shoes I’d have Pidcock finished 17th overall in his you’re taking away from the personality nadiers were coming to terms with “We always consider somebody
a wry smile on my face, let’s face it. first tour, but also took a remarkable and the bike rider that he is. The mis- the dominance of Tadej Pogacar, as he invincible and they never are. It hap-
We sat down and agreed that he’d be a stage win on the coveted climb of take would be to drop him into a very celebrated his second Tour win. Now pened with [Chris] Froome, [Egan]
role model to the young lads, a perfect Alpe d’Huez, a success that allied his sterile approach because I’m not sure they have to confront the challenge Bernal, and now Pogacar. We will see
teammate, and I think that slightly re- fearless descending skills with an in- that’s right for him. of the juggernaut that is Jonas Vinge- how Vingegaard gets on.”

Marianne Vos takes yellow jersey on second

stage of Tour de France Femmes
“I think that she didn’t see,” Del-
Jeremy Whittle in Provins court said when asked if Frain was at
fault. “When you see crashes like that it
The evergreen Marianne Vos, a mul- makes you worried for the safety of the
tiple world champion, crowned her illu- riders. It’s like when one of your family
strious career by taking her first yellow has an accident. Above all it’s a sad day
jersey in the Tour de France Femmes for Marta.”
after emphatically winning stage two of As an edgy peloton negotiated traf-
the week-long race in Provins. fic calming, crosswinds and narrow
Vos, who was beaten to the line back roads in the Seine-et-Marne
on the Champs Élysées in the open- region east of Paris, Vos stayed at the
ing stage by Lorena Wiebes on Sunday, front and expertly threaded her way
made no mistake on the uphill sprint through the crashes in the final 30km
into the medieval town. “We were of racing.
aiming to take a stage win and we Other fallers included Amanda
knew that was going to be hard but we Spratt, leader of Team BikeExchange
wanted to take the opportunity when it Jayco and her teammate, the Slovenian
came,” she said. Urska Zigart, who was being watched
The 35-year-old, winner of the first by her partner Tadej Pogacar, from the
La Course, the one-day precursor to the roadside.
revived Tour de France Femmes, has After Maike van der Duin led a
been one of the influential figures cam- group of six, including Vos, clear of the
paigning for its rebirth. mayhem, the break built a lead on the
“When nine years ago we were talk- Marianne Vos celebrates her victory on stage two of the Tour de France Femmes. Photograph: JeffPachoud/AFP/Getty Images finishing circuit that guaranteed they
ing with ASO [Amaury Sport Organi- would decide the stage victory. But the
sation] about an opportunity to get a another milestone.” was unable to finish the stage. The “She’s suffering from a concussion,” unexpected time gaps between Vos and
race, it went really fast to get La Course But in a torrid finale to the 136km Italian had slowed as she approached Cavalli’s team manager, Stephen Del- the favourites and the multiple crash-
going,” Vos recalled. “When we raced La stage, several of the major contenders a group of fallen riders but was hit court, said. “She wanted to continue but es throughout the peloton, will have
Course for the first time on the Champs fell by the wayside in a series of crash- from behind at speed, and with great we said: ‘No.’ We didn’t want to play ramifications for the days to come.
Élysées, it felt like a milestone. Now to es. The worst of these put paid to the force, by the pursuing Australian rider with her health. Cycling’s part of life but
be here for a real Tour de France, with hopes of Marta Cavalli (FDJ Suez Futu- Nicole Frain of the Parkhotel Valken- not the priority. She’s gone to hospital
all the emotion of a stage race, that’s roscope), who gingerly remounted but burg team. for a scan.”
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022
44 Sport

