Apr Thermo Microbial Testing 2019

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Microbial Testing, Analysis and Monitoring:

Strategies and Technologies for World-Class
Pharmaceutical Production
4 Data Integrity Issues in Microbial Testing
by Cheryl Platco and Tony Cundell, Ph.D., Microbiology Consultants, LLC

12 Limitations of Microbial Environmental Monitoring Methods

in Cleanrooms
by Angel L Salaman-Byron, Janssen Research & Development

20 The Hottest Topics in Microbiology

by Karen Ginsbury, PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd.

24 Biologics Production: Impact of Bioburden Contaminations

on Non-Sterile Process Intermediates on Patient Safety and
Product Quality
by Friedrich von Wintzingerode, Roche-Genentech

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. COL23664 1119
Data Integrity Issues in
Microbial Testing
by Cheryl Platco and Tony Cundell, Ph.D.
Microbiology Consultants, LLC

• Testing and only reporting passing data.

Introduction • Fabricating data
A lack of data integrity often is “just fraud,” says Howard Sklamberg, FDA • Using previously generated data
deputy commissioner for global regulatory operations and policy. FDA
• Not following test procedures and sampling plans
relies on company information documenting adherence to cGMPs, he
explained at a July 2014 conference sponsored by the Food and Drug • Missing, altered or raw data not captured on test report or batch
Law Institute. Yet almost all recent warning letters cite evidence of altered records
and falsified records. If data are “knowingly incorrect, we take that very
seriously,” Sklamberg stated, expressing dismay that some manufacturers • Memorized or recorded data on loose pieces of paper
still fail to remedy record-keeping problems despite repeated warnings • Electronic records changed without an audit trial
from the agency. For Indian pharmaceutical companies supplying generic
drugs to the U. S. market this has meant import alerts excluding their drug
products from the U.S. (Wechsler, 2014).
Why Has Data Integrity Become a
Hot Topic?
What is a Lack of Data Integrity
Beginning in 2014 there was a marked increase in warning letters to Indian
Many people in the pharmaceutical industry are confused by the concept drug manufacturers addressing data integrity as the FDA uncovered
of data integrity. Data integrity is comprised of these following broad problems during regulatory inspections (Unger, 2017). This increase is
actions to hide test failures and/or manufacturing deviations:
illustrated in Table 1.
• Omission of data
Table 1. The Number of FDA Warning Letters Issued Addressing Data
• Errors in data recording
• Changing data Calendar Year Number of Warning Letters Most Frequently
addressing Data Integrity Cited Country
• Deleting data
2008 3 None
• Destroying data 2009 5 None

These actions may be both unintentional and intentional, representing 2010 5 China
GMP violations that can have civil and criminal consequences to the 2011 4 None
company and seriously damage the company’s business. 2012 6 None

Examples of a lack of data integrity in chemical testing include: 2013 6 India

2014 10 India
• Not documenting activities or failing to document activities at
the time performed (pre- or post-dating) 2015 15 India

2016 39 China
• Testing and discarding failing data

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subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. COL07702 0918
measurements such as <10 CFU/g, Log 10 counts, and absence of spec-
Is the Issue Limited to Indian and ified microorganisms test results are lacking or inconsistent. For most

Chinese Pharmaceutical Companies? microbiological tests, the absence of computer data collection, au-
tomatic calculations and generation of a finished report lack detail
and flexibility.
In 2016, the FDA issued 39 warning letters citing a lack of data integrity
(Unger, 2017). The national distribution of warning letters was China 13 A broader discussion of the issue of data integrity in the area of microbiology
(33%), India 9 (23%), U.S.A. 6 (5%), E.U. 6 (15%), Brazil 3(8%) and Japan could be useful in terms of setting industry and regulatory expectations.
2 (5%). Microbiological data has historically been evaluated and recorded
manually by appropriately educated and experienced microbiologists
The FDA completed a total of 5,615 GMP inspections of registered drug
trained in the art of contamination detection and colony counting.
and device establishments in FY 2015. Of these 4,055 (72%) were domestic
Microbiologists must use experience, expertise and judgment for test
inspections and 1560 (28%) were foreign inspections. Based on the recent
interpretation, which may lead to subjective and variable interpretation
U.S. GAO-17-143 Report on the FDA’s Foreign Offices and Drug Inspections
and documentation of test results. While the use of rapid technology,
in FY 2015 there were 842 foreign drug establishment inspections of
digital image capture and automated plate readers can remove most of
which 527 (63%) were for GMP surveillance, 250 (30%) for pre-approval
the subjective data interpretations and solve data integrity issues, the
and surveillance, 23 (3%) for preapproval only and 42 (5%) for cause. The
algorithms used to count colonies or detect contamination are subject
report highlighted the high frequency that an establishment may have
to validation limitations. Microorganisms grow at different rates, different
never been inspected. For example, in the FY 2017 catalog were 572 Indian
con-ditions, evolve to different colony shapes, sizes, and colors that must
establishments with 33% never inspected and 535 Chinese establishments
be accommodated. The addition of a high quality digital image of a plate is
with 45% never inspected. This suggests that Indian and Chinese drug
helpful in terms of data integrity (verification of test results, data archival,
manufacturing facilities will continue to be cited for data integrity issues
into the foreseeable future unless they aggressively address data integrity data retrieval) and verification of the accuracy of results for the manual
issues within their companies. recording of colonies. Microbiologists may still have to override electronic
results if spreading colonies, colonies embedded within other colonies
in plate counts, or product precipitation or flocculation in sterility tests
makes interpretations by instrumentation inaccurate or more challenging.
Data Integrity Directed Towards
Microbiological Testing
Many of the cited data integrity issues are not associated with
Risk Analysis
microbiology but with chemical analyses, especially High-Performance Many pharmaceutical companies are now evaluating data integrity using
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The norm for microbiological testing is standard risk assessment tools such as FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects
the visual inspection of media for the detection of microbial growth or Analysis). In the opinion of the authors the tests which appear to be the
the enumeration of microbial counts. Typically the results are recorded most critical, subjective, and prone to data integrity issues are the sterility
on paper worksheets or more recently into electronic notebooks. The test, the gel clot Limulus Ambeocyte Lysate (LAL) bacterial endotoxin assay
data, but not always the original microbial cultures, are checked by a and any microbial enumeration test which involves counting microbial
second person for completeness and the absence of recording and colonies which covers most of the other compendial tests. The sterility and
arithmetical errors. The data are then entered into Laboratory Information LAL gel clot assays are subjective in their interpretations. The enumeration
Management Systems (LIMS) and approved by a laboratory supervisor. test accuracy depends on the interpretation of discreet colony counts by
These laboratory procedures place a high reliance on the integrity, the microbiologist reading the plates.
experience, and training of the individual analyst, the ability of the peer
Using risk assessment tools, the authors believe that data integrity issues
reviewer or supervisory staff to detect poor data integrity, and the culture
can be classified as high, medium and low risk processes.
of the company to set the highest standard. This type of data could be
susceptible to falsification. Microbial methods rarely take advantage of High Risk
modern analytical technologies. • Analyst records incorrect data
Contributing factors to reduced data integrity in the microbiology • No second opinion for subjective interpretation of test results
laboratory are the subjectivity of scoring microbial growth in broth,
• Analyst performs wrong method or wrong sample preparation
analyst-to-analyst variability in counting colonies on plates, and the
inability to perform aseptic manipulations with the contempora- • Missed critical data or incorrect information
neous recording of data. Often LIMS data fields for many microbial • Falsification or lack of authentic data

Medium Risk based control strategies”. The new guidance from PIC/S was applied on
• Real time data entry difficulties a 6-month trial basis by participating regulatory authorities. The authors
agree with the practical approach taken by PIC/S.
• Incomplete data entries
The PIC/S guidance defines and deals with:
• Chain of custody for samples issues
• Data governance systems
• Delay in testing, times not documented
• Organizational influences on successful data integrity
Low Risk management
• Improper recording of non-critical data • Specific data integrity principles and enablers
• Lack of real time entry of non-critical data (lot numbers, expiry • Data integrity considerations for paper-based and computerized
dates, and recalibration dates.) systems
• Integrity considerations for outsourced activities

GMP Requirements with Respect to • Regulatory actions in response to data integrity findings
The guidance wisely states, “Management should aim to create a work
Data Integrity environment (i.e., quality culture) that is transparent and open, one in
which personnel are encouraged to freely communicate failures and
Data integrity is addressed in 21 CFR 211.194 Laboratory Records where
mistakes, including potential data reliability issues, so that corrective and
the GMP requirements are defined. Recently four guidance documents
preventative actions can be taken.”
addressing data integrity have been written by the U.K. Medicines
& Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Parenteral Drug The authors agree that the PIC/S draft guidance, unlike the other
Association (PDA), U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), regulatory documents, details the various deficiencies linked to data
and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). The integrity failures that may have varying impacts on product quality (i.e., a
documents are: risk-based approach to a loss of data integrity):

• 2015 MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance Critical deficiency (Impact to product with risk to patient health):
for Industry • Product failing to meet specification at release or within shelf
• 2016 PDA Elements of a Code of Conduct for Data Integrity in life. Reporting of a “desired” result rather than an actual out of
the Pharmaceutical Industry specification result when reporting of quality control (QC) tests,
critical product or process parameters.
• 2016 Draft Guidance for Industry – Data Integrity and
Major deficiency (Impact to product with no risk to patient health):
Compliance with CGMP
• Data being misreported (e.g. original results “in specification,”
• 2016 PIC/S Guidance Good Practices for Data Management and
but altered to give a more favorable trend). Reporting of a
Integrity in Regulated GMP/GDP Environments
“desired” result rather than an actual out of specification result
when reporting of data, which does not relate to QC tests,
critical product or process parameters. Failures arising from
Why These Documents poorly designed data capture systems (e.g. using Post-its® to
Inadequately Deal with Data record information for later transcription) No impact to product;
evidence of widespread failure.
Integrity Issues in Microbiology • Bad practices and poorly designed systems which may result
On April 14, 2016 the FDA published a Draft Guidance for Industry on in opportunities for data integrity issues or loss of traceability
data integrity that emphasized computer data management systems across a number of functional areas production, QA, QC, etc.,
but not specifically microbiological testing. The document defined data though individually, each violation “has no direct impact to
integrity as to the completeness, consistency and accuracy of data. They product quality”
used the acronym ALCOA which stands for Attributable (A), Legible Other (minor) deficiency (No impact to product with limited evidence
(L), Contemporaneously recorded (C), Original or a true copy (O) and of failure):
Accurate (A).
• “Bad practice or poorly designed system, which results in
On August 10, 2016, a draft PIC/S guidance document was published opportunities for data integrity issues or loss of traceability in a
to provide industry with a “consolidated, illustrative guidance on risk- discrete area. Limited failure in an otherwise acceptable system”

laboratory personnel demonstrated that they can delete electronic raw
Application of ALCOA data files from the local hard drive. Your firm deleted multiple data files

