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Decontamination of Titanium Implant Surface and

Re-osseointegration to Treat Peri-Implantitis:

A Literature Review
Karthikeyan Subramani, BDS, MSc1/Daniel Wismeijer, DDS, PhD2

Purpose: To review the literature on decontamination of titanium implant surfaces following peri-implantitis
and the effect of various cleaning methods on re-osseointegration. Materials and Methods: An electronic
search of the literature at PubMed was conducted on the studies published between 1966 and October
2010. In vitro, animal, and clinical studies were included. Results: Of 597 studies retrieved, 74 manuscripts
were selected for the review. Various implant surface decontamination methods using various chemical
and mechanical agents have been suggested for treatment and re-osseointegration following peri-
implantitis. It has been shown that re-osseointegration of contaminated implant surfaces is possible; this
largely depends upon the surface of the implant and the types of decontamination techniques and bone
regenerative materials used. Complete re-osseointegration cannot be achieved by surface decontamination
alone. Titanium implants with titanium plasma-sprayed or sandblasted and acid-etched surfaces may be
effectively decontaminated by applying chlorhexidine and saline-soaked gauze or by repeated rinsing with
these solutions. Conclusions: Both mechanical and chemical decontamination techniques should be applied
alongside regenerative surgical procedures to obtain optimum re-osseointegration and successfully treat
peri-implantitis. In recent years, lasers and photodynamic therapy have shown minor beneficial results,
which need to be confirmed by long-term clinical studies with comparable groups. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Implants 2012;27:1043–1054

Key words: biofilm removal, chemical and mechanical cleaning, laser, peri-implantitis, photodynamic therapy,

A t the First European Workshop on Periodontology,

peri-implantitis was defined as an inflammatory
process affecting tissues around an osseointegrated
inflammatory process that occurs in peri-implantitis
lesions is irreversible. The signs and symptoms of peri-
implantitis include bleeding on probing, increased
implant in function, thereby resulting in the loss of probing pocket depth (> 3 mm; generally, noninfected
supporting bone. Peri-implant mucositis was de- implants allow a probe to penetrate approximately
fined as “reversible” inflammatory changes in the 3 mm), implant mobility, suppuration, pain, and radio-
soft tissues surrounding a functional implant, with- logic evidence of vertical destruction of crestal bone
out bone loss.1 These definitions thus imply that the (which is often saucer-shaped). Peri-implantitis affects
5% to 20% of implant patients and is a major cause of
implant failure.2–4
The goal of peri-implantitis treatment is to stop the
1Promovendus, Department of Oral Implantology and progression of bone loss by controlling bacterial infec-
Prosthodontics, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, tion and peri-implant tissue inflammation. The follow-
Research Institute MOVE, University of Amsterdam; Vrije ing five considerations have been suggested for the
Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. treatment peri-implantitis2:
2Professor, Department of Oral Implantology and

Prosthodontics, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam,

Research Institute MOVE, University of Amsterdam; Vrije • The disturbance and/or removal of bacterial biofilm
Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. in the peri-implant pocket
• Decontamination and conditioning of the implant
Correspondence to: Dr Karthikeyan Subramani, Department surface
of Oral Implantology and Prosthodontics, Academic Centre for
Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, 1081 • Correction via reduction or elimination of sites that
LA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-(0)20-518-8414. cannot be adequately maintained by oral hygiene
Email: measures