Manly apologise for mishandling pride jersey

initiative as players boycott NRL match
human beings and we should respect
Emma Kemp and Mike Hytner that.
“However, I do respect the Manly
Manly coach Des Hasler has apologised players’ right [to] freedom. They’ve got
on behalf of the club for the “poor” every right to withdraw their services if
execution of its decision to unveil a they wish to do so.”
pride jersey as part of an inclusivity V’landys was himself unaware of
initiative which has resulted in a boy- the initiative until Monday and he said
cott of up to seven players. Manly could have handled the situation
In a press conference on Tues- better.
day afternoon, Hasler said the one- “They could have been a lot more
off design was intended to “represent collaborative with the players,” he told
diversity and inclusion for all” but was reporters. “They shouldn’t have sprung
done with “little consultation or colla- it on the players.”
boration with key stakeholders”. After the group of players aired
Despite that, he confirmed the team their views on the design, an emer-
would wear the rainbow jersey, an- gency meeting of Sea Eagles manage-
nounced on Sunday night, in Thursday ment was held on Monday night, when
night’s clash with the Sydney Roosters. the request to wear the “Everyone in
Religious and cultural differences League” shirt was reiterated.
are believed to be partly behind the By Monday night, the jersey had
players’ stance, with a lack of consul- sold out on the club’s online store in
tation also causing unrest among the all men’s and women’s sizes, with only
group, who only learned of the new Players Sean Keppie, Kieran Foran and Reuben Garrick have not objected wearing the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles pride jersey. junior versions of the strip available.
strip design via social media on Sunday Photograph: Manly Warringah Sea Eagles/AAP Manly are the only club to wear a
night. pride jersey this week, becoming the
On Tuesday, Hasler said none of the understanding of each other’s views. As taining to gender, race culture, ability racial and cultural backgrounds. We first team in the 114-year history of the
coaching staff nor the players had prior a club, we will wear the jersey on Thurs- and LGBTQ rights. Sadly, the execu- wish to sincerely apologise for the mis- competition to wear such a design.
knowledge of the jersey and that he felt day night.” tion of what was intended to be an takes we have made.” Earlier this year, AFLW player
for the seven players in question. Hasler also apologised to all stake- extremely important and initiative was Speaking at the launch of the NRL’s Haneen Zreika chose to miss Pride
“They are not wearing the jersey as holders of the game, both within and poor. Women in League round on Tues- round rather than wear Greater West-
it conflict with their cultural and reli- outside of the Sea Eagles. “There was little consultation or day morning, Australian Rugby League ern Sydney’s pride uniform, citing reli-
gious beliefs. And I am concerned for “The intent of the rainbow colour collaboration with key stakeholder, Commission chair Peter V’landys in- gious beliefs.
their welfare,” he said. “Their spirituality application of our jersey was to both inside and outside the club. Sadly, sisted the game was an inclusive sport, The minister for government ser-
is a central part of their well being. The represent diversity and inclusion for this poor management … has caused but said he also respected the Manly vices and the National Disability Insur-
club has made an error from which it all, utilising the symbolic colours of significant confusion, discomfort and players’ stance. ance Scheme, Bill Shorten, said it was
will learn. The players will not lay on pride to embrace all groups who feel pain for many people. In particular, “In my view we’re all human beings,” a “great shame” and the situation was a
Thursday and we accept their decision. marginalised and faced discrimination those groups whose human rights we V’Landys said. “It doesn’t matter what “trainwreck” that should never have got
“These young men are strong in and have a suppressed share of voice,” were, in fact, attempting to support. colour we are, what race we are, what to this point.
their beliefs and convictions. We’ll give Hasler said. “We have even adversely affected religion we are. We may have our differ- Australian Associated Press contri-
them space. And the support they re- “The jersey intent was to support our player group, a wonderful group ences and we may have different beliefs buted to this report
quire. The playing group are solid and the advocacy and human rights per- of people comprising of many different but at the end of the day we are all

Rugby union warned ‘radical action’ must be

taken to counter brain disease
The complaints that form the basis
Paul MacInnes of the class action, which is led by the
law firm Rylands, include a central alle-
Rugby union must take “radical action” gation that World Rugby, the RFU and
to counter the risk of degenerative WRFU failed properly to educate and
brain disease among its players, a pres- protect players from health risks when
sure group has warned, or risk the the sport turned professional in 1995.
reputation of the sport being “damaged Further complaints are related to a fail-
beyond repair”. ure subsequently to mitigate risk, in-
Progressive Rugby made the claim cluding the contentious “stand down”
as it prepared to submit evidence as period for players who have suffered
part of legal proceedings taken by apparent concussion and an alleged
former players against World Rugby, lack of MRI scans.
the Rugby Football Union and the The former Wales captain Ryan
Welsh Rugby Union. The case, brought Jones was recently diagnosed with
by 185 former professionals, was due to early onset dementia. He joins others
be presented to court on Monday. including the Wales international Alix
A joint statement issued by the Popham, the former England flank-
three governing bodies insisted on their er Michael Lipman and England’s
commitment to player welfare. 2003 World Cup-winning hooker, Steve
“We care deeply about all our play- Thompson, all of whom have been diag-
ers, including former players, and never nosed in their 40s with early onset
stand still when it comes to welfare,” it dementia.
said. “Our strategies to prevent, identify The former Wales captain Ryan Jones has been diagnosed with early onset dementia. Photograph: Hannah Peters/Getty Images The former Pontypool, Ebbw Vale
and manage head injuries are driven and Pontypridd wing Lenny Woodard,
by a passion to safeguard our play- Rugby set to issue what it believes is as a result of neurological issues they which will be submitted to World who also represented Wales at rugby
ers and founded on the latest science, a comprehensive manifesto for restruc- believe are related to their time playing Rugby. We believe delay is no longer an league, received a diagnosis of early
evidence and independent expert guid- turing the sport. the game,” the organisation said. option and that radical action must be onset dementia last year. The 46-year-
ance.” Momentum is building towards a “While not involved in the litigation, “Progressive Rugby is in the process taken as a matter of urgency to ensure old said he had received five to 10 se-
reckoning over concussion and related we are deeply saddened to see the large of finalising a comprehensive list of rugby union’s reputation isn’t damaged
illnesses in rugby, with Progressive number of players taking legal action player welfare critical requirements beyond repair.” Continued on page 45
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Sport / Soccer 45