Principles to Microbiological acquired in 2013 allegedly to clear up hard drive space without creating
backups. Your QC management confirmed that there is no audit trail
Data Integrity Issues or other traceability in the operating system to document the deletion
activity. Furthermore, your analysts do not have unique user names and
Applying the ALCOA principles to microbiology testing may on the passwords for the computer and laboratory information systems; your
surface seem to be a common-sense approach to cGMP compliance. QC analysts use a single shared user identifier and password to access
However, after applying risk-based principles to the discreet tasks relat- and manipulate multiple stand alone systems.”
ed to microbiological testing, documentation can be difficult and cum-
While these observations may not apply directly to microbiology
bersome. Approaches to applying the ALCOA principles can be minimal,
laboratories, there is a concern around the inability to attribute a task or
moderate or extreme. Extreme approaches may counteract good docu-
data set to a person or group of people. Often hundreds, even thousands
mentation practices. A risk-based approach to the criticality and func-
of microbiology plates are read. There may be multiple individuals all
tionality of the task and its documentation should be used. Companies
working together to complete the task spanning more than one shift, or
also need to decide if “data” includes ancillary items such as media, re-
even more than one day. How granular and frequent must the tasks be
agent lot numbers, and expiration dates, instrument numbers and their
recalibration dates, and laminar flow hood numbers. Applying extreme
approaches to ALCOA principles for data integrity can result in a second The requirements for data integrity were not intended to limit laboratory
person having to shadow the microbiologist and witness every docu- flexibility or agility. Problems can arise when personnel must repeatedly
mented step. Microbial tests also involve the use of aseptic techniques log in and out of computers for each task completed to document
where real-time recording of the tasks cannot be performed without individual contributions to the team. Shared electronic notebooks can
jeopardizing the quality of the results. Manual documentation of hun- help, but care must be taken to disallow and/or track overwrites and
dreds of environmental monitoring, water, or enumerations plates are accidental omissions. In some ways, paper documentation is easier
often batch read with “no growth detected” plates being separated from than electronic documentation. However, electronic documents can
“growth detected” plates. All documentation is batch recorded at the be templated, time stamped, and changes tracked, which is a huge
same time. Do the ALCOA principles require each plate read, documen- advantage. The advantage of rapid technology automatic data capture
tation, and recording of a second person confirmation all have to occur readers is that they can address many of the data integrity concerns. The
at the same time? Do the principles require that a second person have to use of automated plate readers and rapid technology instruments may
re-enumerate quantitative plates to confirm the accuracy of the colony come with some logistical issues since one must assure that functions
forming units? The authors believe not. For microbiology testing, many such as audit trails are turned on, and permissions for tasks appropriately
tests are performed over days, even weeks. How do we document team- assigned in a manner that there is no conflict of interest. The ability
work? Frequently multiple individuals work on the same test, perform- to reproduce/retain the raw data in a readable form for archival and
ing dilutions, culturing organisms, counting plate colonies, and reading retrieval must also be achieved.
or interpreting results at different times over a number of days? How are
ALCOA principles applied? These FDA 483 observations give an insight
into the regulatory thinking about data integrity as applied to microbi- Legible
ology. Microbiologists can also evaluate how rapid technologies may be
helpful in remediating the problems. The second ALCOA principle is LEGIBLE. Companies have received
observations for obvious use of correction fluids, overwrites/scribbles on
handwritten data sheets, and not having appropriate change controlling
Attributable procedures in place. This includes access to and use of signature stamps
for electronic systems in lieu of handwritten signatures. General data
The first ALCOA principle is ATTRIBABLE. The data is linked to the integrity principles have always mandated that data must be readable
person performing the action. Only that person may sign for the work throughout the data retention period and lifecycle, with permanent
completed. An FDA 483 observation was given to a company which and identifiable changes using permanent ink, neatly, and following
read: “While multiple employees participate in a process step that spans established date and time formats. Electronic data has additional
more than one shift, only the last person involved is required to sign challenges. The rules apply to all raw data, meta data, and finished data
the batch record for completion of the activity.” Another observation reports which are stored and backed up for archival and retrieval. Many
read: “The inspection documented that all of your QC laboratory computerized systems store the raw data and use internal software
computerized instruments (redacted) were found to be stand alone, and to access, process, and report the information. Computer systems

and programs are constantly being updated. Therefore, the retired area and asked one of your firm’s QA Officers to remove these torn raw
instrument programs may also need to be archived in a manner that raw data records for the investigator’s review. This QA Officer presented the
data can be retrieved and reprocessed. Computer operating systems FDA investigator with approximately 20 paper records, none of which
may not be able to run the specialized software after many years. This included raw data entries identified in the waste area earlier during the
conundrum has yet to be resolved. inspection. The FDA investigator then revisited the waste area and found
that the raw data records had been removed and placed in a different
holding bag.” While this observation is an example of a more egregious
Contemporaneous breach of data integrity, microbiologists struggle with exactly what is
original data. If plate counts are written on the plate and not recorded
The third ALCOA principle is CONTEMPORANEOUS. For microbiologists, this
directly onto a report, are the plates raw data?
may pose the most challenging principle. These challenges include:
• Signing/dating records at the time of activity completion
• Back-dating or pre-dating data sheets Accuracy
• Limiting access to change date/time of electronic data
The fifth and last ALOCA principle is ACCURACY. This article addresses the
• Aseptic manipulations under laminar flow hoods or in isolators Who, What, Where, When, Why and How data represents the complete set
including the opportunity to document a microbial test
of factual data and meta data.
A recent 483 observation was …. “Specifically, an operator performed
• Data must reflect the action/observation accurately
the in-process tablet (redacted) testing for the (redacted) mg tablet
batch #(redacted) without the batch record or a manufacturing form to • All data must be controlled and retained for the lifecycle
document the results contemporaneously. …your operator stated that • Modifications to the data must be explained if not obvious
he records the two weights with (redacted) significant figures into the
batch record (located in another room) from memory”. Do tasks or data • Meta data includes units of measure, method details, audit trail,
have to be recorded during microbial testing when activity occurs and date/time modifications
how do we maintain aseptic technique while still complying with the Recent FDA 483 observations stated: “Processing each result file
requirements for data integrity? individually using different processing parameters generates the data for
assay. The second person reviewer is not required to review each of the
processing parameters used to generate results.” Another observation is
Original “Only one operator was assigned to evaluate sterility test on the last day
of the incubation period. To ensure reliability of the tests, your procedure
The fourth ALCOA principle is ORIGINAL. This can be difficult for
needs to specify steps that enable objective evaluation, such as assigning
microbiologists. Many microbiologists write the plate counts on the plate.
two operators for evaluation on the last day.” This implies that the FDA
Many isolate zero count plates into one location to document all negative
expects a second microbiologist check all sterility test media at the end
or 0 CFUs later. The authors believe these are common practices, which
of the test time.
allow the laboratory operations to remain productive and flexible.
A third recent FDA 483 observation stated: “Not all laboratory data were
Original data is data as the file or format in which is was generated,
recorded accordingly. On 5/25/2017 an FDA microbiologist observed the
preserving the integrity (accuracy, completeness, content and meaning)
following: a. “The firm’s microbiologist read the settling plate at location
of the record
Vial Sealing Area Passive on 5/24/2017 and reported “0” CFU. A FDA
• Retain all raw data and printouts microbiologist observed 1 CFU for the same plate.”
• Original data must be recorded directly into GMP records The observation that the company reported no CFU and the FDA
• Original data must be reviewed investigator was finding 1 CFU is disconcerting and may be a serious
data integrity issue. The delay in examining the plates may have been a
• Electronic raw data files must be retained
factor - the plates were read 5/24/2017 and the inspection conducted
A recent 483 observation stated: “Your firm repeatedly delayed, denied, between 5/25 and 6/1/2017. Should one automatically assume that there
limited an inspection or refused to permit the FDA inspection. An FDA was falsification of the environmental monitoring results? The authors
investigator identified the presence of torn raw data records in the waste believe that only the CFUs reported within the recommended incubation

time are valid. Since specifications are for a defined incubation period, Ultimately the maintenance of data integrity is the joint responsibility
viewing colonies after the end of the incubation may not be valid. It is of upper management, managerial and supervisory staff, and bench-
possible that a slower growing colony was not visible at termination of level microbiologists. The authors do not advocate employing a second
the test. It is possible that one opens the plates for a better view to read microbiologist to review all microbial test results, but potential failures
the plates. One should not automatically infer error or fraud for data which of critical tests should be reviewed contemporaneously, if possible, by a
is acquired during a set period of time and the analytes are known to be second person. Test result reports should be reviewed by a superior for
dynamic at the end of a tests’ duration. accuracy and completeness. Out-of-specification results should be fully
investigated. Unlike the opinion of some FDA investigators, the authors
believe that negative sterility tests do not require a second person review.