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1043


• Establishment of an effective plaque control regimen Materials and methods

• Regeneration of bone and re-osseointegration
An electronic PubMed literature search was conducted
Current treatment modalities include both nonsur- of studies published from 1966 until February 2010.
gical and surgical approaches.5,6 Nonsurgical treat- The following terms were used in the literature search:
ment approaches include7–11: treatment and re-osseointegration/peri-implantitis/
periimplantitis decontamination and titanium im-
1. Instruction in more effective oral hygiene practices; plants and peri-implantitis/periimplantitis; decontami-
2. Mechanical cleansing using rubber cups, polish- nation and titanium implants/biofilm removal; biofilm/
ing paste, ultrasonic carbon fiber curettes, and/or plaque bacterial adhesion and peri-implantitis/peri-
acrylic scalers for biofilm removal; implantitis; decontamination/cleaning and titanium
3. Antiseptic therapy with daily rinsing of 0.1% to disks and plaque/biofilm; biofilm/plaque removal and
0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution for 3 to re-osseointegration/peri-implantitis/periimplantitis;
4 weeks, supplemented by local irrigation with chemical/mechanical cleaning and peri-implantitis/
chlorhexidine solution or gel application; and periimplantitis; and photodynamic therapy/laser and
4. Antibiotic therapy with either systemic antimicro- peri-implantitis/periimplantitis. Literature covering in
bials (eg, metronidazole or a combination of met- vitro, animal, and clinical studies was included in the
ronidazole and amoxicillin), or local application of review.
antibiotics using controlled-release devices (eg,
25% tetracycline fibers).
Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis involves12–18
either (1) resective procedures (bone resection and Of the 597 studies retrieved from the literature search,
apically repositioned flaps) or (2) regenerative proce- 74 manuscripts were selected for the review. The fol-
dures (with bone grafts and guided bone regeneration lowing categorizations of the studies were made: (1)
[GBR] membranes). Resective procedures are preferred in vitro studies of various decontamination methods
when there is minimal bone loss, while sites with major to assess biofilm removal from implant surfaces, (2)
bone loss require regenerative procedures. Bone loss preclinical animal studies of various decontamination
around implants can be classified as mild, moderate, or methods for peri-implantitis treatment and re-osseo-
severe.3,19,20 Mild bone loss can be treated by cleaning integration, and (3) clinical studies in human patients
of the implants, surgical resection, topical antiseptic of various decontamination methods for peri-implant
treatment, and/or local or systemic antibiotics. Mod- mucositis and peri-implantitis treatment and re-osseo-
erate bone loss is usually treated similar to cases with integration. The various methods of decontamination
mild bone loss, but open debridement should be con- of infected implant surfaces—mechanical methods
sidered. This surgical approach is associated with re- and chemical agents, as well as newer techniques such
cession, possible exposure of the neck of the implant, as photodynamic therapy (PDT) and laser—were com-
and consequent esthetic problems. Advanced bone pared and correlated for their effectiveness in decon-
loss may require removal of the infected implant, open taminating an infected implant surface and promoting
debridement, local and/or systemic antibiotic therapy, re-osseointegration from the in vitro, preclinical ani-
and oral hygiene instruction. Once the infection and mal, and human studies. The other parameters taken
inflammation are controlled, placement of new im- into consideration were: (1) surface characteristics
plants with GBR techniques has been the preferred of titanium substrates, (2) type of decontamination
treatment to fill the peri-implant bone defect. agents used, (3) methods of application of these
Although various degrees of bone fill of defect have agents to clean the infected surface, (4) effectiveness
been documented, achieving complete re-osseointe- of these various agents in killing and removing peri-
gration has been a major challenge in the treatment implantitis–causing pathogens, (5) different animal
of peri-implantitis. Numerous in vitro, animal, and models used, (6) number of implants studied, (7) num-
clinical studies have evaluated the decontamination of ber of patients evaluated, and (8) final results in terms
infected titanium dental implants by chemical agents of bone regeneration, re-osseointegration, and bone-
and mechanical cleansing. The purpose of this review to-implant contact (BIC).
was to evaluate the available published in vitro, in vivo
(animal), and clinical studies to understand the current Studies of Mechanical Decontamination
data on the decontamination efficacy of various me- Management of peri-implantitis generally works on
chanical and chemical agents used in the treatment of the principle that there is a primary microbial etiology
peri-implantitis and re-osseointegration. in the form of a biofilm on the implant surface. Surface