Continued from page 44 my position and plays incredibly well, team on the pitch, so you’re constantly the sand” to be drawn under previous “I think there’s a lot of negativity
they’ll keep the position,” he said. “If asking: am I doing the best for me? Am practices. “On a personal level I want around this, with some former players
rious head injuries during his career that happens in March and I’m trying I doing the best for the team? Some- to make the game safer and, while I’m saying we’re ruining the game, but ulti-
and many more “subconcussions”, but to earn a contract for the following times those aren’t the same answer and not looking for financial gain for myself mately it’s not fair on my children to
had always put pressure on himself to season, it’s an interesting situation to I think that decision must be taken personally, what I’m looking to do is have to bear the brunt of caring for me
stay on the pitch. be in when you’ve got a mortgage and away from the players.” ensure that my children and my partner because I made the decision to play
“If I came off from a game and children. Woodard said he joined the legal do not have to pay for any treatment rugby 30 to 40 years earlier.”
someone comes into the squad, takes “The coaches, too, want their best action because he wanted “a line in that I have as a result of this.

‘Devastating’: Cricket Scotland faces special

measures after racism report
Louise Tideswell, the managing
Simon Burnton director of Plan4Sport, declared it was
clear that the “governance and leader-
A report into racism in Scottish cricket ship practices of Cricket Scotland have
has been described as “the most devas- been institutionally racist”. She said:
tating verdict to be delivered on any “Over the review period we have seen
sporting institution in the United King- the bravery of so many people coming
dom” and as “a wake-up call for all of forward to share their stories which had
Scottish sport” after its authors detailed clearly impacted on their lives … The re-
448 examples of institutional racism at ality is that the leadership of the organi-
Cricket Scotland and concluded that sation failed to see the problems and,
of 31 indicators of good practice the in failing to do so, enabled a culture of
organisation failed to meet 29 and fully racially aggravated microaggressions to
satisfied none. develop.”
The entire Cricket Scotland board In a statement delivered on behalf
resigned on Sunday in advance of of Haq and Sheikh, Anwar said: “Today’s
the report’s publication and released report is the most devastating verdict
a joint statement apologising “to eve- of racism to be delivered on any sport-
ryone who has experienced racism, or ing institution in the United Kingdom.
any other form of discrimination, in Scottish cricket owes a debt of gra-
cricket in Scotland”. But Aamer Anwar, titude to Majid and Qasim for never
the lawyer who represents Majid Haq giving up. It is they who have been a
and Qasim Sheikh – the two former catalyst for change, it is too late for their
internationals whose descriptions of Louise Tideswell, managing director of Plan4Sport, and Stewart Harris, chief executive of Sportscotland. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/ careers, but they did this for future
the discrimination they experienced PA generations.”
during their playing careers prompted history does not repeat itself”. those 325 participants, 34% had perso- interest or oversight on any other part Haq is Scotland’s all-time leading
the report – said the apology was “too Following the review, 31 allegations nally experienced racial discrimination of cricket”. wicket-taker and made 209 appear-
little and too late” and that the board’s of racism against 15 people, two clubs and 62% were aware of specific inci- The report, compiled by the char- ances, but after he made an alle-
resignation was “the cowardly option, and one regional association have been dents of racism, inequality or discrim- ity Plan4Sport, found that not only was gation of discrimination during the
meaning that today there is nobody to referred for continued investigation. ination. Cricket Scotland not trusted to manage 2015 World Cup he was sent home and
answer for their failure of leadership”. Some allegations have been shared In addition to prejudice on the allegations of racism effectively, several never picked again. Sheikh was also not
Stewart Harris, chief executive of with Police Scotland as potential hate grounds of race, gender, religion and allegations “had not been investigated picked again, aged 27, after in 2012 pub-
Sportscotland, which has been urged to crimes, and others may be referred to nationality, the report’s authors also at all”. Meanwhile some of those who licly questioning why he was not being
place Cricket Scotland in special meas- the police in future. In addition, many found grounds for “concern over the raised concerns had been victimised selected for the national team.
ures while it undergoes a complete participants who had “clearly witnessed perceived bias towards the recruit- or forced out of the organisation com- “It should never be normal for a
reorganisation, described the report’s or experienced racism” have chosen not ment of players from public schools pletely. One volunteer within the West- young person to be made to feel worth-
conclusions as “deeply concerning and to proceed with the process. over state schools”. Opaque selection ern District Cricket Union – whose area less, to be dehumanised in a sport they
in some cases shocking” while Gordon In 325 responses to an anonymous processes for national teams at all covers half the population of Scotland, love, to be brainwashed into thinking
Arthur, who took over as Cricket survey, a further 122 examples of people levels was a constant issue, while the and who the report also recommends it’s their fault,” Anwar said, “but that
Scotland’s interim chief executive this seeing, hearing or being made aware of board of Cricket Scotland is described should be placed in special measures sadly is the brutal story of hundreds
month, pledged on Monday to “address racism were detailed and another 49 of as being “only concerned about the – said “it was very difficult to work in of young people of colour who played
the past, repair the sport and ensure prejudice on the grounds of religion. Of men’s national squad and [having] no West Scotland and not witness racism”. cricket in Scotland.”

