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Accepted Manuscript

Paleo-Mesoproterozoic arc-accretion along the southwestern margin of the

Amazonian craton: The Juruena accretionary orogen and possible implications for
Columbia supercontinent

J.E. Scandolara, R.T. Correa, R.A. Fuck, V.S. Souza, J.B. Rodrigues, P.S.E. Ribeiro,
A.A.S. Frasca, A.M. Saboia, J.V. Lacerda Filho
PII: S0895-9811(16)30315-7
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2016.12.005
Reference: SAMES 1634

To appear in: Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Received Date: 8 May 2016

Revised Date: 1 December 2016
Accepted Date: 6 December 2016

Please cite this article as: Scandolara, J.E., Correa, R.T., Fuck, R.A., Souza, V.S., Rodrigues, J.B.,
Ribeiro, P.S.E., Frasca, A.A.S., Saboia, A.M., Lacerda Filho, J.V., Paleo-Mesoproterozoic arc-accretion
along the southwestern margin of the Amazonian craton: The Juruena accretionary orogen and possible
implications for Columbia supercontinent, Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2017), doi:

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Paleo-Mesoproterozoic arc-accretion along the southwestern
margin of the Amazonian craton: the Juruena Accretionary Orogen and possible
implications for Columbia supercontinent

J.E. Scandolaraa*, R.T. Correaa, R.A. Fuckb, V.S. Souzab, J.B. Rodriguesa,
P.S.E. Ribeiroc, A.A.S. Frascac, A.M. Saboiaa,b, J.V. Lacerda Filhoc

Geological Survey of Brazil, SGAN 603, 1º Andar, CEP 70830-100 Brasília, DF, Brazil

Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasília, CEP 70910-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil
Geological Survey of Brazil, Setor Marista, 148, CEP 74170-110 Goiânia, GO, Brazil

The southwestern portion of the Amazonian craton, between the Ventuari-Tapajós province

and the Andean chain, has been ascribed to a succession of orogenic events from 1.81 to 0.95 Ga,

culminating with widespread anorogenic magmatism. Southwestward of the Serra do Cachimbo
graben occurs the Juruena accretionary orogenic belt (ca. 1.81-1.51 Ga), previously included in the

Rio Negro-Juruena and Rondonian/San Ignácio geocronological provinces or Rondônia-Juruena


geologic province. The Juruena orogen proposed here includes the Jamari and Juruena

tectonostratigraphic terranes, products of convergence which culminated in the soft collision of the

Paraguá protocraton and the Tapajós-Parima arc system (Tapajós Province) ca. 1.69-1.63 Ga ago.

Geophysical, geochemical, petrological and geochronological data and systematic geological

mapping suggest that the convergent event resulted in a single orogenic system with two continental

margin arcs, namely the Jamari and Juruena arcs. Modern geological and tectonic approaches,

combined with aerogeophysics data, enable to interpreting this wide region of the Amazonian craton

as a Paleoproterozoic orogen with well defined petrotectonic units and tectonoestructural framework.

The Juruena orogen is an E-W trending belt, about 1100 km long and 350 km wide, inflecting to

NW-SE, in Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Rondonia, Brazil. The general direction of the belt, its

inflections and internal geometric and kinematic aspects of its macrostructures do not corroborate the

general NW-SE trend of the originally proposed geocronological provinces.

The Juruena accretionary orogen has been the site of repeated reactivation with renewed basin

formation, magmatism and orogeny during the Mesoproterozoic and the early Neoproterozoic. U-Pb
and whole-rock Sm-Nd ages, Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages suggest that the older high grade

tectonometamorphic events in the Juruena accretionary orogen took place between 1.69 and 1.63 Ga,

defining the metamorphic peak of the Rio Negro-Juruena orogeny and the original structural

architecture of the orogen. The main structures of the Rio Negro-Juruena orogeny were almost

completely obliterated between 1.42 and 1.37 Ga, due to the superimposed Rondonian-San Ignácio

orogeny. Later on, between 1.20 and 1.12 Ga, these structures were affected by a ductile event

represented by the large Ji-Paraná transpressive shear system and by the Tarilândia transcurrent shear

zone developed under low-T amphibolite facies conditions, both related to the Sunsás orogeny. The

evolution of Jamari and Juruena terranes as a Paleoproterozoic/Mesoproterozoic orogen developed

between 1.81 to 1.51 Ga and their thorough reworking in Mesoproterozoic times is instrumental to

establishing the position of the Amazonian craton in the proposed Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Columbia
(Nuna) supercontinent, as well as in the Rodinia reconstruction at the end of the Mesoproterozoic.

Keywords: Juruena orogen, Paleoproterozoic arcs, SW Amazonian craton, Jamari and Juruena
terranes, Columbia supercontinent

* (55) 61 84002313


1. Introduction
Several models explain the growth of continental crust since the Precambrian (Condie, 2005),

but accretionary growth is regarded as the most important process (Cawood et al., 2009; Cawood and

Buchan, 2007). Recent evidence convincingly established that accretionary orogeny indeed played an

important role in crustal growth and many of the regional belts actually evolved in the course of such

a process (Collins, 2002). Accretion at the continental margin accompanies subduction of the

intervening oceanic crust and eventual ocean closure during continental collision in an Andean-type

to Pacific-type tectonic setting (Maruyama et al., 1996; Cawood and Buchan, 2007; Cawood et al.,

2009). Presence of characteristic rock associations representing ocean plate stratigraphy, magmatic,

metamorphic and deformation styles are important clues to demonstrate the accretionary growth
history of many continents (Gray and Foster, 2004; Cawood et al., 2009; Santosh et al., 2009;

Bhowmik and Dasgupta, 2012).

Orogens are major linear zones of the Earth’s crust that contain variably deformed rocks

accumulated over a long period, dominantly in marine environments. They show distinct distribution

of sedimentary facies, deformational styles and metamorphic patterns, often aligned approximately

parallel to the belt. They are preserved as mountain belts through crustal thickening, magmatism and

metamorphism during one or more tectonothermal events (orogenies), which are generally of short

duration with respect to the overall age range of the orogen, and which ultimately stabilize and

cratonize the orogen. Codifying orogens is fraught with difficulty as each has unique characteristics

(Cawood et al., 2009). Currently there is no consensus on the basic architecture of accretionary

orogens, and the understanding of the tectonic style of accretionary orogenesis is still handicapped by
the lack of a fully developed geological record (e.g. Cawood et al., 2009). However, these authors

believe that orogens can be grouped within a spectrum of three end member types: collisional,

accretionary and intracratonic.

The Precambrian history of the Earth was punctuated by the assembly and dispersal of at least

two major supercontinents, Columbia (Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Zhao et al., 2002, 2004) and

Rodinia (Li et al., 2008; references therein). Defining supercontinent paleogeographies is of utmost

importance to understanding the mechanisms operating in the continental cycling of the early Earth

(Condie, 2002). In recent years several studies have discussed the amalgamation and dispersion of

large Paleo- to Neoproterozoic supercontinents (e.g., Rogers, 1996; Cordani et al., 2003; Meert and

Torsvik, 2003; Pesonen et al., 2003; Rogers and Santosh, 2003; Zhao et al., 2005, 2006b; Kusky et

al., 2007; Teixeira et al., 2007; Li et al., 2008). Although proposed more than two decades ago,

geometry, amalgamation and breakup timing of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent

are still contentious. Originally, the study of ancient orogens, but with little information of

paleomagnetism, led to the recognition of the Columbia supercontinent, which resulted from

amalgamation of Paleoproterozoic and Archean blocks, during an extended orogenic period between
2.1 and 1.7 Ga. The fragmentation of this supercontinent started about 1.5 Ga ago, in association

with development of Mesoproterozoic continental rifting (Rogers, 1996; Meert, 2002; Rogers and

Santosh, 2002; Zhao et al., 2002, 2003, 2004; Pesonen et al., 2003; Kusky et al., 2007).

However, Pesonen et al. (2012) used updated paleomagnetic and isotope age data to define

the amalgamation and breakup times of the Columbia supercontinent, and concluded that the final

amalgamation of Columbia did not happen until ca. 1.53 Ga and broke up at ca. 1.25 Ga. In their

article, the authors propose several reconstructions models since 1.88 Ga (“Early Columbia”) until

1.26 Ga for the assembly of Columbia. Although currently available paleomagnetic results do not

rule out the possibility of the formation of a supercontinent as early as ca. 1750 Ma, Pisarevsky et al.

(2014) suggest that the supercontinent Nuna/Columbia was assembled by at least ca. 1650-1580 Ma.

Columbia is suggested to have broken up at ca. 1450-1380 Ma (Pisarevsky et al., 2014).
One of such hypothesized paleogeographies joins the Amazonian craton, Laurentia and

Baltica through their Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic belts, forming an elongated, continuous landmass

named Columbia (e.g., Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Pesonen et al., 2003). The Amazonian craton in

South America is a major block that is believed to have been involved in the assembly of ancient

supercontinents such as Columbia (Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Pesonen et al., 2003) and Rodinia (Li

et al., 2008; Fuck et al., 2008; Pesonen et al., 2012). Based on paleomagnetic reconstruction, Bispo-

Santos et al. (2008) suggested links of North China to the Paleoproterozoic belts of Baltica and

Amazonia through the Trans-North China belt instead. This paleogeography agrees with Zhao et al.

(2005, 2006a) model of the North China amalgamation, where the Trans-North China belt resulted

from the collision between the Eastern and Western blocks at Paleoproterozoic times (1850-1800

Ma). The late Svecofennian orogenic belts in Baltica, which are progressively younging towards SW,

such as the Gothian belt and the corresponding belts in Laurentia (Labradorian, Yavapai-Mazatzal)

and in Amazonia (Rio Negro-Juruena) are all produced by successive accretions from west onto the

cratonic margins. Thus, accordingly, Amazonia could have been continuous rather than conjugate

with Baltica-Laurentia assembly.

Precambrian supercontinents assembly, while still an enigmatic issue, can be approached

through studies of orogens, based on the plate tectonics paradigma to interpret Proterozoic geology

and continental reconstruction (e.g. Cawood et al., 2006; Condie and Kröner, 2008; de Kock et al.,

2009). Therefore, Paleoproterozoic orogens played a key role since the first reconstructions of the

supercontinent Columbia.

The aim of this work is to better understand the geodynamic setting of the Jamari and Juruena

terranes according to modern concepts of orogens, introducing a new tectonic division of the SW

Amazonian craton considering paleogeographic hypotheses. Based on the definition of the Paleo-

Mesoproterozoic Juruena orogen, it is suggested that the Columbia supercontinent assembly was

achieved ca. 1.52-1.50 Ga ago, despite of the limited studies of paleomagnetism in the SW

Amazonian craton. Our study is based on the review of geological maps and reports,
geochronological data, tectonostratigraphic analyses, tectonic styles, and new geochemistry and

geophysics data from central Rondonia and north-northwest Mato Grosso, Brazil. The here proposed

Juruena accretionary orogen can be subdivided into eastern and western parts, both related to the

evolution of a convergent margin and multiple arc systems: Jamari terrane (Jamari arc) in central

Rondonia, and Juruena terrane (Juruena arc) in north-northwest Mato Grosso. In the last decades, a

lot of work with multidisciplinar approaches has been done in the study area (Lacerda Filho et al.,

2001, 2004; Payolla et al., 2002; Tohver et al., 2002, 2005; Frasca and Borges, 2003; Ribeiro and

VillasBoas, 2003; Scandolara, 2006; Quadros and Rizzotto, 2007; Bettencourt et al., 2010; Ribeiro

and Duarte, 2011; Duarte et al., 2012; Scandolara et al., 2013a,b, 2014, among others). In particular,

geochronological work provided refinement of geological features and relations of the SW

Amazonian craton (SAC) (see Silva et al., 2002; Tohver et al., 2002, 2005; Scandolara, 2006; Santos

et al., 2008; Silva and Abram, 2008; Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011). However, in spite of this large

dataset, no consensus has been reached, preventing further discussion on implications for the global

behaviour of continental lithosphere during Paleoproterozoic time. The main points of disagreement

still disputed are: (i) the number and geometry of continental blocks that were amalgamated along
the SAC to form the Amazonian craton; (ii) the number and polarity of subduction zones; (iii) the

timing of tectonic events such as rifting, subduction and collision; (iv) the timing of Paleoproterozoic

collision and amalgamation; (v) the type of orogen (accretionary-type vs. collisional-type orogen);

(vi) the significance of the 1.69-1.63 Ga deformation and metamorphism and (vii) the significance of

deformation and metamorphism in two subsequent tectonic events, namely Rondonian-San Ignácio

(peack between 1.42 and 1.37 Ga) and Sunsás (peack between 1.20 and 1.12 Ga).

