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DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-wP-IMS-037 | REV.# | 00 |REV.DATE| 12-11-15 | PAGE | tof6 | ORL, WORK PROCEDURE Seer DRIVING POLICY AND GUIDELINES TITLE: DRIVING POLICY AND GUIDELINES Section1 SCOPE: This document describes the PFL Traffic & Driving Policy and guidelines to promote safe driving culture within the organization. It engulfs driving policy, criteria for driving and validation test, rules and regulations applicable at site as well as responsibilities of employee & employer for safe driving. The procedure ts applicable to entire Manufacturing Division, Pakarab Fertilizers Limited Khanewat Road, Multan. Section2. _ DRIVING POLICY STATEMENT: Fatima Group considers “Safety of its employees, stakeholders, contractors & community" equal to production targets. Fatima Group believes that all injuries, occupational illnesses, safety & environmental incidents / (Sirona + Tothe prevention of los to life and property from driving incidents, both on and off the workplace. + To ensure safe driving by their employees and direct/indirect contractual people for their safety as well as safety of general public. + To ensure that during driving, every concemed person (employee and direct / indirect contractual people) of Pakarab Fertilizer will behave os a responsible citizen. He will abide by all rules & regulations of "Defensive Driving” either on highway or on company roads including township & plant site : *+ To maintain all company vehicles in 2 Safe, clean and roadworthy condition. + To record the driving accidents and analyze them with a view to identifying causes and defining possible measures to avoid their reoccurrence. Pakarab Fertilizer Limited will exercise the right to take minor or serious administrative action against the concerned person in case of violation of "Defensive Driving" rules & regulations or in case of accident. Section3 _DRIVING AND VALIDATION CRITERIA: 3.1 Criteria for Driving Test and Validation 3.1.1 Practical demonstration test will be conducted by HSE along with an expert from motorway or training provider ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY REVIEWED BY jOVED BY REFERENCE, Name | Nadoom Shahid | Mali Ur Rab Siddiqui _| Col ran Rana Farrukh reshi HSE: 448 ate, 3211-48] QMS 4.2.1 (d) Posie ign “Ramin tig DOCUMENT CODE | SAF-wp-IMs-o37 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE| 12-11-15 | PAGE | 20f6 3.12 Every new inductee & existing employee at site will have to pass through PFL driving test (Practical) program even with a valid driving license for the vehicle to be driven inside plant & township premises. 3.13 Validation Certificate will be Issued by the HSE department to the successful candidate in practical test. 3.1.4 Same criteria will be applicable on families of all PFL employees having valid driving license (if they drive vehicle in PFU's premises). 3.1.5 No person can drive inside plant premises as well as township withaut aforementioned validation centticate 3.2 Criteria for Company Vehicles 3.2.1 Every employee eligible for CAC/CAP will have to fil and submit signed "Mutual Agreement Form” before receiving @ vehicle. Transport officer will ensure the compliance “Mutual Agreement Form” 3.2.2 The form will be an undertaking by the employee that he will follow all defensive driving rules 1 ‘other guidance on company roads as well as main highway. In case of any accident in which, after due detailed accident investigation, he or she is found culpable for the accident can face from a “Written Warning" to "Serious Administrative Action” by the company. *CAC-Company Assigned Car ee CAP Car Allowance Policy \ omer a 3.3 Criteria for Personal Vehicles elas sn 33.1 Employees driving their personal vehicles inside plant premises / township will be given permission to drive only after submission of a written undertaking to Transport Section (Through ‘a company form) regarding defensive driving as well as compliance of company driving rules 3.3.2 Upon rules violation, permission may be temporarily or permanently (depending on nature of violation) cancelled 34 Criteria for Guests & Visitors 3.4.1 Concerned employee will be responsible for “defensive driving” and "rules violation | accident” by his adgsts or visitors. 