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Religion a system of beliefs and practices around sacred things, a set of shared “stories” that guide belief

and action. Religious beliefs help shape social behavior by setting expectations and helping people
distinguish between right and wrong. Religion comes in many forms. The world has many forms of
religion Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, animism, polytheism, monotheism, atheism. Religion is even
witchcraft, atheism, Jehovah witness, Mormonism. Christian’s have a belief that there is a god. That god
has rules. Some of those rule’s won’t allow people to be who they are. Some of those rules are also out
of date. How can us humans believe in something that is not physically there. The bible is stories that
have been pasted down threw thousands of years. In the Christianity faith have very traditional values. I
had a friend who went to one church service and all of a sudden, he went from gay of all gays to
straight. It might not have happened like that but a religion can’t change who you are. Times are
changing maybe its time for Religion or churches to get with the times and stop being so traditional. I’m
against religion in many ways. One way is the fact in religion I can’t be who I’m. If I was gay, I would be
frowned upon. I remember as a child being frowned upon is many churches because my dad was a
single father of 3 girls. Another reason I’m against religion is the fact the growing up so hard and so
different. I learned the only thing I can believe in is myself. God didn’t save me from evil people I did.
Religion to be is a way for people to find answers with nothingness.

With all that being said religion should not be in schools due to no every person believes the
same religion. There is some many religions out there that if schools allowed religion they would have to
allow all religions. There are to many religions to accommodate in school that’s why church and state/
schools should remain separate. If parents want to have a religion-based school for their kids they can
enroll them is a religious school.

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