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DOCUMENT CODE] SAF.IWPAMS.005 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE| osm7ns | PAGE | tof? O19) WORK PROCEDURE HSE UNIT TITLE: MANDATORY PPE’s ISSUANCE PROCEDURE 1.0 PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for the issuance of mandatory PPE’s. 2.0 SCOPE This procedure is meant only forall those employees on company’s payroll 3.0 REQUIREMENTS Following three PPE's are called mandatory PPE's 1. Safety Helmet 2. Safety Shoes 3. Safety Glasses Wearing of mandatory PPE’s is mandatory in the operating areas & workshops. Other PPE's like ear muffs / ear plugs, gloves, face shields, aprons, gas masks, filters, splash goggles etc. are not in the list of mandatory PPE's, they shall be used on requirement basis. The consumer area UM's may get these PPE’s issued for their staff by following the point # 5.6 of the procedure. As per Company's Safety Policy, all employees are required to protect themselves against any hazard while wearing mandatory PPE’s when they are present in operating areas & workshops. ‘Access roads, offices and non-operating areas are exempted 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ORIGINAL | WHEN IN RED 4.1. Unit Manager (Material) terrae 4.1.1. Ensures in time automatic indenting of the PPE’s as per order level. 4.2 Unit Manager (HSE) 42.1. Standardizes the PPE's as per recognized standards. 42.2 Fixes minimum and maximum order levels of PPE's, 42.3 Ensures availabilty of PPE's in the store at all times. 4.2.4 Ensures indenting done by stores according to order level 42.5 _ Introduces new products / PPE’s as and when as per improvements in the market. 4.2.6 _ Inspects the consignments upon arrival in stores for quality and acceptsirejects. Name M. Usman Mati Ur Rab Farrukh I shi te fared Zp al yo) ie, Desig. /Sign. | SE UMHSE 2 | GM(M) Vv DOCUMENT CODE] sAF.we.ims-o05 | REv.# | 02 [REV.DATE] 03/07/13 | PAGE | 20f2 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Mandatory PPEs shall be issued to all employees by following this sequence: 5.1.1. The user prepares the material requisition for mandatory PPE’s and takes approval from his U.M. His name /P. No. & Unit shall appear on the material requisition 5.1.2. Only one number of each mandatory PPE shall be requested and issued. 5.1.3 A list showing their names, P.Nos. / Designation & Unit shall be provided to the HSE unit by the concerned units for record keeping. 5.2 The concerned U.M maintains a register in the unit and gets it signed from the concemed person at the time of issue. (Specimen of the record is enclosed) 5.3 Mandatory PPE's like Safety Shoes & Safety Glasses shall be issued once in a year. 5.4 For second issuance in a year, written approval of the concemed Department Manager shall be sought. 5.5 Forthird issuance in a year, PPE's shall be issued on full payment basis. 5.6 Safety helmet shall be issued at the time of joining and reissuance will only be done on requirement basis after approval from the concemed Department Manager. 5.7 The Material Requisition shall be forwarded to UM HSE for approval. 5.8 After approval from HSE unit, PPE's shall be issued from Material Warehouse. 6.0 RECORDS 6.1 Concerned Unit Manager shall maintain the record of the PPE’s issuance to his staff on hard and soft copies for future reference. 6.2 HSE Unit shall maintain the record of mandatory PPE's issuance for the least two years for future reference. 7.0 ATTACHMENT ORIGINAL WHEN IN RED + _ Issuance Record Register Specimen ROUTE PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY REFERENCE Name M. Usman Mati Ur Rab Date 03/07/13 4 03- 3-8] WA tees 3 7 Desig. Sign. | SE UMHSE

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