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2 • 2 • 2 • 2 '.

2 • 2
Trme-25 minutes
(including the reading of the directions)
Now set your clock for 25 minutes.

This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for
standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for
each type.


Directions: These questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words
or phrases, marked (A). (B), (C), and (0). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the
sentence. Then. on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Look at the following examples.

Example I Sample Answer

The president __

(A) won
the election by a landslide.

(B) he won @
(C) yesterday
(0) fortunately

The sentence should read, "The president won the election by a landslide," Therefore, you should
choose answer (A).

Example II Sample Answer

When __

the conference?

doctor attended
the doctor attend

(C) the doctor will attend
(0) the doctor's attendance

The sentence should read, "When did the doctor attend the conference?" Therefore, you should
choose answer (B).

TOEFL- tC'Stdirections and format are rqwtnted by permission

01 ETS. the copyright owner. However. all examples and test
questioM are pl"O'Vided by Peanon Education. Inc.
I. __ range in color from pale yellow to 6. Most species of heliotropes are weeds,
bright orange. __ of them are cultivated.

(A) Canaries which (A) some

(B) Canaries (B) but some
(C) That canaries (C) for some species
(0) Canaries that are (0) some species

2. __ ~f precious gems is determined by 7. Thunder occurs as __ through air,

their hardness, color, and brilliance. causing the heated air to expand and
collide with layers of cooler air.
(A) The valuable
(B) It is the value (A) an electrical charge
(C) It is valuable (B) passes an electrical charge
(0) The value (C) the passing of an electrical charge
(0) an electrical charge passes
3. __ a tornado spins in a
counterclockwise direction in the northern 8. Researchers have long debated __
hemisphere, it spins in the opposite Saturn's moon TItan contains hydrocarbon
direction in the southern hemisphere. oceans and lakes.

(A) However (A) over it

(B) Because of (B) whether it
(C) Although (C) whether
(0) That (0) whether over

4. The Caldecott Medal, __ for the best 9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark grey
children's picture book, is awarded each clouds __ forebode rain.
(A) what
(A) a prize (B) which
(B) which prize (C) what they
(C) is a prize which (0) which they
(0) is a prize
10. __ in several early civilizations, a cubit
5. The horn of the rhinoceros consists of a was based on the length of the forearm
cone of tight bundles of keratin __ from from the tip of the middle finger to the
the epidermis. elbow.

(A) grow (A) It was used as a measurement

(B) grows (B) A measurement was used
(C) growing (C) The use of a measurement
(0) they grow (0) Used as a measurement

II. Only when air and water seep through its 14. The flight instructor, __ at the air base,
outer coat __ . said that orders not to fight had been
(A) does a seed germinate
(B) to the germination of a seed (A) when interviewed
(C) a seed germinates (B) when he interviewed
(0) for a seed to germinate (C) when his interview
(0) when interviewing
12. __ seasonal rainfall. especially in
regions near the tropics, is winds that blow 15. In the northern and central parts of the
in an opposite direction in winter than in state of Idaho __ and churning rivers.
(A) majestic mountains are found
(A) Causing (B) found majestic mountains
(B) That cause (C) are found majestic mountains
(C) To cause (0) finding majestic mountains
(0) What causes

13. The extinct Martian volcano Olympus

Mons is approximately three times as
__ Mount Everest.

(A) high
(B) high as is
(C) higher than
(0) the highest of

Written Expression

Directions: In these questions. each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A). (B). (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word
or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then. on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you
have chosen.
Look at the following examples.

Example I Sample Answer

The four string on a violin are tuned
A -B-

in fifths.
CI) •

The sentence should read. "The four strings on a violin are tuned in fifths." Therefore. you should
choose answer (B).

Example II Sample Answer

The research for the book Roots taking

Alex Haley twelve years.



The sentence should read. "The research for the book Roots took Alex Haley twelve years." Therefore,
you should choose answer (C).



16. Light can travels from the Sun to the Earth in eight minutes and twenty seconds.
-A- --B- C --D-

17. Every human typically have twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in most cells.
--A-13 ----C-O

18. Most sedimentary rocks start forming when grains of clay, silt, or sandy settle in
-A- B -C-
river valleys or on the bottoms of lakes and oceans.