England more ‘resilient and confident’ since I

took over, says Sarina Wiegman
good. I have seen only a good men-
Suzanne Wrack tality, actually, since I came in last Sep-
tember,” she said. “The resilience has
Sarina Wiegman believes England have been really good. The confidence in
grown in confidence and become more the team has grown and that has also
resilient since she took over as man- grown over the past year. We’re just
ager and expects them to be able to really, really accountable to each other.
handle the big occasion when they face “We had a little setback, of course
Millie Bright will be vital to England’s
Sweden for a place in the final of Euro that’s part of the game too, when we fortunes against Sweden Photograph: Lynne
2022 on Tuesday night. conceded a goal [against Spain]. But we Cameron/The FA/Getty Images
The Lionesses will go into the stayed calm, we stayed trying to play
match at Bramall Lane on a high after our game. I think we’re really strong who also said she hoped she would
their dramatic comeback against Spain and we can handle setbacks.” be “a little calmer” on the sidelines
in the quarter-finals despite having Asked whether the Lionesses were following her wild celebrations against
failed to get past the last four at ready to make history, the Dutch man- Spain. Wiegman, who said she has a
three successive tournaments. Wieg- Sarina Wiegman celebrates England beating Spain in their quarter-final. Photograph: ager said: “The England team is ready fully fit squad, has put a lot of effort into
man, who led the Netherlands to vic- Naomi Baker/Getty Images to play the best game tomorrow against lifting the pressure off the shoulders of
tory at Euro 2017 before taking over Sweden,” before adding with a grin, “and her players.
from Phil Neville in September last Sweden having remained unbeaten last April. hopefully we will inspire the nation.”
year, has backed her players against since a friendly defeat against Canada “I think the mentality has been It was playful from the manager, Continued on page 46
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

46 Soccer

Continued from page 45 rankings. So, it’s going to be a totally Millie Bright was quick to deflect away need to do to stay in the games. that they’re the highest-ranked team
different game, very different to Spain from England’s three consecutive semi- “Every time I pull on the England coming into the tournament. It’s a
“I’m in the now, thinking in the because they have a different style of final exits from major tournaments. shirt I feel at home. I don’t want to erase team that we’ve come up against a lot
now,” she said, when asked how much play, but we have prepared.” “Those are parked to one side,” she said. any memories in football, you just learn in tournaments and I think anything
Sweden have changed since England England do not have the best record “It’s hard to compare, each from the past. It’s really nice to be back can happen on the day. They probably
lost to them in the third place playoff against Sweden with just one win and semi-final is different for their own in my home town and I’m looking for- didn’t play at their best against Bel-
at the 2019 World Cup. one draw in six Euro games. Wiegman’s reasons. We’ve got new players in the ward to seeing the fans in the crowd.” gium but they just showed what win-
“We are England, Sweden is our record is more impressive, with the squad and we’re on a new journey. Eve- Her defensive teammate Lucy ning teams do and that’s find a way to
opponent. Tomorrow they have a very Netherlands manager having knocked ryone’s just for the here and the now, Bronze said Sweden still pose a big win, find a way to score a goal and to get
strong squad. So do we. And we just Sweden out at the quarter-final stage focused on the game, and everyone is in threat despite not being at their best through.
hope we will play our style of game and of the Euros in 2017 before beating great spirits. We just want to keep build- in the Euros. “I think the majority of “We know to expect everything.
that will bring us the win. them again in their 2019 World Cup ing our confidence and performing for the players watched the quarter-final We’re expecting to have Sweden come
“I think it’s going to be a very tight semi-final. “It’s a different situation,” the fans. game [against Belgium], we’ve watched out all guns blazing and have their
game. We know they’ve performed Wiegman said. “That doesn’t count. It’s “The past is the past, so all eyes as many games as we can throughout best performance against us because
really well in recent years – they’ve tomorrow and only tomorrow.” forward. We remain in our own little the tournament anyway,” she said. they’ve got just as much to play for as
always performed well in the women’s If Wiegman is looking only ahead, bubble. Everybody says the pressure is “Sweden probably haven’t looked we do.”
game. They are the No 2 in the Fifa so are her players. The centre-back on us but we stay focused on what we their strongest but we all know

