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ICAO Doc 7192 - Training Manual Part B 5, Volume 2 Course Details

(Integrated Training CPL+IR)


AL 01 - International and national aviation law

* International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- Chicago convention
- Annexes
* National aviation organization, legislation and administration
- Statutory laws, orders and regulations.

AL 02 - Rules of the air

* Essential definitions
* ICAO Annex 2
* National legislation pertaining to rules of the air
* Visual flight rules (VFR)

AL 03 - Visual signals
* Distress and urgency signals
* Signals for aerodrome traffic
* Ground signals
* Markings on runways, taxiways and unpaved areas.

AL 04 - Flight Plans
* Types of flight plan
* Contents of flight plan, format
* How to file
* Adherence to plan
* Closing a flight plan.

AL 05 - Notification of accidents and incidents

* Definitions, ICAO Annex 13
* Legal requirements
* Air miss reports
* Other reports
* Accident investigation.

AL 06 - Airworthiness
* Registration of aircraft
* Certificate of airworthiness
* Required documents.

AL 07 - Rules relating to cross-country flights

* Rules for avoiding collisions
* Aerodrome traffic rules and procedures
* En-route procedures
* Flight plan requirements and procedures (review).

AL 08 - Search and rescue procedures

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* Organization of State search and rescue resources
* Communications
* Action required of pilots
* Action by survivors.

AL 09 - Privileges of holders of Private Pilot Licences

* As specified in national legislation
* Renewal requirements
* Medical fitness
* Provisions of ICAO Annex 1.

AL 10 - PPL Standards Examination

AL 11 - Examination review

AL 12 - General provisions of air legislation

* Public transport, aerial work, general aviation
* Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders
* Carriage of dangerous goods
* Oxygen supply
* Consumption of alcohol, before and during flight
* Smoking in flight
* Dropping of articles from aircraft
* Interception of civil aircraft.

AL 13 - Flight time limitations


AT 01 - Introduction to air traffic services

* ICAO Annex 11 definitions
* Divisions of air traffic services
* Types of controlled airspace
* Other types of airspace

AT 02 - Aeronautical information services

* Aeronautical information publication (AIP)
- AIP sections
- Amendment services
* Information circulars
* Notices to airmen (NOTAM).

AT 03 - Aerodrome control
* Operations on the aerodrome
- controlled aerodromes
- uncontrolled aerodromes
* Local flying
- use of runways
- visual circuit procedures.

AT 04 - Air Traffic Control

* Elements of an air traffic control system

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- area and airways control
- approach control
- aerodrome control
* Air traffic control clearances.

AT 05 - Obstruction clearance
* Obstructions
* Flight considerations
- safety altitudes
- altimeter settings.

AT 06 - Flight clear of controlled airspace

* Review definitions, controlled airspace, VFR, IFR, VMC, IMC.
* National rules for flight outside controlled airspace
* Practical applications.

AT 07 - CPL Standards Examination - combined air legislation and air traffic services.

AT 08 - Class and individual review of examination results.

AT 09 - Controlled airspace
* Review types of airspace
* National airspace configuration
- limits; vertical and horizontal
- controlling authorities
- names and designators for significant areas and points.

AT 10 - Procedures for flights in controlled airspace

* Minimum equipment for IFR flights and VFR flights in controlled airspace
* Air traffic control procedures
* Procedures for entering and leaving controlled airspace
* Navigation procedures
* RTF procedures and phraseologies.

AT 11 - Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

* Definitions
* IFR flight plans
* IFR clearances and communications
* Cruising levels and separation standards
* IFR flight outside controlled airspace
* Cancelling IFR.

AT 12 - IR Standards Examination in air traffic services for IFR flights.

AT 13 - Examination review


FA 01 - International flight handling

* International boundaries
* Entry and departure of aircraft
* Traffic handling

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* International health regulations
* Hazardous cargo.