19. The total thickness of the ventricular walls of the heart are about three times that of
---,;- B -C- 0
the atria.

20. The type of jazz known as "swing" was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote
-A- B C
and records "11 Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing."

2 I. The bones of mammals, not alike those of other vertebrates, show a high degree of
I\"-B- --C-


22. The neocortex has evolved more recently then other layers of the brain.
A --B- -C----O-

23. The United States receives a large amount of revenue from taxation of a tobacco
--A- --B- --C- 0


24. Much fats are composed of one molecule of glycerin combined with three molecules
-A- B

of fatty acids.

25. The capital of the Confederacy was originally in Mobile, b:Jt t!:ey were moved to

26. A pearl develops when a tiny grain of sand or stone or some another irritant
~ --B--C-

accidentally enters into the shell of a pearl oyster.


27. The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.
-A- S- c-o
28. In the Milky Way galaxy. the most recent observed supernova appeared in 1604.
-B- C IT

29. Never in the history of humanity has there been more people living on this relatively
A B -C- 0
small planet.

30. Because of the mobility of Americans today, it is difficult for they to put down
--A- --B- C;
real roots.
31. For five years after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee served to president of Washington
College, which was later called Washington and Lee.
-C- J)

32. The number of wild horses on Assateague is increasing lately, resulting in overgrazed
--A- B C

marsh and dune grasses.


33. Hypnoses was successfully used during World War II to treat battle fatigue.
A B -C- 0

34. The lobster, like many crustaceans, can cast off a damaging appendage and
T-B- C
regenerate a new appendage to nearly nonnal size.

35. Humans develop nonnally twenty primary, or deciduous, teeth and thirty-two
A --B- C

pennanent ones.
36. The curricula of American public schools are set in individual states; they
A 13
do not detennine by the federal government.
C -0-

37. The fact that the sophisticated technology has become part of revolution in travel
delivery systems has not made travel schedules less hectic.
--C- D


38. Balanchine's plotless ballets, such Jewels and The Four Temperaments, present dance
-A- 13" -C-

purely as a celebration of the movement of the human body.


39. In a solar battery, a photosensitive semiconducting substance such as silicon crystal

A B -C-
is the source of electrician.

40. In early days, hydrochloric acid was done by heating a mixture of sodium chloride
A B- --C-

with iron sulfate.


This Is the end of Section 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.


1. The hard palate __ between the mouth 6. Before the Statue of Liberty arrived in the
and nasal passages. United States, newspapers invited the
public to help determine where __
(A) forming a partition
placed after its arrival.
(B) a partition forms
(C) forms a partition (A) should the statue be
(D) a form and a partition (B) the statue being
(C) it should be the statue
2. Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcoll and Rick (D) the statue should be
Blaine in Casablallca __ of Humphrey
Bogart's more famous roles. 7. A stock __ at an inflated price is called
a watered stock.
(A) they are two
(B) two of them are (A) is issued
(C) two of them (B) issued
(D) are two (C) it is issued
(D) which issued
3. __ , the outermost layer of skin, is about
as thick as a sheet of paper over most of 8. Acidic lava nows readily and tends to cover
the skin. much larger areas, while basic lava __ '

(A) It is the epidermis (A) viscous

(B) The epidermis (B) more viscous
(e) In the epidermis (C) is more viscous
(D) The epidermis is (D) it is more viscous

4. During the Precambrian period, the Earth's 9. Seismic reflection profiling has __ the
crust formed, and life __ in the seas. ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of
nearly transparent sediments.
(A) first appeared
(B) the first to appear (A) reveal that
(C) the first appearance (B) revealed that
(D) appearing first (C) the revelation of
(D) revealed about
5. When fluid accumulates against the
eardrum. a second more insidious type of 10. __ and terrifying. coral snakes can
grow to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length.

