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DOCUMENT CODE] SAF-WP.IMS.038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - | PAGE | tof GREEN OFFICE Ib | ewononmentat wanacemenr evan _ [SAFETY UNIT SCOPE: ‘This document covers the Environment Management plan for Green Office initiatives at Pakarab Ferilizers Limited, Multan. Under the umbrella of Green Office. PFL is aiming at reduction in use of natural resources and enhancement of mitigation measures for climate change. Besides, the document will suppor in raising site's environmental awareness to promote sustainable practices, SECTION: : BASIS: 4.4 Purpose: ‘The basic purpose of this document is to communicate our commitments to a greener work place and the initiatives to make our office buildings environment friendly ultimately Contributing to greener. and better Earth with lesser climate changes for us and for our coming generations. In addition to ths, its purpose is to mark the individual responsibilities of all the green office members (or their stand-in) towards this initiative. The document will be the reference for our practices in monitoring and reduction of natural resources consumption and for sustainability of Green Office Program at our site, 1.2. Benefits of Green Offic ‘© Green Office is a practical environmental Management system designed by WWF- Finland specifically for office environments. ‘= By Adopting to green office practices, workplaces are able to reduce their burden on the ‘environment, achieve savings and slowdown in climate change. '* Green Office is a meaningful way to diminish expenses and also an educational program that inspires employees to adopt environmentally friendly habits by promoting sustainable practices, Considerable cost saving in energy and material expenses. Calculation of carbon footprint of the organization The awarded Green Office Logo / Diploma can be utilized in marketing; creating trust ‘among target audience and customers, 1.3 Site Objective: Under the umbrella of Green Office, the site would be aiming at the following (in the selected office buildings as mentioned in Section - 2 Reduce: Energy, paper consumption and waste generation. Recycle: Paper and waste. Communicate: Conservation techniques, tips and updates to employees via emails, stickers, standees and meetings. ROUTE | _ PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY "APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name Nadeem Shahid Mati Ur Rab Siddiqui | Farrukh Iabakppyeshi HSE: 4.46 ae : : ; e055 e055 14 ee Desig Sign [HSE Er once” Moe’, | carey DocumENT cove] sArwmiusow [Reva] 00 [REVOMTE] [Pace] 2e10 Employee Engagement: Ensured through suggestion boxes made available in each building SECTION.2: PFL GREEN OFFICE BUILDINGS Following office buildings of Pakarab Fertlizers Limited (Manufacturing Site, Multan) have been chosen for implementation of WWF's Green Office initiative: + Administration Building = Accounts / Finance eee "= Medical Center ORIGINAL = Laboratory & HSE Building mage ED SECTION-3: GREEN OFFICE TEAM: The team comprises of representatives from all the selected buildings who are from different departments to ensure maximum participation and coordination Team Member section Responsibility Famkh abel | Techical Sences Labs —_| Green ofee Coordinator Lab Mat Department Etwtenment | SSE Bulag 7 7 Green Office Coordinator Yours Bashir | Procurement Procierant_ | ¥en fa Sanmiya Mutaba | Coordinator : Gian Oc Corder Green Ofice Cocdnater Ast Javed Accounts Finance : Foyer Hiedeal | Green ofce Coornator Dr Azra Memon | Adminstration Medal Green ofce 6: Renee Armed | iF a Green Oe Coordinator. orator or oa Toab Rehman | lecical instrument (Eat) | Etecrcal | Actos or green Oca project. 4 Mc. Nadeem Shahid (HSE Engineer) will coordinate overall activites of green office project with all team members. Ch Munir Ahmed (UM Electrical) will supervise all electrical activities for green office project. ROUTE | PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name Nadeem Shania Mati Ur Rab Siddiqui | Farrukh iqhal res > HSE: 4.46 Date 310-15 Cal 810-15 WN onsen Desig. ’Sign. | HSE Engr UMSE (7 | emia) DOCUMENT CODE REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - | PAGE | 30f9 SECTION-4: GREEN OFFICE TARGETS: 4a a2 Commitment to Green Office Initiative FL Is committed for creating and contributing to a more sustainable environment through Green Office Concepts and Methodology. Pakarab Ferlizers Limited will make every effort not only minimize the resource consumption at the site but also to reduce its carbon footprint along with making our ‘employees environmentally conscious. Our aim is to keep on improving our environment performance and make this Green office program sustainable. Targets for Year 2015-2016 Easy to achieve targets have been set for conserving power, paper and reducing waste generation. Employee engagement has to be ensured to make them aware of the purpose and impact of green office initiative on our environment. ‘The targets of site's environmental program for year 2015-2016 are described below: 4.2.1 Our offices reduce consumption of paper by 5% between the years 2015 and 2016. 4.22 Our offices reduce consumption of electricity by 6% between the years 2015 and 2016. 42.3 Our offices reduce the amount of mixed waste by 5% between the years 2015 and 2016. 