HF 01 - Physiology factors
* Visual system
* Audiotory system
* Body awareness & fatique

HF 02 - Psychological factors & CRM

* Stress management
* Inter-personal communication
* Team work
* Conflict
* Decision making


SC 01 - Units of measurement
* ICAO Annex 5
- essential definitions
* International system of units (SI) - development of the system
* Primary units and alternative (non-SI) units in use in aviation
* Conversion factors for SI and non-SI units in common use

SC 02 - Basic principles of direct current (DC) electrics

* Useful sources of DC electricity
* Definitions
* Series and parallel circuits
* Static electricity

SC 03 - Elementary magnetism
* Theory of magnetism
* Electromagnetism

SC 04 - Terrestrial magnetism
* Earth's magnetic field
* Magnetic variation
* Magnetic dip

SC 05 - Gyroscopes
* Basic construction
* Fundamental properties
- rigidity and precession
* Factors affecting rigidity
* Gyro operation
* Application in aeroplanes


AP 01 - Effect of illness and drugs on flight crew

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* Common minor ailments
* Drugs
* Alcohol and other self-imposed stresses

AP 02 - Aviation physiology I (respiration)

* Hypoxia
* Effect of alcohol, smoking and some drugs
* Use of oxygen in civil aircraft
* Hyperventilation

AP 03 - Aviation physiology II (pressure changes)

* High-altitude flight
* Trapped gases
* Evolved gases (dysbarisms)
* Decompression
* Effect on the body of underwater diving

AP 04 - Aviation physiology III (disorientation)

* Normal system of orientation
* Sensory illusions
* Coping with sensory illusions

AP 05 - F a t i g u e
* Definition
* Causes
* Types
* Symptoms
* Prevention and treatment

AP 06 - H y g i e n e
* Personal hygiene
* Mental hygiene
* Environmental hygiene

AP 07 - S u r v i v a l
* Survival stresses
* Conditions
* Survival techniques


ME 01 - The Atmosphere
* Introduction to meteorology
* Simplified description of the atmosphere
* Temperature measurement
* Heat transfer

ME 02 - Pressure and pressure systems

* Measurement of atmospheric pressure
* Plotting of pressure on synoptic charts
* Prevailing world pressure systems
* General conditions associated with systems

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* Standard atmosphere

ME 03 - W i n d s
* Definition of terms
* Relationship of wind to pressure patterns
* Local surface wind effects
* Standing waves
* Reporting of wind velocity

ME 04 - Temperature
* Scales, units, measurement and conversion
* Atmospheric temperature distribution
* Surface temperature variations
* Seasonal and diurnal variations.

ME 05 - Atmospheric stability
* Vertical temperature distribution
* Lapse rates
* Humidity
* Stable/unstable air
* Adiabatic processes.

ME 06 - C l o u d s
* Cloud types
* Classification of clouds
* Cloud formation
* Hazards of flying in cloud.

ME 07 - Visibility
* Meteorological visibility
* Causes of reduced visibility
* Definitions
* Visibility in fog, cloud, precipitation

ME 08 - Precipitation
* Classification
* Association with cloud types
* Effect on visibility
* Measurement
* Conventional symbols

ME 09 - Meteorological services
(Note: a visit to the local meteorological office should be made in association with this topic)
* Presentation
* Weather-sequence codes
* Local area and aerodrome forecasts
* En-route and destination forecasts
* How information can be obtained:
- Local meteorological office
- telephone briefing
- radio broadcasts
- air-ground communications.

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ME 10 - Basic Altimetry
* Relationship of altimetry and atmospheric pressure
* Altimeter settings
* Altimeter problems.

ME 11 - F r o n t s
* Air masses
* Front formation
- warm, cold and occluded fronts
* Characteristics of fronts
- cloud type
- precipitation
- general weather conditions
* Weather changes with frontal passage.