(A) otitis media may develop (A) They are extremely poisonous
(B) developing otitis media (B) The poison is extreme
(C) the development of otitis media (C) Extremely poisonous
(D) to develop otitis media (D) An extreme amount of poison


11. The leaves of the white mulberry provide 14. D.W. Griffith pioneered many of the
food for silkworms, __ silk fabrics are stylistic features and filmmaking
woven. techniques __ as the Hollywood
(A) whose cocoons
(B) from cocoons (A) that established
(C) whose cocoons are from (B) that became established
(D) from whose cocoons (C) what established
(D) what became established
12. As __ in Greek and Roman mythology,
harpies were frightful monsters that were IS. __ be needed. the water basin would
half woman and half bird. need to be dammed.

(A) described (A) Hydroelectric power should

(B) to describe (B) When hydroelectric power
(C) description (C) Hydroelectric power
(D) describing (D) Should hydroelectric power

13. Not only __ generate energy. but it also

produces fuel for other fission reactors.

(A) a nuclear breeder reactor

(B) it is a nuclear breeder reactor
(C) does a nuclear breeder reactor
(D) is a nuclear breeder reactor


16. Mosquitoes will accepts the malaria parasite at only one stage of the parasite's
-A- --B- --C-

complex life cycle.


17. The counterpart of a negative electrons is the positive proton.

ABC --D-

18. \ Alexander Hamilton's advocacy of a strong national government brought he into

A -B- C-
bitter conflict with Thomas Jefferson.

19. There are more than eighty-four million specimens in the National Museum of
Natural History's collection of biological, geological, archeological, and
anthropology treasures.

20. After George Washington married widow Martha Custis, the couple comes to reside
---P::- -B- -C- -D-

at Mount Vernon.

21. Rubberized asphalt can hardly be classified as cutting edge at this stage in their
A -B- C [)

22. Rhesus monkeys exhibit patterns of shyness similar to that in humans.

A -B- --C- 0

23. In space, with no gravity for muscles to work against, the body becomes weakly.
A -B- --C-- --D-

24. Fort Jefferson, in the Dry Tortugas off the southern tip of Florida, can be reach
A B -C-

only by boat or plane.


25. Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century Virginia to race on

A -B-

courses short of about a quarter of a mile in length.

C --D-

26. Supersonic flight is flight that is faster the speed of sound.

A B -C- D


27. Since the dawn of agriculture 9,000 years ago, only a few animal species had been
A Be 0
28. The Betataken House Ruins at Navajo National Monument is among the largest and
A -B-

most elaborate cliff dwellings in the country.

C --0-

29. The island of Kauai has much streams, some of which have worn deep canyons into
-A- --B- c-
the rock.

30. It is a common observation that liquids will soak through some materials but not
A --B- -C-

through other.

31. Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former
A B -C-
gold-mining town 7,500 feet above sea level.

32. The newsreels of Hearst Metronome News, which formed part of every moviegoer's
experience in the era before television, offer an unique record of the events of the
B C -0-

33. Probably the best known of all dinosaurs. the Tyrannosaurns was larger and last of
A B -C- D
the meat-eating carnosaurs.

34. Unlikely gas sport balloons, hot air balloons do not have nets.
--A- -B- --C [)

35. Born in Massachusetts in 1852, Albert Farbanks has begun making banjos in Boston
---x- B -C-
in the late 1870s.
36. Methane in wetlands comes from soil bacteria that consumes organic plant matter.
-A-13 C --0-


37. A10is Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that today
A -B-
bears his name.
-C- D

38. Edward McDowell remembers as the composer of such perennial favorites as "To a
ABC --D-
Wild Rose" and "To a Water Lily."

39. Animism is the belief that objects and natural phenomena such as rivers. rocks. and
-A- B
wind are live and have feelings.
C -D-

40. Newtonian physics accounts from the observation of the orbits of the planets and
A --a C -D-

This is the end of SectIon 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.