Premier League 2022-23 preview No 2: Aston

sive football IQ”.
Ben Fisher World Cup impact
There is something of a South
Guardian writers’ predicted position American theme. The signing of Carlos
10th (NB: this is not necessarily Ben means Villa have three Brazilians in
Fisher’s prediction but the average of their squad, together with Coutinho
our writers’ tips) and Douglas Luiz, though Carlos is un-
Last season’s position 14th capped at senior level, while Emiliano
Aston Villa manager Steven Gerrard
Odds to win the league (via Odd- Martínez and Emi Buendía will hope speaks to the players during a break in play
schecker) 250-1 to represent Argentina, who are unbea- in a pre-season game against Walsall in July.
Prospects ten in 32 matches. Matty Cash, who Photograph: Andrew Boyers/Action Images/
There is no point masking it: Aston was born in Slough, will fly the flag Reuters
Villa intend to become a force and it for Poland, whom he qualifies to play
does not take long in Steven Gerrard’s for through his mother, Barbara. Ollie ward who plays for Villa Women. Leh-
company to get a flavour of his desire Watkins surely has an outside shot of mann played no part in Euro 2022 be-
to elevate the club up the table. Villa’s Philippe Coutinho (centre) has made his move to Villa from Barcelona permanent over getting a spot on England’s plane. Villa’s cause she was not “mentally ready”.
naivety at times last season grated the summer after joining on loan in January. Photograph: Darren England/EPA first game after the World Cup is at The Jamaica winger Leon Bailey has
on Gerrard, whose first full campaign home to Liverpool on Boxing Day. the backing of his countryman Usain
in charge will inevitably attract scru- old striker Cameron Archer, the sub- last year, a nod to his 120 goals and Alternative attractions during Bolt – endorsements sometimes come
tiny but, backed by billionaire owners ject of loan interest from almost every 92 assists across 504 top-flight appear- World Cup in the shape of bicep emojis – but,
Naseef Sawiris and Wes Edens, they Championship club after a fruitful spell ances. Enjoys watching the The Office Head over Trinity Road to Aston in truth, all of the squad are dwarfed
have strengthened their spine during at Preston last season. Gerrard’s deci- to switch off “when I’m in a bad mood Hall, a 17th century Jacobean man- by the popularity of their gaffer, who
a busy close-season. sion to leave Carney Chukwuemeka at or when I need to take my mind off re- sion built for Sir Thomas Holte, hence has 10m-plus followers. A recent Ger-
Villa got much of their summer home for their pre-season tour to Aus- sults, I go right to [David] Brent to cheer the Holte End at Villa Park. In 2019, rard post celebrated Villa’s midfield trio
business done early, wrapping up eye- tralia because of the 18-year-old’s re- me up”. it was named the UK’s most-haunted of England Under-19 European Cham-
catching moves for Philippe Coutinho fusal to sign a new contract suggests Transfer coup site. When you’re done with the ghosts, pionship winners: Chukwuemeka, Tim
(permanently), Diego Carlos and Bou- he is unafraid of making big calls. It is hard to look past the per- the Bullring & Grand Central is Bir- Iroegbunam and Aaron Ramsey, whose
bacar Kamara, and there is another new The manager manent arrival of Coutinho, four years mingham’s biggest shopping centre. elder brother, Jacob, enjoyed a break-
face in the dugout. Neil Critchley, who Gerrard requires no introduction ago paraded by Barcelona as their mar- Leading the shirt sales through season last term.
previously worked in Liverpool’s acad- and those who have witnessed his evo- quee £142m signing, but Villa’s move Coutinho, who wears No 23, is a su- If Villa were a Netflix doc …
emy, quit his role as Blackpool head lution into the technical area as a suave to lure Kamara on a free from Mar- perstar, regardless of whether you think Shortly after Gerrard replaced Dean
coach to join as Gerrard’s assistant, re- manager (jumper, tie and brogues are seille looks a shrewd deal. Gerrard his impact has diminished in recent Smith last November, another Liver-
placing Michael Beale, who made the commonplace on matchdays) say he made a personal check on Kamara in seasons. The Scotland midfielder John pool legend, Mark Lawrenson, pre-
reverse step by heading to the Cham- is the same as he was as a player: April, taking in Marseille’s win against McGinn is a big fans’ favourite – strains dicted that Gerrard would be the most
pionship to take the top job at QPR. singleminded, a driver of high stan- Nantes at the Stade Vélodrome, and of “we’ve got McGinn” echoed around talented player at training, so chances
Whether Gerrard shakes things up dards, and a stickler for punctuality. Villa feel they have acquired one Birmingham New Street hours before are in any film the 42-year-old would
by naming a new captain will be inter- Led Rangers to their first Scottish Pre- of the most promising young talents their first pre-season game at Walsall – be seen playing a Hollywood ball or
esting; in April he suggested the cap- miership title in 10 years as the team in Europe. Gerrard wanted midfield while Carlos, a £26m signing from Se- sticking one in the top corner. “He has
taincy was up for grabs and that he went unbeaten throughout 2020-21, in- reinforcements – Villa tried for Yves Bis- villa, already seems a big hit. lost nothing,” Lucas Digne said this year.
would make a call on whether Tyrone cluding back-to-back Old Firm wins, souma in January and trailed Kalvin Social climber “He’s still really amazing and his passes
Mings, who has worn the armband before being lured to Villa by the former Phillips before it became clear he was Douglas Luiz has almost 1m fol- are incredible.”
through pre-season, would retain it. Liverpool managing director, Christian out of reach – and has been excited lowers on Instagram but that’s nothing
The other note of intrigue is wheth- Purslow, last November. Was inducted by the 22-year-old Frenchman in pre- compared to the 7.7m who follow his
er Villa opt to keep hold of 20-year- into the Premier League’s hall of fame season, saying: “He has a really impres- partner, Alisha Lehmann, the Swiss for-

