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DOGUMENT CODE | SAF-WP-IMS.035 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE] os/i0n7 [ PAGE | ofS WORK PROCEDURE SAFETY TITLE: HOSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SECTION -1 SCOPE This procedure covers the management protocol for the hose at PFL Manufacturing site. CHANGE RECORD: Rev. | Page sr. | Date Section Change Description No._| No. Of Poa 01 [4,568 8.7,39,3.13| As per report-dated 15-sep-16 NM-NM-66-2016-Urea| and 7.0 recommendations 2 psaor 02 [573.7 | “As per 8 report-dated 12-May-17, NM-NM-34-2017-Urea recommendation, | l ORIGINAL SECTION -2 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHEN IN REO ont! SECTION-1 SCOPE. ‘CHANGE RECORD SECTION-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION-3 INTRODUCTION... 3.1 PURPOSE: 3.2 BACKGROUND: 3.3 PROCEDURE 3.4 HOSE SPECIFICATIONS: 35 PROCUREMENT ol 3.6 RECEIVING AT PFLicunsnsnsnnaninnannieninninaninsninnei sesame ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY | _ REFERENCE Namo Sultan Matyfiood! MTenves ‘Abdul Raut Bae BET ae Hee iad Desig./Sign.| Sr. Eng DOCUMENT GODE | SAF-WPIMS-095 | REV. # | 02 [REV DATE] OSMON? | PAGE | 2018 O25 WORK PROCEDURE sarery 3.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE... 45 3.8 ISSUANCE TO USER ... 3.9 PERIODIC INSPECTION. 3.10 PERMANENT PROCESS HOSES: 3.11 TEMPORARY PROCESS HOSES: 3.12. TRAINING AND SKILL CERTIFICATION OF OPERATION AND MAINT STAFF... 3.13. DOs and DON'Ts OF SAFE USE OF HOSE PIPE....... SECTION-4 RECORDS: SECTION-5 AUDITS: SECTION-6 — STORAGE: .. SECTION-7 RESPONSIBILITIES... ORIGINAL WHEN IN RED SECTION-3 INTRODUCTION 3.4. PURPOSE: Procedure of procurement, inspection and application of hoses at PFL plant site. 3.2 BACKGROUND: Use of hoses for different activites at site cannot be avoided. These are at times required for utility purposes like washing of floors, equipment, cleaning, purging, draining etc. in different work areas like workshops, warehouses and piants, At time hoses are also used in place of a permanent pipe for longer periods. These are also used for loading / unloading of chemicals like caustic soca, acids, ammonia and oil etc In-appropriate use of hoses may lead to severe process safety and/or personnel safety issues. Compliance to the procedure wil enhance safety of both plant equipment and personnel involved in handing of hoses. Hazards associated with the Hose usage: Leakages, Burst, Coupling disengagement & Silp and Trip Hazards. HAZARD CONSEQUENCES [RECOMMENDATIONS Teakaces: it may lead to|4: Avoid hose from It may be due to ‘serious injuries. ‘sunlight. 4: Cracks on the surface ‘2: Implement effective due to longer exposure of auditing as old hoses sun light, may have more leakage hate actor oer eee nt removed rope remove kinks a etal oneternd Bete ag ef hoze Gemhanaing 1 oes Sipen beng | 5: Exposure with hot used in corrosive Surtees Seam tne Sivonen. shou be ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVEWED BY | APPROVED BY | REFERENCE Name Abdul Raut \ IMS 34.2.1 Dato Ble aK \\ WSEAS Desig /Sign.| Si PM DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-WPIMG-095 | REV # | 02 [REV.DATE| oa/iOni? | PAGE | Sofe qs Work PROCEDURE carer immediately removed | from the area after use. 5: Review thoroughly route of the hose pipe before and after laying | hose so that it may not expose to hot surfaces. ‘Burst Serious injury | 1: Inspect system Rtmay be due to operating pressure and 1: Over pressure. | select a hose that meets 2: Minimum bend radius of or exceeds the system's hose. ‘max pressure. 2: Try rerouting the hose | to prevent excessive flexing oF keep the hose | from exceeding its minimum bend radius. 3: Increase the hose | bend radius or install bend restrictor; or replace the | hose assembly with a properly crimped assembly. ngagement | Senous injury | 1: Examine and replace Itmay be due to ‘and it may lead to | the hose assembly to 4: Improper assembly | fatality, ensure proper assembly procedure, procedures are followed. 2: Potential hose length 2: Modify hose length reduction under pressure. andior routing to 3: Use of substandard accommodate potential coupling. hose length reduction under pressure. 