1. In the late 1880s, Hull House __ United. 6. As a protection device, an octopus ejects
States' first welfare state. black or purple ink to cloud the water
when __ .
(A) to become the
(B) became the (A) does it escape
(C) becoming one of the (B) its escape
(D) it became the (C) it escapes
(D) escapes it
2. __ with the largest alphabet is
Cambodian, with 74 letters. 7. __ manipulate with their feet as well as
with their hands, it is difficult for them to
(A) In the language
stand upright.
(B) The language is
(C) The language (A) Apes can, however,
(D) About the language (B) Apes are able to
(C) Despite the ability of apes
3. __ given to the various types of (D) Although apes can
microscopic plants and animals found in
water. 8. Approximately 500 varieties of
insectivorous plants, which trap animals
(A) Named plankton
for their sustenance, __ in the world.
(B) The name of plankton
(C) Plankton's name (A) and their existence
(D) Plankton is the name (B) exist
(C) they exist
4. Charles Babbage (1792- 1871) drew up the (D) that exist
first plans for a programmable digital
computer in 1834, but __ was never 9. Ozone is formed when ultraviolet radiation
completed. from the Sun __ molecules into highly
reactive oxygen atoms.
(A) his invention
(B) he invented (A) oxygen breaks up
(C) to invent him (B) oxygen is broken up
(D) for him to invent (C) breaks up oxygen
(D) to break up oxygen
5. __ , one of the oldest forms of written
communication, was used as early as 3000 10. The surrealistic movement in art in the
B.C. I 920s and 1930s placed __ is pictured
in the unconscious and often incorporated
(A) Cuneiform writing dreamlike images.
(B) In cuneiform writing
(C) Cuneiform writing was (A) to emphasize it
(D) When cuneiform writing (B) an emphasis on it
(e) emphasize what
(D) an emphasis on what

14. In __ several vertically aligned
II. Today used to measure the weight of gem-
honeycombs with hexagonal wax cells
stones or the amount of gold per 24 parts
of pure gold. __ originally the weight of stacked close together.
a seed of the carob tree. (A) a honeybee hive is
(B) a honeybee hive are
(A) was a carat
(C) a honeybee hive of
(B) a carat was
(0) a honeybee hive composed of
(C) which was a carat
(0) that a carat was
15. The shapes of snow crystals depend largely
__ temperature and humidity are.
12. The film Lawrence of Arabia is three hours
and forty-one minutes long. one minute (A) how high its
__ Gone with the Wind. (B) on the height of the
(C) on how high the
(A) in length like
(0) that the ~eight of the
(B) long is
(C) is longer than
(0) longer than is

13. The genus Equus became extinct in North

America during the glacial period. and it
was not reintroduced until __ by the
(A) brought there
(B) was brought there
(C) bringing it there
(0) it brought.!here


16. The price of silver rose to $50.05 per troy ounce in January 1980 and then fell to
A -B- C

$10.80 two month later.


17. Most polar seals retreat to open water during the winter, but a few types have learn
-A- -B-----c--

to survive on and under the ice all year round.


18. More than half of all stars is in binary 01' multiple-star systems.
A Ir- C D
19. The harpsichord is the most complex and most large of all the plucked keyboard
ABC --D-


20. United States forces won the city of Los Angeles in 1847 during the Mexican War and
A -B- -C-

gain all of California in the same year.


21. During fermentation, complex carbohydrates are converted to another chemicals by

-A- B --C-

the action of enzymes produced by molds, yeasts, or bacteria.


22. The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of nat deserts, craters,
--A- B C

volcanoes, and mountainous.


23. Hardwood comes from broad. leaved deciduous trees, those that lose theirs leaves in


24. The Washington quarter was first minting by the U.S. government in 1932 on the
-A- """13 --C-
200th anniversary of George Washington's birth.

25. W. Somerset Maugham's best.known novel, 0{ Human Bondage, is a partially

A --B-

fictionalized account of a unhappy youth.

C -D-


26. The Congressional Medal of Honor, instituted at the height of the Civil War. is today

a highest decoration for gallantry in the United States.

B C --0-

27. High blood pressure results from either an increased output of blood from the heart
and an increased resistance to its flow through tiny branches of the arteries.
C 1)
28. When the U.S. government's library was burned by the British in 1814. former
A B ---c-
President Thomas Jefferson donated 6,487 of their own books to start the present-
day Library of Congress.

