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Leaner Name. ……………….............................................................


Level:. O LEVEL

Cala Type: Pen and Paper

Learning Area: HISTORY

Syllabus Topic: Formation of pre-colonial States

By the end of the course, learners should demonstrate the ability to;

Recall, select and describe historical events in their contexts.

Analyse, interpret and evaluate historical evidence, points of view, opinions and value judgements and
detect bias.

Explain concepts and issues that relate to history, population, gender, human rights and democracy.

Emphasize with the past and interpret events and make decisions on a particular period in light of the
information and conditions prevailing at the time.

Assess the significance and relevance of information and draw reasoned conclusion

The pre-colonial African states cattle had been an important measure of wealth, a status symbol
and had various uses. However its role have since changed to become less important in modern
society. This Cala will account for its loss of value.

Cala Activities
1. List 10 uses of cattle in African culture society [10]
2. Explain any 5 (five) reasons why cattle have lost value in modern society[10]
3. Suggest recommendations or solutions to restore value of cattle in this 21st Century [10]

CRITERIA/ Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


Uses of cattle 10 uses of Able to raise at Raise half of the Inadequate uses
[10] cattle least 7 uses of points needed but raised without
[10] marks cattle not enough relevant
[7-9] marks [5-6] marks [0-4] marks

Reasons for losing value Explained Four reasons Three reasons Reasons without
[10] reasons which explained explained explanation
are relevant [7-9] marks [5-6] marks [0-4] marks
[10] marks

Recommendations/ Correct Incomplete Half baked Incorrect and

solution recommendati recommendation Recommendation poor
[10] ons but relevant s recommendations
[10] marks [7-9] marks [5-6] marks given
[0-4] marks

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