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Name: Juan Miguel Caparas Date: 4/21/22

Section: BM6 Course: GED104

It depends on what the terms misfits, weak, different and eccentric mean. A person
considered different in a society may not considered one in another society. A person can
be weak physically or mentally. If we are going to exclude persons with these
characteristics, I am sure that we would be all excluded. We all have weaknesses; we are
all different; society only decides what is different from not. We all have strange behaviors
and traits. Society would not be called society because society is a community where
different persons with different characteristics and physical abilities live in.

Jerome and Vincent are two exceptional men. They are both intelligent, they are
full of high hopes and dreams. One of Vincent’s strengths is the thought of not giving up.
With the statistics of him not valid in an elite society, he did not give up to be one of the
elite citizens of the Gattaca. He was proven to be weak physically and mentally, he tried
and tried until he met Jerome. Jerome’s strength is his intelligence and tactics, he was able
to create blood and urine bags for Vincent to use in disguise and he was very motivating
and helpful to their mission. Their weakness on the other hand is their physical state.
Jerome is a crippled because of an accident that ripped out his dreams in seconds and
Vincent is physically weak since birth. One thing I've observed from the two characters is
they are thinking that they are the second best. Almost all of Vincent’s life he thought that
his brother was better than him just because he is stronger. Jerome also claims that he is
the second best in his class before he was crippled. But at the ending of the movie, I realized
that they are the best because they overcame such mission perfectly.

The society-imposed orders that are challenging ethical values. It is interesting thinking
that our society could be like this in the future. And we are seeing it now; artificial intelligence,
stem cell surgeries, and other scientific advancement. There is resistance because there is a
problem. The problem in the movie is there are discrimination for something that they cannot
control. Some people are better than others and because of that, they are getting discriminated.

The society is based on science or genetics. In the modern society we are separated
by classes, the low-class, middle-class and high-class which is based from the money or
currency that a person possess. In Gattaca, the classes are defined on how healthy you are
or how intelligent you are. Jerome’s IQ is through the roof with a great vision and physical
attributes. Vincent or when he was portraying as Jerome, was chosen to travel in space
because he is consistent and he did not make a single mistake in his jobs. The future is
based on your blood, they don’t need job interviews, they just need your attributes from
blood. Discrimination is also an issue in the society, in the modern society discrimination
comes in many ways. It can be from the color of the skin, gender or nationality. In Gattaca
discrimination is defined by science, it is based on how healthy a person is or how great
his physical attributes are. They call the people with great attributes as “Valid” meaning
they are valid to be an elite citizen of the society.

Most of people would choose a child that is perfect, from head to toe, inside and
outside. A society with citizens full of those characteristics would be a boring one. There
is no joy and excitement from it. The society is portrayed as boring because there’s no
interactions between the different classes of the society. Those who are different, those
who are weak, those who makes mistakes. Those people give life to the society, the
different ones are those who gives life to a place, they create a sense of fun. Different is
unique and it would create a diversity thus allowing the society to have different
characteristics and, in those cases, it can be enjoyed.

I agree with the critiques as our strengths and weaknesses is what makes us, us. A
person without a weakness doesn't have a strength. A person may identify a weakness
within themselves and the use it as their strength. A person may perceive something as
their strength not knowing that it is their weakness too. It depends on how you will use
your strength and weakness. Vincent’s weakness is his health, but he carried on with the
mission, his strength could also be his health because if he is not strong enough to endure
the activities of an elite citizen, then he would die. I can say that me, personally, I have
turned my weaknesses to my strengths throughout the years. We cannot unlearn those
things; I just adapted and learn to live with it.

Genetic engineering could bring benefits to our society. It allows scientists to alter
a person’s genes that is beneficial to them. I think that the limits that should be put on it is
the choosing of traits or attributes of a person without being born yet. It must only be used
in fighting diseases and it could also increase life expectancy of a certain society. I think
that it should be allowed but there should be limitations to it. It could cause a massive
ethical issue because religious groups will perceive it as humans playing God. In my
opinion, I think that the choice between the elimination of physical imperfections and
diseases are still up to the parents or the producer. Overall, it would not hurt us humans if
we try genetic engineering.

Clones are a different topic; clone is a something that is similar to its producers.
But if we are talking about human clones or creating a human with science, I think that it
would harm humanity as we don’t have the knowledge to create a functioning one. I don’t
think that this would benefit our society as there are more problems, we could focus on
than creating clones. For those people who cannot have a child, they can try adopting
children, there are a lot of children that are in need of parenting and family and it would
help them change their lives. I don’t think that it is necessary for humans to create clones
of themselves.
If I would oppose my answer to the last question, I think that they should also be
treated as humans, clones are humans too, similar to what we are. If we bring them to this
world, it is just to treat them as natural people. If they think, speak, rea, or write just like
humans, then we should treat them the same.

They do not foster the ethical value or respect among the differences among people
because there are discriminations and there is considered valid or not valid in their society.
It does not encourage or develop any ethical value as genetic perfection arise all ethical
issues as humans not only play as God but this disrespects humanity. The idea that we are
all different is removed and we become robots because we become the same, we become
perfect, without any mistakes made. This movie opened my eye into what could the future
be to us. Even though the movies is created almost 20 years ago, it shows that humans
already have a knowledge that we may come into a time where we could genetically perfect
every human being in the planet.

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