Risk Mitigation
How can the risk be mitigated with microbial test methods? What should Alternative Microbial Test Methods
and should not industry do in response to data integrity issues? The
Are the risks different with alternative microbial test methods? Will this
first step is to acknowledge the limitation of the classical microbial test
difference drive the implementation of these newer methods? Alternative
methods, (accuracy and precision), their dependency on the technical
microbiological test methods usually depend on analytical signals that
capabilities, honesty of the microbiologists conducting the tests, and
are quantitative, more sensitive, and usually more reliable than classical
supervisors reviewing and approving the tests for data integrity (Table 2).
growth-based methods (Table 3). Many alternative methods generate
Table 2. Data Integrity Level of Classic Microbial Test Methods results in real time so can be described as rapid microbial methods (RMM).
The signals generating results may not be fully equivalent to colony-
Microbial Test Data Data Integrity Risk Mitigation
Generation Level forming units counted in a traditional plate count. Analytical methods
Microbial Colonies counted Moderate: Count Second person review; use are typically objective, do not rely the subjective scoring of colonies
Enumeration on a plate or subject to analyst of automated plate readers
membrane; variability; with electronic storage of
growing on a plate or turbidity of a broth, and can be captured electronic
turbidity in a Most susceptible to the image and archived which means they have inherent data integrity. These
Probable Number falsification;
(MPN) broth tube. impermanent record characteristics of alternative microbial test methods should help promote
Test for a Specified Characteristic Low to moderate: Second person review;
Microorganism growth on Atypical growth electronic storage of the
selective media pattern; subjective image
Table 3. Data Integrity Level of Alternative Microbial Test Methods
after enrichment interpretation;
culture. presumptive Microbial Test Technology Data Data Integrity Level
result that must
be confirmed
by microbial Microbial Automated Plate Colony Counting High
identification. Enumeration Counter

Sterility Tests Presence of Low to moderate: Second person review; end Test for a Specified RT-PCR DNA Extraction, PCR Moderate to High
microbial growth Growth detected point determinations, e.g., Microorganism Amplification and
in the liquid media as turbidity, ATP determination, gaseous Detection
surface pellicles, exchange, etc.
Sterility Tests ATP ATP level Moderate to High
floccular growth or
Bioluminescence CO2 production and
Respiration O2 Consumption
Microbial Probability of Moderate: Utilization Second person review Detection of
Identification identification tests based in pH Flow Cytometry fluorescent-labeled
(Phenotypic) based on the and redox changes Solid Phase cells
pattern of chemical Cytometry
Microbial MALDI-TOF Mass Riboprotein charge- High
Antimicrobial Log reduction Moderate: Serial Second person review Identification Spectrometry mass fingerprints
Preservative of challenge dilution and plate (Phenotypic)
Effectiveness Test microorganism counts
Microbial Vitamin Automated Zone Zones of inhibition High
at specified time
and Antibiotic Readers on plates
Bacterial Gel Clot Visual Examination Moderate to Second person verification of Automated Turbidity in broth
Endotoxin Assay of gel formation high: subjective results by direct observation Turbidometers culture
interpretation of gel
Bacterial Endotoxin Kinetic Color change or High
Assay Turbidimetric or turbidity due to gel
Note: Second person review of test vessels (plates, canisters, tubes) should be limited to alert and Chromogenic clotting
action level results, out-of specification results or ambiguous results only. Methods

their implementation in the pharmaceutical industry. However, many of
the data integrity issues associated with chemical assays would likely be References
applicable to these newer microbial methods.
1. FDA Draft Guidance for Industry – Data Integrity and
Compliance with CGMP www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/
Concluding Statements on the Issue of GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/

Data Integrity UCM495891.pdf

2. Wechsler, J. Data integrity key to GMP compliance. BioPharm

The amount of recent regulatory activity in the area of data integrity and
International (September 2014) www.biopharminternational.
the failure of four recently published guidance documents to address
microbiological issues is a concern to pharmaceutical microbiologists. The
challenge to ensure data integrity in the microbiology laboratory is unique. 3. Unger, B. 2017 An analysis of FDA warning letters on data
Computerized record keeping is not as advanced as it is in chemistry governance and data integrity Pharmaceutical Online, Guest
laboratories. In most cases contemporaneous data collection is not Column July 14, 2017 www.pharmaceuticalonline.com/doc/
possible due to the necessity of using aseptic techniques or contamination
control. Furthermore, the volume of plates to be read in support of
environmental and water monitoring makes second person review of
all plates impractical. The authors believe that the right response to this 4. U.S. Government Accountability Office GAO-17-143 Report on
challenge is that second person review be limited to alert and action level the FDA’s Foreign Offices and Drug Inspections www.gao.gov/
results, out-of-specification results or ambiguous results only. Completed products/GAO-17-143
work sheets should be diligently reviewed by laboratory supervisors and
laboratory test failures aggressively investigated. Ultimately, data integrity 5. PIC/S Guidance Good Practices for Data Management and
can only be ensured by the maintenance of high ethical and professional Integrity in Regulated GMP/GDP Environments 2016 www.
standards throughout a pharmaceutical company. picscheme.org/en/publications

Limitations of Microbial
Environmental Monitoring
Methods in Cleanrooms
Angel L. Salaman-Byron
Janssen Research & Development

ISO 14644-1 and ISO 14698-1 do not set limits or assign classification values
Introduction for viable airborne particles. The sampling of airborne viable particles is
dealt with in ISO 14698, however action levels are to be determined by the
Environmental Monitoring (EM) program requirements are currently user. Per ISO 14698-1, section 5.2 “Microbiological Alert, action and target
described in the 21 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 211.42, 21 CFR 211.46, levels are set by the user as appropriate to the field of the application”.
21 CFR 211.22,1 USP <1116> Microbiological Evaluation of Clean Rooms These levels should be based upon target levels related to what product
and Other Controlled Environments,2 European Medicine Agency (EMEA) is manufactured as well as the product requirements. These levels may be
Annex I3, International Standard Organization (ISO) 14644-1,4 ISO 13408,5 adjusted based upon data collected during initial start-up and at intervals
ISO14698-16 and Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Technical Report #13, established by the contamination control policy or monitoring plan.
Fundamental of an Environmental Monitoring Program (Revised, 2014).7 Various regulatory bodies have guidance related to the manufacturing of
sterile medicinal products. These guidances, link cleanroom class based
Regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
upon non-viable particle levels to viable particle levels. These levels are
European Medicines Agency (EMA) requires pharmaceutical manu-
provided for active air sampling, settle plates, surfaces and on operators.
facturing companies to have an EM program and standard operating
procedures (SOPs) in place as an important part of the drug manufac- Every microbial EM program should have a combination of the following
turing control process to ensure product safety attributes. Regulatory methods: settle plates, contact plates and/or surface swabs, active air
bodies have established the requirement for trending and identifying samples, and rinse samples (i.e. equipment). Air sampling is meant to
contamination sources. Major observations have specifically been is- assess the engineering/design controls performance as intended to
sued to companies that lack adequate systems for monitoring envi- clear aerial contamination and meeting classification requirements for
ronmental conditions in aseptic processing areas and for not having total particulate per volume of air and personnel aseptic techniques
written procedures for EM including sampling frequency, sampling practices and hygiene. Surface sampling are mainly intended to assess
surface cleaning and sanitation effectiveness and personnel aseptic
locations and procedures for alert and action levels.
techniques practices and hygiene. All these methods are based on the
The ISO 14644-1 regulation specifies the total particulate counts allowed ability of captured organisms to be visibly counted due to replication
for a clean environment to meet the defined air quality classifications. in nutrient media under aerobic conditions and mesophilic incubation
Unlike microbial contamination where humans are the main significant temperatures. At present, nearly all these methods rely on the growth
source, nonviable particulates can arise both from the environment, and recovery of microorganisms, many of which are in environmental
humans and from processing equipment. Non-viable (total) air particulate stress and therefore may be difficult to recover. The lack of accuracy and
(i.e. total particles count) at rest and during normal operations is precision of the traditional enumeration methods and the restricted
conducted to confirm that the environmental quality in ISO-classified sample volumes that can be effectively analyzed suggest that microbial
areas is maintained. However, EM of total particulate does not correlate EM is incapable of providing direct quantitative information about
directly on the bioburden of the environment. sterility assurance. All known methods only sample at a single point in

time, therefore would require repeat sampling to assess range of counts. length of occurrence of microorganisms in the air, diffusion, electrical
On the other hand, microbial EM recover efficiency is undoubtedly charge, and their mixing by air flow are based completely on the laws
influenced by many factors. Only viable microorganisms would be of colloidal chemistry. A colloid, is a mixture in which one substance of
detected by EM methods. The type of surface, presence of product microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout
or chemical residues, organisms stress status, type of microorganism, another substance. Unlike a solution, whose solute and solvent constitute
technique bias by technician during sampling are among the facts that only one phase, a colloid has a dispersed phase (i.e. the suspended
influence the recovery efficiency. The absence of recovery may give a particles) and a continuous phase (i.e. the medium of suspension).9 It is
false impression that the air or the surface sampled was “clean” if most assumed that bacteria in the dust phase are not bound to dust particles,
of the microorganisms are non-cultivable or non-viable (incapable to
as occur with water, but freely suspended in air. Vlodavets (1964) reported
reproduce), have special nutritional requirements, or are slow grower
that bacterial dust particles settled down even faster than bacterial drops.
among other facts.2,7 As a fact, the absence of growth does not mean
Initially a high concentration of microorganisms is created after the creation
the sample location is free of microorganisms and likewise a single
of the bacterial drop aerosol (i.e. bacteria with a water-based solution).
sample point excursion does not indicate that the area is not in a state
Then, the concentration of bacterial in air gradually decrease. Decrease in
of microbial control. There is not a microbiological sampling plan that
concentration is dependent mainly in the settling of bacterial drops. It has
can 100% prove the absence of microbial contamination, even when no
viable contamination is recovered.8 been reported that a decrease in relatively humidity promote an increase
of the time of occurrence of Staphylococci in the drop and dust phases of
an aerosol. High humidity assists the settle down of bacterial drops as well