1.1. Amazonian craton and its provinces

The Amazonian craton, one of the largest and least known Precambrian areas of the world, is

a major tectonic unit in South America (5.6 million km2, Fig. 1), separated from the Andean orogenic

belt by extense Cenozoic covers (Colombian and Venezuelan Llanos and Bolivian-Paraguayan
Chaco), which hinders the establishment of its western boundary. Its extension to the west, under the

Cenozoic cover, is suggested by the presence of Mesoproterozoic basement exposures within the

Cordillera Oriental, such as Garzón and Santa Marta (Kroonenberg, 1982; Priem et al., 1989;

Cardona, 2008; Ibanez-Mejia et al., 2011). In Brazil, the Amazonian craton comprises an area of

approximately 4.4 million km2, bordered to the east by the Araguaia fold belt, and to the south and

southeast by the Paraguay fold belt, generated during the Brasiliano Orogeny (700-540 Ma; Pimentel

and Fuck, 1992; Alvarenga et al., 2000; Tohver et al., 2010; Tohver et al., 2012). It is in relation to

orogenic rocks generated during this orogeny that the craton concept is applied, representing the

continental area stabilized in pre-Brasiliano times (about 1000 Ma). The craton is covered by

Phanerozoic basins in the east (Parnaíba), south (Xingu and Alto Tapajós), southwest (Parecis), west

(Solimões), north (Tacutu) and center (Amazonas). The Amazonian craton was defined by Almeida

(1978), following previous characterizations as “shield” (Barbosa and Andrade Ramos, 1959) and

“platform” (Amaral, 1974), and refined by Amaral (1984) based on subdivisions proposed by

Almeida et al. (1977).

Westward from the Archean terrains of the Central Amazonian Province, isotopic data

indicate progressively younger ages in Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic terranes in Mato

Grosso and Rondônia, as shown particularly by the large number of igneous intrusions with similar

chemical characteristics, but of different ages and tectonic setting. Until 1974, the architecture of the

Amazonian craton was interpreted as composed of two shields or blocks limited by an E-W contact

coinciding with the axis of the Phanerozoic Amazon Basin. The northern part was named the Guyana

Shield and the southern part the Brasil Central or Guaporé Shield. Based on K-Ar and secondarily on

Rb-Sr data, Amaral (1974) postulated that the major internal limits of the craton are not E-W but

NNW-SSE and that the western part of the craton is younger (Mesoproterozoic) than the central and

eastern provinces, which are older (Archean and Paleoproterozoic). The model proposed by Amaral

(1974) for the Amazonian craton evolution was followed by a model based on Rb-Sr and U-Pb
isotopic data (Cordani et al., 1979).

Over the past 25 years, age determinations, structural trends, relative proportions of rock

types, and some geophysical data have been used to define geological provinces within the

Amazonian Craton (e.g. Teixeira et al., 1989; Tassinari et al., 1996; Tassinari and Macambira, 1999).

Tassinari and Macambira (1999) broadly defined or redefined several geochronological provinces

(Fig 2a): Amazônia Central (>2.3 Ga), Maroni-Itacaiúnas (2.2-1.9 Ga), Ventuari-Tapajós (1.9-1.8

Ga), Rio Negro-Juruena (1.80-1.55 Ga), Rondonia-San Ignacio (1.55-1.30 Ga), and Sunsas (1.3-1.0

Ga). Santos et al. (2000) presented a modified subdivision of the craton based mostly on U-Pb zircon

ages and a few Sm-Nd model ages (Fig 2b). They included a new province, the 1.2 Ga K’Mudku

province, along with redefinition of the Maroni-Itacaiunas province (named Transamazonas), new

subdivisions (Carajás-Imataca) in the Amazônia Central province, and changes in the boundaries

between other provinces and domains. The Santos et al. (2008) model includes recent updates based

on the work of Vasquez et al. (2008) on the Bacajá domain plus that of Ruiz (2006) on the Rio Apa

block (Fig 2b). Although many aspects of the deformation and intrusion histories within these

provinces remain unresolved, it is generally believed that each belt represents a successive
continental margin arc built upon the basement of the preceding terrane (Tassinari and Macambira,

1999; Geraldes et al., 2001; Scandolara, 2006; Scandolara et al., 2013b).

In the subdivisions of Tassinari and Macambira (1999), the Juruena orogenic belt (Fig. 1) is

comprised of the 1.80-1.55 Ga Rio Negro-Juruena and 1.5-1.30 Ga Rondonian-San Ignacio

provinces (Fig 2a), whereas in the subdivisions of Santos et al. (2008) the belt is located in their

1.80-1.5 Ga Rondônia-Juruena and 1.45-1.10 Ga Sunsás provinces (Fig 2b). One of the major

problems with these province divisions is the lack of significant geological data able to define their

character and limits. By better defining their ages, petrology, and geochemistry, their forming rocks

can, in turn, be used to refine present models of the Proterozoic provinces and their boundaries in the

southern part of the Amazonian craton.

Insert Fig. 1 here

Insert Fig. 2 here


2. Geochronological and isotopic geochemical constraints


The southwestern portion of the Amazonian craton has been the object of many

geochronological studies and much of these data are presented in Supplementary data Tables 1, 2 and

3. In the Juruena terrane two periods of significant magmatic production were identified. The main

one is Paleoproterozoic in age and the second is of Mesoproterozoic age. On the other hand, the

Jamari terrane includes five episodes of rock generation, the first at the Paleoproterozoic, three at the

Mesoproterozoic and the last at the Early Neoproterozoic. Noteworthy is the scarce evidence of

Archean contributions in either terrane, as recorded in Sm-Nd model ages or in inherited zircon

crystals/cores. In both terranes, the tectonic processes produced hybrid magmas with varied

proportion of juvenile and crustal sources, as evidenced by Sm-Nd data (Supplementary data).

The oldest rocks of this region of the SW Amazonian craton are located in the eastern area of

the Juruena terrane, where the Bacaeri-Mogno complex is exposed. Amphibolite samples from the

complex provided a whole rock Sm-Nd isochronic age of 2.24 Ga, taken as the igneous protolith age,
and ɛNd(T) value of +2.5 (Pimentel, 2001), underlining the juvenile character of the magmatism. In the

same region, the Cuiu-Cuiu complex and Parauari suite rocks display crystallization ages between

1.85 and 1.99 Ga (Moura, 1998; JICA-MMAJ, 2000; Santos et al., 2000; Souza et al., 2005; Silva

and Abram, 2008; Silva et al., 2014), and Sm-Nd model ages from 2.15 to 2.88 Ga (Moura, 1998;

Souza et al., 2005; Silva and Abram, 2008), indicating magma generation from heterogeneous

sources, both primitive and crustal.

Organized into various units and representing different geological settings, Statherian rocks

from the Juruena terrane have crystallization ages distributed along a ca. 80 Ma interval

(Supplementary data). The probability density plot of these ages shows peaks in 1819, 1802, 1795,

1774, 1767, 1758 and 1740 Ma (Fig. 3a), which probably represent pulses in a long-lived magmatic

event. The Sm-Nd model ages (TDM) found for these rocks vary between 1.79 and 2.34 Ga, with
dominant ages around 2.1 Ga. Associated with crystallization ages, these data indicate that magma

generation had both contribution from juvenile sources and older material. This heterogeneity is

observed even in samples of the same unit. Although preliminary due to the restricted number of data

per unit, the model ages distribution of units with different ages (Fig. 3b) does not indicate any clear

trend in the proportion of juvenile/crustal sources along the Paleoproterozoic event. Nevertheless,

this isotopic heterogeneity suggests a diversity of magma sources over this time period, and this also

allows to inferring that factors commanding this proportionality (melting rate, crust thickness, plate

velocity, juvenile magma supply, etc.) remained unstable over an extended time interval.

Insert Figs. 3a,b here

Rocks of the Jamari arc represent the 1.8-1.6 Ga magmatism of the Jamari terrane. The

crystallization ages obtained for these rocks range from 1687 to 1759 Ma and they are associated

with Sm-Nd model ages of 1.79 to 2.40 Ga (Fig. 4a). In some rocks, especially those located in the

central-south portion of the terrane, juvenile isotopic patterns with ɛNd(T) values between +2 and +3
are identified (Silva et al., 2002; Souza et al. 2003; Scandolara, 2006; Santos et al., 2008, among

others), indicating magmas with isotopic composition very close to the mantle. Restricted

occurrences of 2.5-2.3 Ga model ages are recorded in the same complex (Payolla et al., 2002;

Quadros et al., 2011). Metasedimentary rocks from the Quatro Cachoeiras complex have detrital

zircon ages of 1730-1940 Ma and newly crystallized zircon grains and overgrowths generated around

~1650 and ~1331 Ma (Table 1, Supplementary data). The most likely sources of the sediments of this

basin are the rocks of the Jamari complex and Juruena terranes. Although scarce, the Sm-Nd data,

with TDM of 2.1 Ga, are consistent with this assumption.

The Paleoproterozoic crystallization ages and TDM model ages of the Juruena and Jamari

terranes are similar (Fig. 4a). Two of three peaks of crystallization ages recorded in the Jamari

terrane are similar to age data from the Juruena terrane. Considering the margin of error, the peaks of
1805, 1759 and 1735 Ma (Fig. 4a) are identical to the ages of the Paranaíta suite, Teodosia suite (and

part of São Pedro/São Romão suite) and to the ages of the volcanic rocks of the Roosevelt Group,

respectively. As for Sm-Nd data, both terranes display model ages close to 2.1 Ga. However, aside of

the broad spectrum of model ages distribution, an important aspect of the Jamari terrane is the

presence of rocks with TDM ~1.8 Ga, which underlines the juvenile character of the terrane, that is

not recorded in rocks of similar age within the Juruena terrane. However, despite the similarities in

terms of exposure, rocks older than 1750 Ma and model ages around 2.1 Ga dominate in the Juruena


Crystallization and model ages of the 1.6-1.4 Ga rocks of the southwestern Amazonian craton

vary in a broad range (Fig. 4b). The U-Pb results interpreted as magmatic crystallization ages range

between 1604 and 1517 Ma and the TDM model ages vary from 1.70 to 2.57 Ga, associated with

ɛNd(T) values of -5.82 to +3.6. These results indicate the presence of juvenile material and an

important contribution of older crust in the magma sources. The model ages in these rocks are very

close to those found in Paleoproterozoic units of the same region, indicating that they are possibly
one of the magma sources. This possibility is endorsed by the presence of inherited zircon ages

around 1.8 and 1.9 Ga (Oliveira and Rocha, 2015).

Insert Figs. 4a,b here

Represented by rocks of Teotônio (1387 Ma), Alto Candeias (1350-1330 Ma) and São

Lourenço-Caripunas (~1310 Ma) suites, the Rondonian-San Ignacio magmatism is concentrated in

the western part of the study area (Tables in Supplementary data). Few Sm-Nd studies have been

conducted on these suites, but available data indicate model ages between 1.58 and 1.77 Ga and

ɛNd(T) values ranging from slightly negative to positive (Santos Junior, 2015), which indicates a

certain degree of interaction between juvenile and crustal sources. Also dominantly exposed in the
western portion, post-orogenic magmatism of the Santa Clara suite is dated at ~1085 Ma

(Bettencourt et al., 1999; Quadros et al., 2011).


Early in the Neoproterozoic, a post-orogenic extensional event in the western Jamari Terrane

led to the deposition of siliciclastic sediments of the Palmeiral Formation and magmatic intrusions of

the Younger Granites of Rondônia, after which occurred the cratonization of the southwestern

Amazonian craton. Detrital zircon U-Pb data from sandstone samples of the Palmeiral Formation

indicate sources with ages from 1022 to 1740 Ma, thus establishing the maximum age of deposition

and indicating that the basin received input from various units of the Jamari and Juruena terranes. In

addition, geological mapping shows that the Palmeiral Formation unconformably overlies the

metamorphic schists of the Nova Brasilandia belt, suggesting that the youngest constraints on

cooling from metamorphism (biotite Ar-Ar ages of 910 Ma, Tohver et al., 2004) provide a lower

maximum age constraint for the deposition. Intrusion of the Younger Granites of Rondônia occurred

at 970-990 Ma and their sources are essentially crustal, as indicated by Sm-Nd model ages of 1.71 to

2.22 Ga and ɛNd(T) values from -4.58 to -2.95 (Bettencourt et al., 1999; Sparrenberger et al., 2002).
Isotopic data record two metamorphic events in the Juruena and Jamari terranes. During Rio

Negro-Juruena orogeny the entire region had its argon and part of the U-Pb isotopic systems affected

by migmatisation processes and high-grade metamorphism of high-T amphibolite to granulite facies.

These processes were able to generate newly crystallized zircon grains and overgrowths on cores

between 1.69-1.63 Ga (Tables 1 and 2, Supplementary data).

