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Example of the case of the immune system

1. Ms. X, aged 20, came to the hospital with complaints of canker sores that did not go
away and he had white stools in his mouth which he had been experiencing for almost 2
weeks. From the results of the examination, the doctor diagnosed Ms. X is infected with
HIV/AIDS, then what kind of infection occurred in the above case?
a. mouth infection
b. respiratory infection
c. Candidiasis infection
d. Acculturistic infection
e. Opportunistic infections
2. Mr. S 35 years old came to the hospital for the fourth time. The doctor who treated him
diagnosed that Mr. S has HIV and already has AIDS. The doctor also performs a physical
examination of the patient's integumentary system, what abnormalities do AIDS patients
suffer from?
a. There are white spots on the body
b. Dry and wrinkled skin
c. Red and itchy patches appear all over the body
d. There is a rash on the skin
e. Experiencing edema in the body
3. Mr. J, who is 25 years old, has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, Mr. J. admitted to the
doctor a few months after contracting HIV/AIDS that he felt tired easily and Mr. He
admitted that this situation greatly interfered with his activities. Isn't Mr. J.'s age still
classified as a productive age?. Which nursing diagnosis is suitable for the above case?
a. Nutritional imbalance
b. Activity intolerance
c. Knowledge deficiency
d. Sleep disorder
e. Ineffective airway Late clinical phase
4. The estimated population (people infected with the HIV/AIDS virus) in Jakarta, by 2020,
will reach 92,919 people and all of them must be tested. That is, 90 percent of those
infected will be aware of their status. 90 percent of people with HIV status get access to
services and treatment, and 90 percent of people living with HIV get treatment and ARV
(Anti Retro Viral) support, so it can reduce the amount of HIV virus in their blood to a
level of ?
a. Detected
b. Not detected
c. You can still see the virus in the blood
d. Leaving a little detectable
e. All wrong
5. Mr. K went to the hospital to consult a doctor because his nephew, who was less than 1
month old, had diarrhea, high fever and after an examination of his nephew, Mr. K. K
was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. From the case above, what factors caused Mr. K's
nephew who was still a baby to have HIV/AIDS?
a. Current medical history
b. Family health history
c. Past medical history
d. Family health history
e. Parenting or education pattern

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