ME 12 - Thunderstorms
* Conditions favourable for development
* Characteristic pattern
* Rate of growth
* Hazards to flying
* Takeoff and landing hazards

ME 13 - I c i n g
* Airframe icing
* Propeller icing
* Carburettor icing.

ME 14 - F o g
* Radiation fog
* Advection fog
* Frontal fog.

ME 15 - Climatology of the local area

* General influences
* Seasonal effects
* Diurnal effects
* Local effects.

ME 16 - Personal forecasting
* Development of personal weather sense
* Personal observation of weather
* Forecast based on personal observation.

ME 17 - PPL Standards Examination

ME 18 - Examination review

ME 19 - Turbulence
* Nature
* Effect on aircraft operations
* Classification of turbulence.

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ME 20 - Low-level windshear
* Causes and indications
* Critical conditions
* Effect of rapidly changing headwind component

ME 21 - World-wide weather
* Idealized general circulation
* Basic climatic zones
* General weather conditions in major areas of the world
* Features of special interest

ME 22 - Surface weather charts

* Information on surface charts
* Isobars and pressure gradients
* Wind patterns
* Weather characteristics of pressure systems

ME 23 - The change of weather with time

* Movement of pressure systems and associated fronts
* Fronts and effect of frontal passage
* Interpretation of surface charts
* Elementary forecasting of weather changes

ME 24 - Weather minima
* Weather conditions considered in establishing minima
* Factors affecting weather minima
* Landing minima
* Takeoff minima

ME 25 - CPL Standards Examination

ME 26 - Class and individual review of examination results.

ME 27 - Forecasts for long-range flights

* Types of forecasts available
* Typical charts provided and their interpretation


RO 01 - Basic radio principles

* Introduction to radio wave propagation
- frequency and wavelength
* Classification of radio frequencies
* Aerials

RO 02 - Modulation and propagation of radio waves

* Types of modulation
* Classification of emissions
* Propagation
- direct waves

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- sky waves

RO 03 - VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR)

* Basic principles of operation
* VOR ground station
* Use of VOR

RO 04 - Automatic Direction Finding (ADF)

* Basic principles of operation
* The ground station; non-directional beacons (NDB)
* Use of ADF

RO 05 - Morse code I
* Letters and figures
* Receiving sound and light signals in Morse

RO 06 - Morse code II
* Further practice in receiving sound and light signals in Morse

RO 07 - Marker beacons
* Basic principles
* Aeroplane equipment and indicators

RO 08 - Instrument landing system (ILS)

* Localizer
* Glide path
* Aeroplane equipment

RO 09 - Radio altimeters
* Principles of operation
* Controls and instrumentation
* Operational use

RO 10 - Microwave Landing System (MLS)

* Basic principle
* Aeroplane equipment
* Comparison with ILS

RO 11 - Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)

* Uses of DME
* Principle of Operation
* VOR/DME frequency pairing
* Range and coverage
* Accuracy

RO 12 - Combined IR Standards Examination in radio aids and radar facilities for IFR flights.
RD 07

RO 13 - Examination review
RD 08

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RD 01 - Primary radar
* Principles of operation
* Design features which affect radar performance
* Applications
* Cathode ray tube

RD 02 - Secondary radar principles and application

* Principles of operation
- comparison with primary radar
- coded replies to interrogation
* Applications
- transponder
- distance measuring equipment (DME)

RD 03 - Radar in air traffic services

* Services available
* Use of primary and secondary radar
* Radar limitations and precautions

RD 04 - Radar surveillance approaches

* Initial and intermediate approach procedure
* Final approach procedure

RD 05 - Weather radar
* Principles of cloud detection
* Typical equipment controls and display
* Interpretation of weather display
* Use of weather radar for navigation

RD 06 - Precision Approach Radar (PAR)

* Initial and intermediate approach
* Final approach procedures
* Procedures at termination of approach


PF 01 - Introduction to theory of flight

* Brief explanation of the problems of sustained flight by aeroplanes
* The air as a fluid
* Air density and density effects
* Bernoulli's Theorem