The second metamorphic event is associated with the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny (1.42-

1.37 Ga, Scandolara, 2006) that was much more intense in the Jamari terrane, which reached high-T

amphibolite facies and generated anatexis. 1.42-1.37 Ga U-Pb ages of monazite, zircon rims and

titanite of various units of the Jamari terrane indicate the extent and intensity of this event (see

Tables 1 and 2, Supplementary data). Within the Juruena terrane, the event was less intense, but can

still be identified through Ar-Ar data and restricted U-Pb ages (Bizzi et al., 2004; Silva and Abram,

The Juruena orogen rocks were deformed at low-T amphibolite facies conditions during the

Sunsás Orogeny (ca. 1.2-1.12 Ga; Tohver et al., 2002; Scandolara, 2006). This deformation episode

is the last of several tectonometamorphic events that affected this orogen throughout the

Mesoproterozoic (see Tables 2 and 3, Supplementary data). 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages reveal two

main age intervals. Ages of ca.1.35 Ga (Scandolara, 2008) are found in rocks not directly deformed

by the Ji-Paraná and Tarilândia shear zone network, whereas a younger set of ages in the 1.18-1.12

Ga range are observed in mylonitic to protomylonitic samples (Tohver et al., 2002). All biotite

samples from both shear zones and undeformed rocks yield ages in the younger 1.15-1.10 Ga range,

indicating that the temperature of regional deformation during this younger deformation event (1.2-

1.12 Ga) was sufficiently high to thermally reset biotite, therefore representing cooling ages (Tohver

et al., 2002). Resetting of the isotopic systems during the 1.2-1.12 Ga interval is clearly associated

with the effects of deformation (e.g., strain induced recrystallization in shear zones) that cannot have

been operative at temperatures greater than ca. 500°C, otherwise all hornblende samples would

record cooling ages <1.2 Ga. Clustering of biotite ages at ≤1150 Ma in both the Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar
systems indicates that the temperature of regional deformation was sufficient to thermally reset all

biotite samples, yielding cooling ages that follow the younger ca. 1.2-1.12 Ga deformation. New U-

Pb, 40Ar/39Ar, and Rb-Sr data from the Juruena accretionary orogen used in this contribution

constrain the Late Mesoproterozoic temperature-time (T-t) evolution of the SW Amazonian craton

(Tohver et al., 2002; Scandolara, 2006), with particular emphasis on the amphibolite facies

deformational event that occurred at 1.2-1.12 Ga (Fig. 5).

Insert Fig. 5 here

3. Jamari, Juruena, and Jauru terranes in the context of the SW Amazonian craton
Tectonostratigraphic terranes are fault-bounded geologic entities or fragments characterized

by distinctive geologic histories that differ markedly from adjacent terranes (Jones et al., 1983). In
addition, the tectonostratigraphic terranes show stratigraphically coherent assemblages and tectonic

juxtaposition to adjacent units. A few terranes are fault-bounded structural complexes, mainly

subduction zone or accretionary-wedge complexes.


The limits of terranes and domains in the Juruena orogen incorporate significant

macrostructures generated in three orogenic events and, therefore, the limit of Jamari and Juruena

terranes (Fig. 6). Thus, the Juruena Accretionary Orogen (Jamari and Juruena terranes and Roosevelt,

Aripuanã and Alta Floresta domains), here proposed (Fig. 6), is based on geological data (Scandolara

et al., 1999, 2013a,b, 2014; Santos et al., 2000; Payolla et al., 2002; Frasca and Borges, 2003;

Lacerda Filho et al., 2004; Souza et al., 2005; Scandolara, 2006; Quadros and Rizzotto, 2007;

Quadros et al., 2011; Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011; this work). The Jamari and Juruena terranes of SW

Amazonian craton preserve important records of structural and tectonic history relating to the three

major Proterozoic events, namely the Rio Negro-Juruena, Rondonian-San Ignácio and Sunsás


The SW portion of the Amazonian craton exposed in east Bolivia and in Rondônia, Mato

Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil is divided into the Jamari, Juruena, Alto Jauru, Nova
Brasilândia, Alto Guaporé, Rio Alegre and Paraguá terranes (Litherland et al., 1989; Scandolara et

al., 1999; Boger et al., 2005; Ruiz, 2005; Scandolara, 2006; Ruiz et al., 2007; Bettencourt et al.,

2010) (Fig. 7). The tectonostratigraphic terranes in the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic domains - Juruena

(east), Jamari (west), and Alto Jauru (south) (Scandolara et al., 1999; Santos et al., 2000; Quadros

and Rizzotto, 2002; Ruiz, 2006; Scandolara, 2006 ) (Figs. 1 and 2) are included in the Rondonia-

Juruena (Santos et al., 2000, Fig. 2b) or Rio Negro-Juruena (Tassinari and Macambira, 1999)

geochronologic provinces (Fig. 2a), and were formed along approximately 300 m.y. (1810-1510


Insert Fig. 6 here

Insert Fig. 7 here
3.1. Jamari terrane (1.79-1.51 Ga)

The Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Jamari terrane in central-north Rondônia (Fig. 6) is related to the

Rio Negro-Juruena orogeny. Its formation started at ca. 1790 Ma (Scandolara et al., 1999, 2013b;

Scandolara, 2006; this work) with a continental margin arc, including an accretionary phase between

1.79 and 1.74 Ga (Jamari complex), and two orogenic basins (Mutum-Paraná Formation ~1.75 Ga,

Quatro Cachoeiras complex, 1.72-1.69 Ga). The collisional phase is characterized by high-grade

metamorphism (1.69-1.63 Ga) and the post-collisional period (1.6-1.51 Ga) by two A-type granitoid

suites (Serra da Providência and Rio Crespo). This terrane is bounded on the east by the Juruena

terrane across the sinistral shear zones system formed during the Sunsás event (Ji-Paraná

Transpressive System, 1.2-1.12 Ga; Scandolara et al., 1999; Tohver et al., 2002; Scandolara, 2006),

in the west by Cenozoic cover and to the south by the Nova Brasilândia terrane.

The Jamari complex, oldest crust in the Jamari terrane, is a magmatic arc formed of

tonalitic/enderbitic, granodioritic/charnoenderbitic, granitic/charnockitic and rare mafic

orthogneisses with U-Pb crystallization ages between 1.79 Ga and 1.74 Ga (Santos et al., 2000, 2004;

Payolla et al., 2002; this work). The Mutum-Paraná Formation, in the northwest of the terrane,
comprises a lower unit of phyllite, slate, arkosian metasandstone, quartzite, metachert and metatuff,

and a upper unit of metasandstone and metasiltstone. Sedimentary structures include low-medium

angle cross-stratification, symmetrical ripple marks, strata with bidirectionality in different surfaces

and lamination truncated by waves. The rocks and their preserved primary structures suggest

deposition in shallow marine environment, with episodes of continental clastic sedimentation and

volcanic activity (Scandolara et al., 1999; Quadros and Rizzotto, 2007). The Quatro Cachoeiras

complex, sedimentary unit (pelites, semipelites, psamites, psamo-pelites, marls) metamorphosed

under high-grade conditions, comprises biotite-garnet-cordierite-sillimanite gneiss, biotite-garnet-

sillimanite-kyanite gneiss, biotite-garnet-sillimanite gneiss, spinel-biotite-cordierite-sillimanite-

garnet gneiss, calcsilicate gneiss (Fe- rich metamarl) and biotite-sillimanite schist (Scandolara,

2006). The Serra da Providência and Rio Crespo suites of A-type granitoids, including rapakivi
granite, mangerite, charnockite and mafic rocks, define the post-collisional stage of the orogen (1.6-

1.51 Ga) (Scandolara, 2006; Scandolara et al., 2013a).


The rocks of the Jamari terrane were deformed under high-grade metamorphism conditions

through two sucessive phases of deformation with metamorphic peak and migmatization at 1.69-1.63

Ga: D1 of frontal and oblique ramps, and D2 of sinistral transcurrent and transpressive structures.

The Juruena orogen cratonization (1.51-1.5 Ga) was followed by tectonic reactivation, deformation,

thermal overprint, and magmatism of the Rondonian-San Ignácio (1.50-1.25 Ga) and Sunsás (1.25-

0.95 Ga) orogenies (Scandolara, 2006; Scandolara et al., 2013b). High-grade metamorphic rocks and

structures related to the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny (metamorphic peak between 1.42 and 1.37

Ga) post-dated the sedimentary basins (Nova Mamoré complex, Igarapé Quinze and Igarapé Lourdes

formations - 1.45 to 1.40 Ga) and the late to post-collisional phase is characterized by the A-type

Santo Antônio (1.40 Ga), Teotônio (1.38 Ga), Alto Candeias (1.34 Ga) and São Lourenço-Caripunas

(1.31 Ga) intrusive suites. Effects of the Sunsás orogeny are represented by extensive development

of mylonitic belts related with shear zones of the Tarilândia and Ji-Paraná systems (1.2-1.12 Ga), rift

basins (Pacaás Novos, São Lourenço, São Francisco/Prainha, Mirante da Serra and Rio Branco, ca.
1.02-0.95 Ga), and post-collisional A-type granite intrusions (Santa Clara Suite, 1.08-1.07 Ga; Rio

Pardo Granite, 1.05-1.0 Ga; Younger Granites of Rondônia, 1.0- 0.97 Ga).

3.2. Juruena terrane (1.81-1.51 Ga)

The Juruena terrane (Fig. 6), also related to the Rio Negro-Juruena orogeny, is divided into

three different domains: (i) Roosevelt, wich consists mainly of plutonic rocks (Andean-type Juruena

arc) formed between 1810 and 1740 Ma; (ii) Aripuanã, which includes the Roosevelt group (1760-

1740 Ma), important allochthonous volcanosedimentary unit of the Juruena arc (fore arc basin with

movement from south to north), five post-collisional A-type granite suites (Serra da Providência,

Nova Canaã, Aripuanã and Rio do Sangue, 1570-1510 Ma; Rio Pardo, 1005 Ma) as well as the

Aripuanã-Dardanelos/Caiabis basin (1400-1350 Ma); and (iii) the Alta Floresta domain, representing

the Paleoproterozoic Tapajós arc system (2100-1.800 Ma), part of the basement of the Juruena arc
composed of the Bacaeri-Mogno and Cuiu-Cuiu complexes, Parauari Suite (Nhandu and Matupá

granites), Teles Pires Suite, Terra Nova Granite and Neoarchean Santana do Araguaia complex

(Frasca and Borges, 2003; Lacerda Filho et al., 2004; Souza et al., 2005; Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011).

The Alta Floresta domain includes subordinate units of the Juruena arc, characterizing interaction

between the Juruena accretionary orogen and the Tapajós arc system (i.e. Ventuari-Tapajós

province). The boundary between the Roosevelt and Alta Floresta domains is defined by a NW-SE

trending crustal-scale structure, characterized by frontal to oblique kinematics and ENE to WSW

mass movement.

The Juruena terrane started with the Juruena arc, including, as the accretionary phase, the

Colíder Group, the Paranaíta (1810-1781 Ma), Vitória (1785-1775 Ma) and Vespor (1776 Ma) suites,

São Pedro and São Romão granites (1784 Ma), Apiacás Granite (1784 Ma), Roosevelt Group (1760-

1740 Ma), Teodósia (1762-1749 Ma) and Igarapé das Lontras (1754 Ma) suites. The collisional

phase took place at 1680-1640 Ma (Scandolara et al., 2013a) or 1.690-1630 Ma (this work, Tables in

Suplementary data) with movement from south to north, producing an E-W overprint on the older

rocks, as is clearly displayed in the Roosevelt Group and Juruena arc rocks. Most of the paragneisses
of the Juruena terrane were formed during this collisional phase. This orogenic phase is also recorded

in the metamorphosed Colniza granodiorite of the Aripuanã River region (1669±13 Ma; Pinho et al.,

2003). After an interval of about 70-80 m.y., apparently without any important geological activity,

the Serra da Providência suite (1560-1510 Ma; Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011; Costa and Oliveira, 2013;

Oliveira and Rocha, 2015) was formed in the Juruena terrane. This suite comprises an assemblage of

A-type rapakivi granites and charnockite/mangerite, with post-collisional chemical characteristics

(Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011; Costa and Oliveira, 2013; Scandolara et al., 2013a; Oliveira and Rocha,

2015). This A-type magmatism includes also the Nova Canaã, Aripuanã and Rio do Sangue suites

and the Gavião Group (Leite et al., 2010; Oliveira and Rocha, 2015) in Mato Grosso and Amazonas.

