Real Time - Support: Project Pool / Competency

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Pool / Competency Project

(from here they will (work from
send CV to other day 1)

 Raise a ticket for request access

 Share the ticket details with manager to get the required approvals
 Once we get approvals, client IT team will create the LDAP on your name
 If an employee is in pool, he will have interview only for 10-20 minutes while taking to project.
 Raise ticket to install required software’s like TOAD, VPN (Virtual Private Network), Outlook etc.
 Validate login details
 Take access to share point to view client documents & point of contacts list
 Knowledge transfer plan


 High level overview of oracle receivables and financial modules, customization.
 Interfaces (staging tables)
 Common responsibilities used
 Service Request (SR) access details
 Known issues / repeated issues
 Month end closing activities
 Templates used for documentation
 Ticket life cycle process & KT on ticketing tool (Service now, BMC, Remedy, Nshore, SFDC, Jeera
– BMC & Remedy owned by same company)
 Mailing templates on drafts.
Note: Share point owned by Microsoft.


Finance SCM HRMS
4+1 5+1 4+1
1 2 2

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 Usually in manufactured companies SCM will have many issues when compared to finance. SCM
usually get more issue in modules like Inventory  Order Management  Purchasing
 Here we provide support 24x7 as countries have different time zone.
 DBA 3 persons will work in each shift respectively.


Finance SCM HRMS
1 1 2
 For HRMS 1 person will be dedicated to payroll everytime.


 Ticket is also known as incident.
User creates a ticket for issue

Ticket is picked up by the global help desk & review ticket details User
L1 Help Desk
Help desk assigns ticket to respective groups like Finance, SCM, HRMS L2 Support Team
L3 Key Users / IT
Manager of
Client Side
TL verifies the group queue & assigns the ticket to team members

Team member will acknowledge the ticket & communicates with user

Perform RCA to identify the issue

Update user with relevant information

Fix the issue

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Take approval from client IT team & move solution to production

Take confirmation from user & mark the issue as closed.

Issue Type

Re-Producible Issue Non - Re-Producible Issue

Reproducible Issue: When user & support consultant replicates the same issue it is known as
reproducible issue. Ex: payment terms when user & support consultant does it, will have same impact.
Non Reproducible Issue: When user & support consultant can’t replicate the same.

In case of Re-producible Issue we follow the below.

Development Instance Test/UAT Instance

Production Instance

 When there is an issue in production instance it is replicated in development instance first. Once
there is a fix we will implement the same in test instance & after signoff & prior approvals we
will implement same fix in the production.

User creates a ticket for issue

Ticket is picked up by the global help desk & review ticket details User
L1 Help Desk
Help desk assigns ticket to respective groups like Finance, SCM, HRMS L2 Support Team
L3 Key Users / IT
Manager of
Client Side
TL verifies the group queue & assigns the ticket to team members

Team member will acknowledge the ticket and communicate with user.

Support team will try to replicate the issue in development instance & will try to
fix the issues.

Once the issues are fixed in development instance, we apply same solution to
UAT/Test instance

After applying the fix in UAT instance we will request the user to run test cases to
confirm the issue is fixed.

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Once we receive the confirmation we apply the fix in production instance with
prior approvals for changes to be implemented.

After applying the fix in production we take the confirmation from user & close

In case of Non - Re-producible Issue we follow the below.

Development Instance Test/UAT Instance 31-oct-2017

Production Instance – Up to Date

 Usually we have up to date data in production instance as it is live system. When there is an
issue in production instance we cannot replicate the issue in development/test as we don’t have
update information. For this we will clone the production instance to development or test
 Clone: copying the complete data of production to other – once cloning is done all past date will
be erased. Once there is a fix we will test it & after signoff & prior approvals we will do in
production instance. This is done by DBA team & usually it takes 6to8 hours and only in
weekends, also inform to employees.

User creates a ticket for issue

Ticket is picked up by the global help desk & review ticket details User
L1 Help Desk
Help desk assigns ticket to respective groups like Finance, SCM, HRMS L2 Support Team
L3 Key Users / IT
Manager of
Client Side
TL verifies the group queue & assigns the ticket to team members

Team member will acknowledge the ticket and communicate with user.

Support team will try to replicate the issue on development instance, if the
support team is unable to replicate the issue they will request for a production

Once the production clone is available, support team will work on fixing the issues
in Test/Development instance (where clone is done).

Once the fix is applied in UAT instance we will request the user to run test cases
to confirm the issue is fixed.

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Once we receive the confirmation we apply the fix in production with prior
approvals for changes to be implemented.