4.2.4 Our offices organize regular environmental education for its employees. 425 Our organization shares Eco-tips with employees as and when received from WWF Pakistan, 42.6 Our organization reduces travel as much as possible and encourages car-pooling to ‘common places lke township, Plantsite ete 42.7 Our organization raises awareness of its employees to conserve resources including water, energy, paper etc. The targets would be revised each year in order to make continual environmental improverent using latest available / possible technologies. Note: Our office reports all these consumptions / reductions to WWF Pakistan on monthly basis, 1 ‘SECTION-5: MANAGEMENT OF GREEN OFFICE SYSTEM: WHEN IN RED 6a Implementation and Coordination of the Environmental Management Program ‘A Green Office coordinator has been appointed; Green Office team has been formulated for selected buildings and is operational 5.1.1 Regular meetings with the team will be conducted on monthly basis. ROUTE | PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE Nadeem Shahid | Mati UrRab Sidaiqui | Farrukh lqbal Qureshi Date soe [eee] at avs #2416 Desig Sign [HSEEng Pact mnse SU | wane) T DOCUMENT CODE| SAF-WP.MS.038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - | PAGE | 40f9 62 53 54 5.1.2 Management approval for the environment Management program has been acquired through Safe Operation Committee (SOC), 5.1.3 More improvement initiatives will be collected from the employees regarding environmental procedures in the office through suggestion boxes placed in selected buildings / office or via outlook emails. 5.1.4 Green Office EMP shall be updated on yearly basis. 5.1.5 Chosen environmental indicators of the site will be updated yearly (or if required, quarterly) on regular basis. 5.1.6 A system and action plan for collecting and monitoring indicator data has been defined and will be updated as and when required ‘Sustainable Procurement: In order to ensure resources conservation, the following steps will be taken; 5.2.1 Environmental soundness of product suppliers will be ensured by Procurement Department. 522 A Green Procurement Policy will be formulated by Procurement Department to ensure further environmental commitments, Internal & External Environmental Communication Al the green office team members and HSE personnel will use Green Office Logo in Emails, Safety and Environmental Presentations, Bulletins, Stickers and Flyers after acquiring Green Office Certification to raise internal and extemal awareness and ensure lesser resources ‘conservation in addition to the following steps: 5.3.1. A plan for intemal and extemal environmental communications has been developed ‘according to which, brochures, flyers, stickers and standees will be shared with the site on regular basis in order to ensure maximum awareness of employees and compliance. 5.3.2 The environment management issues wil be communicated to the site via emails, bulletins, group discussions, training sessions, appropriate media and events etc. 5.3.3. The Environmental Management Issues will be addressed for the staff on regular basis in weekly D-Level safety talks by all the Green Office coordinators, 5.3.4 Making and implementing necessary environmental guidelines and instructions wil be displayed and implemented in the office buildings. 5.3.5 The notice boards already placed in each building will cover information relating to efficient use of natural reeources and environmental protection et, ORIGINAL Training and Motivating the Staff | WHEN RED ‘Arranging environmental training sessions for the management as well as staff employees land sharing the outcomes with the employees will be the responsibilty of the green office team and specifically the Green Office coordinators at Plant site. This will further include: 5.4.1 Instructing / guiding the staff to fil in the Green Office Consumer Habit Survey ROUTE | PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY "APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name Nadeem Shahid | Mati Ur Rab Siddiqui | Farrukh Iqbal Qureshi Date [HSE 4.46 me ee T aren pean een [meen abt Mets Panay DOCUMENT CODE] SAF-WP.IMS-038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - _| PAGE | Sof9 542 543 544 545 548 547 SECTION-6: anally Distributing environmental information to management via emails and dissemination down the line in D-Level meetings and similar events on need basis, Introducing a suggestion box and appreciating the use of emails for suggestions (where available and possible) Compiling the suggestions on regular basis and sharing the productive information wit all employees through emais Rearranging the office buildings interiors in order to improve its functionality, comfort (ergonomics) and resources conservation. Exploring new ventures of Green practices, improving Ergonomics, ete Arranging and organizing periodic environmental training sessions by WWF Pakistan each year : ENERGY CONSERVATION 6.4 Office Buildings ‘The Green Office coordinator along with the Green Office team members will ensure maximum energy conservation and will monitor and report consumed units in each of the selected buildings to WWF on monthly basis. 