3: Never mix different manufacturers’ hose, couplings or cximpers. ‘Slip Trp Hazards 1: Area to be barricaded Anybody may expose to during laying of hose. tripping hazard due to 2: Adequate Illumination unbaricaded ‘ying of will be provided. hose pipe in the area like; 3: Housekeeping wil be 4: Tripping of a passing maintained, person over the hose due | Serious injury | 4: Rol! and remove the fo sudden movement of hose from area hose immediatly ater its use. 2: Tripping of a person stepping over the hose. “ f ORIGINAL = 3.3, PROCEDURE: WHEN IN RED End user will initiate the procurement process as per approved specifications defined in the inventory system. Purchase section will procure hose and will also make sure that the hese:hes been pressure tested at vendor shop as per specification, before dispatching hoses to PFL site, After arrival of hose at site, warehouse will inmate End user and inspection unit for final test and Inspection. Workshop engineer in the presence of inspection engineer will hydro test the hose atthe suggested test pressure by the Inspection Engineer. If the hose clears the test, then inspection ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name M.Tanveer Anmed Abdul Rauf IMS :4.2.1 Date E UN HS.E:4.4.6 Desig /Sign.| DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-WPAIMS.035 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE] OB/ON7 | PAGE | 4ofe OL WORK PROCEDURE SAFETY engineer will provide the standard non-Aluminum tag to the hose. Approved hose after certification ‘and tagging wil be handed over to the end user and will be used on the specific service for which it was procured. if the hose fais to clear the test, it willbe send back to ware house with ination to purchase section to follow the cycle of re-purchasing with the vendors, 3.4 HOSE SPECIFICATIONS: ‘The end user or Process Engineer (one time) will define specifications of hose being procured which must contain the following information: ‘© Service for which hose to be used ‘© Material of hose & material of lining! material of reinforcement ‘+ Design pressure & temperature © Length of the hose: i ‘© Diameter of the hose. ‘© Coupling Type ‘© Color of hose (preferred color templates are mentioned below) Service Colour Design Pressure LI Temp NZ service IPA IA. = Red 10 Kglem2 3/4" Ambient & Water service Green 10 Kg/em2 3/4" Ambient % Steam/Condensate sp.hose = Black — 20 Kglem2 10" 350°C Normal steam’ Condensate = Blue 10 Kglem2 31a" 200°C % Acid/MEA/Caustic = Colourband 10 Kglem2. 34" Ambient Acid/ Caustic/ Base oll = Colourband 10 Kg/em2 2.0" Ambient ‘+ Allchemical hoses will be ordered as per required chemical specs. * Colour band on all chemical pipes shall be as per standard piping color coding as, in appendix # ‘NOTE: Maintenance engineer will once gat defined the coupling specifications in the inveniory system after joint review with operation, project and process team ‘or different size. 3.8 PROCUREMENT End user will itiate the request for hose procurement which includes folowing information but not limited to: 41. Service and location where hose to be used 2, Maximum operating pressure & temperature ofthe service. 3. Length and diameter ofthe hose. (for general services dia 4. Type of coupling required. (CAM and Groove coupiing) Purciiase section will then procure hose within the target date mentioned on local pyrehase requisition. : End user to get budget allocation based on his requirement. Test certicate should be part of specifications. ' inch) ‘ORIGINAL | NOTE:Hose procured shousbekinis fee, | WHEN IN RED | 36 RECEIVING AT PFL On receiving hose at PFL sie, warehouse wil inform end user through an inspection note ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE ‘Sultan Waby McTanveer Anmed | Siltan Moco) | Abdul Rauf Ae a4 ° aK Name IMS :4.24 HSE 4.4.6 Date Desig /Sign. DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-WP4IMS-035 | REV. #| 02 [REV.DATE] 03/10/17 | PAGE |. 50f9 OPAL WORK PROCEDURE sarery 3.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE End user along with Inspection engineer will then inspect the hose as per specifications. Inspe tion engineer will confirm the material of hose/ coupling @s per specification and request workshop engineer for hydro test and specify hydro test pressure as well. If hose passed this test, then Inspection engineer will install a metalic tag on the hose, with following information engraved. Date of inspection Unit Hydro test Pressure (Bar) Hose tag number Service Unit Hose tag Number Service Hydro test Pressure Date of Inspection Inspection Engineer will maintain Master Hose data Sheet (Evergreen) as per below format and made available on Z:\ drive, 38 slams After hydro test if material found fit for service it will be handed over to warehouse after tagging. End user will get material issued on need basis through MIV. rs 7 ORIGINAL 3.9 PERIODIC INSPECTION | WHEN IN RED J Hoses are inspected visually and through hydro test preventively as per vender recommendations. Whenever End user want to addiremove hose will update its own hose data and also inform to inspection via email to update Master Hose data Inspection frequencies for hoses are as uncer Normal Hoses: Visual inspection Every day (Resp: End user) Hydro test ‘Once per year (Resp: Insp) For further detalls on inspection of hoses, refer Procedure for Inspection of Hoses. (INS-WIIMS-0"6) ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY | APPROVEDBY | REFERENCE | Wame MTanveer, ms Hamza Nj IMS 34.2.1 Date lel Te 77, HSE AAG Desig Sian Sr Eker (a “sie DOCUMENT GODE | SAFWPIMS.095 | REV.#[ 02 [REV DATE] OSMOM? | PAGE| 60f8 ODFL ORK PROCEDURE carer For chemical Hoses: Chemical Hoses Visual inspection Once a week (Resp: End user) Hydro test Every six months (Resp: Insp) NOTE: Hoses for services at AC drain and drain of atmospheric vessels are exempted from Hydro test. 3.40 PERMANENT PROCESS HOSES: Hoses can be used on permanent basis for more than one month only as part of process piping through the Management of Change protocol i.e. through Process Sub SOC and records shail be ‘maintained by area owner. 3.41. TEMPORARY PROCESS HOSE‘ Hoses that are to be used in process for time period less than two days, it must go through temporary hose authorization record form. User will have to fil this form (Temporary authorization form- Appendix) and get it approved from the Unit Manager / Section Head. An estimated date and time of hose disconnection will be mentioned on the form. Unit Manager will then sign off the form after assuring that hose has been disconnected as per the date mentioned. In case of any emergency requirement, this activity wil be done under approval of site coordination engineer. If hose is to be used for time period of more than two days and less than one month then it must go through temporary repeir authorization (Temporary repair authorization form) and get it approved from department manager. An estimated date and time of hose disconnection will be mentioned on the form, \Fthere is @ requirement of hose usage for more than @ week then go on changing hose pipe ator every seven dave In case of plant shut down, all temporary hoses will be disconnected from the operating areas which are not in service ater proper draining and ensuring no traces of process fluid in the hose. 3.42 TRAINING AND SKILL CERTIFICATION OF OPERATION AND MAINT STAFF: Hose management system shall be included in the skill matrix of operating and maintenance staff. Staff using hose pipes should be well aware of protocol and common problems of hose pipes and their possible solutions. Training and refresher for hose management and its common problems should be included in the in house technical training calendar. This will be part of skill certification process. = ORIGINAL 3.13 DOs and DON'Ts FOR SAFE USE OF HOSE: WHEN IN REO Follawing are top tips to ensure the long Kfe of hose, the efficiency of system and the safety of user! site, ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY. REFERENCE Name ‘Sultan Mahpfood! : M-Tanveer Samed | Hamza Nyman _| Abdul Rauf _-y IMS 24.2.4 Date fel Pel) UY HS.E446 oT BEV IB SH-CAN DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-WPAMS-O95 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE] OGHONT | PAGE [7010 OL Work PROCEDURE saFETY Dos: 1. Use specific pipe for specific service (like water hose for water service only and not for any other service). 2. Use proper clamps / tie wire for reinforcement. 3. Remove kinks before use of hose pipe. 4. Check health of hose pipe before its use, : 5. If itis expected to touch it with external wear, it can be protected with extra protection’ raping to protect main body. 6. Remove kinked or crushed hose from service immediately and report to inspection unit for health verification. 7. Remove the hose that has been subjected to abuse during process. This includes hose that has been severely pulled at the coupling, flattened, crushed, kinked, cut, abraded or exposed to temperatures or pressures above noted maximums. Retesting should be mandatory for ‘such hoses. Visually inspect and pressure test hose at regular intervals. 