PF 02 - Aerodynamic forces on an aerofoil

* Basic aerofoils
* Fluid flow over an aerofoil
* Lift
* Drag
* Lift and drag coefficients

PF 03 - Forces acting on the aeroplane in flight

* Examination of the four forces
- lift, drag, thrust, mass

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* Force equilibrium
- in wings-level flight and in turns

PF 04 - Aircraft controls
(Note: must precede GRB 02)
* Aircraft axes
- lateral, longitudinal, normal
* Primary control surfaces
- elevators, ailerons, rudder
* Control balance
- mass, aerodynamic

PF 05 - Aerofoil applications
* Aerofoil design
* Characteristics of various aerofoils

PF 06 - Lift augmentation and modification

* Flaps
- functions and types
- use for takeoff and landing
* Leading edge devices
- function and types
* Spoilers
- function

PF 07 - Stalling and spinning

(Note: must precede GRB 06)
* Definition and cause
* Indications of approaching stall
* Aircraft behaviour during the stall
* Spinning

PF 08 - Stability
* Static stability
* Dynamic stability
* Longitudinal stability
* Lateral stability
* Directional stability
* Dutch roll

PF 09 - PPL Standards Examination

PF 10 - Examination review

PF 11 - Load factors
* Definitions
- load factor, limit loads, factor of safety
* Types of loads
- gust loads, manoeuvre loads, landing loads
* Velocity/gust (VG) diagrams.

PF 12 - Aerodynamics of high speed aeroplanes

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* Mach Number
* Wide range of speed, vertical speed and pitch angle of jet aeroplanes
* Swept wings
* T-tail aeroplanes


NV 01 - Introduction to navigation
* The basic requirements of aerial navigation
* Complicating factors
* The direction problem
* The speed problem

NV 02 - The Earth
* Physical description
* Great circles and small circles
* Direction
* Distance
- units and conversions

NV 03 - Introduction to charts
* Simple theory of projections
* Chart properties
* Charts used in aviation
* Measuring directions and distances

NV 04 - Navigation computer I
* Description of the basic navigation computer
* Computation face (circular slide rule)
- conversions
- calculations
* Practice computations

NV 05 - Navigation computer II
* Basic navigational data
* Practice in solving vector triangle problems

NV 06 - Aeronautical charts for cross-country flight

* Chart type
* Scale
* Projection
* Properties
* Measurement of tracks and distances
* Relief and symbols

NV 07 - In-flight navigation procedures

* Navigation on climb and descent
* Navigation in cruising flight
* Dead reckoning navigation (DR)
* In-flight fuel computations
* In-flight replanning in case of problems

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NV 08 - Practical chart exercises
* Plotting positions
* Measuring tracks and distances
* Application to pilot navigation
- flight planning stage
- in-flight stage
- determination of DR position.

NV 09 - Use of radio navigation facilities in cross-country flights

* Homing or tracking (in-bound, outbound)
* Bearings on the beam
- distance approximation from change of bearing
- ground speed checks
* Radio positions

NV 10 - Plotting position lines in flight

* Pre-flight plotting of radio bearings
* Single position lines; visual or radio
* Use of simultaneous position lines to obtain fix
* Plotting radio positions; VOR/DME, Radar
* Practical exercise on chart to simulate cross-country flight

NV 11 - T i m e
* Solar time
* World standard time
- time zones
- local standard and summer times

NV 12 - Sunrise, sunset, twilight

* Relative positions of the earth and sun
* Variation in times of sunrise and sunset
* Methods of determining times of sunrise and sunset
* Twilight
- definition
- practical application of twilight and last light

NV 13 - PPL Standards Examination; includes Flight Planning, Performance, and Mass and Balance

NV 14 - Examination review

NV 15 - Critical point and point of no return

* Critical point determination
* Point of no return determination

NV 16 - Flight guides for cross-country flights

* Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP)
* Visual Flight Guides (VFG)