After applying the fix in production we take the confirmation from user & close
the ticket.

Introduction: If client asks for any task/functionality which is not mentioned in the contract we will raise
change request for that. For this we charge the client for number of hours spent. Usually this is moved
to production instance Tuesday or Thursday (most companies follow this).

User creates a ticket for issue

Ticket is picked up by the global help desk & review ticket details User
L1 Help Desk
Help desk assigns ticket to respective groups like Finance, SCM, HRMS L2 Support Team
L3 Key Users / IT
Manager of
Client Side
TL verifies the group queue & assigns the ticket to team members

Team member will acknowledge the ticket and communicate with user.

Support team creates a CR & submits the proposal to client Project Manager. POC
(point of contact; on trial & error)

Support team will do the setups in development instance and perform testing to
check the functionality is working fine.

After successful completion in development instance, support team will do same

setups in test instance.

Support team will prepare the test cases and shares the same with user to
perform testing.

User will run the test cases and provides the signoff.

Support team prepares MD 120 – Migration document

Support team attaches the MD 120 and test case results to CR & submits the same
for approval (client IT team)

Client approves the change and specifies the timelines to move the changes to

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Support team raise access request for the required responsibilities to move the
changes to production.

Once we obtain the approvals from the client we deploy the changes in
production as per the approved time lines.

After production deploy we send mail to user to check and provide confirmation
to close the incident.

We close the ticket and CR

Priority Priority SLA Time to Fix SLA Time to Acknowledge
P1 Critical 5-8 hours 15 minutes
P2 High 5 hours to 1 day 15 minutes
P3 Medium 1-2 Days 30 minutes
P4 Low 2-5 Days 30 minutes
P1 Issues:
 Users are unable to login (Bulk users only)
 System connectivity issues (Bulk users only)
 Unable to make payments (always P1)
 Unable to close periods
 Unable to pen forms for booking transactions
P2 Issues:
 Unable to validate invoices (at the time of period close)
 Unable to complete payment batches – always P2
 Unable to account transactions
 Unable to import data from feeder & sub ledgers (at the time of period close)
 Unable to import exchange rates(at the time of period close – else P4)
P3 Issues:
 Unable to import data from feeder & sub ledgers
 Forms issue while queering transactions
 Form version update issues
 Invoice hold issues
P4 Issues:
 New CR (New reports; forms; workflows)
 New setups (new responsibilities; new functionality setups)
 Report modification (adding new column and rows, removing columns and rows, font changes
 Report issues like data reconciliations, incorrect balances etc.
Product Bug: Error with the Oracle – Raise SR. No effect of SLA
System Bus: Error with system – Internal Issue.


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S.No Status Name Details

1 Assigned Ticket is assigned to consultant
2 In Progress Acknowledge ticket and started working on it
3 Pending with Vendor Pending with Oracle to provide the issue resolution
4 Pending with Team Member Pending with technical/DBA team to help on fixing the issue
5 Pending with User Pending with user to provide additional details to work on
6 Pending for Testing Fix is applied in UAT/Test and waiting for user to test and provide
7 Pending for Approvals Testing is completed and need to migrate the issue to production
once approvals are obtained.
8 Pending for Migration Migration approvals are provided. Waiting for the fix to be
applied in production instance.
9 Pending for Confirmation Fix is applied in production & waiting for user to provide issue fix
confirmation mail
10 Resolved Issue is resolved & confirmation received. Waiting to close ticket
11 Closed Ticket is closed.
 When ticket is assigned SLA comes in to picture
 When status is resolved ticket moves to L1 for total check and they will close it. Audit takes


Oracle GL Interface Table Sub Ledger (AP, AR, GL, CM, FA & PO)
Feeder System

 Feeder System: Other than Oracle

 Banking systems like T24, Flexi Cube, Mainframes and Point of Sales

1 Journals GL_Interface GL_JE_Headers

After posting
2 Daily Exchange Rates GL_Daily_Rates_Interfaces GL_Daily Rates
3 Budget Journals GL_Budget_Interfaces GL_Budget_Types

GL Interface Errors:
If we disable any code combinations (GLAccountCombinations) that respective account will not
display in any report. If required we have to reclassify and disable.