3.44.2. Deperding on the nature & seriousness of violation/ accident by guest / visitor, company may exerci ight or serious administrative action against employee + 35 Compliance and Control 3.5.1 In 4st phase, speed of the vehicles will be monitored in surprise audits by safety & security personnel through manual speed guns at Piantsite and Township. Moreover, similar audits willbe conducted against non-compliance of safety belt, under age driving, crash helmet usage, overtaking ete. 3.5.2 Auditor wil made verbal contact and counsel/educate the individual violating the PFL driving rules. ROUTE | PREPARED EY | _REVEWED BY | REVIEWED BY REFERENCE Taare | Nadoen Shahid | wat Ur Rabsidalqul_| Col iran Rana Date Teas] Tats Nob. eis] as 425 (0) Desi: ign | Se OS Puc Tain = Docimenr cove] sarwomscer [Rava [wo [nev eave aieve [once [ sae] 353 354 355 in 2™ phase, automatic speed guns will be installed both at Plantsite & Township area. Nogative scoring will be marked against each traffic violation according to pre-defined criterion. Upon reaching a certain number of negative points, the safe million man-hours reward of the Individual will be cancelled along with an administrative action by the company. Al traffic incidents should be reported on separate forms for off the jo investigated separately dents & will be Section4 __RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEE & EMPLOYER: aa 44a 442 44.3 414 4as 416 aay 418 419 AAO aaa Employee Responsibilities oe . wre | Every driver of a company vehicle wil: \ wren Ensure he holds a valid driver license of GOP for the class of vehicie he is driving and carry the license when driving a company vehicle inside or outside the piant premises on official duty Driver must be in good health and physically able to perform the duties of driving, Immediately notify their supervisor or manager if their driving license has been suspended or cancelled, or has had limitations placed upon it. Be responsible and accountable for his actions when operating a company vehicle or driving for the purposes of duty inside or outside the plant. Display the highest level of professional conduct when driving a company vehicle. Regularly check the ol, tyre pressures, and radiator and battery levels of company vehicles they regularly use. Comply with all trafic rules & regulations inside and outside plant premises when driving. The company will not bear the cost of fines incurred due to traffic violations. Drive within the legal speed limits, Wear a safety belt while driving all company provided vehicles or if seated in the front passenger seat of the vehicle. Employee's also encouraged using seat belts when seated in the rear seat of the vehicle, Alternatively, if driving a motorcycle, you are required to wear a helmet (even if you are riding as a passenger). Report vehicle defects to the concerned person before the next vehicle use, Transport section will be responsible for regular checks of all company vehicles. In addition, its recommended that all employees: 4.1.12 Take regular and adequate rest breaks during long journeys (recommended: at least 10 minutes after every 2 hours) 4.1.13. Stop when tired 4.24 Plan their journeys, taking into account pre-journey work duties, the length of the trip and post- journey commitments. 4.1.15 While driving in a lesser traveled or unknown areas, ensure that doors are locked and windows: are closed. 4.1.26 While parking vehicle, don’t leave any valuables in plain view. ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVEWEDEY | REVEWEDEY “epapito ey | REFERENCE ‘Name Nadeem Shahid | Mati UrRab Siddiqui | Col. Irfan Rana Farrukh hi Date eas] ESTE [V9 RESIS Ve STE one eat te ese Si |S Sg HE > | Ania Mr Me DOCUMENT cone | SAF-wp.ims-o37 | REv.# | 00 |REV.DATE| 12-11-15 | PAGE | 40f6 4.2 Employer Responsibilities 4g 4, 4 4, 4. 4 4 4 4 4. 2.1 The employer will take all steps to ensure company vehicles are as safe as possible and will not require staff to drive under conditions that are unsafe and / or likely to create an unsafe environment, physical distress and fatigue, etc. 2.2 The employer will do this by ensuring all company vehicles are well mai worthy conditions, 2.3 Employer will promote driver, operator and passenger safety by: + Servicing the vehicles according to manufacturers’ recommendations. + Setting up procedures where employees check vehicles’ oll, water, tyre pressures and general dleantliness on a monthly basis, then record the inspections. + Keeping maintenance schedules in the glove boxes of al vel time the vehicles are serviced in any way. + Following the maintenance schedules in the vehicles’ manuals. + Setting up @ procedure to identify and rectify faults as soon 3s pra + Maintains vehicle worthy roads inside plant as well as township. 2.4 Employer will develop a protocol for company vehicle(s} replacement, if a vehicle fails to meet ‘minimum fitness requirements (i.e vehicles with frequent maintenance, repeated accidents, poor body condition, rust, interior condition and anticipated repeirs etc) 25 Employer will develop the training area for new learners (employees and thelr families) with driving test facility. 