1044 Volume 27, Number 5, 2012


chemistry, roughness, and design features of the im- Topical application of minocycline microspheres has
plant-abutment complex play significant roles in biofilm also been shown to be effective in reducing microbial
formation.21 The microorganisms and their by-products count and bleeding scores.40,41 Citric acid was effective
lead to infection of the peri-implant tissues and subse- in reducing bacterial growth when applied at a pH of 1.2
quent destruction of the alveolar bone surrounding the It was also shown that contaminated hydroxyapatite-­
implant.22–26 Therefore, the removal of biofilm from the coated titanium surfaces could be treated equally well
implant surface is a priority. For such purposes, the im- with airborne-particle abrasion or citric acid.43,45 Pre-
plant should be cleaned by instruments that are softer clinical studies on the re-osseointegration of rough im-
than titanium to avoid surface roughening (which may plant surfaces previously coated with bacterial biofilm,
encourage bacterial colonization). Mechanical cleans- following cleaning with citric acid and hydrogen perox-
ing using different prophylaxis procedures (ultrasonic ide, showed favorable results in terms of osseointegra-
scalers, plastic tip ultrasonic scalers, stainless steel cu- tion.42,44 Preclinical study findings are summarized in
rettes, titanium curettes, expanded polytetrafluoroeth- Table 2.10,30,42,44,57–63
ylene [e-PTFE] curettes, air-powered systems, abrasive Clinical studies of decontamination treatments are
rubber cups, polishing rubber cups, and brushes) summarized in Table 3.12,29,31,32,46,64–67 One study con-
have been studied in vitro to evaluate surface altera- cluded that hydrogen peroxide treatment of titanium
tions on titanium implant necks.27 Abrasive pumices,10 implants (from advanced peri-implantitis lesions) was
airborne particle–abrasion units (sodium bicarbo­ successful for 58% of the treated implants in terms of
nate),28 plastic scalers,29,30 and ultrasonic carbon fiber surgical and antimicrobial treatment aspects during a
curettes31,32 have also been evaluated. 5-year follow-up period.46 In a 5-month clinical trial,
the cleaning efficacy of 35% phosphoric acid etching
Investigations of Chemical Decontamination gel (pH 1) was evaluated and compared with mechani-
Chemical decontamination techniques via local appli- cal cleaning methods using carbon fiber curettes and
cation of antimicrobial solutions such as chlorhexidine a rubber cup.32 Both treatment modalities instantly
solution or gel,8,33–36 stannous fluoride,37 tetracy- reduced the number of colony-forming units, but the
cline,38,39 minocycline,40,41 citric acid,9,42–45 hydrogen reduction following the application of phosphoric acid
peroxide,2,42,44,46 and 35% phosphoric acid etching was greater.
gel32 have been reported. Findings of in vitro studies are
summarized in Table 1.28,43,45,47–55 The decontamination Examinations of PDT and Laser Treatment
of titanium cylinders with machined, plasma-sprayed, PDT has been employed for decontamination of im-
and hydroxyapatite-coated surfaces contaminated plant surfaces in the treatment of peri-implantitis for
with radioactive endotoxin from Porphyromonas microbial reduction and biofilm control.29,55 PDT is a
gingivalis was evaluated with cotton pellets soaked technique that uses a photosensitizer drug that is ca-
with water, citric acid, 0.12% chlorhexidine, and an pable of binding to the microbes in biofilm and, when
airborne particle–abrasion system.43 The study con- excited with high-energy laser light, cytotoxic singlet
cluded that citric acid treatment was equally effective oxygen molecules are produced, which can destroy
on both surfaces in the removal of the bacterial endo- bacterial cells. PDT using photosensitizer solutions
toxin, while machined and plasma-sprayed implants such as toluidine blue55 and chlorine e6 with BLC1010
were decontaminated effectively by all types of treat- (a water-soluble derivative of chlorine e6)68 in combi-
ment (Table 1). nation with a diode laser and azulene photosensitizer
Clinical studies have shown that chlorhexidine, solution with gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs)
which is an effective bactericidal, can be used to de- laser69 have been reported.
stroy bacteria and prevent biofilm formation for Along with the use of PDT over the past few years,
treatment of peri-implantitis.33–35 The 12-week use of lasers have garnered great interest for their potential
stannous fluoride mouthrinse was shown to be effec- in implant decontamination for treatment of peri-
tive in controlling the amount of supragingival plaque implantitis. Different lasers, including erbium-doped
deposits in patients with generalized aggressive perio- yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) lasers,30,52,54,70
dontitis.56 A recent study has suggested that the use erbium,chromium–doped yttrium-scandium-gallium-
of stannous fluoride could decrease the production garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) lasers,50 neodymium:yttrium-­
of proinflammatory molecules like interleukin-1 beta, aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) lasers,71 and carbon
prostaglandin E2, and vascular endothelial growth dioxide (CO2) lasers,51,72–74 have been studied in vitro
factor, which aid in peri-implantitis–induced bone re- and in animal and human trials.
sorption.37 Local delivery of tetracycline via polymeric
fibers significantly reduced the numbers of microbes
causing peri-implantitis.39

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1045


Table 1  In Vitro Studies of Various Decontamination Methods to Remove Biofilm from Implant Surfaces
Study Substrate Decontamination methods
Duarte et al Titanium disks with smooth machined 1. Er:YAG laser
(2009)28 surfaces and SAE surfaces 2. Metal curette
3. Plastic curette
4. Airborne particle–abrasion system (sodium bicarbonate)
Goncalves et al Titanium implants with machined 1. 980-nm GaAlAs laser
(2009)47 surfaces, surfaces sandblasted with 2. 1,064-nm Nd:YAG laser
titanium oxide (TiO2), and SAE surfaces

