SAF-WP-IMS-040-Rev-00 (Car Seal)

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[Pocumenr cove SAFWPINeO#® [REV.# [00 [REV. DATE 09-06-2016 | PAGE| tof WORK PROCEDURE (CAR SEAL CONTROL GUIDELINES) SAFETY UNIT [OP Purpose: To ensure the lineup of all ire and safety equipments (Fire Hydrants, Fire Monitor Nozzles, Safety Showers & Eye Washers) all the time as itis intended. 2 Scope: These guidelines are applicable to main isolating valve of all fire hydrants & fire monitor nozzles, safety showers & eye washers. 24 Operation of isolating valve causes SCD in effective. 3. Safety Procautions: a4. 32. Use of mandatory PPEs to be ensured. All the applicable safety procedure shall be followed. 4. Responsibiliti Concerned Area owner (Operations Management & Staff) wll have overall responsibilty for implementation of Car seal procedure guidelines in true letter and spirit. 5. Description: For effective emergency handling and preparedness, main isolating valves of fire hydrants and fire monitor nozzles are kept fully open all the time, however delivery valves of fie hydrants and monitor nozzles are in closed position when not in use. Any change in position to these valves may lead to a hazardous situation. ‘As operation of such valves (main isolating Valves & delivery valves) is not routine function so any change in ts position may go unnoticed; hence special protocol is advised in this procedure 6. Procedur ‘Area owner will coordinate with HSE unit & ensure that car seals are provided on main isolating valve of each Fire hydrant / Fire monitor nozzles , Eye Washer / Eye shower in * Car seal Open condition” Status of the car seal valves will be updated in daily safety equipment check lists by all area owners and audit will be conducted on monthly basis. HSE unit wil conduct the audit of car seal valves on Quarterly basis. In case of any deviation, Concerned Shift Engineer / shift supervisor should report it to HSE Unit for immediate rectification & log it in the Log book If isolation of the fire hydrants / Fire monitor nozzles / safety showers & eye washers is required due to any reason, e.g. maintenance activity, SCD defeat procedure will be followed, 7. ATTACHMENTS: ‘Attachment — | List of Isolating Valves of Fire Hydrants, Fire Monitor Nozzles, and Safety Shower & Eye Washers ‘Attachment I: Car Seal Inspection Checklist ORIGINAL WHEN IN RED Ec MG TSE vane | tateom nang | watertansiesau | anaurgt | rca tN : Wse:448 bas | wasaore 0806 weosz08 808 Gus 21 bei am anata es Ma ro ou ot ATTACHMENT HNOS NEW. NAST ‘AMMONIA 1_| OAST NIL, (1, 02, 03, 04 01,02, “| 2_[ HNOS NEW. 08,04, 08 (05,06, 07 [od 3_[ NAST Nit 42, 43, 44.5 12. 13, 14,15 4 AMMONIA, 05,10, 11, wio#OT 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, © 07,08, 08, 3] UTY WEST 07, 08, 08, (05,09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 37, (04, 05, 06, 6 uTy east. wio #01 23, 24,39, 40 NiL 18, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 7 | UREA siene cd 33, 34, 95, 96, 47 NIL &_| CAN 21,2, 24, 28, 36, 37 20,21, 22 10 25, 26, 27, 28, 28, 30, 9 | Ne ies 19 " 10 | GAN PHES NIL 34,32 NL 11_| NP PHAS: NIL 25, 26, 27, 26, 28, 30 NIL 712 GENERAL STORE NIC. 47 Nic 43_[ LINE -C. 19,20 NIL NIC 141 L=-Co2 02 NIL NIL 15 NGCU 35. NIL NIL 76 | LAB ‘of NIL NIL Note: Car Seals have been provided to above mentioned Fire Hydrants, Monitor Nozzles, Safety Showers & Eye Washers ATTACHMENT: CAR SEAI ISPECTION CHECKLIST Car Seat Tag Number worms! | caegaay| tte by ant | ,,Dateot | Operating | “Coen Remarks Faw sa] PM | inspection | Position | Open! Fire re | Showor/ Close / Open wore | tage vycrnt | Metin |e . tozzi Washer ORIGINAL WHEN IN RED

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