29. James A. Garfield has become the twentieth president of the United States in 1881
and was assassinated later in that year.
C -0-

30. Mambas. poisonous African snakes that come from the same family as cobras.
possess an extreme potent venom.

31. Not until the discovery of Pluto's moon Charon was many of the characteristics of
A B -C-

the planet Pluto evident.


32. Scorpions. which are normally lone. have developed a cautious mating ritual
because they are not immune to their own poison.
C ---0-

33. The diameter of the Sun is more than one hundred times greater than the Earth.
A -B---C- D

34. In the mid-18th century. American. Russian. and Canadian hunters on the Pacific
A -B-

coast of North America annihilated almost the sea otter in order to collect the pelts.
C 0

35. Pat Garrett. who shot and killed Billy the Kid on July 14. 1881. later did his living
A lie
as a Texas Ranger.


36. Paul Revere was the son of a French immigration named Apollos Rivoire. who later
A ---s-
began calling himself Revere to make his name easier for Americans to pronounce.
-C- -0-

37. Safety glass. a toughened glass sheet, is six times stronger than untreating glass.

38. The foxglove is source of the drug digitalis. which is used to treat heart disease.
-A- --B- -C- 0

39. Related fungus from a family of yeasts called ascomycetes cause bread to rise. create
-A- -B- --C-

the veins in blue cheese. and produce penicillin.


40. Rival leaders during the American Civil War. Abt"aham Lincoln and Jefferson Oavis
---x- -B-

both hailed Kentucky.


This Is the end of Section 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.

Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.


I. Indiana's Lost River __ underground 6. In 1858, the site \__ was to become the
for a distance of 22 miles. city of Denver was settled as a way station
for outfitting gold prospectors.
(A) travels
(B) traveling (A) it
(C) to travel (B) of it
(0) it travels (C) what
(0) of what
2. The 1980 explosion of __ the first
volcanic emption in the continental United 7. The light from an electrical lamp includes
States in over 60 years. many different wavelengths, __ in a
laser is concentrated on only one
(A) Mount SI. Helens wavelength.
(B) was Mount SI. Helens
(C) it was Mount SI. Helens (A) all the energy
(0) Mount SI. Helens was (B) it is all the energy
(e) while all the energy
3. Static e1eco'icity __ one cloud to (0) while all the energy is
another or between clouds and the ground
creates lightning. 8. In the Antarctic Ocean __ plankton and
crustacean forms of life.
(A) flows from
(B) the flow from (A) an abundance of
(C) flowing from (B) is an abundance of
(0) is flowing from (C) it is abundant
(0) an abundance is
4. The Model T car, introduced in 1908, __
$850. 9. Flintlock muskets __ sharp bayonets
were standard weapons during the
(A) the price was American Revolution.
(B) a price of
(C) to be priced at (A) tip with
(0) was priced at (B) tipped with
(C) the tips of
5. __ reacts with a chlorine atom, an (0) were tipped with
electron is transferred from the outer shell
of the sodium atom to the outer shell of the 10. Benjamin Franklin believed that the turkey
chlorine atom. rather than the eagle __ of the United
(A) A sodium atom
(B) When a sodium atom (A) should become the symbol
(C) For a sodium atom (B) the symbol becomes
(D) It is a sodium atom (C) should symbolize becoming
(D) becoming the symbol


2 2
II. __ to occur in the Earth's crust. push- 14. The temperatures __ take place vary
pull and shake waves would be generated widely for different materials.
(A) which melting and freezing
(A) Were a break (B) at which melting and freezing
(B) If a break (C) which they melt and freeze
(C) A break was (0) at which they melt and freeze
(0) If broken
2 15. In general, the cells of large animals and
12. Fossil fuels like coal. oil, and gas produce plants are only slightly larger than __
carbon dioxide when __ ' plants and animals.

(A) are burned (A) smaller

(B) they burned (B) are smaller
(C) burned (C) those smaller
(0) are they burned (0) are those of smaller

13. Not until Nellie Tayloe Ross was elected

governor of Wyoming in 1924 __ as
go'vernor of a U.S. state.