Quaranta et al Titanium implants with machined Er:YAG laser

(2009)48 ­surfaces, TPS implants, and SAE
Giannelli et al Titanium disks cut from dental implants Nd:YAG laser
(2009)49 (Bicon)
Schwarz et al SAE titanium disks worn as intraoral Er,Cr:YSGG laser
(2006)50 splints for 24 h
Park et al Titanium surface (smooth) and coated Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers
(2005)51 with resorbable blast material
Schwarz et al Acrylic resin splints with SAE titanium 1. Er:YAG laser
(2005)52 disks worn for 24 h 2. Ultrasonic system
3. Plastic curettes and rinsing with chlorhexidine digluconate
4. Unworn titanium disks
Pereira da Silva Machined titanium sheets and titanium High-pressure sodium bicarbonate device (Dentsply Prophyjet)
et al (2005)53 sheets blasted with aluminum oxide
Schwarz et al Explanted titanium SAE implants Er:YAG laser
Haas et al Commercially pure titanium disks with Treated with a toluidine blue solution and irradiated with a diode
(1997)55 machined surface, TPS surface, SAE, soft laser with a wavelength of 905 nm for 1 min
and HA-coated plasma-sprayed surface
Dennison et al Titanium cylinders with machined, TPS, Burnishing with a cotton pellet soaked in water, citric acid
(1994)43 and HA-coated surfaces contaminated solution, and 0.12% chlorhexidine; or treated with airborne-
with radioactive endotoxin particle abrasion
Zablotsky et al Grit-blasted titanium alloy and HA- Burnishing with citric acid, stannous fluoride, tetracycline
(1992)45 coated test strips contaminated with ­hydrochloride, chlorhexidine gluconate, hydrogen peroxide,
radioactive endotoxin chloramine T, sterile water, a plastic sonic scaler tip, and an
airborne p
­ article–abrasion unit
A actinomycetemcomitans = Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans; CO2 = carbon dioxide; E coli = Escherichia coli; E faecalis = Enterococcus
faecalis; Er,Cr:YSGG = erbium,chromium-doped yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet; Er:YAG = erbium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet;
GaAlAs = gallium-aluminum-arsenide; HA = hydroxyapatite; Nd:YAG = neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet; P intermedia = Prevotella
intermedia; SAE = sandblasted/acid-etched; S sanguis = Streptococcus sanguis; TPS = titanium plasma sprayed.

Discussion nizers in a peri-implant biofilm) from machined and

aluminum oxide–blasted titanium surfaces.53 Airborne
Effectiveness of Mechanical Decontamination particle–abrasion units have been used for the surgi-
For the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implant cal treatment of peri-implantitis in animals59,63 and
infections, mechanical cleansing has been supple- humans.12 No adverse effects were reported in these
mented with chemical decontamination. The use of studies. Emphysema and pneumoparotitis caused by
airborne-particle abrasion to clean grit-blasted tita- the use of airborne particle–abrasion units in den-
nium surfaces decontaminated with radioactive endo- tistry have been very rare.75,76 One clinical case study
toxin from Escherichia coli was shown to be effective reported that an airborne particle–abrasion instru-
in vitro when compared to other chemical agents45 ment was not recommended for the maintenance
(Table 1). It was also effective in vitro in removing care of osseointegrated titanium implants to remove
Streptococcus sanguis biofilm (one of the initial colo- calculus and debris from titanium abutments.75 An

1046 Volume 27, Number 5, 2012


Results Microbes studied

Er:YAG laser treatment and plastic curette instrumentation caused no or minimal changes S sanguis
on the smooth and rough titanium surfaces studied. Surfaces treated with metal curette and
airborne-particle abrasion were less susceptible to bacterial adhesion, probably a result of
texture modification and the presence of abrasive deposits.
Different laser wavelengths used in this study reduced bacteria without damaging implant E faecalis and P gingivalis
surfaces. GaAlAs laser showed 100% bacteria reduction on the implants irradiated at 3 W.
Irradiation at 2.5 W and 3 W achieved 100% of bacteria reduction on P gingivalis–­
contaminated implants. Decontamination was not complete for the sandblasted TiO2 (78.6%)
and SAE surfaces (49.4%) contaminated with E faecalis and irradiated at 2.5 W.
No surface alterations were observed. Decontamination values of 76.2% of total bacterial P gingivalis
count for machined test implants, 90.9% for TPS implants, and 98.3% for SAE implants.
Minimal residual bacterial presence was observed in all groups.
Significantly reduced bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide -induced inflammatory P gingivalis
response leading to peri-implantitis.
Laser exhibited a high efficiency of biofilm removal in an energy-dependent manner, Not reported
but failed to reestablish the biocompatibility of contaminated titanium surfaces.
CO2 laser was more useful than Nd:YAG laser treatment. Nd:YAG laser caused implant Not reported
­surface alterations.
Er:YAG laser was most suitable for the removal of supragingival early plaque biofilms grown Not reported
on SAE titanium implants, but it failed to restore the biocompatibility of contaminated
­titanium surfaces.