Issue: Invalid Code Combinations. Below are the ways to correct:

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 Delete JE from GL Interface & enter a New JE from correct accounts

 Correct the GL codes and import
Correct the GL Codes & Import:
 GL Responsibility  journals  Import  Current
 Ledger: xxxxPL
 Group ID: xxxxxx (we can get this from SRS Output)
 Click on Accounts tab to view code combination and enter the correct account  Save
 To Import: Journals  Import  Run
 Source: Spreadsheet
 PL: xxx PL
 Selection Criteria: Specific Group ID
 Specific Value: xxxxx (Group ID)
 Click on Import  Yes  Ok
 Click on view  Request  Find  click on output: Status: Success (system
automatically creates a batch).
 Review journal in system Journals  Enter  Batch name – enter  Review  Post
Note: If user disabled any account ask him why he did that & make corrections.

Issue: When code combinations fail check:

Journals  Account  Combinations to check account is enabled or not. Else check whether allow
dynamic inserts is enabled or not.

Issue: Sequential Numbering Error. When sequential numbering is not assigned for journal category of a
PL & company made it as mandatory.
Solution: we should assign to JE category of that PL.
 GL: Sequential Numbering  Define
 Name: DM_SEQ; Application: GL; From: Date; Type: Automatic;  Click on Save & Close.
 GL: Sequential Numbering  Assign
 Application: GL; Category: Adjustment; PL: xx PL; Method: Manual/Automatic;
Sequence: DM_Sequence (which we created); click on Save & Close
Import: Journals  Import  Run (Fill Parameters) – SRS  Check output.

Note: Sequential Numbering Method

Manual: gives numbering only for manually updated journals
Automatic: gives numbering only for imported/sub ledger journals
Null: gives numbering for both manually and automatic journals
Now import again to the result. We should also understand in which scenario client is doing this.

Issue: Journal Import for closed period or non opened period.

Issues to be practiced by us:
 Enter foreign currency journals without defining daily rates.
 Entered unbalanced journals
 Disable a segment value and try uploading journals using the disabled code – enter journals and
try posting journal.

Posting Errors: We have 33 types of errors.

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Time Stamp: To defend our analysis with client we provide the timings of the record history.
Issue 1: User got error of invalid code combination while posting, but he is able to create line with code
Solution: User posted JE after disabling the code combination
JE created @ 10:11
JE Disabled @ 10:12
JE Posted @ 10:20 (we should send this time stamp to client as a proof)

Issue2: Unopened period in RL & daily rates not defined.

Solution: open period in RL & post the ledger.
 Conversion rates should be functional to reporting ledger currency for this we should create the
 In PL: AUD to INR; RL: currency is USD
 Here we should create two conversion rates for PL: AUD to INR; RL: AUD to USD

Period Close/Open Error:

For multiple countries if we have same server period open or close will become an issue due to time gap
of different nations. To avoid this we should make once country as common and only in that country we
should open or close all periods.


Accounts Payable SLA Tables GL_Interface

Run Reports Post Journals Journal Import

AP Invoice Base Tables AP Payment Base Tables

AP_Invoices_All AP_Payments_All
AP_Invoices_Lines_All AP_Checks_All (check info)
AP_Payments_Schedules_All (Due date will be stored here)

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Suppliers Base Tables

AP_Supliers_All Bank, Branches & Account Base Tables
AP_Supplier_Site_All CE_Banks
AP_Supplier_Contacts (Works at Header Level) CE_Banks_Branches
IBY_Ext_Bank_Accounts (system no. will be stored) CE_Banks_Account_Uses_All
PO_Vendors_All (View Tables) CE_Payment_Documents (we have check details)

SLA Tables AP Interface Tables

XLA_AE_Headers AP_Invoice_Interface
XLA_AE_Lines AP_Invoice_Lines_Interface
XLA_Events (Type of invoices) AP_Interface_Rejections

Issue: Holds & Releases – These are manual and system. They go hand in hand & most of the holds are
system holds.
Custom Holds: we can create holds based on business requirements.
Purpose: Set control to stop making payments.
Tolerance: We set tolerance for Goods (quantity variance) & Services (price variance).
Distribution Hold: when header & line amount is same and distribution is different.
Line Variance Hold: when header & distribution amount is same and line amount is different.
-------------------create sample errors invoices for above-----------------------------------

Other Holds:
Quantity Holds
Quantity receiving holds
Price holds

When we assign tolerances holds comes in to picture. Below are the steps:
 Define Tolerances
 Assign Tolerances to Suppliers
 Testing: Create PO for 100 Qty
 Match invoice with 120 qty
 System puts invoice on hold
 Create CM & apply against the PO to reduce billed quantity
 Validate invoice to release from hold

Define Tolerances (for Goods): Quantity Ord Hold

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Switch to AP  Setup  Invoices  Tolerances