3.3. Jauru terrane (1.78-1.42 Ga)
The Jauru terrane comprises the following lithostratigraphic units: i. the Alto de Jauru Group
(Monteiro et al., 1986) is formed of volcano-sedimentary sequences; available U-Pb zircon for acid

to intermediate volcanics are 1.76 to 1.72 Ga, and εNd(t) is +2.6 to +2.2, allowing a dominantly

juvenile mantle derivation for these rocks (Ruiz, 1992). 40Ar/39Ar ages between 1.53 and 1.46 Ga

date the metamorphic cooling related to the Cachoeirinha orogenic phase (Ruiz, 2005). Geochemical

data from the Cabaçal Belt N-MORB tholeiitic basalts suggest amalgamation with the evolving

continental margin of successive intra-oceanic arcs during the Alto Jauru Group formation (Pinho et

al., 1997; Geraldes et al., 2001), which is also part of the Rio Negro-Juruena Province; ii. the

Figueira Branca Intrusive Suite is composed of numerous plutons that intruded the Alto Jauru Group

and comprises polydeformed metabasic and meta-ultrabasic rocks metamorphosed at high-T

amphibolite to greenschist facies (Saes et al., 1984; Ruiz, 2005). The close relationship between the

mafic-ultramafic intrusions and the Alto Jauru Group supracrustal rocks indicates that the rock

association represents relicts of Paleoproterozoic oceanic crust (Ruiz, 2005); iii. the Alto Guaporé

Metamorphic Complex (Menezes et al., 1993) consists of granodioritic to tonalitic orthogneiss, the

protoliths of which intruded the volcanosedimentary supracrustal sequences. The gneisses were

metamorphosed at greenschist to amphibolite facies. The oldest dated orthogneisses range in U-Pb
zircon age between 1.8 and 1.7 Ga, and the εNd(t) values varying from +2.4 to -0.8 suggest mantle

signature. The Ar-Ar ages indicate that the gneisses were thermally affected during the Cachoeirinha

orogenic phase at 1.51 Ga and/or reset during the Sunsás Orogeny (1.25-0.91 Ga) (Ruiz, 2005); iv.

the Cabaçal Tonalite was first described by Monteiro et al. (1986) as a tonalite batholith

metamorphosed at amphibolite facies, which intruded the Cabaçal Belt volcanic-sedimentary

sequence. Pb-Pb isotopic data yielded crystallization age of ca. 1.78 Ga (Pinho, 1996). This segment

of the Jauru terrane was successively reworked during the Cachoeirinha (1.56-1.52 Ga; Van Schmus

et al., 1998; Geraldes et al., 1999; Geraldes, 2000) and Santa Helena orogenic phases (1.48-1.42 Ga;

Saes et al.,1984; Geraldes et al.,1997; Van Schmus et al., 1998; Geraldes et al., 2001, 2004; Ruiz,

2005; Araújo, 2008).

4. The Juruena Acrretionary Orogen in the SW Amazonian craton context
The newly recognized 1850-1822 Ma event of continental arc affinity coincides with many

orogens showing Andean-type arc affinities, e.g. 1.95-1.80 Ga old Trans-Hudson orogen in Canada

that is considered to have accreted at around 1.84-1.80 Ga (St-Onge et al., 2001) and the 2.7-1.7 Ga

North China craton that amalgamated at ~1.85 Ga (Zhao, 2001). These and several other orogens are

considered to form part of the supercontinent Columbia which is speculated to have been assembled

by global-scale 2.0-1.8 Ga collisional events (Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Zhao et al., 2004).

However, some studies allow for different ages for amalgamation: 1.53 Ga (Pesonen et al., 2012) or

1.58 Ga (Pisarevsky et al., 2014). The inferred tectonic setting of the Juruena (1.81-1.52 Ga; Ribeiro

and Duarte, 2011; Scandolara et al., 2011, 2014) and Jamari (1.78-1.52; Scandolara et al., 2013a,b)

terranes and their ages suggest to review the timing of accretion (~1.9-1.8 Ga; Rogers and Santosh,

2004) of Columbia. The southern part of the Amazonian Craton may, therefore, provide critical

information to redefine the age ranges of crust-formation episodes and the configuration of this

Paleoproterozoic supercontinent.
Geochronological, geochemical and petrologic data previously obtained for the rocks in the

Jamari and Juruena terranes (Santos et al., 2000, 2008; Payolla et al., 2002; Scandolara 2006; Ribeiro

and Duarte, 2011; Duarte et al., 2012; Scandolara et al., 2013a,b, 2014; Duarte, 2015; this work),

suggest that the SW Amazonian craton developed as an accretionary margin between 1.81-1.74 Ga.

Available data (Scandolara et al., 2011, 2013b) indicate that the Jamari and Juruena terranes are the

product of an early stage represented by an accretionary arc in the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic. Such

offshore arcs may accrete to one another and to an active continental margin, where they are

incorporated into an Andean-type orogen. This model involving two successive arcs for the

lithotectonic evolution of the continental margin of the SW Amazonian craton was first proposed by

Scandolara et al. (2011), and later renewed by Scandolara et al. (2013b). Based on recent

geochemical studies focused on lithotectonic elements (Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011; Duarte et al.,
2012; Scandolara et al., 2013a,b) within the Jamari and Juruena terranes, it was suggested that

subduction under the Tapajós margin may have started as early as 1800 Ma.

The plutonic and volcanic rocks within the Jamari and Juruena terranes are directly underlain

by Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement (“Tapajós/Santana do Araguaia crust”). However,


some petrotectonic evidence for an accretionary continental arc in the SW Amazonian craton, such as

sedimentation of back-arck rocks, is missing. However, the volcanic rocks of the Colider Group can

be representatives of back-arc environment. This apparent lack of lithotectonic elements in

accretionary orogens can be explained by continuous processes involved in the evolution of


convergence (subduction, magmatism, accretion, tectonic erosion) destroying its original geometry

and generating structural complications that give rise to uncertainties regarding the original tectonic

setting (Cawood et al., 2009). Another possibility to explain apparent absences of petrotectonic

elements in the Juruena orogen (notably sedimentary covers) requires reflection on their kinematic

framework and resulting geological characteristics which implies the development of a retreating-

type orogen, which evolved into an advancing type (see Cawood et al., 2009). This evolution in
orogen dynamics from “retreating type” to “advancing type” was also emphasized by Condie and

Aster (2013) and Condie and Kröner (2013) in the study of the Columbia supercontinent assembly.

Despite of this, the present study, product of broad reassessment of geochronological,

geophysical and geochemical results, suggests strongly that the plutonic and volcanic rocks form part

of a continental margin arc, here called the Juruena Accretionary Orogen (see geologic map of Fig.

8), which formed in a subduction-related setting that predated emplacement of the post-collisional

Serra da Providência A-type granite suite by ca. 30-50 Ma. Such belts lie at plate margins where

deformation, metamorphism and crustal growth took place in an environment of continuing

subduction and accretion. These belts are termed accretionary orogens but have also been referred to

as exterior orogens (Cawood et al., 2009).

Paleo-Mesoproterozoic continental arcs have also been reported from other cratonic blocks,
including the 1.8-1.7 Ga Yavapai, Central Plains and Makkovikian belts, 1.7-1.6 Ga Mazatzal and

Labradorian Belts, 1.5-1.3 Ga St. François and Spavinaw Belts and 1.3-1.2 Ga Elzevirian Belt in

North America, the 1.8-1.7 Ga Ketilidian Belt in Greenland, the 1.8-1.7 Ga Transcandinavian

Igneous Belt, 1.7-1.6 Ga Kongsberggian-Gothian Belt, and 1.5-1.3 Ga Southwest Sweden Granitoid

Belt in Baltica (see Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Zhang et al., 2012; He et al., 2015 and references

therein). These continental arcs have been considered as the products of a long-lived, subduction-

related outgrowth of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia (Nuna) (Hoffman, 1989;

Rogers and Santosh, 2002; Pesonen et al., 2003; Zhao et al., 2004). Recognition of the Jamari and

Juruena terrane as a Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic continental arc system is key for


reconstructing the position of the SW Amazonian craton in the proposed Paleo-Mesoproterozoic

Columbia (Nuna) supercontinent. Thus, we propose that in any configurations of the Columbia

(Nuna) supercontinent, the southern margin of the SW Amazonian craton was connected with other

continental blocks complementing recently proposed settings.

Insert Fig. 8 here

Insert Fig. 8 continued (Legend) here

5. Metamorphism and deformation

The Juruena accretionary orogen rocks were deformed through three major events, labeled

DE1, DE2, and DE3, related to the Rio Negro-Juruena, Rondonian-San Ignácio and Sunsás

orogenies, respectively (see Fig. 9). Superposition of the most important structural features of the

Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Juruena orogen resulted in a complex geometric and kinematic pattern, as

shown in Fig 9. The deformational Paleoproterozoic history of the Juruena orogen (DE1) was the

result of SSW-NNE directed shortening due to oblique collision of proto-Paraguá and Tapajós crustal

blocks. The same tectonic regime that deformed rocks of the Jamari terrane also affected the rocks of

the Juruena terrane, which were deformed under high-grade metamorphism conditions through two
sucessive phases of deformation with metamorphic peak at 1.69-1.63 Ga. The DE1 (D1) event

resulted in frontal and oblique ramps and mass movement from SSW to NNE and the DE1 (D2)

comprises left-lateral strike-slip and transpressive structures.

Deformation and metamorphism related to the DE1 event (1.68-1.64 Ga, Scandolara, 2006 or

1.69-1.63 Ga, this work) during the Rio Negro-Juruena (Teixeira et al., 1989) or Quatro Cachoeiras

(Santos et al., 2000, 2008) orogeny were accompanied by migmatization. The metamorphic grade of

the Jamari complex corresponds to upper-amphibolite to granulite facies conditions (Scandolara,


2006). The peak of metamorphism, with partial melting, related to the DE1 orogenic phase is dated at

1690-1630 Ma (U-Pb zircon ages, SHRIMP, TIMS, LA-ICP-MS; Table 1, Supplementary data, this

work). In the Roosevelt and Alta Floresta domains, the Juruena terrane metamorphism reached

upper-amphibolite facies, but with less significant partial melting. There is no evidence of granulite

facies metamorphism, and the metamorphic peak of DE1 in this terrane (U-Pb zircon ages, LA-ICP-

MS; Table 2), is around 1.64 Ga (Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011). The Juruena orogen cratonization in the

early Mesoproterozoic (~1.50 Ga) was followed by tectonic reactivation, deformation and thermal

overprint due to the Rondonian-San Ignácio orogeny (1.50-1.30 Ga) under medium- to high-grade

conditions, and to the Sunsás orogeny (1.3-0.95 Ga) under medium-grade conditions (Scandolara,
2006; Tohver et al., 2005; Silva and Abram, 2008; Scandolara et al., 2013b; this work) (see DE1,

DE2 and DE3, Fig.9).

Geochronological and petrological studies demonstrate that a medium- to high-grade tectono-

metamorphic episode related to the Rondonian-San Ignácio orogeny (DE2) reworked the Juruena

accretionary orogen in Rondônia and Mato Grosso at 1400-1370 Ma (Tab 1 and 2 Supplementary

data and Fig. 9) during maximum Rondonian-San Ignacio deformation (Scandolara, 2006; Silva and

Abram, 2008; Scandolara et al., 2013b). This episode is characterized by crytical metamorphic

mineral assemblages and anatexis, which are suggestive of upper amphibolite facies metamorphism,

widely developed on the rocks of the Jamari Complex (Scandolara et al., 2013b) and on supracrustal

rocks of the Quatro Cachoeiras and Nova Mamoré complexes within the Jamari terrane (Scandolara,

2006; Quadros and Rizzotto, 2007; Quadros et al., 2011; Scandolara et al., 2013b). This tectono-
metamorphic imprint under high-grade conditions on rocks of the Serra da Providência and Rio

Crespo suites and Igarapé Quinze Formation is reported up to the Ji-Paraná area, eastern part of the

Jamari terrane, based mainly on U-Pb zircon, monazite and titanite ages, as well as on Ar-Ar

hornblende, biotite and muscovite ages (Tohver et al., 2005; Bettencourt et al., 2006; Scandolara,

2006; Quadros et al., 2011).


Within the Juruena terrane, this event affected units of the three domains developing

important transcurrent dextral NE-SW and NW-SE shear zones, where Ar-Ar cooling ages between

1.19 and 1.35 Ga are recorded (Table 2, Supplementary data; Silva and Abram, 2008). Orientation

and kinematic indicators of the Rondonian-San Ignácio structures (DE2) in the Juruena orogen

suggest that deformation was the result of W-E directed shortening. These medium- to high-grade

metamorphic structures related to the Rondonian-San Ignácio orogeny (1.40-1.37 Ga) post-date the

sedimentary basins (Nova Mamoré Complex, Igarapé Quinze, Igarapé Lourdes and Dardanelos

formations, 1.40 to 1.35 Ga) and the late- to post-orogenic A-type granitoid plutons emplaced

following NE-SW and E-W trends (Alto Candeias and São Lourenço-Caripunas suites).
The DE3 metamorphic-deformational event recorded in the Juruena accretionary orogen is

product of far-field intra-plate deformation related to the Sunsás orogeny. Evolution of the Sunsás

orogen and its geodynamic behaviour during the late Mesoproterozoic is still under debate. Tohver et

al. (2004) and Boger et al. (2005) reported some of the alternative tectonic scenarios, suggesting for

instance that the final docking of the Paraguá microcontinent on the Amazonian craton took place

during the Sunsás orogeny, at c. 1.1 Ga. These authors also suggest alternative configurations such as

the collision of the Paraguá microcontinent with the southern part of the already cratonized RNJ

province at c. 1.37-1.28 Ga, creating the Rondonian-San Ignácio belt. Teixeira et al. (2010) argue

that the latter hypothesis is more consistent with the available geochronologic background, geologic

correlations and regional structure of the SW Amazon region (see Betttencourt et al., 2010).