614 616 e417 Green office team member from E&I will be working for installation of individual electricity meters for selected green office buildings at plant site in order to monitor land report the exact power consumption. Green Office team members for each building will then be responsible for reporting the data to Green office coordinator. ‘An energy efficiency audit in the buildings wil be coordinated / initiated by the E&! member of Green Office team and the periodic audits will then be conducted by them on need basis. E&I member will also help other building coordinators (Green Office Team members) in checking condition of the heating and air conditioning appliances in the building ‘and in suggesting the renovations and improvements related to heating, plumbing ‘and air conditioning, Where possible, the lights shall be replaced with LED lights (phase-wise) without creating any adverse impact on the employees or his working conditions. Lux levels / illumination survey will be monitored before and after change of lights and appropriate lighting conditions will be ensured by the Green Office team members from Electrical & HSE section. Occupants of the buildings will be trained via awareness stickers to set the AC thermostats at a maximum of 26 Degrees Celsius (26 °C) to save power. The building occupants will be reminded about turning off unnecessary lights (through stickers) when leaving the office or during day time with subsequent removal of window biinds to reap benefits of the day light. 62 Building lilumination & Lighting ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY | REFERENCE Name | Ragoem Shania | Mal Ur Rab Sidsqut | Farah abel iggy . a HSE: 4.4.6 Date exons TS | 0s TL TURE ons cos Desig. Sign. [HSE Engr Petalact mse SVE [away + DOCUMENT CODE REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - | PAGE | 60f8 63 7A Green Office coordinator along with Green Office team members will discover more energy conservation options / possibilities in future phases. It may include one of the following: 6.2.1 Study on the Occupancy sensors in store rooms, rack rooms, bathrooms, corridors and conference rooms that are in limited use as these are inexpensive, easy to install, and can produce significant energy savings inside the office buildings. 622 Dividing lighting of offices to several separate switches, if large areas are on the ‘same switch especially in corridors. 62.3 Arranging more awareness seminars and announcing incentives or penalties for ‘cooperative and carelessly consuming employees respectively. Office Equipmetns & Appliances Green Office coordinator along with Green Office team members will work for the awareness of the building occupants on energy efficient use of office appliances. Further working may include: 6.3.1 Involving the IT department to cary out a survey for checking and activating energy saving modes of office appliances i.e. Monitors and printers. 632 Green Office coordinator will design and send in screen savers and pop-ups. containing environmental information for computers for awareness of employees to always switch off computer monitors and other devices when they are nat in use. 6.3.3. Ensuring the phase wise replacement of picture tube monitors with flat monitors will be the responsibilty of al the Green office team members in their respective sections areas. 6.3.4 Favoring energy efficient (Energy Star) devices in purchases will be ensured by the Green Office team members and electrical green Otfice member from procurement stage. 63.5 Each employee will be responsible to check and switch off all unnecessary switches / appliances before leaving the office. 636 Office boys / peons / office assistants will also be trained to check for switching-off the unnecessary lights after office hours, 63.7 During office hours, all computers / LCDs will be activated on “Sleep Mode" while not In use for 15-20 minutes, 63.8 Maintenance of appliances at regular intervals will be ensured by all employees with the help of electrical department and a need based survey may be conducted by Green office team with the help of electrical department and HSE unit. WHEN IN RED ‘Making Environment Friendly Consumption Decisions mmen SECTION-7 PAPER CONSERVATION ‘ORIGINAL For the environment friendly consumption, following options are being considered and will be implemented as and when required, ROUTE | PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE Name Nadeem Shahid [Mati UrRab Siddiqui _| Farrukh Iqbal Qureshi Date HSE:4.46 Desi e095 J | e106 > ] We Ms 42.1(@ ere DOCUMENT CODE] SAF-WPIMS.038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.OATE| - | PAGE | 7of9 TAA Getting muttipurpose copiers (copier, printer and fax) for all office buildings instead of several separate devices. Starting to use recycled paper where possible e.g. daily plant log-sheets printing / Photocopying ete. Printing publications, brochures and other awareness flyers on recycled paper with environmentally friendly printing inks. Purchasing office supplies that have an eco-label or are made of recycled materials. where possible. 