Sweden’s Asllani labels Euro VAR as

catastrophic before England semi-final
“Using 50% fewer cameras in our hardsson, joined Asllani in her crit- “That line is completely wrong,” sive point, alternatively from the penul-
Suzanne Wrack tournament than the men’s game, that icism, with memories of Rebecka Eriksson told the Swedish newspaper timate player’s forehead. But in any
is a catastrophe really,” Asllani said. Blomqvist’s effort against Switzerland Expressen. “You should draw the line case both are wrong.”
Sweden’s Kosovare Asllani criticised “The decisions can’t be made with the and Stina Blackstenius’s goal in their at the penultimate player’s most defen- Gerhardssson said: “I think it’s
the implementation of VAR at the Euro- same precision. It’s not just for us, for quarter-final defeat of Belgium both sive point but, if the ball is in front strange. I like VAR, I think it’s fair
pean Championship before her side’s other teams too. There are situations stirring up frustration. Blackstenius of that player, then it is the ball’s when they have it but, if we have one
semi-final against England. Sweden where I think you should have more was deemed to be offside but the Swe- most offensive point that counts. But in game where they make a mistake be-
have had five goals ruled out by the cameras, that can be really decisive.” dish referee Jonas Eriksson pointed out this case the video referee has drawn
technology in four games. The Sweden manager, Peter Ger- that the line was drawn incorrectly. the line from the ball’s most defen- Continued on page 47
Tuesday 26 July 2022 The Guardian

Soccer 47

Continued from page 46 against Germany.

Are they hoping to spoil England’s
cause they draw the line on the wrong party? “My favourite question,” Ger-
side and now we’ve heard they don’t hardsson said. “I don’t think about it at
have the same cameras, for me it’s not all because I always think about possi-
acceptable in a Euro. bilities, that’s my view of everything. If
“We haven’t seen it ourselves but you have a possibility, then you have a
a Swedish referee at home in a studio feeling in your body that you can do it.”
pointed out that they drew the line Asllani said: “It means a lot to the
incorrectly … then you’re incompetent whole team. We are playing a semi-final
at your job. Talking about the cameras, against the host nation, we’ve done that
there shouldn’t be a difference whether before against Brazil in the Olympics
it’s women’s or men’s football.” in an arena which is three times bigger
The manager was also critical of the than this. It’s a special feeling to go into
rule which allowed five substitutes but a stadium with the home nation’s fans.
prevents all five from warming up at the We’ll do everything we can. I don’t think
same time. you can be more excited and ready. We
“We now have five substitutions but stick to the game plan and I think we’ll
you can only warm up three,” he said. “I have a good chance tomorrow.”
don’t know if it’s space; why can’t you Magda Eriksson, the Chelsea cap-
have five warming up? If you don’t put tain, said: “I have been really impressed
in a player who’s warmed up, it’s also a with England so far. This will be the
thing that I think is strange. Why can’t toughest test so far. It’s the best team
five people warm up together? They’re Sweden’s Kosovare Asllani rushes to celebrate with Stina Blackstenius (centre) only for Blackstenius’s goal to be disallowed by VAR against we are going to face but we are so ready
friends, I can promise you.” Belgium. Photograph: Nick Potts/PA for this. This game is what we’ve been
The Sweden players are no stran- dreaming of – to reach the next stage
gers to the task of trying to upset a host nation. In 2016 they beat Brazil on penalties at the Rio Olympic Games to progress to the final, where they lost we’re going to do everything we can.”