As a result of the Mesoproterozoic polycyclic evolution recorded whitin the Juruena
accretionary orogen and the Rondonian-San Ignácio province, the SW Amazonian craton is

characterized by the complex juxtaposition of distinct geologic units, such as the Nova Brasilândia

belt in the Nova Brasilândia terrane (1.15-1.00 Ga; Tohver et al., 2004), and a great deal of

anorogenic, A-type granite intrusions, namely the Santa Clara Suite (1.08-1.07 Ga), Rio Pardo

Granite (1.05 Ga) and the Rondônia Tin Province plutons (0.99-0.97 Ga). The strain ellipsoid model

for the Sunsás collision (Sadowski and Bettencourt, 1996) suggests WNW-ESE directed shortening

and illustrates the mechanical compatibility of the observed frontal W-E/NW-SE directed strain with

left-lateral shearing along the northern boundary of the Sunsás belt and the oblique geometry of the

Aguapeí fold belt and other related extension/transpressive components over the cratonic margin.

Examples could be the shear zones in the Juruena accretionary orogen (Tarilândia dextral

transcurrent zone and Ji-Paraná left-lateral transpressive system; Fig. 9).

A major crustal-scale structure – namely the Ji-Paraná shear zone network (JPSZ, Scandolara

et al., 1999) which separates the Jamari and Juruena terranes, extends over hundreds of kilometers

(see Figs. 9 and 10), crosscuting all pre-existing rock fabrics of the Juruena orogen and Rondonian-

San Ignácio structures (Scandolara et al., 1999; Tohver et al., 2002; Scandolara, 2006). It is marked
by NNW, NW and NE transcurrent and transpressive structures developed under low-temperature

amphibolite facies conditions at c. 1.2-1.12 Ga (Tohver et al., 2004, 2005; Scandolara, 2006). The

JPSZ deformation is probably related to an early Grenvillian collision of the SW Amazonian craton

against the Llano segment (1.15-1.10 Ga) of southern Laurentia (e.g. Tohver et al., 2005). This event

contrasts in time with the slightly younger Grenvillian episodes (1.05-0.95 Ga) from southern

Laurentia, which on the other hand are compatible with the timing of the Sunsás orogen in the

Amazon region. Roughly contemporary intraplate events, reflected by shear zones and anorogenic

magmatism, have been recognized in many places of the Amazonian Craton (e.g., Teixeira et al.,

1989; Cordani et al., 2010), allowing to make a tectonic link with the Grenvillian-aged events. Late

Mesoproterozoic tectonic reactivations are also recognized in the Juruena accretionary orogen (e.g.,

Pacaás Novos, São Lourenço, Mirante da Serra, São Francisco and Rio Branco basins <1.05 Ga; see
Fig. 9).

Insert Fig. 9 here

Insert Fig. 10 here


The combination of 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb and Rb-Sr analyses in Juruena orogen rocks (Tables 1, 2,

3, supplementary data) reveal three episodes of regional cooling in association with minerals of high

(700-800ºC), medium (500-350ºC) and low (±350ºC) closing temperatures, related to Paleo-

Mesoproterozoic metamorphic events (Tohver et al., 2004, 2005; Scandolara, 2006; Silva and

Abram, 2006). The oldest tectonothermal event – DE1 (1.69-1.63 Ga), under high-T amphibolite to

granulite facies, was identified on zircon (~ 1.67 Ga, metamorphic rim, U-Pb/TIMS/SHRIMP/LA-

ICP-MS; Payolla et al., 2002; Santos, 2008; Ribeiro and Duarte, 2011; this work) (Fig. 9). The

tectonic significance of 1.40-1.37 Ga metamorphism ages obtained by thermochronology (Ar-Ar

method) is uncertain (Tohver et al., 2005) because they may indicate a heat source for static crustal

metamorphism (Payolla et al., 2002) and extensive U mobilization related to the abundant
magmatism in the region (Tohver et al., 2004). However, Scandolara (2006) and Silva and Abram

(2008) argued that Paleoproterozoic cratonic rocks preserve the ca. 1.35 Ga cooling ages of the DE2

metamorphic event (U-Pb on zircon, monazite, titanite, 40Ar-39Ar on hornblende) although

overprinted in some places by ca. 1.2-1.12 Ga deformation (U-Pb on allanite, titanite, 40Ar/39Ar on

hornblende; Tohver et al., 2004).

In contrast, the resetting of isotopic systems during the 1.2-1.12 Ga DE3 interval is clearly

associated with the effects of deformation (e.g., strain induced recrystallization in shear zones) that

cannot have been operative at temperatures greater than ca. 500ºC, otherwise all hornblende samples

would record cooling ages <1.2 Ga. The clustering of biotite ages at ≤1150 Ma for both the Rb–Sr

and 40Ar-39Ar systems indicates that the temperature of regional deformation was sufficient to

thermally reset all biotite samples, i.e., these are cooling ages that follow the younger ca. 1.2-1.12 Ga
deformation (Tohver et al., 2005; Scandolara, 2006). The ductile deformation defined by nature of

foliation, recrystallized minerals and new parageneses indicates that the maximum temperature of

mylonitic deformation of the DE3 event did not exceed 550ºC (450-550ºC, feldspar exsolution in Ji-

Paraná Shear Zone, Tohver et al., 2002), consistent with the maximum closing temperature window

of hornblende (450-525ºC; McDougall and Harrison, 1999).


6. Tectonic evolution
During the later Paleoproterozoic, about 1.81-1.74 Ga, an active convergent tectonic zone

developed on the southweastern margin (present coordinates) of the Amazonian craton. Detailed

mapping, coupled with geochronological, geochemical investigations and metamorphic ages, are

entirely consistent with a Jamari-Juruena terranes connection, and revealed the presence of 1810-

1740 Ma Andean type calc-alkaline rock associations, which constitute the Juruena accretionary

orogen along the southwestern margin of the Amazonian craton in Rondônia and Mato Grosso. The

Juruena orogen was formed during the Rio Negro-Juruena orogeny (1.81-1.51 Ga) through dominant

soft-collision/accretion processes (complex orogen cf. Condie, 2007) or evolution-type retreating to

advancing orogens (sensus Cawood et al., 2009) recorded in the Jamari terrane, and in the Roosevelt
and Aripuanã domains of the Juruena terrane, including recurrent plutonic pulses, agglutination of

magmatic arcs (1.81-1.74 Ga) and annexation of the Alta Floresta and Aripuanã allochthonous

domain (1.69-1.63 Ga, this work). This active margin continued towards the north-northwest along

the ca. 1.8-1.7 Ga margin of North China, Baltica and Amazonia (cf. Bispo-Santos et al., 2008) or

West Africa and South America (cf. configuration proposed by Zhao et al., 2002) as part of an active

margin of the Columbia supercontinent. Tectonic activity included development of Andean-type

magmatic arcs that ultimately accreted to Columbia. Accretion could have started around 1.7-1.65

Ga as shown by syntectonic fabrics in many pluton aureoles and penetrative deformation and

metamorphism in the Juruena orogen, and hence likely pre-dated the orogenesis that assembled


The dominantly plutonic suites which constitute the Juruena accretionary orogen, particularly
in the Jamari and Juruena terranes (but not in the Alta Floresta domain) are characterised by gabbro-

diorite to granite calc-alkaline series with volcanic and subvolcanic subordinate rocks (Colider and

Roosevelt groups), collectively forming the Paleoproterozoic Jamari and Juruena Andean-type

continental arcs. Whole rock major element geochemistry characterises these arcs as calc-alkalic to

alkali-calcic, metaluminous, varying from ferroan to magnesian. Trace element concentrations are

characterised by negative high field strength element anomalies, suggesting emplacement along a

destructive plate margin. The geochemical signatures of the Jamari and Juruena arcs (Jamari terrane,

Roosevelt and Aripuanã domains) are largely identical and geographic location, map relationships,

and geochronological, geochemical and petrographic constraints are consistent with both terranes

formed in a subduction-related continental arc setting. Therefore, the southeastern margin of the

Amazonian craton was a long-lived active continental margin with a single phase of continental arc

magmatism between 1.81 to 1.74 Ga. In the arc context, age, sedimentological, and geochemical data

for the volcanosedimentary rocks of the Roosevelt Group record an episode of extension, associated

with formation of a series of intermontane basins. We suggest that the Alta Floresta domain

constitutes an allochthonous domain akin to the Ventuari-Tapajós province and together with crustal
fragments of Neoarchean crust (Santana do Araguaia complex), was incorporated into the Juruena

arc during the 1.69-1.63 Ga orogenic phase through frontal to oblique movement along the regional

thrust structure that separates the Roosevelt and Alta Floresta domains (see Fig. 9).

The Rondonian-San Ignácio orogeny (1.50-1.30 Ga) played an important role in the orogenic

reworking of the Juruena accretionary orogen framework. Cordani and Teixeira (1989) claim that the

Rondonian-San Ignácio belt was formed by the amalgamation of intra-oceanic magmatic arcs and

accretionary prisms, resulting in arc collision against the SW boundary of the Juruena accretionary

orogen. The belt encompasses collage of high-grade accretionary belts as well as large shear zones

and recurrent A-type plutonism, which constitute clues for the collisional nature of the boundary.

However, our petrotectonic data do not support this statement, suggesting instead that in the Juruena

orogen, the Rondonian-San Ignácio event generated a intracratonic-type orogenic imprint (sensus
Canwood et al., 2009). The controversial boundary between the Rondonian-San Ignácio and Rio

Negro-Juruena provinces was previously inferred based on Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages (Cordani et al.,

1979; Teixeira et al., 1989). These data, plus added U-Pb zircon ages (Tassinari et al., 1996), and

more recent Ar-Ar ages (Tohver et al., 2004; Scandolara, 2006; Silva and Abram, 2008;) led us to re-

evaluate this limit, taking into account the intensity of reworking within the Juruena accretionary

orogen, which worked out as a continental plate in this event (see DE2 in Fig. 9). Based on spatial

distribution of the geological units, structures, K-Ar, Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages (Tables 1, 2 and 3,

Supplementary data), the Rondonian-San Ignácio event was much more important within the then

continental plate than heretofore considered, with structural imprints that reach the Alta Floresta

domain, as shown in Fig. 9.

Geologic correlations, coupled with interpretation of U-Pb, Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar ages (Tables 1,

2 and 3, Supplementary data) and petrogenetic constraints, provide a clear-cut picture of the Sunsás

evolution (1250-0.95 Ma), the youngest tectonic event in SW Amazonian craton (Tohver et al., 2004;

Scandolara, 2006; Teixeira et al., 2010;), and its role in the reworking of the Juruena accretionary

orogen (see Fig. 9). The early evolution stage (passive margin <1200 Ma) developed along the
southern edge of the already cratonized Juruena accretionary orogen, as indicated by the deposition

of the Migrantinópolis Formation in the Nova Brazilândia terrane. This stage was roughly

contemporary with deformation and metamorphism along the Ji-Paraná transpressive belt network

and Tarilândia transcurrent shear zone (1180-1120 Ma, Figs. 9 and 10; Scandolara, 1999; Tohver et

al., 2004, 2005; this work). Subsequently, the Sunsás orogen gave way to an allochthonous

collisional belt (1113-1005 Ma) that truncated the major tectonic structures related to the Rio Negro-

Juruena and Rondonian-San Ignácio events, as the result of inboard orogenic shortening and

transtension. Associated intracratonic basins (Aguapeí and Palmeiral formations, ~ 1022 Ma) were

formed, and mafic–ultramafic rocks of the Nova Floresta Formation (1.1-1.06 Ga) and A2-type

granite suites (Santa Clara and Younger Granites, 1.02–0.97 Ga) were emplaced.

Based on all the available geological, geochemical, geochronological and geophysical data,
we propose a tectonic model (Fig. 11) for the tectonic evolutionary history with schematic diagram

ilustrating the evolution of the accretionary Juruena orogen with the constructional (a), orogenic (b)

and late- to post-orogenic stages (c).


Insert Fig. 11 here


7. Regional correlations
Regional correlations of accretionary terranes that constitute the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crust

of the SW Amazonian craton, including geological units, time span, metamorphism and protolith

ages, are represented in Figure 12. The late Paleoproterozoic is characterized in the Jamari and

Juruena terranes by the homonymous arcs, defining the initial phase of the Juruena accretionary

orogen. The Alta Floresta domain within the Juruena terrane comprises rocks with different ages and

geological characteristics, stressing its allochthonous character.