Microorganisms Recovery from Air as of particles of the bacterial dust and the lowering of the concentration
of the bacteria on air. Vlodavets concluded that the concentration of
The distribution of microorganisms under the conditions of an air medium viable microorganisms on air is influenced by two facts: 1) the settling of
is strongly tied in with the colloidal properties of microorganisms. The organisms (i.e. physical loss) and (2) the death rate (i.e. biological loss) of

the microorganisms.10 Within cleanroom environments humans are the methods that are used most is the contact-plate method is suitable
primary source of contamination. Typically, 80 to 90 percent of normal for flat, firm surfaces, (considering both recovery and repeatability),
microbial-flora identified in a cleanroom environment is generated from whereas swabbing is better for flexible and uneven surfaces and for
humans.11-13 Engineering controls within cleanroom should maintain a low heavily contaminated surfaces.26-28 Recovery levels of surface-monitoring
relative humidity hence the settlement of air organisms in cleanroom is methods are typically low, due to variability in sampling procedure,
decreased, facilitates the clearance of particulates. analytical methods being employed (i.e., dilution), and the use of growth-
based techniques.25
Passive air sample by settle plate is a useful method for assessing air
contamination by microorganisms. Passive sampling consists of letting Different media are employed, and in the case of swabs, different results
particles settle by gravity on a flat surface that required long exposure time have been reported for wet and dry swab methods. It is widely known
(i.e. approximately 1 hour). Only particles in larger size range >10 μm are the poor correlation between the amount of microbial contamination
likely to land on plates. Results are expressed in CFU/plate/time or in CFU/ on surfaces and the recovery obtained. For example, a collaborative
m2/hour.14 Settle plates are not likely to be validated for recovery method study comparing surface monitoring methods showed that artificially
because there is no accurate measurement of the volume of air sampled. contaminated stainless steel at a theoretical level of 1.4 CFU per cm2
(about 35 CFU per sample) gave recoveries of 25 to 30% when bacterial
Volumetric air monitoring meant for a microbiological air sampler
spores were employed.29 As reported by Kang and colleagues (2007),
physically drawing a known volume of air through or over a particle
recovery of Listeria monocytogenes from stainless steel inoculated test
collection device which can be a liquid or a solid culture media or a
areas, or coupons, using a sonicating brush head (contact or noncontact)
nitrocellulose membrane and the quantity of microorganism present is
yielded a recovery level of about 60% compared with swab and direct
measured in colony forming units (CFU) per m3 of air. Active air sampling
agar contact methods (about 20%).30 Many factors may contribute to
is ideal when monitoring a low bioburden environment. The most known
this poor correlation, including differences in materials used (e.g., cotton,
methods are impaction, centrifugal and membrane (or gelatin) samplers.
polyester, rayon, calcium alginate), the microorganisms targeted for
Instruments should be calibrated and the method is able to be validated.15
culture, variations in surface, and differences in the personnel collecting
Several studies have attempted to compare the values of microbial loads and processing samples.30 Additional sources of error are the potential for
on air obtained through both active and passive sampling methods, non-homogenous surface resulting in unequal or incomplete removal of
but with inconsistent results: in some cases, there was significant microorganisms from surfaces.31 Two additional variables of swab method
correlation16-19 while in others there was none.20-24 However, current could be that optimum elution may vary with each organism and some
active air can be more advantageous and effective in assessing airborne media and diluents may be inhibitory to certain microorganisms.25
viable contamination in cleanrooms than settle plate monitoring. There
The Replicate Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC) method was
may be no advantage in performing these two parallel methods for
described first by Hall and Hartnett (1964) as a means of direct sampling
the detection of airborne contamination specifically because they may
of surfaces.32 The method is used not only for sampling of flat surfaces but
increase the number of interventions into critical areas, which may in
also for personnel environmental (i.e., gowning) sampling.12 A variant of
turn increase the risk of contamination without providing any added
this method is the touch plate where personnel will place their gloved
benefit in terms of data collection and/or process control.24
finger-pads (i.e. fingertips) on the surface of the RODAC plate for getting
an estimate of the microorganisms on the tips.12,33 There are several
limitations to RODAC method. The most known is the requirement of a flat
Microorganisms Recovery uniform surface. A second limitation is that this method is very sensitive
from Surfaces to residual disinfectant that may be on the sampled surface and could be
transferred to the agar. This limitation can be overcome somehow by the
Microorganisms are easy to spread within the cleanroom. They can addition of neutralizing agents into the nutrient agar. The third limitation
be transferred directly from one surface to another by touching the is that the smaller size of the RODAC 50 mm limits the countable number
surface with an object that is contaminated with microorganisms.12,25 of colonies on the plate. Therefore, the maximum range of 250 CFU for
When microorganisms are released into the manufacturing area air, they standard 100 mm standard Petri dishes34 would not apply to RODAC (i.e.
will be deposited onto these surfaces as either aerosol particles or as maximum range is 50 CFU). Surface sampling has been found to recover
liquid droplets. There are many types of surfaces in the pharmaceutical <50% even with high inoculum on standardized coupons. Recovery
production areas and cGMPs equipment, all with distinct physical- is also highly influenced by microorganism species and number of
chemical properties. The type of surface greatly influences their ability to microorganisms present at the time of sampling. The fourth limitation
survive and their possibility to contaminate other materials.26 The surface is the residual agar transferred onto the surface being sampled; media

residue on the surface must be promptly removed as media residue for non-sterile class ISO 8 manufacturing or support areas it may be
could serve as a nutrient source for microbial proliferation. Prior to their sufficient to identify isolates to morphology level by gram staining on a
implementation the type of media and incubation conditions must be routine basis. Higher level of identification is recommended for microbes
qualified. Such qualification may include laboratory studies using the isolated from aseptic processing areas and may require identification to
compendial growth promotion microorganisms and/or representative species level. The key concern is to determine the state of control for the
microorganisms recovered from the facility environment.7 facility with some relative level of confidence. Indeed, there is regulatory
guidance that suggests the requirement to identify isolates to strain
Swab and contact plate methods are not interchangeable because
level when investigating microbial excursions or sterility failure. FDA
results may vary. If you decide to use both methods in the same area
2004 Aseptic Guidance document, page 35 section B. Microbiological
make sure the data is analyzed independently. This is because it has
media and Identification establish that “Characterization of recovered
been reported that RODAC plates are superior to the swab technique for
microorganisms provides vital information for the environmental
the detection of Gram-positive cocci, whereas Gram-negative rods can
monitoring program. Environmental isolates often correlate with the
be detected more often by the swab technique.35 These two techniques
contaminants found in a media fill or product sterility testing failure,
were not designed to obtain full recovery but to be suitable enough to
and the overall environmental picture provides valuable information
establish trends for the assessment for environmental control.
for an investigation. Monitoring critical and immediately surrounding
clean areas as well as personnel should include routine identification of
microorganisms to the species (or, where appropriate, genus) level”.39
Microbial Identification
Characteristics such as colony morphology, cellular morphology, Gram
Many factors influence the capacity of microorganism’s recovery by current stain and the presence, or absence, of endospores remain important
EM methods. Microorganisms are likely to be found in air and surface in identification to genus level, while additional biochemical and
forming clusters of one or distinct strains, associated to dead skin scalp, physiological tests may often be able to differentiate to species level. The
soils or inorganic material. In addition, metabolic active microorganisms Gram stain method is prone to a significant level of operator error, which
normally are found in different stages of cell cycle. When conditions has encouraged the development of alternate methods for showing the
become unfavorable for growth bacteria stop replicating and viability difference in cell structures. Nowadays, automated gram staining systems
starts to decrease. A high initial bacterial load increases the likelihood to have provided some level of reproducibility.
be recovered and identified.31 Most pharmaceutical companies identify isolates recovered from samples
USP <1116> suggests that microbial recoveries should be identified that have exceeded their alert and actions levels. Other pharmaceutical
at a rate sufficient to support the EM program. Once isolation of the companies have designed a grid for randomly identified isolates. Less often
microorganism is achieved, microbial characterization and identification others may identify the morphology of representative colonies captured.
is performed.36-37 Typically, microbial identification systems (either Most aseptic pharmaceutical laboratories identify microorganisms at the
genotypic or phenotypic based) are employed after primary screening species level. Most Pharmaceutical companies identify filamentous fungi
and characterization are performed through Gram staining. Identification isolates to at least the genus level if the colony counts reach action level, but
platforms may vary between pharmaceuticals. Genotypic and Phenotypic I would recommend that it be done sooner (at the alert level) to remediate
automated systems are commercially available. The system chosen must a potential fungal plum within critical control manufacturing work spaces.
be validated.36-37 Fast growing microorganisms should be identified at the species level, if
possible. Fast growing bacteria grow in such a way that they appear to
Characterization will represent the establishment of microbial profiles,
be “spread” across the plate. Such fast growing phenotype is a potential
including the evaluation of sources, routes of ingress and susceptibility
threat to the manufacturing environment and the product. Some species
to elimination or reduction. Characterizations can reveal useful clues as to
of Bacillus tend to form spreaders on moist semisolid media. Early read
the possible source of isolates. Routine characterization of isolates should
of test samples before the end of incubation or test plates transfer to the
continue to determine whether isolates are part of the normal microflora
following incubation temperature is recommended to get an accurate
or represent something atypical.38
count if spreaders are present. A final word of advice is to be consistent
A well-established microbial EM program must identify, at least at the with the microbial identification platform used to identify isolates from
genus level, microorganisms isolated from EM.38 Class ISO 5 and ISO 6 different sources like EM samplings or finished product because the same
microbial recoveries must be identified at the species level. Meanwhile, strain tested using two different microbial identification platforms may
the level of identification of microorganisms from ISO 7 and ISO 8 class give the laboratory results two different species names. This discrepancy
could be determined based on a risk assessment analysis. For example, may make it difficult to correlate matching microbes found in the finished