Name: DM_Goods_Tolerance; Description: DM_Goods_Tolerance
Type: Goods; Tolerance: 10%;Ordered: 10; Maximum Ordered: (ordered and max ordered only one
can be used at a time); received: 0%; Price: 0% Exchange Rate Amount: Enabled  Save.
Define Tolerances (for Service):
Switch to AP  Setup  Invoices  Tolerances
Name: DM_Service_Tolerance; Type: Services; Price:0%;  Save
Assign Tolerances to Supplier:
AP  Open our supplier  Check in enable box of supplier and click on update  Go to Invoice
Management  Click on Invoice Tolerance  Select our tolerances  scroll to right – mention service
tolerance Click on Save.
Create PO:
Switch to PO  Purchase Order  Purchase Order
Supplier: xx; Select quantity, item, price, units; Set Match Option: PO Save  Approve
Create Invoice:
Switch to AP  Invoices  Entry  Invoices
PO Number: 1; Match Option: PO; Click on Match; Give quantity of 120
 If we give PO number it matches with entire PO (it may have multiple lines). If we give line
number it will match with line & if shipment is given it will match with shipment.
 If we do manual release our user name will be captured. NOT TO DO

Solutions: we have 3 different types of solutions which are as below:

1. Go to PO & Correct Amount
2. We can do manual release
3. Create CM & Release (Most Used)
1 - Go to PO & Correct Amount: Switch to PO and open respective PO, change the amount.
 PO  Purchase Order  Purchase Order  Open our PO & correct amount to 120  Save 
Approve – system generates PO revision number in case of approved PO, to make a note that it
is revised.
 Switch to AP  Invoices  Entry  Invoices  Open our invoice  Validate – hold will be
2 - We can do manual release:
Go to invoice  Click on Holds tab  select a reason & click on Release.
3 – Create CM & Release (Most Used):
 AP  Create an Invoice for 10000 with matching option as PO – Validate creates a hold.
 Create CM for -2000 with matching option as PO  Click on Match  Select PO  Enter
Quantity -20  Save Record  Close
 Select Invoice & CM  Click on Validate.
 Switch to PO – Purchase Order  Purchasing Summary  Open our PO  Click on Inquiry 
View Invoices – with this we can find how many invoices are matched with this PO.
 Click on lines & shipments to check whether it is matched with line/shipment. Tools  Control
 if we select action as close that line will be closed for matching. If we select Finally closed we
cannot modify the PO.
PO Status:
 Incomplete
 In progress

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 Closed
 Finally closed
 Cancelled
 Approved
 Re-approval


When billed quantity exceeded the received quantity we get these holds.
 Create a PO with 100 quantities
 Create a receipt with 120
 Create an invoice with 120 quantities – we will Invoice received Hold.
 Create a CM for remaining 20

Note: If quantity is less than the ordered no hold will comes to picture. If invoice quantity is > PO /
received quantity hold comes to picture.

PO – 100 QTY Here we will not get any because receipt & invoice are less than the PO QTY.
Receipt – 80 QTY
Invoice – 80

PO – 100 QTY Here we will not get Received quantity hold as invoice QTY is > Receipt QTY.
Receipt – 80 QTY
Invoice - 90

PO – 100 QTY Here we will get 3 Holds Ordered QTY, Received QTY & Inspected QTY.
Receipt – 80 QTY
Inspection – 80 QTY
Invoice – 120 QTY
Note: Quantity ordered, quantity received is most frequent errors.

When there is a price variance from PO to Invoice we will get this hold.
 Create a PO for 100 QTY @ price 10
 Create an Invoice for 100 QTY @ price 15 (we do this @ MATCH): Here invoice price exceeds PO
price – this leads to HOLD.
Note: Invoice price variance account defaults from Invoice Options (other accounts tab).
 Manual Release – We do this when supplier says price increased after creating the PO
 Create CM & reduce the supplier liability
Create CM Solution: Create CM for 5 price difference – Match Option: PO; Payment Terms: Immediate;
click on corrections  click on Price Correction  Find  Enable the line  mention price 5 (difference
price)  Save & Close  Validate the CM & Invoice to release the hold.

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Issue: Credit amount not considered in payment batch (for this kind of issues we should speak to user)
 Ex: Party X has invoice for 10k & CM for 1k = Payment of 9k to be made but its charging 10k
only. Here PPR and Payment Batch ignore the CM or negative values.
 Uncheck “Pay Alone” option at supplier site. This is future solution.
 For current document  Query invoice workbench  Go to show field  uncheck “Pay Alone”.

Issue: Unable to update employee bank account information at invoice header level – grey out
Enable Allow remit to supplier override & Enable allow remit to account override at payable options.
Past Invoice: Query Invoice  Click on Schedule Payment tab  In Remit to bank account you can enter
bank account information.