Efficiently removed all bacterial cells from all surfaces tested. S sanguis

Nonsurgical instrumentation with Er:YAG laser resulted in effective removal of subgingival Not reported
calculus without any thermal damage.
Combined dye/laser treatment resulted in the destruction of bacterial cells in all the A actinomycetemcomitans,
­surfaces studied. P gingivalis, and P intermedia

Machined implants were decontaminated more effectively by all treatments than the other Radioactive endotoxin from
surfaces, with the ­exception of citric acid treatment, which was equally effective on either P gingivalis
machined or hydroxyapatite surfaces.
Airborne-particle abrasion removed significantly greater amounts of lipopolysaccharide Radioactive endotoxin from E coli
than all other treatment modalities on titanium. Citric acid was superior in the removal of
­­lipopolysaccharide from HA-coated surfaces.

acute clinical reaction characterized by pain, submu- surfaces in the cited study. A considerable amount of
cosal emphysema, and breakdown of marginal bone re-osseointegration (39.4%) was reported in an animal
surrounding the implants was reported. The use of study when implant surfaces were decontaminated
metal curettes and airborne particle–abrasion sys- using plastic scalers and saline irrigation,30 and a sig-
tems on smooth and rough (sandblasted/acid-etched nificant reduction in counts of Actinobacillus actinomy-
[SAE]) surfaces showed that these surfaces were less cetemcomitans, P gingivalis, and Prevotella intermedia
susceptible to bacterial adhesion, probably because of species was achieved in a clinical study when a soft di-
the texture modification and the presence of abrasive ode laser (PDT) was added to the treatment regimen.29
deposits.28 Moreover, the use of metal curettes can In a clinical and radiographic study, decontamination
alter the surface roughness, encouraging additional with mechanical debridement using ultrasonic carbon
bacterial colonization. Plastic curette instrumenta- fiber curettes did not consistently result in healing of
tion caused no or minimal changes on the titanium peri-implant lesions.31

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1047


Table 2  Animal Studies of Various Decontamination Methods for Peri-implantitis Treatment and
Study model Implant surface Decontamination and treatment protocol
Parlar et al Dogs Machined; SAE and TPS 1. Exchanging for a pristine implant cylinder
(2009)57 titanium implant cylinders 2. Spraying in situ with saline
3. Removal, cleansing outside the mouth by spraying with saline,
steam-sterilization, and remounting
Alhag et al Dogs Ti-Unite, Nobel Biocare 1. Swabbing with citric acid for 30 s followed by rinsing with
(2008)42 physiologic saline
2. Cleaning with a toothbrush and physiologic saline for 1 min
3. Swabbing with 10% hydrogen peroxide for 1 min followed by
rinsing with physiologic saline
Takasaki et al Dogs SAE surface 1. Er:YAG laser + saline irrigation
(2007)30 2. Plastic scaler + saline irrigation
Persson et al Dogs Machined Ti surface, SAE 1. CO2 laser + hydrogen peroxide
(2004)58 surface 2. Saline soaked in cotton pellets

Schou et al Monkeys TPS surface (Straumann) 1. Airborne-particle abrasion (sodium bicarbonate) + citric acid on
(2003)59 cotton pellet 2 min + saline irrigation 20 times
2. Airborne-particle abrasion
3. Five min of cleaning with gauze soaked in saline + citric acid
applied for 2 min followed by 20 times irrigation with saline
4. Gauze soaked alternately in chlorhexidine (0.1% aqueous) and
saline and irrigated repeatedly 20 times with both solutions
Schou et al Monkeys TPS surface (Straumann) Treatment with gauze soaked alternatively in chlorhexidine and saline,
(2003)60 followed by irrigation plus:
1. Flap surgery with autogenous bone, e-PTFE membrane for 3 months
2. Flap surgery and autogenous bone
3. Flap surgery and e-PTFE membrane for 3 months
4. Flap surgery alone
Kolonidis et al Dogs Commercially pure Ti 1. Citric acid (30 s) on cotton pellet and rinsing with saline
(2003)44 (Brånemark) implant 2. Toothbrush and saline rinsing for 1 min
3. Hydrogen peroxide (10%) on cotton pellet
Persson et al Dogs 1. Turned surface Saline-soaked cotton pellets and systemic antibiotic therapy with
(2001)61 2. SAE surface amoxicillin and metronidazole
(ITI implants)
Persson et al Dogs Commercially pure Ti 1. Abrasive pumice with rotating brush
(1999)10 (Brånemark) implants 2. Cotton pellets soaked with saline