product test with microbes recovered from the manufacturing area or microbial entity.51 By not rotating non-sporicidal with periodic sporicidal
specific raw materials used for product compounding. disinfectants in the clean room one may encourage the establishment
of one type of microbe not susceptible to the antimicrobial solution. For
rapid growth in different environments, bacteria need to adjust their
Microorganism Prevalence enzyme levels to rapidly benefit from the nutrient mix that is currently
available in the surrounding. If the living environment undergoes rapid
in Cleanrooms changes, the bacterium’s own production of proteins may need to be
altered to adapt to these changes in an effective way. The opportunity for
The low density of aerosolized particulates within cleanrooms should
growth of bacteria is determined not only by the organic composition of
reduce the amount of both inorganic and biological contamination on and
their surroundings but also by sudden changes in the living environment.
within the assembled products. The nutrient-deprived (i.e. oligotrophic),
High rates of bacteria growth in a stable environment requires a certain
ultraclean, and desiccated conditions designed to be maintained within
kind of physiology, but environmental changes also require rapid
cleanrooms and most manufacturing areas strives to limit the proliferation
adjustments of the bacteria’s inducible protein production. Therefore, this
and or survival of microbial life in these environments.40-48 Rigorous
microbial phenotype type(s) must be available prior to the environmental
maintenance procedures, such as regular cleaning,41 HEPA air filtration,44
and constant low humidity and temperature control, make these facilities
inhospitable to microbial life and become unlikely microbial persistence.43-44 Most Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria are capable of existing in two
forms, dormant spores and active vegetative cells. Vegetative cells form
Microorganisms within the clean room are likely to be transient;
spores under adverse conditions as a means of survival. Spore formation
accidental occurrences of microorganisms possibly introduced into the
protects the bacteria from starvation, drying, freezing, harsh chemicals,
cleanroom by an assortment of external sources.48 However, their path of
and extreme heat. When conditions become favorable, the spores
passage may be the same each time. With a careful study of the EM data
germinate, allowing each spore to once again become a vegetative cell
one may confidently predict this origin of microbial influx and ultimately
with the ability to reproduce. Among the bacteria, sporulation is not a
design a mitigation step to prevent it from becoming a continued source
means of reproduction since each cell forms a single spore which later
of contamination for the controlled facilities. The identification of these
germinates into a single cell again. Most sporulating bacteria that grow
entry sources is essential to improve microbial contamination prevention. in the presence of air belong to the Genus Bacillus, and those microbes
There is no such thing as endogenous microflora for a constructed that grow only in the absence of air belong to the Genus Clostridium. The
manufacturing facility. The establishment of any microorganism within endospores of several Bacillus species isolated from spacecraft assembly
the cleanroom shall be considered as a control breach and must be facilities have previously exhibited various levels of resistance to H2O2
investigated and eradicated. treatment.45,52 Gram positive bacteria are more likely to survive indoor low
Bacteria can adapt to distinct environmental conditions. These include humidity conditions than Gram negative bacterium.46-48
adaptations to changes in temperature, pH, concentrations of ions Microorganisms also vary in their optimal growth temperatures. For
such as sodium, and the nature of the surrounding available nutrients. example, psychrophilic bacterium prefers colder temperatures, usually
Bacteria react to a sudden change in their environment by expressing or below 15°C. Mesophiles thrive best at moderate temperatures, typically 20
repressing of various sets of genetic operons that control the expression to 45°C. Thermophiles have adapted well to hotter temperatures, usually
of inducible proteins and other critical cellular components. These re- 45° to 80°C. Most human source microflora are mesophilic.55 Mesophilic
sponses change the properties of both the interior of the microorganism bacteria grow best at or near human body temperature, but are also
and its surface chemistry. A well-known example of this adaptation is capable of growth at room temperature.48
the so-called heat shock response (also known as stress shock response).
Spore-forming Bacillus species are not the only ones that shows
The name derives from the fact that the response was first observed in
physiologically flexible phenotype able to persist in the inhospitable
bacteria suddenly shifted to a higher growth temperature.50
conditions of clean room environments. La Duc et al (2007) reported
It is widely recognized that the isolation of numerous bacterial species that the significant differences observed in the cultivable bacterial
(including novel microorganisms) within cleanrooms capable of surviving populations among the certified clean rooms are more likely attributable
diverse, unfavorable environmental conditions is most probably due to the amounts of human activity and/or routine maintenance of each
to previous inherent resistant traits (i.e., spore formation, cytoplasmic facility, rather than geographic location.56-59 The isolation of numerous
condensation, stress shock proteins, etc.) rather than post adaption. The bacterial species (including novel microorganisms) capable of surviving
engineering controls as well as frequent cleaning and disinfection of clean diverse, unfavorable environmental conditions is a testament to the
rooms is the major challenge for the minimizing the establishment of any remarkable distribution of physiologically diverse unicellular life. The

occurrence of thermophiles (Geobacillus spp.) in mesophilic condition,
obligate anaerobes (Paenibacillus sp.) in oxygen-rich environments, References
and halotolerant alkaliphiles (Oceanobacillus sp. and Exiguobacterium
1. 21 Code of Federal Regulations 211. Good Manufacturing Practice
sp.) in neutral pH environments supports the adaptability and
for Finished Pharmaceuticals.
resistance of these microorganisms to environments that are not their
first choice of growth.46 2. USP (2017) “Microbiological Control and Monitoring of Aseptic
Processing Environments” In: USP Vol 40, General Chapter 1116,
Rockville, Maryland, USA

Conclusion 3. European Commission (2008) “Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal

Products” In EudraLex - The Rules Governing Medicinal Products
The range and types of microorganisms able to be recovered from
in the European Union (EU), Volume 4 EU Guidelines to Good
EM samples within cleanrooms is very limited. The parameters that Manufacturing Practice - Medicinal Products for Human and
contribute to the ability to recover these microorganisms include Veterinary Use - Annex 1: Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal
the microorganism’s physiology, environmental conditions (stress Products, Brussels, Belgium.
factors), and nutrient composition of the culture medium and the
4. International Organization for Standardization ISO. 14644-1:2015.
selected incubation conditions used to recover them. Due to the
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—part I:
described limitations of the EM methods currently available for classification of air cleanliness. http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_
pharmaceutical manufacturing monitoring, it is unlikely to obtain all detail.htm?csnumber=25052.
the microorganisms that may occur in the clean rooms that employ the
5. ISO 11137:(2006) Sterilization of health care products – Radiation
need for human intervention. When manufacturing is performed in the
– Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose
presence of people, most likely the microorganisms recovered will be
human source Gram positive, mesophilic aerobic or facultative aerobic 6. ISO 14698-1:(2003) Cleanrooms and associated controlled
bacteria. The current commercial growth media allows for the recovery environments – Biocontamination control. Part 1: General
and enumeration of these human and terrestrial microflora within a principles and methods. UNI; pp14698–1.

7-day incubation period. Although, as stated in the introduction the 7. Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Technical Report #13 Revised
need for microbial environmental monitoring is a global regulatory and (2014) Fundamentals of an Environmental Monitoring Program
compendia expectation and should not be taken lightly. The frustration
8. Dalmaso, G and Denoya, C (2015) “Qualification of an
and caveats with the available commercial methods to perform these
Environmental Monitoring Program”. Technical Bulleting,
tasks is that their recovery capability of natural microorganisms is
not optimal. As industrial microbiologists, it is our responsibility to monitoring-aseptic-processing-cleanrooms
understand their limitations (with evidence available from the cited
references) and how to apply these insights on their practical usefulness 9. Belloni, L (2000). “Colloidal interactions”. J Phys: Condensed
Matter 12(46); R549
to monitor and indicate when our facilities are in or out of control
and meeting our company’s compliance requirements as defined and 10. Vlodavets, VV (1964) Dynamics of bacterial aerosol in the dust
documented in our validation studies and risk assessment reports. and drop phase Mikrobiologiya 33(1) (Translation form Russian
by Charles T Ostertag Jr. [1965] United States Army Biological
Laboratories Fort Detrick, Frederik Maryland)
Acknowledgments 11. Sandle, T (2011). A Review of Cleanroom Microflora: Types, Trends,
and Patterns, J. PDA J Pharm Sci Technol, 65 (4):392-403).
I would like to thank Dennis E. Guilfoyle, Ph.D., Sr. Director, Microbiology
& Analytical Regulatory Compliance, Johnson & Johnson for critical review 12. Brandes, R. Aseptic Processing: Qualification of Personnel, Mass &
and input of the manuscript. Peither AG-GMP Publishing, 2012.

13. Cundell AM (2005) Risk based approach to pharmaceutical Nakatsu CH, Miller RV and, Pillai SD Ed 4th (American Society of
microbiology. In: Miller MJ, ed. Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiology)
Microbiology Methods. River Grove, IL: Davis Healthcare
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14. Pasquarella C, et al (2000) The index of microbial air for Cleaning and Sanitation Monitoring: How Far We Have to Go?
contamination. J. of Hosp Inf;46: 241–256 Pharma Tech USA 34(8).

15. Blomquist G (1994) Center for Disease Control and Prevention 27. Niskanen A and Pohja MS (1977) Comparative studies on the
(CDC). Guidelines for environmental infection control in health- sampling and investigation of microbial contamination of
care facilities, Atlanta; 2003. surfaces by the contact plate and swab methods. J. of Appl.
Bacteriol. 42, 53–63
16. Whyte, W (1981) Setting and impaction of particles into
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17. Whyte W (1986) Sterility assurance and models for assessing
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Author Biographies
production unit J Zhejiang Univ Sci B.; 8(9): 666–672. Angel L. Salaman-Byron MS, PhD is Principal Process Scientist at Janssen
Biotech Malvern, PA, USA. Dr. Salaman-Byron received his PhD degree
48. Sandle, T (2011) A Review of Cleanroom Microflora: Types, Trends,
in Medical Microbiology from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
and Patterns, J. PDA J Pharm Sci Technol, 65 (4):392-403.
Campus. Besides his scientific contribution during his dissertation research
49. Pasanen AL, et al (1991) Significance of air humidity and air Dr. Salaman-Byron has contributed to the pharmaceutical literature
velocity for fungal spore release into the air. Atmos. Environ. with publications appearing in American Pharmaceutical Review and
25A:459 –462. Pharmaceutical Technology as well as a White papers contributor. Dr.
Salaman-Byron has worked with oral dosages small molecules as well as
50. Arsene F (2000) The heat shock response of Escherichia coli. J large molecules manufacturer and aseptic filling process, such as Wyeth,
Food Microbiol 55;3–9 Pfizer, Amgen and AbbVie.

The Hottest Topics in
Karen Ginsbury
PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd.