NV 17 - Radio navigation and terminal area charts

* General information
* Displayed aeronautical information

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* Chart symbols

NV 18 - Standard instrument approaches

* ICAO, PANS - Aircraft Operations, Volume I (Doc 8168)
* Definitions and abbreviations
* Obstacle clearance
* Approach segments
* Circling approaches

NV 19 - Instrument approach charts

* Purpose
* Format
* Instrument approach information
* Aerodrome, runway and taxiway information

NV 20 - CPL Standards examination - complex situation test covering navigation, flight planning,
performance, and mass and balance

NV 21 - Class and individual review of examination results

NV 22 - Area navigation systems – general (RNAV)

* General philosophy
* Typical flight deck equipment and operation
* Instrument indications
* Types of area navigation system inputs
* Flight director and autopilot coupling

NV 23 - Inertial Navigation System (INS)

* Principle and practical application
* Advantages and disadvantages
* Accuracy, reliability and coverage
* Flight deck equipment and operation

NV 24 - Very Low Frequency (VLF) systems (Omega)

* Principle of operation
* Advantages and disadvantages
* Ground station locations
* Accuracy, reliability and coverage
* Flight deck equipment

NV 25 - VOR/DME area navigation (RNAV)

* Principle of operation
* Advantages and disadvantages
* Accuracy, reliability and coverage
* Flight deck equipment

NV 26 - Doppler
* Principle of operation
* Ground speed and drift calculation
* Advantages and disadvantages
* Accuracy and reliability
* Flight deck equipment

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NV 27 - Loran "C"
* Basic principles
* Master and slave stations
* Accuracy, range and coverage
* Modern automatic systems

NV 28 - Instrument flight guide

* National AIP - relevant sections
* Proprietary flight guides
* Information available


FP 01 - Flight plans for cross-country flights

* Navigation plan
* Fuel plan
* Radio communications and navigation aids

FP 02 - Air traffic flight plan

* Types of flight plan
- domestic
* Completing the flight plan
* Filing the flight plan
* Adherence to flight plan
- in-flight amendment
* Closing the flight plan

FP 03 - Practical exercises in flight planning

(Use typical routes for first cross-country flights)
* Chart preparation
* Navigation plans
* Simple fuel plans
* Radio planning

FP 04 - CPL Standards Examination - complex situation test covering navigation, flight planning,
performance, and mass and balance

FP 05 - Class and individual review of examination results

FP 06 - IFR (Airways) flight planning

* Meteorological considerations
* Selection of routes to destination and alternates
* General flight planning tasks

FP 07 - Practical IFR flight planning exercises

* Extraction of navigational data
* Extraction of meteorological data
* Extraction of performance data

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* Completion of navigation flight plan
* Completion of fuel flight plan
* Completion of air traffic flight plan

FP 08 - IR Standards Examination in flight planning for IFR flights

FP 09 - Examination review

FP 10 - Jet aeroplane flight planning

* Flight planning aspects common to all aeroplanes
* Additional flight planning aspects for jet aeroplanes
* Computerized flight planning.

FP 11 - Practical exercises in jet aeroplane flight planning

* Student practice in jet flight planning
- extraction of data
- completion of navigation plan
- completion of fuel plan
- completion of air traffic flight plan


PE 01 - Performance of light aeroplanes

* Definitions and terms used
* Takeoff and landing performance
* Climb and cruise performance

PE 02 - Performance of light twin-engined aeroplanes

* Importance of performance calculations
* Elements of performance
* Definition of terms
* Use of performance graphs and tabulated data

PE 03 - Takeoff performance, multi-engined aeroplanes (over 5.700 kg)

* Definitions
* Runway variables
* Aeroplane variables
* Meteorological variables
* Takeoff speeds
* Takeoff distance