Ericsson et al Dogs Ti (Brånemark) implants 1. Curettage + 1% delmopinol detergent and abutments ­autoclaved
(1996)62 2. No decontamination
Hurzeler et al Dogs Ti (Brånemark) implants Airborne-particle abrasion debridement (control group) along with
(1997)63 GBR (test groups)
CO2 = carbon dioxide; e-PTFE = expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; Er:YAG = erbium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet; SAE = sandblasted/acid-etched;
Ti = titanium; TPS = titanium plasma sprayed.

Efficacy of Chemical Decontamination animal studies swabbed sites with citric acid for 30 sec-
Mechanical debridement can be combined with chem- onds and followed this with physiologic saline rinse to
ical agents to remove hard (calculus, bone debris) and remove peri-implant biofilm.42,44 Hydrogen peroxide
soft deposits (tissue remnants and bacterial biofilm) swabbing for 1 minute followed by rinsing with physi-
from the infected implant surface. Citric acid has been ologic saline was another treatment protocol used in
shown to be effective in reducing bacterial growth at a these studies. Direct BIC and re-osseointegration were
pH of 1.2 However, clinical application of citric acid at a reported. It should be taken into consideration that
highly acidic pH may affect peri-implant tissues. A few these studies involved the removal of contaminated

1048 Volume 27, Number 5, 2012


Re-osseointegration 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthrinse and systemic antibi-

otics (amoxicillin and metronidazole) found that this
treatment strategy was 58% successful in the treat-
ment of 26 implants.46 Four implants continued to lose
SAE implants and in situ cleansing with saline resulted in
more re-osseointegration: 62.3% ± 18.2% BIC.
bone and seven implants were lost in patients who
were smokers. The study concluded that smoking was
a negative risk factor for the treatment outcome. In ani-
Direct BIC in all treatment groups. The results showed that mal studies of the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
rough surfaces, which were plaque contaminated and cleaned defects using GBR with autogenous bone and e-PTFE
by different methods, can re-osseointegrate. membranes, swabbing with saline and chlorhexidine,
and then irrigation with these solutions 20 times,
considerable re-osseointegration was achieved: 39%
Re-osseointegration with laser: 69.7%; with saline: 39.4%.
to 46% BIC with bone grafts59 and 14% re-osseoin-
tegration60 (Table 2) in the decontaminated implant
Re-osseointegration with saline on SAE (84%), with CO2 laser
group without bone grafts were attained. These stud-
on SAE (82%), with CO2 laser on machined surface (21%), with
saline on machined surface (22%). ies showed that repeated irrigation with antimicrobial
Total bone regeneration and considerable re-osseointegration
agents such as chlorhexidine can be beneficial in de-
using autogenous bone grafts and ­e -PTFE membrane; contaminating an implant surface.
39% to 46% BIC in group 4. Few animal studies have shown that debridement
of an infected implant with saline alone can improve
re-osseointegration capacity. Commercially pure tita-
nium implants (Brånemark), when cleaned with cotton
pellets soaked in saline, showed 64% bone regenera-
1. 45%
tion.10 SAE implants cleaned with saline-soaked cot-
2. 22% ton pellets showed 84% re-osseointegration.58,61 A
3. 21% recent study comparing machined surfaces with SAE
4. 14%. and titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS) surfaces showed
that in situ cleansing with saline resulted in higher re-
Implants were removed and placed in opposite group. osseointegration (62.3% ± 18.2%) and BIC in the SAE/
Osseointegration and direct BIC were observed in all groups.
TPS implant group57 (Table 2). In an earlier human
study, a mandibular hollow-screw implant (ITI) was
84% re-osseointegration at SAE sites, 22% at turned sites.
cleaned by rinsing with 0.1% chlorhexidine and saline
solution, followed by placement of an e-PTFE mem-
Bone regeneration:
brane for GBR.67 The treatment was supplemented
1. 59% with a 10-day systemic antibiotic regimen (amoxicillin
2. 64%. and ornidazole). Five months after membrane remov-
No re-osseointegration. al, radiographic analysis showed a mean bone gain of
4 to 5 mm. In another human study, implants with TPS
Airborne-particle abrasion debridement showed surfaces (ITI) were decontaminated by rinsing with sa-
re-osseointegration of 0.3 mm. line and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate, followed by
e-PTFE membrane placement for GBR. The radiograph-
ic analysis showed a mean bone gain of 1.5 to 3.6 mm
at 1 year after membrane removal.66
From these studies, it can be concluded that rins-
ing with chlorhexidine and saline solution has been
the better method to decontaminate implants with
SAE and TPS surfaces. However, these results should
implants from one quadrant of the mandible, decon- be confirmed by long-term human trials. Detergents
tamination with citric acid and hydrogen peroxide, like delmopinol have also been used to decontaminate
and placement of implants in freshly prepared sites titanium implant surfaces, but no re-osseointegration
in the opposite mandibular quadrant. The absence was observed.62 The reason suggested was the pres-
of infection at the new site could have aided in re- ence of a thin layer of delmopinol, which could have
osseointegration and direct BIC. However, a clinical prevented re-osseointegration. The use of 35% phos-
study in nine patients that used 10% hydrogen perox- phoric acid gel in the treatment of peri-implant mu-
ide debridement with saline rinsing supplemented by cositis has also been reported to have a significant

