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Google Analytics Basics

John Sammon
CEO, Sixth City Marketing
About Sixth City Marketing
•  Advertising agency specializing in internet marketing

•  Mission is to help client’s achieve their marketing goals through

online marketing campaigns

Search Web Design Web Design

Engine Pay Per Click Social Media Video
& for
Optimization Marketing Marketing Production
Development Conversion
Showing Value to the Boss

Value to company = how much you either save or make it

Goals of Webinar
•  Review basics of Google Analytics

•  Hyper focused on key metrics that matter the most the bottom line or
your own marketing goals

•  Be able to read baseline metrics and present those to the powers that

•  Establish how you are doing and then help you take next steps to
About Google Analytics
•  Industry standard for website metrics

•  Shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can
enhance their visitor experience

•  With this information, you can improve your website return on investment, increase
conversions, and make more money on the web

•  Absolutely free to install on your website (entire website or sections of website)

•  Provides endless data

Key Screen 1: Audience - Overview
Key Metrics
•  Sessions - The total number of people coming to your website in a period of time.
Formerly referred to as “visitors”

•  Users - the number of unique people coming to your website in a period of time.
Formerly referred to as “unique visitors”

•  Pageviews - Total number of pages viewed on your site.

•  Bounce rate - Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. instances in
which the person left your site after viewing only one page). Can be an indication that a
page in not relevant to the visitor

•  Time on site - Time on site is one way of measuring visit quality. If visitors spend a
long time visiting your site, they may be interacting extensively with it.
Goals or Conversions
These are milestones that you can define in Google Analytics to chart
successes. These are not defined in analytics by default.


•  If a user spends a certain amount of time on your website

•  If a user views over X pages on your website

•  Website form submissions

•  Plays a video/ .pdf download

Goals or Conversions
Google Analytics Channels
•  Direct - Visitors typing in your URL or any page of your URL to visit your website

•  Organic search – Visitors searching for terms on Google, Bing or Yahoo and clicking on the
“non-paid” or natural listings. These are listings that do not have the “ad” icon to the left of

•  Social – Visitors coming to your website from popular social websites such as Facebook,
Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube.

•  Paid- Visitors coming to your website from pay per click advertising channels. These can be
Google AdWords, paid Facebook and paid Linkedin

•  Referral- People visiting your website from other websites that are not social media
channels and major search engines
Key Reporting Data
A core component of our reporting - highlighting changes in:

•  Overall traffic (year over year or month over month)

•  Traffic for key online marketing channels (i.e. direct, social,

organic, paid)

•  Conversions (i.e. online form submissions and sales)

Highlighting Changes
Goals or Conversions
Critical to dissecting the effectiveness of what we are
trying to achieve. Once it is set up, you can view the:

•  Most effective channels

•  Best performing landing pages

•  Identify deficiencies in pages

•  Be more critical of campaign performance

Other Critical Key Views
•  Behavior – Site Content – All Pages
•  Behavior – Site Content – Landing
•  Review performance of landing pages
which includes goals/conversions
•  Audience – Geo - Location
•  Audience – Mobile - Devices
Free Strategy Session
Because of your participation, we would like to offer you a online marketing
strategy session for your site
•  In that we provide:
•  Review of website analytics
•  Search engine optimization key terms
•  Make recommendations on improvements (quick win impact)

Contact John Sammon at 440-821-1425 or

Please use the chat feature of or email me your question at

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