PE 04 - Accelerate-stop distance
* Concept of balanced field length
* Use of flight manual charts
* Brake and tire limitations

PE 05 - Initial climb
* Climb segments
* All engines operating

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* Engine-out operation
* Obstacle clearance requirements
* Noise abatement procedures

PE 06 - C l i m b
* Use of flight manual performance charts
* Review significant airspeeds for climb
* Engine inoperative climb

PE 07 - C r u i s e
* Use of cruise charts
* Use of control
* Engine failure in cruise

PE 08 - Descent and landing

* Use of descent charts
* Maximum permitted landing mass
* Landing data calculations

PE 09 - CPL Standards Examination - complex situation test covering navigation, flight planning,
performance, and mass and balance

PE 10 - Class and individual review of examination results

PE 11 - Jet aeroplane performance

* Use of a typical jet aeroplane performance manual
- takeoff and landing mass calculations
- takeoff, climb, and cruise computations
- fuel planning
* Computerized flight management systems (FMS)

PE 12 - Practical exercises on jet aeroplane performance

* Student practice in performance calculations
- takeoff and landing masses
- performance data
- payload computations


MB 01 - Introduction to mass and balance

* Importance of centre of gravity (c.g.) in aircraft stability
* Mass and balance limits
* Calculation of aircraft mass and c.g.


ST 01 - Basic aircraft structure

* Fuselage types and construction
- engine compartment, firewall
* Wing construction

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- wing tanks
* Tail section construction

ST 02 - Flight controls and surfaces

* Rudder, elevators, ailerons
* Cockpit controls
* Lift modifying devices

ST 03 - Undercarriage
* Undercarriage configuration
* Main gear construction
* Wheel brakes
* Steering

ST 04 - Retractable undercarriages
* General description
* Emergency extension systems
* Powered nose-wheel steering


IN 01 - Aircraft instruments, general

* Classification by purpose
- flight, engine and system instruments
* Classification by operation
- pressure measuring, gyroscopic and electrically operated instruments
* Instrument reading and marking systems
* Pitot static systems
* Minimum instrumentation requirements

IN 02 - Airspeed indicator
* Principle of operation
* Basic construction
* Errors
* Corrections

IN 03 - Vertical speed indicator

* Principle and construction
* Errors
* Improvements in the IVSI

IN 04 - Turn and slip indicator (Note: must be preceded by SC.05)

* Rate of turn indicator
* Slip indicator
* Turn co-ordinator

IN 05 - Altimeter
* Principles of operation and construction
- Types of presentation
* Errors
* Emergency static supply source

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IN 06 - Direct reading compass
* Types of compasses
- principle and construction
* Magnetic errors
* Acceleration and turning errors

IN 07 - Attitude indicator (artificial horizon)

* Purpose, principle and construction
* Air and electrically driven instruments
* Types of markings
* Errors

IN 08 - Basic engine instruments

* Functions, principles of operation and construction
* Relationship between manifold pressure and RPM
* Significance of abnormal indications

IN 09 - Direction Indicators
* Principle and basic construction
* Limitations, errors and corrections
* Erection
* Power systems

IN 10 - PPL Standards Examination

IN 11 - Examination review

IN 12 - Advanced direction indicators

* Remote indicating compasses
- detector units
- transmission systems
* Slaved gyro systems
- alignment of gyro
- alternate operation in DC mode

IN 13 - Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)

* Basic principles
* Application to VOR
* Application to ADF
* Single- and dual- needle presentations
* Switched function presentations

IN 14 - Miscellaneous instruments
* Outside air temperature gauge
* Clock
* Electrical system indicators

IN 15 - Flight director systems

* Purpose and basic principle
* Advanced system instrumentation
- Attitude Director Indicator (ADI)

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- Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)

IN 16 - Advanced instruments
* Machmeter
* Advanced air speed indicator
* Angle of attack indicator
* Exhaust pressure ratio
* Exhaust gas temperature
* Percentage speed engine instruments
* Vertical tape engine instrument
* Total air temperature gauge


