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Asalaamu alaikum warakmatulahi taala wa barakatuh!

It is my privilege to greet our dear students who are graduating from their
respective grade levels in the academic year 2021 to 2022. On behalf of the
Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, I congratulate our learners
for finishing their studies – from completing alternative learning materials to
answering tests and assessments. Whatever challenges you faced this school
year, the perseverance and creativity you exemplify will add to the knowledge
and skills that you gained.

I also want to commend the teachers, learning facilitators, school heads, and
administrators who guided you through the learning process despite the
difficulties brought by the pandemic. Finally, I also want to thank the parents
who continue to invest in their children's bright future and were instrumental in
the shift to the home-based learning modality.

Undoubtedly, education is one of the critical development areas of the

Bangsamoro government. Education is essential to building a society that can
logically and sustainably overcome significant obstacles – from poverty, and
corruption, to conflict. Therefore, giving attention to education brings about
effective social change in the communities and creates opportunities for all
learners to realize their hopes and dreams for themselves and their families.

Basic education, which includes primary and secondary, is crucial for our
nation’s future. Basic education generally provides foundational competencies
such as reading comprehension, language acquisition and development, and
understanding of numeracy.
Such knowledge is necessary for young students to deal with complicated ideas
and tasks as they progress through advanced pathways in the educational
system. In this regard, schools and learning centers are incubators for innovative
ideas and help shape the next generation of leaders and professionals.

For the graduating class, I am exceedingly proud of your accomplishments. The

past two years brought great uncertainty to the education sector due to the
closing of schools and the shift to home-based learning. I understand that the
pandemic and its impact were complex for our students, parents, and teachers.
But it is imperative that education and learning must continue despite these

My dear graduates, education gives us crucial information and knowledge of the

world around us, including the skills we need in life. You may feel tired working
on your ALMs and homework now, but I am confident that the time and effort
you spend on learning and studying will benefit you in the long run.

It can awaken your curiosity and creativity, develop your inner talents, and
inspire you to provide solutions and help others. And even if you are studying at
home, education can broaden your horizon and aspire for a better and brighter
future. I am confident that you will grow personally and professionally in the
next step of your education journey.

Meanwhile, I assure everyone of the MBHTE’s commitment to making

education accessible, relevant, and balanced for our learners. Through the
cooperation of the entire Bangsamoro education community and the grace of the
Almighty, we managed to pull through this school year and ensure that learning
continues despite the pandemic.
I surmise that the past two years taught us, including students, to be resilient and
resourceful. Nevertheless, the Ministry will continue to improve and strengthen
our education sector as aspired by the people in the Bangsamoro. We also hope
to return to face to face learning soon, Insha' Allah.

To the division superintendents, school administrators, and teachers, I am also

confident that you will remain indispensable partners of the Education Ministry
of loyalty to the service to strengthen the Bangsamoro educational system and
protect the well-being of our children and young people. Moreover, you will
become role models for our learners to emulate and transmit to others around us.

We have the moral obligation to uplift the lives of our learners through the
implementation of vital education programs and services. But, more importantly,
we should observe Moral Governance, and renounce any questionable practices
that can undermine the formation of educated, competent, and ethical
individuals for future leadership and the workforce.

Again, my warmest congratulations to all graduates and their families. The late
Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to
change the world." Therefore, continue studying or improving your skills to help
the Bangsamoro region achieve sustainable peace, justice and prosperity. Please
trust in the Almighty, and He will surely guide you in the right direction.

Maraming Salamat po at mabuhay tayong lahat! Asalaamu Alaikum

warakmatulahi taala wa barakatuh!


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