2.6 Displays “Traffic Caution Boards” at side or corners of the road to educate and alert the people. ‘ained and in good road les, which are completed each ble. 2.7 Displays maximum height sign boards in different areas of the plant to prompt the vehicle driver. 1.2.8 Providing awareness about “Defensive Driving” through training and refresher sessions. 2.9 Provision of adequate number of vehicle parking so that none of the vehicle to be parked alongside the road like cranes, fork lifters etc. 2.10 Organizes arrangement for vehicle inspection inside the plant under motor pool responsibility. 2.11 Demarcation of the areas on roads (RED zones) where not other than company vehicle having flame arrester fitted may enter. i SectionS _ DEFENSIVE DRIVING: Veen These guidelines are equally applicable to both personal as well as official vehicles. Policy interpretation by Safety section would be final. Any violation to these will be treated according to PSM-20 of Progressive Motivation. A Troffic Violation incident Report (TVIR) will be Initiated upon non-compliance to its rules & regulations. LD Gricinan | | VirHEN IN RE Defensive driving is one of the most important elements of our Safety Management Pian both onsite and offsite. Management strongly believes that safe driving within complex, township and roads is imperative to avold accidents. Management shall ensure that all drivers within company and visiting our complex being communicated with the essence of this policy. ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED EY REVIEWED BY “APRAQYED BY REFERENCE Wane [Nadeem Shahid_| at Urmab siaciqui | CoLttan Rens | Farruxn @bplauresti | yg Dale ans [aes TN sie irs esate esa. Bian [SE TS pO ESE Farin a Sune ssa wv DOCUMENT CODE SaF-wP-ims-037 | REV.# | 00 [REV.oATE| 12-11-15 | PAGE | Sof6 5.1 Defensive Driving Rules 5.1.1 _ Use of mobile phone is not allowed during driving. 5.1.2 Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription and over the counter medication if they cause drowsiness 5.1.3 Avoid night driving from one city to another for official company business. The Company should discourage the night driving. 5.1.4 Avoid distraction when driving - the driver will adjust car stereos/mirrors etc. before setting off, ‘or pull over safely in order to do so. 5.5 Keep alert and adjust to weather and road conditions, ORIGINAL | 5.2. PFLRules and Regulations | WHEN INRED | eS Following rules shall be applicable at all times within Company premises (Plant site and township) irrespective of cadre, age and gender. 5.2.1 No one can drive a vehicle inside plant or township without a valid driving license from ‘the Government of Pakistan 5.2.2 Speed limit inside plant premises is 20 km/hr. and township is 30 km/hr. 5.2.3 Wearing safety belts is mandatory for al at all speeds. 5.2.4 Smoking is not allowed inside all company vehicles. 5.2.5 Wearing of erash helmet is mandatory for motor bike riders. 5.2.6 Keeping children in lap is strictly prohibited during driving and young children shall be encouraged to sit on the back seat. 5.2.7 Keep mobile phone off when refueling the vehicle at fuel pumps. 5.2.8 All vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas. 5.2.9 Vehicle to be parked with his hand break pulled. 5.2.10 CNG fitted private vehicles of company employees will be allowed to enter inside plant premises only after getting "Road worthy vehicle” certificate fram Transport section, 5.2.11 None of the contractor CNG/ LPG fitted vehicle can enter plant premises. 5.2.12 All company vehicles (for work purpose only such as cranes, fork lifter ete) entering operating, areas must have "Fire Arrester" fitted in them otherwise a hot work permit would be required for their entrance. 5.2.13 None of the private vehicles. be allowed to drive inside plant operating areas. Restricted areas are barricaded with chain on the road. 5.2.14 Defensive driving training will be conducted by specialized training providers for the foliowings: + Management Employees + Staff Employees + Company Contract Employees including Transport drivers, who drive PFL’s vehicles. Note: Refreshers will be done after every 02 years basis. ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED SY | REVIEWEDBY ARERpWED BY REFERENCE, ame | Nadoom Srahid_| Mati UrRab Sign | COL ian Rane | Farunh ttRWAAN [ce a oe frees J ee TY ee TeaniBh aaa Desie ign | SECSEL=— MSE “an at ‘

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