(A) a woman served

(B) a woman serving
(C) to serve a woman
(0) did a woman serve

16. The music on a compact disk (CD) is record by lasers.
A B -c-l)

17. Alaska has more active glaciers as the rest of the inhabited world combined.
-';-B- C D

18. Aristotle believed that everything in the universe were composed of four basic
--A- ---a-- -C-

elements: earth. water, air. and fire.

19. In the cold climate of the far north, mosquito eggs may remains dormant from
A B --C---D-
autumn until late June.

20. Passengers have ridden the first Ferris wheel at the Columbian Exposition in
A B -C-
Chicago in 1893.
21. One type of Australian frog lays up to 25 eggs at a time and then swallows they for
A --B- C-

22. The Cro-Magnons entered the area that is today Europe and quickly eliminated or
-A- -B-

absorbed theirs Neanderthal predecessors.

-C- 0

23. The Spanish introduced not only horses and also cattle to the North American
A B -C-
24. The best. known members of the cabbage vegetable group includes head cabbage.
A -B---C-o-
cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collard, and brussels sprouts.

25. White blood cells are the largest of red blood cells and are more varied in size and in


26. An hiccup is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, which leads to a massive
A B -C-
intake of air.

27. To make a lithograph, an artist used a flat stone of a kind that will soak up oil and
--A- -a -C- --0-


28. Alike a bar magnet, the Earth has two magnetic poles.
---x- -B- C 1)

29. Not until Harvard College was founded in 1636 was there any colleges in America.
---,;:- --B- C 0

30. Antelopes are gregarious animals that travel in herds, ranging in amount from a few
A --B- -----c-
to several thousand.

31. A supersonic airplane can fly faster than a speed of sound.

A If C i5
32. In 1821, Emma Willard opened officially the doors of the first school in the United
States to offer college-level courses for women.
-C- 0

33. The first gummed postage stamps issued in New York City in 1842.
--A- -B- -C- IT

34. Typical long bone such as the femur consists of a long shaft with swellings at each
-A- -B- C 0


35. The common octopus lives Jone in a den just big enough for its body.
---r BCD

36. The vacuum tube did an important contribution to the early growth of radio and
ABC -0-

37. St. Augustine, Florida, founded in 1565 by Pedro Menendez, was razing 21 years
--A- B -C-

later by Francis Drake.


38. A bimetallic thermometer relies the different rates of expansion of two types of
A --a -c
metal, usually brass and copper.

39. An ice crystal is the nuclei on which a hailstone is built.

-A- -B- C J)

40. Tremendous flooding during the summer of 1993 left 8 million acres of nine
--A- B
midwestern states inundated and proved both expensively and deadly.
C -0-

This Is the end of Section 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.

1. Different hormones __ at the same time 6. Coral islands such as the Maldives are the
on a particular target issue. tips of reefs built during periods of warm
climate, when __ higher.
(A) usually act
(B) usually acting (A) were sea levels
(C) they usual act (B) sea had levels
(D) the usual action (C) having sea levels
(D) sea levels were
2. The tidal forces on the Earth due to __
only 0.46 of those due to the Moon. 7. Hail forms within large, dense
cumulonimbus __ develop on hot,
(A) the Sun is humid summer days.
(B) the Sun they are
(C) the Sun it is (A) clouds
(D) the Sun are (B) clouds that
(C) clouds that are
3. Most radioactive elements oceur in (D) clouds that they
igneous and metamorphic __ fossils
occur in sedimentary rocks. 8. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease
__ by a characteristic skin rash.
(A) rocks, nearly all
(B) rocks, but nearly all (A) accompany
(C) rocks, nearly all are (B) is accompanied
(D) rocks, which nearly all are (C) accompanied
(D) it is accompanied
4. __ radioisotope is encountered, the
first step in its identification is the 9. Charles Darwin's first scientific book.
determination of its half-life. published in 1842, __ a since
substantiated theory on the origin of coral
(A) An unknown reefs and atolls.
(B) Afterwards, an unknown
(C) When an unknown (A) to present
(D) During an unknown (B) presented
(C) presenting
5. The Missouri __ longest river in the (D) it presents
United States, flows through seven states
from its source in Montana to its 10. Phytoplanktons thrive where __
confluence with the Mississippi. phosphorus into the upper layers of a body
of water.
(A) River, the
(B) River is the (A) upwelling currents circulate
(C) River is one of the (B) the circulation of upwelling currents
(D) River, one of the (C) are upwelling currents
(D) circulates upwelling currents