PP 01 - The internal combustion engine

* Power production cycles
* The four stroke cycle
* Factors which affect power output

PP 02 - Piston (reciprocating) engines for aeroplanes

* Layout and construction
* Firing order
* Engine cooling systems
* Lubrication systems
* Controlling power output

PP 03 - Propellers
* Application of aerofoil principles to propellers
* Blade angle
- fixed pitch propellers
- variable pitch propellers
* Reduction gears

PP 04 - Fuel for piston engines

* Fuel specifications
* Combustion process
* Faulty combustion

PP 05 - Introducing fuel into cylinders

* Caburettors
* Fuel injection systems
* Mixture controls
* Carburettor icing

PP 06 - Supercharging
* Manifold pressure/atmospheric pressure relationship
* Benefits of supercharging
* Types of superchargers
* Rated/critical altitude

PP 07 - Ignition systems

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* Magneto ignition
* Breaker assembly
* Condenser
* Distributor
* Dual ignition system
* Ignition switch

PP 08 - PPL Standards Examination

PP 09 - Examination review

PP 10 - Basic gas turbine engines

* Principles of operation
* Basic layout of the axial flow engine
* Combustion chambers and ignition
* Turbines
* Accesories
* Fuel for gas turbine engines

PP 11 - Operation of jet engines

* Simplicity and reliability
* Handling characteristics
* Operational problems
* Reverse power on jet engines

PP 12 - Turbo-prop engines
* Advantages and disadvantages
* Reduction gear complexity
* Propeller pitch - modes of operation.


SY 01 - Simple fuel and hydraulic systems

* Fuel systems
- tanks
- fuel feed
- contents check
* Hydraulic systems
- basic principles of operation
- hydraulically operated units
- emergency system operation

SY 02 - Simple direct current (DC) electrical systems

* Generators
* Functions
* Battery
* Emergencies

SY 03 - De-icing and anti-icing systems

* Review aircraft icing problems (ME 13)
* Classification of anti-icing and de-icing systems

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* Ice removal or prevention
* Pre-flight inspection
* In-flight procedures

SY 04 - Advanced fuel systems

* Typical layout
* Fuel flow
* Normal and emergency fuel system operation
* Fuelling systems

SY 05 - Multi-engined aeroplane electrical systems

* DC power distribution
* Auxiliary alternating current (AC) supply

SY 06 - Advanced hydraulic systems

* Typical layout
* Control, selectors and switches
* Services provided
* Emergency systems

SY 07 - AC electrical systems
* Basic AC theory
* Alternators
* Supply and distribution systems

SY 08 - Fire protection systems

* Systems of detection of overheat or fire
* Fire and overheat warning systems
* Fire extinguishing systems
* Combined warning, shut down and extinguishing systems

SY 09 - Automatic pilots
* Purpose and principle of operation
* Gyroscopic assemblies
* Advanced systems
* Control panel and indications
* Runaway protection

SY 10 - Pressurization, air conditioning and oxygen systems

* Atmospheric characteristics
* Pressurization systems
* Air conditioning systems
* Oxygen systems
- crew and passenger oxygen supplies
- portable oxygen and smoke masks

SY 11 - Ground proximity warning systems (GPWS)

* Principles of operation
* Operating modes
* Flight deck warnings
* Crew response

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SY 12 - Flight recorders
* Mandatory requirement for flight recorders
* Flight data recorders
* Cockpit voice recorders
* Installation and operation
* National requirements

SY 13 - Accident survival systems

* Emergency exits and doors; miscellaneous equipment
* Evacuation slides
* Ladders and ropes
* Life rafts/dinghies
* Emergency radios and locator beacons
* Life jackets

SY 14 - Advanced Flight Control Systems

* Powered flight control systems
* Variable incidence tail plane
* Yaw and roll dampers
* Lift spoilers and speed brakes
* Automatic spoilers and speed brakes