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1049


Table 3  Human Studies of Various Decontamination Methods for Peri-implant Mucositis and Peri-
No. of patients
Study and implants Implant surface Decontamination and treatment protocol
Schwarz et al 12 patients, SAE implants (ITI) Nonsurgical treatment with Er:YAG laser
(2006)64 12 implants

Karring et al 11 patients, ITI, Brånemark, and Astra Oral hygiene instruction plus:
(2005)31 22 implants implants 1. Vector system (carbon fiber tip with HA aerosol spray)
2. Carbon fiber curette
Leonhardt et 9 patients, Branemark implants 10% hydrogen peroxide + rinsing with saline followed by
al (2003)46 26 implants 0.2% CHX mouthrinse twice daily and systemic antibiotics
­(amoxicillin and metronidazole )
Dortbudak et 15 patients; no Plasma-spray-coated IMZ Plastic scalers, curettage, toluidine blue (100 µg/mL)–soft diode
al (2001)29 details about no. (Friatec) implants laser irradiation (905 nm for 60 seconds)
of implants used
Behneke et al 17 patients, ITI screw-type implants Airborne-particle abrasion with powder + saline irrigation on test
(2000)12 25 implants groups filled with autogenous bone grafts (bone chips and bone
Haas et al 17 patients, TPS cylindric implants Toluidine blue (100 µg/mL) and laser irradiation at a wavelength
(2000)65 24 implants of 906 nm, followed by grafting with autogenous bone supported
with e-PTFE membranes
Strooker et al 16 patients, Implant-supported 1. Mechanical therapy + monthly 35% phosphoric acid gel (pH 1)
(1998)32 64 implants overdentures; no details for 1 minute. 2. Monthly mechanical debridement (with carbon
about the implant surface fiber curettes and rubber cup)
Hammerle et 2 patients, ITI implants (TPS surface) Wound debridement, rinsing with saline and 0.2% CHX, followed
al (1995)66 2 implants by e-PTFE membranes placed around the implants to aid GBR
Ten-day systemic antibiotic regimen (metronidazole and
amoxicillin) and 0.12% CHX mouthrinse twice daily
Lehmann et al 1 patient, Mandibular hollow-screw 0.1% CHX and saline rinsing, e-PTFE membrane for GBR, 10-day
(1992)67 1 implant implant (Bonefit, ITI) systemic antibiotic regimen (amoxicillin and ornidazole)
A actinomycetemcomitans = Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans; CHX = chlorhexidine digluconate; e-PTFE = expanded polytetrafluoroethylene;
Er:YAG = erbium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet; HA = hydroxyapatite; P intermedia = Prevotella intermedia; SAE = sandblasted/acid etched;
TPS = titanium plasma sprayed.