In the Jauru terrane, there are rocks with similar ages but their connection with the Juruena

orogen requires further studies. In the early Mesoproterozoic, two important rock-forming events
took place in the Jauru terrane between 1.57 and 1.42 Ga: (i) Cachoerinha orogenic phase and (ii)

Santa Helena orogenic phase. These events formed arc-related rocks, chemically comparable to calc-

alkaline suites, varying from tonalite to granite, which intruded the older basement rocks, represented

by the Alto Jauru Group (1.76-1.72 Ga). The Cachoeirinha accretionary belt rocks are tonalites,

granodiorites, granites and gneissic migmatites formed during the Cachoeirinha orogenic phase,

characterized by tectono-magmatic and tectono-metamorphic events, which took place between 1.56

and 1.52 Ga. These events overprinted the precursor lithotectonic units of the Jauru terrane, which

form the basement to the Cachoeirinha belt. Peak metamorphism related to the Cachoeirinha

orogenic phase reached amphibolite facies, but the resulting metamorphic rocks were largely

retrogressed to greenschist facies (Ruiz, 1992). The Cachoeirinha belt evolved through two

magmatic stages: the Santa Cruz intrusive suite represents the syn-kinematic stage and the Alvorada
intrusive suite represents the late-kinematic stage. The Santa Helena accrecionary belt (1.48-1.42

Ga) resulted from the development of a continental magmatic arc during the Santa Helena orogenic

phase. The belt encompasses the synkinematic intrusions of the Santa Helena and Água Clara (1.48-

1.42 Ga) and Pindaituba (1.46-1.42 Ga) intrusive suites, and the post-kinematic or anorogenic

rapakivi granites and associated rocks included in the Rio Branco intrusive suite (1.42 Ga, Geraldes

et al., 2001, 2004; Ruiz, 2005; Araújo, 2008).


There are no counterparts of these accretionary orogenic rocks further north formed during

this time interval in the Jamari and Juruena terranes. In the latter, intra-plate processes are dominant,

with very important A-type granite intrusions and coeval mafic rocks, including the Serra da

Providência, Rio Crespo, Rio do Sangue, Nova Canaã, Juina and Aripuanã suites, as well as the

Igarapé Beija-Flor and Morcego formations (1.6-1.51 Ga). These units are considered as products of

the post-collisional phase of the Rio Negro-Juruena orogenic event (Bettencourt et al., 1999;

Scandolara, 2006). The difference in geotectonic context between the Jamari/Juruena and Alto Jauru

terranes, in this time interval, is still poorly understood. The pre-Rondonian-San Ignácio orogenic

phase in the Jamari terrane is marked by basins where the Igarapé Quinze Formation and the Nova
Mamoré complex were deposited (1.47-1.38 Ga), which are still of controversial tectonic context,

and by A2-type granitoids of the Teotônio and Santo Antônio suites (~1.40 Ga). In the Juruena

terrane the 1.45-1.40 Ga time span is marked by the Guariba alkaline rocks and by the sedimentary

cover of the Dardanelos Formation (Leite and Saes, 2003), while the Jauru terrane does not record

similar units. The post-orogenic phase of the Rondoniano-San Ignácio event comprises A2-type

magmatism only in the Jamari terrane, represented by the Alto Candeias and São Lourenço-

Caripunas suites (1.35-1.33 Ga and 1.31-1.30 Ga, respectively), and mafic magmatism of the Arinos

Formation and Canamã alkaline rocks in the Juruena terrane.

In the Juruena accretionary orogen, the late Mesoproterozoic is characterized by tectonic

reactivation, deformation, thermal overprinting, and magmatism related to the Sunsás orogeny. The

intra-plate activities are represented by development of extensive shear zones (Ji-Paraná and
Tarilândia, 1.2-1.12 Ga), emplacement of mafic rocks of the Nova Floresta Formation (~1198 Ga,

Tohver et al., 2004), rifts and sedimentary basins (Pacáas Novos, Uopianes, São Lourenço, Mirante

da Serra, Rio Branco, Prainha, 1.02-1.0 Ga), in which the Palmeiral Formation and equivalent units

were deposited, and post-tectonic intrusions (Santa Clara suite, 1.08-1.07 Ga, Rio Pardo Granite,

1.05 Ga, Younger Granites of Rondônia, 1.0-0.97 Ga) in the Jamari terrane, and A2-type granites

(Santa Clara suite), sedimentary basins (São Francisco, Rio Branco) in the Roosevelt domain,

Juruena terrane. In the Jauru terrane, the Sunsás orogeny is characterized by significant tectonic

reactivation with development of regional shear zones and of the sedimentary cover of the Aguapeí

Group between 960 and 910 Ma (Ar/Ar mica ages, Ruiz et al., 2007). The depositional age of the

Aguapeí Group is estimated between 1167 ± 27 Ma and 1149 ± 7 Ma (Santos et al., 2005), although

data presented by Geraldes et al. (2014) suggest that the maximum depositional age for the Aguapeí

sediments is 1.26 Ga, and D'Agrella Filho et al. (2008) report the 1150 Ma age of diagenetic

xenotime in Aguapeí Group samples. In the Alta Floresta domain, Juruena terrane, there is no record

of deformation, magmatism or sedimentation that might be related to the Sunsás orogeny.

In the Paraguá terrane, Bolivia, record of the Rio Negro-Juruena crust is limited, and initially

based on imprecise Rb-Sr whole-rock ages older than 1961 Ma (Litherland et al., 1986). Boger et al.

(2005) were the first to highlight pre-San Ignácio orogenic event (1.35-13 Ga) rocks through more

precise U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages: 1- high-grade rocks from the Lomas Manechis complex,

dominantly composed of granites, orthopyroxene-bearing granitoids and pinkish granitoids, yielded

U-Pb SHRIMP zircon crystallization ages between 1689 and 1663 Ma, thus pre-dating the San

Ignácio orogenic phase, and 2- high-grade paragneisses from the Chiquitania Gneiss complex,

represented by biotite-bearing felsic gneisses, and interpreted to be of sedimentary or volcanic origin.

The suggested interpretation is that the Chiquitania paragneiss protolith was derived from a

Paleoproterozoic source formed at about 1765 Ma, and the paragneiss was deposited after ca. 1690

Ma, and metamorphosed at 1333±6 Ma (Boger et al., 2005). U-Pb SHRIMP zircon, monazite and
titanite ages of granitoid rocks of the Lomas Manechis granulite gneiss, Rio Fortuna orthogneiss, and

Santa Rita orthogneiss, reported by Santos et al. (2008), indicate that the Lomas Manechis granulitic

gneiss bear igneous zircon crystals with 207Pb/206Pb age of 1818±13 Ma, which would be the oldest

age identified in Bolivia up to the present. Monazite from the same sample yielded metamorphism

age of 1339±4 Ma, which agrees well with U-Pb SHRIMP metamorphic zircon age of the Lomas

Manechis granulite gneiss (1334±2.4 Ma). The Rio Fortuna orthogneiss shows inherited zircon

grains formed between 1772 and 1734 Ma and magmatic zircon rims formed at 1336±3 Ma. On the

other hand, the Santa Rita orthogneiss has magmatic zircon crystals with 207Pb/206Pb age of 1319±6

Ma and a single grain yields an inherited U-Pb age of 1729±9 Ma. The La Cruz granite yielded

Pb/206Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 1673±21 Ma, TDM model age of 1.83 Ga and εNd(t) of +2.1

(Bettencourt et al., 2010 and references therein). The Refugio and La Cruz granites intrude the

Lomas Manechis complex and the Naranjal Group, which is part of the San Ignácio schists. These

facts together with the crystallization ages of the granites favour the existence of pre-Rondonian-San

Ignácio crust in eastern Bolivia.

Insert Fig. 12 here

8. Columbia supercontinent
Piper (1976) first proposed the concept of a Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent when

evaluating the extant paleomagnetic database, arguing that a common APWP (apparent polar wander

path) could be constructed for most continental regions. Reconstruction of the internal structure of

the supercontinents and the proposed relative position of the crustal components was based initially

on the available tectonic correlations, such as terrains with similar structural trends, similar ages, or

specific and distinctive geological features (see Rogers,1996; Rogers and Santosh, 2003, 2004;

Santosh et al., 2009b). The addition of paleomagnetic evidence is of capital importance in such

reconstructions (e.g. Piper, 2007).

In the last three decades, the paleomagnetic database has been expanded and the quality of

the data has improved. However, it is possible to conclude today that the supercontinent

configuration developed by Piper (1976, 2000) is not supported by paleomagnetic data currently

available (Symons, 1991; Meert et al., 1994; Torsvik and Meert, 1995; Gala et al., 1998). Other

authors such as Rogers (1996), Meert (2001), Rogers and Santosh (2002), Pesonen et al. (2003) and

Zhao et al. (2003, 2004), based mainly on the age of ancient mobile belts found in several cratonic

blocks, suggest the existence of a Paleoproterozoic supercontinent.


In recent years, especially in the last decade, a long-lived pre-Rodinia supercontinent, referred

to as Columbia or Nuna, has been proposed to exist during Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic times (∼2.1–

1.3 Ga, Rogers and Santosh, 2002, 2003, 2004; Zhao et al., 2002, 2004). Columbia is considered as

the first coherent supercontinent in Earth history, proposed by Rogers and Santosh (2002).

Reconstructions of Columbia are limited by the fact that Precambrian paleomagnetic data show a

large scatter of poles and have poor age constraints (Meert, 2002; Rogers and Santosh, 2002). In this

context, comparable geological events (e.g. the coincident mid-Proterozoic rifts in eastern India and

western North America) are considered to provide critical evidence for the existence of Columbia

(Rogers and Santosh, 2003). Global-scale 2.1-1.8 Ga collisional orogens occur in almost all the
world’s cratons, which together represent the assembly of Columbia (Condie, 2002; Zhao et al.,

2003, 2004; Santosh, 2010). Therefore, the identification of Paleoproterozoic collisional orogens and

related magmatic rocks may be crucial to reconstruct the inferred supercontinent.

This Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent is assumed to have assembled between 2.1 and

1.8 Ga, which is the time of its maximum close packing (e.g. Meert, 2012; Meert et al., 2011; Rogers

and Santosh, 2009). It shows probable attempted breakup phases at ~1.72–1.70 Ga (Kaur et al.,

2011) and 1.6 Ga (Zhao et al., 2004), and eventually broke-up at about 1.3–1.2 Ga (Hou et al., 2008;

Puchkov et al., 2012; Santosh et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009, 2012). Another alternative view is that

Columbia remained intact until at least 1.0 Ga, and reformed soon after as Rodinia (Bradley,

2011) or with minimal palaeogeographic changes during the transition from Columbia to

Rodinia (Evans and Mitchell, 2011).
In the initial configuration of Columbia, one margin was a continuous belt of subduction and

accretion, while the other margin was divided between a zone of rifting and a zone of accretion of

blocks from the rifting margin. South China is omitted because it had not been consolidated at this

time, and North China is omitted due to uncertainty about its location. East Antarctica is omitted due

to uncertainty of its size, partly because the margin of Ur cannot be located under the icecap.

Alternative configuration and origin of Columbia were proposed by Zhao et al. (2002). Main

differences between their configurations consist of placing all of East Antarctica between the eastern

edge of India/Australia and western North America and not including much of South America and

Africa (Atlantica) in the supercontinent. Zhao et al. (2002) also propose that consolidation began at

2100 Ma, possibly at the same time as the accretion of Atlantica.

In a global paleogeographic reconstruction for the 1770-1500 Ma time interval, Pisarevsky et

al. (2014) suggest that available paleomagnetic results do not rule out the possibility of the formation

of a supercontinent as early as ca. 1750 Ma, and argue that the Nuna/Columbia supercontinent was

assembled by ca. 1650–1580 Ma. In their broad study, the authors suggest that after the ca. 2.0-1.8

Ga assemblies of most proto-continents – e.g. Laurentia, Fennoscandia, Sarmatia/Volgo-Uralia,

Siberia, NAC, WAC, SAC/Mawson, North China, Congo/São Francisco, Amazonia/West Africa,

India and Kalahari – were completed and some of these collided to form two or three stable

continental masses by ca. 1700 Ma. The first landmass, preliminaryly called West Nuna, consisted of

Laurentia, Baltica (Fennoscandia/Sarmatia/Volgo-Uralia) and probably India. The second landmass,

East Nuna, included North, West and South Australia, the Mawson craton of Antarctica and North

China. Although these two land masses may have joined as a single supercontinent by ca. 1.75 Ga as

suggested by numerous previous studies (e.g., Zhao et al., 2004; Evans and Mitchell, 2011; Zhang et

al., 2012), such a connection may not have been stable and some minor relative movements might

have occurred between them after this time, but prior to ca. 1600. Pisarevsky et al. (2014) suggest

that East and West Nuna likely collided between 1650 and 1580 Ma to form a more coherent Nuna

supercontinent. Siberia and possibly Congo/São Francisco joined Nuna at ca. 1500 Ma if not earlier.
The breakup of Nuna occurred between ca. 1450 and 1380 Ma. The first stage of this separation

caused internal displacements within East Nuna – rotation of SAC/Mawson with respect to NAC and

WAC. North China also broke away from East Nuna. By 1270 Ma a wide ocean had developed

between West and East Nuna. West Nuna, Siberia (connected with northern Laurentia by as yet

unknown continental blocks) and perhaps Congo/São Francisco remained a single continent until ca.