SY 15 - Integrated flight instrument and autopilot systems

* Modern integrated systems
* Advanced autopilots for integrated systems
* Automatic approach and landing



TY 01 - General description of basic training aeroplane

* Introduction to the aeroplane
* Major components
- airframe and engine
* Emergency and operating equipment stowage

TY 02 - Structure
* Fuselage
* Wings
* Tail section
* Mass and centre of gravity limitations

TY 03 - Engine and propeller

* Engine description
* Engine controls
* Engine handling
* Propeller type and description

TY 04 - Fuel system
* System layout

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- tank capacities
* Cockpit controls
* Fuelling

TY 05 - Oil system
* Layout and operation
* Contents checking and replenishing
* Oil grades
* Oil system instruments

TY 06 - Undercarriage
* Description
* Pre-flight checks
* Steering
* Ground handling and towing

TY 07 - Aeroplane controls; ancillary systems

* General description of main flying controls and trims
* Wing flaps
* Stall warning system
* Pressure and vacuum systems
* Heating and ventilation
* Aeroplane radios
* Pitot/static system

TY 08 - Electrical system; flight instruments

* Electrical supply and distribution
- battery
- generator
- external power
* Instrument locations and power supplies
- pressure, suction and electrical instruments

TY 09 - Operation and limitations

* Aeroplane flight manual
* Flight operations manual
- normal operating procedures
- emergency procedures
- limitations

TY 10 - Type Examination
Comprehensive multi-choice examination on the basic training aircraft. General questions on
light aeroplane structures, systems, propulsion and instruments should be included.

TY 11 - Examination review

TY 12 - Special equipment for cross-country flights (cold weather, jungle or desert, as appropriate).
* Circumstances under which special equipment needed
* Equipment lists
* Description of equipment
* Emergency locator beacon

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TY 13 - Permissible pilot maintenance practices
* National regulations relating to pilot maintenance
* Daily and pre-flight inspections
* Maintenance documentation

TY 14 - Practical pilot maintenance

* Procedures for specific maintenance functions
* Fuelling procedures and precautions


TY 15 - Basic structure
* Airframe
* Flight controls
* Undercarriage

TY 16 - Propulsion
* Engine
* Engine instrumentation and markings
* Propeller

TY 17 - Systems
* Electrical system
* Fuel and oil systems
* Hydraulics and pneumatics
* Flight instrumentation and radios
* Cabin heating and ventilation
* Emergency equipment

TY 18 - Flight manual
* Checklists
* Operating limitations
* Engine operation
* Performance data and calculations
* Flight planning data and calculations
* Mass and balance

TY 19 - Type Test and review

* Comprehensive multi-choice examination on specific advanced single-engine type.
General (non-specific type) questions on retractable undercarriages, and variable pitch
propellers should be included.


TY 20 - Basic structure
* Airframe
* Flight controls
* Undercarriage

TY 21 - Propulsion
* Engines
* Propellers

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* Engine instrumentation and markings

TY 22 - Electrical system
* DC power supplies
* AC power supplies
* System controls

TY 23 - Fuel and oil systems

* Fuel system layout and management
* Oil system

TY 24 - Systems, general
* Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
* Anti-icing and de-icing systems
* Cabin heating and ventilation
* Flight instrumentation
* Pitot static system
* Radios
* Emergency equipment
* External and internal lighting

TY 25 - Flight and operations manual

* Checklists
* Normal operating procedures, including engine starting and handling
* Emergency procedures
* Operating limitations
* Performance data and calculations
* Flight planning
* Mass and balance data

TY 26 - Type Rating Examination

* Comprehensive multi-choice examination on the specific twin-engine aeroplane to be used
in the next phase.
* General questions on propulsion, structures, systems and aircraft instruments covered in
Phases 6 to 9 should also be included.

TYP 27 - Individual and class review of results achieved in type rating nexamination

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