influence on the reduction of microbial counts.32 There study confirmed that the use of toluidine blue solution
are no long-term follow-up studies to confirm the re- and soft laser irradiation resulted in a significant re-
sults. The use of acids for decontaminating implant duction of A actinomycetemcomitans, P gingivalis, and
surfaces also must be evaluated further through in vi- P intermedia on a TPS surface.29 However, there have
tro and in human studies with more patients. been no long-term clinical studies on the use of PDT.
PDT has shown to be effective in reducing bleeding on
The Value of PDT probing and inflammation in beagle dogs.68 Preclinical
In recent years, photosensitization using toluidine studies of PDT for the treatment of ligature-induced
blue solution and soft laser irradiation has been shown peri-implantitis conditions and GBR have shown it to
to be effective in eliminating peri-implant pathogens be effective in terms of microbial reduction69 and re-
such as A actinomycetemcomitans, P gingivalis, and osseointegration77,78 in dogs. Re-osseointegration of
P intermedia from different titanium surfaces with- 41.9% for a commercially pure titanium surface and
out modifying the surfaces studied55 (Table 1). This 31.19% for a TPS surface was observed. These results
method was assessed in a clinical study with 24 peri- also need to be validated by human trials.
implantitis–affected implants (TPS surface) grafted
with autogenous bone supported by e-PTFE mem- Effectiveness of Laser Treatment
branes.65 Mean bone regeneration of 2 ± 1.90 mm after Use of the Er:YAG laser has been widely reported in the
a healing period of 9.5 months was observed, but this literature in recent years. Nonsurgical instrumentation
procedure was not compared with other decontami- with the Er:YAG laser effectively removed subgingival
nation methods. A recent clinical and microbiologic calculus without any thermal damage to explanted

1050 Volume 27, Number 5, 2012


implantitis Treatment and Re-osseointegration

Evaluation method Results

Histopathologic examination of Mixed chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate found. A single course of nonsurgical treat-
­peri-implant tissue ment of peri-implantitis using Er:YAG laser may not be sufficient for the maintenance
of failing implants.
Clinical and radiographic evaluation Both mechanical debridement methods did not consistently result in healing of the
peri-implant lesions.

Clinical, microbiologic, and radiologic Despite the loss of seven implants and continuous bone loss around four implants
evaluation during the 5-year follow-up period, the treatment strategy was successful in 58% of
implants treated.
Microbiologic evaluation A actinomycetemcomitans, P gingivalis, and P intermedia were reduced significantly.

Clinical and radiographic evaluation Improved bone fill of 3.9 mm and 4.2 mm.

Radiographic evaluation Peri-implant bone gain was 2 ± 1.90 mm after 9.5 months.

Clinical and microbiologic evaluation Both treatment groups showed reduction in colony-forming units, with greater
reduction in 35% phosphoric acid gel group.

Radiographic analysis Mean bone gain of 1.5 to 3.6 mm, 1 year after membrane removal.

Radiographic analysis Mean bone gain of 4 to 5 mm, 5 months after membrane removal.

titanium SAE implants following peri-implantitis.54 A laser showed a mixed chronic inflammatory cell in-
later in vitro study using the Er:YAG laser showed effec- filtrate in peri-implant biopsy specimens64 (Table 3).
tive removal of supragingival plaque biofilms grown The study concluded that a single course of nonsurgi-
on SAE titanium implants, but the treatment failed to cal treatment of peri-implantitis via the Er:YAG laser
restore the biocompatibility of contaminated titanium may not be sufficient for the maintenance of failing
surfaces.52 A similar study using the Er,Cr:YSGG laser implants. Treatment with the Er:YAG laser followed
showed high efficacy of biofilm removal in an energy- by saline irrigation on infected SAE surfaces in a dog
dependent manner, but this technique also failed to study revealed a higher re-osseointegration value of
reestablish biocompatibility of contaminated titanium 69.7%.30 These studies show that laser therapy should
surfaces.50 A recent in vitro study on the bactericidal be combined with chemical decontaminants like
effect of the Er:YAG laser on titanium implants with chlorhexidine or saline solution to achieve higher re-
machined surfaces, TPS implants, and SAE implants osseointegration.
was reported.48 The results showed no surface altera- In an in vitro study, titanium implants with ma-
tion and decontamination values of 76.2% of total bac- chined surfaces, surfaces sandblasted with titanium
terial count (P gingivalis) for machined test implants, oxide (TiO2), and SAE surfaces contaminated with
90.9% for TPS implants, and 98.3% for SAE implants. Enterococcus faecalis and P gingivalis were treated with
A minimal residual bacterial presence was observed 980-nm GaAlAs laser and 1,064-nm Nd:YAG lasers.47
on all the surfaces evaluated. However, a clinical and Different irradiation outputs were used to explore
histopathologic study in a group of 12 patients with the effect on bacterial killing and surface alterations.
SAE implants using nonsurgical treatment with Er:YAG GaAlAs laser provided 100% bacteria reduction on

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1051


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