1270 Ma. It is yet unclear whether Amazonia/West Africa and Kalahari were ever parts of Nuna.

8.1. Amazonian craton within Columbia supercontinent


Supercontinent reconstructions encompassing Amazonia are strongly supported by geological


connections. Age and character of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic belts exposed in the SW

Amazonian craton allow correlation with the Svecofennian domain and the Trans-Scandinavian

Igneous Belt within Baltica, an idea first advanced by Almeida (1978), and also with the

Midcontinent region of Laurentia. Such assembly of large continental masses has received several

names, Columbia being the one currently employed for the supercontinent assembled ca. 1800 Ma

ago (Meert, 2001; Rogers and Santosh, 2002, 2009). Amazonia would be part of it, together with

Laurentia and Baltica, forming an elongated and continuous landmass linked by the Paleo- to
Mesoproterozoic mobile belts, which constitute large portions of these continental nuclei.

However, different paleogeographic scenarios of Columbia were proposed, mainly due to

scarcity of high-quality paleomagnetic poles (e.g. D’Agrella-Filho et al., 2016, and references

therein). In recent years, several Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic geological units from the Amazonian

Craton were investigated to establish its role in the Columbia Supercontinent. The first

paleomagnetic study was conducted on the 1780 Ma felsic volcanic rocks of the Colíder Group

(Bispo-Santos et al., 2008). Based on these results, the paleogeographic scenario visualized for

Columbia at 1780 Ma has Laurentia, Baltica, North China and proto-Amazonia aligned in a north to

south continental mass forming the core of Columbia Supercontinent (Bispo-Santos et al., 2008)

(Fig. 13a). Geological evidence favors the hypothesis that proto-Amazonia and North China were

laterally disposed at 1780 Ma ago. Subduction-related processes were developed in the western
margin of the East Block of North China Craton and along the southwestern proto-Amazonian

Craton. This process culminated with the docking of the West Block from North China Craton, along

the Trans-North China Belt at ca. 1850 Ma ago, establishing the final configuration of North China


Pesonen et al. (2003) had already attempted to reconstruct a similar relative position of these

four cratonic masses for a later time, at about 1500-1600 Ma. Such a configuration was further

refined by Kusky et al. (2007), which included the North China Craton between Baltica and

Amazonia. The main element of correlation between the mentioned cratonic nuclei is the existence of

a very large oceanic realm westwards. The correspondent oceanic lithosphere was active during most

of Paleo and Mesoproterozoic time, and was responsible for a series of eastward directed subduction-

related magmatic arcs, many of them displaying intra-oceanic character. Pisarevsky et al. (2014)

discuss the SAMBA-type and other reconstructions of this continent (Bispo-Santos et al., 2008;

Elming et al., 2009; Johansson, 2009; Zhang et al., 2012). The original SAMBA reconstruction

(Johansson, 2009) is based on similar late Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic accretionary history of

Amazonia and Baltica. In particular, it was suggested that the 1900-1850 Ma Svecofennian orogen in
Baltica continues into the 1980-1810 Ma Ventuari-Tapajós province in Amazonia, and that the 1850-

1650 Ma Trans-Scandinavian Igneous Belt and the 1640-1520 Ma Gothian orogen have their

continuation into the 1780-1550 Ma Rio Negro-Juruena province. In the SAMBA model, the

combined Baltica-Amazonia-West Africa continent existed as a rigid body from 1800 Ma until after

900 Ma (Johansson, 2009).

According to the configuration attempted by Bispo-Santos et al. (2008) (Fig. 13a), North

China fills the gap between Baltica and Amazonia. The paleomagnetic data favor the model of Zhao

et al. (2005), where the Trans-North China belt accommodates the final collision between the two

halves of North China at Paleoproterozoic times (1850 Ma), preceded by widespread subduction-

related magmatism in the western border of its eastern half. At the same time, similar processes were

in progress along the western border of Baltica, Laurentia and specifically of the Amazonian Craton,
where juvenile magmatic arcs (VT province, Fig. 13a) were formed between 1950 Ma and 1800 Ma

(Tassinari and Macambira, 2004; Cordani and Teixeira, 2007). The Columbia supercontinent may

have been shortlived, splitting in at least two parts, because widespread extension is recorded in

North China between 1800 and 1770 Ma, soon after the time envisaged for its amalgamation (Kusky

et al., 2007).

In the northern part, Baltica and Laurentia, the eastward subduction-type active margin

appears to have continued into Mesoproterozoic times, with the development of the Yavapai–

Mazatzal-Labradorian belts (1800–1400 Ma) in Laurentia, and the Trans-Scandinavian–


Konegsbergian belts (1800–1700 Ma) in Baltica. To the south, Amazonia rifted away from North

China, and witnessed the accretion of several magmatic arcs making up the RNJ tectonic province

(1850-1550 Ma, Fig.13a).

During the Paleoproterozoic, an eastward Andean-type subduction-related process was in

progress along the southwestern border of the Amazonian Craton and the eastern block of North

China (Fig. 13a). In Amazonia, the juvenile magmatic arcs (Ventuari-Tapajos) were formed between
1950 and 1800 Ma (Sadowski and Bettencourt, 1996; Geraldes et al., 2001; Tassinari and

Macambira, 2004; Cordani and Teixeira, 2007), whereas in North China the western and eastern

blocks collided at 1850 Ma. These processes led to the development of the Ventuary-Tapajos and the

Trans-North China belts. As a result of these accretions and other collisional processes, by ∼1800

Ma ago the Columbia supercontinent amalgamated Laurentia, Baltica, North China Craton,

Amazonian Craton, and probably many other cratons (Rogers, 1996; Meert, 2002; Rogers and

Santosh, 2002; Meert and Torsvik, 2003). However, soon after Columbia assembly, several

extensional processes have developed in the North China and Amazonian cratons. In North China,

the tectonic regime at 1800-1770 Ma is characterized by the development of several aulacogen

systems, associated with voluminous felsic extrusive magmatism, and with profuse emplacement of

dominantly NW to NE trending mafic dike swarms, as well as anorogenic intrusions including
rapakivi granites, anorthosites, gabbros, ultramafic rocks and isolated granites and pegmatites

(Kusky et al., 2007). Interestingly, at the same time the Amazonian craton was intruded by

voluminous magmatism comprising mafic dike swarms in Venezuela, Roraima (Avanavero dikes)

and Mato Grosso in Brazil dated at 1780 Ma (Santos et al., 2003), followed by Mesoproterozoic

anorogenic rapakivi granites (~1.55 Ga, Sadowski and Bettencourt, 1996; Santos et al., 2000;

Geraldes et al., 2001; Scandolara, 2006; Scandolara et al., 2013a). Kusky et al. (2007) associate this

tectonic regime to an initial rupture of the Columbia supercontinent, with the origin of passive

margins at the present southwestern and northern margins of the North China craton at that time.

Subsequently, paleomagnetic studies on rocks from the Nova Guarita mafic dyke swarm

(Bispo-Santos et al., 2012) and Indiavaí Intrusive (D’Agrella-Filho et al. 2012), also located in Mato

Grosso State (Brazil Central Shield), corroborated the paleogeographic model proposed by Bispo-

Santos et al. (2008). 40Ar/39Ar geochronological dating on biotite and plagioclase crystals

separated from four Nova Guarita dykes yielded plateau ages between 1407± 8 Ma and 1430± 8 Ma.

An average of 1418± 3 Ma was calculated, which was interpreted as the intrusion age of the dykes
(Bispo-Santos et al., 2012). A positive baked contact test obtained for one of the dykes that cut the

Paleoproterozoic Matupá granite demonstrates the primary nature of the characteristic

remanent magnetization (ChRM) isolated for these rocks (see Bispo-Santos et al., 2012). The

Indiavaí Intrusive belongs to a set of mafic bodies collectively known as Figueira Branca Intrusive

Suite (Bettencourt et al., 2010). U-Pb dating performed on zircon extracted from Indiavaí and

Figueira Branca intrusives provided ages of 1425± 8 Ma and 1415± 6 Ma, respectively, which were

interpreted as the crystallization ages of these bodies (Teixeira et al., 2011). Although a baked

contact test performed for the Indiavaí Intrusive resulted inconclusive (D’Agrella-Filho et al., 2012),

similar radiometric ages and ChRM directions obtained for Indiavaí and Nova Guarita rocks strongly

suggest they both preserved thermoremanent magnetizations, acquired during rock intrusions at ca.

1415-1425 Ma.
With regard to the paleogeography of Columbia, the new paleomagnetic data disclosed for

the Colíder Group (1780 Ma), Nova Guarita dykes (1419 Ma), and Indiavaí Intrusive (1416 Ma)

corroborate the model initially proposed by Bispo-Santos et al. (2008) (Fig. 13a). In such model,

Laurentia, Baltica, North China Craton and proto-Amazonian craton were laterally disposed, forming

the core of Columbia Supercontinent (D’Agrella-Filho et al., 2012) (Fig. 13b). West Africa Craton

can be included in the model assuming it was linked to the proto-Amazonian craton (see D’Agrella-

Filho et al., 2016, and references therein). In their work, the authors highlight that some adjustments

should be done to accommodate geological information taking into account the uncertainties of the

available paleomagnetic poles. Thus, in the Columbia Supercontinent proposed by D’Agrella-Filho


et al. (2012), Sarmatia was rotated 43° counter-clockwise (Fig. 13b), as suggested by Elming et al.

(2010), based on paleomagnetic and geological evidence.

However, D’Agrella-Filho et al. (2016) suggest that other models of Columbia are possible,

due to small mismatches of the Mesoproterozoic poles from Amazonia, Baltica and Laurentia. The

authors presented new paleomagnetic data for the 1440 Ma Salto do Céu mafic sills and sedimentary

rocks cut by the sills. Comparison of selected 1460-1400 Ma poles from Baltica and Laurentia with
available Mesoproterozoic poles from Amazonia are shown for each reconstruction of Columbia

proposed by Bispo-Santos et al. ( 2014), Zhang et al. (2012), Xu et al. (2014), and Pehrsson et al.

(2016). The best cluster of poles is obtained through the reconstruction of Pehrsson et al. (2016), in

which Amazonia appears rotated counterclockwise relative to the reconstruction of Bispo-Santos et

al. (2014) and may indicate internal plate rotations inside Columbia (see D`Agrella-Filho et al.,

2016). Note that this reconstruction is similar to that proposed by Bispo-Santos et al. (2012).

Nevertheless, it is clear that new Mesoproterozoic poles from the Amazonian Craton, mainly from

the northern Guiana Shield, are required before the best model for Columbia can be decided

(D`Agrella-Filho et al., 2016).

Insert Fig. 13a,b here

9. Potential implication of this study in understanding the evolution of the SW Amazonian craton:
towards a consistent geodynamic model?

Taking into account the preliminary analysis of the geological and geophysical data of the

Ventuari-Tapajós (or Tapajós-Parima) province and its possible link with the herein proposed

Juruena accretionary orogen, the status of two provinces as separate tectonic units may be

challenged. In our view, available data are not conclusive as to the nature and number of magmatic

arcs that comprise the Ventuari-Tapajós province, and the geodynamic evolutions proposed by

Santos et al. (2004) and Juliani et al. (2014) are incomplete. Therefore, they do not yet allow putting

forward a convincing geodynamic model for the province. In the concept of Santos et al. (2000,

2001, 2004), two main terrains dominate Tapajós geology: an orogenic belt to the west and a cratonic

assemblage to the east. The orogenic belt is composed of five magmatic arcs, labeled Cuiú-Cuiú

oceanic arc (2040-1998 Ma), including the supracrustal rocks of the Jacareacanga Group (2020-2000

Ma), Jamanxim or Cumaru continental arc (2000-1980 Ma), Creporizão continental arc (1980-1970

Ma), Tropas oceanic arc (1900 Ma) and Parauari continental arc (1900-1880 Ma). The cratonic rocks

mostly correspond to the volcano-plutonic Uatumã Supergroup, which is composed of the Iriri Group
(rhyolite-andesite volcanic and pyroclastic rocks; 1874-1870 Ma) and the Maloquinha Intrusive Suite

(A2-type granites; 1877-1864 Ma). Fernandes et al. (2011) and Juliani et al. (2013, 2014) argue that

the Tapajós province comprises two continental magmatic arcs labeled Tapajonic arcs, formed

between 2.0 and 1.86 Ga. In our view, connection of the Juruena orogen with the Ventuari-Tapajós

Province, taking into account geochronological, structural and geophysical data, may lead to an

evolutionary model of convergent junction of magmatic arcs between the Tapajós and Juruena

regions, as the result of continuous evolution of the same convergent margin.