Issue: Supplier has two Prepayment invoices and while running Expense Report it shows as 1
prepayment invoice with amount combined. User says without selecting those two invoices it should not
Solution: Raised SR & they told it is standard functionality and cannot be changed.

Issue: Unable to see OU name in report level LOV – This is a form error.
 Switch to System Administration responsibility  Concurrent  Programs
 Application: Payables
 Program: Payables Posted Invoice  Update
 Click on Request tab
 Enable Allow multiple pending requests Enable Save  Click on Apply

Note: APTB report shows all outstanding balances. If invoice is paid & transferred to GL this info will not
be displayed. If the invoice is paid & not transferred to GL this kind of balances will be in report.
Issue: Payment records are showing in APTB report – we do this at month end.
Requirements: AP user will provide problematic invoice numbers.
 Query invoice and verify below statuses.
 Check if it is validated, create accounting, and transfer to GL, payment and report – also check
when these actions are performed. Example is below:
Validated Create Accounting Transfer to GL Payment Report
rd rd th th
3 December 3 December 8 December 7 December 9th December
 In report we have APTB definition name
 Query APB – Switch to AP: Setup  Accounting Setup  Sub-ledger Accounting Setup  Open
Account Balances  Click on Update  Click on Apply
 If this is not fixed we have to raise SR.
 We should also remove CACHE. To do switch to Functional Administrator responsibility  Core
Services  Remove Cache.


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If user validates the invoice after a long time & by that time GL team disables/inactivate the account
code combination we get these kinds of holds. Solution: User alternative account.
Usually company set some quantity as benchmark & bookings should be done with that minimum & not
less than that, if anyone books less than that quantity we will get a HOLD. Solution: book with minimum.


When tax is calculated by giving date where periods are over for special calendar we will get hold.
Usually for calculating tax this will be enough but if we want to create invoice for the tax we need
special calendar. Example: Special ends by December 2017 & user gives January 2018 now hold takes


Due to bug sometimes even though we mention exchange rate it will disappear & exchange rate missing
hold takes place. To avoid this we should run Auto Report in SRS – this helps to repopulate exchange
rates automatically.


Reason to Create: When there is an issue, bug or if we need any clarifications we raise SR. We segregate
severity on the four levels which are as below:
 Sev1
 Sev2
 Sev3
 Sev4
SEV 1: We should be getting an update for every 1 hour from oracle. They work for both 9-6 shift and
24x7 timings. After 9-6 shift they should transfer ticket to other country that will working after them &
both these parties should respond in one hour.
 To rise SR go to
 We should have login, password, CSI (Customer Service Identifier - Number). Without this CSI we
cannot access to site. CSI should be linked to ID then only we can raise SR.
 Click on Sign in - Enter credentials
 Click on Knowledge tab – In search bar we can find all frequently asked errors. Search with error
code/description then we can find detailed solution.
 Click on Service Request tab  Click on Crete
 Problem: Error Code
 Summary: Unable to calculate tax
 Problem Description: Unable to calculate tax
 Error Codes: Optional
 Product: Select Module (AP,AR,GL,CM & FA)
 Product Version: 12:1:3
 Language: English
 Operating System: Windows/Linux etc
 DB Version: (in instance click on Help  About Oracle Apps)
 Problem Type: Topics to be selected
 Support Identifier: CSI number  Click on Next  Next.
 Enter detailed description – “We are unable to calculate taxed on paid invoices”. Upload
setup related documents  Click on Next.