Recently I asked participants in a senior level think tank, what were You may have to pay for your requirements.
the most challenging microbiological issues on their “to do” lists. The • Non-viable particulate count room qualification per ISO
answers included: regulations –rooms are controlled and we claim class E –now
• Correlation of field failures for bacteria to hygiene in the required “new class E = D” for non-sterile products?
manufacturing environment or against efficacy testing. • Everyone talks about “risk-based” EM and EM trending and yet I
• People. have yet to see one example of how anyone is actually DOING it!
And have never seen anyone using relevant statistical analysis
• Perception that you can validate manual procedures leads to
of EM data.
• I was so excited by <1115> but it says nothing: product
• Use of contract workers and high turnover.
specification is NMT 0 cfu/ml.
• Seems like a lot of us are disinfecting/sanitizing but what do we
So…ouch. You can hear the pain and then start to filter out issues. Actually
actually intend to achieve. when you sort through the list, there aren’t as many different concerns as
• Dealing with the ambiguity of bioburden control involved with it first appears. Here is what I found:
microbiologically controlled products and the perception (by 1. Increased emphasis on non-sterile products. Increasing
some) that we are making sterile products. regulatory scrutiny. Unclear requirements, but nevertheless
• Need to educate about risks. expectations for controlled manufacturing environment,
microbial limit testing and preservative efficacy testing if
• Risk assessment of environmental organisms and the need. for
the product is preserved. The only regulatory body who has
better knowledge and control. Use the risk assessment for how
published guidance for non-sterile environments is the World
significant is the organism for the consumer. How do I ID the
Health Organization (WHO). Neither the EU GMPs or the US
organism and how do I do the risk assessment –the regulators
GMPs or FDA guidances address this topic. The EU is currently
are all over the place. revising Annex 1 on Sterile Products and in their concept
• What truly is an objectionable/specified organism–base on a risk paper on the revision indicated that the revision might address
assessment (documented) for YOUR product type and also any suitable environments for manufacturing non-sterile products.
USP specified organism. Since the revised Annex has yet to be published, the jury is out.

• Contract manufacturer fights us on requests for objectionable What should you be doing?
organisms? Our spec is just specified orgs. Reply: USP <1111> Regarding non-sterile products there are two references which might
requirement to assess any organism you pick up in the help.
The first is the USP General Chapter <1115>, Bioburden Control of Non-
• Raw material suppliers have no idea about the market they Sterile Drug Substances and Products. As one of the think tank participants
are supplying and refuse to do it. There is a price on CMOs and pointed out, it looked promising but is actually quite confusing/confused.
sometimes cheaper and easier to bring the baby back home. On the one hand, it advocates “a pragmatic scientific approach to the

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management of the microbial bioburden in non‐ sterile drug products in However, from a microbial point of view, the answer is not straightforward.
keeping with patient risk and contamination control objectives based on It ties in with the above observation that “Seems like a lot of us are
risk management principles”. The chapter is advocating process control disinfecting / sanitizing but what do we actually intend to achieve.”
rather than reliance on end product testing which is commendable and The answer to that is that we need an environment, populated with
the desired state. operators appropriately gowned to ensure that things do not go wrong
resulting in high total counts or objectionable organisms. Since the two
<1115> is an informational chapter and not an enforceable regulation.
are related and since microbes multiply by doubling in short periods of
On the other hand, the chapter advocates for any environmental time, the answer to the disinfecting/sanitizing is the following:
monitoring program to be risk‐based in terms of sample selection and
The purpose of disinfecting in a non-sterile area to maintain routinely
frequency and to be used to confirm microbial control and not linked to
low levels of microbial contamination with the intention of preventing
product release.
product processed in the environment from ever exceeding the Microbial
This too is commendable as a statement for those well versed in process
Limit specification for total count or objectionable organisms.
control as opposed to product control. However, in practice it often results
in a check box exercise which is far removed from true risk management 3. Environmental monitoring – what is needed and how do we
and monitoring. Environmental monitoring is a RISK MONITORING reply risk assessment and contamination recovery rates (per
tool and not, as commonly and mistakenly believed, a risk reduction USP <1116>).
measure. EM samples, represent intelligence gathering, allowing ongoing The answer to this question is a follow on from #2 above for non-sterile
assessment and understanding of the state of control of the environment. products.
Increased counts, and in non-sterile production, since the baseline
counts are generally far higher than in sterile production, it is easier to What is needed is a truly risk-based program, with samples at those areas
identify trends earlier and to respond. But if the EM is disconnected MOST LIKELY to disseminate contamination to the process and therefore
from production of specific products and batches, and, is frequently to product.
conducted during “at rest” conditions, the purpose of the monitoring is 4. Control of outsourced manufacture and testing
lost, the responses don’t happen and failures in Microbial Limit Tests are
With respect to microbiological risk – any program we have in our own
then written off as “laboratory error.” According to Tony Cundell, one of
company needs to be mirrored in some manner at our contractor to
the authors of the chapter, the intent was for improved and cost‐ effective
provide the necessary assurances. We audit for that and if there are
bioburden controls for non‐sterile drug products to reduce the number of
concerns they must be remedied under the CAPA program before signing
product recalls arising as a result of microbial contamination. No question
that this necessary – especially after the recent episode of contaminated a contract. Ongoing evaluation of the supplier for bioburden controls and
sunflower seeds resulted in recalls of many brands of health bars including microbial test must include review of EM data.
my personal favorite the Cliff bar! 5. How much work should we be doing with identification
The second essential reference is PDA’s Technical Report #67: Exclusion of organisms and how does that tie in with cleaning and
of Objectionable Organisms from Non-sterile Pharmaceuticals, Medical disinfection programs and field failures, hygiene and the
Devices and Cosmetics. This is a points to consider document that people factor?
addresses product considerations, risk management, how to identify There should be an SOP defining identification policy. Firstly, sufficient
clinical considerations related to defining objectionable organisms for isolates must be collected to obtain a baseline flora for an area and that
a particular product as well as process design to mitigate microbial
is more than only identifying those isolates where the alert or action
risk – all valid and appropriate considerations in setting up a microbial
level was exceeded. Thereafter, the policy should be based on potential
control strategy.
significance to product and therefore to patient and periodic across the
2. How can we make risk assessments less burdensome and more board identification to see if there are new isolates recovered and to
useful/effective? test recovered wild types for sensitivity to the disinfectants used in our
Assessments need to be simplified. The risk question needs to be sharpened. sanitization regime. A sudden increase in fungal counts is reason for a
For example, for non-sterile products what is the risk question if performing hysterical response – yes I did choose that word – rapid and aggressive
a risk assessment for the manufacturing process? How about “what could action to identify and seal off the source (often cracks or building
go wrong resulting in unacceptably high total count or presence of movement when there is heavy digging nearby from construction) and
objectionable organisms in the product” repeated cycles of sporicidal disinfectants. You do not want to be the

next facility shut down for fungal contamination (Google “compounding take over and you will have OOS Microbial Limit Tests. A control strategy is
pharmacies and fungal contamination” for more details)! defined in ICH Q10 as:
And beyond that consider the following hot topics with the regulators, all “a planned set of controls, derived from current product and process
of which have implications within the microbiological area: understanding, that assures process performance and product quality”
• Quality Metrics and Culture A microbial control strategy is based on risk assessment, implemen-
• Data Integrity –the microbiology lab has a special place in tation of controls directly related to understanding of microbial risks
warning letters for “throwing away plates” or “failure to record posed by product and process such that the controls assure process
colonies” all of which is easy to do because there is no trail performance and product quality. i.e. no MLT failures. Environmental
whatsoever (never mind a part 11 compliant, time and date monitoring is one of the risk monitoring tools which allows you to
stamped, automated computerized trail). In the microbiology show ongoing control and while not directly related to batch release
laboratory, most companies still work with an operator manually decisions, is definitely one indicator that the batch might be fit or unfit
examining incubated test samples and recording the outcome. for release from a microbial perspective.
The temptation to cheat is facilitated by the ease with which it
One final comment. No think tank or article on hot micro topics would
can be done – which leads into cultural issues and independent
verification checks. be complete without discussing rapid methods. There are many available.
For the most part, pharma companies seem to have implemented
• Multiplicity of regulations (IVT has a link with over SEVENTY
these mostly in the area of microbial identification. However, there are
microbiological references)
increasing interesting offerings in the area of real time counts of viable
• Revision (planned) of Annex 1 to the EU GMPs (Sterile Products and total particles where the total particles include and can distinguish
annex) and updated ISO 14644 (in effect but are contractors viable organisms. This is an evolving area and…watch this space!
ready for that?)

And how do all of the above tie in with the recent massive recall of health /
granola bars due to listeria contamination of sunflower seeds? Author Biography
To conclude – new issues? Not really. More of a new focus on non-sterile
Karen Ginsbury is a UK trained pharmacist with a Master of Science degree
manufacture. Is non-sterile manufacture, as traditionally perceived,
in Microbiology from Birkbeck College University of London. Karen is CEO
less complex than aseptic processing? In fact from a microbiological
perspective it might be MORE complex – because the goal is poorly of PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd and has worked in and with the
designed. Sterile means the complete absence of viable organisms, or pharmaceutical industry for close to 30 years. She provides Quality Systems
at least bacteria and fungi. What does Non-Sterile mean: NMT 100 cfu / consultancy and her company has successfully navigated companies through
g total, NMT 10 cfu/g fungi and no objectionable organisms. Try telling FDA, Health Canada, EU and other regulatory inspections as well as setting up
the bugs to stop replicating at 100 or the fungi at 10. If your microbial and improving effective Quality Systems which have increased the efficiency
control strategy does not strive to keep them out, they will sooner or later of the company.

Biologics Production: Impact
of Bioburden Contaminations
of Non-Sterile Process
Intermediates on Patient Safety
and Product Quality
Friedrich von Wintzingerode

limited to the final product. Many biologics manufacturing steps (e.g.