Available data indicate (i) overlapping ages of the Tapajós-Parima orogen (Santos et al.,

2004) with those of the Juruena accretionary orogen, (ii) complementarity of tectonic style and

petrotectonic associations of the Tapajós and Juruena domains, and (iii) parallelism of E-W trending

regional structures of both domains, which correspond to geophysical anomalies of crustal
expression and Paleoproterozoic ages. Therefore, we suggest that just one orogenic system gave birth

to the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Tapajonics, Jamari and Juruena arcs along the southwest margin of the

Amazonian craton, similarly to the Great Proterozoic Accretionary Orogen along the southern

margin of Laurentia (Condie, 2013). However, this alternative model can only be reliably

established when controversies about the Tapajós province are clarified, illuminating the possibility

that the Jamari, Juruena and Tapajonic arcs have a common crustal basement related to the Archean

Santana do Araguaia/Rio Maria crust. To prove this alternative model, future work will inevitably

lead to new boundaries for the Juruena orogen.


10. Sumary and concluding remarks

During the late Paleoproterozoic, at about 1.81-1.74 Ga, an active convergent tectonic zone in

the southwestern margin of the Amazonian craton generated the Jamari and Juruena Andean-type arc

systems. This vast region, product of possibly oblique convergence of the Paraguá protocraton and

the Ventuari-Tapajós province, resulting in the formation of the Juruena accretionary belt (1.81-1.52

Ga), is treated in this work as the interaction of the Jamari and Juruena terranes. Geological mapping,

coupled with geochemical and geochronological investigations, including metamorphic ages, are
entirely consistent with a Jamari-Juruena terranes connection, and has revealed the presence of 1810-

1740 Ma Andean type calc-alkaline suites, wich constitute the Juruena accretionary orogen along the

southwestern margin of the Amazonian craton in Rondonia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. In our view,

based on the kinematic framework and resulting geological character, the orogen may be considered

a retreating orogen-type that evolved in the intermediate and final stages to an advancing orogen-

type (sensus Cawood et al., 2009). Based on geophysical and geochronological data, the southern

boundary of the Juruena accretionary orogen is a major cryptic suture zone.

The tectonothermal history of the Juruena Accretionary Orogen is of long-lived, polycyclic

nature. The combination of U-Pb (zircon, monazite, titanite, allanite), 40Ar/39Ar (hornblende,

muscovite, biotite), and Rb-Sr (biotite) age data demonstrates the effects of at least three

metamorphic events that affected the Juruena accretionary orogen rocks. The older, 1.69-1.64 Ga,
shows evidence of high-grade metamorphic conditions (high-T amphibolite to granulite facies)

accompanying NNE-SSWcompression and development of E-W/NW-SE foliation in NE-dipping


NW-SE thrusts, followed by E-W-trending sinistral transcurrent or transpressive structures. Earlier in

this phase, a NW-SE or N-S trending thrust was developed, an important crustal-scale structure

which separates distinct domains in the eastern end of the Juruena terrane, wherein a small segment

of the western Ventuari-Tapajós province, coupled with initial products of the Juruena arc (Alta

Floresta domain), is pushed over the Roosevelt domain. During this phase, the Aripuanã

allocthonous domain (forearc basin or arc flanking basin) is pushed over the Roosevelt domain.

Between 1.6 and 1.51 Ga long-lived and orogen-wide A2-type magmatism characterizes the post-

orogenic phase in the orogen evolution. Around 1.5 Ga the orogen was cratonized.

The Juruena accretionary orogen cratonization was soon followed by tectonic reactivation,

deformation and thermal overprinting due to the Rondonian-San Ignácio orogeny (1.5-1.3 Ga) under

amphibolite facies conditions, and soon after to the Sunsás orogeny (1.3-0.95 Ga) under low-T

amphibolite and greenschist facies conditions. The intra-plate effects of the Rondonian-San Ignácio

event (1.5-1.3 Ga) are well preserved within the Jamari terrane, in Rondônia, and less so within the
Juruena terrane. The Juruena accretionary orogen appears to be a complex accretionary orogen type

(sensu Condie, 2007, in Bettencourt et al., 2010), including accreted juvenile intra-oceanic and

continental magmatic arcs, as well as a microcontinent that developed along the WSW margin of the

Rio Negro-Juruena province, product of collision of the Paraguá terrane and the cratonized Juruena

accretionary orogen. Intracontinental rifts and passive margin basin (1.45-1.40 Ga) developed on the

western margin of the cratonized Juruena accretionary orogen and pre-dated the subduction phase

(1.42-1.37 Ga) in the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogen westwards. Collision of the Paraguá terrane

with the Rio Negro-Juruena province (1.42-1.37 Ga) resulted in very important NE-SW and N-S

thrust planes and NE-SW transcurrent dextral deformation within the Jamari terrane. In the Juruena

terrane, a significant NW-SE and NE-SW dextral strike-slip system was developed. These structures

generated resetting of isotopic systems in mylonitic rocks (Ar-Ar in muscovite and biotite). Between
1.35 Ga and 1.31 Ga two important A2-type granitic suites intruded the Jamari terrane. Based on Ar-

Ar and K-Ar ages, cratonization of the orogen occurred at around 1300 Ma.

The late Mesoproterozoic metamorphic-deformational event recorded in the Juruena

accretionary orogen is an intra-plate product of the Sunsás orogeny. As a result of the


Mesoproterozoic polycyclic evolution, the SW Amazonian craton area between the Juruena

accretionary orogen and the Rondonian-San Ignácio province is characterized by the occurrence of

transcurrent and transpressive shear systems, and a great deal of A2-type granite intrusions. The

model for the Sunsás orogen suggests WNW-ESE directed shortening, illustrating the mechanical

compatibility of the observed frontal W-E/NW-SE directed strain with dextral and left-lateral

shearing along the crustal-scale shear zones in the Jamari terrane (NW-SE Tarilândia dextral

transcurrent zone, NNW-SSE Ji-Paraná sinistral transpressive system) developed under low-

temperature amphibolite facies conditions (~ 550⁰ C). The Ji-Paraná shear zone network (JPSZ)

extends over hundreds of kilometers crosscuting all the pre-existing rock fabrics of the Juruena

orogen and Rondonian-San Ignácio structures. The JPSZ deformation is probably reflection of an

early Grenvillian collision of the SW Amazonian craton against the Llano segment (1.15-1.10 Ga) of
southern Laurentia (Tohver et al., 2002). This event contrasts in timing with the slightly younger

Grenvillian episodes (1.05-0.95 Ga) from southern Laurentia, which on the other hand are

compatible with the final timing of the Sunsás orogeny. In addition, A2-type (1.05-0.98 Ga)

magmatism and late Mesoproterozoic tectonic reactivations are also recognized in the Juruena

accretionary orogen (e.g., Pacaás Novos, São Lourenço, Mirante da Serra, São Francisco and Rio

Branco basins).

Finally, in this contribution we propose that the Juruena accretionary belt (1.81-1.74 Ga) is an

important tectonic element in South America, which contributes to characterize the final

amalgamation of the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent, joining the Amazonian craton,

Laurentia and Baltica. A recent paleogeographic reconstruction for 1800-1780 Ma ago, obtained

using reliable paleomagnetic poles for Laurentia, Baltica, North China craton and Amazonian craton,
including measurements on rocks of the Juruena terrane, allow to display these cratons in a laterally

contiguous configuration, which characterizes the final amalgamation of the Paleoproterozoic


Columbia supercontinent (Bispo-Santos et al., 2008). This paleomagnetic study reinforces the

geological evidence in support of the role that the Juruena accretionary orogen may have played in

the configuration of the Columbia supercontinent in Paleoproterozoic times.



We are grateful to colleagues at the Geological Survey of Brazil and the Universidade de Brasilia for

useful discussions on the subjects covered in this paper. Special thanks to reviewers Dr. Eric Tohver

and Dr. Shuguang Song, who contributed their time and expertise to enhance the quality of the text.

RAF thanks CNPq for research fellowship and INCT - Estudos Tectônicos grants.

Caption of figures

Fig. 1 - The Amazonian craton in South America, highlighting the Juruena Accretionary Orogen.
Fig. 2 - Maps of the Amazonian craton showing (a) the main geochronologic provinces defined by
Tassinari and Macambira (1999) and (b) geologic provinces defined by Santos et al. (2000).

Fig. 3 - In (a) probability density plot of crystallization age of Juruena terrane units and (b)
probability density plot of crystallization ages (blue) and model ages (dashed red) of Statherian units
from the Juruena terrane.

Fig. 4 - In (a) probability density plot of crystallization ages (blue) Sm-Nd and model ages (dashed
red) of Statherian units from the Juruena and Jamari terranes and (b) crystallization and model ages

of the Calymmian rocks within the Jamari and Juruena terranes, southwestern Amazonian Craton.

Fig. 5 - Composite temperature–time path for Juruena orogen displaying a polymetamorphic history
with final cooling following deformation during the DE3 1.2-1.12 Ga event. The blue paths were

defined based on the closing temperature of isotopic systems (zircon, monazite, titanite, allanite,
hornblende and biotite). Adapted from Tohver et al. (2005).
Fig. 6 - The Juruena orogen, highlighting the Jamari and Juruena terranes and their domains.

Geophysical image is product of composition of the total gradient with 60% of transparency of the
analytical signal grayscale.

Fig. 7 - Simplified map of SW Amazonian craton showing the approximate boundaries of the

Juruena accretionary orogen, its terranes and domains, and Mesoproterozoic orogens and their
terranes. Rondonian-San Ignácio and Sunsás provices from Litherland et al (1989), Boger et al.

(2005), Ruiz (2005), Ruiz et al. (2007) and Bettencourt et al. (2010).

Fig. 8 - Geologic map of the Juruena accretionary orogen (see legend in next page).

Fig. 9 - Tectonic-structural sketch map of Juruena accretionary orogen.

Fig. 10 - Simplified geometry of Ji-Paraná transpressive belt (Scandolara et al., 1999).

Fig. 11 - In (a, b and c) schematic representation of one possibility for the development of the
Juruena accretionary orogen along the southwest margin of the Amazonian craton. For explanation
see text.
Fig. 12 - Tectonic-stratigraphic time-space plot showing the timing of major orogenic events,
igneous events, depositional packages, and NdTDM ranges for the Jamari, Juruena and Jauru terranes.

Fig. 13 - In (a) paleogeographic reconstruction for 1790 Ma using magnetic poles modified from
Bispo-Santos et al. (2008) and (b) D`Agrella-Filho et al. (2012). Archean cratonic areas (light-grey):
Laurentia (S, Slave; C, Churchill; SU, Superior; N, Nain and equivalent in southern Greenland),
Baltica (KO, Kola; KA, Karelia; FEN, Fennoscandia; V-U, Volgo-Uralia; SA, Sarmatia), North

China (YB, Yinshan Block; OB, Ordos Block; WB, West Block; EB, East Block), Amazonia (CA,
Central Amazonia Province). Paleoproterozoic belts (dark grey): Laurentia (NQ, New Quebec; T,

Torngat; W, Wopmay; P, Penokean; K – Ketilidian; NA, Nagssugtoqidian; FR, Foxe-Rinklan),
Baltica (LK, Lapland-Kola; SD, Svecofennian Domain), North China (NH, North Hebei/Khondolite

belt; TNC, Trans-North China), Amazonia (MI, Maroni-Itacaiunas; VT, Ventuari-Tapajós; Juruena
orogen or RNJ, Rio Negro-Juruena province) (adapted from D`Agrella-Filho et al., 2016).

Captions of tables (Supplementary data - Appendix online.)
Table 1 - Geochronologic data (U-Pb and Sm-Nd) and sources of Jamari terrane rocks.

Table 2 - Geochronologic data (U-Pb, Ar-Ar and Sm-Nd) and sources of Juruena terrane rocks.

Table 3 - Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of Jamari terrane rocks.



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Juruena orogen took place in SW Amazonian craton between 1.81 and 1.51 Ga.

Is a accretionary orogen with E-W trend about 1100 km long and 350 km wide.

The orogen includes Jamari and Juruena terranes, products of long-lived convergence.

The orogen has been the site of two orogenic reativation in the Mesoproterozoic.

It is relevant to establish of the Amazonian craton in the Columbia supercontinent.


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