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 Select severity 2 (usually we select 2 only). In case of SEV 1 we have to give manager
details & 1 more consultant details  click on Submit.
 At least we need to chase Oracle team 2 times a day (this will be tracked).
 Click on Add Update – to enter details  Click on Post Update
 We can find toll free number from Google.
 We can change the severity of SR SEV 2 to SEV 3 from SR window. If want to move SEV2
to SEV1 we can do this only by calling to toll free number.
Certain Pre-Requisites for Raising SR:
 AP List
 Apps Check
Details required for running above prerequisites:
 Responsibility ID
 Application ID/Short Name
 Ledger ID
 Invoice ID
 Check ID
Responsibility ID: We need to identify the responsibility ID. If we are doing from oracle application it is
front end and backend means doing in TOAD/SQL.
 Switch to SysAdmin responsibility  Security  Responsibility Define.
 Search & open our responsibility  Help  Diagnostics  Examine – It will ask for credentials
ID: Apps; PW: Apps.
 Select Field as Responsibility ID – now we can see the responsibility ID number.
 We can query only with responsibility number - follow above process to find responsibility ID.
 Responsibility name is editable – we can edit after saving also.
 Responsibility key is Non-Editable & unique. So we should use responsibility key for queering.
Application ID/Short Name:
 We will get this information with the above process.
 All responsibilities which we create are CUSTOM responsibilities because those are not available
with Oracle directly. We should prefix ‘XX’ or ‘ZZ’ before all custom responsibilities.
Ledger ID:
 Switch to GL: Setup  Financials  Accounting Setup Manager  Accounting Setups  Query
our PL  Click on Update Accounting Options  Click on PL Short Name (it is created by system
– it includes ledger ID).
 Example: DM_PL_1971 INR - Here number is Ledger ID & short name combines ledger ID &
functional currency code.
 Code: “DM_Primary_Ledger%” – you can see short name in TOAD.
Invoice ID:
 Switch to AP: Invoices  Entry  Invoices  query our invoice Click on Help  Diagnostics
 Examine – Field: Invoice ID select and you can see the value. Note: only few companies
provide access for this window.
 Backend: select * from AP_Invoices_All, where Inv_number like’%HL 124%’ enter & you can see
invoice ID.

Check ID:
 Select * from AP_Checks_All where check number = ‘346’ enter you can see ID of check.

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 Note: query table first & add info for that table. It will be easy to fetch the data.

Certain Pre-Requisites for Raising SR:

AP List:
Purpose: To cross check whether data is available in respective tables or not. Switch to Application
Diagnostics Responsibility  Click on Diagnose  Select Application  Search for Payables  Enable
check box for SQLAP  Click on select  Go to Invoice  Enable check box of Invoice data Click on
Execute  Select our Responsibility.
 Invoice ID: xxxxx
 Include GL Tables: Yes
 Include Related Data: Yes
 Click on Submit
 Click on Download  Click on Review  Upload to SR
Apps Check:
This report is available only for PO/OM. Switch to PO: Click on View  Requests  Submit new request
 Single request & ok  Select Diagnostics apps check  App: Payables (parameter)  Click on Submit
 Refresh  Review output
This will give information of patch level for our forms. Sol: They might recommend update for patch. 
Click on Download  upload to SR.
RDA (Remote Diagnostic Agent):
Switch to Application Diagnostics Responsibility  Diagnostics  in Search: Application: Payables 
Enable RDA  Execute
 Responsibility ID: xxxxxx
 Application Short Name: xxxx
 Application Short Name: xxxxxx
 Apps Schema User Name: xxxxx (In real time we don’t have & need to ask DBA)
 Apps Schema Password: xxxxx (In real time we don’t have & need to ask DBA)
 Click on Submit  Refresh  Download  Review  Upload to SR.
GDF (Generic Data Fix):
 This is a kind of PATCH. There is no standard functionality for this. DBA has to make a patch to
get this functionality.
 For this we need t run a program “AP Single Transaction Validation” using this we apply patch
and we run GDF report. We can know what kind of patch to be applied.
 Parameters – Invoice ID
 Get report and upload to SR.

We have 3 kinds of patches:
1. Database Patch
2. Application Patch
3. GDF (Generic Data Fix)
Only DBA team can apply this. This should be performed in Development instance first and same to be
done in test instance & ask user to check the result, if the result is success he will sign off. Then we have
to perform in production with prior approvals.
Database Patch: This is related to Operating System and product.
Application Patch:
 These are form errors – Reason is it blocked in backend and cannot be queered.

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 You may not be able to check in the fields.

 It may also because of older form versions.
 If you use tab it will jump to other field but if you place cursor in next column it is known as
FORM ERROR. Form to be updated.
 Any customization oracle doesn’t provide support/update.
GDF (Generic Data Fix) Patch:
 This is related to transaction based patch.
 Unable to do create accounting, make payment
 We have three types of scripts:
 Select script
 Update script
 Fix script
Issue: “User unable to create accounting for foreign currency journal”. Invoice created in USD (foreign
currency) & INR is functional currency. It is converted with help of exchange rates. Here DR balances will
not match with CR.
Charge A/C Dr 6500
To WHT A/C 3125.56
To AP Liability A/C 6187.42 – Total is 6187.42
This leads to create accounting issue.
Q: WHT charged on foreign currency journal and after conversion from foreign currency to functional
currency Dr Balances not equal to Cr balances.
 Raise SR and provide GDF file
 Oracle provides GDF patch & DBA has to apply.
Note: 3 scripts are available in one patch.
Select Script: WHT identifies all invoices which have similar issues – 10
Update Script: Set flag to ‘Y’ for invoice INV123, if client want to fix 10 set flag to all invoices
Fix Script: Run fix script to fix the issue.
 Run create accounting – If issue is not fixed update oracle support with fix log file and new AP
 We do in development instance  we do in test instance and ask user to run create accounting
and if he says running  Apply in Production Instance.
 To check Patch: Sysadmin Responsibility  Oracle App Manager  Patching & Utilities 
Patch: enter number & you can complete details and whether it is fixed or not.
 Patch Wizard: Here we can do patch analysis – navigation is above one.