II. By the end of 1609, Galileo had a 20-power 14. Hurricanes move with the large-scale wind
telescope that enabled him to see __ currents __ are imbedded.
planets revolving around Jupiter.
(A) that they
(A) the call (B) which they
(B) he called (C) in that they
(C) to call him (D) in which they
(D) what he called
IS. __ the Earth's ice to melt, the Earth's
12. On every continent except Antarctica oceans would rise by about two hundred
-_ more than 30,000 species of spiders. feet.
(A) some are (A) If all
(8) some of the (B) Were all
(C) are some of the (C) If all were
(D) is some (D) All was

13. Many bugs possess defensive scent glands

and emit disagreeable odors when __ .
(Al disturbed
(B) are disturbed
(C) they disturbed
(D) are they disturbed


16. The brilliantly colored rhinoceros viper has two or three horns above each nostrils.
A B -C- --0-

17. Most of the outer planets has large swarms of satellites surrounding them.
----P::- BCD

18. Historical records show that Halley's comet has return about every seventy-six years
-A- --B--C-

for the past 2.000 years.


19. Robert Heinlein was instrumental in popularizing science fiction with a series of
A B -C-
stories that is first published in the Saturday Evening Post.
20. Each number on the Richter scale represent a tenfold increase in the amplitude of
--A- B

waves of ground motion recorded during an earthquake.

C 0

21. Lake Tahoe. located on the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada range. is feed by more
-A- B C;
than thirty mountain streams.

22. Established in 1789 and operated bj"the Jesuits. Georgetown University in

Washington. D.C. is the older Roman Catholic institution of higher learning in the
United States.

23. The surface of the planet Venus is almost completely hid by the thick clouds that
-A- B----C-
shroud it.

24. Present in rocks of all types. hematite is particular abundant in the sedimentary
-A- --B- C

rocks known as red beds.


25. Tr~pical cyclones. alike extratropical cyclones. which derive much of their energy
~ -B- ----c-
from the jet stream. originate far from the polar front.


26. Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the first U.S. women's rights convention in 1848

and was instrumentally in the struggle to win voting and property rights for women.

27. Jaguarundis are sleek, long-tailed creatures colored either an unifonn reddish brown
A -B- C
or dark grey.
28. It is possible to get a sunburn on a cloudy day because eighty percent of the
-A- --B-

ultraviolet rays from the Sun would penetrate cloud cover.

-C- J)

29. In 1964, GAIT established the International Trade Center in order to assist

developing countries in the promotion of its exports.


30. Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22 satirizes both the horrors of war as well as the power
--A- -B- C

of modem bureaucratic institutions.


31. In Roots, Alex Haley uses fictional details to embellish a factual histories of seven
--A- B --C-

generations of his family.

32. The carbon atoms of the diamond are so strongly bonded that a diamond can only be
scratched with other diamond.
C J)

33. Viruses are extremely tiny parasites that are able to reproduce only within the cells
-A- B C-
of theirs hosts.

34. During the last Ice Age, which ended about 10,000 years ago, there was about three
-A- -B-

times more ice than is today.

c: i5


35. Melons most probably originated in Persia and were introduced the North American
continent during the sixteenth century.

36. More than 600 million individual bacteria lives on the skin of humans.
-A- --a- c- --D-

37. The more directly overhead the Moon is, the great is the effect that it exhibits on the
-A- I1C -D-

38. As the International Dateline at 180 degrees longitude is crossed westerly, it becomes
-A- --a-
necessary to change the date by moving it one day fOIWard.

39. Kilauea's numerous eruptions are generally composed in molten lava, with little
escaping gas and few explosions.
40. The incubation period of tetanus is usually five to ten days, and the most frequently
A --a-
occurred symptom is jaw stiffness.
C --D-

This Is the end of Section 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.


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