9. Check for kinks, bulges, sofl spots, loose areas, abrasions and cuts. Cuts or abrasions which ‘expose the reinforcement are signs that the hose should be immediately removed from service and inform to Inspection unit, ‘Aiways check for fluid seepage by pushing at the base of the coupling with your thumbs; 2 hose softened by fluid seepage must be replaced. Check for coupling slippage, and remove any hose that does not pass your visual inspection and inform to inspection unt. DON'Ts: Don't dismantle any part of tested house, 2. Never exceed the rated working pressure of a hose or allow pressure spikes or surges above its maximum rated working pressure. Excessive pressure can damage! shorten the life of the hose. : 3._ Never run over a hose with equipment or vehicles, such as forklifts. Running over a hose can ‘damage the tube, reinforcement and cover. A buildup of pressure can cause damage at the coupling. 4. Never pull a hose by its coupling, Pulling a hose at the coupling can kink the hose and weaken the coupiing bond to the hose. : 5. Never over-bend or kink a hose to stop the flow of mater tube and reinforcement. — ORIGINAL WHEN IN RED ‘Avoid hose from sun light. SECTION-4 RECORDS: as this can seriously damage the Operation department will be responsible to manage records of temporary hoses being used in each operating unit. Records will be kept in soft copy in a local network drive and in hard copy being ROUTE | PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY | APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name M.Tanveer Ahmed Abdul Raut IMS :4.2.1 Date Shel 446 Desig/Sign.| So RY DOGUMENT CODE | SAF-WP-IMS-035 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE] oa/i0i7 | PAGE | €ofo OPP WORK PROCEDURE SAFETY managed on a central location’ control room. Following documents should be kept in record: 1, List of hoses in use at unit. 2. Temporary Hose Authorization and Record Form. 3. Temporary Repair authorization form 4, Hose Inspection Records/ test certificates. SECTION-5 = aupiTs: (Operations will do internal audit of hose management at their respective unit and log the deficiency In their shift Iog book and communicate the same to the responsible section head & HSE section: for prompt rectifcation. Inapecton of hoses at each secton shall be inctuded in monthly auelt matrix and report t2 be submitted to HSE. HSE. section will also audit the conditions and usage of hoses at each unit on yearly basis. Audit will be conducted on a prescribed checklist with scoring. Audit report will be shared with all relevant interfaces and plant management, Any discrepancy observed during audit will be noted and highlighted to the relevant area owner for rectification. SECTION-6 ‘STORAGE: Hoses will be stored in three different locations: 14. Warehouse (will be stored as per warehouse procedure, stacking of hose pipe.) * 2, Workshop (willbe stored as stacking of hose pipe and wil be open to fl endth to avoid any kinks formation) 3, Operating Areas (Operations should keep thelr hoses wrapped in hose reel which ‘should be located in each area and if reel is not available then it should be kept in stacking.) 4, Hoses being removed from the area for storage purposes should first be flushed ‘thoroughly in the area before moving to storage. SECTION-7 RESPONSIBILITIES End user Request generation, storage, record keeping, internal audits and upkeep of hose. : Process Engineering Check for specification before ordering. (One time) Maintenance Initiating Local Purchase Requisition & Hydro test of the hose Purchase Procurement according to specifications Inspection Tagging, Master Hose data Record, Initial and periodic inspection pian HSE, Audit of Hose Managementat site on yearly basis. ecco | orteiat. WHEN IN RED ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY. REFERENCE Namo Sultan Matyhood | apa Raut M.Tanveer Anmed amen puma IMS :4.2.4 an oe Pre eeiz|> AIS BL | asesse SH-CAN DOGUMENT CODE | SAF-WP4MS-035 | REV.# | 02 [REV.DATE| 03/10/17 PAGE | 90f9 QL WORK PROCEDURE SAFETY Appendix-Ilt Pat, PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT ‘TEMPORAY REPAIR AUTHORIZATIN FORMAT FOR PROCESS HOSE CONNECTION unt: LOCATION: 11. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM. 2. SUGGESTED CONNECTION: (Use separate sheet for sketches) REQUESTED BY: REVIEWED BY: ‘AREA SUPERVISOR SHIFT ENGINEER FUNCTIONAL REVIEW CARRIED OU’ © Concerned Area FM Supervisor APPROVED BY: © DAYS/MONTH/YEAR NEXT AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY DISTRIBUTION LIST m-scessnnsanamtt PoRIGINAL WHEN IN RED ce: Field Maintenance, Safety amc en Original: PRODUCTION VALIDITY UNIT MANAGER ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE Namo Suttan Matyrood | aeaui aut M.Tanveer Anmed IMs 34.2.4 HSE:4.46 = RE Race Sa Wy SH-CAN

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