Form Issues: These are mostly due to session locks.
 Unable to cancel invoices (Wrong Invoice cancellation)
 Unable to discard invoices (Here invoice header info is correct & line info is incorrect. We can
discard that line and can use same invoice. Benefit is we can use same invoice number)
 Distribution Reverse (select distribution and click on Reverse – we can use only for manual
Note: For all form issues we provide App Check and AP List files.
Performance Issues: Take more time to perform a task generally more time than the standard. Ex:
Invoice validation takes 20 minutes – this is a performance issue. We can fix this with the below:
 Trace with blinds

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 Trace without blinds

Profile options: for this we need to enable the below profile options.
 Fnd: Debug log enables
 Fnd: Debug log level
 Fnd: Debug log mode
 Fnd: Diagnostics
 Enable YES for all above 4 profile options. After completion of job we need to reset profile
options to NO. This creates a log file for each & every activity where profile option is enabled. If
we don’t reset to NO it leads to HUGE PERFORMANCE ISSUE as it creates a log file for all
activities and occupies more space in server.
 Enable user checkbox at profile option – this becomes user specific. Even if we forget to set
profile option to NO effect will be less & only for that user.
 SITE: This option will be given by oracle & we should select that only.
Enable Trace:
 Help  Diagnostics  Trace  Trace with binds (Oracle will suggest this). Do this before
performing task/running transaction. You will get a note – copy that message it has a path of our
log file. Send this to DBA. The will help you to get log file – send this to oracle.
 Now run a transaction & complete – here trace will capture timings of each field and prepare a
report. This will help to know severity of performance.


Order Management Sales Order

Accounts Receivables SLA Tables GL_Interface

Run Reports Post Journals Journal Import

AR Invoice Base Tables AR Receipt Base Tables

RA_Customer_Tnx_All AR_Cash_Receipts_All
RA_Customer_Tnx_lines AR_Receivable_App_All
RA_Customer_Tnx_line_GL_Distribution AR_Misc_Cash_Distribution_All
AR_Payment_Schedules_All AR_Cash_Receipt_History_All

Customer Base Tables

HZ_Cust_Acct_Sites_All (All sites info) Auto Lock Box Interface Tables
HZ_Cust_Site_Uses_All (site Purposes stored here) AR_Payments_Interface_All
HZ_Cust_Contact_Points (all customers contacts info) AR_Interim_Cash_Receipts_All
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HZ_Parties (All customer names info) AR_Interim_Cahs_RCPT_Lines_All
HZ_ Locations AR_Interim_Posting
SLA Tables AR Invoice Interface Tables
XLA_AE_Headers RA_Interface_Lines_All
XLA_AE_Lines RA_Interface_Distributions_All
XLA_Events (Type of invoices) RA_Interface_Salescredits_All
XLA_Distribution_Links RA_Interface_Errors_All

Issue: User unable to search customer information in customer form after updating address information.
 Try to replicate the same issue in Development/Test instance.
 Assign all responsibilities of user to support consultant before replicating the issue
 Search in metalink for the solution with the description.
 DQM synchronization – this program should be run in SRS to close the issue.
 If above is not available in SRS we should add the request group which user has. To Add
concurrent program request group  Go to user  check for request group and add it for
support consultant.
 Now run the DQM synchronization program for that responsibility in SRS.
 Run test cases from clone instance and attached ticket and share to the key user.
 Note: If the issue is not reproducible we will raise a SR.

Issue: Receipts created in negative amount (Negative unapplied receipt). Ex: Receipt header is 5k and
receipt created for 10k.
Raised SR & they suggested assigning profile option to that responsibility. “AR: Always Default
Transaction Balance for Application” & set to NO. If it is in YES we get error.