Large Scale Production of protein purification, conditioning, formulation) occur under non-sterile

Biologics is Susceptible to conditions in aqueous systems at ambient temperature or 2-8 °C under

substantially neutral pH conditions, making the large-scale production
Microbial Contamination of biologics susceptible to microbial contamination (see Figures 1
and 2 for a typical mAb production process). Regardless of where in
The term “Biologics” is used for a class of therapeutics that are produced the DS or DP process they occur, microbial contaminations can have
by recombinant DNA technology and generally fall into three major a significant impact on product quality and patient safety. Microbial
categories: (i) therapeutic proteins, (ii) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), contaminations can lead to product degradation or modification due
and (iii) antibody-drug conjugates. to the introduction of microbial enzymes. In addition, the introduction
Large scale production of biologics consists of two process steps, of soluble components derived from the microorganisms can adversely
which often occur at different production sites: (i) Drug Substance (DS) impact patient safety. The investigation of microbial excursions must
manufacture (manufacture of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient), adequately assess impact to both product quality and patient safety
and (ii) Drug Product (DP) manufacture (manufacture of the Final Drug, prior to making decisions regarding lot release.
e.g. formulated mAbs filled in vials or syringes). In the DS manufacturing Development of a successful microbial control strategy for large-
process bacterial or mammalian cells are used to express the desired scale production of biologics should be based on a risk assessment to
recombinant protein. Following cell expansion and production phases ensure end-to-end microbial control of the process through adequate
these cultures are harvested, the recombinant protein is recovered and prevention and detection. The risk assessments require review of the
is purified to separate the target protein from host cells, cell debris, microbial quality of direct materials, utilities (WFI, process gases, etc.),
and process- and host-related impurities. The purified protein is then and individual steps within the series of unit operations that constitute
formulated and filtered into containers for storage and shipment to the the DS and DP manufacturing process. For each step, the assessment
DP manufacturing site where the formulated DS is then filled into vials should evaluate process/operational conditions and existing controls
or syringes to produce the final drug product. In the DP process most regarding the equipment, the manufacturing environment, and
biologics are subject to terminal sterilization as they are administered personnel preventive controls for their effectiveness at controlling and
parenterally (e.g. intravenous, subcutaneous, intravitreal). However, minimizing microbial contamination, with a goal of prevention of ingress,
for biologics manufacturing the risk of microbial contamination is not and proliferation in the process, equipment, and product. In addition, the

existing microbial detection controls should be assessed to ensure they Bioburden and Endotoxin Testing Play a Key Role
provide continued verification that the microbial prevention controls in The Assessment of Microbial Risk of Non-Sterile
are working as intended. Detection controls consist of bioburden and
Process Intermediates
endotoxin testing against established limits on samples obtained from
defined process steps. For critical process steps (e.g. production culture The microbial detection control strategy of large scale biologics
and DS) the acceptable bioburden limit is extremely low and valid production defines bioburden and endotoxin sampling points for non-
bioburden results exceeding acceptance criteria would lead to rejection sterile process intermediates. Endotoxin testing using the compendial
of the batch. LAL assay allows universal detection of bacterial endotoxins, while
direct detection of other toxins and non-endotoxin PAMPs derived from
bioburden in process intermediates is a challenge, making it difficult

Microbial Risk of Biologics to reliably confirm their presence or absence. Bioburden analysis
performed on representative samples before 0.2 μm filtration (so called
Manufacturing is Not Limited to pre-filtration samples) allows determination of the total microbial

Living Microorganisms and Intact load of the product and serves as a surrogate test for toxins and non-
endotoxin PAMPs. The potential load of toxins and non-endotoxin
Microbial Cells PAMPs can be calculated based on the bioburden concentration (e.g.
CFU/10 mL), cell characteristics of the contaminating organism, process
The active pharmaceutical ingredient in biologics products are usually step, and microbiological factors of toxins and non-endotoxin PAMPs.
heat sensitive. Therefore, filtration using membranes with pore sizes The calculated load can be compared to safety limits specific for toxins
ranging from 0.02 to 0.2 µm size is the method of choice for bioburden and non-endotoxin PAMPs.
reduction and terminal sterilization. While 0.02 to 0.2 μm filtration can
Bioburden analysis can also indicate the potential presence of
effectively remove intact microbial cells from the product, this process
degradative enzymes, e.g.; extracellular proteases, or endoglycosidases,
does not allow removal of subcellular structures of bacteria and fungi.
which could cause product degradation or modification. In some cases
If co-purified with the product subcellular structures like microbial
stability studies can be conducted to assess the potential impact of
toxins and so called Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMPs),
these microbial components on product quality.
i.e. endotoxins, lipopeptides, lipoproteins, flagellin, bacterial and fungal
DNA, and cell wall polysaccharides potentially lead to toxic, allergic, or
inflammatory responses in humans. In addition, co-purified extracellular
proteases or endoglycosidases potentially lead to product degradation Case-by-Case Assessment of
or modification. Bioburden (CCAB): A Comprehensive
In other words, bioburden contaminations of non-sterile process
intermediates represent a risk even after 0.02 to 0.2 μm filtration, and
Approach to Assess the Impact of
even if both Drug Substance and Drug Product specifications are met. Bioburden Contaminations of Non-
This risk is also described in relevant guidelines:
Sterile Process Intermediates on
USP<1229.3> “Monitoring of Bioburden”:
Product Quality and Patient Safety.
“Bioburden is a potential risk to the patient not only because the sterilization
process might not be completely effective, but also post-processing The following sections describe the Case by Case Assessment of Bioburden
because of the possible presence of residual materials such as allergens, (CCAB) procedure and underlying rationales. The CCAB procedure is used
endotoxins, and exotoxins. It may also have adverse impact on to investigate bioburden action limit excursion in the Roche/Genentech
product quality and stability.” Biologics manufacturing network and is only one component of the
quality investigation. The investigation must be reviewed holistically and
FDA, Questions and Answers on cGMP (January 2011):
all findings that may impact product quality, patient safety, equipment
“What manufacturing contamination risks are presented by the different fitness and process performance must be considered before determining
pathogenic agents ? acceptability of the batch. The applicability of CCAB is assessed by quality
… Microbial toxins can be divided into two general groups: exotoxins and based on the criticality of the impacted process and whether there are
endotoxins. ….. Exotoxins, especially heat-stable exotoxins, can remain in mechanisms for additional removal of impurities derived from bioburden
in subsequent process step(s).
the ingredient throughout the manufacturing process and adversely affect
patient health…….. Some species of molds produce toxic byproducts Figure 4 illustrates the key aspects of CCAB, which are described in more
called mycotoxins. ….” detail below.

wide taxonomic range (e.g. strains of the genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus
Patient Safety Assessment (PSA) or Microbacterium) (Lu and Yi, 2009). Some mycobacteria produce
mycolactones, which are suspected to cause Buruli ulcer, an unusual
skin disease (Hong et al., 2008). A variety of bacterial strains from
General Aspects different bacterial genera (Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Acinetobacter,
Patient safety assessment focuses on subcellular (extracellular) com- and Rhodococcus) have been shown to produce rhamnolipids as LPS-like
ponents of bacteria and fungi, which show the following characteristics: exotoxins (Andrä et al., 2006). As a worst case scenario it is assumed that
non-protein exotoxins are not excluded by 0.02 – 0.2 µm filters.
• components potentially pass filters installed in the
manufacturing process to reduce bioburden or viral loads (0.02 MALP-2 like lipopeptides/proteins
– 0.2 μm pore size). Lipopeptides/proteins are peptides or proteins modified by covalent
• components cannot be detected using analytical methods, linkages to lipids, with various functions in the bacterial cell. They are
which are established in a routine GMP QC environment. widespread in Gram-negative bacteria, but are also found in Gram-
positive bacteria. The overwhelming majority of lipopeptides/proteins
• components are PAMPs, allergens or exotoxins relevant to are anchored to the cell membrane (Narita et al., 2004; Hutchings et
human safety. al., 2008). Of relevance to CCAB are lipopeptides/proteins similar to
Subcellular/extracellular components of bacteria and fungi, which show MALP-2 lipopeptide (a 2 kDa macrophage-activating lipopeptide) from
all aforementioned characteristics, are termed “critical com-ponents”. Mycoplasma fermentans that are found in the extracellular protein
Patient safety assessment procedure is used to determine the patient fraction. MALP-2 has been shown to have an inflammatory potency
safety impact based on hypothetical assumptions about the amount similar to that of LPS (Galanos et al., 2000). Since bacterial lipopeptides
and potency of critical components in a microbial load. The assumption can be shown to be endotoxic on account of their chemical structure
is that critical components will be co-purified into the Drug Substance (Schromm et al., 2007), they can be assumed to have a potency
and the finished pharmaceutical product (DP). essentially comparable to that of MALP-2 or LPS. Based on the current
literature fungal lipopeptides/proteins do not act as PAMPs (Sorrell and
Critical components comprise the following subcellular microbial structures:
Chen, 2009). Lipopeptides/proteins vary greatly in size. As a worst case
Protein exotoxins scenario it is assumed that they are not excluded by 0.02 – 0.2 µm filters.
Bacteria are capable of producing a wide range of protein toxins Flagellin
most of them are actively released from bacterial cells during growth Flagellin is the protein component of the bacterial flagellum, the
and therefore are considered as exotoxins (Alouf, 2000). Examples most common organelle for locomotion of Gram-positive and Gram-
for bacterial protein exotoxins are hemolysins and staphylococcal negative bacteria. Flagellar filaments and monomers are shed into the
enterotoxins (Dingens et al., 2000). Production of hemolysins is also environment (Neish, 2007). Flagellin is a potent inducer of inflammatory
reported for fungal species like Aspergillus fumigatus (Wartenberg et al., responses (Neish, 2007). Approximately 20,000 flagellin subunits are
2011) and Candida spp. (Luo et al., 2001). Several protein exotoxins like present in a single flagellar filament of 20 nm diameter and 10-15 µm
staphylococcal enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 can act length (Hughes and Erhardt, 2011). Depending on the bacterial species,
as classical allergens (Novak et al., 2003). Currently, over 300 different flagellins have molecular masses ranging from 28 to 80 kDa (Winstanley
protein exotoxins are described (Alouf, 2000). In contrast to bacterial and Morgan, 1997). Given these numbers it is highly unlikely that single
endotoxins, which are universally detected by the LAL assay a wide range flagellin subunits are size excluded by 0.02 – 0.2 µm filters.
of different test methods exists for bacterial protein toxins (Pimbley and
Bacterial and fungal DNA
Patel, 1998). Most protein exotoxins occur as single-chain holoproteins
varying from approximately 2-3 kDa to approximately 300 kDa (Alouf, Release of plasmids and chromosomal DNA has been shown for Bacillus
2000). As a worst case scenario it is assumed that protein exotoxins are subtilis during growth (Lorenz et al., 1991). As a worst case scenario
not excluded by 0.02 – 0.2 µm filters. it is assumed that the majority of bacteria and fungi are capable of
actively releasing DNA. Bacterial DNA induces inflammatory responses
Non-protein exotoxins
in humans because of the high frequency of unmethylated CpG motifs
Fungal species are capable of producing a wide range of non-protein (Krieg, 2002; Akira et al., 2006). Unmethylated CpG motifs has also been
exotoxins also referred to as mycotoxins (Bennett and Klich, 2003). found in Aspergillus fumigatus DNA (Ramirez-Ortiz et al., 2008). As a
No universal test method exists, which detects all mycotoxins (Turner worst case scenario it is assumed that unmethylated CpG motifs are also
et al., 2009). For bacteria only a few non-protein toxins are described. abundant in other fungal species. It is highly unlikely that 0.02 – 0.2 µm
Tetrodotoxin (TTX or puffer fish toxin) is one of the most potent filters exclude immunostimulating microbial DNA since CpG motifs are
neurotoxins. It is produced by different bacterial strains covering a also present on short DNA stretches or fragmented DNA.