7.2. Reducing Consumption of Paper Green Office coordinator along with Green Office team members will ensure maximum paper conservation and will monitor and report consumed amounts in each of the selected buildings for green office certification to WWF Pakistan on monthly basis or on agreed frequency. Green Office team members will maintain the paper consumption data of their concemed office / building with the help of MWH. For the conservation and efficient use of paper, following options will be implemented 724 722 72.3 724 728 Introducing a new ‘Paper Issuance Form’ by MWH clearly mentioning quantity of paper being issued for each green office building, This form will be attached with MIV for paper issuance. Keeping record of paper issuance to each green office building will be the responsibilty of MWH and green office team members. Encouraging electronic data management program to manage common documents and guidelines in the intranet of the site ie.; the common drive (interdepartmental drive. Raising awareness to share all the useful information through emails and all important notices, circulars, memos etc. to be transmitted in electronic form avoiding unnecessary usage of paper. oenonal Training all employees on: WHEN IN RED Using PowerPoint anda data projector for D-Level aks "ahd ore taining / 7.2.52.Using 2-sded copying for copiers and printers 72.5.3using re cyole trays for the wasted copies to be inflated where ‘sided copying is unavoidable publications end brochures in electron form instead of paper versione. 7.2555 Where prining of brochures / magazines is unavoidable, making as exact as posable estimates of pint amounts Yor brochures and ther pubcations before printing 7.2.5. Making compact design fr templates fortes forms and repr in order to use the pitng area as efficiently as possible 7.25.17 Designing later and form templates so that they can be sent without envelopes (envelope with max address boxes). ROUTE PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY REFERENCE ‘Nadeem Shahid | Mati UrRab Siddiqui | Farrukh iqhal Date LHSE: 4.4.5 = S108 ams 4.2.1 (6) Desig. ‘Sign. ——— | 91046 Val | HSE Engr ateel om HSE (7 | GM (Mia) Z DOCUMENT CODE] SAF-WP-MS.038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE] - | PAGE | Sof Arranging seminars and other public events with minimal paper handout ‘material (electronic distribution of materials). the employees down the line on paper saving techniques (2-sided printing and copying, reducing the size of copies etc.) and giving them tips on ‘computer software and hardware in order to save paper. 7.2.8 Encouraging the use of either a multimedia or independent computers for discussions on the soft copies by emailing the power point presentation to the other parts and to refer to the presentations, 7.2.7 Evaluating the necessity of magazine / newspaper subscriptions and terminating Pe a tol par eeu yom fda heen cert pao le helt ats eld vp abd intrarenal rat Rott uataonne Paes oncuascae 7.3.4 Using a network printer for each building instead of personal printers (the already my S£cTON.s WASTE SEGREGATION & REDUCED WASTE GENERATION hea a etmeatetlelel atcaoha Date HSE: 4.46 saors J | 05 TY: Ms 4.2.1 () Desig. Sign. [HSE Engr aloe Ow se Guia) DOCUMENT CODE | SAF.WP.MS-038 | REV.# | 00 [REV.DATE| - | PAGE | 90f9 8.1.3. Launching an own mug for each employee system in the buildings will be in the area of responsibilty of each GO team member (for his department / building). 8.1.4 Training center and all departments will be responsible for reusing the name tags used in trainings / sessions. 8.2 Waste Segregation and Recycling ‘The amounts of generated mixed waste will be reported on monthly basis or on agreed frequency by green office coordinator & team members to WWF Pakistan. This segregation of the generated waste into recyctables and non-recyclables will be done by taking following initial steps: 824 822 823 824 825 A set of four different colored waste bins (paper, plastics, food / organic waste & ‘ther) will be placed in each building for the collection of segregated wastes, Staff will be trained by Green Office team member of each building on the segregation of waste and the janitorial staff for weighing each type of waste ‘separately on daily basis. The weighed amounts wil be recorded on a log sheet each day. Respective Building's Green office team member shall be responsible for this record keeping, ‘The instructions for waste separation will be di ‘and in other visible spots. All the employees willbe trained by Green office team member of each building on Using all other waste bins (either in corridors, offices or under their desks) only for dumping paper wastes. ‘Trainings for awareness of all management and staff employees will be arranged on waste separation and recycling in D-Level forums, layed near the waste bins / drums 8.2.6 Use of disposable items like cups, plates, cutlery and polythene bags will be strongly discouraged at sit. ORIGINAL, 8.3 Future Waste Management Plans WHEN IN RED ‘A few plans that may be implemented in future as and when required include: 834 832 833 834 835 ‘Arranging ways to recycle used office and mailing supplies (find vendors and recyclers) ‘Making sure hazardous waste and electric and electronic appliances are disposed of appropriately, ‘Separating the tea waste for use as organic manure. Envelopes will be received either through intemal and / or external mail will be reused as far as possible. Find “Recycling Vendors’ who can take solid waste from our office and arrange recycling at their end. ROUTE | PREPARED EY | REVIEWED | APPROVED BY | EPERENEE Tame [adron shai [Wo Ur Rev Sq [ Foran oe Bo Date 910-15 9-10-15 i aa : =k cis 4210 Desig. Sign. | HSE Engr Sahl OM HSE UZ. | em (uta)

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