Lock Box Processing Report Stagging Table Auto lock Box Validation Program.
SQL Loader Program AR_Payment_Interface_All
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Interface Tables
Run post quick cash program to import the data from interface tables to receipt b


AR Receipts Base Tables



FA Base Tables
FA_Interface_Tables Stagging
FA_Additions Flat File
FA_Mass_Additions Tables

Transfer Data to GL_Interface

Import Data to GL Sub Ledger

FA Interface Tables FA Assets Base Tables

FA_Mass_Additions FA_Additions (all assets are stored here)
FA_Books (which corporate book is selected)
FA_Distribution_History (code combinations, locations re stored)

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FA Category Tables
FA_Categories FA Depreciation Results
FA_Category_Books FA_Deprn_Summary
SLA Tables
XLA_AE_Headers $$
XLA_Events (Type of invoices)

 While moving data from sub-ledger to GL we don’t have any staging table. AP  Interface Table
 GL
 While transferring data from any feeder system we have staging table. AP  Stagging Table
Interface Table  GL
 SLA tables are same in all modules.
 Interface Tables: These acts as data validation. It will match required data.

Issue: Depreciation programs are failed in production instance

ASK Them: Request user to provide log /output file. We can find reason of the issue in log file.
 Replicate the same issue
 Query same calendar in development / test instance
 We can see 2017 is last year. We have to extend the depreciation & pro rate calendar.

Few More Issues:

AP ISSUE: Unable to do create accounting for void payment and it is showing partial status instead of
processed status.
 Invoice is created, validated, accounted, paid, accounted, voided  Now create accounting
status is showing partial.
 To VOID: Query Invoice  Actions  Enable VOID.
PPR = made by payment batch
EFT = this kind of transfers doesn’t have any manual or cleared status.
Solution: create SR with oracle team and provide the below parameters:
 Upload screenshot
 Create Accounting – Output file & Log file (SRS  Click on Output – Mention Instance Name)
 RDA files
 Payment Diagnostics
 Invoice Diagnostics

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 Supplier Diagnostics
 Apps Diagnostics
Payment Diagnostics: we need payment ID – Switch to AP: Query payment form & Help  Diagnostics
 Examine – ID & PW is Apps  Select Field: Payment ID = xxxxx. Follow same process for Invoice &
Supplier. Fill parameters  Submit  View  Download & save file to upload to SR.
Switch to Apps Diagnostics  Select App  Go to Diagnose  Expand Invoice  Enable  Execute.
Apps Diagnostics: Switch to Purchasing responsibility  Run “Diagnostics Apps Check” in SRS.
Parameters are AP, PO, Payments & CM  Click on submits.

AP ISSUE: Unable to do accounting for cancelled invoice.

Solution: Raise SR  Get Fix – Provide all required documents

AR ISSUE: cursor movement not working at AR Receipt form.

Solution: Create SR – This is a form issue. Provided PATCH & DBA applied.
Provide below files:
 Upload Diagnostics Apps
 Upload Form Versions (Help  about Oracle Application)
 RDA – AR

Go to Patches & Update tab in SR window  Click on go you can have complete knowledge
How to Check Patch Applied or Not: We have two ways:
1) SysAdmin: Search – Ctrl+L – patch window will open  Enter Patch number & search
2) Go to Supplier/Customer page  Click on about this page  Patches  Enter Patch Number.
Note: If patch is 1 GB and client disagrees  We ask oracle team to give less memory patch/child patch.
In production we can only verify but testing is not allowed.

SR Issues:
Unable to do accounting for prepayment invoice. Sol: Raise SR  Upload Diagnostics file
Unable to do the validation for standard invoice. Sol: Raise SR  Upload RDA, INV, Supplier, Payment
files & screenshot.
Unable to cancel the invoice which is validated. Sol: Raise SR  RDA, INV, Supplier
Unable to create supplier site and showing error. Sol: Raise SR  Get Patch
Matching error in AP invoice level. Sol: Raise SR  Get Patch
Unable to search supplier in alphabetic way. Sol: Raise SR  FORM BEHAVIOUR.
Unexpected error during tax calculation. Sol: Raise SR
No remittances after confirming payment batch. Sol: Raise SR
Create accounting error for reconciled payments. Sol: Raise SR
Error message while adding bank details. Sol: Raise SR
Supplier merge form showing existing records. Sol: Raise SR  Get data fix.
APTB issue report showing paid invoices. Sol: Rise SR  get fix.

FA ISSUE: When standard report doesn’t show result.

Sol: SR team requested to trace mode report output and trace mode report log file. TO ENABLE TRACE:
Nav: Sysadmin  Concurrent Program  Define. Switch t o FA and run “depreciation project report”-
enable trace box. Run same file in SRS in QA instance  Oracle provided patch apply it.

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CM ISSUE: unable to clear “Payment Transaction” in CM

Sol: This strange behavior and FORM ISSUE  Raise SR  Get Fix.

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