Fans to get bans for pitch invasions and

pyrotechnics in football crackdown
everyone in the game, including go-
Paul MacInnes verning bodies, clubs, players, coaches,
and fans, to ensure that we all play
Pitch invaders at English football will our part in protecting our game and
be banned from stadiums and reported each other,” said the FA’s chief execu-
to police under new measures agreed tive, Mark Bullingham.
by the game’s authorities. The rules go hand in hand with
The crackdown will lead to suppor- government measures to clamp down
ters facing the same sanction if found on drug use amongst football fans, with
with fireworks or flares, commonly cocaine expected to be added to the
known as “pyro”, in grounds and for list of offences which could generate a
throwing objects or drug use. The new football banning order. More stringent
rules follow multiple scenes of disorder searches are also set to take place at
at the close of the last domestic season. grounds.
A hardline approach agreed be- The Football Supporters’ Asso-
tween the Premier League, EFL and ciation supported the new sanctions,
Football Association comes into imme- as did the players’ union the PFA. “We
diate effect. The length of any ban has are contacted by supporters on a fairly
not been determined but they are ex- regular basis who have been caught
pected to be valid for one year. jumping on the pitch, or with pyro in
“Together, with clubs and partners the stands, and without exception they
across football, we are making clear the regret doing it,” said the FSA’s Kevin
type of incidents we saw last season Miles.
must stop,” the Premier League’s chief Everton's fans invade the pitch and let off smoke bombs after the club avoided relegation in May. Photograph: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images Maheta Molango, the chief execu-
executive, Richard Masters, said. “If tive of the PFA said: “For those on
we don’t take collective and sustained of 18. Individuals will also be reported they will ask social media companies of burning flares. the pitch, we know that this response
action, it may only be a matter of time to police, with the football authorities to remove content featuring pitch inva- The authorities said they had writ- will only be judged by its effectiveness.
before someone is seriously injured, or pledging to work together to achieve sions and pyro, claiming that videos ten to the policing minister, Tom Consistent and proper enforcement of
worse.” prosecutions. showing the Crystal Palace defender Pursglove, asking that the government laws that are already in place is needed.
Any fan who runs on to the pitch Further efforts will be undertaken Joachim Andersen being hit by an Ever- tighten rules on the sale of flares and There also needs to be planned and
or carries or uses pyro will be subject in an attempt to influence the cul- ton fan have been viewed more than other pyro. targeted investment in security around
to an automatic club ban, with bans ture that has led to an uptick in dis- four million times. Broadcasting com- “Football stadiums must be a safe, games where we know that flashpoints
possibly extended to parents or guar- order since fans returned to grounds panies have already been asked to inclusive and enjoyable environment may be more likely to occur.”
dians if the offenders are under the age after lockdown. The authorities say move their cameras away from pictures for all, and it is the responsibility of

Chelsea’s move for Jules Koundé in danger of

collapse as Barcelona push
signing. They were in advanced talks win the race to sign the France inter- that Chelsea, who have a five-year deal Another complication is Thomas
Jacob Steinberg with Sevilla, who have been holding out national. The Catalan club, who have ready for Koundé, are set to encounter Tuchel is not entirely convinced about
for £55m, and financial restrictions had already beaten Chelsea to the signing of further frustration in their attempts signing Koundé. There are doubts over
Chelsea’s move for Jules Koundé is in left Barcelona on the verge of pulling the Brazil winger Raphinha, have con- to rebuild their defence. It is unders- whether the 5ft 10in defender is tall
danger of collapsing, with Barcelona out of the race for the 23-year-old last tinued to tell Koundé to wait for them tood that Chelsea, who have pursued enough to succeed in the Premier
refusing to end their pursuit of the Se- Friday. to submit their opening offer. It is be- the centre-back since last summer, are League.
villa defender. However Barça revived their inter- lieved they could end up paying a lower close to giving up and could walk away Tuchel refused to talk about
It had appeared that Chelsea were est in Koundé over the weekend and fee than Chelsea. from negotiations with Sevilla if there
set to make Koundé their third summer are increasingly optimistic they will Barça’s persistence has raised fears is no breakthrough soon. Continued on page 48
The Guardian Tuesday 26 July 2022

