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Palm Beach Daily News - 04/04/2021 Page : A13


Trump isn’t getting

the proper credit
for role in vaccines
Your Turn
Robert Davidow
Guest columnist

David Wilson grossly understates

former President Trump’s role in creat-
ing and delivering the coronavirus vac-
cines in his “Your Turn” op ed in the
March 21 Shiny Sheet, and consequent-
ly doesn’t give the former president the A reader says former President Trump
credit he’s due. does not get the credit he deserves for
Of course, the vaccine companies did starting Operation Warp Speed.
the work of developing and manufac- JOE FORZANO/PALM BEACH DAILY NEWS
turing the vaccines. But never before
had it been done so quickly, with less
risk, and more help from the federal gov- vaccines were even regulatorily ap-
ernment. Mr. Wilson’s praise for the proved, and used the Defense Produc-
vaccine companies is like crediting the tion Act to place “prioritized ratings on
general contractor, and not the architect 18 supply contracts” to ensure the vac-
for the design and realization of a build- cine companies had the supplies neces-
ing, or the component manufacturers sary.
and assemblers of the iPhone instead of If the vaccine companies made it all
Steve Jobs and Apple. happen, how come they had never made
Former President Trump and his ad- it happen so quickly before OWS? If any
ministration were the architects and government could have done what the
drivers of Operation Warp Speed. What U.S. did, why is it that as of April 1, the
difference did it make? According to the U.S. has fully vaccinated 16% of its pop-
Government Accountability Office, ulation, and no European country, in-
OWS brought together the departments cluding the U.K., home of Astra Zeneca,
of Health and Human Services and De- and Germany, home to Pfizer’s partner
fense, with the “vaccine companies to BioNTech, has fully vaccinated half that
accelerate vaccine development and many?
mitigate risk.” And while former President Trump
Specific measures, which led to the and his administration were moving
unprecedented achievement, included heaven and earth to rapidly deliver vac-
the Food and Drug Administration issu- cine to the American people, the media
ing “specific guidance that identified were parading expert after expert say-
ways that vaccine development may be ing the goal was impossible, and VP
accelerated,” issued “compressed time- Harris and President Biden never gave
lines” the vaccine manufacturers had to Trump any credit for the vaccine, de-
meet, allowed the vaccine companies to spite both being fully vaccinated before
rely on “data from other vaccines using taking office.
the same platforms,” and conduct “ani- Every person in the western world
mal studies at the same time as clinical who has been vaccinated to date should
trials.” The former president set the thank former President Trump, without
deadlines and goals and got the parties whom the vaccines would not have de-
together to achieve them. That is what veloped as quickly and effectively. The
successful leaders do. lives of tens if not hundreds of millions
In addition, former President Trump of people worldwide will be saved be-
materially de-risked the process by hav- cause of OWS.
ing the federal government purchase Robert Davidow is a Palm Beach resi-
hundreds of millions of doses before the dent. WE-0000633053-02

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