Cell wall polysaccharides level by ribosomal DNA sequences do not produce exotoxins relevant to
humans. It is current scientific standard that ribosomal DNA sequences
Polysaccharides are structural elements of bacterial and fungal cell
of microbial isolates including those of clinical relevance are deposited
walls. Microbial cell wall synthesis is a highly dynamic process. As a
in public databases like GenBank/EMBL or SILVA1. Therefore it can be
worst case scenario it is assumed that cell wall polysaccharides are shed
excluded that exotoxin producing microorganisms recovered from
into the environment. For Gram-positive bacteria peptidoglycan (PGN)
a contamination cannot be identified to genus or species level by
constitute 30-70% of the dry weight of the cell wall (Schlegel, 1985).
ribosomal DNA sequencing2. Additional investigations (e. g. Gram-
The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria contains lipoteichoic acid (LTA),
staining, test for motility etc.) are needed to assess critical components
which is absent in Gram-negative bacteria. Both LTA and PGN are potent
other than exotoxins.
inducers of inflammatory responses (Rockel and Hartung, 2012). For
Gram-negative bacteria endotoxins and lipoproteins constitute up to
80% of the dry weight of the cell wall, whereas PGN constitutes only a
small fraction of less than 10% (Schlegel, 1985). The fungal cell wall is 80- Calculation of Hypothetical Loads of
90% polysaccharides with most of the remainder consisting of protein
and lipid. The most important structural elements of the fungal cell wall
Critical Components
are chitin and ß-glucan (Bartnicki-Garcia, 1968). As a worst case scenario Microbiological factors for calculating hypothetical loads of critical
it is assumed that cell wall polysaccharides or fragments of it are not components are given in Table 1.
excluded by 0.02 – 0.2 µm filters.

Calculation of Carryover of
PSA Procedure
Critical Components
Evaluation of Microorganisms For the calculation of the hypothetical carryover of critical components
into the DS and the DP, a distinction is made between downstream
The starting point for the compilation of a PSA is a quantifiable microbial
processing and upstream processing.
contamination. Identification of the representative microorganisms in
the contamination uses ribosomal DNA sequencing technique. Upstream processing

Situation A: Upstream processing comprises the process steps from fermentation or

cell culture through harvest including cell separation and clarification,
The microorganism is identified to genus or species level. Information
and where applicable, inclusion body preparation/renaturation (E. coli
about critical components and cell characteristics which might impact
processes). A distinction must be made between cell culture products
patient safety is obtained through literature searches. Literature searches
and E.coli products.
should cover but are not restricted to:
Cell culture products:
• Presence of exotoxins relevant to human safety
The protein active substances (e.g. monoclonal antibodies) are secreted
• Presence of MALP-2 like lipopeptide/proteins
into the cell culture medium. Any critical component present is able
• Presence of flagellin to bind non-specifically to the proteins and thereby be carried over
• Cell wall type (gram-positive, gram-negative, fungal cell wall) into down stream processing. The assumption is made here that 10%
of the critical component binds (non-specifically) to the protein active
• Cell size (bacteria and yeasts) or size of conidia (molds)
Exceptions include microorganisms that for methodological reasons
E. coli products:
cannot be unambiguously assigned to a species or genus based on
ribosomal DNA sequences, but for which the presence of toxins can Nonspecific binding of any critical component present to the protein
be assumed due to their taxonomic affiliation (e.g. members of the active substance (in the form of inclusion bodies or as periplasmic
Enterobacteriaceae family). proteins) is possible only after cell disruption. The assumption is made
here that 10% of the critical component binds (nonspecifically) to
Situation B:
the inclusion bodies/to the refolded or the periplasmic protein active
The taxonomic affiliation of the recovered microorganism is unknown substance and is thereby carried over into down stream processing
as it cannot be identified to species, genus or family level. It is assumed for E. coli products. Critical components bound to the E. coli cell wall/
that microorganisms, which cannot be identified to genus or species cell surface are removed during cell disruption/clarification and cannot

thereby be carried over into downstream processing. Carryover of critical cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and
components, by this route, into the DS or into the DP can therefore be Staphylococcus aureus) was conducted (Roche/Genentech internal
ruled out. study, Figure 5 illustrates the experimental setup).
Downstream processing Proteomic analysis of microbial cell supernatants showed that release
Downstream processing comprises the process steps from loading of those enzymes is strongly influenced by growth conditions (high and
onto the first chromatography column up to bulk compounding and low nutrient media, starvation and no starvation). Cell supernatants
formulation. In the event of microbial contamination in downstream were taken from panel microorganisms grown under optimal enzyme
processing, complete carryover of the critical component into the bulk production conditions, spiked into two different Biologics (one
active substance and the finished pharmaceutical product is assumed therapeutic mAb and one key signaling protein) and incubated at 20-25
for in-process samples. No distinction is made between “early” and “late” °C and 2-8 °C for up to 49 days. After incubation spiked product samples
process steps. were analyzed for product integrity. In some cases significant changes
of product integrity were seen even when spiked cell supernatants
resulted from cell counts as low as 100 CFU/mL.

Calculation of Critical The PQIA procedure considers these study results. A review and

Component Dose evaluation of relevant QC data provides an indicator whether there is

impact to product quality. In certain cases, additional product stability
testing is required to determine impact.
The pharmaceutical product is assumed to be administered at a certain
dose per day. The calculation of the hypothetical dose of critical
component exposed to humans is based on the product concentration of PQIA procedure
the corresponding drug substance solution. If the product concentration The PQIA differentiates between process steps with potential for
is not available, the lowest product concentration value defined by the subsequent reduction of modifying or degrading components derived
specification is used. The number of doses per mL can be calculated from from bioburden, and process steps for which no further reduction of
the maximum dosage of the drug. This information can be obtained modifying or degrading components would be expected.
from product inserts or leaflets.
Process steps with further downstream purification
For all steps of upstream processing and all downstream process steps up
Assessment of Risk Potential to the load of the last process step with potential reduction of modifying
or degrading components, PQIA is performed as follows:
Safety limits for critical components are given in Table 2. A worst case
• Assess relevant CoA data (e.g., identity, potency tests) of the
body weight should be selected based on the description for each
impacted drug substance or drug product lot.
product or information obtained from clinical trials. If no documentation
is available, 50 kg body weight for absolute dosing (non-weight-based) • Compare data against reference materials or other released
or dosing per patient should be selected to represent worst case lots for potential anomalies.
scenario. Process steps with no further downstream purification
For all process steps where further reduction of critical components
derived from bioburden is not expected (e.g. final UFDF, thawed bulk,
Product Quality Impact bulk compounding, and drug product processing steps) the PQIA is
Assessment (PQIA) performed as follows:
• Assess relevant CoA data (e.g., identity, potency tests) of the
impacted drug substance or drug product lot.
General Aspects
• Compare data against reference materials or other released
Co-purified extracellular proteases, endoglycosidases or other
lots for potential anomalies.
microbial enzymes can potentially lead to product degradation or
modification, impacting product quality. To further investigate this • Perform a product stability study under protocol using the
hypothesis microbial proteomics of a panel of microorganisms that product stability indicating assays for the product. Appropriate
have been recovered from Biologics product streams and known to subject matter experts must assess any anomalous data for
produce extracellular proteases and other modifying enzymes (Bacillus impact to product quality.

• Hong et al., 2008. Nat. Prod. Rep. 25:447-454.
Summary • Hughes and Erhardt. 2011. eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd:
Large scale production of biologics is susceptible to microbial Chichester.
contamination. Bioburden contaminations of non-sterile process
intermediates represent a risk to patient safety and product quality. • Huleatt et al., 2007. Vaccine. 25:763-775.
Even after bioburden removal by 0.2 µm filtration, and even if both Drug
• Hutchings et al., 2008. Trends in Microbiol. 17:13-21.
Substance and Drug Product specifications are met, subcellular microbial
components like toxins, lipopeptide/lipoproteins, flagellin, bacterial • Kimbrell et al., 2008. Immunol. Lett. 118:132-141.
and fungal DNA, cell wall polysaccharides, extracellular proteases or
endoglycosidases remain in the product. Those microbial components • Krieg. 2002. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 20:709-760.
potentially lead to toxic, allergic or inflammatory responses in humans
• Lorenz et al., 1991. Arch. Microbiol. 156:319-326.
or product degradation or modification. The CCAB approach described
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