48 Soccer

Continued from page 47 Marcos Alonso, Christian Pulisic, Hakim

Ziyech and Timo Werner, who has been
Koundé before Chelsea faced Arsenal linked with a return to RB Leipzig.
in a pre-season friendly in Florida last Levi Colwill, a 19-year-old centre-
Saturday. Chelsea’s manager expressed back, could look to leave if Chelsea
frustration with Barça’s conduct this make further additions in defence, and
summer, suggesting he may stop César Armando Broja has seen a move to
Azpilicueta from moving to the Camp West Ham collapse. Everton and Napoli
Nou. could move for Broja, though Chelsea
Tuchel then gave a fiery press are prepared to keep the 20-year-old
conference after Arsenal beat his side striker.
4-0. The German is understood to As it stands Chelsea do not appear
be frustrated with Chelsea’s lack of to be in a strong position before the
progress in the transfer market. He Premier League starts on 5 August. The
has seen them miss out on deals for club, who visit Everton in their opening
Nathan Aké, Matthijs de Ligt and Ra- game, have experienced huge change
phinha. There has been little progress since their sale to a consortium fronted
in talks with Paris Saint-Germain over by Boehly and Clearlake Capital.
the France defender Presnel Kim- An element of chaos was always
pembe. RB Leipzig’s Josko Gvardiol likely after the end of the Roman Abra-
and Internazionale’s Milan Skriniar are movich era and there is still plenty of
other defensive targets. time for Tuchel to strengthen before
Chelsea, who have bolstered their the transfer window shuts. Chelsea are
attack by signing Raheem Sterling Jules Koundé playing for France against Denmark in the Nations League League in Paris last month. Photograph: Aurélien Meunier/Uefa/ monitoring Frenkie de Jong, but the
from Manchester City, need to streng- Getty Images Netherlands midfielder remains reluc-
then their defence after losing Andreas tant to leave Barça. Tuchel is also in
Christensen and Antonio Rüdiger on wants to bring in two more centre- Chelsea’s co-owner Todd Boehly has clear that his squad still contains play- the market for a right wing-back and
free transfers. They have signed Ka- backs. taken charge of recruitment on an in- ers who wants to leave. There are is looking at Internazionale’s Denzel
lidou Koulibaly from Napoli, but Tuchel However progress has been slow – terim basis – and Tuchel also made doubts over the futures of Azpilicueta, Dumfries.

Gianluca Scamacca flying to London for West

Ham medical in £35.5m deal
buying Flynn Downes.
Jacob Steinberg Moyes is keen to bring in a left-sided
player and West Ham, who lost out on
West Ham are set to complete the Jesse Lingard to Nottingham Forest last
£35.5m signing of Gianluca Scamacca week, remain in talks with Eintracht
after agreeing personal terms with the over a deal for Kostic. They have made
Sassuolo striker. a £12.75m bid for the 29-year-old Serbia
The 23-year-old is due to fly to international, who has a year left on
London on Monday night and undergo his deal. There are doubts over whether
a medical on Tuesday. West Ham, who Kostic, who can play at left wing and
will pay £30.5m plus £5m in add-ons, left wing-back, wants to leave Eintracht
have offered the Italy international a after their qualification for the Cham-
five-year deal with the option of an pions League.
extra year. West Ham are also considering a
David Moyes, who is also trying to move for Leicester’s Luke Thomas and
sign Eintracht Frankfurt’s Filip Kostic, watched the Blackburn striker Ben Bre-
has been looking to provide Michail An- reton Díaz during his side’s pre-season
tonio with competition up front. West friendly against Lincoln last Saturday.
Ham bid £30m plus add-ons for Ar- Moyes is looking to bring in an addi-
mando Broja last week. They inten- tional midfielder. West Ham have sub-
sified their pursuit of Scamacca after mitted two offers for Lille’s Amadou
Chelsea dithered over selling Broja. Onana, but with that deal dragging
Scamacca scored 16 goals in 36 on they have registered interest in
appearances in Serie A last season. A Gianluca Scamacca playing for Italy against England in last month’s Nations League meeting at Molineux. Photograph: Claudio Villa/ Napoli’s Piotr Zielinski. Moyes is also a
former academy player at Roma, the Getty Images long-term admirer of Zielinski’s fellow
tall and powerful striker joined Sas- Napoli midfielder Fabián Ruiz, who
suolo from PSV Eindhoven in 2017. hopes of mounting another challenge signed Alphonse Areola to compete Nayef Aguerd in central defence and would not be cheap.
The deal will raise West Ham’s * for a place in the top four. They have with Lukasz Fabianski in goal, added increased their depth in midfield by

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